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Orengo DJ  Prevosti A 《Genetica》2002,115(3):311-318
Chromosomal polymorphism and wing size (as a measure of body size) were analysed simultaneously in two samples of Drosophila subobscura from Barcelona, Spain. The very rich chromosomal polymorphism of this species makes it difficult to detect the relationship of this polymorphism with any phenotypical character. However, a positive significant regression of wing size on the percentage of the autosome length with standard arrangement was found. Furthermore, for each polymorphic chromosome, except for the J chromosome, an association between the most frequent arrangements and wing size was observed. This trend, which was the same in the two samples, was that expected according to the latitudinal clines of both characters.  相似文献   

Y.K. Paik  K.C. Sung  Y. Choi 《Genetica》1997,101(3):191-198
Investigations on the chromosomal inversion polymorphism were conducted on a Korean (Taenung) natural population of D. melanogaster during the period 1978 to 1992. A total of 66 different endemic and cosmopolitan inversions were found on both major chromosome pairs II and III. Some of them proved to be rare cosmopolitan types (2LKA, 2LNS, 2LF, 2RCy, 3LM, 3RKI, and 3RK), while others were endemics. The distribution of breakpoints for endemic and rare cosmopolitan inversions are not random along the two autosome arms.With respect to frequency changes, the 15-year survey revealed that five of the cosmopolitan types (2Lt, 2RNS, 3LP, 3RC, and 3RMo) exhibit cyclical frequency changes, whereas gene arrangement 3RP shows relatively stable frequencies. Tests for correlations between gene arrangement frequencies and several climatic variables gave no clear evidence for such relationships. Only one correlation coefficient out of 64 was statistically significant. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Second chromosome inversions and genotypic frequencies at seven allozyme loci were determined in a natural population of the cactophilic species Drosophila buzzatii that uses as breeding sites the necrotic cladodes of the prickly pear Opuntia quimilo and the rotting stems of cardón, Trichocereus terschekii. Different processes govern the evolutionary fate of inversion and allozyme polymorphisms. A pattern of heterotic balance for inversions seems to be acting uniformly in each breeding site and could depend on different regimes of density‐dependent selection within cactus hosts. Patterns of variation of allozymes revealed significant heterogeneity in allele frequencies for Esterase‐1 (Est‐1) among O. quimilo rots and Aldehyde oxidase (Aldox) and Xanthine dehydrogenase (Xdh) among T. terschekii substrates and showed gene‐cactus effects only for Esterase‐2 (Est‐2). Consistent and significant excesses of homozygotes were detected at both the within‐rot and in the total population levels that could be accounted for by diversifying selection among individual breeding sites.  相似文献   

The correlation between body size and longevity was tested in an Argentinian natural population of Drosophila buzzatii. Mean thorax length of flies newly emerging from rotting cladodes of Opuntia vulgaris was significantly smaller than that of two samples of flies caught at baits. The present results which might be interpreted as directional selection for longevity favoring larger flies are in agreement with previous results achieved in a Spanish natural population of D. buzzatii. Flies emerging from different substrates showed significant differences in thorax length, suggesting that an important fraction of phenotypic variance can be attributed to environmental variability. However, laboratory and field work in different populations of D. buzzatii showed a significant genetic component for thorax length variation.  相似文献   

Second chromosome inversion and genotypic frequencies at seven allozyme loci, differentially associated with inversions, were determined in seven natural populations of Drosophila buzzatii. The patterns of variation of allozymes and the inversion polymorphisms were significantly different, indicating the role of adaptive differentiation for the latter. Moreover, the patterns of population structure varied among allozyme loci, suggesting the operation of diversifying selection for certain loci. Differentiation was negligible for Leucyl‐amino peptidase (Lap) and Peptidase‐2 (Pep‐2), low to moderate for Aldehyde oxidase (Aldox), Peptidase‐1 (Pep‐1) and Esterase‐1 (Est‐1) and high for Esterase‐2 (Est‐2) and Xanthine dehydrogenase (Xdh). Significant linkage disequilibria were detected between inversions and Aldox, Est‐1, Est‐2 and Xdh. Multiple regression analyses of inversion and allele frequencies on environmental variables revealed the existence of clines for inversions, Est‐1, Est‐2, Xdh and Aldox along altitudinal, latitudinal and/or climatic gradients. Tests using conditional allele frequencies showed that Est‐1 and Aldox clines could be accounted for by hitchhiking with inversions, whereas natural selection should be invoked to explain the clines observed for Est‐2 and Xdh.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, no consistent effect of adult experience, i.e., exposure to the naturally occurring yeasts, Candida sonorensisand Clavispora opuntiae,on oviposition choice or short-distance attraction in inbred lines of Drosophila buzzatiiwas found. The lack of consistent effect on oviposition choice was also found in one experiment in which the flies were starved and in another experiment in which choice was determined on 2 consecutive days.  相似文献   

J. S. F. Barker 《Genetica》1994,92(3):165-175
Sequential electrophoresis, using three different buffer systems on cellulose acetate gels, was used to characterize the allelic variation for esterase-2 in two populations of D. buzzatii in Australia that are separated by 550 km. Twenty-five alleles were detected, of which nine were unique to one population, eight unique to the other, and only eight were common to both populations. Allele frequencies within each population were significantly different between the two major chromosome sequences (standard and j inversion), and for each chromosome sequence allele frequencies were significantly different between populations. Observed allelic frequency distributions were not significantly different from those predicted for selective neutrality using the homozygosity test statistic. However, estimates of the effective sizes of the populations derived from their observed differentiation, together with the history of the species in Australia, provide support for some form of balancing selection affecting at least some of the alleles.  相似文献   

We surveyed genetic polymorphism by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of male reproductive tract proteins in 20 isofemale lines each ofDrosophila melanogaster andDrosophila simulans. After classifying 244 such proteins ofDrosophila melanogaster and 271 ofDrosophila simulans by their distribution between testes and accessory glands within the reproductive tract, significant correlations were found between genetic polymorphism and tissue distribution. In both species, gland-specific proteins were significantly more polymorphic than testis-specific proteins, as well as those found in both testes and glands. Simultaneously, inDrosophila simulans, proteins found in roughly equivalent relative abundance in both testes and glands were significantly less variable than gland-specific and testis-specific proteins, as well as those with a quantitative difference in relative abundance between testes and glands. These correlations may reflect general differences in variability between extracellular and intracellular proteins and between proteins with broad as opposed to tissue-specific distributions.We thank the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for financial support (Grant A0235 to R.S.S.).  相似文献   

Allozyme frequency data from natural populations of Drosophila buzzatii were analyzed for genotype-environment relationships. Allele frequency and heterozygosity at six loci polymorphic throughout eastern Australia and a number of environmental factors (both means and variabilities) were examined by a variety of multivariate techniques. Significant genotype-environment associations were found for five of the six loci, and after correcting for geographic location significant associations remained for Est-2 and Adh-1 gene frequencies and heterozygosities and for Pgm gene frequencies. The results are discussed in relation to selection and gene flow and provide the basis for laboratory studies to disentangle confounded effects of (1) environmental means and environmental variabilities and (2) allele frequency and heterozygosity, and thus to further test for and determine the nature of any natural selection at particular allozyme loci.This work was supported by a grant from the Australian Research Grants Committee to J. S. F. B.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies on Drosophila have revealed that resistance to one environmental stress often correlates with resistance to other stresses. There is also evidence on genetic correlations between stress resistance, longevity and other fitness-related traits. The present work investigates these associations using artificial selection in Drosophila melanogaster. Adult flies were selected for increased survival after severe cold, heat, desiccation and starvation stresses as well as increased heat-knockdown time and lifespan (CS, HS, DS, SS, KS and LS line sets, respectively). The number of selection generations was 11 for LS, 27 for SS and 21 for other lines, with selection intensity being around 0.80. For each set of lines, the five stress-resistance parameters mentioned above as well as longevity (in a nonstressful environment) were estimated. In addition, preadult developmental time, early age productivity and thorax length were examined in all lines reared under nonstressful conditions. Comparing the selection lines with unselected control revealed clear-cut direct selection responses for the stress-resistance traits. Starvation resistance increased as correlated response in all sets of selection lines, with the exception of HS. Positive correlated responses were also found for survival after cold shock (HS and DS) and heat shock (KS and DS). With regard to values of resistance across different stress assays, the HS and KS lines were most similar. The resistance values of the SS lines were close to those of the LS lines and tended to be the lowest among all selection lines. Developmental time was extended in the SS and KS lines, whereas the LS lines showed a reduction in thorax length. The results indicate a possibility of different multiple-stress-resistance mechanisms for the examined traits and fitness costs associated with stress resistance and longevity.  相似文献   

We tested for variation in longevity, senescence rate and early fecundity of Drosophila buzzatii along an elevational transect in Argentina, using laboratory-reared flies in laboratory tests performed to avoid extrinsic mortality. At 25 °C, females from lowland populations lived longer and had a lower demographic rate of senescence than females from highland populations. Minimal instead of maximal temperature at the sites of origin of population best predicted this cline. A very different pattern was found at higher test temperature. At 29.5 °C, longevity of males increased with altitude of origin of population. No clinal trend was apparent for longevity of females at 29.5 °C. There was evidence for a trade-off between early fecundity and longevity at non-stressful temperature (25 °C) along the altitudinal gradient. This trait association is consistent with evolutionary theories of aging. Population-by-temperature and sex-by-temperature interactions indicate that senescence patterns are expressed in environment specific ways.  相似文献   

Using wild-reared flies, we examined sexual selection on five phenotypic traits (thorax length, wing length, wing width, head width, and face width) inDrosophila buzzatii, by scoring copulatory status in nine mass mating cages. Only male face width was identified as a direct target of sexual selection in an analysis of selection gradient, while indirect selection was present on all other studied traits, as expected from their correlations with face width. In contrast to males, there was no indication of selection in females. Nor was there evidence of assortative mating. The suggested direct selection on face width seems to take place during licking behavior of the courtship and might be related to courtship feeding. This study suggests that courtship success gives rise to indirect selection on body size.  相似文献   

Wild endangered populations can suffer fromadverse effects on fitness due to inbreedingand environmental stress. Often, both geneticand environmental stress factors may be presentin populations at the same time. Thereforeknowledge on the potential interactions betweenthese factors is important for the conservationof wild populations. When measuring fitness(e.g. survival and reproductive potential) ofindividuals in the laboratory, and in nature,inbreeding by environment interactions are nowbeing reported more often. The increased focuson environmental dependency of inbreedingdepression will therefore enable conservationbiologists to include this knowledge in themanagement of endangered populations in thewild. In this study, the effects ofenvironmental stress and inbreeding on fitnessare estimated in a laboratory population ofDrosophila buzzatii. Random- or full-sibmating were used to generate independentreplicate lines of four different inbreedinglevels (F = 0, F = 0.25, F = 0.50, F = 0.672)in four different environments. Theenvironments were thermal and dimethoate stressseparately and in combination, as well as anon-stressful control environment. Twoexperiments were carried out to measureproductivity (a multiplicative measure offecundity and viability) using a full factorialdesign. In the first experiment, productivitywas estimated for all lines and inbreedinglevels in the environment in which flies wereinbred and reared for several generations. Inthe second experiment, productivity of thelines reared in the control environment wastested in all four environments and for allinbreeding levels. Our results show asignificant effect of inbreeding andenvironmental stress on productivity in bothexperiments and the effect increased when flieswere exposed to novel environmental conditions.Productivity was not affected by theinteraction between inbreeding andenvironmental stress when flies were tested inthe environments in which they were reared,whereas there was a tendency towards a stressby inbreeding interaction when flies wereexposed to novel environments. The variance andthe coefficient of variation in productivitywere each affected by environmental stress andinbreeding, indicating that environmentalconditions as well as genetic background areimportant for variation in productivity.However, the two measures of variation oftenshowed opposite trends. The results obtained inthis study indicate that the environmentalconditions under which inbreeding occurs areimportant. This is relevant for the maintenanceand management of populations in captivity andin relation to reintroduction of endangeredspecies in nature.  相似文献   

Structural rearrangements of chromosomes have played a decisive role in the karyotypic evolution of species. It is also known that inversions, translocations, fusions, fissions, heterochromatin variations and other chromosomal changes occur as transient events in natural populations. Herein we report the occurrence of a rare event of centric fission of a metacentric chromosome in a laboratory population ofDrosophila, called Cytorace 1. This centric fission has been fixed in a sub-population of Cytorace 1, resulting in a new chromosomal lineage called Fissioncytorace-1.  相似文献   

The cellar population of Drosophila melanogaster at the Chateau Tahbilk Winery (Victoria, Australia) was perturbed for alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene frequencies. Phenol oxidase (Phox) frequencies were also perturbed and monitored as a control. Subsequent gene frequency changes, together with information on population structure, indicated that selection acted on the chromosome regions of both loci. Adh gene frequencies returned to preperturbation levels in a predictable manner. A model in which the relative fitness of Adh phenotypes was determined by temperature-dependent specific activities of enzymes of Adh genotypes adequately accounts for the rate of gene frequency change at this locus. Thus temperature behaves as a selective agent in modulating Adh gene frequencies in this cellar environment.  相似文献   

It is often hypothesized that slow inbreeding causes less inbreeding depression than fast inbreeding at the same absolute level of inbreeding. Possible explanations for this phenomenon include the more efficient purging of deleterious alleles and more efficient selection for heterozygote individuals during slow, when compared with fast, inbreeding. We studied the impact of inbreeding rate on the loss of heterozygosity and on morphological traits in Drosophila melanogaster. We analysed five noninbred control lines, 10 fast inbred lines and 10 slow inbred lines; the inbred lines all had an expected inbreeding coefficient of approximately 0.25. Forty single nucleotide polymorphisms in DNA coding regions were genotyped, and we measured the size and shape of wings and counted the number of sternopleural bristles on the genotyped individuals. We found a significantly higher level of genetic variation in the slow inbred lines than in the fast inbred lines. This higher genetic variation was resulting from a large contribution from a few loci and a smaller effect from several loci. We attributed the increased heterozygosity in the slow inbred lines to the favouring of heterozygous individuals over homozygous individuals by natural selection, either by associative over‐dominance or balancing selection, or a combination of both. Furthermore, we found a significant polynomial correlation between genetic variance and wing size and shape in the fast inbred lines. This was caused by a greater number of homozygous individuals among the fast inbred lines with small, narrow wings, which indicated inbreeding depression. Our results demonstrated that the same amount of inbreeding can have different effects on genetic variance depending on the inbreeding rate, with slow inbreeding leading to higher genetic variance than fast inbreeding. These results increase our understanding of the genetic basis of the common observation that slow inbred lines express less inbreeding depression than fast inbred lines. In addition, this has more general implications for the importance of selection in maintaining genetic variation.  相似文献   

Determinants of male courtship success in Drosophila melanogasterwere examined in groups of five males sequentially presented with five individual females. Thirty-three percent of males never mated, while approximately half of the males mated two or three times. Rapid courtship initiation was associated with male success in early matings only. Male size was important for courtship outcome, but the size distributions of mating and nonmating males and their progeny numbers indicate balancing rather than directional selection on size- dependent courtship success.  相似文献   

Unlike other species of the genus Blechnum, the fern Blechnum chilense occurs in a wide range of habitats in Chilean temperate rainforest, from shaded forest understories to abandoned clearings and large gaps. We asked if contrasting light environments can exert differential selection on ecophysiological traits of B. chilense. We measured phenotypic selection on functional traits related to carbon gain: photosynthetic capacity (A max), dark respiration rate (R d), water use efficiency (WUE), leaf size and leaf thickness in populations growing in gaps and understorey environments. We assessed survival until reproductive stage and fecundity (sporangia production) as fitness components. In order to determine the potential evolutionary response of traits under selection, we estimated the genetic variation of these traits from clonally propagated individuals in common garden experiments. In gaps, survival of B. chilense was positively correlated with WUE and negatively correlated with leaf size. In contrast, survival in shaded understories was positively correlated with leaf size. We found positive directional fecundity selection on WUE in gaps population. In understories, ferns of lower R d and greater leaf size showed greater fecundity. Thus, whereas control of water loss was optimized in gaps, light capture and net carbon balance were optimized in shaded understories. We found a significant genetic component of variation in WUE, R d and leaf size. This study shows the potential for evolutionary responses to heterogeneous light environments in functional traits of B. chilense, a unique fern species able to occupy a broad successional niche in Chilean temperate rainforest.  相似文献   

We present evidence for coexistence of three differentDrosophila species by rescheduling their life history traits in a natural population using the same resource, at the same time and same place.D. ananassae has faster larval development time (DT) and faster DT(egg-fly) than other two species thus utilizing the resources at maximum at both larval and adult stages respectively. Therefore,D. ananassae skips the interspecific competition at preadult stage but suffers more from intraspecific competition. However,D. melanogaster andD. biarmipes have rescheduled their various life history traits to avoid interspecific competition. Differences of ranks tests for various life history traits suggest that except for DT(egg-pupa), the difference of ranks is highest for the combination ofD. melanogaster andD. ananassae for all other life history traits. This difference is maintained by tradeoffs between larval development time and pupal period and between pupal period and DT(egg-pupa) inD. ananassae.  相似文献   

Considerable structural and numerical chromosomal variation has been found in natural populations ofAlopecurus. Interchange heterozygotes, identified by multivalent formation during meiosis, have been recovered in four out of six species studied and are reported for the first time in the diploidsA. bulbosus, andA. myosuroides, and the tetraploidA. pratensis. B chromosomes have been found in two species,A. pratensis andA. myosuroides and also in inter-specific hybrids betweenA. pratensis andA. arundinaceus. The characteristics, distribution and meiotic behaviour of both interchange heterozygotes and B chromosomes are described.  相似文献   

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