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To examine possible effects of space radiation on living organism, we have analyzedtwo types of mutations, sex-linked recessive lethal mutations and somatic mutations, in fruit fly of the species Drosophila melanogaster. Drosophila strains used were wild type strains and a radiation-sensitive strain mei-41. Two different developmental stages of samples were sent into space; young adult males to analyze sex-linked recessive lethal mutations and about 30hr-old larvae to detect somatic mutations in wing epidermal cells. For wild type and mei-41 strains each, about 200 adult male flies and about 6,000 larvae were loaded on space shuttle Endeavour. The male flies returned from space were mated to virgin female flies of a tester strain, and the presence of the lethal mutations was analyzed at F2 generation. The frequencies of sex-linked recessive lethal mutations in flight groups were 2 and 3 times higher for wild type Canton-S and mei-4 1, respectively, than those in ground control groups. Most larvae sent to space emerged as adult flies within about 10 days after the landing. The presence of wing-hair somatic mutations, which give morphological change in hairs growing on the surface of wing epidermal cells, was analyzed under microscope. In wild type strain Muller-5, the frequency of wing hair mutant spots in flight group was about 1.5-fold higher than that in ground control, and in Canton-S-derived wild type strain the frequencies were similar between the two groups. By contrast, for mei-41 strain the mutation frequency was lower in flight group than in control group. The observed higher frequency of lethal mutations in the flight group might be due to a possibility that radiation effects on reproductive cells could be greatly enhanced under micro gravity. However, if this would be the case, we do not have appropriate explanation for the apparent absence of such synergistic effects on somatic wing-hair mutation system.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the influence of some mutations in the bithorax complex on the observed synapsis dependent phenotype of the genotypes Cbx 1Ubx1/+ and bx 34e/Ubx1. The effect of these mutations is similar to that introduced by disruption of pairing or by the z a mutation. Among the bx mutations, we find that bx 8 behaves differently from most other bx mutations in its influence on the synapsis dependent phenotype. This observation induced us to map the position of bx 8 with respect to other bx mutations; we find that it maps between bx 34e and bx 3. We show how some of the observations reported here can be fitted into a model of activation of the bithorax complex proposed by one of us.  相似文献   

果蝇P转座因子的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
解生勇 《遗传》2000,22(6):437-440
果蝇P因子是DNA转座子,在近几十年里受到很大关注。可用于确认有关基因,克隆基因以及安置基因回到基因组。P因子的高易动性及其保持和对内部序列强烈的修饰作用也是P因子的本质特征。P因子的另一重要用途是用于产生转基因果蝇。目的基因置于质粒内P因子中可在转座酶的作用下插入前胚盘胚。携带目的基因的P因子可从质粒转座到任意染色体上。据报道,在典型实验中,插入可育果蝇的10%~20%可产生转化体后裔。但是以这种可动DNA片段作为载体尚存在转移基因的不稳定性及与内源跳跃基因的相互影响。本文介绍了果蝇P转座因子的一些研究进展。这些因子的遗传可动性也使它们适用于建造载体产生转基因生物。若如此,载体导入外源基因组的遗传稳定性问题将是一个重要课题。 Abstract:P elements in D.melanogaster are DNA transposons and received greater attention within the last few decades.P elements are used for identifying genes of interest,for cloning them,and for placing them back into the genome.The high mobility of P elements and their retention of this mobility and drastic modiffications to their internal sequences are also essential features.Another most important use of P elements is that of making transgenic flies.Desired gene is placed between P-element ends,usually within a plasmid,and injected into preblastoderm embryos in the presence of transposase.This P element then transposes from the plasmid to a random chromosomal site.Reported in a typical experiment,10%~20% of the fertile injected flies produce transformant progeny.But the instability of the transferred gene carried on a piece of mobile DNA as a vector and its interaction with endogenous jumping genes.This paper introduced the studies advances of P transposable element in Drosophila.The genetic mobility of these elements can also make them suitable for the construction of vectors to create transgenic organisms.If so,the genetic stability of the vectors introduced to a foreign genome should be a important subject.  相似文献   

Summary A reexamination of the role of the vermilion cistron (v: 1–33.0) in the control of tryptophan pyrrolase in Drosophila melanogaster uncovered several, previously unknown features about this enzyme: 1. Crude extracts of Drosophila possess one or more inhibitors which may be removed by Norit treatment during homogenization. 2. Contrary to previous assertion, crude wild type extracts are stimulated by an exogenous source of hematin, and upon purification, become heavily dependent upon added methemoglobin. 3. The wild type enzyme exhibits a lag period in time course of product accumulation which is eliminated by preincubation with methemoglobin and -methyltryptophan. 4. The molecular weight of the wild type enzyme is estimated at approximately 150000 Daltons. 5. A linear increase of tryptophan pyrrolase activity as a function of dosage of v + alleles supports the contention that the vermilion cistron is the structural gene for this enzyme. 6. A sex difference in response to gene dosage (dosage compensation) is seen.A suppressor locus (su(s): 1-0.0) is known, whose mutants operate as recessive suppressors of certain vermilion alleles and not others. Experiments are described which bear upon the mode of suppressor action, and a model is offered which is based upon the present data as well as other work reported recently.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, males absent on the first (MOF) acetylates histone H4 at lysine 16 (H4K16ac). This acetylation mark is highly enriched on the male X chromosome and is required for dosage compensation in Drosophila but not utilized for such in mammals. Recently, we and others reported that mammalian MOF, through H4K16ac, has a critical role at multiple stages in the DNA damage response (DDR) and double-strand break repair pathways. The goal of this study was to test whether mof is similarly required for the response to ionizing radiation (IR) in Drosophila. We report that Drosophila mof mutations in males and females, as well as mof knockdown in SL-2 cells, reduce post-irradiation survival. MOF depletion in SL-2 cells also results in an elevated frequency of metaphases with chromosomal aberrations, suggesting that MOF is involved in DDR. Mutation in Drosophila mof also results in a defective mitotic checkpoint, enhanced apoptosis, and a defective p53 response post-irradiation. In addition, IR exposure enhanced H4K16ac levels in Drosophila as it also does in mammals. These results are the first to demonstrate a requirement for MOF in the whole animal IR response and suggest that the role of MOF in the response to IR is conserved between Drosophila and mammals.  相似文献   

We present various methods to record cardiac function in the larval Drosophila. The approaches allow heart rate to be measured in unrestrained and restrained whole larvae. For direct control of the environment around the heart another approach utilizes the dissected larvae and removal of the internal organs in order to bathe the heart in desired compounds. The exposed heart also allows membrane potentials to be monitored which can give insight of the ionic currents generated by the myocytes and for electrical conduction along the heart tube. These approaches have various advantages and disadvantages for future experiments that are discussed. The larval heart preparation provides an additional model besides the Drosophila skeletal NMJ to investigate the role of intracellular calcium regulation on cellular function. Learning more about the underlying ionic currents that shape the action potentials in myocytes in various species, one can hope to get a handle on the known ionic dysfunctions associated to specific genes responsible for various diseases in mammals.  相似文献   

黑腹果蝇黑条体突变型的基因定位研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张菁  曾庆韬  薛小桥  金珊  杨勇 《遗传学报》2001,28(6):527-534
黑腹果的体色突变类型常见的有黄体(yellow,y)、黑体(black,b)和黑檀体(ebony,e),分别位于X染色体,第二染色体和第三染色体上,.黑条体突变型是本实验室1991年9月从野外采集的黑腹果蝇野生型单雌系后代中发现的自发突变品系,为了探明黑条体突变型是原有黑体突变类型的再现还是新的突变,采用常规杂交方法和互补7实验技术对黑腹果蝇黑条体突变型的定位进行了探讨,互补测验的结果表明,黑条体与黑檀体杂交的子一代为反式排列的杂合体无互补,表现为突变型,子二代中,由于交换而产生重组类型的顺式排列的杂合体表现为野生型。因此确定黑条体突变基因(bsr)与黑檀体突变基因(e)是等位的,位于第三染色体的93D2区,但分别位于不同的位点上,属于同一顺反子的新的点突变,同时对于各体色间的相互作用及遗传传递方式的进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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