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Type I restriction enzymes bind sequence-specifically to unmodified DNA and subsequently pull the adjacent DNA toward themselves. Cleavage then occurs remotely from the recognition site. The mechanism by which these members of the superfamily 2 (SF2) of helicases translocate DNA is largely unknown. We report the first single-molecule study of DNA translocation by the type I restriction enzyme EcoR124I. Mechanochemical parameters such as the translocation rate and processivity, and their dependence on force and ATP concentration, are presented. We show that the two motor subunits of EcoR124I work independently. By using torsionally constrained DNA molecules, we found that the enzyme tracks along the helical pitch of the DNA molecule. This assay may be directly applicable to investigating the tracking of other DNA-translocating motors along their DNA templates.  相似文献   

The S subunits of type I DNA restriction/modification enzymes are responsible for recognising the DNA target sequence for the enzyme. They contain two domains of approximately 150 amino acids, each of which is responsible for recognising one half of the bipartite asymmetric target. In the absence of any known tertiary structure for type I enzymes or recognisable DNA recognition motifs in the highly variable amino acid sequences of the S subunits, it has previously not been possible to predict which amino acids are responsible for sequence recognition. Using a combination of sequence alignment and secondary structure prediction methods to analyse the sequences of S subunits, we predict that all of the 51 known target recognition domains (TRDs) have the same tertiary structure. Furthermore, this structure is similar to the structure of the TRD of the C5-cytosine methyltransferase, Hha I, which recognises its DNA target via interactions with two short polypeptide loops and a beta strand. Our results predict the location of these sequence recognition structures within the TRDs of all type I S subunits.  相似文献   

Tn5 is an excellent model system for understanding the molecular basis of DNA-mediated transposition. Mechanistic information has come from genetic and biochemical investigations of the transposase and its interactions with the recognition DNA sequences at the ends of the transposon. More recently, molecular structure analyses of catalytically active transposase; transposon DNA complexes have provided us with unprecedented insights into this transposition system. Transposase initiates transposition by forming a dimeric transposase, transposon DNA complex. In the context of this complex, the transposase then catalyses four phosphoryl transfer reactions (DNA nicking, DNA hairpin formation, hairpin resolution and strand transfer into target DNA) resulting in the integration of the transposon into its new DNA site. The studies that elucidated these steps also provided important insights into the integration of retroviral genomes into host DNA and the immune system V(D)J joining process. This review will describe the structures and steps involved in Tn5 transposition and point out a biologically important although surprising characteristic of the wild-type Tn5 transposase. Transposase is a very inactive protein. An inactive transposase protein ensures the survival of the host and thus the survival of Tn5.  相似文献   

C Price  J C Shepherd    T A Bickle 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(5):1493-1497
The DNA sequences recognized by the allelic type I restriction enzymes EcoR124 and EcoR124/3 were determined. EcoR124 recognizes 5'-GAA(N6)RTCG-3' and EcoR124/3 recognizes 5'-GAA(N7)RTCG-3'. These are typical of sequences recognized by type I recognition enzymes in that they consist of two specific domains separated by a non-specific spacer sequence. For these two enzymes, the specific sequences are identical but the length of the non-specific spacer is different. The specific domains of EcoR124/3 are thus 3.4 A further apart than those of EcoR124 and rotated with respect to each other through a further 36 degrees.  相似文献   

Type I restriction enzymes cleave DNA at non-specific sites far from their recognition sequence as a consequence of ATP-dependent DNA translocation past the enzyme. During this reaction, the enzyme remains bound to the recognition sequence and translocates DNA towards itself simultaneously from both directions, generating DNA loops, which appear to be supercoiled when visualised by electron microscopy. To further investigate the mechanism of DNA translocation by type I restriction enzymes, we have probed the reaction intermediates with DNA topoisomerases. A DNA cleavage-deficient mutant of EcoAI, which has normal DNA translocation and ATPase activities, was used in these DNA supercoiling assays. In the presence of eubacterial DNA topoisomerase I, which specifically removes negative supercoils, the EcoAI mutant introduced positive supercoils into relaxed plasmid DNA substrate in a reaction dependent on ATP hydrolysis. The same DNA supercoiling activity followed by DNA cleavage was observed with the wild-type EcoAI endonuclease. Positive supercoils were not seen when eubacterial DNA topoisomerase I was replaced by eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase I, which removes both positive and negative supercoils. Furthermore, addition of eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase I to the product of the supercoiling reaction resulted in its rapid relaxation. These results are consistent with a model in which EcoAI translocation along the helical path of closed circular DNA duplex simultaneously generates positive supercoils ahead and negative supercoils behind the moving complex in the contracting and expanding DNA loops, respectively. In addition, we show that the highly positively supercoiled DNA generated by the EcoAI mutant is cleaved by EcoAI wild-type endonuclease much more slowly than relaxed DNA. This suggests that the topological changes in the DNA substrate associated with DNA translocation by type I restriction enzymes do not appear to be the trigger for DNA cleavage.  相似文献   

A type I restriction endonuclease from a new isolate of Escherichia coli (E. coli E166) has been purified and characterised. The enzyme, EcoD, has a recognition sequence similar in overall structure to the previously determined type I enzyme sequences, an exception being that it is degenerate. The sequence is 5'-T-T-A-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-G-T-C-Y-3' 3'-A-A-T-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-C-A-G-R-5' where Y is a pyrimidine, R is a purine and N can be any nucleotide. The enzyme methylates adenosyl residues in both strands of the DNA that are separated by ten base pairs, suggesting that the enzyme interacts with DNA along one face of the helix making contacts in two successive major grooves.  相似文献   

EcoR124 and EcoR124/3 are type I DNA restriction and modification systems. The EcoR124/3 system arose from the EcoR124 system some 15 years ago and at the electron microscopic DNA heteroduplex level the genes for both systems are still apparently identical. We have shown that the DNA sequences recognized by the two systems are GAA(N6)RTCG for EcoR124 and GAA(N7)RTCG for EcoR124/3. The sequences thus differ only in the length of the non-specific spacer. This difference nevertheless places the two specific domains of the EcoR124/3 recognition sequence 0.34 nm further apart and rotates them 36 degrees with respect to those of EcoR124, which implies major structural differences in the proteins recognizing these sequences. We have now determined the nucleotide sequences of the hsdS and hsdM genes of both systems and of the hsdR gene of EcoR124/3. The hsdS gene products provide DNA sequence specificity in both restriction and modification, the hsdM gene products are necessary for modification and all three hsd gene products are required for restriction. The only difference that we have detected between the two systems is that a 12 base-pair sequence towards the middle of the hsdS gene is repeated twice in the EcoR124 gene and three times in the EcoR124/3 gene. We have deleted one of the repeats in the EcoR124/3 gene and shown that this changes the specificity to that of EcoR124. Thus, the extra four amino acids in the middle of the EcoR124/3 hsdS gene product, which in an alpha-helical configuration would extend 0.6 nm, are sufficient to explain the differences in sequence recognition. We suggest that the EcoR124/3 system was generated by an unequal crossing over and argue that this kind of specificity change should not be rare in Nature.  相似文献   

We show that DNA gyrase is required for transposition of Tn5. Coumermycin, a potent inhibitor of DNA gyrase subunit B, inhibits transposition in a wild-type strain, but has no effect on strains carry ing a coumermycin-resistant allele in gyrB. In addition, strains containing a thermolabile subunit A of gyrase (gyrA43) are defective for transposition at a nonpermissive temperature. The requirement for gyrase is due to a requirement for supercoiled DNA. We showed this by introducing into the gyrA43 strain a deletion of the gene encoding topoisomerase I. The introduction of the second mutation caused an increase in the superhelical density of DNA as well as an increase in the transposition frequency. This also implies that if the DNA is supercoiled there is no further requirement for gyrase. Experiments with coumermycin support this, because the drug does not inhibit transposition if the recipient DNA remains supercoiled. This indicates that if the DNA acting as recipient of the transposon is deficient in supercoils, it will be a poor substrate for transposition. We also describe a system in which a gene on a multicopy plasmid can be efficiently introduced into the Escherichia coli chromosome.  相似文献   

After coliphage P1-mediated transfer of Tn5-containing plasmid DNA from Escherichia coli to Myxococcus xanthus, transductants were identified which contained plasmid sequences integrated at many sites on the bacterial chromosome. The unaltered plasmid DNA sequences in these transductants were apparently flanked by intact Tn5 or IS50 sequences. These results suggest that Tn5-mediated transposition has occurred and provide a method for integrating plasmid DNA into the M. xanthus chromosome without the requirement for homologous recombination.  相似文献   

Temporal control of transposition in Tn5.   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

We have purified the type I restriction enzymes SB and SP from Salmonella typhimurium and S. potsdam, respectively, and determined the DNA sequences that they recognize. These sequences resemble those previously determined for the type I enzymes, EcoB, EcoK and EcoA, in that the specific part of the sequence is divided into two domains by a spacer of non-specific sequence that has a fixed length for each enzyme. Two main differences from the previously determined sequences are seen. Both of the new sequences are degenerate and one of them, SB, has one trinucleotide and one pentanucleotide-specific domain rather than the trinucleotide and tetranucleotide domains seen for all of the other enzymes. The only conserved features of the recognition sequences are the adenosyl residues that are methylated in the modification reaction. For all of the enzymes these are situated ten or 11 base-pairs apart, one on each strand of the DNA. This suggests that the enzymes bind to DNA along one face of the double helix making protein-DNA interaction in two successive major grooves with most of the non-specific spacer sequence in the intervening minor groove.  相似文献   

Steiniger M  Metzler J  Reznikoff WS 《Biochemistry》2006,45(51):15552-15562
X-ray cocrystal structures of Tn5 transposase (Tnp) bound to its 19 base pair (bp) recognition end sequence (ES) reveal contacts between a beta-loop (amino acids 240-260) and positions 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the ES. Here, we show that mutations of residues in this loop affect both in vivo and in vitro transposition. Most mutations are detrimental, whereas some mutations at position 242 cause hyperactivity. More specifically, mutations to the beta-loop affect every individual step of transposition tested. Mutants performing in vivo and in vitro transposition less efficiently also form fewer synaptic complexes, whereas hyperactive Tnps form more synaptic complexes. Surprisingly, two hypoactive mutations, K244R and R253L, also affect the cleavage steps of transposition with a much more dramatic effect on the second double end break (DEB) complex formation step, indicating that the beta-loop likely plays an important roll in positioning the substrate DNA within the catalytic site. Finally, all mutants tested decrease efficiency of the final transposition step, strand transfer. A disparity in cleavage rate constants in vitro for mutants with changes to the proline at position 242 on transposons flanked by ESs differing in the orientation of the A-T base pair at position 4 allows us to postulate that P242 contacts the position 4 nucleotide pair. On the basis of these data, we propose a sequential model for end cleavage in Tn5 transposition in which the uncleaved PEC is not symmetrical, and conformational changes are necessary between the first and second cleavage events and also for the final strand transfer step of transposition.  相似文献   

Tn5 transposase (Tnp) overproduction is lethal to Escherichia coli. The overproduction causes cell filamentation and abnormal chromosome segregation. Here we present three lines of evidence strongly suggesting that Tnp overproduction killing is due to titration of topoisomerase I. First, a suppressor mutation of transposase overproduction killing, stkD10, is localized in topA (the gene for topoisomerase I). The stkD10 mutant has the following characteristics: first, it has an increased abundance of topoisomerase I protein, the topoisomerase I is defective for the DNA relaxation activity, and DNA gyrase activity is reduced; second, the suppressor phenotype of a second mutation localized in rpoH, stkA14 (H. Yigit and W. S. Reznikoff, J. Bacteriol. 179:1704–1713, 1997), can be explained by an increase in topA expression; and third, overexpression of wild-type topA partially suppresses the killing. Finally, topoisomerase I was found to enhance Tn5 transposition up to 30-fold in vivo.  相似文献   

Type II DNA restriction and modification systems are ideally suited for analysis of mechanisms by which proteins specifically recognize unique DNA sequences. Each system is comprised of a unique DNA recognition site and two enzymes, which in those cases examined in detail, are comprised of distinct polypeptide chains. Thus, not only are the DNA substrates extremely well defined, but each system affords the opportunity to compare distinct proteins which interact with a common DNA sequence. This review will focus only on those Type II systems which have been examined in sufficient molecular detail to permit some insight into modes of specific DNA-protein interaction.  相似文献   

Intramolecular transposition by a synthetic IS50 (Tn5) derivative.   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
We report the formation of deletions and inversions by intramolecular transposition of Tn5-derived mobile elements. The synthetic transposons used contained the IS50 O and I end segments and the transposase gene, a contraselectable gene encoding sucrose sensitivity (sacB), antibiotic resistance genes, and a plasmid replication origin. Both deletions and inversions were associated with loss of a 300-bp segment that is designated the vector because it is outside of the transposon. Deletions were severalfold more frequent than inversions, perhaps reflecting constraints on DNA twisting or abortive transposition. Restriction and DNA sequence analyses showed that both types of rearrangements extended from one transposon end to many different sites in target DNA. In the case of inversions, transposition generated 9-bp direct repeats of target sequences.  相似文献   

The bacterial transposon Tn10 inserts preferentially into sites that conform to a 9 bp consensus sequence: 5' NGCTNAGCN 3'. However, this sequence is not on its own sufficient to confer target specificity as the base-pairs flanking this sequence also contribute significantly to target-site selection. We have performed a series of "contact-probing experiments" to define directly the protein-DNA interactions that govern target-site selection in the Tn10 system. The HisG1 hotspot for Tn10 insertion was the main focus here. We infer that there is a rather broad zone ( approximately 24 bp) of contact between transposase and target DNA in the target-capture complex. This includes base-specific contacts at all of the purine residues in the consensus positions of the target core and primarily backbone contacts out to 7-8 bp in the two flanking regions immediately adjacent to the core. Also, highly localized sites of chemical hypersensitivity are identified that reveal symmetrically disposed deformations in DNA structure in the target-capture complex. Furthermore, the level of strand transfer is shown to be reduced by phosphorothioate substitution of phosphate groups at or close to the sites of target DNA deformation. Interestingly, for one particular target DNA, a mutant form of HisG1 called MutF, the above phosphorothioate inhibition of strand transfer is suppressed by replacing Mg(2+) with Mn(2+). Based on these results a model for sequence-specific target capture is proposed which attempts to define possible relationships between transposase interactions with the target core and flanking sequences, transposase-induced DNA deformation of the target site and divalent metal ion binding to the target-capture complex.  相似文献   

p2 and inhibition of Tn5 transposition.   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

The EcoA restriction enzyme from Escherichia coli 15T- has been isolated. It proves to be an unusual enzyme, clearly related functionally to the classical type I restriction enzymes. The basic enzyme is a two subunit modification methylase. Another protein species can be purified which by itself has no enzymatic activities but which converts the modification methylase to an ATP and S-adenosylmethionine-dependent restriction endonuclease. The DNA recognition sequence of EcoA has an overall structure that is very similar to previously determined type I sequences. It is: 5'-GAGNNNNNNNGTCA-3' 3'-CTCNNNNNNNCAGT-5' where N can be any nucleotide. Modification methylates the adenosyl residue in the specific trinucleotide and the adenosyl residue in the lower strand of the specific tetranucleotide.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports a cleavage site map of Tn5 for restriction enzymes BamHI, BglI, BglII, HindII, HindIII, HpaI, SalI, AvaI, SmaI, XhoI, PstI, PvuII, HaeII and HaeIII that was determined by the analysis of restriction enzyme cleavage patterns of ColEl, two independent ColE1::Tn5 plasmids, and a ColE1::Tn5 deletion derivative. BalI, EcoRI, KpnI, and PvuI do not cleave Tn5. Construction and analysis of in vitro-generated deletions of a ColE1::Tn5 plasmid limit the sequences encoding neomycin resistance to a 1500-base-pair-long segment of Tn5. Insertion of DNA at a BglII site within this segment results in loss of the neomycin resistance phenotype. Since this BglII site lies in an inverted repeat region, sequences within this repeat seem to be involved in the expression of neomycin resistance.  相似文献   

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