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Sodium-23 magnetic resonance was performed on four types of cancers and six types of normal tissues of rats and mice. The spin-lattice relaxation time of the tumors was generally longer than that of the normal tissues, with the most marked difference occurring between rat liver (T1 = 6.5 msec) and Novikoff hepatoma (T1 =23.7 msec). Estimation of tissue sodium from the signal intensity of the resonance indicated that all four types of tumors contained more sodium than any of the normal tissues.  相似文献   

We previously reported that cell lines established from human carcinomas and leukemias/lymphomas expressed high levels of an intracellular membrane-bound protein, Haymaker, whereas cell lines derived from non-malignant connective tissue cells and lymphoid cells expressed low levels of this gene product. To determine whether these findings reflect neoplastic transformation or, alternatively, tissue specificity, we examined by immunohistochemical and molecular methods the expression of Haymaker in gynecologic organs with and without tumor. A highly specific, affinity-purified rabbit polyclonal antibody against a 25-mer Haymaker peptide was used for immunohistochemical staining and morphometric analysis of 85 tissue specimens. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrate, for the first time, that Haymaker protein is highly expressed in epithelial cells of the endometrium of the normal uterus and to a somewhat lesser extent in the mucosa of the normal vagina and cervix, but is poorly expressed or absent in cells of the connective tissue and smooth muscle strata of these organs (p < 0.005). Significant differences in Haymaker expression, as assessed by immunohistochemistry, between malignant and normal gynecologic tissues were not observed (p = 0.27). The expression of Haymaker protein does not appear, therefore, to be a marker of malignant transformation of the epithelium of gynecologic organs but rather distinguishes both normal and malignant epithelial cells from normal connective tissue and smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

1. Superoxide dismutase (superoxide: superoxide oxido-reductase, E.C. in different species was determined quantitatively and qualitatively. Although quantitative differences were minor, there were significant differences in the isoenzyme patterns among the species. 2. No quantitative differences were found in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities in the brains of mice between 1 and 23 days of age. The mitochondrial isoenzyme increased with age, attaining maximal levels between 9 and 12 days. In the six, regions of adult rat brain studied, highest values of SOD were found in the hypothalamus and lowest in the cortex. 3. SOD levels generally were lower in several transplantable mouse and rat tumors than in normal tissues of these species. Mn-SOD was not detected in the tumors studied by the methods employed.  相似文献   

Ferritins purified from several normal and malignant rat tissues were examined for amino acid composition, content of tryptic peptides, available sulfhydryl groups and subunit sizes and proportion. Ferritin extracted from adult kidney, neonatal liver and hepatic and renal tumors differed from the ferritin of adult rat liver in migration on electrophoretic gels and in antibody affinity, but did not differ among themselves. Nevertheless, they showed distinctive differences in amino acid composition and tryptic peptide content. All of them and also adult liver ferritin contained two major species of subunits differing in molecular weight. The proportions of subunits, and the available sulfhydryl groups of the intact ferritin molecules, differed among these tissue ferritins. On the basis of amino acid and peptide content, the ferritins of hepatomas and the renal tumor analyzed showec the greatest similarity but not identity. The ferritin of neonatal liver was next most similar. Kidney ferritin differed considerably in composition from tumor and neonatal ferritins, while adult liver ferritin was the most extremely divergent of the series examined. A similar progressive difference was found on examining the proportions of subunits and sulfhydryl groups in these ferritins. However, changes in subunit proportion cannot explain the amino acid and peptide compositional changes.  相似文献   

Conversion of oestrone sulphate to oestrone has been suggested to make a major contribution to the level of oestrone found in breast tissues. In order to examine the ability of breast tissues to take up oestrone sulphate (E1S), 3H E1S or E1-35S was infused into postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer. For 3 subjects infusion of 3H E1S was repeated after treatment with Danazol, a potential inhibitor of oestrone sulphatase activity. After infusion of 3H E1S significant levels of 3H E1S were detected in normal and malignant breast tissues (tissue: plasma ratios 0.14 +/- 0.13 and 0.24 +/- 0.12 respectively, mean +/- S.D., n = 5). Similar 3H E1S tissue: plasma ratios were detected after infusions of 3H E1 indicating that the 3H E1S detected in breast tissues after infusion of 3H E1S may have originated from the hydrolysis of 3H E1S in tissues other than the breast, with subsequent uptake and sulphation in breast tissues. After infusion of E1-35S no significant levels of radioactivity were detectable in normal or malignant breast tissues. Treatment with Danazol had no significant effect on tissue levels of 3H E1S or on the CRE1S E1 or MCR-E1S. It is concluded that oestrone sulphate, as such, is not taken up by breast tissues and that any contribution that oestrone sulphate makes to the oestrogen content of breast tissues will depend upon prior hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 11A (PDE11A) is the newest member in the PDE family. Although the tissue distribution of PDE11A mRNA has been shown, its protein expression pattern has not been well studied. The goal of this report is to investigate the distribution of PDE11A proteins in a wide range of normal and malignant human tissues. We utilized a polyclonal antibody that recognized all four PDE11A isoforms. Its specificity was demonstrated by Western blot analysis on a recombinant human PDE11A protein and native PDE11A proteins in various human tissues. Immunohistochemistry showed that PDE11A is widely expressed. Various degrees of immunoreactivity were observed in the epithelial cells, endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells of all tissues examined. The highest expression was in the epithelial, endothelial, and smooth muscle cells of the prostate, Leydig, and spermatogenic cells of the testis, the tubule epithelial cells in the kidney, the epithelial and endothelial cells in the adrenal, the epithelial cells and macrophages in the colon, and the epidermis in the skin. Furthermore, PDE11A expression was also detected in several human carcinomas. Our results suggest that PDE11A might be involved in multiple physiological processes in various organs via its ability to modulate intracellular cAMP and cGMP levels.  相似文献   

The effect of deuteration on the 13C linewidths of U-13C, 15N 2D crystalline bacteriorhodopsin (bR) from Halobacterium salinarium, a 248-amino acid protein with seven-transmembrane (7TM) spanning regions, has been studied in purple membranes as a prelude to potential structural studies. Spectral doubling of resonances was observed for receptor expressed in 2H medium (for both 50:50% 1H:2H, and a more highly deuterated form) with the resonances being of similar intensities and separated by < 0.3 ppm in the methyl spectral regions in which they were readily distinguished. Line-widths of the methyl side chains were not significantly altered when the protein was expressed in highly deuterated medium compared to growth in fully protonated medium (spectral line widths were about 0.5 ppm on average for receptor expressed both in the fully protonated and highly deuterated media from the Cδ, Cγ1, and Cγ2 Ile 13C signals observed in the direct, 21-39 ppm, and indirect, 9-17 ppm, dimensions). The measured 13C NMR line-widths observed for both protonated and deuterated form of the receptor are sufficiently narrow, indicating that this crystalline protein morphology is suitable for structural studies. 1H decoupling comparison of the protonated and deuterated bR imply that deuteration may be advantageous for samples in which low power 1H decoupling is required.  相似文献   

Plakophilin 2 (PKP2) is a widespread protein which shows a remarkable dual location: On the one hand, it appears as a constitutive karyoplasmic protein and on the other it is a desmosomal plaque component of most, probably all, desmosome-possessing tissues and cell culture lines. Here we report on its desmosomal occurrence as revealed by immunocytochemical results obtained with three PKP2-specific murine monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) PP2-62, PP2-86 and PP2-150. These mAbs detect PKP2 in characteristic desmosomes of most normal cells, including simple and stratified epithelia as well as non-epithelial tissues such as myocardium and lymph node follicles. In addition, however, several normal tissues consistently display a differentiation-related PKP2 distribution, for example an absence of immunostaining in the "keratinizing" local specializations of the thymic epithelial reticulum, i.e. Hassall's corpuscles, and the restriction of PKP2 to the stratum basale of most stratified squamous epithelia, in contrast to its absence in upper strata, which contain PKP1- or PKP3-rich desmosomes instead. Taking advantage of the reactivity of mAb PP2-150 with formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded material, a series of human carcinomas (n = 37) has also been analyzed. The results suggest that mAbs to PKP2 may serve as markers for the identification and characterization of carcinomas derived from--or corresponding to--simple or complex epithelia. Thus consistent PKP2 immunostaining has been observed in all 18 cases of adenocarcinomas tested, but more variable and heterogeneous staining has been noted in squamous cell carcinomas, depending on the specific tumor type. The potential value of such mAbs for cell typing in normal and embryonic tissues and for detecting cell subpopulations with different degrees of differentiation is discussed with respect to their possible application in tumor diagnosis.  相似文献   

Spin-lattice relaxation times (T1) for 31P were determined in normal and malignant tissues by a saturation technique employing a 90 degree -tau-90 degrees pulse sequence. Results for five normal tissues from rat were (in seconds): 2.33 +/- .14 for liver; 2.19 +/- .05 for muscle; 1.13 +/- .05 for brain; 1.43 +/- .15 fro kidney; and 1.97 +/- .12 for intestine. Results for two rat malignancies, Novikoff hepatoma and Walker sarcoma, were 5.98 +/- .57 and 5.38 +/- .68, respectively, and for Crocker sarcoma of mouse, 5.19 +/- 1.42. No individual measurement of malignant tissue overlapped any of the normal measurements; probabilities of insignificance ranged from .029 for Crocker sarcoma to .000184 for Novikoff hepatoma. The data call attention to another nucleus of potential value for NMR detection of internal malignancies in humans. Also suggested, because of the strategic placement of the 31P nucleus in the nucleic acid molecule, is a possible new probe for exploring the mechanism of carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

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