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On the 10th–20th day after precollicular transection of the brain stem weak low-frequency electrical stimulation of the posterior hypothalamus preferentially activates the ipsilateral neocortex. After unilateral injury to the posterior hypothalamus, synchronous activity predominates in the ipsilateral neocortex. In premesencephalic animals weak single electrical stimulation of the posterior hypothalamus evokes the appearance of spindles in ipsilateral zones of the frontal cortex, whereas stronger single stimulation causes the diffuse generation of spindles in various parts of the neocortex. Besides this preferential unilateral effect, the influence of the posterior hypothalamus is found to be more strongly expressed in the frontal than in the occipital cortex. It is postulated that the posterior hypothalamus exerts its influence on the neocortex through the thalamic nuclei.Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, Tbilisi. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 139–145, March–April, 1976.  相似文献   

Full characterization of the crystal structures of the racemate, nonracemate (20% ee), and pure enantiomer of [2-[4-(3-ethoxy-2-hydroxypropoxy)phenylcarbamoyl]ethyl]trimethylammonium p-bromobenzenesulfonate (NBMe3), which has successfully shown an unusual enantiomeric resolution phenomenon, "preferential enrichment," was achieved by means of X-ray crystallographic analysis and construction of the binary melting point phase diagram. The crystalline nature of the racemate is not a racemic compound but a fairly ordered mixed crystal composed of the two enantiomers. The crystal structure of the nonracemate (20% ee) is virtually identical with that of the racemate and similar to that of the pure enantiomer. The binary melting point phase diagram of NBMe3 is consistent with the nature of a mixed crystal composed of the two enantiomers.  相似文献   

The influence of phosphorus enrichment on lotic bryophytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 Phosphorus enrichments of 5 weeks' duration were performed in two woodland streams in eastern Tennessee, U.S.A. to determine their effect on the dominant stream bryophyte, Porella pinnata.
  • 2 In a second-order reach of Walker Branch, which had an N:P ratio (by atoms) of 3.5:1 in the stream water, the P:C ratio of Porella was not significantly affected by enrichment, but the P:N ratio did increase significantly. In Sludge Creek, which had an N:P ratio of 21.6:1 in the stream water, both P:C and P:N ratios of Porella increased significantly following phosphorus addition. Increased phosphorus ratios may have resulted from either assimilation or adsorption.
  • 3 Absolute phosphorus concentrations in Porella tissue were significantly greater prior to enrichment in the control reach of Walker Branch, confounding the effect of phosphorus enrichment. In Sludge Creek, absolute phosphorus content in Porella tissue increased significantly in the treated reach and showed no significant difference in the control reach.
  • 4 Although mean primary production increased by approximately 15% following enrichment, the increase was not significantly different from that prior to enrichment.
  • 5 Epiphyte structure and abundance were not significantly influenced by enrichment in either stream. It is suggested that grazing pressure by snails may have masked any potential epiphyte response to enrichment.

This study was designed to characterize the physicochemical and molecular properties of Staphylococcus aureus cells treated with nisin, allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), thymol, eugenol, and polyphenol during the transition from planktonic to biofilm growth as measured by hydrophobicity, auto-aggregation, and differential gene expression. Thymol exhibited the highest antimicrobial activity against planktonic, biofilm-forming, biofilm, and dispersed cells, showing 0.21, 0.22, 0.46, and 0.26 mg/ml of MIC values, respectively. The lowest hydrophobicity was observed in planktonic cells treated with polyphenol (16 %), followed by thymol (29 %). The auto-aggregation abilities were more than 85 % for nisin, AITC, eugenol, polyphenol, and the control. The cell-to-surface interaction was related positively to biofilm formation by S. aureus. The adhesion-related gene (clfA), virulence-related genes (spa and hla), and efflux-related gene (mdeA) were down-regulated in both planktonic and biofilm cells treated with AITC, thymol, and eugenol. The results suggest that the antimicrobial tolerance and virulence potential were varied in the cell states during the planktonic-to-biofilm transition. This study provides useful information for understanding the cellular and molecular responses of planktonic and biofilm cells to antimicrobial-induced stress.  相似文献   

Here we describe a new procedure (cloning of polymorphisms, COP) for enrichment of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that represent restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). COP would be applicable to the isolation of SNPs from particular regions of the genome, e.g. CpG islands, chromosomal bands, YACs or PAC contigs. A combination of digestion with restriction enzymes, treatment with uracil-DNA glycosylase and mung bean nuclease, PCR amplification and purification with streptavidin magnetic beads was used to isolate polymorphic sequences from the genomes of two human samples. After only two cycles of enrichment, 80% of the isolated clones were found to contain RFLPs. A simple method for the PCR detection of these polymorphisms was also developed.  相似文献   

The transition from inanimate to animate chemistry is thought to involve self-organised networks of molecular species whose collective emergent property gives rise to the overall characteristics of living systems. In the past, simple autocatalytic networks have been constructed that display basic forms of cooperative behaviour. These include reciprocal catalysis, autocratic, and hypercyclic networks. The design and emergent properties of these novel molecular networks are reviewed here.  相似文献   

Nuclear and pronuclear transfer procedures were used to assess the functional competence of the nucleus and cytoplasm of mouse germinal vesicle-stage oocytes denuded of granulosa cells and matured in vitro or in vivo before artificial activation using a sequential treatment of A23187 + cycloheximide. Following activation, in vitro-matured oocytes were "fertilized" by inserting a male pronucleus (PN), cultured to the 2-cell stage, and then transferred to the oviducts of foster mothers. No live births were noted, whereas a 17% live birth rate was observed when in vivo-matured oocytes were used. The developmental competency of other zygotes was similarly assessed following the exchange of haploid PN of matured and activated eggs with the female PN of fertilized zygotes. When PN of oocytes subjected to maturation and activation in vitro were transferred, only 1 of 79 reconstructed zygotes developed to term. In contrast, the live birth rate was 21% (11 of 53) for zygotes reconstructed with PN from in vivo-matured oocytes. Moreover, a live birth rate of 23% (8 of 35) was observed for reconstructed zygotes with female PN from "hybrid" oocytes created by transferring the metaphase II nuclei of in vitro-matured oocytes into enucleated, in vivo-matured oocytes before activation. Such results suggest that the nucleus of an in vitro-matured oocyte can support embryonic development, but only when it is activated in the proper ooplasmic milieu. The cellular factors creating this ooplasmic milieu appear to develop normally in vivo during follicle maturation to metaphase II, but they fail to do so when the oocytes are denuded of granulosa cells and cultured in vitro before the final stages of maturation. In parallel studies, male and female PN of in vivo-fertilized zygotes were inserted into oocytes that were activated and enucleated following either in vitro or in vivo maturation. Live birth rates were comparable at 19% (5 of 27) and 18% (9 of 49), respectively, suggesting that, regardless of the environment of the final stages of oocyte maturation, the resultant ooplasm is competent to support all aspects of embryonic development once activation and PN formation has been completed. Such findings only point further toward the importance of the condition of the ooplasmic milieu at the time of chemical activation. Whether a similar situation exists when eggs are activated following sperm penetration remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Antibodies recognizing the non-adhesive minor P-fimbral subunit protein E and the P-fimbrial adhesin were used in an immunocytochemical analysis of P-fimbrial structure. It was demonstrated that P-fimbriae of the serotypes F71, F72 and F11 carry their adhesin in a complex with protein E. These complexes are commonly found at the tip of the fimbrial structure. In P-fimbriae of serotype F9, expressed by the uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain 21086, adhesin-protein E complexes are localized at the tips as well as along the shafts of the fimbriae. Protein E of F71 fimbriae (FsoE) plays a catalysing role in the biogenesis of the adhesin, but has no effect on the eventual localization of the adhesin.  相似文献   

目的了解医院感染的铜绿假单胞菌(Pa)的基因分型情况,为临床及时提供流行病学资料。方法采用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)基因分型方法对从住院患者临床标本中分离的21株Pa进行分析。结果21株Pa共得14型,分型率为100.0%;以周为时限,Pa医院感染爆发流行有2起。结论RAPD技术可快速、准确地监控医院感染的流行株。  相似文献   

Tau is a family of closely related proteins (55,000-62,000 mol wt) which are contained in the nerve cells and copolymerize with tubulin to induce the formation of microtubules in vitro. All information so far has indicated that tau is closely apposed to the microtubule lattice, and there was no indication of domains projecting from the microtubule polymer lattice. We have studied the molecular structure of the tau factor and its mode of binding on microtubules using the quick-freeze, deep-etch method (QF.DE) and low angle rotary shadowing technique. Phosphocellulose column-purified tubulin from porcine brain was polymerized with tau and the centrifuged pellets were processed by QF.DE. We observed periodic armlike elements (18.7 +/- 4.8 nm long) projecting from the microtubule surface. Most of the projections appeared to cross-link adjacent microtubules. We measured the longitudinal periodicity of tau projections on the microtubules and found it to match the 6-dimer pattern better than the 12-dimer pattern. The stoichiometry of tau versus tubulin in preparations of tau saturated microtubules was 1:approximately 5.0 (molar ratio). Tau molecules adsorbed on mica took on rodlike forms (56.1 +/- 14.1 nm long). Although both tau and MAP1 are contained in axons, competitive binding studies demonstrated that the binding sites of tau and MAP1A on the microtubule surfaces are most distinct, although they may partially overlap.  相似文献   

Welfare improvements for nonhuman animals should aim to satisfy the needs of visitors as well as those of the animals. Little research has been conducted, however, and existing work is confined to zoos in developed countries. This article reports the behavioral responses of Chinese visitors to environmental enrichment improvements in a zoo enclosure. Visit, viewing, and stopping behaviors significantly increased at the transformed exhibit, indicating that it provoked greater visitor interest. Furthermore, increased intragroup behaviors suggested that the exhibit probably motivated visitors to interact socially. The positive impact of the exhibit changes supports the enrichment efforts taking place in zoos around the world. The changes also provide encouragement for zoos in developing countries such as China because greater visitor interest provides a strong argument and an incentive for improving welfare standards.  相似文献   

Six microsatellite loci were developed for a passerine bird, the great tit (Parus major), using two methods. These loci were polymorphic (3–8 alleles per locus) and exhibited expected heterozygosities from 0.45 to 0.77. At one locus the genotypic frequencies deviated significantly from Hardy–Weinberg expectations.  相似文献   

The thiol reagent NBD-chloride (4-chloro-7-nitro-benzo-2-oxo-1,3-diazole) was used to determine the amount and reactivity of SH-groups of Ca-ATPase of rat skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum during hypercholesterolemia. Modification of membranes with cholesterol brought about a decrease in the total amount and reactivity of SH-groups at the cost of reduction of rapid SH-groups and decrease of the modification constant of these SH-groups. The masking effect of high concentrations of ATP on the reactivity of SH-groups in hypercholesterolemia was noticed. It is inferred that the reduced efficacy of Ca-pump work found under the same experimental conditions before is a consequence of the modification of sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes with cholesterol and change in the molecular conformation of Ca-ATPase.  相似文献   

Aim: To characterize the cellular and molecular properties of Salmonella Typhimurium exposed to antimicrobials in association with physicochemical property, biofilm formation ability and gene expression patterns. Methods and Results: The antimicrobial susceptibilities against Salmonella Typhimurium were evaluated to determine the MICs of allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), thymol, eugenol and polyphenol. Cell surface hydrophobicity, aggregation and biofilm formation assays were conducted to assess the physicochemical properties of Salm. Typhimurium treated with sublethal concentrations (SLC2D) of antimicrobials. The expression patterns of adhesion‐related genes (adrA, csgD, fimA and lpfE), virulence‐related genes (hilA and stn) and efflux‐related genes (acrA, acrB, ompD and tolC) were evaluated by real‐time RT‐PCR. Thymol exhibited the highest antimicrobial activity against Salm. Typhimurium planktonic, biofilm and dispersed cells, showing 0·18, 0·96 and 0·42 mg ml?1 of SLC2D values, respectively. The antimicrobial‐treated Salm. Typhimurium showed low hydrophobicity. The highest auto‐aggregation ability (67%) of polyphenol‐treated Salm. Typhimurium was positively associated with the enhanced ability to form biofilms. The csgD, fimA, hilA and lpfE genes were up‐regulated in the polyphenol‐treated Salm. Typhimurium planktonic and biofilm cells. Conclusion: The results suggest that the antimicrobial resistance and virulence potential varied depending on the physiological states of Salm. Typhimurium during the transition from planktonic to biofilm cell growth. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study can expand our understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms of biofilm formation and also provide useful information for reducing biofilm‐associated virulence potential.  相似文献   

A liquid modification of Baird-Parker's medium is suggested for the detection of low (<20/g) numbers of Staphylococcus aureus. Model experiments showed that the medium had an acceptable level of selectivity and that it was non-inhibitory to injured cells. Practical evaluation demonstrated the advantage of selective enrichment procedures over both non-selective enrichment technique and direct plating methods.  相似文献   

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