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A cytological study of barley microspores during pretreatment of the uninucleate stage to the early culture stage was conducted utilizing six genotypes. Among the three main pretreatments investigated, microspores completed the first mitotic division during 28 d cold pretreatment of spikes, with or without leaf sheath attached, and during 0.3 M mannitol pretreatment of anthers at 25 degrees C. However, during a 4 d pretreatment in 0.3 M mannitol at 4 degrees C this first mitotic division was blocked or delayed and subsequently most often occurred during the first day on culture medium. The first mitotic division of most microspores pretreated in 0.3 M mannitol was mostly symmetrical (55-60%), whereas it was asymmetric (94%) during the 28 d cold pretreatment of spikes. Following the first mitotic division during the mannitol pretreatment at 25 degrees C, closely associated daughter nuclei often appeared to fuse via membrane coalescence, leading to a high frequency of large uninucleate microspores. Based upon nuclear size, the frequencies of fused uninucleate microspores in genotypes GBC 778, GBC 777 and Igri were estimated to be 87%, 54% and 75%, respectively, after a 4 d mannitol pretreatment at 25 degrees C. Chromosome numbers in dividing nuclei and relative densitometry measurements of nuclear DNA in microspores from cv. Igri confirmed the apparent fused nature of large nuclei in uninucleate microspores. The high frequency of fused nuclei indicates that nuclear fusion occurred between both symmetric and asymmetric nuclei. Microspores of cv. Igri cultured on filter paper following three different pretreatments provided an average of about 12 000 embryo-like structures (ELS) per plate. In samples, 85-97% of these ELS regenerated green shoots. The frequency of doubled haploids (74-83%) following all pretreatments was similar to the frequencies of fused nuclei. The pretreatment of spikes in 0.3 M mannitol at 4 degrees C for 4 d is preferred as it appears to provide genotype independent induction and suspension of nuclear division, as well as regenerating green plants in a shorter time than cold alone.  相似文献   

Bombardment of intact anthers of commercial barley (Hordeum vulgare) varieties resulted in 0.5–1.0% of transformed microspores of which 20–40% continued in androgenic development (0.2% of all bombarded microspores). Using a system based on bombardment of anthers is therefore likely to be more technically efficient than the use of a microspore isolation, transformation and regeneration system. Bombardment of anthers has a number of technical and scientific advantages over existing systems for gene transfer and can be considered as a alternative method to existing methods for genetic transformation in barley.  相似文献   

By using DNA-specific fluorescent dye and a confocal laser scanning microscope, the present study was designed to investigate the cytological characteristics of dedifferentiating initiation during pretreatment and em-bryogenesis during culture in freshly-isolated microspores of barley, and the difference in main developmental pathway between freshly-isolated and cold-treated microspores. The results revealed that ( i ) freshly-isolated microspores started the initiation within 12 h of mannitol pretreatment, whose main cytological characteristics were that: cell vol-ume was obviously extended; the volume of nuclei and nucleoli were also greatly increased; nucleoli were extremely clear and highly condensed; N/C ratio was very high; ( ii ) all the pretreatment methods led to the initiation of the mi-crospores, thus triggering the embryogenic process; ( iii ) pretreatment methods influenced the main developmental pathway of microspores by changing the pattern of the first mitosis. The cold-treated microspor  相似文献   

The dynamics of nuclear DNA synthesis were analysed in isolated microspores and pollen of Brassica napus that were induced to form embryos. DNA synthesis was visualized by the immunocytochemical labelling of incorporated Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), applied continuously or as a pulse during the first 24 h of culture under embryogenic (32 °C) and non-embryogenic (18 °C) conditions. Total DNA content of the nuclei was determined by microspectrophotometry. At the moment of isolation, microspore nuclei and nuclei of generative cells were at the G1, S or G2 phase. Vegetative nuclei of pollen were always in G1 at the onset of culture. When microspores were cultured at 18 °C, they followed the normal gametophytic development; when cultured at 32 °C, they divided symmetrically and became embryogenic or continued gametophytic development. Because the two nuclei of the symmetrically divided microspores were either both labelled with BrdU or not labelled at all, we concluded that microspores are inducible to form embryos from the G1 until the G2 phase. When bicellular pollen were cultured at 18 °C, they exhibited labelling exclusively in generative nuclei. This is comparable to the gametophytic development that occurs in vivo. Early bicellular pollen cultured at 32 °C, however, also exhibited replication in vegetative nuclei. The majority of vegetative nuclei re-entered the cell cycle after 12 h of culture. Replication in the vegetative cells preceded division of the vegetative cell, a prerequisite for pollen-derived embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The toxic effects of sucrose and glucose upon Hordeum vulgare L. ev Igri microspore cultures were investigated. It was concluded from this study that:

  • -microspores could be cultured in the presence of low concentrations of glucose without any deleterious effects upon cell viability, but the microspores did not form embryos or calluses.
  • -microspores died when incubated in the presence of 40 mM glucose during the first 2 of days of incubation, but, if glucose was added after this period, cells went on to produce embryos or calluses.
  • -the toxic effects of sucrose upon cultured microspores were irreversible after 6 h from the start of incubation. Implications of these results on underlying causes of cell death in the presence of sucrose and glucose are discussed.
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    K. N. Kao 《Plant cell reports》1993,12(7-8):366-369
    Barley microspores were viable when cultured in a sugarless medium. Adding 2g of glucose to 1l of this medium resulted in a significant reduction in the frequency of viable microspores. The frequency of viable microspores was further reduced when 50g of cellobiose, glucose, maltose, melezitose, raffinose or sucrose were added to 1l of the culture medium containing 2g/l glucose. Adding 50g of melibiose, Ficoll, polyethylene glycol (PEG) or a combination 50g each of Ficoll and PEG to 1I of the medium containing 2g/l glucose had very little effect on the viability of the microspores.Up to 66% of the viable microspores were able to divide and many of these developed into microcalli in the basal medium complemented with melibiose, maltose, melezitose, raffinose, Ficoll, PEG or a combination of Ficoll with PEG. Sucrose, cellobiose and glucose added in large quantities inhibited cell division in microspores or destabilized the microspores and only very few of them developed into microcalli.The microcalli in the PEG, Ficoll, Ficoll-PEG and melibiose media were smaller in size than those grown in the melezitose, maltose and raffinose media. Sustained cell division and microcallus formation were observed in a medium with melibiose or maltose as sole source of sugars.Abbreviations 2.4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid - PEG Polyethylene glycol  相似文献   

    The identification of nucleolar proteins and immunocytochemical localization of small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) elements revealed the presence of three types of nuclear bodies in Douglas fir microspore nuclei. One type consists of structures resembling Cajal bodies (CBs) and contains nucleolar proteins as well as snRNPs and U2 snRNA. The second type is bizonal bodies, which are nuclear bodies also linked with the splicing system. The bizonal body comprises two parts: the first contains Sm proteins and stains strongly with silver stain, and the second resembles CBs in terms of the degree of silver staining and molecular composition. Douglas fir is the second species after larch where the presence of bizonal bodies has been demonstrated. Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb and Larix decidua Mill are species with one of the longest microsporogenesis processes known in plants. The presence of bizonal bodies in both species may be linked to the intensification of the splicing processes in microspores with an exceptionally long cell cycle. The third type of structure is dense bodies, whose morphology and degree of silver staining strongly indicate their functional and spatial relationship to the dense part of bizonal bodies.  相似文献   

    Subculture regime and carbohydrate concentration of the medium had a marked effect on the regeneration of green plantlets from mechanically isolated microspores of Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Kymppi. A sevenfold increase in the yield of green plants was obtained by shortening the suspension culture time of the developing proembryo mass from 4 to 3 weeks. A further twofold increase was obtained by increasing the maltose concentration of the microspore isolation medium and of the culture medium. Under optimal conditions, a mean of 169±97 green plants per spike were regenerated.  相似文献   

    Summary With barley a large variation in frequency of plant formation from microspores of spikes from the same plant has been observed. The highest frequency of plant formation was obtained when culturing anthers in the dark on a high Ficoll medium containing 2,4-D and kinetin to induce proembryo (or callus) formation. Subsequently the proembryos or calli were cultured in dim light on a high Ficoll-high sugar medium containing IBA and kinetin. Finally the embryos were transferred to a starch agar medium. A maximum of 13 green plants were obtained from microspores of a single anther.The ratios of green to albino microspore derived plants varied from 91 to 19 depending on culture conditions. Under anaerobic conditions, lactic acid and other organic acids may have damaged the organelles in the cells resulting in the formation of albino plants. Thus, direct embryogenesis by using a well-buffered, high Ficoll-high sugar medium and proper aeration are essential for obtaining high frequency of green plants from microspores.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - IBA 3 indolylbutyric acid  相似文献   

    The culture of isolated microspores of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Kymppi, an elite malting barley cultivar) was studied. A careful choice of culture steps resulted in an average regeneration frequency of 300 green plants per starting material spike. Strong seasonal variation in regeneration capacity was observed. The choice of a cold pretreatment method affected the viability of microspores. A cold pretreatment of the collected starting material at +4°C for 4 weeks was needed for the efficient regeneration of green plants from isolated microspore cultures. Glutamine omission from and copper additions to microspore culture were studied. The omission of glutamine did not affect the number of regenerated green plants but did result in an increase in the number of regenerated albino plants. The addition of copper did not improve the regeneration capacity of isolated barley microspores. Transformation by particle bombardment of isolated microspores did not result in the production of transgenic plants.  相似文献   

    Isolated microspores of Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Igri were incubated in the presence of different sugars. In the presence of maltose, the optimum concentration for the development of embryoids or calluses from the microspores was 175 mM. At this concentration 0.2% of the cells developed into embryoids or calluses. Microspores cultured without a carbohydrate source died after three days' incubation. In contrast microspores incubated in the presence of sucrose, glucose or fructose died within three days. Moreover, microspores also died when incubated in the presence of a combination of 175 mM maltose with varying concentrations of either sucrose, glucose or fructose. It is concluded that incubation of microspores in the presence of sucrose, glucose or fructose results in the death of the cells via some unknown mechanism. In contrast to this, maltose can sustain development of embryoids and calluses from cultured microspores.  相似文献   

    Procedures that induce microspore embryogenesis have been described for a range of Brassica species, but embryo yield remains low for a number of genotypes. We have carried out experiments with the microspores from a weakly responsive line of B. napus to determine the culture conditions that optimize their in vitro embryogenesis by treating them with effectors of ethylene synthesis and action. The results revealed that isolated microspores subjected to an initial heat stress in a medium supplemented with inhibitors of ethylene synthesis such as AVG and CoCl2 exhibited significantly increased embryo yields. This suggested that regulatory effects are exerted by the ethylene produced by the isolated microspores on the early processes of gametogenesis. As a consequence, treatment of microspores with SAM, an ethylene synthesis precursor, or with the ethylene-releasing agent ethephon, led to decreases in embryo yield. A special response to ethylene during the early stages of microspore development was finally shown to occur through experiments where isolated microspores were treated for increasing periods of time with CoCl2. Collectively, our data demonstrated that the induction of embryogenesis induced by heat stress can be enhanced by inhibitors of ethylene biosynthesis.  相似文献   

    Microspores of Datura metel L. have a thin tonoplast which, upon culture in vitro, develops a more or less uniform coating or deposit (as early as 12 h). This response was specific for embryogenic microspores, thereby making it possible to distinguish them from the nonembryogenic microspores. Cytochemical tests indicated the presence of tannins in this deposit which persists only until the early globular stage of embryogenesis. Thus tannin-coated tonoplasts can be used as a reliable and specific cytological marker for microspores following the embryogenic pathway in vitro.  相似文献   

    The regulation of developmental pathways in cultured microspores of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L) and snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus L) by medium pH is described for the first time. Unicellular tobacco and snapdragon microspores developed into normal, fertile pollen when cultured in media T1 and AT3 at pH 7.0 and 25°C for 6 and 8 days, respectively. First, pollen mitosis was asymmetric and mature pollen grains were filled with starch granules and germinated upon transfer to a germination medium. However, when tobacco and snapdragon microspores were cultured in media T1 and AT3, respectively, at pH 8.0–8.5 for 4–6 days at 25 °C, the frequency of symmetric division increased significantly with the formation two nuclei of equal size, and the gametophytic pathway was blocked, as seen by the lack of starch accumulation and the inhibition of pollen germination. The transfer of these microspores to embryogenesis medium AT3 at pH 6.5 resulted in the formation of multicellular structures in both species and, in tobacco, in the formation of embryos and plants. In order to understand the possible mechanisms of the action of high pH, sucrose metabolism was analysed in isolated microspores of tobacco cultured at various pH values. Invertase (EC activity in microspores was maximal at pH 5.0 and strongly decreased at higher pH, leading to a slow-down of sucrose cleavage. At the same time the incorporation of 14C-labelled sucrose from the medium into microspores was drastically reduced at high pH. These data suggest that isolated microspores are not able to metabolise carbohydrates at high pH and thus undergo starvation stress, which was shown earlier to block the gametophytic pathway and trigger sporophytic development.  相似文献   

    P. Scott  R. L. Lyne  T. ap Rees 《Planta》1995,197(3):435-441
    The aim of this work was to discover why barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) microspores die when cultured on media containing 40 mM sucrose but undergo embryogenesis on 40 mM maltose. Freshly isolated microspores were cultured for 6–24 h on media containing either [U-14C]maltose or [U-14C]sucrose at 40 mM, and the detailed distribution of 14C was determined. The amounts of glycolytic intermediates, ATP, ADP and AMP, in microspores were also measured. Cultures on sucrose differed from those on maltose in that the initial rate of metabolism was faster but declined rapidly, less 14C was recovered in polymers and more in alanine, there was extensive leakage of assimilated carbon, significant accumulation of ethanol and a lower adenylate energy charge. It is argued that microspores cultured on 40 mM sucrose die because they metabolize the sugar rapidly, become hypoxic and, as a result, accumulate large quantities of ethanol within the cells. Metabolism of maltose is slower and there is sufficient oxygen available to allow cells to survive in culture. Consequently some of the cultured cells undergo embryogenesis.P.S. thanks the Science and Engineering Research Council and Shell Research Ltd., Sittingbourne, for a Cooperative Award in Science and Engineering studentship.  相似文献   

     Electroporation is becoming an increasingly important technique for plant transformation. Nevertheless, no positive results were achieved in barley when uninucleate microspores were used as target cells. Since it was previously demonstrated that electric shocks create pores in the microspore cell wall, experiments were designed to verify the presence of nucleases in the electroporation mix. Aliquots of all the solutions used for microspore extraction, purification and transformation were collected and analysed using supercoiled pBI 221 as a substrate; a nuclease activity was detected in all samples. Though microspore rinsing removed most nucleolytic activity in the supernatants, DNA preservation in the electroporation buffer was difficult to achieve, because microspores appeared capable of synthesising and releasing endonucleases at any time. Microspore chilling at 0°C was fairly effective in reducing nuclease secretion in the mix, whereas 1%PEG or 10 mM EDTA maintained most of the DNA in a supercoiled or circular relaxed form. EDTA effects were counterbalanced by Mg2+, but not Ca2+ or Zn2+, and enhanced by Mn2+. Barley microspore nucleases actively degraded different DNAs as well as TMV RNA, and apparently had a molecular weight above 30 kDa. Nuclease inactivation with EDTA did not alter microspore viability and allowed a transient expression of the uidA gene in electroporated barley microspores. Received: 13 January 1997 / Accepted: 28 February 1997  相似文献   

    Summary Lucerne (alfalfa —Medicago sativa) pollen, cultured at the late unicellular stage, followed one of two developmental pathways: (1) A pathway involving symmetric mitosis which produces pollen containing two vegetative (2 V) or two generative (2 G) pollen. This morphology was only observed in culture, and pollen which followed this developmental path is defined as non-physiological. Occasionally the formation of multi-nucleate pollen grains containing from 4–9 cells were observed. Sustained divisions were not observed. (2) The production of bicellular (V+G) pollen followed by tricellular (V+2G) pollen. Since these types of grains are encountered during development in vivo, pollen following this developmental pathway is defined as physiological. The proportion of pollen that divided was enhanced by a cold treatment at 4°C for one week, prior to culture. The ratio of non-physiological (i.e., 2V or 2G) to physiological pollen (G+V or 2G+V) was found to be affected by the nature of the osmoticum in the medium. Media containing maltose or melibiose gave higher proportions of non-physiological pollen than media containing glucose or sucrose.Culture of detached anthers favoured the formation of 2G pollen whereas culture of whole buds favoured the development of 2V pollen. The ratio of non-physiological to physiological pollen after 1 week of culture was used as a criterion for identifying protocols and media which may be more suitable for inducing sustained cell division in lucerne microspores.  相似文献   

    Maize zygotes formed in planta were isolated and co-cultured with barley microspores. Evidence suggests that culture with microspores and/or conditioned media in barley promoted zygotic embryo formation. In order to characterise active substances present in the conditioned media, we collected medium at various times after the initiation of culture. We showed that proteins appeared over time and that their quantity increased during the course of the culture. Some proteins were glycosylated as revealed by the ConA peroxidase test. The use of the antigen -glucosyl Yariv reagent has shown that arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs) were present. In addition, conditioned medium samples were analysed for their oligosaccharide content. New oligosaccharides appear in the course of the culture but they do not seem to affect development. We discuss in details the results in the context of understanding cell-cell interactions between embryo and nurse cells and the possible parallel with that occurs in ovulo between endosperm and embryo.  相似文献   

    Few biochemical and molecular details are available on microspore growth and development. In this work, a nuclease was partially purified from diffusates of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) microspores by using concanavalin-A as ligand. The chromatographic preparation contained a 34-kDa protein with nucleolytic activity; the enzyme (called BMN: barley microspore nuclease) was very stable at pH > 8.0 and temperatures below 50 degrees C. Activity was highest at pH 5.6 and increased almost exponentially with temperature until a breakpoint between activity and stability was reached at 70 degrees C. Although BMN was able to cleave RNA, the enzyme showed a remarkable preference for DNA, especially in the single-stranded form. The best homopolymeric substrates were poly(dA) and poly(A), whereas poly(dC), poly(G) and poly(I) were almost completely uncleaved. When incubated with intact nuclei, BMN caused a nucleosomal DNA ladder of approximately 200 bp. On the basis of DNA laddering, substrate specificity, Mg2+ -dependence and best performance at apoplastic pH, BMN can be referred to as a putative apoptotic nuclease involved in pollen development.  相似文献   

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