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In land plants polar auxin transport is one of the substantial processes guiding whole plant polarity and morphogenesis. Directional auxin fluxes are mediated by PIN auxin efflux carriers, polarly localized at the plasma membrane. The polarization of exocytosis in yeast and animals is assisted by the exocyst: an octameric vesicle‐tethering complex and an effector of Rab and Rho GTPases. Here we show that rootward polar auxin transport is compromised in roots of Arabidopsis thaliana loss‐of‐function mutants in the EXO70A1 exocyst subunit. The recycling of PIN1 and PIN2 proteins from brefeldin–A compartments is delayed after the brefeldin‐A washout in exo70A1 and sec8 exocyst mutants. Relocalization of PIN1 and PIN2 proteins after prolonged brefeldin‐A treatment is largely impaired in these mutants. At the same time, however, plasma membrane localization of GFP:EXO70A1, and the other exocyst subunits studied (GFP:SEC8 and YFP:SEC10), is resistant to brefeldin‐A treatment. In root cells of the exo70A1 mutant, a portion of PIN2 is internalized and retained in specific, abnormally enlarged, endomembrane compartments that are distinct from VHA‐a1‐labelled early endosomes or the trans‐Golgi network, but are RAB‐A5d positive. We conclude that the exocyst is involved in PIN1 and PIN2 recycling, and thus in polar auxin transport regulation.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, silencing of hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA shikimate/quinate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (HCT), a lignin biosynthetic gene, results in a strong reduction of plant growth. We show that, in HCT-silenced plants, lignin synthesis repression leads to the redirection of the metabolic flux into flavonoids through chalcone synthase activity. Several flavonol glycosides and acylated anthocyanin were shown to accumulate in higher amounts in silenced plants. By contrast, sinapoylmalate levels were barely affected, suggesting that the synthesis of that phenylpropanoid compound might be HCT-independent. The growth phenotype of HCT-silenced plants was shown to be controlled by light and to depend on chalcone synthase expression. Histochemical analysis of silenced stem tissues demonstrated altered tracheary elements. The level of plant growth reduction of HCT-deficient plants was correlated with the inhibition of auxin transport. Suppression of flavonoid accumulation by chalcone synthase repression in HCT-deficient plants restored normal auxin transport and wild-type plant growth. By contrast, the lignin structure of the plants simultaneously repressed for HCT and chalcone synthase remained as severely altered as in HCT-silenced plants, with a large predominance of nonmethoxylated H units. These data demonstrate that the reduced size phenotype of HCT-silenced plants is not due to the alteration of lignin synthesis but to flavonoid accumulation.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis GNOM gene encodes an ARF GDP/GTP exchange factor involved in embryonic axis formation and polar localisation of the auxin efflux regulator PIN1. To examine whether GNOM also plays a role in post-embryonic development and to clarify its involvement in auxin transport, we have characterised newly isolated weak gnom alleles as well as trans-heterozygotes of complementing strong alleles. These genotypes form a phenotypic series of GNOM activity in post-embryonic development, with auxin-related defects, especially in the maintenance of primary root meristem activity and in the initiation and organisation of lateral root primordia. Our results suggest a model for GNOM action mediating auxin transport in both embryogenesis and post-embryonic organ development.  相似文献   

GNOM is one of the most characterized membrane trafficking regulators in plants, with crucial roles in development. GNOM encodes an ARF-guanine nucleotide exchange factor (ARF-GEF) that activates small GTPases of the ARF (ADP ribosylation factor) class to mediate vesicle budding at endomembranes. The crucial role of GNOM in recycling of PIN auxin transporters and other proteins to the plasma membrane was identified in studies using the ARF-GEF inhibitor brefeldin A (BFA). GNOM, the most prominent regulator of recycling in plants, has been proposed to act and localize at so far elusive recycling endosomes. Here, we report the GNOM localization in context of its cellular function in Arabidopsis thaliana. State-of-the-art imaging, pharmacological interference, and ultrastructure analysis show that GNOM predominantly localizes to Golgi apparatus. Super-resolution confocal live imaging microscopy identified GNOM and its closest homolog GNOM-like 1 at distinct subdomains on Golgi cisternae. Short-term BFA treatment stabilizes GNOM at the Golgi apparatus, whereas prolonged exposures results in GNOM translocation to trans-Golgi network (TGN)/early endosomes (EEs). Malformed TGN/EE in gnom mutants suggests a role for GNOM in maintaining TGN/EE function. Our results redefine the subcellular action of GNOM and reevaluate the identity and function of recycling endosomes in plants.  相似文献   

Aluminium (Al) stress is a major limiting factor for worldwide crop production in acid soils. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the TAA1-dependent local auxin biosynthesis in the root-apex transition zone (TZ), the major perception site for Al toxicity, is crucial for the Al-induced root-growth inhibition, while the mechanism underlying Al-regulated auxin accumulation in the TZ is not fully understood. In the present study, the role of auxin transport in Al-induced local auxin accumulation in the TZ and root-growth inhibition was investigated. Our results showed that PIN-FORMED (PIN) proteins such as PIN1, PIN3, PIN4 and PIN7 and AUX1/LAX proteins such as AUX1, LAX1 and LAX2 were all ectopically up-regulated in the root-apex TZ in response to Al stress and coordinately regulated local auxin accumulation in the TZ and root-growth inhibition. The ectopic up-regulation of PIN1 in the TZ under Al stress was regulated by both ethylene and auxin, with auxin signalling acting downstream of ethylene. Al-induced PIN1 up-regulation and auxin accumulation in the root-apex TZ was also regulated by the calossin-like protein BIG. Together, our results provide insight into how Al stress induces local auxin accumulation in the TZ and root-growth inhibition through the local regulation of auxin transport.  相似文献   

The principal objective of the space experiment, BRIC-AUX on STS-95, was the integrated analysis of the growth and development of etiolated pea and maize seedlings in space, and the effect of microgravity conditions in space on auxin polar transport in the segments. Microgravity conditions in space strongly affected the growth and development of etiolated pea and maize seedlings. Etiolated pea and maize seedlings were leaned and curved during space flight, respectively. Finally the growth inhibition of these seedlings was also observed. Roots of some pea seedlings grew toward the aerial space of Plant Growth Chamber. Extensibilities of cell walls of the third internode of etiolated pea epicotyls and the top region of etiolated maize coleoptiles which were germinated and grown under microgravity conditions in space were significantly low. Activities of auxin polar transport in the second internode segments of etiolated pea seedlings and coleoptile segments of etiolated maize seedlings were significantly inhibited and extremely promoted, respectively, under microgravity conditions in space. These results strongly suggest that auxin polar transport as well as the growth and development of plants is controlled under gravity on the earth.  相似文献   

Gravity-induced root curvature involves the asymmetric distribution of the phytohormone auxin. This response depends on the concerted activities of the auxin transporters such as PIN-FORMED(PIN)proteins for auxin efflux and AUXIN RESISTANT 1(AUX1) for auxin influx. However, how the auxin gradient is established remains elusive. Here we identified a new mutant with a short root, strong auxin distribution in the lateral root cap and an impaired gravitropic response. The causal gene encoded an Arab...  相似文献   

The rate and plane of cell division and anisotropic cell growth are critical for plant development and are regulated by diverse mechanisms involving several hormone signaling pathways. Little is known about peptide signaling in plant growth; however, Arabidopsis thaliana POLARIS (PLS), encoding a 36-amino acid peptide, is required for correct root growth and vascular development. Mutational analysis implicates a role for the peptide in hormone responses, but the basis of PLS action is obscure. Using the Arabidopsis root as a model to study PLS action in plant development, we discovered a link between PLS, ethylene signaling, auxin homeostasis, and microtubule cytoskeleton dynamics. Mutation of PLS results in an enhanced ethylene-response phenotype, defective auxin transport and homeostasis, and altered microtubule sensitivity to inhibitors. These defects, along with the short-root phenotype, are suppressed by genetic and pharmacological inhibition of ethylene action. PLS expression is repressed by ethylene and induced by auxin. Our results suggest a mechanism whereby PLS negatively regulates ethylene responses to modulate cell division and expansion via downstream effects on microtubule cytoskeleton dynamics and auxin signaling, thereby influencing root growth and lateral root development. This mechanism involves a regulatory loop of auxin-ethylene interactions.  相似文献   

Polarized tip growth is a fundamental cellular process in many eukaryotic organisms, mediating growth of neuronal axons and dendrites or fungal hyphae. In plants, pollen and root hairs are cellular model systems for analysing tip growth. Cell growth depends on membrane traffic. The regulation of this membrane traffic is largely unknown for tip-growing cells, in contrast to cells exhibiting intercalary growth. Here we show that in Arabidopsis, GBF1-related exchange factors for the ARF GTPases (ARF GEFs) GNOM and GNL2 play essential roles in polar tip growth of root hairs and pollen, respectively. When expressed from the same promoter, GNL2 (in contrast to the early-secretory ARF GEF GNL1) is able to replace GNOM in polar recycling of the auxin efflux regulator PIN1 from endosomes to the basal plasma membrane in non-tip growing cells. Thus, polar recycling facilitates polar tip growth, and GNL2 seems to have evolved to meet the specific requirement of fast-growing pollen in higher plants.  相似文献   

Auxin acts synergistically with cytokinin to control the shoot stem‐cell niche, while both hormones act antagonistically to maintain the root meristem. In aluminum (Al) stress‐induced root growth inhibition, auxin plays an important role. However, the role of cytokinin in this process is not well understood. In this study, we show that cytokinin enhances root growth inhibition under stress by mediating Al‐induced auxin signaling. Al stress triggers a local cytokinin response in the root‐apex transition zone (TZ) that depends on IPTs, which encode adenosine phosphate isopentenyltransferases and regulate cytokinin biosynthesis. IPTs are up‐regulated specifically in the root‐apex TZ in response to Al stress and promote local cytokinin biosynthesis and inhibition of root growth. The process of root growth inhibition is also controlled by ethylene signaling which acts upstream of auxin. In summary, different from the situation in the root meristem, auxin acts with cytokinin in a synergistic way to mediate aluminum‐induced root growth inhibition in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Flavonoids represent a class of secondary metabolites with diverse functions in plants including ultraviolet protection, pathogen defense, and interspecies communication. They are also known as modulators of signaling processes in plant and animal systems and therefore are considered to have beneficial effects as nutraceuticals. The rol1-2 (for repressor of lrx1) mutation of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) induces aberrant accumulation of flavonols and a cell-growth phenotype in the shoot. The hyponastic cotyledons, aberrant shape of pavement cells, and deformed trichomes in rol1-2 mutants are suppressed by blocking flavonoid biosynthesis, suggesting that the altered flavonol accumulation in these plants induces the shoot phenotype. Indeed, the identification of several transparent testa, myb, and fls1 (for flavonol synthase1) alleles in a rol1-2 suppressor screen provides genetic evidence that flavonols interfere with shoot development in rol1-2 seedlings. The increased accumulation of auxin in rol1-2 seedlings appears to be caused by a flavonol-induced modification of auxin transport. Quantification of auxin export from mesophyll protoplasts revealed that naphthalene-1-acetic acid but not indole-3-acetic acid transport is affected by the rol1-2 mutation. Inhibition of flavonol biosynthesis in rol1-2 fls1-3 restores naphthalene-1-acetic acid transport to wild-type levels, indicating a very specific mode of action of flavonols on the auxin transport machinery.  相似文献   

In contrast to animals, little is known about pattern formation in plants. Physiological and genetic data suggest the involvement of the phytohormone auxin in this process. Here, we characterize a novel member of the PIN family of putative auxin efflux carriers, Arabidopsis PIN4, that is localized in developing and mature root meristems. Atpin4 mutants are defective in establishment and maintenance of endogenous auxin gradients, fail to canalize externally applied auxin, and display various patterning defects in both embryonic and seedling roots. We propose a role for AtPIN4 in generating a sink for auxin below the quiescent center of the root meristem that is essential for auxin distribution and patterning.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Plants achieve remarkable plasticity in shoot system architecture by regulating the activity of secondary shoot meristems, laid down in the axil of each leaf. Axillary meristem activity, and hence shoot branching, is regulated by a network of interacting hormonal signals that move through the plant. Among these, auxin, moving down the plant in the main stem, indirectly inhibits axillary bud outgrowth, and an as yet undefined hormone, the synthesis of which in Arabidopsis requires MAX1, MAX3, and MAX4, moves up the plant and also inhibits shoot branching. Since the axillary buds of max4 mutants are resistant to the inhibitory effects of apically supplied auxin, auxin and the MAX-dependent hormone must interact to inhibit branching. RESULTS: Here we show that the resistance of max mutant buds to apically supplied auxin is largely independent of the known, AXR1-mediated, auxin signal transduction pathway. Instead, it is caused by increased capacity for auxin transport in max primary stems, which show increased expression of PIN auxin efflux facilitators. The max phenotype is dependent on PIN1 activity, but it is independent of flavonoids, which are known regulators of PIN-dependent auxin transport. CONCLUSIONS: The MAX-dependent hormone is a novel regulator of auxin transport. Modulation of auxin transport in the stem is sufficient to regulate bud outgrowth, independent of AXR1-mediated auxin signaling. We therefore propose an additional mechanism for long-range signaling by auxin in which bud growth is regulated by competition between auxin sources for auxin transport capacity in the primary stem.  相似文献   

Beemster GT  Baskin TI 《Plant physiology》2000,124(4):1718-1727
Plants control organ growth rate by adjusting the rate and duration of cell division and expansion. Surprisingly, there have been few studies where both parameters have been measured in the same material, and thus we have little understanding of how division and expansion are regulated interdependently. We have investigated this regulation in the root meristem of the stunted plant 1 (stp1) mutation of Arabidopsis, the roots of which elongate more slowly than those of the wild type and fail to accelerate. We used a kinematic method to quantify the spatial distribution of the rate and extent of cell division and expansion, and we compared stp1 with wild type and with wild type treated with exogenous cytokinin (1 microM zeatin) or auxin (30 nM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid). All treatments reduced average cell division rates, which reduced cell production by the meristem. Auxin lowered root elongation by narrowing the elongation zone and reducing the time spent by a cell in this zone, but did not decrease maximal strain rate. In addition, auxin increased the length of the meristem. In contrast, cytokinin reduced root elongation by lowering maximal strain rate, but did not change the time spent by a cell within the elongation zone; also, cytokinin blocked the increase in length and cell number of the meristem and elongation zone. The cytokinin-treated wild type phenocopied stp1 in nearly every detail, supporting the hypothesis that cytokinin affects root growth via STP1. The opposite effects of auxin and cytokinin suggest that the balance of these hormones may control the size of the meristem.  相似文献   

Endocytosis is a crucial mechanism by which eukaryotic cells internalize extracellular and plasma membrane material, and it is required for a multitude of cellular and developmental processes in unicellular and multicellular organisms. In animals and yeast, the best characterized pathway for endocytosis depends on the function of the vesicle coat protein clathrin. Clathrin-mediated endocytosis has recently been demonstrated also in plant cells, but its physiological and developmental roles remain unclear. Here, we assessed the roles of the clathrin-mediated mechanism of endocytosis in plants by genetic means. We interfered with clathrin heavy chain (CHC) function through mutants and dominant-negative approaches in Arabidopsis thaliana and established tools to manipulate clathrin function in a cell type-specific manner. The chc2 single mutants and dominant-negative CHC1 (HUB) transgenic lines were defective in bulk endocytosis as well as in internalization of prominent plasma membrane proteins. Interference with clathrin-mediated endocytosis led to defects in constitutive endocytic recycling of PIN auxin transporters and their polar distribution in embryos and roots. Consistent with this, these lines had altered auxin distribution patterns and associated auxin transport-related phenotypes, such as aberrant embryo patterning, imperfect cotyledon specification, agravitropic growth, and impaired lateral root organogenesis. Together, these data demonstrate a fundamental role for clathrin function in cell polarity, growth, patterning, and organogenesis in plants.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin (NTR/TRX) and glutathione (GSH/GRX) are the two major systems that play a key role in the maintenance of cellular redox homeostasis. They are essential for plant development, cell division or the response to environmental stresses. In a recent article,1 we studied the interplay between the NADP-linked thioredoxin and glutathione systems in auxin signaling genetically, by associating TRX reductase (ntra ntrb) and glutathione biosynthesis (cad2) mutations. We show that these two thiol reduction pathways interfere with developmental processes. This occurs through modulation of auxin activity as shown by genetic analyses of loss of function mutations in a triple ntra ntrb cad2 mutant. The triple mutant develops almost normally at the rosette stage but fails to generate lateral organs from the inflorescence meristem, producing almost naked stems that are reminiscent of mutants affected in PAT (polar auxin transport) or biosynthesis. The triple mutant exhibits other defects in processes regulated by auxin, including a loss of apical dominance, vasculature defects and reduced secondary root production. Furthermore, it has lower auxin (IAA) levels and decreased capacity for PAT, suggesting that the NTR and glutathione pathways influence inflorescence meristem development through regulation of auxin transport and metabolism.Key words: arabidopsis, NTS pathway, NGS pathway, thioredoxin (TRX), glutaredoxine (GRX), polar auxin transport (PAT), auxin biosynthesis, pin-like phenotype, apical dominance, meristematic activityExposure of living organisms to environmental stresses triggers various defense and developmental responses. Redox signaling is involved in many aspects of these responses.26 The key players in these responses are the NADPH-dependent glutathione/glutaredoxin system (NGS) and the NADPH-dependent thioredoxin system (NTS). TRX and GRX play key roles in the maintenance of cellular redox homeostasis.710 Genetic approaches aiming to identify functions of TRX and GRX in knock-out plants have largely been limited by the absence of phenotypes of single mutants, presumably due to functional redundancies among members of the multigene families of TRX and GRX.11 Interplay between NTS and NGS pathways have been studied in different organisms1217 and association of mutants involved in these two pathways have recently revealed new functions in several aspects of plant development.46  相似文献   

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