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The homodimeric cooperative hemoglobin from the mollusk Scapharca inaequivalvis displays an unusual subunit assembly with respect to vertebrate hemoglobins. The intersubunit contact region is formed by the two heme-carrying E and F helices, which bring the two hemes in contact with each other. At variance with tetrameric vertebrate hemoglobins, the ligand binding is not accompanied by a significant quaternary transition. The major ligand-linked changes are tertiary and are limited to the heme pocket and subunit interface. These unique structural features of HbI are not easily reconciled with the classical thermodynamic models used to describe cooperative ligand binding in vertebrate hemoglobins. The lack of distinct quaternary states and the absence of allosteric effectors suggested that cooperativity in HbI is entirely homotropic in origin. Thereafter, high resolution X-ray crystallographic data displayed the preferential binding of water molecules at the intersubunit interface in the unliganded protein with respect to the liganded one. These ordered water molecules were thus proposed to act as heterotropic effectors in HbI. The contribution of specific water binding to the observed cooperativity in HbI is discussed in the framework of the enthalpy-entropy compensation effect emerging from previous accurate equilibrium oxygen binding measurements.  相似文献   

The homodimeric hemoglobin from Scapharca inaequivalvis has an unusual spatial arrangement of the subunits (Royer, W.E., Jr., Love, W.E., and Fenderson, F.F. (1985) Nature 316, 277-280). The time course of oxygen and nitric oxide rebinding to this protein following flash photolysis has been measured on a nanosecond time scale. A large amplitude is observed with a half-time of 20 ns (NO). With oxygen the half-time decreases from 70 ns at low fractional photolysis to 30 ns at large breakdown. The second order rate of NO binding is 1.6 x 10(7)/MS, and is the same as that for oxygen. Analysis of the geminate data suggests that oxygen and nitric oxide react more rapidly with the heme than in myoglobin, but also escape much more rapidly from its vicinity.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the reaction with oxygen and carbon monoxide of the homodimeric hemoglobin from the bivalve mollusc Scapharca inaequivalvis has been extensively investigated by flash and dye-laser photolysis, temperature jump relaxation, and stopped flow methods. The results indicate that cooperativity in ligand binding, already observed for oxygen at equilibrium, finds its kinetic counterpart in a large decrease of the oxygen dissociation velocity in the second step of the binding reaction. In the case of carbon monoxide, cooperativity is clearly evident in the increase of the combination velocity constant as the reaction proceeds. Therefore, the ligand-binding kinetics of this dimeric hemoglobin shows the characteristic features of the corresponding reactions of tetrameric hemoglobins. Analysis of the data in terms of the allosteric model proposed by Monod et al. (Monod, J., Wyman, J., and Changeux, J. P. (1965) J. Mol. Biol. 12, 88-118) has shown that the values of the allosteric parameters cannot be fixed uniquely for a dimeric hemoglobin. The rapid changes in absorbance observed at the isosbestic points of unliganded and liganded hemoglobin following laser photolysis provided a value of 7 X 10(4) S-1 at 20 degrees C for the rate of the ligand-free quarternary conformational change, postulated on the basis of cooperative ligand binding. Comparison of the rapid absorbance changes observed during ligand rebinding in this hemoglobin with those observed in tuna hemoglobin indicate that, at full photolysis, binding to the T state is followed by further binding and conversion to the liganded R state; at partial photolysis, population of the liganded T state occurs immediately and is followed by a decay to the liganded R state upon further ligand binding. These new results, in conjunction with previous equilibrium data on the same system, show unequivocally that the presence of two different types of chain is not an absolute prerequisite for cooperativity in hemoglobins, contrary to currently accepted ideas.  相似文献   

The proton nuclear-magnetic-resonance spectra of the cyano-met complexes of the cooperative dimeric and tetrameric hemoglobins from the mollusk Scapharca inaequivalvis have been investigated and compared to those of other structurally characterized oxygen binding hemoproteins. For these proteins, cooperativity is displayed even in the homodimer and preliminary X-ray structural data reveal an unusual back-to-front assembly with intersubunit contacts involving the EF helices [Royer, W. E., Love, W. E. + Fenderson, F. F. (1985) Nature (Lond.) 316, 277-280]. The pattern of hyperfine shifts is very similar for the dimer and tetramer chains, but distinctly different from those of previously characterized low-spin, ferric heme proteins. Individual heme resonances are identified by reconstituting the protein with specifically deuterated hemes. While the axial interactions involving the proximal and distal histidines are very similar to that in myoglobins and other hemoglobins, both the heme contact shift pattern and the amino acid dipolar shift pattern reflect a significantly reduced asymmetry. The decreased spread of the non-cordinated amino acid signals is interpreted in terms of a rotation of the magnetic axes relative to those in myoglobin or other hemoglobins, rather than a change in the magnetic anisotropy. The decreased spread of the heme methyl contact shifts supports this conclusion and is consistent with an orientation of the proximal histidine with the imidazole ring rotated by about 30-40 degrees relative to that in other structurally characterized proteins. Although resonances associated with a complex pattern of alternate heme orientations can be detected immediately after reconstitution of the protein, the isolated protein was found to exhibit insignificant equilibrium heme rotational disorder.  相似文献   

The CO-binding kinetics and the optical spectra of the NO derivative of the homodimeric hemoglobin from Scapharca inaequivalvis have been investigated over the range between pH 7.0 and 2.0. In the deoxygenated derivative, protonation of the proximal imidazole at very low pH values and the consequent cleavage of the Fe-N epsilon bond result in a approximately 50-fold enhancement of the rate constant for CO binding, as found in other hemoproteins. However, in the case of the hemoglobin from S. inaequivalvis, the pH profile displays a cooperative behavior (n = 1.8 +/- 0.1), a unique feature that differentiates this protein from any other hemoprotein investigated thus far. Cleavage of the proximal bond in the NO derivative of S. inaequivalvis hemoglobin likewise displays a very steep pH transition. The mode of assembly of the homodimer, in which the heme-carrying E and F helices provide the subunit interface and bring the hemes at a much shorter distance (18.4 A) than in vertebrate hemoglobins, is likely to provide the structural basis for this unique behavior.  相似文献   

The study of the thermal evolution of the Soret band in heme proteins has proved to be a useful tool to understand their stereodynamic properties; moreover, it enables one to relate protein matrix fluctuations and functional behavior when carried out in combination with kinetic experiments on carbon monoxide rebinding after flash photolysis. In this work, we report the thermal evolution of the Soret band of deoxy, carbonmonoxy, and nitric oxide derivatives of the cooperative homodimeric Scapharca inaequivalvis hemoglobin in the temperature range 10-300 K and the carbon monoxide rebinding kinetics after flash photolysis in the temperature range 60-200 K. The two sets of results indicate that Scapharca hemoglobin has a very rigid protein structure compared with other hemeproteins. This feature is brought out i) by the absence of nonharmonic contributions to the soft modes coupled to the Soret band in the liganded derivatives, and ii) by the almost "in plane" position of the iron atom in the photoproduct obtained approximately 10(-8) s after dissociating the bound carbon monoxide molecule at 15 K.  相似文献   

In the cooperative, homodimeric hemoglobin from Scapharca inaequivalvis, HbI, the subunit interface is formed by the heme-carrying E and F helices and contains the only cysteine residue of the globin chain (Cys92, F2) in an area which changes from hydrophilic to hydrophobic upon oxygenation. Binding of organomercurials to HbI is cooperative and entails major quaternary rearrangements. The reaction of Cys92 with p-chloromercuri-benzoate (PMB) and p-nitro-o-chloromercuriphenol (PN), a sensitive reporter of the cysteine microenvironment at neutral pH values, has been followed in stopped flow experiments. Kinetic evidence for the cooperativity of mercurial binding has been obtained and the rate of the corresponding conformational transition has been estimated. As expected PN, but not PMB, is able to monitor the oxygen-linked change of the cysteine microenvironment. The modification of Cys92 with PN has unique functional effects. In PN-reacted HbI cooperativity is maintained, albeit to a different extent, depending on the ligation state of the protein during mercaptide formation. It may be envisaged that PN locks the protein into new, cooperative, quaternary structures stabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions between the ionized nitrophenol moiety and the contralateral subunit.  相似文献   

The Fe site structure in the recombinant wild-type and T721 mutant of the cooperative homodimeric hemoglobin (HbI) of the mollusc Scapharca itnaequivalvis has been investigated by measuring the Fe K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectra of their oxy, deoxy and carbonmonoxy derivatives, and the cryogenic photoproducts of the carbonmonoxy derivatives at T = 12 K. According to our results, the Fe site geometry in T72I HbI-CO is quite similar to that of human carbonmonoxy hemoglobin (HbA-CO), while in native HbI-CO it seems intermediate between that of HbA-CO and sperm whale MbCO. The XANES spectra of oxy and deoxy derivatives are similar to the homologous spectra of human HbA, except for T72I HbI, for which the absorption edge is blue-shifted (about + 1 eV) towards the spectrum of the oxy form. XANES spectra of the cryogenic photoproducts of HbA-CO (HbA*), HbI-CO (HbI*) and mutant HbI-CO (T72I HbI*) were acquired under continuous illumination at 12 K. The Fe-heme structures of the three photoproducts are similar; however, while in the case of HbA* and HbI* the data indicate incomplete structural relaxation of the Fe-heme towards its deoxy-like (T) form, the relaxation in T72I HbI* is almost completely towards the proposed "high affinity" Fe-heme structure of T72I HbI. This evidence suggests that minor tertiary restraints affect the Fe-heme dynamics of T72I HbI, corresponding to a reduction of the energy necessary for the T --> R structural transition, which can contribute to the observed dramatic enhancement in oxygen affinity of this hemoprotein, and the decreased cooperativity.  相似文献   

In this study, we have investigated the positions of introns in the globin gene of Scapharca inaequivalvis homodimeric hemoglobin. We found the three exon/two intron organization typical of vertebrate globin genes, with the two introns in highly conserved positions, as it occurs in the A and B globin genes of the tetrameric hemoglobin from the same organism, confirming the absence of the so-called `central intron' found in the globin genes of plants and of some invertebrates. We identified two homodimeric globin genes (3207 and 2723 bp) that differ only with respect to the size of the first intron. Sequence analysis of the two first introns (1668 and 1364 bp) has revealed that they are highly homologous, except for a 569- and 296-bp insertion in each intron I. Interestingly, the two first introns contain regions with an unusually high identity (∼80%) with regions of the first intron of the congeneric clam Anadara trapezia and the related clam Barbatia reveana globin genes, suggesting that these uncoding regions may have played a regulatory role that has subsequently been lost during the course of the evolution.  相似文献   

The near-infrared charge transfer band at 760 nm (band III) has been investigated in deoxy and photodissociated dimeric Scapharca hemoglobin. At 300 K, the 10-ns spectrum of the carbonmonoxy derivative photoproduct is shifted by about 6 nm toward longer wavelengths with respect to the deoxy spectrum, both in buffer and in glycerol/buffer solutions. Moreover, the band III peak occurs at about the same wavelength at 300 K and at 10 K for the 10-ns photodissociated derivative, whereas in the deoxy derivative large changes in peak position and linewidth are observed as a function of temperature. These findings suggest that in dimeric Scapharca hemoglobin the photoproduct has not relaxed after 10 ns. The complete time dependence of the relaxation process has been studied both in buffer and in glycerol/buffer solutions at room temperature. The relaxation from the photoproduct to the deoxy species occurs on a microsecond time scale, in line with recent optical absorption and resonance Raman measurements.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the cooperative dimeric hemoglobin from the arcid clam, Scapharca inaequivalvis, has been determined in the carbonmonoxy state. The phase problem was solved for reflections with Bragg spacings greater than 3 A using anomalous scattering from the porphyrin iron atoms measured at a single wavelength in combination with molecular averaging. The model built into this electron density map has been refined at 2.4 A resolution by means of stereochemically restrained least squares minimization to a conventional R-value of 0.156. The root mean square deviation from ideal bond lengths and angles are 0.013 A and 1.7 degrees, respectively. In addition to the 2336 hemoglobin atoms, 214 water molecules have been incorporated into the model. This structure reveals the details of an assemblage of two identical myoglobin-like subunits that is radically different from vertebrate hemoglobins. The subunit interface is formed by direct apposition of the E and F helices, whereas these surfaces are external in vertebrate hemoglobins. The interface has both hydrophobic and hydrophilic character. Two symmetrically related hydrophobic regions are formed between subunits. Six residues are involved in each of these regions that pack tightly enough to exclude water but have only a few atoms in close van der Waals contact. A number of ordered water molecules line the interface and form bridging hydrogen bonds between subunits. Four intersubunit ionic interactions are formed, two of which involve negatively charged propionate groups of the porphyrin. In contrast to cooperative vertebrate hemoglobins, a hydrogen bond network provides a direct route for communication between the two heme groups.  相似文献   

Proton NMR spectra have been measured for the two hemoglobins from the mollusc Scapharca inaequivalvis: HbI, a homodimer, and HbII, a heterotetramer. These hemoglobins are endowed with a unique subunit assembly, since the heme carrying E and F helices are involved in the major intersubunit contact. In the far-downfield region of hyperfine-shifted resonances the spectra of HbI and HbII in the deoxy state show respectively one (66.7 ppm) and two (67.8 and 63.6 ppm) exchangeable signals of the proximal histidine N delta H groups, the resonance position being indicative of a significant strain in the iron-imidazole interaction. In the hydrogen-bonded proton region, inter- and intrasubunit hydrogen-bonded proton signals have been detected for both hemoglobins. Deoxy-HbI shows two unique downfield resonances at 11.83 and 11.51 ppm which disappear in the oxygenated state, suggesting that the corresponding hydrogen bonds are involved in the stabilization of the tertiary and/or quaternary structure of the deoxy form. HbII shows even smaller changes in this region upon changes in ligation state. These results therefore provide further proof that, at variance with the vertebrate hemoglobin tetramer, the unique subunit assembly of these proteins is stabilized mainly by hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

The homodimeric hemoglobin from the mollusk Scapharca inaequivalvis possesses a single reactive cysteine residue per monomer, Cys92, which is located in the subunit interface in the vicinity of the heme group. The interplay between the heme iron and Cys92 towards the reaction with NO has been investigated by the combined use of electrospray mass spectrometry, FTIR and UV-Visible spectroscopy. When the ferrous liganded or unliganded protein reacts with free NO in solution Cys92 is not modified, but undergoes nitrosation when the hemoglobin is exposed to the nitric oxide releaser S-nitrosocysteine. When the ferric protein reacts with free NO under anaerobic conditions the heme iron is reduced and Cys92 is nitrosated. At variance with other hemeproteins investigated to date, in Scapharca HbI the heme-iron NO driven reduction is not accompanied by the formation of a ferric iron nitrosyl intermediate in detectable amounts. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the nitrosating agent is the NO(+) species, which is generated during the NO driven reduction of the ferric heme iron. The possible reaction mechanism is discussed in comparison with recent findings on human hemoglobin and myoglobin.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations, low temperature visible absorption spectroscopy, and resonance Raman spectroscopy have been performed on a mutant of the Scapharca inaequivalvis homodimeric hemoglobin, where residue threonine 72, at the subunit interface, has been substituted by isoleucine. Molecular dynamics simulation indicates that in the Thr-72-->Ile mutant several residues that have been shown to play a role in ligand binding fluctuate around orientations and distances similar to those observed in the x-ray structure of the CO derivative of the native hemoglobin, although the overall structure remains in the T state. Visible absorption spectroscopy data indicate that in the deoxy form the Soret band is less asymmetric in the mutant than in the native protein, suggesting a more planar heme structure; moreover, these data suggest a similar heme-solvent interaction in both the liganded and unliganded states of the mutant protein, at variance with that observed in the native protein. The "conformation sensitive" band III of the deoxy mutant protein is shifted to lower energy by >100 cm-1 with respect to the native one, about one-half of that observed in the low temperature photoproducts of both proteins, indicating a less polar or more hydrophobic heme environment. Resonance Raman spectroscopy data show a slight shift of the iron-proximal histidine stretching mode of the deoxy mutant toward lower frequency with respect to the native protein, which can be interpreted in terms of either a change in packing of the phenyl ring of Phe-97, as also observed from the simulation, or a loss of water in the heme pocket. In line with this latter interpretation, the number of water molecules that dynamically enters the intersubunit interface, as calculated by the molecular dynamics simulation, is lower in the mutant than in the native protein. The 10-ns photoproduct for the carbonmonoxy mutant derivative has a higher iron-proximal histidine stretching frequency than does the native protein. This suggests a subnanosecond relaxation that is slowed in the mutant, consistent with a stabilization of the R structure. Taken together, the molecular dynamics and the spectroscopic data indicate that the higher oxygen affinity displayed by the Thr-72-->Ile mutant is mainly due to a local perturbation in the dimer interface that propagates to the heme region, perturbing the polarity of the heme environment and propionate interactions. These changes are consistent with a destabilization of the T state and a stabilization of the R state in the mutant relative to the native protein.  相似文献   

K C Cho  J J Hopfield 《Biochemistry》1979,18(26):5826-5833
The molecular mechanism of hemoglobin cooperativity was studied kinetically by flash photolysis on mixed-state hemoglobins which consist of three ferrous carboxy subunits and one hybrid ferric subunit including fluoromet, azidomet, cyanatomet, and thiocyanatomet. The effects of conformational transitions on the hybrid subunit were detected by kinetic absorption spectroscopy after the CO was fully photodissociated from the binding sites by a large pulse of light from a tunable dye laser. The hemoglobin conformational transition rate was observed to depend on its state of ligation. At 22 degrees C, pH 7, and 0.1 M phosphate, the deoxy R yields T conformational change rate is 4 x 10(4)s-1. The rate decreases to 1.4 x 10(4)s-1 for singly ligated hemoglobin. The R yields T conformation change alters the energy separation between high- and low-spin states for azidomet, cyanatomet, and thiocyanatomet subunits by about 700, 300, and 300 cal/mol, respectively. There are two possible implications of this result: (1) the iron atom spin state is not the only major factor in the determination of its position with respect to the heme plane or (2) the change with conformation of the protein force exerted by the proximal histidine on the iron atom (for an iron to heme-plane displacement of less than 0.3 A) is less than 50% of that expected from simple models in which this motion is responsible for cooperativity.  相似文献   

Purified 50 S ribosomal subunits were found to contain significant amounts of protein coincident with the 30 S proteins S9 and/or S11 on two-dimensional polyacrylamide/urea electropherographs. Peptide mapping established that the protein was largely S9 with smaller amounts of S11. Proteins S5 and L6 were nearly coincident on the two-dimensional polyacrylamide/urea electropherographs. Peptide maps of material from the L6 spot obtained from purified 50 S subunits showed the presence of significant amounts of the peptides corresponding to S5. Experiments in which 35S-labelled 30 S subunits and non-radioactive 50 S subunits were reassociated to form 70 S ribosomes showed that some radioactive 30 S protein was transferred to the 50 S subunit. Most of the transferred radioactivity was associated with two proteins, S9 and S5. Sulfhydryl groups were added to the 50 S subunit by amidination with 2-iminothiolane (methyl 4-mercaptobutyrimidate). These were oxidized to form disulfide linkages, some of which crosslinked different proteins of the intact 50 S ribosomal subunit. Protein dimers were partially fractionated by sequential salt extraction and then by electrophoresis of each fraction in polyacrylamide gels containing urea. Slices of the gel were analysed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide/sodium dodecyl sulfate diagonal gel electrophoresis. Final identification of the constituent proteins in each dimer by two-dimensional polyacrylamide/urea gel electrophoresis showed that 50 S proteins L5 and L27 were crosslinked to S9. The evidence suggests that proteins S5, S9, S11, L5 and L27 are located at the interface region of the 70 S ribosome.  相似文献   

The concentrations of the intermediates in the association reaction between human hemoglobin and CO at 20 degrees C, pH 7, under conditions of negligible dissociation of the ligand, were measured by cryogenic techniques. The monoligated species were predominant at all values of overall ligand bound studied. The analysis of the experimental data assuming a scheme of four consecutive reactions indicated that the binding rates increased in a continuous fashion. A significant acceleration after the binding of the second molecule of ligand occurred in the presence of 0.1 M KCl, but not with the addition of an excess of inositol hexaphosphate, indicating that major functional, and possibly structural, transitions occur at the diligated state. Differences in the concentrations of the intermediates in the same state of ligation were observed under all conditions. The analyses of the data on the basis of schemes of multiple pathways of reaction indicated that the beta subunits reacted about 1.5 times faster than the alpha subunits in the first ligation reaction. After the addition of inositol hexaphosphate, the alpha subunits reacted about 1.5 times faster than the beta subunits in the first ligation step, but the overall rate of the first CO binding step was unchanged.  相似文献   

Although alkaline phosphatase (APase) from Escherichia coli crystallizes as a symmetric dimer, it displays deviations from Michaelis-Menten kinetics supported by a model describing a dimeric enzyme with conformationally and kinetically non-equivalent subunits. The proposed model, explaining the mechanism of substrate hydrolysis, encompasses a conformational change mediated by subunit interactions [S. Orhanovi?, M. Pavela-Vrancic, Eur. J. Biochem. 270 (2003) 4356-4364]. The significance of interactions at the subunit interface and the involvement of the beta-pleated sheet stretching from underneath the active site to the subunit surface, in the catalytic mechanism, has been probed by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant APase, carrying alanine in place of Thr81, was analyzed in comparison to the wild-type protein. The T81A mutation, introduced at the subunit interface, significantly affected the protein kinetic properties, emphasizing the importance of subunit interactions in the catalytic process.  相似文献   

The restriction enzyme from a restriction and modification-deficient strain of Escherichia coli K mutated in the modification gene (hsdM) has been purified using an in vitro complementation assay with a mutant restriction enzyme from a strain lacking only restriction. The restriction enzyme from the hsdM mutant lacks all of the activities that are associated with the wild type enzyme: binding of unmodified DNA to filters, cleavage, or methylation of unmodified DNA and ATP hydrolysis. It is shown that the enzyme from this hsdM mutant cannot bind S-adenosylmethionine, an allosteric effector in the restriction reaction. In the absence of enzyme activation by S-adenosylmethionine, no binding to unmodified DNA takes place. A comparison with other mutant restriction enzymes allows us to outline the biochemical role of the subunits of the E. coli K restriction endonuclease.  相似文献   

The impact upon molecular structure of an additional point mutation adjacent to the existing E6V mutation in sickle cell hemoglobin was probed spectroscopically. The UV resonance Raman results show that the conformational consequences of mutating the salt bridge pair, betaGlu(7)-betaLys(132), are dependent on which residue of the pair is modified. The betaK132A mutants exhibit the spectroscopic signatures of the R --> T state transition in both the "hinge" and "switch" regions of the alpha(1)beta(2) interface. Both singly and doubly mutated hemoglobin (Hb) betaepsilon7Alpha exhibit the switch region signature for the R --> T quaternary state transition but not the hinge signature. The absence of this hinge region-associated quaternary change is the likely origin of the observed increased oxygen binding affinity for the Hb betaepsilon7Alpha mutants. The observed large decrease in the W3 alpha14beta15 band intensity for doubly mutated Hb betaepsilon7Alpha is attributed to an enhanced separation in the A helix-E helix tertiary contact of the beta subunits. The results for the Hb A betaGlu(7)-betaLys(132) salt bridge mutants demonstrate that attaining the T state conformation at the hinge region of the alpha(1)beta(2) dimer interface can be achieved through different intraglobin pathways; these pathways are subject to subtle mutagenic manipulation at sites well removed from the dimer interface.  相似文献   

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