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A saccharolytic spirochete that associated and interacted with cellulolytic bacteria was isolated from bovine rumen fluid. Isolation was accomplished by means of a procedure involving serial dilution of a sample of rumen fluid into a cellulose-containing agar medium. Clear zones appeared within the medium as a result of cellulose hydrolysis by rumen bacteria. The saccharolytic spirochete and a cellulolytic bacterium later identified as a strain of Bacteroides succinogenes were isolated from the clear zones. The spirochete did not utilize cellulose, but grew in coculture with the cellulolytic bacterium in cellulose-containing media. When cocultured in these media the spirochete used, as fermentable substrates, soluble sugars released from cellulose by the cellulolytic bacterium. In cellulosecontaining agar medium the spirochete enhanced cellulose breakdown by the B. succinogenes strain. Electron microscopy showed that the helical spirochete cells possessed an outer sheath, a protoplasmic cylinder, and two periplasmic fibrils. Under a CO2 atmosphere, in a reduced medium containing inorganic salts, rumen fluid, glucose, and NaHCO3, the spirochete grew to a final density of 1.9×109 cells/ml. Succinate, acetate, and formate were products of the fermentation of glucose by growing cells. CO2 (HCO3 -), branched short-chain fatty acids, folic acid, biotin, niacinamide, thiamine, pyridoxal, and a carbohydrate were required for growth of the spirochete. The results of this study indicated that the rumen spirochete represents a new species of Treponema. It is proposed that the new species be named Treponema bryantii.Abbreviations cpm counts per minute - GC guanine plus cytosine - Tm melting temperature - PC protoplasmic cylinder - PF pertplasmic fibrils (axial fibrils) - OS outer sheath - ID insertion disk  相似文献   

A facultatively anaerobic spirochete isolated from a high-salinity pond grew optimally when 0.75 M NaCl, 0.2 M MgSO4, and 0.01 M CaCl2 were present in media containing yeast extract, peptone, and a carbohydrate. The organism failed to grow when any one of these three salts was omitted from the medium. Aerobically-grown colonies of the spirochete were red, whereas anaerobically-grown colonies showed no pigmentation. Non-pigmented mutants of the spirochete were isolated.The spirochete used carbohydrates, but not amino acids, as energy sources. Glucose was fermented to CO2, H2, ethanol, acetate, and a small amount of lactate. Determinations of radioactivity in products formed from glucose-1-14C and enzymatic assays indicated that glucose was dissimilated to pyruvate mainly via the Embden-Meyerhof pathway. Pyruvate was metabolized through a clostridial-type clastic reaction.Cells growing acrobically performed an incomplete oxidation of glucose mainly to CO2 and acetate. Comparison of aerobic and anaerobic growth yields indicated that oxidative phosphorylation occurred in cells growing aerobically. The guanine + cytosine content of the DNA of the spirochete was 62 moles%. It is proposed that the spirochete described herein be considered a new species and that it be namedSpirochaeta halophila.  相似文献   

A thermophilic, rod-shaped, motile, Gram-positive, spore-forming bacterium strain 70BT was isolated from a geothermally active underground mine in Japan. The temperature and pH range for growth was 50–81°C (optimum 71°C) and 6.2–9.8 (optimum pH 7–7.5), respectively. Growth occurred in the presence 0–2% NaCl (optimum 1% NaCl). Strain 70BT could utilize glucose, fructose, mannose, mannitol, pyruvate, cellobiose and tryptone as substrates. Thiosulfate was used as electron acceptor. Major whole-cell fatty acids were iso-C15:0, C16:0 DMA (dimethyl acetal), C16:0 and anteiso-C15:0. The G+C mol% of the DNA was 44.2%. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence revealed that the closest relatives of strain 70BT were Thermosediminibacter oceani DSM 16646T (94% similarity) and Thermosediminibacter litoriperuensis DSM 16647 (93% similarity). The phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and phylogenetic properties suggest that strain 70BT represents a novel species in a new genus, for which the name Thermovorax subterraneus gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of Thermovorax subterraneus is 70BT (=DSM 21563 = JCM 15541).  相似文献   

Strain X4 was isolated several years ago from an anaerobic mesophilic plant treating vegetable cannery waste waters. It was the first example of propionic fermentation from ethanol. Morphologic and physiologic characterizations of the strain are presented here. This strain is described as type strain of a new species, Clostridium neopropionicum sp. nov. Whole cells of strain X4 ferment [1-13C]ethanol and CO2 to [2-13C]propionate, [1-13C]acetate and [2-13C]propanol, suggesting the absence of a randomizing pathway during the propionate formation. Enzymes involved in this fermentation were assayed in cell-free extracts of cells grown with ethanol as sole substrate. Alcohol dehydrogenase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, phosphate acetyl transferase, acetate kinase, pyruvate synthase, lactate dehydrogenases, and the enzymes of the acrylate pathway were detected at activities sufficient to be involved in ethanol fermentation. The same pathway may be used for the degradation of lactate or acrylate to acetate.  相似文献   

Three strains of Clostridium thermocellum obtained from various sources were found to have nearly identical deoxyribonucleic acid guanosine plus cytosine contents that ranged from 38.1–39.5 mole-%. All strain examined fermented only cellulose and cellulose derivatives, but not glucose, or xylose or other sugars. The principal cellulose fermentation products were ethanol, lactate, acetate, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Growth of C. thermocellum on cellulose resulted in the production of extracellular cellulase that was non-oxygen labile, was thermally stable at 70° C for 45 min and adsorbed strongly on cellulose. Production of cellulase during fermentation correlated linearly with growth and cellulose degradation. Both the yield and specific activity of crude cellulase varied considerably with the specific growth substrates. Highest cellulase yield was obtained when grown on native cellulose, -cellulose and low degree of polymerization cellulose but not carboxymethylcellulose or other carbohydrate sources. Cellulase activity was not detected when cells were grown on cellobiose. Crude extracellular protein preparations lacked proteolytic and cellobiase activity. The pH and temperafure optima for endoglucanase activity were 5.2 and 65° C, respectively, while that of the exoglucanase activity were 5.4 and 64° C, respectively. The specific activity at 60° c for exoglucanase and endoglucanase of crude cellulase obtained from cells grown on cellulose (MN 300) was 3.6 moles reducing sugar equivalents released per h (unit)/mg of protein and 1.5 mole reducing sugar equivalent released per min (unit)/mg of protein, respectively. The yield of endoglucanase was 125 units per g of cellulose MN 300 degraded and that of exoglucanase was 300 units per g of cellulose MN 300 degraded. Glucose and cellobiose were the hydrolytic end products of crude cellulase action on cellulose, cellotraose and cellotriose in vitro.  相似文献   

A new species of sporulating saccharolytic anaerobe, designated as Clostridium quinii sp. nov., is described. A gram-positive strain BS1, was isolated from the granular metanogenic sludge (UASB) from a waste-water treatment plant at a sugar refinery. The strain exhibits a series of morphological stages, developing from a spore to a small rod to a motile rod (peritrichous flagella) in the exponential growth phase, and then swelling to form cigar-shaped cells, exhibiting tumbling movements, in the late exponential growth phase before finally becoming large nonmotile ovoid cells in the stationary phase. Swelling occurs as a result of glucose being taken up and stored as a glycogen-like substance. The main fermentation products when growing on glucose is H2, CO2, formate, acetate and ethanol as well as small amounts of butyrate during exponential growth. Lactate is formed during the stationary phase, when glucose is abundant. Optimal conditions for growth is 40–45°C and pH of around 7.4. The type strain BS1 contains 28.0% mol G+C.  相似文献   

The cellulosome is a membrane-bound, extracellular multi-subunit complex responsible for the degradation of crystalline cellulose by a number of organisms including anaerobic bacteria and fungi. The hydrophilic X-module (CipA-X) from the modular scaffoldin subunit of Clostridium thermocellum cellulosome has been proposed to play various roles in cellulosomal function, including thermal and structural stability. Towards elucidating the function of CipA-X using structural and biophysical studies, the region comprising residues 1692-1785 from the C. thermocellum CipA cDNA encoding CipA-X was cloned into a pET21b expression vector. When expressed in Escherichia coli, the C-terminal His-tagged protein accumulated in the insoluble fraction. Cell fractionation experiments showed that the recombinant protein was localized to inclusion bodies. Refolding and purification involved denaturation of the whole cell lysate by addition of urea, followed by a nickel-Sepharose chromatography step and dialysis into native conditions (25 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 50 mM NaCl, and 10 mM EDTA). A final gel filtration step purified the protein to homogeneity, yielding 40 mg/L. The two-dimensional 1H-15N correlation spectrum of uniformly 15N-labelled CipA-X showed the characteristics of a well-folded protein comprising significant beta-structure, which is in agreement with the circular dichroism data.  相似文献   

A gram-positive, motile, rod-shaped, strictly anaerobic, sporulating bacterium was isolated from an enrichment initiated with mullet gut contents. The organism grew optimally at 30°C and pH6.5, and at a salinity of 1–103. Out of a variety of polysaccharides tested as growth substrates, only alginate supported growth in either semidefined or complex culture medium. The organism also grew on a variety of mono- and disaccharides. Moles product per 100mol of alginate monomer degraded were: acetate, 186; ethanol, 19; formate, 54; and CO2, 0.19. Moles product per 100mol of hexose in cellobiose or glucose degraded were: acetate, 135; ethanol,61; formate, 63: and CO2, 61. Hydrogen was not detectable during the incubations (detection limit, <10-5atm) and propionate, butyrate, lactate, or succinate were not produced as fermentation end products (<2 mol per 100 mol of monomer). The G+C content of DNA from the bacterium was 30.2±0.3 mol%, and the cell walls contained the peptidoglycan component meso-diaminopimelic acid. A phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rDNA sequence indicated that the organism grouped closely with members of the RNA-DNA homology group 1 of the genus Clostridium. However, it differed from other species of the genus with regard to morphology, growth temperature optimum, substrate range, and fermentation pattern and is therefore designated as a new species of Clostridium; the type strain is A-1 (DSM 8605).  相似文献   

Two thermophilic spore-forming strains, with optimum growth temperature at 70 °C, were isolated from compost of the “Experimental System of Composting” (Teora, Avellino, Italy). A phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that these organisms represented a new species of the genus Geobacillus. Based on polyphasic taxonomic data the strains represented a novel species for which the name Geobacillus galactosidasius sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is CF1BT (= ATCC BAA-1450T = DSM 18751T).  相似文献   

A facultative aerobic, moderately thermophilic, spore forming bacterium, strain JW/VK-KG4 was isolated from an enrichment culture obtained from the Geyser valley, a geothermally heated environment located in the Kamchatka peninsula (Far East region of Russia). The cells were rod shaped, motile, peritrichous flagellated stained Gram positive and had a Gram positive type cell wall. Aerobically, the strain utilized a range of carbohydrates including glucose, fructose, trehalose, proteinuous substrates, and pectin as well. Anaerobically, only carbohydrates are utilized. When growing on carbohydrates, the strain required yeast extract and vitamin B12. Anaerobically, glucose was fermented to lactate as main product and acetate, formate, ethanol as minor products. Aerobically, even in well-aerated cultures (agitated at 500 rpm), glucose oxidation was incomplete and lactate and acetate were found in culture supernatants as by-products. Optimal growth of the isolate was observed at pH25 C 6.8–8.5 and 60°C. The doubling times on glucose at optimal growth conditions were 34 min (aerobically) and 40 min (anaerobically). The G+C content was 42.3 mol% as determined by Tm assay. Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene indicated an affiliation of strain JW/VK-KG4 with Anoxybacillus species. Based on its morphology, physiology, phylogenetic relationship and its low DNA-DNA homology with validly published species of Anoxybacillus, it is proposed that strain JW/VK-KG4 represents a new species in the genus Anoxybacillus as A. kamchatkensis sp. nov. The type strain for the novel species is JW/VK-KG4T (=DSM 14988, =ATCC BAA-549). The GenBank accession number for the 16S rDNA sequence is AF510985.  相似文献   

Strain T2–7, a 5-aminovalerate-fermenting bacterium previously classified as Clostridium aminovalericum, was further characterized, both physiologically and phylogenetically. Comparative sequencing analysis of the almost complete 16S rDNA revealed that strain T2–7 forms a distinct lineage within a phylogenetically coherent cluster of gram-positive bacteria currently assigned to the genus Clostridium. Strain T2–7 grew with 5-aminovalerate, 5-hydroxyvalerate, 4-hydroxybutyrate, vinylacetate, and crotonate, and required yeast extract and l-cysteine for growth. Other substrates were not utilized. The fermentation products, depending on the growth substrate, were ammonia, acetate, propionate, butyrate, and valerate. Sulphur was reduced by a mechanism not linked to energy conservation. Other acceptors were not utilized. Cells were gram-positive pointed-ended ovals, motile by means of two subpolar flagella, and possessed a gram-positive cell wall structure with an S-layer of hexagonally arranged subunits of 18.5 nm diameter. The DNA mol% G+C was 41.5. Strain T2–7 (DSM 6836) is proposed as the type strain of a new species, Clostridium viride sp. nov. Dedicated to H. A. Barker on the occasion of his 87th birthday  相似文献   

An unusual filamentous, gliding bacterium was found in a few hot springs in Oregon where it formed a nearly unispecific top layer of microbial mats. It contained a bacteriochlorophyll a-like pigment and an abundance of carotenoids. There were no chlorosomes or additional chlorophylls. The organism was aerotolerant and appeared to be photoheterotrophic. It was successfully co-cultured with an aerobic chemoheterotroph in a medium containing glucose and casamino acids. Although it has many characteristics in common with the genus Chloroflexus, the lack of chlorosomes and bacteriochlorophyll c and the aerobic nature of this organism indicate that it should be placed in a new genus. This conclusion is supported by 5S rRNA nucleotide sequence data.  相似文献   

An obligatory anaerobic, Gram-positive, rod-shaped organism was isolated from faeces of a healthy human donor. It was characterized using biochemical, phenotypic and molecular taxonomic methods. The organism produced acetate, lactate, and ethanol as the major products of glucose fermentation. The G + C content was 53 mol%. Based on comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing, the unidentified bacterium is a member of the Clostridium subphylum of the Gram-positive bacteria, and most closely related to species of the Clostridium coccoides cluster (rRNA cluster XIVa) [M.D. Collins et al., The phylogeny of the genus Clostridium: proposal of five new genera and eleven new species combinations, Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44 (1994) 812-826]. Clostridium bolteae and Clostridium clostridioforme were identified as the most closely related described species. A 16S rRNA sequence divergence value of > 3% suggested that the isolate represents a new species. This was also supported by the gyrase-encoding gyrB gene sequences. Based on these findings, we propose the novel bacterium from human faeces to be classified as a new species, Clostridium asparagiforme. The type strain of C. asparagiforme is N6 (DSM 15981 and CCUG 48471).  相似文献   

Three genes coding for xylanase synthesis in Clostridium thermocellum were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Genomic DNA from Clostridium thermocellum was digested to completion with HindIII, BamHI, and SalI. The fragments were ligated into the corresponding sites of pUC19 and transformed into Escherichia coli. Two of the genes encoded for xylanases which depolymerized xylans but were unable to extensively convert these substrates to reducing sugar. The third gene encoded for an enzyme that extensively hydrolyzed xylan. The insert containing the latter gene was subjected to extensive mapping and was found to encode for a xylanase with a molecular weight of approximately 25,000. The protein product of the cloned gene was obtained in a relatively pure form by heat treatment, ion exchange and gel permeation steps. The enzyme was quite stable to high temperatures with a half-life of 24 h at 70°C.Issued as National Research Council of Canada No. 30545  相似文献   

Abstract Protoplasts of a thermophilic Clostridium sp. were prepared by lysozyme treatment using lactose as osmotic stabilizer. High frequency reversion (3–29.8%) to the bacillary form was obtained on hypertonic rich medium.  相似文献   

An intestinal bacterium isolated from a human subject utilized only two methylpentoses (L-rhamnose and L-fucose) and two pentoses (L-lyxose and D-arabinose) as fermentable substrates, among many compounds tested. The isolate was obligately anaerobic and had a distinctive morphology, its cells being rods bent in the shape of rings with the ends slightly overlapping. Single ring-shaped cells and left-handed helical chains of cells were present in cultures. The cells were surrounded by large capsules which appeared as thick, fibrous masses when examined by electron microscopy. Capsules were formed by cells growing in media containing any one of the four fermentable substrates. Terminally located, heat-resistant endospores were formed on plates of an enriched agar medium supplemented with L-rhamnose. End products of L-rhamnose or L-fucose fermentation included acetate, propionate, n-propanol, CO2, and H2. The isolate represented a new species of Clostridium for which the name Clostridium methylpentosum (type strain R2. ATCC 43829) is proposed. This organism may participate in intestinal digestive processes by metabolizing rhamnose released via the enzymatic depolymerization of dietary pectin.Abbreviations G+C guanine plus cytosine - OD optical density - TEM transmission electron micrograph  相似文献   

A novel thermophilic, alkali-tolerant, and CO-tolerant strain JW/WZ-YB58T was isolated from green mat samples obtained from the Zarvarzin II hot spring in the Uzon Caldera, Kamchatka (Far East Russia). Cells were Gram-type and Gram stain-positive, strictly aerobic, 0.7–0.8 μm in width and 5.5–12 μm in length and produced terminal spherical spores of 1.2–1.6 μm in diameter with the mother cell swelling around 2 μm in diameter (drumstick-type morphology). Cells grew optimally at pH25°C 8.2–8.4 and temperature 50–52°C and tolerated maximally 6% (w/v) NaCl. They were strict heterotrophs and could not use either CO or CO2 (both with or without H2) as sole carbon source, but tolerated up to 90% (v/v) CO in the headspace. The isolate grew on various complex substrates such as yeast extract, on carbohydrates, and organic acids, which included starch, d-galactose, d-mannose, glutamate, fumarate and acetate. Catalase reaction was negative. The membrane polar lipids were dominated by branched saturated fatty acids, which included iso-15:0 (24.5%), anteiso-15:0 (18.3%), iso-16:0 (9.9%), iso-17:0 (17.5%) and anteiso-17:0 (9.7%) as major constituents. The DNA G+C content of the strain is 45 mol%. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that strain JW/WZ-YB58T is distantly (<93% similarity) related to members of Bacillaceae. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence, physiological and phenotypic characteristics, the isolate JW/WZ-YB58T (ATCC BAA-1258; DSM 17740) is proposed to be the type strain for the type species of the new taxa within the family Bacillaceae, Thermalkalibacillus uzoniensis gen. nov. sp. nov. The Genbank accession number for the 16S rRNA gene sequence is DQ221694.The Genbank accession number for the 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain JW/WZ-YB58T is DQ221694.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to understand how carbon loading influences hydrogen (H2) synthesis and metabolic flow patterns in the thermophilic, cellulolytic bacterium, Clostridium thermocellum. C. thermocellum was cultivated in batch cultures with high (5 g L−1) and low (1 g L−1) initial concentrations of α-cellulose at 60°C. The growth rate of C. thermocellum was 22% lower (0.15 h−1) in cultures with low-cellulose concentration compared with cultures with high-cellulose concentrations. Although substrate depletion coincided with the end of log-growth in low-cellulose cultures, the prime reason for growth arrest in high-cellulose cultures was not identified. Ethanol, acetate, and formate were the major soluble end-products with concomitant release of H2 and CO2 under both conditions. Lactate appeared during the late log phase in high-carbon cultures when pH dropped below 6.4 and became the major end-product in stationary phase. During the exponential phase of cell growth, significantly higher yields for H2 and acetate (1.90 ± 0.14 and 1.11 ± 0.04 mol/mol glucose equivalent, respectively) were obtained from low-cellulose cultures compared to those from high-cellulose cultures. The maximum specific rate of H2 production, 6.41 ± 0.13 mmol H2/g dry cell/h, obtained during the exponential phase from low-carbon cultures was about 37% higher than that obtained from high-carbon cultures.  相似文献   

A Gram-negative bacterium designated AC-74(T) was isolated from a highly alkaline groundwater environment (pH 11.4). This organism formed rod-shaped cells, is strictly aerobic, catalase and oxidase positive, tolerates up to 3.0% NaCl, has an optimum growth temperature of 30 degrees C, but no growth occurs at 10 or 40 degrees C, and an optimum pH value of 8.0, but no growth occurs at pH 7.0 or 11.3. The predominant fatty acids are iso-15:0, iso-17:1 omega9c and 16:1 omega7c and or iso-15:2OH. The G+C content of DNA was 43.5mol%. The phylogenetic analyses of the sequences of the 16s RNA genes indicated that strain AC-74(T) belongs to the family "Flexibacteriaceae" and is phylogenetically equidistant ( approximately 94.5%) from the majority of the species of the genus Algoriphagus and from the genus Hongiella. Based on the phylogenetic analyses and distinct phenotypic characteristics, we are of the opinion that strain AC-74(T), represents a new species of the novel genus for which we propose the name Chimaereicella alkaliphila gen. nov., sp. nov.  相似文献   

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