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Membrane proteins of highly purified porcine zymogen granules were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in order to isolate proteins which are involved in intracellular trafficking of digestive enzymes in the exocrine pancreas. A 48-kDa glycoprotein was a major component in membrane preparations washed with 0.1 M Na2CO3and 0.5 M NaCl. By N-terminal amino acid sequencing this protein was identified as membrane dipeptidase (MDP; EC MDP mRNA levels in rat pancreas were increased threefold by feeding rats with FOY-305, which is a known stimulus of endogenous cholecystokinin release from the gut. Cholecystokinin then stimulates secretion in pancreatic acinar cells. In another set of experiments treatment of the rat pancreatic acinar tumor cell line AR42J with dexamethasone led to an eightfold increase in the expression of MDP. Thus, the expression pattern of the MDP gene in response to hormonal stimulationin vivoandin vitroresembles those found for most of the enzymes and proteins which are involved in secretion. Since MDP has been thought to have a role in glutathione (GSH) metabolism, we also measured GSH concentration in zymogen granules and found high levels of GSH. Based on our data we propose a working model for the function of MDP. According to this model, MDP might play a pivotal role in maintaining the oxidizing conditions in the ER, which are required for the correct folding of secretory proteins.  相似文献   

Association of Cdc42/N-WASP/Arp2/3 signaling pathway with Golgi membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent findings indicate that Cdc42 regulates Golgi-to-ER (endoplasmic reticulum) protein transport through N-WASP and Arp2/3 (Luna et al. 2002, Mol. Biol. Cell, 13:866-879). To analyse the components of the Cdc42-governed signaling pathway in the secretory pathway, we localized Cdc42, N-WASP and Arp2/3 in the Golgi complex by cryoimmunoelectron microscopy. Cdc42 is found throughout the Golgi stack, particularly in cis/middle cisternae, whereas N-WASP and Arp3 (a component of the Arp2/3 complex) are restricted to cis cisternae. Arp3 also colocalized in peri-Golgi tubulovesicular structures with either KDEL receptor or GM130. Even though Arp3 is not found in TGN46-positive cisternal elements, a small fraction of Arp3-labeled tubulo-vesicular elements showed TGN46 labeling. Active Cdc42 (GTP-bound form) induced relocation of N-WASP and Arp3 to the lateral rims of Golgi cisternae. These results show that the actin nucleation and polymerization signaling pathway governed by Cdc42/N-WASP/Arp operates in the Golgi complex of mammalian cells, further implicating actin dynamics in Golgi-associated membrane trafficking.  相似文献   

During cell division, cells undergo membrane remodeling to achieve changes in their size and shape. In addition, cell division entails local delivery and retrieval of membranes and specific proteins as well as remodeling of cytoskeletons, in particular, upon cytokinetic abscission. Accumulating lines of evidence highlight that endocytic membrane removal from and subsequent membrane delivery to the plasma membrane are crucial for the changes in cell size and shape, and that trafficking of vesicles carrying specific proteins to the abscission site participate in local remodeling of membranes and cytoskeletons. Furthermore, the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) machinery has been shown to play crucial roles in cytokinetic abscission. Here, the author briefly overviews membrane-trafficking events early in cell division, and subsequently focus on regulation and functional significance of membrane trafficking involving Rab11 and Arf6 small GTPases in late cytokinesis phases and assembly of the ESCRT machinery in cytokinetic abscission.  相似文献   

The anterograde transport of secretory proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the plasma membrane is a multi‐step process. Secretory proteins differ greatly in their transport rates to the cell surface, but the contribution of each individual step to this difference is poorly understood. Transport rates may be determined by protein folding, chaperone association in the ER, access to ER exit sites (ERES) and retrieval from the ER‐Golgi intermediate compartment or the cis‐Golgi to the ER. We have used a combination of folding and trafficking assays to identify the differential step in the cell surface transport of two natural allotypes of the murine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I peptide receptor, H‐2Db and H‐2Kb. We find that a novel pre‐ER exit process that acts on the folded lumenal part of MHC class I molecules and that drastically limits their access to ERES accounts for the transport difference of the two allotypes. Our observations support a model in which the cell surface transport of MHC class I molecules and other type I transmembrane proteins is governed by the affinity of all their folding and maturation states to the proteins of the ER matrix.   相似文献   

Synaptotagmin II is a type I signal-anchor protein, in which the NH(2)-terminal domain of 60 residues (N-domain) is located within the lumenal space of the membrane and the following hydrophobic region (H-region) shows transmembrane topology. We explored the early steps of cotranslational integration of this molecule on the endoplasmic reticulum membrane and demonstrated the following: (a) The translocation of the N-domain occurs immediately after the H-region and the successive positively charged residues emerge from the ribosome. (b) Positively charged residues that follow the H-region are essential for maintaining the correct topology. (c) It is possible to dissect the lengths of the nascent polypeptide chains which are required for ER targeting of the ribosome and for translocation of the N-domain, thereby demonstrating that different nascent polypeptide chain lengths are required for membrane targeting and N-domain translocation. (d) The H-region is sufficiently long for membrane integration. (e) Proline residues preceding H-region are critical for N-domain translocation, but not for ER targeting. The proline can be replaced with amino acid with low helical propensity.  相似文献   

The Bcl-2 proteins Bax and Bak can permeabilize the outer mitochondrial membrane and commit cells to apoptosis. Pro-survival Bcl-2 proteins control Bax by constant retrotranslocation into the cytosol of healthy cells. The stabilization of cytosolic Bax raises the question whether the functionally redundant but largely mitochondrial Bak shares this level of regulation. Here we report that Bak is retrotranslocated from the mitochondria by pro-survival Bcl-2 proteins. Bak is present in the cytosol of human cells and tissues, but low shuttling rates cause predominant mitochondrial Bak localization. Interchanging the membrane anchors of Bax and Bak reverses their subcellular localization compared to the wild-type proteins. Strikingly, the reduction of Bax shuttling to the level of Bak retrotranslocation results in full Bax toxicity even in absence of apoptosis induction. Thus, fast Bax retrotranslocation is required to protect cells from commitment to programmed death.  相似文献   

The voltage-gated currents in the fly lobula plate tangential cellswere examined using the switched electrode voltage clamp technique. InCH cells, two currents were identified (Figs. 1, 2): a slow calciuminward current and a delayed rectifying, noninactivating potassiumoutward current. HS and VS cells appear to possess similar currentsto CH cells, but in addition, exhibit a fast-activating sodium inwardcurrent and a sodium-activated potassium outward current(Figs. 3, 4). While the delayed rectifying potassium current in allthree cell classes is responsible for the observed outwardrectification described previously (Borst and Haag, 1996), the sodiuminward current produces the fast and irregular spikelikedepolarizations found in HS and VS cells but not in CH cells: Whenthe sodium current is blocked by either TTX or intracellular QX314,no more action potentials can be elicited in HS cells undercurrent-clamp conditions (Fig. 5). As is demonstrated in HS cells,space clamp conditions are sufficient to suppress synapticallyinduced action potentials (Fig. 6).The currents described above were incorporated with the appropriatecharacteristics into compartmental models of the cells (Figs. 7, 8).The anatomical and electrically passive membrane parameters of thesecells were determined in a preceding paper (Borst and Haag,1996). After fitting the current parameters to the voltage-clamp data(Fig. 9), the model cells qualitatively mimicked the fly tangentialcells under current clamp conditions in response to current injection(Fig. 10). The simulations demonstrated that the electricalcompactness seen in the HS and VS cells, either in passive models orin active models during continuous hyperpolarization, decreasedsignificantly in the active models during continuous depolarization(Fig. 11). Active HS models reproduce the frequency-dependentamplification of current injected into their axon (Fig. 12).  相似文献   

Type IV collagen, which is encoded by six genetically distinct alpha-chains (alpha 1-alpha 6), is a major component of the kidney glomerulus. The alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains are present predominantly in the mesangial matrix, whereas the alpha 3(IV), alpha 4(IV), and alpha 5(IV) chains are localized almost exclusively to the glomerular basement membrane (GBM). Thickening of the GBM and expansion of the mesangial matrix are believed to contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. In the present study, we evaluated the expression of alpha 1(IV), alpha 3(IV), and alpha 5(IV) chains in rat glomerular endothelial (GEndC) and mesangial cells (GMC). Under physiological concentrations of glucose (5 mM), alpha 1(IV) and alpha 5(IV) chains were detectable in GMCs, with an obvious absence of alpha 3(IV) chain. All three isoforms tested were present in GEndCs. At diabetic concentrations of glucose (25 mM), alpha 1(IV) was up-regulated in GMCs, whereas expression level of alpha 1(IV) remained unaltered in GEndCs. The alpha 3(IV) and alpha 5(IV) chains were up-regulated in GEndCs, but remained unchanged in GMCs under diabetic glucose concentrations (25 mM). Collectively, our results demonstrate that GMC might contribute to mesangial matrix expansion, mediated by alpha 1(IV) collagen, while GEndC might contribute to thickening of GBM, mediated by alpha 3(IV) collagen, in patients with diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

Hydrophobins are small extracellular proteins, unique to and ubiquitous in filamentous fungi, which mediate interactions between the fungus and environment. The mycoparasitic fungus Hypocrea atroviridis has recently been shown to possess 10 different class II hydrophobin genes, which is a much higher number than that of any other ascomycete investigated so far. In order to learn the potential advantage of this hydrophobin multiplicity for the fungus, we have investigated their expression patterns under different physiological conditions (e.g., vegetative growth), various conditions inducing sporulation (light, carbon starvation, and mechanical injury-induced stress), and confrontation with potential hosts for mycoparasitism. The results show that the 10 hydrophobins display different patterns of response to these conditions: one hydrophobin (encoded by hfb-2b) is constitutively induced under all conditions, whereas other hydrophobins were formed only under conditions of carbon starvation (encoded by hfb-1c and hfb-6c) or light plus carbon starvation (encoded by hfb-2c, hfb-6a, and hfb-6b). The hydrophobins encoded by hfb-1b and hfb-5a were primarily formed during vegetative growth and under mechanical injury-provoked stress. hfb-22a was not expressed under any conditions and is likely a pseudogene. None of the 10 genes showed a specific expression pattern during mycoparasitic interaction. Most, but not all, of the expression patterns under the three different conditions of sporulation were dependent on one or both of the two blue-light regulator proteins BLR1 and BLR2, as shown by the use of respective loss-of-function mutants. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry of mycelial solvent extracts provided sets of molecular ions corresponding to HFB-1b, HFB-2a, HFB-2b, and HFB-5a in their oxidized and processed forms. These in silico-deduced sequences of the hydrophobins indicate cleavages at known signal peptide sites as well as additional N- and C-terminal processing. Mass peaks observed during confrontation with plant-pathogenic fungi indicate further proteolytic attack on the hydrophobins. Our study illustrates both divergent and redundant functions of the 10 hydrophobins of H. atroviridis.Hydrophobins are unique and ubiquitous small proteins, characterized by the presence of eight positionally conserved cysteine residues, and present in all multicellular asco- and basidiomycetes. According to their hydropathy profiles and spacing between the conserved cysteines (37), they are divided into two classes (class I and class II). Hydrophobins are secreted proteins, found on the outer surfaces of the cell walls of hyphae and conidia, where they mediate interactions between the fungus and the environment (18, 24, 37), such as surface recognition during pathogenic interaction with plants, insects, or other fungi, but also in symbiosis (38). In addition, they also influence cell wall composition (33). Because of these manifold roles, it is less surprising that the expression of hydrophobin genes is subject to complex patterns of signals, including those that are related to the triggering of conidiogenesis or indicating the presence of a plant host.Many species of the fungal genus Hypocrea/Trichoderma are known as mycoparasites, and several of them are therefore applied as biocontrol agents (6, 7, 36). In addition, Trichoderma spp. have recently been reported to occur as endophytes and to be able to elicit positive plant responses against potential pathogens (17). Because of the reasons given above, hydrophobins would be candidate proteins playing a role in this process, and in fact a class I hydrophobin gene has recently been reported to be overproduced during endophytic interaction of Trichoderma asperellum and cucumber roots (35). In addition, other hydrophobins may be involved in the mechanism of mycoparasitism itself as well as the colonization of decaying wood.Our information about the roles of hydrophobins in the physiology of Trichoderma as well as other ascomycetous fungi is mostly derived from reversed genetics of a few major members (3, 4, 19-22). In Hypocrea jecorina (= Trichoderma reesei), two major class II hydrophobins (HFB-1 and HFB-2) have been studied in detail (4) and shown to be formed under different physiological conditions (29). However, the genome sequence of H. jecorina contains six class II hfb genes (27), and the roles of HFB-3, HFB-4, HFB-5, and HFB-6 are yet unknown. In the biocontrol fungus Hypocrea atroviridis (formerly called “Trichoderma harzianum”), only a single hydrophobin gene has been characterized so far (srh1 [28]) and shown to be expressed mainly under conditions of sporulation. Consequently, very little is known about hydrophobins and their regulation in Trichoderma.We have recently reported that two species of the Trichoderma/Hypocrea genus, Hypocrea virens and Hypocrea atroviridis, have an exceptional high number of class II hydrophobin genes (i.e., 11 and 10 phylogenetically different genes, respectively [22]). Therefore, the objective of this work was to investigate whether all of them are in fact expressed and, if so, under which conditions. We thereby put emphasis on vegetative growth, mycoparasitic interaction, and different triggers of sporulation and on learning whether the sporulation- and stress-regulating proteins BLR1 and BLR2 (10, 15) play a role in this process.In addition, we used matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry to detect the respective proteins and to learn their mode of processing. It has previously been shown that direct solvent extraction of mycelia and spores of Ascomycetes in the process of sample preparation provides a small set of protein peaks in the range of 5,000 to 10,000 Da representing the hydrophobin inventory (27). Structural studies of hydrophobins from H. jecorina (2, 20, 30, 31), Schizophyllum commune (13), and Agaricus bisporus (26) have shown expected signal peptide cleavage but also unusual processing patterns, including cleavage after Arg and Pro, as well as C-terminal modification.  相似文献   

The cytosolic phosphoprotein p115 is required for ER to Golgi traffic and for Golgi reassembly after mitosis. In cells, p115 is localized to ER exit sites, ER-Golgi Intermediate Compartment (ERGIC) and the Golgi, and cycles between these compartments. P115 is phosphorylated on serine 942, and this modification appears to control p115 association with membranes. P115 is likely to function by reversibly interacting with effector proteins, and in the Golgi, two proteins, GM130 and giantin, have been shown to bind p115. The GM130-p115 and the giantin-p115 interactions are enhanced by p115 phosphorylation. Phosphorylation appears to be essential for p115 function, since substitutions of serine 942 abolish p115 ability to sustain cisternal reformation in an in vitro assay reconstituting Golgi reassembly after mitosis. Here, we explored how phosphorylation of p115 affects its intracellular targeting to distinct cellular compartments, and its function in secretory traffic. We generated phosphorylation mutants of p115 and tested their ability to target to ER exit sites, ERGIC and the Golgi. In addition, we explored whether expression of the mutants causes disruption of Golgi structure and perturbs ER-Golgi traffic of a VSV-G cargo protein.  相似文献   

The enrichment of phosphatidylinositol‐4‐phosphate (PI(4)P) at the trans Golgi network (TGN) is instrumental for proper protein and lipid sorting, yet how the restricted distribution of PI(4)P is achieved remains unknown. Here, we show that lipid phosphatase Suppressor of actin mutations 1 (SAC1) is crucial for the spatial regulation of Golgi PI(4)P. Ultrastructural analysis revealed that SAC1 is predominantly located at cisternal Golgi membranes but is absent from the TGN, thus confining PI(4)P to the TGN. RNAi‐mediated knockdown of SAC1 caused changes in Golgi morphology and mislocalization of Golgi enzymes. Enzymes involved in glycan processing such as mannosidase‐II (Man‐II) and N‐acetylglucosamine transferase‐I (GnT‐I) redistributed to aberrant intracellular structures and to the cell surface in SAC1 knockdown cells. SAC1 depletion also induced a unique pattern of Golgi‐specific defects in N‐and O‐linked glycosylation. These results indicate that SAC1 organizes PI(4)P distribution between the Golgi complex and the TGN, which is instrumental for resident enzyme partitioning and Golgi morphology.  相似文献   

Membrane traffic contributes to plant growth and development. However, the functional significance of SNARE proteins involved in membrane fusion of the early secretory pathway has not been explored with respect to plant development. Here we analyze the Arabidopsis v-SNARE SEC22. Loss of SEC22 function impairs gametophyte development, as indicated by reciprocal crosses between wild-type plants and plants heterozygous for T-DNA insertions in the SEC22 gene. sec22 mutant pollen becomes abnormal during the bicellular stage, eventually giving rise to degenerated pollen grains. Most mutant embryo sacs fail to support embryogenesis and display unfused polar nuclei in their central cell. Immunolocalization by both light and electron microscopy revealed an association of mutant-complementing Myc-tagged SEC22 with the central and peripheral endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Ultrastructural analysis of developing sec22 mutant pollen demonstrated Golgi fragmentation and consumption. As a consequence, the plasma membrane-targeted syntaxin SYP124 was retained in the ER. Our results suggest that SEC22 plays an essential role in early secretory traffic between the ER and the Golgi.  相似文献   

The dynamic behavior of the monoclonal antibody (MAb) secretory pathway is studied by transient simulations using our previously developed structured kinetic model for antibody synthesis and secretion by hybridoma cells. The response of the secretory pathway to blocks in specific pathway steps and step changes in characteristic pathway parameters is presented in order to gain a better understanding of pathway dynamics and identify possible ratelimiting steps in the pathway. Model simulations suggest that the step of antibody assembly in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a very good candidate for a rate-limiting step in the antibody secretory pathway in fast-growing hybridoma cells, whereas translation of the heavy and light chains is most likely rate-limiting in slowly growing or stationary phase cells. Transient simulation results are compared with experimentally observed transient changes in specific antibody secretion rates and used to suggest strategies for optimizing antibody secretion in large-scale production systems.  相似文献   

A rat complementary DNA (cDNA) for the RI beta isoform of type I cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase regulatory subunit was cloned and sequenced and was found to contain the entire protein coding and 3'-untranslated regions, with a single (ATTAAA) poly-adenylation site. The largest open reading frame was preceded by a short out-of-phase open reading frame, which is not seen in the corresponding mouse RI beta cDNA due to a single base substitution. The rat RI beta cDNA clone was 2,374 bases long and detected a rat mRNA of approximately 2.8 kilobases. Rat RI beta mRNA was abundant in adult rat brain and testis but was undetectable in other rat tissues. The rat RI beta cDNA also detected RI beta mRNA in mouse brain, but not mouse testis, from 10-week-old BALB/c or 10- and 6-week-old Swiss Webster mice. Thus, despite a 96% nucleotide identity in the coding region of RI beta in rat vs. mouse, there are at least two differences in these closely related species. First, there is a short open reading frame, which precedes the coding region in the rat but not the mouse. Second, unlike the mouse testis, the rat testis contains abundant levels of RI beta mRNA.  相似文献   

Several independent assay procedures were used to estimate the activities of the enzyme constituents of the phosphoenolpyruvate-sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) in osmotically shocked bacterial membrane vesicles. The soluble enzymes of the system were found to be in association with the membrane by several criteria. Phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphorylation was catalyzed by this membrane-bound enzyme system far more efficiently than by a mixture of the individual enzymes at corresponding concentrations. By contrast, the rates of the phosphoryl exchange reactions catalyzed by enzyme I and the enzyme II complexes were essentially the same for the associated and dissociated forms of the system. Functional association of the PTS-enzyme complex was stabilized by Mg++ and phosphoenolpyruvate and could be destroyed by detergent treatment, sonication, or by passage of the vesicle preparation through a French pressure cell. These results lead to the possibility that in the intact bacterial cell the soluble enzymes of the phosphotransferase system exist, in part, as peripheral membrane constituents associated with the integral membrane enzyme II complexes.  相似文献   

阳振乐 《植物学通报》1999,16(5):511-516
本文就叶绿体光合膜中主要膜脂的分子结构及其特性和在膜中的分子组装进行了综述,并指出了目前膜脂研究的趋势和存在的问题  相似文献   

突触小泡膜蛋白及其在神经递质释放过程中的作用已取得若干研究进展.突触素I、SY蛋白、SO蛋白、SB蛋白、SG蛋白等都是突触小泡膜的重要蛋白质,这些蛋白质在突触小泡的贴靠、膜融合及胞吐作用中起着局部自主性调节作用.  相似文献   

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