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G J Cole  C F McCabe 《Neuron》1991,7(6):1007-1018
Monoclonal antibodies have been used to identify a 320 kd keratan sulfate proteoglycan that is primarily expressed in the embryonic chick nervous system. Immunohistochemical localization of the proteoglycan shows that it is expressed by putative midline barrier structures in the developing chick central nervous system. When added to laminin or neural cell adhesion molecule that has been adsorbed onto nitrocellulose-coated dishes, the proteoglycan abolishes cell attachment and neurite outgrowth on these adhesive substrata. This effect can be reversed by keratanase treatment and incubation with a monoclonal antibody that recognizes the keratan sulfate chains of the proteoglycan. These data suggest that this neural keratan sulfate proteoglycan plays an important role in the modulation of neuronal cell adhesion during embryonic brain development.  相似文献   

Individual neurons can express both the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) and the neuron-glia cell adhesion molecule (Ng-CAM) at their cell surfaces. To determine how the functions of the two molecules may be differentially controlled, we have used specific antibodies to each cell adhesion molecule (CAM) to perturb its function, first in brain membrane vesicle aggregation and then in tissue culture assays testing the fasciculation of neurite outgrowths from cultured dorsal root ganglia, the migration of granule cells in cerebellar explants, and the formation of histological layers in the developing retina. Our strategy was initially to delineate further the binding mechanisms for each CAM. Antibodies to Ng-CAM and N-CAM each inhibited brain membrane vesicle aggregation but the binding mechanisms of the two CAMs differed. As expected from the known homophilic binding mechanism of N-CAM, anti-N- CAM-coated vesicles did not co-aggregate with uncoated vesicles. Anti- Ng-CAM-coated vesicles readily co-aggregated with uncoated vesicles in accord with a postulated heterophilic binding mechanism. It was also shown that N-CAM was not a ligand for Ng-CAM. In contrast to assays with brain membrane vesicles, cellular systems can reveal functional differences for each CAM reflecting its relative amount (prevalence modulation) and location (polarity modulation). Consistent with this, each of the three cellular processes examined in vitro was preferentially inhibited only by anti-N-CAM or by anti-Ng-CAM antibodies. Both neurite fasciculation and the migration of cerebellar granule cells were preferentially inhibited by anti-Ng-CAM antibodies. Anti-N-CAM antibodies inhibited the formation of histological layers in the retina. The data on perturbation by antibodies were correlated with the relative levels of expression of Ng-CAM and N-CAM in each of these different neural regions. Quantitative immunoblotting experiments indicated that the relative Ng-CAM/N-CAM ratios in comparable extracts of brain, dorsal root ganglia, and retina were respectively 0.32, 0.81, and 0.04. During culture of dorsal root ganglia in the presence of nerve growth factor, the Ng-CAM/N-CAM ratio rose to 4.95 in neurite outgrowths and 1.99 in the ganglion proper, reflecting both polarity and prevalence modulation. These results suggest that the relative ability of anti-Ng-CAM and anti-N-CAM antibodies to inhibit cell-cell interactions in different neural tissues is strongly correlated with the local Ng-CAM/N-CAM ratio.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cell-surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans participate in molecular events that regulate cell adhesion, migration, and proliferation. The present study was performed to elucidate whether glypican-2 plays a role in interactions of neurons with midkine (MK), a heparin-binding neuroregulatory factor. MK bound to heparan sulfate chains of glypican-2 in a manner similar to syndecan-3. Microbeads coated with MK or poly-L-lysine induced clustering of glypican-2 as well as syndecan-3. Substratum-bound MK or poly-L-lysine induced cell adhesion of N2a neuroblastoma cells, while only MK promoted neurite outgrowth of these cells. Ligation of cell-surface glypican-2 with MK or an antibody against epitope-tagged glypican-2 induced cell adhesion and promoted neurite outgrowth. These results verified that cell-surface glypican-2 bound to MK and suggested that MK-glypican-2 interactions participate in neuronal cell migration and neurite outgrowth. In addition, we observed different localization of epitope-tagged glypican-2 and syndecan-3 on the surface of N2a cells; the result suggested that they may play different roles in MK-mediated neural function.  相似文献   

Lecticans, a family of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans, represent the largest group of proteoglycans expressed in the nervous system. We previously showed that the C-type lectin domains of lecticans bind two classes of sulfated cell surface glycolipids, sulfatides and HNK-1-reactive sulfoglucuronylglycolipids (SGGLs). In this paper, we demonstrate that the interaction between the lectin domain of brevican, a nervous system-specific lectican, and cell surface SGGLs acts as a novel cell recognition system that promotes neuronal adhesion and neurite outgrowth. The Ig chimera of the brevican lectin domain bind to the surface of SGGL-expressing rat hippocampal neurons. The substrate of the brevican chimera promotes adhesion and neurite outgrowth of hippocampal neurons. The authentic, full-length brevican also promotes neuronal cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth. These activities of brevican substrates are neutralized by preincubation of cells with HNK-1 monoclonal antibodies and by pretreatment of the brevican substrates with purified SGGLs. Brevican and HNK-1 carbohydrates are coexpressed in specific layers of the developing hippocampus where axons from entorhinal neurons elongate. Our observations suggest that cell surface SGGLs and extracellular lecticans comprise a novel cell-substrate recognition system operating in the developing nervous system.  相似文献   

Mammalian L1 and avian Ng-CAM are homologous neural cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) that promote neurite outgrowth and cell adhesion in most neurons. Previous attempts to map these activities to discrete regions in the CAMs have suggested the involvement of a variety of different domains. However, these studies mainly used bacterially expressed proteins that were much less active on a molar basis than the native molecules. To define regions that are critical for maximal neurite outgrowth, we constructed and tested a panel of eukaryotically expressed proteins containing various extracellular segments of human L1 (hL1) or Ng-CAM. Our results indicate that Ig domains 1-4 of hL1 are critical for homophilic binding and neurite outgrowth; however this segment is less potent than the entire extracellular region. Optimal neurite outgrowth activity was seen with proteins containing all six Ig domains of hL1 or Ng-CAM. The adhesive properties of hL1 fragments correlated tightly with their neurite outgrowth activities, suggesting that these two processes are closely linked. These results suggest that Ig domains 1-4 form a structural cassette responsible for hL1 homophilic binding, while Ig domains 1-6 represent a functional region for optimal promotion of neurite outgrowth in vitro and possibly in vivo.  相似文献   

E A Chernoff 《Tissue & cell》1988,20(2):165-178
Some phases of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) substratum attachment and growth cone morphology are mediated through endogenous cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycan. The adhesive behavior of intact embryonic chicken DRG (spinal sensory ganglia) is examined on substrata coated with fibronectin, fibronectin treated with antibody to the cell-binding site (anti-CBS), and the heparan sulfate-binding protein platelet factor four. DRG attach to fibronectin, anti-CBS-treated fibronectin, and platelet factor four. The ganglia extend an extensive halo of unfasciculated neurites on fibronectin and produce fasciculated neurite outgrowth on platelet factor four and anti-CBS antibody-treated FN. Treatment with heparinase, but not chondroitinase, abolishes adhesion to fibronectin and platelet factor four. Growth cones of DRG on fibronectin have well-spread lamellae and microspikes. On platelet factor four, and anti-CBS-treated FN, growth cones exhibit microspikes only. Isolated Schwann cells adhere equally well to fibronectin and platelet factor four, spreading more rapidly on fibronectin. Isolated DRG neurons adhere equally well on both substrata, but only 10% of the neurons extend long neurites on platelet factor four. The majority of the isolated neurons on platelet factor four exhibit persistent microspike production resembling that of the early stages of normal neurite extension. Endogenous heparan sulfate proteoglycan supports the adhesion of whole DRG, isolated DRG neurons, and Schwann cells, as well as extensive microspike activity by DRG neurons, one important part of growth cone activity.  相似文献   

On neural cells, the cell adhesion molecule L1 is generally found coexpressed with N-CAM. The two molecules have been suggested, but not directly shown, to affect each other's function. To investigate the possible functional relationship between the two molecules, we have characterized the adhesive interactions between the purified molecules and between cultured cells expressing them. Latex beads were coated with purified L1 and found to aggregate slowly. N-CAM-coated beads did not aggregate, but did so after addition of heparin. Beads coated with both L1 and N-CAM aggregated better than L1-coated beads. Strongest aggregation was achieved when L1-coated beads were incubated together with beads carrying both L1 and N-CAM. In a binding assay, the complex of L1 and N-CAM bound strongly to immobilized L1, but not to the cell adhesion molecules J1 or myelin-associated glycoprotein. N-CAM alone did not bind to these glycoproteins. Cerebellar neurones adhered to and sent out processes on L1 immobilized on nitrocellulose. N-CAM was less effective as substrate. Neurones interacted most efficiently with the immobilized complex of L1 and N-CAM. They adhered to this complex even when its concentration was at least 10 times lower than the lowest concentration of L1 found to promote adhesion. The complex became adhesive for cells only when the two glycoproteins were preincubated together for approximately 30 min before their immobilization on nitrocellulose. The adhesive properties between cells that express L1 only or both L1 and N-CAM were also studied. ESb-MP cells, which are L1-positive, but N-CAM negative, aggregated slowly under low Ca2+. Their aggregation could be completely inhibited by antibodies to L1 and enhanced by addition of soluble N-CAM to the cells before aggregation. N2A cells, which are L1 and N-CAM positive aggregated well under low Ca2+. Their aggregation was partially inhibited by either L1 or N-CAM antibodies and almost completely by the combination of both antibodies. N2A and ESb-MP cells coaggregated rapidly and their interaction was similarly inhibited by L1 and N-CAM antibodies. These results indicate that L1 is involved in two types of binding mechanisms. In one type, L1 serves as its own receptor with slow binding kinetics. In the other, L1 is modulated in the presence of N-CAM on one cell (cis-binding) to form a more potent receptor complex for L1 on another cell (trans-binding).  相似文献   

The effects of L1-Fc and CHL1-Fc fusion proteins on neuronal survival were investigated. Cerebellar granule neurons of mouse and hippocampal neurons of rat embryo undergo apoptosis when cultured in serum-free medium. Treatment with chimeric proteins containing the extracellular domains of the neural adhesion molecules L1 or CHL1 fused to the Fc region of human immunoglobulin significantly enhanced the survival of neurons. Compared to the control, the percentage of surviving neurons increased about 60% and 45% with L1 and CHL1 fusion proteins, respectively. A fusion protein containing the extracellular domain of NCAM had no effect on survival. The L1 and CHL1 fusion proteins were effective both in soluble form or when offered as a substrate, with the maximal effect at about 1 microg/mL. To explore the intracellular events related to the neuronal survival effects of L1-Fc fusion protein, Bcl-2 and c-Jun expression were analyzed by Western blotting. The level of Bcl-2 in cerebellar granule neurons was increased by treatment with L1-Fc at both 1 and 5 days of culture. The level of c-Jun was not significantly affected at the early time point and was reduced by L1-Fc fusion protein after long-term culture. The results demonstrate that the neural adhesion molecule L1 and its relative CHL1 are potential neuronal survival factors for neurons of the central nervous system. Bcl-2 may serve as one of the intracellular mediators of the neuronal survival effects of L1.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of phenylalanine (Phe) as observed in patients with phenylketonuria interfere with proper neuronal development, leading to severe psychomotor deficits and mental retardation. We have analyzed the effects of Phe on neurite outgrowth in vitro. When expressed in fibroblasts, the neuronal cell adhesion molecules L1 and plexin B3 strongly increase the length of neurites emanating from cerebellar neurons in co-culture experiments. Elevated Phe blocks L1-mediated, but not plexin B3-mediated outgrowth, whereas tyrosine is ineffective. Elevated Phe also interferes with aggregation of fibroblasts overexpressing L1, suggesting that the pathological effect of elevated Phe occurs by interfering with L1-mediated cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Diverse cell-surface molecules of the nervous system play an important role in specifying cell interactions during development. Using a method designed to generate mAbs against neural surface molecules of defined molecular weight, we have previously reported on the surface protein, Bravo, found in the developing avian retinotectal system. Bravo is immunologically detected on developing optic fibers in the retina, but absent from distal regions of the same fibers in the tectum. We have isolated cDNA clones encompassing the entire coding region of Bravo, including clones containing five alternative sequences of cDNA. These putative alternatively spliced sequences encode stretches of polypeptide ranging in length from 10-93 amino acids and are predicted to be both extra- and intracellular. The deduced primary structure of Bravo reveals that, like the cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) chicken Ng-CAM and mouse L1, Bravo is composed of six Ig-like domains, five fibronectin type III repeats, a transmembrane domain, and a short cytoplasmic region. Recently, the cDNA sequence of a related molecule, Nr-CAM, was reported and its possible identity with Bravo discussed (Grumet, M., V. Mauro, M. P. Burgoon, G. E. Edelman, and B. A. Cunningham. 1991. J. Cell Biol. 113:1399-1412). Here we confirm this identity and moreover show that Bravo is found on Müller glial processes and end-feet in the developing retina. In contrast to the single polypeptide chain structure of Nr-CAM reported previously, we show that Bravo has a heterodimer structure composed of an alpha chain of M(r) 140/130 and a beta chain of 60-80 kD. As with L1 and Ng-CAM, the two chains of Bravo are generated from an intact polypeptide by cleavage at identical locations and conserved sites within all three molecules (Ser-Arg/Lys-Arg). The similar domain composition and heterodimer structure, as well as the 40% amino acid sequence identity of these molecules, defines them as an evolutionarily related subgroup of CAMs. The relationship of Bravo to molecules known to be involved in cell adhesion and process outgrowth, combined with its pattern of expression and numerous potential isoforms, suggests a complex role for this molecule in cell interactions during neural development.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,127(6):1703-1715
Phosphacan is a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan produced by glial cells in the central nervous system, and represents the extracellular domain of a receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatase (RPTP zeta/beta). We previously demonstrated that soluble phosphacan inhibited the aggregation of microbeads coated with N-CAM or Ng-CAM, and have now found that soluble 125I-phosphacan bound reversibly to these neural cell adhesion molecules, but not to a number of other cell surface and extracellular matrix proteins. The binding was saturable, and Scatchard plots indicated a single high affinity binding site with a Kd of approximately 0.1 nM. Binding was reduced by approximately 15% after chondroitinase treatment, and free chondroitin sulfate was only moderately inhibitory, indicating that the phosphacan core glycoprotein accounts for most of the binding activity. Immunocytochemical studies of embryonic rat spinal phosphacan, Ng-CAM, and N-CAM have overlapping distributions. When dissociated neurons were incubated on dishes coated with combinations of phosphacan and Ng-CAM, neuronal adhesion and neurite growth were inhibited. 125I-phosphacan bound to neurons, and the binding was inhibited by antibodies against Ng-CAM and N-CAM, suggesting that these CAMs are major receptors for phosphacan on neurons. C6 glioma cells, which express phosphacan, adhered to dishes coated with Ng-CAM, and low concentrations of phosphacan inhibited adhesion to Ng-CAM but not to laminin and fibronectin. Our studies suggest that by binding to neural cell adhesion molecules, and possibly also by competing for ligands of the transmembrane phosphatase, phosphacan may play a major role in modulating neuronal and glial adhesion, neurite growth, and signal transduction during the development of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The immunoglobulin superfamily recognition molecule L1 plays important functional roles in the developing and adult nervous system. Metalloprotease-mediated cleavage of this adhesion molecule has been shown to stimulate cellular migration and neurite outgrowth. We demonstrate here that L1 cleavage is mediated by two distinct members of the disintegrin and metalloprotease family, ADAM10 and ADAM17. This cleavage is differently regulated and leads to the generation of a membrane bound C-terminal fragment, which is further processed through gamma-secretase activity. Pharmacological approaches with two hydroxamate-based inhibitors with different preferences in blocking ADAM10 and ADAM17, as well as loss of function and gain of function studies in murine embryonic fibroblasts, showed that constitutive shedding of L1 is mediated by ADAM10 while phorbol ester stimulation or cholesterol depletion led to ADAM17-mediated L1 cleavage. In contrast, N-methyl-d-aspartate treatment of primary neurons stimulated ADAM10-mediated L1 shedding. Both proteases were able to affect L1-mediated adhesion and haptotactic migration of neuronal cells. In particular, both proteases were involved in L1-dependent neurite outgrowth of cerebellar neurons. Thus, our data identify ADAM10 and ADAM17 as differentially regulated L1 membrane sheddases, both critically affecting the physiological functions of this adhesion protein.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying epithelial cell surface interactions in the adult mouse intestine, we have characterized the cell adhesion molecules L1, N-CAM and J1 by immunocytological, biochemical and cell biological methods. Whereas N-CAM and J1 expression was found to be confined to the mesenchymal and neuroectodermally-derived parts of the intestine, L1 was localized in the proliferating epithelial progenitor cells of crypts, but not in the more differentiated epithelial cells of villi. L1 was detected in crypt cells by Western blot analysis in the molecular forms characteristic of peripheral neural cells, with apparent mol. wts of 230, 180 and 150 kd. Aggregation of single, enriched crypt, but not villus cells, was strongly inhibited in the presence of Fab fragments of polyclonal L1 antibodies. These observations show that L1 is not confined to the nervous system and that it may play a functional role in the histogenesis of the intestine in the adult animal.  相似文献   

The cellular and subcellular localization of the neural cell adhesion molecules L1 and N-CAM was studied by pre- and postembedding immunoelectron microscopic labeling procedures in the developing mouse cerebellar cortex. The salient features of the study are: L1 displays a previously unrecognized restricted expression by particular neuronal cell types (i.e., it is expressed by granule cells but not by stellate and basket cells) and by particular subcellular compartments (i.e., it is expressed on axons but not on dendrites or cell bodies of Purkinje cells). L1 is always expressed on fasciculating axons and on postmitotic, premigratory, and migrating granule cells at sites of neuron-neuron contact, but never at contact sites between neuron and glia, thus strengthening the view that L1 is not involved in granule cell migration as a neuron-glia adhesion molecule. While N-CAM antibodies reacting with the three major components of N-CAM (180, 140, and 120 kD) show a rather uniform labeling of all cell types, antibodies to the 180-kD component (N-CAM180) stain only the postmigratory granule cell bodies supporting the notion that N-CAM180, the N-CAM component with the longest cytoplasmic domain, is not expressed before stable cell contacts are formed. Furthermore, N-CAM180 is only transiently expressed on Purkinje cell dendrites. N-CAM is present in synapses on both pre- and post-synaptic membranes. L1 is expressed only preterminally and not in the subsynaptic membranes. These observations indicate an exquisite degree of fine tuning in adhesion molecule expression during neural development and suggest a rich combinatorial repertoire in the specification of cell surface contacts.  相似文献   

Midkine is a heparin-binding growth factor with survival-promoting and migration-enhancing activities. In order to understand the regulation of midkine signaling, we isolated midkine-binding proteoglycans from day 13 mouse embryos, when midkine is intensely expressed. Deglycosylation followed by SDS/PAGE revealed various protein bands; one of these was identified as PG-M/versican by in gel trypsin digestion and sequencing the resulting peptides. PG-M/versican isolated from day 13 mouse embryos bound midkine with a Kd of 1.0 nM. Pleiotrophin/heparin-binding growth-associated molecule, which has a structure related to midkine, was also bound similarly. Digestion with chondroitinase ABC, AC-I or B abolished the binding to midkine. Heparin as well as chondroitin sulfate D and E inhibited the binding. After chondroitinase ABC digestion, the midkine-binding PG-M/versican released 4-sulfated, 6-sulfated, 2, 6-disulfated and 4,6-disulfated unsaturated disaccharides. These results suggest that midkine binds to a polysulfated domain in the chondroitin sulfate chain with a region of dermatan sulfate structure. This proteoglycan may modulate the midkine activity, as binding to midkine can enhance midkine action by concentrating it to the cell periphery or inhibit the action by competing with the binding to a signaling receptor.  相似文献   

AlphaII-spectrin, a basic component of the spectrin-based scaffold which organizes and stabilizes membrane microdomains in most animal cells, has been recently implicated in cell adherence and actin dynamics. Here we investigated the contribution of αΙΙ-spectrin to neuritogenesis, a highly complex cellular process which requires continuous actin cytoskeleton remodeling and cross-talk between extracellular cues and their cell surface receptors, including cell adhesion molecules. Using RNA interference-mediated gene silencing to down-regulate αΙΙ-spectrin expression in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells, we observed major changes in neurite morphology and cell shape: (1) reduced mean length and a higher number of neurites per cell; occasional long neurites were thinner and displayed abnormal adhesiveness during cell migration resulting in frequent breaks; similar persisting adhesiveness and breaks were also observed in trailing edges of cell bodies; (2) irregular polygonal cell shape in parallel with loss of cortical F-actin from neuronal cell bodies; (3) reduction in protein levels of αΙ- and βΙ-spectrins, but not βΙΙ-spectrin (4) decreased global expression of adhesion molecule L1 and spectrin-binding adapter ankyrin-B, which links L1 to the plasma membrane. Remarkably, αΙΙ-spectrin depletion affected L1 – but not NCAM – cell surface expression, and L1 clustering at growth cones. This study demonstrates that αΙΙ-spectrin is implicated in normal morphology and adhesive properties of neuron cell bodies and neurites, and in cell surface expression and organization of adhesion molecule L1.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,135(6):1593-1607
The axonal surface glycoproteins neuronglia cell adhesion molecule (NgCAM) and axonin-1 promote cell-cell adhesion, neurite outgrowth and fasciculation, and are involved in growth cone guidance. A direct binding between NgCAM and axonin-1 has been demonstrated using isolated molecules conjugated to the surface of fluorescent microspheres. By expressing NgCAM and axonin-1 in myeloma cells and performing cell aggregation assays, we found that NgCAM and axonin-1 cannot bind when present on the surface of different cells. In contrast, the cocapping of axonin-1 upon antibody-induced capping of NgCAM on the surface of CV- 1 cells coexpressing NgCAM and axonin-1 and the selective chemical cross-linking of the two molecules in low density cultures of dorsal root ganglia neurons indicated a specific and direct binding of axonin- 1 and Ng-CAM in the plane of the same membrane. Suppression of the axonin-1 translation by antisense oligonucleotides prevented neurite outgrowth in dissociated dorsal root ganglia neurons cultured on an NgCAM substratum, indicating that neurite outgrowth on NgCAM substratum requires axonin-1. Based on these and previous results, which implicated NgCAM as the neuronal receptor involved in neurite outgrowth on NgCAM substratum, we concluded that neurite outgrowth on an NgCAM substratum depends on two essential interactions of growth cone NgCAM: a trans-interaction with substratum NgCAM and a cis-interaction with axonin-1 residing in the same growth cone membrane.  相似文献   

The cell adhesion molecules N-CAM and L1 are important for cell-cell recognition and cell migration and so may be involved in the metastatic process. We have studied the biosynthesis of N-CAM and L1 in the B16 melanoma cell lines B16-F1 and B16-F10 which differ in metastatic capacity. N-CAM was synthesised as two glycosylated polypeptides with Mr of 150,000 and 210,000; L1 was synthesised as one polypeptide with Mr of 215,000. In fetal neurons N-CAM is synthesised as a 135,000 and a 200,000 Mr polypeptide and L1 as a 200,000 Mr polypeptide. Thus, the Mr of N-CAM and L1 in tumour cells appeared to be 10,000-15,000 higher than in the normal cells. L1 was phosphorylated in the tumour cells as in neurons. The tumour cells also phosphorylated the 210,000 Mr N-CAM polypeptide, whereas no phosphorylation of the 150,000 Mr polypeptide was observed. In neuronal cells both the corresponding polypeptides are phosphorylated and thus the biosynthesis of N-CAM in tumour cells seem to differ from that in neuronal cells with regard to phosphorylation. No differences in biosynthesis of N-CAM or L1 were apparent between the two tumour cell lines, B16-F1 and B16-F10.  相似文献   

Neural cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) of the immunoglobulin superfamily engage in multiple neuronal interactions that influence cell migration, axonal and dendritic projection, and synaptic targeting. Their downstream signal transduction events specify whether a cell moves or projects axons and dendrites to targets in the brain. Many of the diverse functions of CAMs are brought about through homophilic and heterophilic interactions with other cell surface receptors. An emerging concept is that CAMs act as coreceptors to assist in intracellular signal transduction, and to provide cytoskeletal linkage necessary for cell and growth cone motility. Here we will focus on new discoveries that have revealed novel coreceptor functions for the best-understood CAMs--L1, CHL1, and NCAM--important for neuronal migration and axon guidance. We will also discuss how dysregulation of CAMs may also bear on neuropsychiatric disease and cancer.  相似文献   

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