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Zusammenfassung Es wird bei der Ente an Hand von Bielschowsky-Gros-Präparaten die Innervation der Drüsenzellen der Pars distalis der Hypophyse beschrieben. Beinahe in allen Teilen der Pars distalis wird ein dichter nervöser Endplexus in den Drüsenzellsträngen gefunden. Jede einzelne Drüsenzelle steht in unmittelbarem Kontakt mit feineren und gröberen Nervenfasern des Plexus. Diese nervöse Formation wird als eine morphologische Basis für die aus bisherigen experimentellen Arbeiten gefolgerte Wirkung des Nervensystems auf die Bildung und Abgabe der Hormone in der Pars distalis interpretiert und ihr die Übertragung von Nervenimpulsen auf die einzelnen Drüsenzellen zugeschrieben.Daneben wird auch die Endformation des peripheren vegetativen Nervensystems — der sympathische Grundplexus (Boeke) —, die sich zwischen den Drüsenzellsträngen und Sinuscapillaren in der Pars distalis ausbreitet, beschrieben.Beide nervösen Strukturen werden mit den argyrophilen Bindegewebsmembranen in der Pars distalis verglichen und der prinzipielle Unterschied des morphologischen Gefüges beider Gewebsarten festgestellt.Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse wurden auf der LVIII. Tagung der Nederlandse Anatomen Vereeniging am 11. Dezember 1954 in Amsterdam vorgetragen (Nederl. Tijdschr. Geneesk. 1955)  相似文献   

Résumé Dans l'hypophyse du rat, la microscopie électronique permet de mettre en évidence à l'intérieur de tous les cordons épithéliaux de la pars distalis un réseau de cellules agranulaires: les cellules stellaires et folliculo-stellaires, satellites des cellules granuleuses hormonogènes. Les cellules de ce réseau se caractérisent à la fois par la multiplicité de leurs prolongements et par leur organisation autour de cavités pour la plupart submicroscopiques, «les follicules». Les cellules folliculo-stellaires correspondent à une partie des cellules chromophobes de la microscopie photonique.La fente hypophysaire, par de nombreux caractères, semble faire partie de ce système folliculo-stellaire, dont elle pourrait représenter une région privilégiée par sa situation, ses dimensions et son contenu.L'existence des cellules folliculo-stellaires dans un grand nombre d'espèces, leurs caractères cytologiques hautement différenciés, leurs relations étroites avec le milieu intérieur interstitiel et leurs modifications en fonction de l'âge et des conditions expérimentales permettent de penser qu'elles sont étroitement attachées à la fonction glandulaire.
The network of the folliculo-stellate cells and the follicles of the adenohypophysis in the rat (pars distalis)
Summary Electron microscopic investigation of the rat anterior pituitary reveals, throughout the whole pars distalis, a cellular network composed of agranular cells. These cells, the stellate and folliculo-stellate cells, are satellites of the granulated secretory cells.The cells of the network are characterized both by their multiple cytoplasmic processes and by their organization around cavities, most of them submicroscopic, the follicles. Those cells probably represent a large part of the chromophobe cells previously observed by light microscopy.On account of several characters, the pituitary cleft seems to be related to the réseau folliculo-stellaire and could be a peculiar part of this system because of its localization, size and contents.The réseau folliculo-stellaire is present in numerous species, showing a typical and differentiated cytology, and close relationships with the interstitial medium. Owing to its morphology and to modifications according to age and experimental conditions, this network seems to be a system intimately involved in the glandular function.
Je remercie Mr. le Professeur J. Racadot et toute l'équipe du Laboratoire pour l'aide apportée: Mme O. Racadot (clichés), Mme G. Porcile (tirages, manuscrit), Mlle B. Marie (technique), Mme A. Combrier (manuscrit). Ce travail a été effectué sous la direction de Mr. le Professeur L. Olivier que je remercie vivement pour ses conseils et pour son aide lors de la rédaction du manuscrit.  相似文献   

Riassunto Facendo seguito ad uno studio in microscopia ottica sull'ipofisi della Lacerta s. sicula Raf. durante vari periodi dell'anno, gli AA. espongono, per la stessa specie, i dati ultrastrutturali per le cellule adenoipofisarie, di maschi ancora in periodo di attiva spermatogenesi e di accoppiamento, e di altri castrati e sacrificati dopo 3–4 mesi. In base alla localizzazione nella ghiandola ed alle variazioni dopo castrazione, si distinguono cellule del 1 tipo (STH) con granuli rotondeggianti ed uniformi (circa 310 m ), cellule del 2 tipo (gonadotrope) a granuli polimorfi, cellule del 3 tipo (pure gonadotrope) a granuli tondi e piccoli (150–270 m) e a globuli di 700–800 m, e cellule del 4 tipo a granuli piccoli ed uniformi (100–200 m), di dubbio significato. Presentano dati a favore dell'ipotesi che la condensazione del secreto in forma di granuli avvenga nelle cisterne del Golgi. Osservano fenomeni di degenerazioni cellulari ed aspetti di distruzione citoplasmatica con liberazione di granuli negli spazi tra le cellule. Negli animali castrati notano degranulazione e segni di intensa attività delle cellule del 2 e del 3 tipo, oltre alla comparsa di cellule vacuolizzate, per dilatazione del reticolo endoplasmico ruvido.
The ultrastructure of the pars distalis of the hypophysis in sexually active and castrated males of Lacerta s. sicula Raf
Summary In addition to light microscopic studies on the hypophysis of the lizard, Lacerta s. sicula Raf., during different periods of the year, the authors of this paper explain the ultrastructure of the adenohypophysial cells of normal sexually active male lizards and of castrated lizards. On the basis of the location and the structural variations after castration several hypophysial cell types can be distinguished: Type 1 (STH) with spheroid granules (about 310 m diameter); type 2 with polymorphous glycoprotein granules; type 3 with small round granules (150–270 m diameter) and globules of about 700–800 m diameter (both gonadotropes). A fourth cell type with small uniform granules (diameter about 100–200 m has also been observed; its function is uncertain. A condensation of secretory granules in the Golgi complex and phenomena of cellular degeneration and cytolysis followed by a release of granules into the cellular interstices have been observed. In castrated animals degranulation and signs of an increased activity in the cell types 2 and 3 have been shown. In these animals the cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum become greatly distended.

Lavoro eseguito con il contributo del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Impresa Endocrinologia, e svolto, per le osservazioni, presso il Centro di Studio di Microscopia Elettronica della Facoltà di Scienze dell'Università di Napoli; ringraziamo il Prof. Gianfranco Ghiara per la continua critica costruttiva e il dott. Carlo Taddei per i suggerimenti nelle tecniche di microscopia elettronica.  相似文献   

It remains unclear whether white matter (WM) changes found in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) patients are stress-induced or precursors for vulnerability. The current study aimed to identify susceptibility factors relating to the development of PTSD and to examine the ability of these factors to predict the course of longitudinal PTSD. Sixty two victims who had experienced traffic accidents underwent diffusion tensor imaging using a 3.0T MRI system within 2 days after their accidents. Of these, 21 were diagnosed with PTSD at 1 or 6 months using the Clinician-Administered Ptsd Scale (CAPS). Then, 11 trauma-exposed victims with PTSD underwent the second MRI scan. Compared with the victims without PTSD, the victims with PTSD showed decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) in WM of the anterior cingulate cortex, ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), temporal lobes and midbrain, and increased mean diffusivity (MD) in the vmPFC within 2 days after the traumatic event. Importantly, decreased FA of the vmPFC in the acute phase predicted greater future CAPS scores. In addition, we found decreased FA in the insula in the follow-up scan in the victims with PTSD, which correlated with the decreased FA of the vmPFC in their baseline scan. These results suggested that the WM might have changed within 2 days after the traumatic event in the individuals who would later develop PTSD. Furthermore, decreased FA of the vmPFC could be a possible vulnerability marker predicting future development of PTSD and may provide an outcome prediction of the acquired signs.  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify the rare type ABO blood groups, B(A) 02, from Eastern China. Three samples with discordant serological results during routine blood type identification and four samples from one sample’ family were selected. All of them were detected by serological method. The exon 6 and 7 of the ABO genes were amplified by PCR and sequenced. They were typed as AsubB by serology and as BO by genotype. In AsubB samples, nt 700C>G mutation was detected in B gene, which was previously defined as B(A)02 alleles. In these seven samples, six showed B(A)02/O01 and one showed B(A)02/O02.B(A)02 allele was found to be more common in this study than B(A)04 which is considered to be more frequent than B(A)02. The careful identification of rare blood types is important for the safety of clinical blood transfusion.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

《California medicine》1946,65(6):295-296


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