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Homology modeling based on the known spatial structures of Homo sapiens protein phosphatases types 1 and 2A was implemented. The spatial structures of human protein phosphatases and their plant homologs from Arabidopsis thaliana were predicted. The quality of the models was confirmed by the root mean square deviations of the atoms and conformational analysis results. The sites of okadaic acid bindings in the molecules of plant protein phosphatases (types 1 and 2A) were verified by the data of comparative analyses and molecular dynamics.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of mammalian purple acid phosphatases and phosphoprotein phosphatases are shown to possess regions of significant homology. The conserved residues contain a high percentage of possible metal-binding residues. The phosphoprotein phosphatases 1, 2A and 2B are proposed to be iron-zinc metalloenzymes with active sites isostructural (or nearly so) with those of the purple phosphatases.  相似文献   

Type 1 phosphoprotein Ser/Thr phosphatases (PP1) are highly conserved enzymes found in all eukaryotes. These enzymes have multiple functions in fungal and animal cells but little is known of their function and regulation in plants. Previous studies in our laboratory indicated that maize and Arabidopsis contain a family of PP1 genes and/or pseudogenes. In this study, we report the isolation of five distinct Arabidopsis cDNA clones (TOPP1, TOPP2, TOPP3, TOPP4 and TOPP5) which encode the catalytic subunit (PP1c) of type 1 protein phosphatases. Genomic Southern blot analyses indicate that these clones are the products of five distinct genes and that an additional 2–3 PP1c genes and/or pseudogenes may be present in the Arabidopsis genome. The derived amino acid sequences of the TOPP clones are very similar to published sequences of PP1c from animals, fungi and plants. Four of the TOPP amino acid sequences show unique structural features not observed in other PP1c sequences from fungi or animals. All of the TOPP genes are expressed in Arabidopsis roots, rosettes and flowers, although TOPP1, TOPP2 and TOPP3 appear to be expressed at higher levels in these tissues than TOPP4 and TOPP5.  相似文献   

We examined the role of phosphatases in synaptic transmission using the permeant phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid (OA). In the crayfish neuromuscular junction (NMJ), postsynaptic effects including increases in input resistance occurred at doses greater than 5 microM OA. At lower doses (0.5-5 microM) the effects were solely presynaptic and transmitter release increased over three-fold despite small reductions in amplitude and duration of presynaptic action potentials. Potentiating effects of serotonin on transmitter release, which depend on phosphorylation, were increased by OA. Frequency facilitation was reduced but its decay was not affected. In frog NMJs, OA increased spontaneous and evoked release two-fold through presynaptic mechanisms. An inactive analog of OA, OA tetra-acetate, had no effect on transmitter release at frog and crayfish NMJ. Therefore, phosphatases have a strong modulating influence on synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Inhibitor-1 (I-1) and inhibitor-2 (I-2) selectively inhibit type 1 protein serine/threonine phosphatases (PP1). To define the molecular basis for PP1 inhibition by I-1 and I-2 charged-to-alanine substitutions in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae, PP1 catalytic subunit (GLC7), were analyzed. Two PP1 mutants, E53A/E55A and K165A/E166A/K167A, showed reduced sensitivity to I-2 when compared with wild-type PP1. Both mutants were effectively inhibited by I-1. Two-hybrid analysis and coprecipitation or pull-down assays established that wild-type and mutant PP1 catalytic subunits bound I-2 in an identical manner and suggested a role for the mutated amino acids in enzyme inhibition. Inhibition of wild-type and mutant PP1 enzymes by full-length I-2(1-204), I-2(1-114), and I-2(36-204) indicated that the mutant enzymes were impaired in their interaction with the N-terminal 35 amino acids of I-2. Site-directed mutagenesis of amino acids near the N terminus of I-2 and competition for PP1 binding by a synthetic peptide encompassing an I-2 N-terminal sequence suggested that a PP1 domain composed of amino acids Glu-53, Glu-55, Asp-165, Glu-166, and Lys-167 interacts with the N terminus of I-2. This defined a novel regulatory interaction between I-2 and PP1 that determines I-2 potency and perhaps selectivity as a PP1 inhibitor.  相似文献   

The interaction between the inhibitor protein and the catalytic subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase has been investigated by steady state kinetics and by an assessment of the requirement of this interaction for ATP. By analysis for tightly bound inhibitors, inhibition by the inhibitor protein was shown to be competitive versus peptide substrate and uncompetitive versus Mg X ATP2-. This, together with the observations of Gronot et al. (Gronot, J., Mildvan, A.S., Bramson, H. N., Thomas, N., and Kaiser, E.T. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 602-610) and those given in the accompanying paper (Whitehouse, S., Feramisco, J.R., Casnellie, J.E., Krebs, E.G., and Walsh, D.A. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 3693-3701), would indicate that the probable reaction mechanism of the protein kinase is ordered with the nucleotide binding first and that the inhibitor protein blocks catalysis by interaction with the catalytic subunit-Mg X ATP complex. The Ki for this interaction at saturating Mg X ATP and zero peptide substrate is 0.49 nM. Multiple inhibition analysis in the presence of 5'-adenylimidodiphosphate (AMP X PNP) indicates that the inhibitor protein does not interact with a catalytic subunit-AMP X PNP complex. The requirement for ATP for the inhibitor protein-catalytic subunit interaction has also been demonstrated by direct binding measurements and by the observation that the efficiency of the inhibitor protein is increased by preincubation of the inhibitor protein, catalytic subunit, and ATP in the absence of peptide substrate. By either measurement, the catalytic subunit in the presence of the inhibitor protein, was shown to exhibit an apparent Kd of 20 approximately 60 nM for ATP; this value is two orders of magnitude higher than the affinity for ATP by the catalytic subunit alone. This high apparent affinity of the catalytic subunit for ATP (in the presence of the inhibitor) does not require that there be a specific binding site on the inhibitor protein for some moiety of the ATP but may simply be a reflection of the formation of a catalytic subunit-Mg X ATP X inhibitor protein complex with resultant displacement of the equilibrium of ATP binding to the protein kinase.  相似文献   

We have used a specific phosphatase inhibitor, okadaic acid, to examine the role of two phosphatases, PP1 and PP2A, in the induction of NF-kappa B and the long terminal repeat of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-LTR). Treatment of Jurkat cells with okadaic acid induced NF-kappa B in nuclear extracts. The rate of induction by okadaic acid was delayed compared to the induction of NF-kappa B by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). The induction of NF-kappa B by okadaic acid was enhanced by cycloheximide or phytohemagglutinin (PHA). In contrast to PMA, okadaic acid appeared to induce NF-kappa B independently of protein kinase C (PKC). That the NF-kappa B induced by okadaic acid was functional was demonstrated by the marked increase in CAT activity that occurred in Jurkat, BJA-B, and U251 cells that were transfected with HIV-LTR-CAT and treated with okadaic acid. The increase in CAT activity triggered by okadaic acid was dependent on the presence of the NF-kappa B sites in the long terminal repeat of HIV as assessed by deletion and mutation analysis. Similarly to its effect on the induction of NF-kappa B, PHA added together with okadaic acid resulted in a further increase in CAT activity. Somewhat surprisingly, the addition of PMA inhibited the increase in CAT activity in response to okadaic acid, which suggests that the activation of PKC may also induce inhibitory factors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In mammalian cells DNA damage activates a checkpoint that halts progression through S phase. To determine the ability of nitrating agents to induce S-phase arrest, mouse C10 cells synchronized in S phase were treated with nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) or SIN-1, a generator of reactive nitrogen species (RNS). SIN-1 or NO(2) induced S-phase arrest in a dose- and time-dependent manner. As for the positive controls adozelesin and cisplatin, arrest was accompanied by phosphorylation of ATM kinase; dephosphorylation of pRB; decreases in RF-C, cyclin D1, Cdc25A, and Cdc6; and increases in p21. Comet assays indicated that RNS induce minimal DNA damage. Moreover, in a cell-free replication system, nuclei from cells treated with RNS were able to support control levels of DNA synthesis when incubated in cytosolic extracts from untreated cells, whereas nuclei from cells treated with cisplatin were not. Induction of phosphatase activity may represent one mechanism of RNS-induced arrest, for the PP1/PP2A phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid inhibited dephosphorylation of pRB; prevented decreases in the levels of RF-C, cyclin D1, Cdc6, and Cdc25A; and bypassed arrest by SIN-1 or NO(2), but not cisplatin or adozelesin. Our studies suggest that RNS may induce S-phase arrest through mechanisms that differ from those elicited by classical DNA-damaging agents.  相似文献   

Treatment of human myeloid leukemia K562 cells with the serine/threonine protein phosphatases inhibitor okadaic acid induced mitotic arrest followed by apoptosis in a synchronized manner. The effect was observed at drug concentrations that inhibited the protein phosphatase type 2A but not type 1. We investigated whether apoptosis was a consequence of the preceding mitosis arrest or was induced independently by okadaic acid. We found that (1) apoptosis, but not mitotic arrest, was inhibited in cells with constitutive expression of Bcl-2; (2) pretreatment of cells with the DNA synthesis inhibitor hydroxyurea blocked the mitotic arrest but not the apoptosis mediated by okadaic acid; (3) down-regulation of c-myc gene was associated with apoptosis, but not with mitotic arrest; and (4) inhibition of protein synthesis abrogated mitotic arrest, but not apoptosis. The results suggest that inhibition of protein phosphatase 2A by okadaic acid provokes mitotic arrest and apoptosis of leukemia cells by independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Okadaic acid (OA), an inhibitor of protein phosphatases 1 and 2A, induces differentiation in human MCF-7, AU-565, and MB-231 breast tumor cells. In MCF-7 cells, OA elicited within 5 min an increase in the levels of a set of phosphorylated cellular proteins, within hours expression of the early response genes junB, c-jun, and c-fos, and within days manifestation of differentiation. Differentiation was also induced by two related protein phosphatase inhibitors, but not by an inactive OA derivative or by an inhibitor that penetrates epithelial cells poorly. These results indicate that OA and related agents can induce tumor breast cell differentiation, and this induction is correlated with their ability to inhibit PPH 1 and 2A.  相似文献   

The level of protein phosphorylation is dependent on the relative activities of both protein kinases and protein phosphatases. By comparison with protein kinases, however, there have been considerably fewer studies on the functions of serine/threonine protein phosphatases. This is partly due to a lack of specific protein phosphatase inhibitors that can be used as probes. In the present study we characterize the inhibitory effects of microcystin-LR, a hepatotoxic cyclic peptide associated with most strains of the blue-green algae Microcystis aeruginosa found in the Northern hemisphere, that proves to be a potent inhibitor of type 1 (IC50 = 1.7 nM) and type 2A (IC50 = 0.04 nM) protein phosphatases. Microcystin-LR inhibited the activity of both type 1 and type 2A phosphatases greater than 10-fold more potently than okadaic acid under the same conditions. Type 2A protein phosphatases in dilute mammalian cell extracts were found to be completely inhibited by 0.5 nM microcystin-LR while type 1 protein phosphatases were only slightly affected at this concentration. Thus, microcystin-LR may prove to be a useful probe for the study and identification cellular processes which are mediated by protein phosphatases.  相似文献   

The enhancement of fluorescence intensity of the dansyl group due to the formation of trypsin- or trypsinogen-dansyl-L-arginine complex was measured. Dansyl-L-arginine (L-DA) is a product in the trypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis of dansyl-L-arginine methylester. Trypsinogen was found to have only one binding site for L-DA with the dissociation constant of 6.9 x 10(-3)M, which is identical with the Michaelis constant for the trypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis of dansyl-L-arginine amide (Goto, S. and Hess, G.P., unpublished results). This finding and the results of X-ray diffraction studies (1,2) suggest that this binding site is located in the active site of the enzyme. On the other hand, the active enzyme, trypsin, was found to have at least two binding sites for L-DA. One is located in the active site. The dissociation constant for L-DA bound to this site is 6.7 x 10(-3)M. The other site is probably located in the allosteric site of trypsin. The dissociation constant for L-DA bound to this site is 4.8 x 10(-4)M.  相似文献   

Using okadaic acid, a potent inhibitor of type 2A and type 1 protein phosphatases, and inhibitor 2, an intrinsic inhibitory factor of type 1 phosphatase, we characterized the phosphorylated myosin light-chain (PMLC) phosphatase activity in the smooth-muscle extracts of guinea-pig ileum. In the intact fibres the control activity was 254 +/- 13 nmol of Pi/min per g wet wt. (n = 15) against 32P-labelled PMLC (4 microM) from chicken gizzard. The following phosphatase fractions were identified: an inhibitor-2-sensitive (type 1) fraction (fractional activity = 35%), a Mg2+-dependent and okadaic acid-insensitive (type 2C) fraction (17%), and two type 2A-like fractions that had different susceptibility to okadaic acid. The type 2A-like fraction with lower affinity to okadaic acid accounted for 30% of the control activity. After the cell membrane was permeabilized by Triton X-100, more than 60% of this fraction remained and accounted for about 90% of the total activity, whereas the other fractions were nearly abolished. The type 2A-like fraction may be bound to some intracellular structure such as contractile proteins.  相似文献   

1. Phosphoprotein phosphatases with activity towards the inhibitory subunit of troponin (troponin I), phosphorylase a and lysine-rich histone (fraction F1) have been fractionated from rat skeletal muscle by chromatography on Sephadex G-200 and polylysine-Sepharose. Six separate fractions were identified on the basis of substrate specificity and behaviour during chromatography. 2. All fractions showed similar Km values for any given protein substrate. The Km for troponin I (5 muM) was significantly lower than that previously reported. 3. Phosphatase activities towards troponin I and hosphorylase a did not show a requirement for bivalent-metal ions. Two of the fractions with only minor activity towards histone were activated by Mn2+. 4. Discontinuous polyacrylamide-gel-electrophoresis studies indicated that several of the fractions contained more than one phosphatase activity, and additionally showed that several of the activities could exist in different aggregation states. On the basis of these studies at least two phosphatases with activity only towards troponin I were identified. In addition, phosphorylase phosphatase (which has considerable activity towards troponin I) and a general phosphatase with activity towards all three substrates were found. 5. A fraction with mol.wt. of 150000 could be activated by freezing with 2-mercaptoethanol or by heating to 55 degrees C. This activation was accompanied by a decrease in mol.wt. to 25000. 6. The total amount of phosphatase with activity towards troponin I which was extracted would be sufficient to dephosphorylate all the troponin I present in skeletal muscle in approximately 10s.  相似文献   

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