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The packaging signal of HIV-1 RNA contains a stem-loop structure, SL1, which serves as the dimerization initiation site for two identical copies of the genome and is important for packaging of the RNA genome into the budding virion and for overall infectivity. SL1 spontaneously dimerizes via a palindromic hexanucleotide sequence in its apical loop, forming a metastable kissing dimer form. Incubation with nucleocapsid protein causes this form to refold to a thermodynamically stable mature linear dimer. Here, we present an NMR structure of the latter form of the full-length SL1 sequence of the Lai HIV-1 isolate. The structure was refined using nuclear Overhauser effect and residual dipolar coupling data. The structure presents a symmetric homodimer of two RNA strands of 35 nucleotides each; it includes five stems separated by four internal loops. The central palindromic stem is surrounded by two symmetric adenine-rich 1-2 internal loops, A-bulges. All three adenines in each A-bulge are stacked inside the helix, consistent with the solution structures of shorter SL1 constructs determined previously. The outer 4-base pair stems and, proximal to them, purine-rich 1-3 internal loops, or G-bulges, are the least stable parts of the molecule. The G-bulges display high conformational variability in the refined ensemble of structures, despite the availability of many structural restraints for this region. Nevertheless, most conformations share a similar structural motif: a guanine and an adenine from opposite strands form a GA mismatch stacked on the top of the neighboring stem. The two remaining guanines are exposed, one in the minor groove and another in the major groove side of the helix, consistent with secondary structure probing data for SL1. These guanines may be recognized by the nucleocapsid protein, which binds tightly to the G-bulge in vitro.  相似文献   

The genome of all retrovirus consists of two copies of genomic RNA which are noncovalently linked near their 5' end. A sequence localized immediately upstream from the splice donor site inside the HIV-1 psi-RNA region was identified as the domain responsible for the dimerization initiation. It was shown that a kissing complex and a stable dimer are both involved in the HIV-1Lai RNA dimerization process in vitro. The NCp7 protein activates the dimerization by converting a transient loop-loop complex into a more stable dimer. The structure of this transitory loop-loop complex was recently elucidated by Mujeeb et al. In work presented here, we use NMR spectroscopy to determine the stable extended dimer structure formed from a 23 nucleotides RNA fragment, part of the 35 nucleotides SL1 sequence. By heating to 90 degrees C, then slowly cooling this sequence, we were able to show that an extended dimer is formed. We present evidence for the three dimensional structure of this dimer. NMR data yields evidence for a zipper like motif A8A9.A16 existence. This motif enables the surrounding bases to be positioned more closely and permit the G7 and C17 bases to be paired. This is different to other related sequences where only the kissing complex is observed, we suggest that the zipper like motif AA.A could be an important stabilization factor of the extended duplex.  相似文献   

Dimerization of HIV-1 genomic RNA is an essential step of the viral cycle, initiated at a conserved stem-loop structure which forms a 'kissing complex' involving loop-loop interactions (dimerization initiation site, DIS). A 19mer RNA oligonucleotide (DIS-19) has been synthesized which forms a stable symmetrical dimer in solution at millimolar concentrations. Dimerization does not depend on addition of Mg2+. RNA ligation experiments unambiguously indicate that the formed dimer is a stable kissing complex under the NMR experimental conditions.1H NMR resonance assignments were obtained for DIS-19 at 290 K and pH 6.5. Analysis of the pattern of NOE connectivities reveals that the helix formed by loop-loop base pairing is stacked onto the two terminal stems. Non-canonical base pairs between two essential and conserved adenines are found at the junctions between the two intramolecular and the single intramolecular helices.  相似文献   

Dimerization of the genomic RNA is an important step of the HIV-1 replication cycle. The Dimerization Initiation Site (DIS) promotes dimerization of the viral genome by forming a loop-loop complex between two DIS hairpins. Crystal structures of the DIS loop-loop complex revealed an unexpected and strong similitude with the bacterial 16S ribosomal aminoacyl-tRNA site (A site), which is the target of aminoglycoside antibiotics. As a consequence of these structural and sequence similarities, the HIV-1 DIS also binds some aminoglycosides, not only in vitro, but also ex vivo, in lymphoid cells and in viral particles. Crystal structures of the DIS loop-loop in complex with several aminoglycoside antibiotics provide a detailed-view of the DIS/drug interaction and reveal some hints about possible modifications to increase the drug affinity and/or specificity.  相似文献   

Dimerization of genomic RNA is directly related with the event of encapsidation and maturation of the virion. The initiating sequence of the dimerization is a short autocomplementary region in the hairpin loop SL1. We describe here a new solution structure of the RNA dimerization initiation site (DIS) of HIV-1Lai. NMR pulsed field-gradient spin-echo techniques and multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy indicate that this structure is formed by two hairpins linked by six Watson–Crick GC base pairs. Hinges between the stems and the loops are stabilized by intra and intermolecular interactions involving the A8, A9 and A16 adenines. The coaxial alignment of the three A-type helices present in the structure is supported by previous crystallography analysis but the A8 and A9 adenines are found in a bulged in position. These data suggest the existence of an equilibrium between bulged in and bulged out conformations in solution.  相似文献   

The 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR) of the genomic RNA of human immunodeficiency viruses type-1 (HIV-1) and type-2 (HIV-2) is composed of highly structured RNA motifs essential for viral replication that are expected to interfere with Gag and Gag-Pol translation. Here, we have analyzed and compared the properties by which the viral 5'-UTR drives translation from the genomic RNA of both human immunodeficiency viruses. Our results showed that translation from the HIV-2 gRNA was very poor compared to that of HIV-1. This was rather due to the intrinsic structural motifs in their respective 5'-UTR without involvement of any viral protein. Further investigation pointed to a different role of TAR RNA, which was much inhibitory for HIV-2 translation. Altogether, these data highlight important structural and functional differences between these two human pathogens.  相似文献   

Specific binding of HIV-1 viral protein NCp7 to a unique 35-base RNA stem-loop SL1 is critical for formation and packaging of the genomic RNA dimer found within HIV-1 virions. NCp7 binding stimulates refolding of SL1 from a metastable kissing dimer (KD) into thermodynamically stable linear dimer (LD). Using UV melting, gel electrophoresis and heteronuclear NMR, we investigated effects of various site-specific mutations within the full-length SL1 on temperature- or NCp7-induced refolding in vitro. Refolding involved intramolecular melting of SL1 stems but not dissociation of the intermolecular KD interface. Refolding required only two NCp7 molecules per KD but was limited by the amount of NCp7 present, implying that the protein does not catalytically promote refolding. Efficient refolding depended strictly on the presence and, to a lesser degree, on sequence of a highly conserved G-rich internal loop that normally limits thermal stability of the SL1 stem. Adding two base pairs to the lower stem created a hyperstable SL1 mutant that failed to refold, even when bound by NCp7at high stoichiometries. NMR analysis of these kinetically trapped mutant RNA–protein complexes indicated that NCp7 initiates refolding by dissociating base pairs in the upper stem of SL1. This study illuminates structural transitions critical for HIV-1 assembly and replication.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An important step in retroviral replication is dimerization of the genomic RNA prior to encapsidation. Dimerization is initiated by the formation of a transient 'kissing-loop complex' that is thought to be subsequently matured into an extended duplex by the nucleocapsid protein (NCp). Although chemical probing and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy have provided insight into the structure of the kissing-loop structure, no structural information concerning the extended-duplex state is available so far. RESULTS: The structure of a minimal HIV-1 RNA dimerization initiation site has been solved at 2.3 A resolution in two different space groups. It reveals a 22 base pair extended duplex with two noncanonical Watson-Crick-like G-A mismatches, each adjacent to a bulged-out adenine. The structure shows significant asymmetry in deep groove width and G-A base-pair conformations. A network of eight magnesium cations was clearly identified, one being unusually chelated by the 3' phosphate of each bulge across an extremely narrowed deep major groove. CONCLUSIONS: These crystal structures represent the putative matured form of the initial kissing-loop complex. They show the ability of this self-complementary RNA hairpin loop to acquire a more stable extended duplex structure. Both bulged adenines form a striking 'base grip' that could be a recognition signal, either in cis for another viral RNA sequence, or in trans for a protein, possibly the NCp. Magnesium binding might be important to promote and stabilize the observed extrahelical conformation of these bulges.  相似文献   

RNA dimerization is an essential step in the retroviral life cycle. Dimerization and encapsidation signals, closely linked in HIV-2, are located in the leader RNA region. The SL1 motif and nucleocapsid protein are considered important for both processes. In this study, we show the structure of the HIV-2 leader RNA (+1-560) captured as a loose dimer. Potential structural rearrangements within the leader RNA were studied. In the loose dimer form, the HIV-2 leader RNA strand exists in vitro as a single global fold. Two kissing loop interfaces within the loose dimer were identified: SL1/SL1 and TAR/TAR. Evidence for these findings is provided by RNA probing using SHAPE, chemical reagents, enzymes, non-denaturing PAGE mobility assays, antisense oligonucleotides hybridization and analysis of an RNA mutant. Both TAR and SL1 as isolated domains are bound by recombinant NCp8 protein with high affinity, contrary to the hairpins downstream of SL1. Foot-printing of the SL1/NCp8 complex indicates that the major binding site maps to the SL1 upper stem. Taken together, these data suggest a model in which TAR hairpin III, the segment of SL1 proximal to the loop and the PAL palindromic sequence play specific roles in the initiation of dimerization.  相似文献   

NMR structure of the HIV-1 regulatory protein VPR   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Retroviruses encapsidate their genome as a dimer of homologous RNA molecules noncovalently linked close to their 5' ends. The dimerization initiation site (DIS) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA is a hairpin structure that contains in the loop a 6-nt self-complementary sequence flanked by two 5' and one 3' purines. The self-complementary sequence, as well as the flanking purines, are crucial for dimerization of HIV-1 RNA, which is mediated by formation of a "kissing-loop" complex between the DIS of each monomer. Here, we used chemical modification interference, lead-induced cleavage, and three-dimensional modeling to compare dimerization of subtype A and B HIV-1 RNAs. The DIS loop sequences of these RNAs are AGGUGCACA and AAGCGCGCA, respectively. In both RNAs, ethylation of most but not all phosphate groups in the loop and methylation of the N7 position of the G residues in the self-complementary sequence inhibited dimerization. These results demonstrate that small perturbations of the loop structure are detrimental to dimerization. Conversely, methylation of the N1 position of the first and last As in the loop were neutral or enhanced dimerization, a result consistent with these residues forming a noncanonical sheared base pair. Phosphorothioate interference, lead-induced cleavage, and Brownian-dynamics simulation revealed an unexpected difference in the dimerization mechanism of these RNAs. Unlike subtype B, subtype A requires binding of a divalent cation in the loop to promote RNA dimerization. This difference should be taken into consideration in the design of antidimerization molecules aimed at inhibiting HIV-1 replication.  相似文献   

HIV-1 utilizes cellular factors for efficient replication. The viral RNA is different from cellular mRNAs in many aspects, and is prone to attacks by cellular RNA quality control systems. To establish effective infection, the virus has evolved multiple mechanisms to protect its RNA. Here, we show that expression of the Y-box binding protein 1 (YB-1) enhanced the production of HIV-1. Downregulation of endogenous YB-1 in producer cells decreased viral production. YB-1 increased viral protein expression by stabilizing HIV-1 RNAs. The stem loop 2 in the HIV-1 RNA packaging signal was mapped to be the YB-1-responsive element. Taken together, these results indicate that YB-1 stabilizes HIV-1 genomic RNA and thereby enhances HIV-1 gene expression and viral production.  相似文献   

Architecture of a gamma retroviral genomic RNA dimer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Badorrek CS  Weeks KM 《Biochemistry》2006,45(42):12664-12672
Retroviral genomes contain two sense-strand RNAs that are noncovalently linked at their 5' ends, forming a dimer. Establishing a structure for this dimer is an obligatory first step toward understanding the fundamental role of the dimeric RNA in retroviral biology. We developed a secondary structure model for the minimal dimerization active sequence (MiDAS) for the Moloney murine sarcoma virus in the final dimer state using selective 2'-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE). In this model, two self-complementary, or palindromic, sequences (PAL1 and PAL2) form extended intermolecular duplexes of 10 and 16 base pairs, respectively. The monomeric starting state was shown previously to contain a flexible domain in which nucleotides do not form stable interactions with other parts of the RNA. In the final dimer state, portions of this initial flexible domain form stable base pairs, while previously base-paired elements lie in a new flexible domain. Thus, partially overlapping and structurally well-defined flexible domains are prominent features of both monomer and dimer states. We then used hydroxyl radical cleavage experiments to characterize the global architecture of the dimer state. Extensive regions, including portions of both PAL1 and PAL2, are occluded from solvent-based cleavage indicating that the MiDAS domain does not function simply as a collection of autonomous secondary structure elements. Instead, the retroviral dimerization domain adopts a compact architecture characterized by close packing of its constituent helices.  相似文献   

A mode-coupling solution of the Smoluchowski diffusion equation (MCD theory), designed to describe the dynamics of wobbling macromolecules in water, is applied to a macromolecular bead model including water beads in the nearest layers. The necessary statistical averages are evaluated by time averaging along a molecular dynamics (MD) trajectory where both solute and water are introduced as atomistic models. The cross peaks in (1)H nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra that are routinely measured to determine biological structures are here calculated for the mutated 23 nucleotides stem-loop fragment of the SL1 domain in the HIV-1(Lai) genomic RNA. The calculations are in acceptable agreement with experiments without requiring any screening of the hydrodynamic interactions. The screening of hydrodynamics was necessary in previous MCD calculations obtained by using the same full atomistic MD trajectory, but a nonsolvated frictional model.  相似文献   

HIV-1 genome has an AU-rich sequence and requires rapid nuclear export by Rev activity to prevent multiple splicing. HIV-1 infection occurs in activated CD4(+) T cells where the decay of mRNAs of cytokines and chemokines is regulated by the binding of AU-rich elements to the mRNA-destabilizing protein tristetraprolin. We here investigated the influence of tristetraprolin on the replication of HIV-1. Treatment of siRNA against tristetraprolin in a latently HIV-1 infected cell line increases HIV-1 production following stimulation. A chloramphenicol acetyltransferase and luciferase assay revealed that exogenous tristetraprolin reduced HIV-1 virion production and in contrast increased the multiply spliced products. Furthermore, quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed tristetraprolin increases the ratio of multiple-spliced RNAs to un-, single-spliced RNA. Moreover, an electrophoretic mobility shift assay showed that tristetraprolin binds to synthesized HIV-1 RNA with AU-rich sequence but not to RNA with less AU sequence. These results suggest that tristetraprolin is a regulator of HIV-1 replication and enhances splicing by direct binding to AU-rich sequence of HIV-1 RNAs.  相似文献   

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