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Abstract— Two new gangliosides were isolated in pure form from beef brain. They were provisionally named ganglioside G5a and G5b. Ganglioside GSa is a monosialoganglioside containing fucose. Its basic neutral glycosphingolipid core is the gangliotetraose ceramide: Gal (1 —> 3) GalNac (1—> 4) Gal (1 —> 4) Glc (1—>) ceramide, most likely with β-linkages. Fucose is linked to the 2-position of external galactose, N -acetylneuraminic acid to the 3- position of internal galactose. Ganglioside G5b is a mixture of at least two isomeric disialogangliosides containing N -acetylneuraminic acid and N -glycolylneura-minic acid. The major isomer has the following structure: NeuNac (α,2—>3) Gal (β,1—>3) GalNac (β, 1 —> 4) (NeuNglα, 2 —> 3) gal (β,1—>4) Glc (β,1 —>)-ceramide. The minor isomer contains N -acetylneur-aminic acid and N -glycolylneuraminic acid in an inverted linkage position.  相似文献   

Gangliosides were extracted by various procedures from acetone powder prepared from grey matter of cattle brain. The mixtures of gangliosides, containing 24–26% N-acetylneuraminic acid (NANA), were dissolved in chloroform-methanol. Upon addition of aqueous solutions of Ca2+, the amount of gangliosides (and Ca2+) passing into the lower phase of the two-phase solvent system was a linear function of the product of the initial concentrations of Ca2+ and ganglioside-NANA. It was also a function of the initial stoichiometric ratios of ganglioside-NANA to Caa+. In accordance with previous reports, no gross differences of composition between the initial mixture of gangliosides and the calcium-solubilized portion could be detected by glass-fibre chromatography.  相似文献   

紫菀中一个新单萜甙的结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nagao等(1988)报道了紫菀(Aster tataricus L.f)中两个新单萜甙的结构。本文报道另一新单萜甙(1)的结构(图 1)。 4.5kg紫菀根的70%乙醇提取物,依次用苯、乙酸乙酯萃取。乙酸乙酯萃取物(40g)上硅胶柱。氯仿-甲醇(4:1)洗出物再经硅胶柱及制备薄层层析,得无色针状结晶(1)120mg。结晶(1)mp 68—70℃,Molish  相似文献   

汉水上游旧石器的新发现   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
汉中盆地地处我国华南与华北的一个中间过渡带。在汉中盆地内旧石器又有新的发现,同时和旧石器一起还发现了哺乳动物化石,有9属9种。哺乳动物化石的发现,对于确定旧石器的时代有所帮助。  相似文献   

Equisetum clarnoi is described from four silicified stem fragments and numerous small roots from the Eocene Clarno Chert of Jefferson County, Oregon. Stems are up to 8.0 mm in diam and have sunken stomata arranged vertically in a single line flanking each of the external biangulate stem ridges, features that clearly ally this species with the subgenus Hippochaete. External stem ridges are equal in number to the carinal hypodermal bands. The hypodermis is composed of fibers and has prominent carinal bands up to 0.75 mm long and shorter vallecular bands. Cortical parenchyma cells enclose prominent vallecular canals which are lined by specialized thick-walled parenchyma cells. The double, common endodermis has prominent casparian strips. Vascular bundles are composed of four to seven metaxylem tracheids flanking each side of the phloem and protoxylem tracheids which occur singly on the internal surface of the small carinal canals. Leaf sheaths in cross section have an adaxial fibrous layer and an external or near external fibrous bundle. Roots are up to 2.0 mm in diam and have paired cuboidal epidermal cells from which root hairs arise. The stele of the root is central and shows exarch primary xylem maturation. Equisetum clarnoi most closely resembles the extant Equisetum hyemale var. affine.  相似文献   

从爵床科马来叉桂花植物的叶中分离到一个新甜味甙I,通过波谱分析(UV,IR,GLC,1H-NMK.13C-NMK,2D-NMK和MS)及衍生物的研究,其结构鉴定为3-O-β-D-吡喃木糖基-(1→2)-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖醛酸基-3β,21β,22β,23,29-五羟基齐墩果-12-烯-21-O-α-(2,3,4-O-三乙酸基)-L-鼠李糖甙.命名为马来叉柱花素(strogin)(I).  相似文献   

Although Lower Carboniferous tetracorals of China have long been extensively described, thoseof younger Carboniferous have not received the due attention that they seem to deserve. Thepresent paper intends to deal with some scattered collections from the Carboniferous of Northand South China, which have been put at the author's disposal in the course of many a year.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A new species of Moeritherium (Proboscidea, Mammalia), M. chehbeurameuri sp. nov., is described from remains discovered in the early late Eocene locality of Bir El Ater, Algeria. Although mainly represented by isolated teeth, it shows distinct synapomorphies which justify its attribution to the genus Moeritherium , together with exclusive features that led to the creation of the new species. The main characteristic of this new taxon is the almost complete lophodonty shown by its molars, while Moeritherium is commonly regarded as a bunolophodont to bunodont taxon. In addition to this lophodonty, this new taxon shows anatomical features as yet unknown for the genus, but often met within lophodont early proboscidean taxa such as Phosphatherium escuilliei and Numidotherium koholense . Although a revision of the whole genus Moeritherium is outside the scope of this paper, the main controversies and discussion about the definition of species within the genus Moeritherium are discussed. The surprising lophodonty of M. chehbeurameuri , together with its small size, its early late Eocene age and the weak molarization of its P3 support the hypothesis of a lophodont hypothetical ancestor for moeritheres, and therefore strengthen the growing hypothesis of a lophodont dental ancestral morphotype for proboscideans.  相似文献   

Daugherty , Lyman H. (San Jose State College, San Jose, Calif.) Itopsidema, a new genus of the Osmundaceae from the Triassic of Arizona. Amer. Jour. Bot 47(9): 771–777. Illus. 1960.—Itopsidema vancleavei, a new genus and species of the family Osmundaceae, is described. The specimen consists of several segments of an arborescent stem obtained from the Upper Triassic of the Petrified Forest National Monument near Holbrook, Arizona. The surfaces on 2 of the segments are covered by adventitious roots and the remaining segments are covered by leaf bases. The fronds are spirally arranged and have an 8/21 phyllotaxy. The cortex of the stem, which contains numerous leaf traces and adventitious roots, consists of parenchyma with cell walls of medium thickness. The leaf traces are oblong to crescent-shaped in the inner cortex and horseshoe-shaped in the outer cortex. The base of the petiole contains a single, large vascular bundle and is covered by multicelled, glandular spines. The adventitious roots originate on the abaxial side of the leaf traces in the region of the inner cortex. The center of the stem is occupied by an ectophloic, mesarch siphonostele without leaf gaps. The pith is composed of firm-walled parenchyma cells which have isolated tracheids with reticulate pitting scattered among them. These tracheids are so rare the pith cannot be considered a “mixed pith.” The relationship and morphological significance of Itopsidema with respect to other members of the Osmundaceae are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A silicified seed cone of Oligocene age from the Olympic Peninsula of Washington represents a new species of Pinus. The cone was about 8 cm long and 3 cm at its widest diameter in the living condition. Its scale apices are thickened and each has a dorsal umbo. Internal cone construction confirms the assignment of the new species to Pinus and suggests affinity with the subsections Australes and Ponderosae of the section Pinus, subgenus Pinus. The cone is peculiar in having a stout bract trace that is slightly concave on its adaxial side and in having resin canals that diverge from the axial secretory system toward the bract but constrict markedly and terminate before entering the bract.  相似文献   

免疫组织化学检测Ⅰ型糖尿病(IDDM)病人血清中的胰岛细胞抗体(ICA)需用“O”型血人胰腺做抗原。因为人胰腺来源困难,所以,本研究选用猪、家兔、大鼠、小鼠和豚鼠以及“O”型血正常人胰腺作抗原,对11例IDDM患者和10例正常人血清,进行ICA免疫组织化学检测,以期筛选寻找ICA免疫组织化学检测的最佳抗原替代品。选用已确诊为IDDM并用“O”型血正常人胰腺作抗原ICA检测为阳性患者的血清11份,正常人血清10份,同步用POPA免疫组织化学技术进行检测。结果发现:在11份IDDM患者血清中,用猪胰腺与用“O”型血正常人胰腺作抗原,11例均为阳性,而用家兔和大鼠胰腺作抗原各有10例为阳性。但用小鼠和豚鼠胰腺作抗原,则分别只有2例和1例呈阳性。在10例正常人血清中,人和各种动物胰腺均呈阴性反应。本研究结果表明猪胰腺是ICA免疫组织化学最佳替代品,其次是家兔和大鼠的胰腺。小鼠和豚鼠胰腺作抗原检测ICA结果差异较大  相似文献   

猪骨羟基磷灰石的结构稳定性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在不同酸碱条件下对猪骨处理,利用转靶X射线衍射(XRD)、红外吸收(IR)、差热分析(DTA)分别对猪骨的物相和微结构进行了分析,并与纯的羟基磷灰石(HA)进行了比较,研究了猪骨中纳米羟基磷灰石的结构稳定性。实验表明猪骨在弱酸弱碱溶液中羟基磷灰石相是稳定的,但晶粒尺寸、结晶度和非晶含量有所变化。600°C的高温处理,可改善其结晶度,这对开发新的骨移植材料有重要意义  相似文献   

The discovery of specimens of Calamostachys binneyana in Lower Pennsylvanan petrifaction material in North America has provided additional information about the structure of this calamitean fructification. The cones consist of regularly spaced alternating whorls of bracts and sporangiophores. Bracts are fused in a disc except at the margin where the individual units become free. Sporangiophores are inserted at right angles to the cone axis and bear four axially directed sporangia. The vascular system of the North American specimens differs from that in other reports of the taxon in the presence of twelve vascular bundles in the cone axis. Each sporangiophore is supplied by a single vascular trace that departs from one axial bundle. There appears to be no constant relationship between the number of vascular bundles and the number of bracts. Spores are spherical, thin-walled, and of the Calamospora type. Relationships with other structurally preserved members in the genus are discussed in light of the diversity in structure demonstrated by the new specimens.  相似文献   

万煜   《广西植物》1988,(3):235-236
<正> 根粗,直径3—5毫米,木质化、中空。茎长,下部平卧地面,上部向上斜升,直径1—2厘米,节上被残存的叶鞘,每隔几节生叶簇。叶禾叶状,长34—80厘米,宽1.3—2.6厘米,先端渐尖或钝,向基部渐狭成不明显的柄,具膜质鞘,上面绿色,下面淡绿色,具灰绿色纵条纹,有多数脉。总状花序1(-2)个,从茎顶端的叶丛中抽出,短于叶,长(6-)9  相似文献   

Gangliosides with a short carbohydrate chain: II3(NeuAc)2-LacCer, II3(NeuAc)2-GgOse3Cer, II3(NeuAc)3-LacCer, II3NeuAc-LacCer, and II3NeuAC-GgOse3 Cer, were found to be predominant in the brain of 8 species of cartilaginous fish, elasmobranches. N-acetylneuraminic acid was the only sialic acid found in these gangliosides, the N-glycolyl derivative being practically absent. 4-Sphingenine was shown to be the predominant sphingoid in elasmobranch brain gangliosides. The sequential enzymatic hydrolysis of II3(NeuAc)2 -LacCer from shark and ray brain by acylneur-aminyl hydrolase (EC and β-D-galactoside-galactohydrolase (EC, as well as permethylation studies, provide further evidence for the following structure of this major elasmobranch brain ganglioside:  相似文献   

玫瑰新品种—蜀玫精油化学成分的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用毛细管气相色谱-质谱-计算机数据处理联用技术,毛细管气相色谱保留指数它性法和标准品叠加法分析了玫瑰嫁接新品种——蜀玫(Rosa chinensis Jacq.x R.multiflora+R.rugosa Thunb.)精油的化学成分,并与接穗-素玫(Rosa rugosa cv.’Plena’)的精油成分进行了比较. 玫瑰精油是一种名贵的香料,在天然香料中占有极其重要的地位.为提高其质量国内外的育种专家对其品种的选育进行了大量的工作.金德伟等人以小叶多花藤玫(Rosa chinensis Jacq XR.mutiflora Thunb.)作为砧木,以素玫(Rosa rugosa Thunb.)作为接穗.培育出一玫瑰新品种——蜀玫(Rosa chinensis Jacq.xR.multiflora+R.rugosa Thunb.),大大地提高了玫瑰花的产量。研究其精油成分的变化以确定其品质是必不可少的.本文就其成分进行了研究。  相似文献   

弓翅芹属——伞形一科新属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复伞形花序分枝极多,侧伞形花序长度往往超过中央主伞形花序,组成为许多总状花丛,无总苞片和小总苞片,有时偶有1总苞片,但为膜质,脱落性;伞辐少数,纤细,极不等长,十分开展;每小伞形花序具少数花,花柄不等长,丝线形;花细小,花瓣白色,长卵形,基部具爪;花柱短粗,花柱基圆锥形,细小;萼齿显著,花粉粒为长球形。  相似文献   

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