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Summary The fate of the germinal vesicle-derived protein, nucleoplasmin, was followed in embryos and tadpoles of Xenopus using monoclonal antibodies and indirect immunofluorescent staining. Nucleoplasmin was found in all nuclei up to feeding tadpole stages. Thereafter its level decreased in all nuclei. It was not detected in nuclei of advanced tadpoles or of adults. Contrasting with another protein, N1, that was previously monitored in the nuclei of dividing gonia of both sexes, nucleoplasmin was only detected in the nuclei of ovarian oocytes starting at diplotene. Traces of nucleoplasmin have also been found in a rapidly-dividing fibroblastic cell-line by immunohistology and protein blotting.  相似文献   

Induction and patterning of the telencephalon in Xenopus laevis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report an analysis of the tissue and molecular interplay involved in the early specification of the forebrain, and in particular telencephalic, regions of the Xenopus embryo. In dissection/recombination experiments, different parts of the organizer region were explanted at gastrula stage and tested for their inducing/patterning activities on either naive ectoderm or on midgastrula stage dorsal ectoderm. We show that the anterior dorsal mesendoderm of the organizer region has a weak neural inducing activity compared with the presumptive anterior notochord, but is able to pattern either neuralized stage 10.5 dorsal ectoderm or animal caps injected with BMP inhibitors to a dorsal telencephalic fate. Furthermore, we found that a subset of this tissue, the anterior dorsal endoderm, still retains this patterning activity. At least part of the dorsal telencephalic inducing activities may be reproduced by the anterior endoderm secreted molecule cerberus, but not by simple BMP inhibition, and requires the N-terminal region of cerberus that includes its Wnt-binding domain. Furthermore, we show that FGF action is both necessary and sufficient for ventral forebrain marker expression in neuralized animal caps, and possibly also required for dorsal telencephalic specification. Therefore, integration of organizer secreted molecules and of FGF, may account for patterning of the more rostral part of Xenopus CNS.  相似文献   

Expression of XMyoD protein in early Xenopus laevis embryos.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A monoclonal antibody specific for Xenopus MyoD (XMyoD) has been characterized and used to describe the pattern of expression of this myogenic factor in early frog development. The antibody recognizes an epitope close to the N terminus of the products of both XMyoD genes, but does not bind XMyf5 or XMRF4, the other two myogenic factors that have been described in Xenopus. It reacts in embryo extracts only with XMyoD, which is extensively phosphorylated in the embryo. The distribution of XMyoD protein, seen in sections and whole-mounts, and by immunoblotting, closely follows that of XMyoD mRNA. XMyoD protein accumulates in nuclei of the future somitic mesoderm from the middle of gastrulation. In neurulae and tailbud embryos it is expressed specifically in the myotomal cells of the somites. XMyoD is in the nucleus of apparently every cell in the myotomes. It accumulates first in the anterior somitic mesoderm, and its concentration then declines in anterior somites from the tailbud stage onwards.  相似文献   

The germ cell nuclear factor of Xenopus laevis (xGCNF; NR6A1) is a nuclear orphan receptor that is predominantly expressed during neurula and late tailbud stages. As a strategy to analyze the role of xGCNF in embryogenesis, we have induced a gain of function by overexpression of full-length (fl) GCNF and a functional inhibition by a dominant-negative (dn) GCNF. Early events of embryogenesis including gastrulation and neurulation were not affected and the expression of several early mesodermal markers was normal. Yet specific defects were observed upon organogenesis. Ectopic posterior overexpression of the full-length xGCNF caused posterior defects and disturbed somite formation. In contrast, expression of dnGCNF interfered with differentiation of the neural tube and affected the differentiation of anterior structures, including the cement gland and the eyes. Embryos affected by dnGCNF were rescued by coexpression of flGCNF. After expression of dnGCNF, mRNA encoding the the retinoic acid receptor xRAR gamma 2 was selectively suppressed anteriorly. From the distinct phenotypes obtained, we conclude that GCNF has an essential function in anteroposterior differentiation during organogenesis.  相似文献   

We have isolated the Xenopus homologue of Muscle LIM protein (MLP, CRP3) and examined its expression during early embryonic development. MLP is only expressed in the differentiated heart during early development and is expressed in a subset of other striated muscles during later stages. There is no MLP expression during primary myogenesis in the somites, although it is found in adult skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have examined the regulation of expression of a newly isolated member of the hsp 30 gene family, hsp 30C. Using RT-PCR, we found that this gene was first heat-inducible at the tailbud stage of development. We also examined the expression of two microinjected modified hsp 30C gene constructs in Xenopus embryos. One of the constructs had 404 bp of hsp 30C 5′-flanking region, whereas the other had 3.6 kb. Both gene constructs had 1 kb of 3′-flanking region. RT-PCR assays were employed to detect the expression of these microinjected genes. The presence of extensive 5′- and 3′-flanking regions of the hsp 30C gene did not confer proper developmental regulation, since heat-inducible expression of both of the microinjected constructs was detectable at the midblastula stage. The premature expression of the microinjected hsp 30 gene was not a result of high plasmid copy number or the presence of plasmid DNA sequences. These results suggest that the microinjected genes contain all the cis-acting DNA sequences required for correct heat-inducible regulation but do not contain the elements required for the proper regulation of hsp 30 gene expression during development. It is possible that regulatory elements controlling the developmental expression of the hsp30 genes may reside upstream or downstream of the entire cluster. © 1993Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Dorsal lips of Xenopus laevis may differentiate into pancreas after treatment with retinoic acid in vitro. The dorsal lip region is fated to be dorsal mesoderm and anterior endoderm. Dorsal lip cells isolated from stage 10 early gastrula differentiate into tissues such as notochord, muscle and pharynx. However, in the present study, dorsal lips treated with 10(-4) M retinoic acid for 3 h differentiated into pancreas-like structures accompanied by notochord and thick endodermal epithelium. Sections of the explants showed that some cells gathered and formed an acinus-like structure as observed under microscopes. In addition to the morphological changes, expressions of the pancreas-specific molecular markers, XIHbox8 and insulin, were induced in retinoic acid-treated dorsal lip explants. Therefore, it is suggested that retinoic acid may induce the dorsal lip cells to differentiate into a functional pancreas. However, continuous treatment with retinoic acid did not induce pancreas differentiation at any concentration. Dorsal lips treated with retinoic acid within 5 h after isolation differentiated into pancreas-like cells, while those treated after 15 h or more did not. The present study provided a suitable test system for analyzing pancreas differentiation in early vertebrate development.  相似文献   

Specification of the dorsoventral (DV) axis is critical for the subsequent differentiation of regional fate in the primary germ layers of the vertebrate embryo. We have identified a novel factor that is essential for dorsal development in embryos of the frog Xenopus laevis. Misexpression of Xenopus mab21-like 3 (Xmab21l3) dorsalizes gastrula-stage mesoderm and neurula-stage ectoderm, while morpholino-mediated knockdown of Xmab21l3 inhibits dorsal differentiation of these embryonic germ layers. Xmab21l3 is a member of a chordate-specific subclass of a recently characterized gene family, all members of which contain a conserved, but as yet ill-defined, Mab21 domain. Our studies suggest that Xmab21l3 functions to repress ventralizing activity in the early vertebrate embryo, via regulation of BMP/Smad and Ras/ERK signaling.  相似文献   

FGF signaling has been implicated in germ layer formation and axial determination. An antibody specific for the activated form of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) was used to monitor FGF signaling in vivo during early Xenopus development. Activation of MAPK in young embryos is abolished by injection of a dominant negative FGF receptor (XFD) RNA, suggesting that MAPK is activated primarily by FGF in this context. A transition from cytoplasmic to nuclear localization of activated MAPK occurs in morula/blastula stage embryo animal and marginal zones coinciding with the proposed onset of mesodermal competence. Activated MAPK delineates the region of the dorsal marginal zone before blastopore formation and persists in this region during gastrulation, indicating an early role for FGF signaling in dorsal mesoderm. Activated MAPK was also found in posterior neural tissue from late gastrulation onward. Inhibition of FGF signaling does not block posterior neural gene expression (HoxB9) or activation of MAPK; however, inhibition of FGF signaling does cause a statistically significant decrease in the level of activated MAPK. These results point toward the involvement of other receptor tyrosine kinase signaling pathways in posterior neural patterning.  相似文献   

Cells in the presumptive neural ectoderm of Xenopus are committed to neural fate through a process called neural induction, which may involve proteins that antagonize BMP signaling pathways. To identify genes that are induced by the BMP antagonists and that may be involved in subsequent neural patterning, we used a suppression PCR-based subtraction screen. Here we investigate the prospective activities and functions of one of the genes, a nuclear orphan receptor previously described as xGCNF. In animal cap assays, xGCNF synergizes with ectopic chordin to induce the midbrain-hindbrain marker engrailed-2 (En-2). In Keller explants, which rely on endogenous factors for neural induction, similar increases in En-2 are observed. Expression in embryos of a dominant interfering form of xGCNF reduces the expression of endogenous En-2 and Krox-20. These gain-of-function and prospective loss-of-function experiments, taken with the observation that xGCNF is expressed in the early neural plate and is elevated in the prospective midbrain-hindbrain region, which subsequently expresses En-2, suggest that xGCNF may play a role in regulating En-2 and thus midbrain-hindbrain identity.  相似文献   

The N-myc proto-oncogene is expressed in a wide range of tissues during mammalian embryogenesis. This observation, along with the oncogenic capacity of this gene, has led to the suggestion that N-myc plays an important role in early development. However, due to the complexity of the expression pattern and the difficulty of manipulating mammalian embryos, little progress has been made towards understanding the developmental function of this gene. To enable a more detailed analysis of the role of this gene in early development, a study of the Xenopus homologue of N-myc was undertaken. Xenopus N-myc cDNA clones were isolated from a neurula library using a murine N-myc probe. Analysis of the timing of expression of N-myc mRNA and of the distribution of N-myc protein during Xenopus development indicate that this gene may be playing an important role in the formation of a number of embryonic structures, including the nervous system. N-myc is initially expressed as a maternal RNA, but this mRNA is degraded by the gastrula stage of development. Zygotic expression does not commence until late neurula. Examination of the distribution of the N-myc protein by whole-mount immunohistochemistry indicates that the early embryonic expression occurs in the central nervous system, the neural crest, the somites and the epidermis. Later expression is mostly within the head and somites. Specific structures within the head that express the protein include the eye, otic vesicle, fore and hindbrain and a number of cranial nerves. The results demonstrate that while N-myc is expressed in the developing nervous system of Xenopus, the timing of expression indicates that it is unlikely to be involved in regulation of the very first stages of neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Development in the frog, Xenopus laevis, requires the utilization of yolk glyco-lipo-proteins in a temporally- and spatially-dependent manner. The metabolism of the yolk produces hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a potent reactive oxygen species (ROS). Peroxiredoxins (prdxs) are a family of six anti-oxidant enzymes that, amongst other roles, reduce H2O2. Prdxs reduce H2O2 through a thiol-redox reaction at conserved cysteine residues which results in the creation of disulfide bonds. Recently the thiol-redox reaction of Prdxs has also been implicated in several cell signaling systems. Here we report the cloning and expression patterns during development of six peroxiredoxin homologs from the frog X. laevis. Sequence analysis confirmed their identity as well as their evolutionary relationship with peroxiredoxins from several other species. Using RT-PCR and in situ hybridization analysis we have shown that there is early and robust expression of all six homologs during development. All six X. laevis peroxiredoxins are expressed in neural regions including the brain, eyes, as well as the somites. Different expression patterns for each peroxiredoxin are also observed in the pronephric region, including the proximal and distal tubules. Expression of several peroxiredoxins was also observed in the blood precursors and the olfactory placode. These results suggest important roles for all six peroxiredoxins during early development. These roles may be restricted to their functions as anti-oxidant enzymes, but may also be related to their emerging roles in redox signaling.  相似文献   

RNA synthesis in early oogenesis of Xenopus laevis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Emerin is an integral protein of the inner nuclear membrane in the majority of differentiated vertebrate cells. In humans, deficiency of emerin causes a progressive muscular dystrophy of the Emery-Dreifuss type. The physiological role of emerin is poorly understood. By screening and sequencing of EST clones we have identified two emerin homologues in Xenopus laevis, Xemerin1 and Xemerin2. Xemerins share with mammalian emerins the N-terminal LEM domain and a single transmembrane domain at the C-terminus. As shown by immunoblot analysis with Xemerin-specific antibodies, both proteins have an apparent molecular mass of 24 kDa but differ in their isoelectric points. Xemerin1 and Xemerin2 proteins are not detectable in oocytes nor during early embryogenesis. Protein expression is first found at stage 43 and persists in somatic cells. However, RT-PCR and Northern blot analysis show Xemerin mRNAs of approximately 4.0 kb to be present in oocytes and throughout embryogenesis. During embryogenesis the level of Xemerin mRNAs increases at stage 22 and is particularly abundant in mesodermal and neuro-ectodermal regions of the embryo. These data provide the necessary background to further investigate the role of emerin in nuclear envelope assembly, gene expression and organ development of X. laevis as a model organism.  相似文献   

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