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A total of 6 population samples ofMyosotis stenophylla Knaf, a rare species showing great ecological disjunction in its distribution, were examined to clarify the present status of its karyological variation. In order to elucidate relationships between lowland tetraploid populations ofM. stenophylla and diploid and tetraploid montane populations ofM. alpestris F.W. Schmidt, four population samples ofM. alpestris were also examined. The karyotypes of all populations ofM. alpestris s.l. studied were highly asymmetrical and heterogeneous, being composed of metacentric, submetacentric, subtelocentric and satellited acrocentric chromosomes. The karyotype formula for haploid chromosome set was established: n=x=12=6m+2sm+3st+1tSAT. Multivariate analysis based on chromosome length and shape showed significant differences between diploid and tetraploid forms ofM. alpestris s.l. Four numerical parameters, used to characterize the karyotype ofM. stenophylla, revealed significant differences between populations on serpentine and on non-serpentine substrates. In addition, the noticeable affinity of the karyotype of non-serpentine populations to that ofM. alpestris tetraploids has been shown by means of discriminant analysis. These data suggest that the unique features of serpentine play an important role in the origin of karyotypic differentiation within populations ofM. stenophylla.  相似文献   

To analyze the contribution of the Czech population to the Y-chromosome diversity landscape of Europe and to reconstruct past demographic events, we typed 257 males from five locations for 21 UEPs. Moreover, 141 carriers of the three most common haplogroups were typed for 10 microsatellites and coalescent analyses applied. Sixteen Hg's characterized by derived alleles were identified, the most common being R1a-SRY(10831) and P-DYS257*(xR1a). The pool of haplogroups within I-M170 represented the third most common clade. Overall, the degree of population structure was low. The ages for Hg I-M170, P-DYS257*(xR1a), and R1a-SRY(10831) ap peared to be comparable and compatible with their presence during or soon after the LGM. A signal of population growth beginning in the first millennium B.C. was detected. Its similarity among the three most common Hg's indicated that growth was characteristic for a gene pool that already contained all of them. The Czech population appears to be influenced, to a very moderate extent, by genetic inputs from outside Europe in the post-Neolithic and historical times. Population growth postdated the archaeologically documented introduction of Neolithic technology and the estimated central value coincides with a period of repeated changes driven by the development of metal technologies and the associated social and trade organization.  相似文献   

Centaurea phrygia agg. was studied in part of Central Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine) to evaluate its karyological and morphological variation. Three ploidy levels were found: diploid (C. pseudophrygia, C. stenolepis and several populations ofC. phrygia s.str.), tetraploid (C. oxylepis and several populations ofC. phrygia s.str.), and triploid (very rare, only single individuals). Only one taxon,C. phrygia s.str., comprises populations of two ploidy levels, but they seem to be geographically separated. Multivariate morphometric analysis confirmed the separation of the four taxa; the length and the width of appendages of middle involucral bracts, visibility of appendages of inner involucral bracts, the length and the width of an involucre, and the length/width ratio of middle cauline leaves are the most important discriminant characters. Several populations intermediate between two species (eitherC. pseudophrygia andC. stenolepis orC. oxylepis andC. phrygia s.str.) were found. Their possible origin from introgressive hybridization is discussed considering their morphology (intermediate between putative parental species), chromosome numbers (always the same as in putative parents), and distribution (both spatially and ecologically more or less intermediate between distribution ranges of putative parents). A determination key for the four studied species, including intermediates, is also presented.  相似文献   

Several theoretical approaches have been proposed to explain variation in religiosity, including versions of secularization hypotheses, evolved cognitive biases, and cultural transmission. In this paper we test several theories that aim to explain variation in religiosity and compare them in a representative sample collected in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (N = 2022). These two countries represent a natural experiment in religiosity; despite their high level of historical, institutional and cultural similarity, their populations differ markedly in the rate of religious belief. We examine the predictive power of cognitive biases (anthropomorphism, dualism, teleology, mentalizing, and analytic thinking); institutional insecurity; and exposure to credibility displays of belief in childhood on various factors of religious belief. We find that individual differences in cognitive biases predicted 8% of the variance belief in God, but predicted 21% of the variance in paranormal beliefs and almost no variance in religious participation. Perceived institutional insecurity explains little variance in any of these variables, but cultural transmission, measured as exposure to credibility enhancing displays (CREDs) and church attendance in childhood, predicted 17% of the variance in belief in God and 30% of religious participation, and mediated 70% of the difference between these two countries in belief in God and 80% of the difference in religious practice. These findings suggest cognitive biases may explain the existence of belief in the supernatural generally, but cultural transmission through credible belief displays is a more plausible explanation for why people adopt and maintain a specific set of religious beliefs and practices.  相似文献   

Numerical classification of 2653 geographically stratified relevés of weed vegetation from the Czech and Slovak Republics was performed with cluster analysis. Diagnostic species were determined for each of the seven main clusters using statistical measures of fidelity. The classification reflected clear distinctions between lowland (mostly calcicole) and highland (mostly calcifuge) sites, spring and summer phenological stages, and cereals and root crops. The results of the cluster analysis were compared with traditional phytosociological units. Two clusters corresponded to calcifuge weed vegetation of theScleranthion annui alliance; one cluster represented the vegetation of root crops on moist soils of theOxalidion europaeae alliance; one cluster contained thermophilous weed vegetation of theCaucalidion lappulae alliance; two clusters included weed vegetation of root crops and of stubble fields, which can be assigned to theCaucalidion, Panico-Setarion,Veronico-Euphorbion andEragrostion alliances; one cluster included vernal weed vegetation in little disturbed habitats of theCaucalidion lappulae andScleranthion annui alliances. Our analysis did not support the concept of theSherardion andVeronico-Taraxacion alliances, which were included in earlier overviews of the vegetation units of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.  相似文献   



White-nose syndrome is a disease of hibernating insectivorous bats associated with the fungus Geomyces destructans. It first appeared in North America in 2006, where over a million bats died since then. In Europe, G. destructans was first identified in France in 2009. Its distribution, infection dynamics, and effects on hibernating bats in Europe are largely unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We screened hibernacula in the Czech Republic and Slovakia for the presence of the fungus during the winter seasons of 2008/2009 and 2009/2010. In winter 2009/2010, we found infected bats in 76 out of 98 surveyed sites, in which the majority had been previously negative. A photographic record of over 6000 hibernating bats, taken since 1994, revealed bats with fungal growths since 1995; however, the incidence of such bats increased in Myotis myotis from 2% in 2007 to 14% by 2010. Microscopic, cultivation and molecular genetic evaluations confirmed the identity of the recently sampled fungus as G. destructans, and demonstrated its continuous distribution in the studied area. At the end of the hibernation season we recorded pathologic changes in the skin of the affected bats, from which the fungus was isolated. We registered no mass mortality caused by the fungus, and the recorded population decline in the last two years of the most affected species, M. myotis, is within the population trend prediction interval.


G. destructans was found to be widespread in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, with an epizootic incidence in bats during the most recent years. Further development of the situation urgently requires a detailed pan-European monitoring scheme.  相似文献   

Armillaria cepistipes and A. gallica (Basidiomycota, Physalacriaceae) are morphologically similar species, and they are often nearly indistinguishable using DNA-based methods targeting the ITS region of ribosomal DNA. The aim of this study was to examine morphological and ecological features of A. cepistipes and A. gallica, and to test other DNA-based methods to distinguish the two species. Our results revealed discriminative macro- and micromorphological features between these two species, especially the presence of a distinct central pileus ocella, the shape of the annulus, the character of the velar stipe remnants and the length of the terminal cells of the pileus scales. Ecologically, A. gallica generally prefers warmer areas in lowlands (oak and alluvial forests), while A. cepistipes is more common in hilly and lower montane beech forests in Central Europe. Nevertheless, despite differences in ecological preferences, certain locations between 300 and 500 m a.s.l. are known to sympatrically support both species. The sequences of the translation elongation factor 1-alpha showed high interspecific variability, and this gene is a more appropriate candidate for distinguishing A. gallica from A. cepistipes.  相似文献   

The level of political mobilization among ethnic minorities in Central and Eastern Europe has often been regarded as directly dependent on the strong or weak ethnic identity of the groups involved. Less attention has gone to the role of ethnic leaders in creating ethnic group identities for political purposes. This article explores the influence of political mobilization on ethnic group formation in the case of the Roma (Gypsies) in the contemporary Czech and Slovak Republics. It examines the various ways in which Romani activists in these two countries have “framed” Romani identity. The article suggests that activists’ conceptions of Romani identity are closely tied to their political strategies. At the same time, Romani activists have not been able to gain complete control over the production of Romani identity. They have had to deal with powerful schemes of ethnic categorization promulgated by the media, public officials and policy documents.  相似文献   

Based on collectors' measurements of 1,040 specimens, variation of relative tail length [RTL = (tail length/head and body length) × 100] has been studied inMacaca fascicularis andM. mulatta, two closely related species that replace one another in tropical Asia and subtropical Asia, respectively. RTL usually is greater than 90 inM. fascicularis and usually is less than 60 inM. mulatta; intermediate values occur in only 3.5% of specimens studied. Within each species, RTL is approximately equal in females and males. From infancy to adulthood, RTL tends to decline in both species. InM. fascicularis, RTL generally decreases with increasing latitude; inM. mulatta, RTL is approximately constant latitudinally. Where the geographic ranges of these two species meet at ca. 15°N in the Indochinese Peninsula, a few specimens have been collected in which RTL and dorsal pelage color are intermediate between those inM. fascicularis andM. mulatta. The observed pattern of variation suggests that the ranges ofM. fascicularis andM. mulatta formerly were separated by a zoogeographic barrier — perhaps during a Pleistocene glacial interval. After disappearance of the postulated barrier, the ranges of these two species apparently became contiguous and limited hybridization has occurred.  相似文献   

We estimate and describe the incidence rates, mortality, and cost of CAP (community-acquired pneumonia), in both inpatient and outpatient settings, in the Czech Republic (CZ), Slovakia (SK), Poland (PL), and Hungary (HU). A retrospective analysis was conducted on administrative data from the health ministry and insurance reimbursement claims with a primary diagnosis of pneumonia in 2009 to determine hospitalization rates, costs, and mortality in adults ≥50 years of age. Patient chart reviews were conducted to estimate the number of outpatient cases. Among all adults ≥50 years, the incidence of hospitalized CAP per 100,000 person years was: 456.6 (CZ), 504.6 (SK), 363.9 (PL), and 845.3 (HU). The average fatality rate for all adults ≥50 is 19.1%, and for each country; 21.7% (CZ), 20.9% (SK), 18.6% (PL), 17.8% (HU). Incidence, fatality, and likelihood of hospitalization increased with advancing age. Total healthcare costs of CAP in EUR was 12,579,543 (CZ); 9,160,774 (SK); 22,409,085 (PL); and 18,298,449 (HU); with hospitalization representing over 90% of the direct costs of treatment. The burden of CAP increases with advancing age in four CEE countries, with hospitalizations driving the costs of CAP upwards in the elderly population. Mortality rates are generally higher than reported in Western EU countries.  相似文献   

Ragweed in the Czech Republic   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
During the last years, a well documented expansion ofragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Ambrosia trifida L.) over the Mediterranean andtemperate Europe has been in progress. The currentdistribution of ragweed plants in the Czech Republicis summarized and the ragweed pollen concentration asmonitored by 12 pollen stations in the country isdiscussed. The present situation in the ragweed pollensensitization among children and adults with pollenallergy in Brno is described. So far no dangerousexpansion of ragweed plants in our country has beenobserved. Ragweed pollen concentration is occasionallysignificant in the Brno station only, other pollenstations are reporting insignificant amounts ofragweed pollen during August-September periods,although there has been a steady increase in ragweedpollen concentration in the Prague area over the lastfive years. Skin prick tests and/or specific IgEmeasurements with ragweed allergen were performed on94 children with pollen allergy in the Brno region in1995 and on 206, 210 and 229 adult allergic patientsin 1995, 1996 and 1997, respectively. Positive skinreaction or positive specific IgE to ragweed was foundin 22% children and in 25% (1995), 19% (1996) and 25% (1997) adults with pollen allergy. It isconcluded that ragweed does not seem to represent anyimminent major threat to the allergic population inthe Czech Republic until now, however, it remains apotentially very dangerous allergen.  相似文献   

Strains of Trichophaea abundans (Ascomycota, Pezizales, Pyrenomycetaceae) were isolated from Haplic Cambisol, Haplic Cambisol (Eutric), Litic Leptosol (Sceletic), Haplic Umbrisol, and Fulvic Andosol soils in Slovakia and from Rendzic Leptosol, Chernozem, Cambisol, drilosphere, and feacal pelets of the earthworm Allolobophora hrabei collected in southern Moravia. The Slovak soils markedly differ in pH, from extremely acidic (pHH2O 3.9) to weakly alkaline (pHH2O 7.4). T. abundans appeared as a post-burn species on Haplic Cambisol, which experienced a wildfire after a windthrow event (November 2004). In Moravia T. abundans was also isolated from sites situated in southern slopes, from time and time they affected by fires. We also note the growth of T. abundans on the surface of Fulvic Andosol after gradual heating in the lab to temperatures reaching 105°C. These findings confirmed by a review of the literature, indicate that T. abundans belongs to the group of heat-resistant fungi appearing in soils regularly influenced by the fire or grass calcining.  相似文献   

Cytological diagnosis of atypical cells of cervix uteri by the Papanicolaou method was introduced in the Czech Republic (CR) very early - in 1947. The first data on the incidence of cervical cancer in CR are available from 1960 when the rate was 32.3 cases/10(5) women. In 1966 the Czech National Health Law was passed that guaranteed women a yearly preventive examination by a gynaecologist including screening for cervical carcinoma that would be covered by the compulsory health insurance. Notwithstanding high frequency of screening visits and the fact that all women are eligible, the incidence of CC has not changed in the last 34 years. The reasons for this include the coverage of Czech women, which is estimated to be low (50% at the most), and that none of the cytology laboratories are accredited for screening, there are no national registries for any aspect of screening and there are no mechanisms for evaluation of the screening process. As a result, it is likely that the majority of cervical screening activity that is undertaken is ineffective and the implementation of an organised and quality controlled screening programme, in compliance with the recommendations of many European Institutions, is urgently required to ensure that Czech women are properly protected against this disease and that scarce healthcare resources are used in the most cost-effective manner.  相似文献   

Data on the organization of a hypervariable chloroplast locus in the Anacamptis palustris (Orchidaceae) lineage are provided and used to infer the pattern of molecular evolution in this group. A large survey of sequence variation in A. palustris and allied taxa reveals several repeat types differing in number and organization that occur in the same plastid region. The resulting repeat type network suggests that at least seven different minisatellite loci evolved near each other in the tRNALEU intron and indicates the presence of at least three main phyletic lines in the A. palustris lineage.  相似文献   

In this paper, activity concentrations of radiocesium in mushrooms from various locations in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic in the years 2000–2004 are presented. Summary reports of Czech regulatory bodies have judged the average activity concentrations in mushrooms to be remarkably below the maximum permissible level of contamination. However, there are certain regions where radiocesium activities have approached the maximum permissible level for contamination of basic foodstuff. For example, the highest activity concentration of 137Cs measured by gamma-spectrometry was 2,263 Bq kg−1 (on a dry mass basis), in Xerocomus badius from Staré Ransko (a locality in the Czech-Moravian Highlands, Czech Republic). The highest activity concentration of 137Cs measured in Slovakia was 966 Bq kg−1 (on a dry mass basis), for Suillus luteus from Senica. For comparison, the corresponding activity concentration in a sample taken within the 30 km zone around Chernobyl was measured to be 6,000 Bq kg−1 (on a dry mass basis). Our results have also demonstrated remarkably lower activity concentrations of 137Cs in Slovakia compared to those in the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

Aegilops distribution was revised on localities in the territory of the Czech Republic and the former Czechoslovakia, based on herbarium data, literature and floristic databases. The only surviving species Ae. cylindrica forms the northern limit of distribution in the Danube basin, other sites are secondary. In situ conservation was proposed for two Czech sites where Aegilops have been naturalized. An ex situ gene bank collection has been maintained in the Gene Bank Prague since 1985. The collection includes 21 species and 1099 accessions. The whole collection was evaluated for breeding-valuable characters: resistance to leaf diseases, cereal aphids, viral diseases, and qualitative parameters. Recently, the collection was retested for the present races of leaf and stem rust including new introductions from Kazakhstan. Six different leaf rust races and five different stem rust races collected from the Czech Republic were applied in the older tests, and three races from each rust species in the recent tests. The highest number of accessions resistant both to wheat leaf rust and wheat stem rust and powdery mildew was found in Ae. speltoides (90%). Different reactions of individual accessions of the tested species to the three different pathotypes of each rust species indicates that several diverse genes for specific resistance are present in the accessions of the tested species.  相似文献   

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