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Improved side-chain modeling for protein-protein docking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Success in high-resolution protein-protein docking requires accurate modeling of side-chain conformations at the interface. Most current methods either leave side chains fixed in the conformations observed in the unbound protein structures or allow the side chains to sample a set of discrete rotamer conformations. Here we describe a rapid and efficient method for sampling off-rotamer side-chain conformations by torsion space minimization during protein-protein docking starting from discrete rotamer libraries supplemented with side-chain conformations taken from the unbound structures, and show that the new method improves side-chain modeling and increases the energetic discrimination between good and bad models. Analysis of the distribution of side-chain interaction energies within and between the two protein partners shows that the new method leads to more native-like distributions of interaction energies and that the neglect of side-chain entropy produces a small but measurable increase in the number of residues whose interaction energy cannot compensate for the entropic cost of side-chain freezing at the interface. The power of the method is highlighted by a number of predictions of unprecedented accuracy in the recent CAPRI (Critical Assessment of PRedicted Interactions) blind test of protein-protein docking methods.  相似文献   

Gao M  Skolnick J 《Proteins》2011,79(5):1623-1634
With the development of many computational methods that predict the structural models of protein-protein complexes, there is a pressing need to benchmark their performance. As was the case for protein monomers, assessing the quality of models of protein complexes is not straightforward. An effective scoring scheme should be able to detect substructure similarity and estimate its statistical significance. Here, we focus on characterizing the similarity of the interfaces of the complex and introduce two scoring functions. The first, the interfacial Template Modeling score (iTM-score), measures the geometric distance between the interfaces, while the second, the Interface Similarity score (IS-score), evaluates their residue-residue contact similarity in addition to their geometric similarity. We first demonstrate that the IS-score is more suitable for assessing docking models than the iTM-score. The IS-score is then validated in a large-scale benchmark test on 1562 dimeric complexes. Finally, the scoring function is applied to evaluate docking models submitted to the Critical Assessment of Prediction of Interactions (CAPRI) experiments. While the results according to the new scoring scheme are generally consistent with the original CAPRI assessment, the IS-score identifies models whose significance was previously underestimated.  相似文献   

Although reliable docking can now be achieved for systems that do not undergo important induced conformational change upon association, the presence of flexible surface loops, which must adapt to the steric and electrostatic properties of a partner, generally presents a major obstacle. We report here the first docking method that allows large loop movements during a systematic exploration of the possible arrangements of the two partners in terms of position and rotation. Our strategy consists in taking into account an ensemble of possible loop conformations by a multi-copy representation within a reduced protein model. The docking process starts from regularly distributed positions and orientations of the ligand around the whole receptor. Each starting configuration is submitted to energy minimization during which the best-fitting loop conformation is selected based on the mean-field theory. Trials were carried out on proteins with significant differences in the main-chain conformation of the binding loop between isolated form and complexed form, which were docked to their partner considered in their bound form. The method is able to predict complexes very close to the crystal complex both in terms of relative position of the two partners and of the geometry of the flexible loop. We also show that introducing loop flexibility on the isolated protein form during systematic docking largely improves the predictions of relative position of the partners in comparison with rigid-body docking.  相似文献   



Protein-protein docking is a challenging computational problem in functional genomics, particularly when one or both proteins undergo conformational change(s) upon binding. The major challenge is to define a scoring function soft enough to tolerate these changes and specific enough to distinguish between near-native and "misdocked" conformations.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: We present a method for automatic test case generation for protein-protein docking. A consensus-type approach is proposed processing the whole PDB and classifying protein structures into complexes and unbound proteins by combining information from three different approaches (current PDB-at-a-glance classification, search of complexes by sequence identical unbound structures and chain naming). Out of this classification test cases are generated automatically. All calculations were run on the database. The information stored is available via a web interface. The user can choose several criteria for generating his own subset out of our test cases, e.g. for testing docking algorithms. AVAILABILITY: http://bibiserv.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/agt-sdp/ CONTACT: fzoellne@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de.  相似文献   

A protein-protein docking procedure traditionally consists in two successive tasks: a search algorithm generates a large number of candidate conformations mimicking the complex existing in vivo between two proteins, and a scoring function is used to rank them in order to extract a native-like one. We have already shown that using Voronoi constructions and a well chosen set of parameters, an accurate scoring function could be designed and optimized. However to be able to perform large-scale in silico exploration of the interactome, a near-native solution has to be found in the ten best-ranked solutions. This cannot yet be guaranteed by any of the existing scoring functions. In this work, we introduce a new procedure for conformation ranking. We previously developed a set of scoring functions where learning was performed using a genetic algorithm. These functions were used to assign a rank to each possible conformation. We now have a refined rank using different classifiers (decision trees, rules and support vector machines) in a collaborative filtering scheme. The scoring function newly obtained is evaluated using 10 fold cross-validation, and compared to the functions obtained using either genetic algorithms or collaborative filtering taken separately. This new approach was successfully applied to the CAPRI scoring ensembles. We show that for 10 targets out of 12, we are able to find a near-native conformation in the 10 best ranked solutions. Moreover, for 6 of them, the near-native conformation selected is of high accuracy. Finally, we show that this function dramatically enriches the 100 best-ranking conformations in near-native structures.  相似文献   

Most scoring functions for protein-protein docking algorithms are either atom-based or residue-based, with the former being able to produce higher quality structures and latter more tolerant to conformational changes upon binding. Earlier, we developed the ZRANK algorithm for reranking docking predictions, with a scoring function that contained only atom-based terms. Here we combine ZRANK's atom-based potentials with five residue-based potentials published by other labs, as well as an atom-based potential IFACE that we published after ZRANK. We simultaneously optimized the weights for selected combinations of terms in the scoring function, using decoys generated with the protein-protein docking algorithm ZDOCK. We performed rigorous cross validation of the combinations using 96 test cases from a docking benchmark. Judged by the integrative success rate of making 1000 predictions per complex, addition of IFACE and the best residue-based pair potential reduced the number of cases without a correct prediction by 38 and 27% relative to ZDOCK and ZRANK, respectively. Thus combination of residue-based and atom-based potentials into a scoring function can improve performance for protein-protein docking. The resulting scoring function is called IRAD (integration of residue- and atom-based potentials for docking) and is available at http://zlab.umassmed.edu.  相似文献   

Chen R  Weng Z 《Proteins》2003,51(3):397-408
Shape complementarity is the most basic ingredient of the scoring functions for protein-protein docking. Most grid-based docking algorithms use the total number of grid points at the binding interface to quantify shape complementarity. We have developed a novel Pairwise Shape Complementarity (PSC) function that is conceptually simple and rapid to compute. The favorable component of PSC is the total number of atom pairs between the receptor and the ligand within a distance cutoff. When applied to a benchmark of 49 test cases, PSC consistently ranks near-native structures higher and produces more near-native structures than the traditional grid-based function, and the improvement was seen across all prediction levels and in all categories of the benchmark. Without any post-processing or biological information about the binding site except the complementarity-determining region of antibodies, PSC predicts the complex structure correctly for 6 test cases, and ranks at least one near-native structure in the top 20 predictions for 18 test cases. Our docking program ZDOCK has been parallelized and the average computing time is 4 minutes using sixteen IBM SP3 processors. Both ZDOCK and the benchmark are freely available to academic users (http://zlab.bu.edu/~ rong/dock).  相似文献   

A holistic protein-protein molecular docking approach, HoDock, was established, composed of such steps as binding site prediction, initial complex structure sampling, refined complex structure sampling, structure clustering, scoring and final structure selection. This article explains the detailed steps and applications for CAPRI Target 39. The CAPRI result showed that three predicted binding site residues, A191HIS, B512ARG and B531ARG, were correct, and there were five submitted structures with a high fraction of correct receptor-ligand interface residues, indicating that this docking approach may improve prediction accuracy for protein-protein complex structures.  相似文献   

Computational docking methods are valuable tools aimed to simplify the costly process of drug development and improvement. Most current approaches assume a rigid receptor structure to allow virtual screening of large numbers of possible ligands and putative binding sites on a receptor molecule. However, inclusion of receptor flexibility can be of critical importance since binding of a ligand can lead to changes in the receptor protein conformation that are sterically necessary to accommodate a ligand. Recent approaches to efficiently account for receptor flexibility during docking simulations are reviewed. In particular, accounting efficiently for global conformational changes of the protein backbone during docking is a still challenging unsolved problem. An approximate method has recently been suggested that is based on relaxing the receptor conformation during docking in pre-calculated soft collective degrees of freedom (M. Zacharias, Rapid protein-ligand docking using soft modes from molecular dynamics simulations to account for protein deformability: binding of FK506 to FKBP, Proteins: Struct., Funct., Genet. 54 (2004) 759-767). Test applications on protein-protein docking and on docking the inhibitor staurosporine to the apo-form of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A catalytic domain indicate significant improvement of docking results compared to rigid docking at a very modest computational demand. Accounting for receptor conformational changes in pre-calculated global degrees of freedom might offer a promising route to improve systematic docking screening simulations.  相似文献   

Shentu Z  Al Hasan M  Bystroff C  Zaki MJ 《Proteins》2008,70(3):1056-1073
We describe an efficient method for partial complementary shape matching for use in rigid protein-protein docking. The local shape features of a protein are represented using boolean data structures called Context Shapes. The relative orientations of the receptor and ligand surfaces are searched using precalculated lookup tables. Energetic quantities are derived from shape complementarity and buried surface area computations, using efficient boolean operations. Preliminary results indicate that our context shapes approach outperforms state-of-the-art geometric shape-based rigid-docking algorithms.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Protein-protein docking algorithms typically generate large numbers of possible complex structures with only a few of them resembling the native structure. Recently (Duan et al., Protein Sci, 14:316-218, 2005), it was observed that the surface density of conserved residue positions is high at the interface regions of interacting protein surfaces, except for antibody-antigen complexes, where a lesser number of conserved positions than average is observed at the interface regions. Using this observation, we identified putative interacting regions on the surface of interacting partners and significantly improved docking results by assigning top ranks to near-native complex structures. In this paper, we combine the residue conservation information with a widely used shape complementarity algorithm to generate candidate complex structures with a higher percentage of near-native structures (hits). What is new in this work is that the conservation information is used early in the generation stage and not only in the ranking stage of the docking algorithm. This results in a significantly larger number of generated hits and an improved predictive ability in identifying the native structure of protein-protein complexes. RESULTS: We report on results from 48 well-characterized protein complexes, which have enough residue conservation information from the same 59 benchmark complexes used in our previous work. We compute conservation indices of residue positions on the surfaces of interacting proteins using available homologous sequences from UNIPROT and calculate the solvent accessible surface area. We combine this information with shape-complementarity scores to generate candidate protein-protein complex structures. When compared with pure shape-complementarity algorithms, performed by FTDock, our method results in significantly more hits, with the improvement being over 100% in many instances. We demonstrate that residue conservation information is useful not only in refinement and scoring of docking solutions, but also helpful in enrichment of near-native-structures during the generation of candidate geometries of complex structures.  相似文献   

Liang S  Meroueh SO  Wang G  Qiu C  Zhou Y 《Proteins》2009,75(2):397-403
The identification of near native protein-protein complexes among a set of decoys remains highly challenging. A strategy for improving the success rate of near native detection is to enrich near native docking decoys in a small number of top ranked decoys. Recently, we found that a combination of three scoring functions (energy, conservation, and interface propensity) can predict the location of binding interface regions with reasonable accuracy. Here, these three scoring functions are modified and combined into a consensus scoring function called ENDES for enriching near native docking decoys. We found that all individual scores result in enrichment for the majority of 28 targets in ZDOCK2.3 decoy set and the 22 targets in Benchmark 2.0. Among the three scores, the interface propensity score yields the highest enrichment in both sets of protein complexes. When these scores are combined into the ENDES consensus score, a significant increase in enrichment of near-native structures is found. For example, when 2000 dock decoys are reduced to 200 decoys by ENDES, the fraction of near-native structures in docking decoys increases by a factor of about six in average. ENDES was implemented into a computer program that is available for download at http://sparks.informatics.iupui.edu.  相似文献   

The seventh CAPRI edition imposed new challenges to the modeling of protein-protein complexes, such as multimeric oligomerization, protein-peptide, and protein-oligosaccharide interactions. Many of the proposed targets needed the efficient integration of rigid-body docking, template-based modeling, flexible optimization, multiparametric scoring, and experimental restraints. This was especially relevant for the multimolecular assemblies proposed in the CASP12-CAPRI37 and CASP13-CAPRI46 joint rounds, which were described and evaluated elsewhere. Focusing on the purely CAPRI targets of this edition (rounds 38-45), we have participated in all 17 assessed targets (considering heteromeric and homomeric interfaces in T125 as two separate targets) both as predictors and as scorers, by using integrative modeling based on our docking and scoring approaches: pyDock, IRaPPA, and LightDock. In the protein-protein and protein-peptide targets, we have also participated with our webserver (pyDockWeb). On these 17 CAPRI targets, we submitted acceptable models (or better) within our top 10 models for 10 targets as predictors, 13 targets as scorers, and 4 targets as servers. In summary, our participation in this CAPRI edition confirmed the capabilities of pyDock for the scoring of docking models, increasingly used within the context of integrative modeling of protein interactions and multimeric assemblies.  相似文献   

Shih ES  Hwang MJ 《Proteins》2012,80(1):194-205
Protein-protein docking (PPD) is a computational process that predicts the structure of a complex of two interacting proteins from their unbound structures. The accuracy of PPD predictions is low, but can be greatly enhanced if experimentally determined distance data are available for incorporation into the prediction. However, the specific effects of distance constraints on PPD predictions are largely uncharacterized. In this study, we systematically simulated the effects of using distance constraints both on a new distance constraint-driven PPD approach, called DPPD, and also, by re-ranking, on a well-established grid-based global search approach. Our results for a PPD benchmark dataset of 84 protein complexes of known structures showed that near 100% docking success rates could be obtained when the number of distance constraints exceeded six, the degrees of freedom of the system, but the success rate was significantly reduced by long distance constraints, large binding-induced conformational changes, and large errors in the distance data. Our results also showed that, under most conditions simulated, even two or three distance constraints were sufficient to achieve a much better success rate than those using a sophisticated physicochemical function to re-rank the results of the global search. Our study provides guidelines for the practical incorporation of experimental distance data to aid PPD predictions.  相似文献   

Wang T  Wade RC 《Proteins》2003,50(1):158-169
The suitability of three implicit solvent models for flexible protein-protein docking by procedures using molecular dynamics simulation is investigated. The three models are (i) the generalized Born (GB) model implemented in the program AMBER6.0; (ii) a distance-dependent dielectric (DDD) model; and (iii) a surface area-dependent model that we have parameterized and call the NPSA model. This is a distance-dependent dielectric model modified by neutralizing the ionizable side-chains and adding a surface area-dependent solvation term. These solvent models were first tested in molecular dynamics simulations at 300 K of the native structures of barnase, barstar, segment B1 of protein G, and three WW domains. These protein structures display a range of secondary structure contents and stabilities. Then, to investigate the performance of the implicit solvent models in protein docking, molecular dynamics simulations of barnase/barstar complexation, as well as PIN1 WW domain/peptide complexation, were conducted, starting from separated unbound structures. The simulations show that the NPSA model has significant advantages over the DDD and GB models in maintaining the native structures of the proteins and providing more accurate docked complexes.  相似文献   

Li CH  Ma XH  Chen WZ  Wang CX 《Protein engineering》2003,16(4):265-269
An efficient 'soft docking' algorithm is described to assist the prediction of protein-protein association using three-dimensional structures of molecules. The basic tools are the 'simplified protein' model and the docking algorithm of Wodak and Janin. The side chain flexibility of Arg, Lys, Asp, Glu and Met residues at the protein surface is taken into account. The complex type-dependent filtering technique on the basis of the geometric matching, hydrophobicity and electrostatic complementarity is used to select candidate binding modes. Subsequently, we calculate a scoring function which includes electrostatic and desolvation energy terms. In the 44 complexes tested including enzyme-inhibitor, antibody-antigen and other complexes, native-like structures were all found, of which 30 were ranked in the top 20. Thus, our soft docking algorithm has the potential to predict protein-protein recognition.  相似文献   

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