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Rios-Estepa R  Lange BM 《Phytochemistry》2007,68(16-18):2351-2374
To support their sessile and autotrophic lifestyle higher plants have evolved elaborate networks of metabolic pathways. Dynamic changes in these metabolic networks are among the developmental forces underlying the functional differentiation of organs, tissues and specialized cell types. They are also important in the various interactions of a plant with its environment. Further complexity is added by the extensive compartmentation of the various interconnected metabolic pathways in plants. Thus, although being used widely for assessing the control of metabolic flux in microbes, mathematical modeling approaches that require steady-state approximations are of limited utility for understanding complex plant metabolic networks. However, considerable progress has been made when manageable metabolic subsystems were studied. In this article, we will explain in general terms and using simple examples the concepts underlying stoichiometric modeling (metabolic flux analysis and metabolic pathway analysis) and kinetic approaches to modeling (including metabolic control analysis as a special case). Selected studies demonstrating the prospects of these approaches, or combinations of them, for understanding the control of flux through particular plant pathways are discussed. We argue that iterative cycles of (dry) mathematical modeling and (wet) laboratory testing will become increasingly important for simulating the distribution of flux in plant metabolic networks and deriving rational experimental designs for metabolic engineering efforts.  相似文献   

Metabolic networks supply the energy and building blocks for cell growth and maintenance. Cells continuously rewire their metabolic networks in response to changes in environmental conditions to sustain fitness. Studies of the systemic properties of metabolic networks give insight into metabolic plasticity and robustness, and the ability of organisms to cope with different environments. Constraint-based stoichiometric modeling of metabolic networks has become an indispensable tool for such studies. Herein, we review the basic theoretical underpinnings of constraint-based stoichiometric modeling of metabolic networks. Basic concepts, such as stoichiometry, chemical moiety conservation, flux modes, flux balance analysis, and flux solution spaces, are explained with simple, illustrative examples. We emphasize the mathematical definitions and their network topological interpretations.  相似文献   

An earlier graph theoretical model of metabolic and gene-expression networks has been modified and extended to include the effect of electrical potentials on binding constants, representation of uncatalyzed processes, and treatment of parallel reactions catalyzed by a single enzyme. Formal operations on the graph, which are facilitated by a set of standardized guidelines, identify the feedback signals in the network and rank them according to their influence. The technique was applied to a model of glycolysis in ascites tumor cells in the absence and presence of 12.5 mM exogenous glucose. Feedback regulation was widely distributed and mostly due to binding of adenine nucleotide cofactors to the enzymes of the network. The major changes in feedback regulation on adding glucose is the relief of inhibition of hexokinase and phosphofructokinase and the activation of pyruvate kinase. We conclude that regulation of tumor cell glycolysis is not restricted to hexokinase or to (Na+,K+)-ATPase as was previously suggested by others.  相似文献   

代谢网络在各种细胞功能和生命过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。随着细胞网络重建工程的迅速发展,可用的基因组水平代谢网络越来越多,因而计算方法在这些网络的结构功能分析中越来越重要。基于约束的建模方法不像图论方法那样仅考虑代谢模型的纯拓扑结构,也不像各种动力学建模方法那样需求详尽的热力学参数,因而极具优势。采用基于约束的建模方法对一个含619个基因,655个代谢物和743个代谢反应的金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcusaureus)代谢网络进行了分析,主要研究了该模型的网络结构特征,以及其最优生长率、动态生长情况和基因删除学习等。本研究提供了一个对金黄色葡萄球菌代谢网络进行约束建模分析的初步框架。  相似文献   

为便于大规模代谢网络的计算,发展了一款方便实用的工具:MetaGen,对Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genesand Genomes(KEGG)中物种特异的各层次代谢系统进行建模,生成的代谢网络以酶图和通路图的方式表示.利用该工具,对人类代谢系统的bow-tie结构进行了初步研究,并以此为例展示了该工具广阔的应用前景.MetaGen利用KEGGweb服务保证建模数据的可靠性,依靠本地关系数据库加速网络建模过程并提供更多的数据管理和利用方式,并结合高级JAVA技术提高代码的可扩展性.MetaGen完全开源,可直接从http://bnct.sourceforge.net/下载.  相似文献   

Systems biology iteratively combines experimentation with mathematical modeling. However, limited mechanistic knowledge, conflicting hypotheses and scarce experimental data severely hamper the development of predictive mechanistic models in many areas of biology. Even under such high uncertainty, we show here that ensemble modeling, when combined with targeted experimental analysis, can unravel key operating principles in complex cellular pathways. For proof of concept, we develop a library of mechanistically alternative dynamic models for the highly conserved target-of-rapamycin (TOR) pathway of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In contrast to the prevailing view of a de novo assembly of type 2A phosphatases (PP2As), our integrated computational and experimental analysis proposes a specificity factor, based on Tap42p-Tip41p, for PP2As as the key signaling mechanism that is quantitatively consistent with all available experimental data. Beyond revising our picture of TOR signaling, we expect ensemble modeling to help elucidate other insufficiently characterized cellular circuits.  相似文献   

Mathematical modeling is an essential tool for the comprehensive understanding of cell metabolism and its interactions with the environmental and process conditions. Recent developments in the construction and analysis of stoichiometric models made it possible to define limits on steady-state metabolic behavior using flux balance analysis. However, detailed information on enzyme kinetics and enzyme regulation is needed to formulate kinetic models that can accurately capture the dynamic metabolic responses. The use of mechanistic enzyme kinetics is a difficult task due to uncertainty in the kinetic properties of enzymes. Therefore, the majority of recent works considered only mass action kinetics for reactions in metabolic networks. Herein, we applied the optimization and risk analysis of complex living entities (ORACLE) framework and constructed a large-scale mechanistic kinetic model of optimally grown Escherichia coli. We investigated the complex interplay between stoichiometry, thermodynamics, and kinetics in determining the flexibility and capabilities of metabolism. Our results indicate that enzyme saturation is a necessary consideration in modeling metabolic networks and it extends the feasible ranges of metabolic fluxes and metabolite concentrations. Our results further suggest that enzymes in metabolic networks have evolved to function at different saturation states to ensure greater flexibility and robustness of cellular metabolism.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Inferring genetic networks from time-series expression data has been a great deal of interest. In most cases, however, the number of genes exceeds that of data points which, in principle, makes it impossible to recover the underlying networks. To address the dimensionality problem, we apply the subset selection method to a linear system of difference equations. Previous approaches assign the single most likely combination of regulators to each target gene, which often causes over-fitting of the small number of data. RESULTS: Here, we propose a new algorithm, named LEARNe, which merges the predictions from all the combinations of regulators that have a certain level of likelihood. LEARNe provides more accurate and robust predictions than previous methods for the structure of genetic networks under the linear system model. We tested LEARNe for reconstructing the SOS regulatory network of Escherichia coli and the cell cycle regulatory network of yeast from real experimental data, where LEARNe also exhibited better performances than previous methods. AVAILABILITY: The MATLAB codes are available upon request from the authors.  相似文献   

Deciphering metabolic networks.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

We introduce a novel, flexible, optimization-based mathematical framework for the modeling of arbitrarily complex metabolic networks: topological metabolic analysis (TMA). The framework is adapted from state-space approaches used by Manousiouthakis and co-workers for the representation of complex heat- and mass-exchanger networks. We offer a thorough discussion of the mathematics and general theory underlying the framework, and discuss certain mathematical advantages of our modeling representation in comparison with other commonly used techniques (MFA and FBA). We employ a novel aggregate objective function for use with our basic constraint model, including a generalized least-squares term (for fitting available experimental measurements) and a linear design term (for representing biological or engineering goals). Using a case-study taken from recent literature (McKinlay et al., 2007), we demonstrate (among other benefits) the ability of this objective to identify alternate distinct-yet-equally optimal solutions for a given modeling problem. We also show that these solutions, obtained using only external metabolite uptake and secretion measurements, provide useful biological insights and compare favorably with solutions obtained on the basis of (13)C isotope-tracing data.  相似文献   



The architecture of biological networks has been reported to exhibit high level of modularity, and to some extent, topological modules of networks overlap with known functional modules. However, how the modular topology of the molecular network affects the evolution of its member proteins remains unclear.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Network-centered studies in systems biology attempt to integrate the topological properties of biological networks with experimental data in order to make predictions and posit hypotheses. For any topology-based prediction, it is necessary to first assess the significance of the analyzed property in a biologically meaningful context. Therefore, devising network null models, carefully tailored to the topological and biochemical constraints imposed on the network, remains an important computational problem. RESULTS: We first review the shortcomings of the existing generic sampling scheme-switch randomization-and explain its unsuitability for application to metabolic networks. We then devise a novel polynomial-time algorithm for randomizing metabolic networks under the (bio)chemical constraint of mass balance. The tractability of our method follows from the concept of mass equivalence classes, defined on the representation of compounds in the vector space over chemical elements. We finally demonstrate the uniformity of the proposed method on seven genome-scale metabolic networks, and empirically validate the theoretical findings. The proposed method allows a biologically meaningful estimation of significance for metabolic network properties.  相似文献   

The ensemble modeling (EM) approach has shown promise in capturing kinetic and regulatory effects in the modeling of metabolic networks. Efficacy of the EM procedure relies on the identification of model parameterizations that adequately describe all observed metabolic phenotypes upon perturbation. In this study, we propose an optimization-based algorithm for the systematic identification of genetic/enzyme perturbations to maximally reduce the number of models retained in the ensemble after each round of model screening. The key premise here is to design perturbations that will maximally scatter the predicted steady-state fluxes over the ensemble parameterizations. We demonstrate the applicability of this procedure for an Escherichia coli metabolic model of central metabolism by successively identifying single, double, and triple enzyme perturbations that cause the maximum degree of flux separation between models in the ensemble. Results revealed that optimal perturbations are not always located close to reaction(s) whose fluxes are measured, especially when multiple perturbations are considered. In addition, there appears to be a maximum number of simultaneous perturbations beyond which no appreciable increase in the divergence of flux predictions is achieved. Overall, this study provides a systematic way of optimally designing genetic perturbations for populating the ensemble of models with relevant model parameterizations.  相似文献   

Today different database systems for molecular structures (genes and proteins) and metabolic pathways are available. All these systems are characterized by the static data representation. For progress in biotechnology the dynamic representation of this data is important. The metabolism can be characterized as a complex biochemical network. Different models for the quantitative simulation of biochemical networks are discussed, but no useful formalization is available. This paper shows that the theory of Petrinets is useful for the quantitative modeling of biochemical networks.  相似文献   

Mathematical modeling of gene networks   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Smolen P  Baxter DA  Byrne JH 《Neuron》2000,26(3):567-580

A continuous model of a metabolic network including gene regulation to simulate metabolic fluxes during batch cultivation of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was developed. The metabolic network includes reactions of glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycerol and ethanol synthesis and consumption, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and protein synthesis. Carbon sources considered were glucose and then ethanol synthesized during growth on glucose. The metabolic network has 39 fluxes, which represent the action of 50 enzymes and 64 genes and it is coupled with a gene regulation network which defines enzyme synthesis (activities) and incorporates regulation by glucose (enzyme induction and repression), modeled using ordinary differential equations. The model includes enzyme kinetics, equations that follow both mass-action law and transport as well as inducible, repressible, and constitutive enzymes of metabolism. The model was able to simulate a fermentation of S. cerevisiae during the exponential growth phase on glucose and the exponential growth phase on ethanol using only one set of kinetic parameters. All fluxes in the continuous model followed the behavior shown by the metabolic flux analysis (MFA) obtained from experimental results. The differences obtained between the fluxes given by the model and the fluxes determined by the MFA do not exceed 25% in 75% of the cases during exponential growth on glucose, and 20% in 90% of the cases during exponential growth on ethanol. Furthermore, the adjustment of the fermentation profiles of biomass, glucose, and ethanol were 95%, 95%, and 79%, respectively. With these results the simulation was considered successful. A comparison between the simulation of the continuous model and the experimental data of the diauxic yeast fermentation for glucose, biomass, and ethanol, shows an extremely good match using the parameters found. The small discrepancies between the fluxes obtained through MFA and those predicted by the differential equations, as well as the good match between the profiles of glucose, biomass, and ethanol, and our simulation, show that this simple model, that does not rely on complex kinetic expressions, is able to capture the global behavior of the experimental data. Also, the determination of parameters using a straightforward minimization technique using data at only two points in time was sufficient to produce a relatively accurate model. Thus, even with a small amount of experimental data (rates and not concentrations) it was possible to estimate the parameters minimizing a simple objective function. The method proposed allows the obtention of reasonable parameters and concentrations in a system with a much larger number of unknowns than equations. Hence a contribution of this study is to present a convenient way to find in vivo rate parameters to model metabolic and genetic networks under different conditions.  相似文献   

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