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The majority of >2000 HLA class I molecules can be clustered according to overlapping peptide binding specificities or motifs recognized by CD8(+) T cells. HLA class I motifs are classified based on the specificity of residues located in the P2 and the C-terminal positions of the peptide. However, it has been suggested that other positions might be relevant for peptide binding to HLA class I molecules and therefore be used for further characterization of HLA class I motifs. In this study we performed large-scale sequencing of endogenous peptides eluted from K562 cells (HLA class I null) made to express a single HLA molecule from HLA-B*3501, -B*3502, -B*3503, -B*3504, -B*3506, or -B*3508. Using sequence data from >1,000 peptides, we characterized novel peptide motifs that include dominant anchor residues extending to all positions in the peptide. The length distribution of HLA-B35-bound peptides included peptides of up to 15 residues. Remarkably, we determined that some peptides longer than 11 residues represented N-terminal-extended peptides containing an appropriate HLA-B35 peptide motif. These results provide evidence for the occurrence of endogenous N-terminal-extended peptide-HLA class I configurations. In addition, these results expand the knowledge about the identity of anchor positions in HLA class I-associated peptides that can be used for characterization of HLA class I motifs.  相似文献   

A vertebrate immune response is initiated by the presentation of foreign protein Ag to MHC class II-restricted T lymphocytes by specialized APC. Presentation of self-peptides in association with MHC class II molecules is also necessary for the induction of T cell tolerance. It is important to understand whether functionally divergent APC are responsible for delivering these distinct signals to class II-restricted T cells. Here we examine the ability of I-Ad surface molecules expressed in diverse cell types to stimulate I-Ad-restricted T cells. Recipients included J558L myeloma cells and EL4 lymphoma cells expressing barely detectable or undetectable levels of Ii chain mRNA. This allowed us to examine the influence of Ii expression on the presentation of intracellular Ag and thus test the hypothesis that Ii chain is necessary to prevent access of self-peptides to newly synthesized class II molecules. Ii chain expression did not restore the ability of transformants to process and present soluble protein Ag. A striking result was the finding that cells showing a defect in the exogenous class II presentation pathway were capable of functioning as stimulators when they expressed intracellular secreted but not signal-less V-CH3b Ag. Thus, so-called professional APC that can capture and process exogenous protein Ag may express a specialized set of proteins not required for the presentation of self-peptides.  相似文献   

Copy-number variants (CNVs) are a major form of genetic variation and a risk factor for various human diseases, so it is crucial to accurately detect and characterize them. It is conceivable that allele-specific reads from high-throughput sequencing data could be leveraged to both enhance CNV detection and produce allele-specific copy number (ASCN) calls. Although statistical methods have been developed to detect CNVs using whole-genome sequence (WGS) and/or whole-exome sequence (WES) data, information from allele-specific read counts has not yet been adequately exploited. In this paper, we develop an integrated method, called AS-GENSENG, which incorporates allele-specific read counts in CNV detection and estimates ASCN using either WGS or WES data. To evaluate the performance of AS-GENSENG, we conducted extensive simulations, generated empirical data using existing WGS and WES data sets and validated predicted CNVs using an independent methodology. We conclude that AS-GENSENG not only predicts accurate ASCN calls but also improves the accuracy of total copy number calls, owing to its unique ability to exploit information from both total and allele-specific read counts while accounting for various experimental biases in sequence data. Our novel, user-friendly and computationally efficient method and a complete analytic protocol is freely available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/asgenseng/.  相似文献   

The degree to which processed self-peptides contribute to the stimulation of autoreactive T cells has not been determined. In this study we have analyzed a panel of autoreactive T cell hybridomas from normal C57BL/26 mice produced by fusing peripheral lymph node cells with a variant of the BW5147 thymoma line, which does not express endogenous TCR alpha- and beta-chains. All of the autoreactive hybridomas responded to spleen cells expressing the syngeneic I-Ab allele, but not to allogeneic spleen cells. Although all hybridomas were I-Ab restricted, they demonstrated different patterns of reactivity to a panel of APC expressing I-Ab but derived from different genetic backgrounds. In a panel of APC expressing recombinant I-A molecules, changes in the second half of the first domain, which encodes alpha-helix segments that flank the Ag binding site and directly contact the TCR V regions in proposed models, eliminated reactivity of all hybridomas tested. In addition, most of the autoreactive hybridomas also demonstrated inhibition of reactivity to mutations in the amino half of the first domain of the I-A alpha- and beta-chains, which encodes the beta-pleated sheet of the floor of the Ag-binding groove. To confirm the role of processed peptides in the different patterns of reactivity, APC were incubated with competitor Ag and fixed by glutaraldehyde cross-linking before incubation with the autoreactive T hybridomas. The hybridomas were effectively inhibited by exogenous protein and peptide Ag. These results indicate that processed self-peptides are required to activate the autoreactive T cells.  相似文献   

The progression and clonal development of tumors often involve amplifications and deletions of genomic DNA. Estimation of allele-specific copy number, which quantifies the number of copies of each allele at each variant loci rather than the total number of chromosome copies, is an important step in the characterization of tumor genomes and the inference of their clonal history. We describe a new method, falcon, for finding somatic allele-specific copy number changes by next generation sequencing of tumors with matched normals. falcon is based on a change-point model on a bivariate mixed Binomial process, which explicitly models the copy numbers of the two chromosome haplotypes and corrects for local allele-specific coverage biases. By using the Binomial distribution rather than a normal approximation, falcon more effectively pools evidence from sites with low coverage. A modified Bayesian information criterion is used to guide model selection for determining the number of copy number events. Falcon is evaluated on in silico spike-in data and applied to the analysis of a pre-malignant colon tumor sample and late-stage colorectal adenocarcinoma from the same individual. The allele-specific copy number estimates obtained by falcon allows us to draw detailed conclusions regarding the clonal history of the individual''s colon cancer.  相似文献   

Amplification, deletion, and loss of heterozygosity of genomic DNA are hallmarks of cancer. In recent years a variety of studies have emerged measuring total chromosomal copy number at increasingly high resolution. Similarly, loss-of-heterozygosity events have been finely mapped using high-throughput genotyping technologies. We have developed a probe-level allele-specific quantitation procedure that extracts both copy number and allelotype information from single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array data to arrive at allele-specific copy number across the genome. Our approach applies an expectation-maximization algorithm to a model derived from a novel classification of SNP array probes. This method is the first to our knowledge that is able to (a) determine the generalized genotype of aberrant samples at each SNP site (e.g., CCCCT at an amplified site), and (b) infer the copy number of each parental chromosome across the genome. With this method, we are able to determine not just where amplifications and deletions occur, but also the haplotype of the region being amplified or deleted. The merit of our model and general approach is demonstrated by very precise genotyping of normal samples, and our allele-specific copy number inferences are validated using PCR experiments. Applying our method to a collection of lung cancer samples, we are able to conclude that amplification is essentially monoallelic, as would be expected under the mechanisms currently believed responsible for gene amplification. This suggests that a specific parental chromosome may be targeted for amplification, whether because of germ line or somatic variation. An R software package containing the methods described in this paper is freely available at http://genome.dfci.harvard.edu/~tlaframb/PLASQ.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules are transmembrane glycoproteins that present antigenic peptides to CD8+ T cells and are subsequently important for the initiation of an immune response. In this study novel MHC class I sequences from the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) have been characterized. Analysis and comparative modeling of these and existing marsupial molecules reveals potential functional polymorphisms within peptide-binding grooves, MHC assembly motifs and the T cell receptor recognition interface. In addition, we show that a previously identified marsupial-specific insertion is within a region, which is known as a putative NK cell receptor (Ly49A) binding site in the mouse, suggesting that this site may be functionally active in marsupials. Further, the analysis highlighted differences in structural and sequence based grouping of marsupial MHC class I molecules.  相似文献   

The presentation of peptides by class I histocompatibility molecules plays a central role in the cellular immune response to virally infected or transformed cells. The main steps in this process include the degradation of both self and 'foreign' proteins to short peptides in the cytosol, translocation of peptides into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, binding of a subset of peptides to assembling class I molecules and expression of class-I-peptide complexes at the cell surface for examination by cytotoxic T cells. A molecular understanding of most of these steps is emerging, revealing a remarkable coordination between the processes of peptide translocation, delivery and binding to class I molecules.  相似文献   

We have reported that Burkitt lymphomas (BL) that arise in HLA-A11 positive individuals are resistant to lysis by HLA-A11-specific and HLA-A11-restricted CTLs(10,11). Here we show that this phenomenon can be explained by a selective loss of the HLA-A11 polypeptide. The HLA-A11 negative phenotype is due to a regulatory phenomenon, rather than a structural defect, as proven by the ability to rescue expression of HLA-A11 in in vitro Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-converted sublines of EBV negative BLs.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Various computational methods have been proposed to tackle the problem of predicting the peptide binding ability for a specific MHC molecule. These methods are based on known binding peptide sequences. However, current available peptide databases do not have very abundant amounts of examples and are highly redundant. Existing studies show that MHC molecules can be classified into supertypes in terms of peptide-binding specificities. Therefore, we first give a method for reducing the redundancy in a given dataset based on information entropy, then present a novel approach for prediction by learning a predictive model from a dataset of binders for not only the molecule of interest but also for other MHC molecules. RESULTS: We experimented on the HLA-A family with the binding nonamers of A1 supertype (HLA-A*0101, A*2601, A*2902, A*3002), A2 supertype (A*0201, A*0202, A*0203, A*0206, A*6802), A3 supertype (A*0301, A*1101, A*3101, A*3301, A*6801) and A24 supertype (A*2301 and A*2402), whose data were collected from six publicly available peptide databases and two private sources. The results show that our approach significantly improves the prediction accuracy of peptides that bind a specific HLA molecule when we combine binding data of HLA molecules in the same supertype. Our approach can thus be used to help find new binders for MHC molecules.  相似文献   

We investigated the roles of nascent and recycling MHC class II molecules (MHC II) in the presentation of two well-defined I-E(d)-restricted epitopes that are within distinct regions of the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) protein. The site 3 epitope (S3; residues 302-313) lies in the stalk region that unfolds in response to mild acidification, while the site 1 epitope (S1; residues 107-119) is situated in the stable globular domain. In a murine B lymphoma cell line and an I-E(d)-transfected fibroblast cell line, presentation from inactivated virus of S3 is inhibited by primaquine, a compound that prevents recycling of cell surface proteins, including MHC II, while S1 presentation is unaffected. In contrast, brefeldin A, an agent that inhibits exit of proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum, selectively inhibited S1 presentation without affecting S3 presentation, suggesting that S1 presentation requires nascent MHC II. The use of agents that perturb endosomal function revealed a requirement for acidification of internalized viral particles for presentation of both epitopes. Notably, all compounds tested had similar effects on presentation of the two epitopes derived from endogenously synthesized HA. Thus, recycling I-E(d) molecules appear to be crucial for capturing and presenting an epitope that is revealed in mild acidic conditions following the uptake of virions or the synthesis of Ag, while nascent I-E(d) molecules are required for presentation of a second epitope located in a structurally constrained region of the same polypeptide. Viral glycoproteins, such as HA, may have been a major impetus for the evolutionary establishment of this recycling pathway.  相似文献   

High-throughput sequencing was previously applied to phage-selected peptides in order to gain insight into the abundance and diversity of isolated peptides. Herein we developed a procedure to efficiently compare the sequences of large numbers of phage-selected peptides for the purpose of identifying target-binding peptide motifs. We applied the procedure to analyze bicyclic peptides isolated against five different protein targets: sortase A, urokinase-type plasminogen activator, coagulation factor XII, plasma kallikrein and streptavidin. We optimized sequence data filters to reduce biases originating from the sequencing method and developed sequence correction algorithms to prevent identification of false consensus motifs. With our strategy, we were able to identify rare target-binding peptide motifs, as well as to define more precisely consensus sequences and sub-groups of consensus sequences. This information is valuable to choose peptide leads for drug development and it facilitates identification of epitopes. We furthermore show that binding motifs can be identified after a single round of phage selection. Such a selection regimen reduces propagation-related bias and may facilitate application of phage display in non-specialized laboratories, as procedures such as bacterial infection, phage propagation and purification are not required.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis plays a major role in the defence of higher organisms against microbial infection not only by allowing ingested microbes to be destroyed by microbicidal mechanisms, but also by providing the basis for processing of their antigens to forms that generate immune responses. This article examines the role of the phagolysosome in antigen processing, and discusses the contributions of both MHC class II and MHC class I molecules to the presentation of antigens derived from phagocytosed material.  相似文献   

At the surface of antigen-presenting cells MHC class I and class II molecules present peptides to respectively CD8+ and CD4+ T cells. MHC class I molecules acquire peptides right after synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum. MHC class II molecules do not acquire peptides in the endoplasmic reticulum but instead associate with a third chain, the invariant chain which impedes peptide binding. Subsequently the invariant chain takes MHC class II molecules to the endosomal/lysosomal compartment thanks to a targeting signal retained in its cytoplasmic tail. It then dissociates from the MHC class II dimer to allow it to bind peptides.  相似文献   

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