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The common properties of broadly cross-reactive HIV-1 neutralization antibodies found in certain HIV-1-infected individuals holds significant value for understanding natural and vaccine-mediated anti-HIV immunity. Recent efforts have addressed this question by deriving neutralizing monoclonal anti-envelope antibodies from memory B cell pools of selected subjects. However, it has been more difficult to identify whether broadly neutralizing antibodies circulating in plasma possess shared characteristics among individuals. To address this question, we used affinity chromatography and isoelectric focusing to fractionate plasma immunoglobulin from 10 HIV-1-infected subjects (5 subjects with broad HIV-1 neutralizing activity and 5 controls). We find that plasma neutralizing activity typically partitions into at least two subsets of antibodies. Antibodies with restricted neutralization breadth have relatively neutral isoelectric points and preferentially bind to envelope monomers and trimers versus core antigens from which variable loops and other domains have been deleted. In comparison, broadly neutralizing antibodies account for a minor fraction of the total anti-envelope response. They are consistently distinguished by more basic isoelectric points and specificity for epitopes shared by monomeric gp120, gp120 core, or CD4-induced structures. Such biochemical properties might be exploited to reliably predict or produce broad anti-HIV immunity.  相似文献   

《Cell host & microbe》2022,30(1):69-82.e10
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Broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs), able to prevent viral entry by diverse global viruses, are a major focus of HIV vaccine design, with data from animal studies confirming their ability to prevent HIV infection. However, traditional vaccine approaches have failed to elicit these types of antibodies. During chronic HIV infection, a subset of individuals develops bNAbs, some of which are extremely broad and potent. This review describes the immunological and virological factors leading to the development of bNAbs in such “elite neutralizers”. The features, targets and developmental pathways of bNAbs from their precursors have been defined through extraordinarily detailed within-donor studies. These have enabled the identification of epitope-specific commonalities in bNAb precursors, their intermediates and Env escape patterns, providing a template for vaccine discovery. The unusual features of bNAbs, such as high levels of somatic hypermutation, and precursors with unusually short or long antigen-binding loops, present significant challenges in vaccine design. However, the use of new technologies has led to the isolation of more than 200 bNAbs, including some with genetic profiles more representative of the normal immunoglobulin repertoire, suggesting alternate and shorter pathways to breadth. The insights from these studies have been harnessed for the development of optimized immunogens, novel vaccine regimens and improved delivery schedules, which are providing encouraging data that an HIV vaccine may soon be a realistic possibility.  相似文献   

Vectored gene delivery of HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) using recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) is a promising alternative to conventional vaccines for preventing new HIV-1 infections and for therapeutically suppressing established HIV-1 infections. Passive infusion of single bNAbs has already shown promise in initial clinical trials to temporarily decrease HIV-1 load in viremic patients, and to delay viral rebound from latent reservoirs in suppressed patients during analytical treatment interruptions of antiretroviral therapy. Long-term, continuous, systemic expression of such bNAbs could be achieved with a single injection of rAAV encoding antibody genes into muscle tissue, which would bypass the challenges of eliciting such bNAbs through traditional vaccination in naïve patients, and of life-long repeated passive transfers of such biologics for therapy. rAAV delivery of single bNAbs has already demonstrated protection from repeated HIV-1 vaginal challenge in humanized mouse models, and phase I clinical trials of this approach are underway. Selection of which individual, or combination of, bNAbs to deliver to counter pre-existing resistance and the rise of escape mutations in the virus remains a challenge, and such choices may differ depending on use of this technology for prevention versus therapy.  相似文献   

A steady increase in knowledge of the molecular and antigenic structure of the gp120 and gp41 HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (Env) is yielding important new insights for vaccine design, but it has been difficult to translate this information to an immunogen that elicits broadly neutralizing antibodies. To help bridge this gap, we used phylogenetically corrected statistical methods to identify amino acid signature patterns in Envs derived from people who have made potently neutralizing antibodies, with the hypothesis that these Envs may share common features that would be useful for incorporation in a vaccine immunogen. Before attempting this, essentially as a control, we explored the utility of our computational methods for defining signatures of complex neutralization phenotypes by analyzing Env sequences from 251 clonal viruses that were differentially sensitive to neutralization by the well-characterized gp120-specific monoclonal antibody, b12. We identified ten b12-neutralization signatures, including seven either in the b12-binding surface of gp120 or in the V2 region of gp120 that have been previously shown to impact b12 sensitivity. A simple algorithm based on the b12 signature pattern was predictive of b12 sensitivity/resistance in an additional blinded panel of 57 viruses. Upon obtaining these reassuring outcomes, we went on to apply these same computational methods to define signature patterns in Env from HIV-1 infected individuals who had potent, broadly neutralizing responses. We analyzed a checkerboard-style neutralization dataset with sera from 69 HIV-1-infected individuals tested against a panel of 25 different Envs. Distinct clusters of sera with high and low neutralization potencies were identified. Six signature positions in Env sequences obtained from the 69 samples were found to be strongly associated with either the high or low potency responses. Five sites were in the CD4-induced coreceptor binding site of gp120, suggesting an important role for this region in the elicitation of broadly neutralizing antibody responses against HIV-1.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody (MAb) VRC01 was isolated from a slowly progressing HIV-1-infected donor and was shown to neutralize diverse HIV-1 strains by binding to the conserved CD4 binding site (CD4bs) of gp120. To better understand the virologic factors associated with such antibody development, we characterized HIV-1 envelope (Env) variants from this donor and five other donors who developed broadly neutralizing antibodies. A total of 473 env sequences were obtained by single-genome amplification, and 100 representative env clones were expressed and tested for entry and neutralization sensitivity. While VRC01 neutralizes about 90% of the genetically diverse heterologous HIV-1 strains tested, only selective archival Env variants from the VRC01 donor were sensitive to VRC01 and all of the Env variants derived from the donor plasma were resistant, indicating strong antibody-based selection pressure. Despite their resistance to this broadly reactive MAb that partially mimics CD4, all Env variants required CD4 for entry. Three other CD4bs MAbs from the same donor were able to neutralize some VRC01 escape variants, suggesting that CD4bs antibodies continued to evolve in response to viral escape. We also observed a relatively high percentage of VRC01-resistant Env clones in the plasma of four of five additional broadly neutralizing donors, suggesting the presence of CD4bs-directed neutralizing antibodies in these donors. In total, these data indicate that the CD4bs-directed neutralizing antibodies exert ongoing selection pressure on the conserved CD4bs epitope of HIV-1 Env.  相似文献   

The structure of VRC01 in complex with the HIV-1 gp120 core reveals that this broadly neutralizing CD4 binding site (CD4bs) antibody partially mimics the interaction of the primary virus receptor, CD4, with gp120. Here, we extended the investigation of the VRC01-gp120 core interaction to the biologically relevant viral spike to better understand the mechanism of VRC01-mediated neutralization and to define viral elements associated with neutralization resistance. In contrast to the interaction of CD4 or the CD4bs monoclonal antibody (MAb) b12 with the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env), occlusion of the VRC01 epitope by quaternary constraints was not a major factor limiting neutralization. Mutagenesis studies indicated that VRC01 contacts within the gp120 loop D, the CD4 binding loop, and the V5 region were necessary for optimal VRC01 neutralization, as suggested by the crystal structure. In contrast to interactions with the soluble gp120 monomer, VRC01 interaction with the native viral spike did not occur in a CD4-like manner; VRC01 did not induce gp120 shedding from the Env spike or enhance gp41 membrane proximal external region (MPER)-directed antibody binding to the Env spike. Finally, VRC01 did not display significant reactivity with human antigens, boding well for potential in vivo applications. The data indicate that VRC01 interacts with gp120 in the context of the functional spike in a manner distinct from that of CD4. It achieves potent neutralization by precisely targeting the CD4bs without requiring alterations of Env spike configuration and by avoiding steric constraints imposed by the quaternary structure of the functional Env spike.  相似文献   

Multiple new variants of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) have constantly emerged, as the delta and omicron variants, which have developed resistance to currently gained neutralizing antibodies. This highlights a critical need to discover new therapeutic agents to overcome the variants mutations. Despite the availability of vaccines against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the use of broadly neutralizing antibodies has been considered as an alternative way for the prevention or treatment of SARS-CoV-2 variants infection. Here, we show that the nasal delivery of two previously characterized broadly neutralizing antibodies (F61 and H121) protected K18-hACE2 mice against lethal challenge with SARS-CoV-2 variants. The broadly protective efficacy of the F61 or F61/F121 cocktail antibodies was evaluated by lethal challenge with the wild strain (WIV04) and multiple variants, including beta (B.1.351), delta (B.1.617.2), and omicron (B.1.1.529) at 200 or 1000 TCID50, and the minimum antibody administration doses (5-1.25 mg/kg body weight) were also evaluated with delta and omicron challenge. Fully prophylactic protections were found in all challenged groups with both F61 and F61/H121 combination at the administration dose of 20 mg/kg body weight, and corresponding mice lung viral RNA showed negative, with almost all alveolar septa and cavities remaining normal. Furthermore, low-dose antibody treatment induced significant prophylactic protection against lethal challenge with delta and omicron variants, whereas the F61/H121 combination showed excellent results against omicron infection. Our findings indicated the potential use of broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies as prophylactic and therapeutic agent for protection of current emerged SARS-CoV-2 variants infection.  相似文献   

The Human immunodeficiency virus type 1(HIV-1) gp41 membrane proximal external region(MPER) is targeted by broadly neutralizing antibodies(e.g. 2F5, 4E10, Z13 e and m66.6), which makes this region a promising target for vaccine design. One strategy to elicit neutralizing antibodies against the MPER epitope is to design peptide immunogens mimicking neutralization structures. To probe 2F5-like neutralizing antibodies, two yeast-displayed antibody libraries from peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a HIV-1 patient were screened against the 2F5 epitope peptide SP62. Two 2F5-like antibodies were identified that specifically recognized SP62. However,these antibodies only weakly neutralized HIV-1 primary isolates. The epitopes recognized by these two 2F5-like antibodies include not only the 2F5 epitope(amino acids(aa) 662–667 in the MPER)but also several other residues(aa 652–655) locating at the N-terminus in SP62. Experimental results suggest that residues of SP62 adjacent to the 2F5 epitope influence the response of broadly neutralizing 2F5-like antibodies in vaccination. Our findings may aid the design of vaccine immunogens and development of therapeutics against HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

王跃  严景华  史瑞 《生物工程学报》2022,38(6):2061-2068
自1998年预防呼吸合胞病毒的帕利珠单抗药物上市以来,多种靶向病毒的治疗性抗体药物已成功用于感染性疾病的临床治疗。新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情暴发后,多种中和抗体药物快速进入临床研究阶段,展现出积极的治疗及预防效果,并以紧急使用授权的方式用于疫情防控。本文对抗新型冠状病毒中和抗体药物的临床进展和主要临床试验结果进行总结,以期为包括新型冠状病毒肺炎在内的新发、突发传染病中和抗体药物研发提供参考。  相似文献   

黄紫妍  侯汪衡  袁权 《微生物学报》2023,63(11):4081-4100
新型冠状病毒的全球大流行,给人类的生命健康和社会秩序带来了巨大的危害。疫苗、小分子药物及各类抗体药物的研发在遏制新型冠状病毒感染传播、降低重症率和死亡风险上发挥了积极的作用。然而,由于新冠病毒庞大的感染基数及自身易突变的特征,当前已经演化出多种能逃逸疫苗及中和抗体的变异株,显著削弱了抗体的保护效果。研发新型冠状病毒广谱甚至泛β冠状病毒广谱的中和抗体对于未来新冠变异株及其他高致病性β冠状病毒的防治具有重要意义。本文从新型冠状病毒中和抗体的筛选制备策略、作用机制、中和效果及广谱性等方面进行了系统综述,并对当前面临的挑战和未来的发展方向进行了讨论和展望,以期为后续相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

现行抗反转录病毒治疗药物的联合应用可有效抑制艾滋病进程并显著延长患者寿命,但由于人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(human immunodeficiency virus type 1,HIV-1)潜伏库的存在,艾滋病迄今尚无法治愈。近年发现抗HIV广谱中和抗体能有效降低患者体内病毒载量并延缓疾病进程,为研发艾滋病疫苗和治愈策略带来了曙光,尤其是序贯免疫策略的使用极大推进了广谱中和抗体的开发和应用进程。2018年,美国食品药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration,FDA)批准了第1个临床应用的广谱中性单克隆和抗体,无疑为抗HIV单克隆抗体药物的研发注入了一支强心剂。本文围绕近年来抗HIV广谱中和抗体的研究进展进行综述,探讨未来广谱中和抗体研发面临的挑战。  相似文献   

Conformationally constrained HIV-1 Env and gp120 immunogens induce broadly cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies. Thus, it is now feasible to rationally design an HIV-1 vaccine that affords protection through humoral mechanisms. This paper reviews our progress toward the development of an oral bacterial vaccine vector that is capable of delivering an HIV-1 DNA vaccine to host lymphoid tissues and inducing broadly neutralizing antibodies to HIV-1 in the mucosal and systemic immune compartments.  相似文献   

由严重急性呼吸系统综合征冠状病毒2型(severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2,SARS-CoV-2)引起的疾病被命名为新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19),是一种具有强传染性、高易感性、长潜伏期的传染病。病毒刺突蛋白受体结合结构域(receptor binding domain,RBD)和细胞血管紧张素转换酶2(angiotensin-converting enzyme 2,ACE2)之间的相互作用使得SARS-CoV-2顺利进入细胞。本文对SARS-CoV-2与ACE2的相关作用机制进行了简单概述,对目前针对SARS-CoV-2中和单克隆抗体、纳米抗体的最新研究进展进行了总结,探讨了新冠肺炎的发展过程和抗体药物的研究方向,以期为包括新冠肺炎在内的新发、突发传染病中和抗体药物的研发提供参考。  相似文献   

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