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The sibling species of the Echinogammarus berilloni-group are endemic for the Iberian Peninsula and southern France. These species show wide morphological variability with some overlap in their dianostic characters making their distinction difficult. Reroductive isolation and enzmatic jivergence amon allopatric and sympatric populations of four species sharing the same chromosome number has been studied. The results show a clear genetic differentiation of E. longiserosus and E. calvus versus the other two species. However, E. margalefi and E. echinosetosus show no clear genetic differentiation between them, confirming their crose relationship. All four species often coexist in the same drainage system. Isozme analysis was employed to check the hypothesis Of Margalef that sympathy would occur age, long-term phenomena of speciation inside of a given basin with subsequent contact and overlap between the differentiated forms. Electrophoretic data were also used to determine whether one flow among gammarids populations exists. A model proosed by other authors according to which the heterozyosity decreases towards the headwaters foes not fit to the data we have obtained from E. calvus. Thus, populations of this species from sources and springs of the Duero basin show the hiFhest values of mean heterozygosity. The differentiation in this basin can be explained by drift. Migration between populations of different rivers is prevented by natural barriers. The lowest river stretches are without amhipods interrupting the gene flow amon populations. A correction between genetic and geographic fistances among subbasins and basins was found applying a double logarithmic model. A model of migration of E. calvus in the Duero basin is proposed on the basis of allelic frequencies and on the distribution of mean hetero-zygosities.  相似文献   

In 140 species of the amphipod genera Gammarus and Echinogammarus the ratio was calculated between the number of segments of the accessory and main antennular flagellum. Minor inter-and intrapopulational variation of this ratio was found in four species of the genus Gammarus. Seasonal variation was studied in one species of this genus. For both genera a clear correlation was found between antennular composition and the occurrence in marine or freshwater habitats.  相似文献   

The caprellid fauna of India is investigated. A total of 538 samples (including algae, seagrasses, sponges, hydroids, ascidians, bryozoans, encrusted dead corals, coral rubble, fine and coarse sediments) were collected from 39 stations along the coast of India, covering a wide diversity of habitats from intertidal to 12 m water depth. A new species (Jigurru longimanus n.sp.) is described, and figures of the 11 valid species reported so far from India are given together with a key for their identification. No caprellids were found in sediments from the northeast (16–20oN) coast of India while they were abundant in the southeast and west coast. Decreases in salinity due to river discharges associated with lower values of oxygen, higher water temperatures and lower nutrient inputs along the east coast could explain these differences in caprellid composition between the two coastlines. Significantly, lower abundance of caprellids in India, as in other tropical ecosystems, is probably related to the lack of species belonging to the genus Caprella, which reach very high abundances in temperate waters.  相似文献   

The community structure of caprellids inhabiting two species of seagrass (Cymodocea nodosa and Zostera marina) was investigated on the Andalusian coast, southern Spain, using uni and multivariate analyses. Three meadows were selected (Almería, AL; Málaga, MA; Cádiz, CA), and changes in seagrass cover and biomass were measured from 2004 to 2005. Four caprellid species were found; the density of Caprella acanthifera, Phtisica marina and Pseudoprotella phasma was correlated to seagrass biomass. No such correlation was found for Pariambus typicus, probably because this species inhabits sediments and does not cling to the seagrass leaves. We recorded a significant decrease in seagrass cover and biomass in MA due to illegal bottom trawling fisheries. Phtisica marina and P. typicus were favoured by this perturbation and increased their densities after the trawling activities. A survey of reports on caprellids in seagrass meadows around the world showed no clear latitudinal patterns in caprellid densities (ranging from 6 to 1,000 ind/m2 per meadow) and species diversity. While caprellid abundances in seagrass meadows are often very high, the number of species per meadow is low (range 1–5).  相似文献   

Two new species of hyalellid amphipods, Hyalella crawfordi and H. gauthieri, are described from Lake Titicaca; H. echinus (Faxon, 1876) is redescribed. The H. echinus group of species is newly proposed for these three species, and a group diagnosis is provided. A key to the three species in the group is provided Full article published online at http://www.senckenberg.de/odes/06-10.htm.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Der Einfluß einmaliger Röntgenbestrahlungen auf die Überlebenszeiten der euryhalinen AmphipodenGammarus duebeni Lilljeborg,Gammarus salinus Spooner undGammarus zaddachi Sexton wurde bei einer konstanten Temperatur von 150 C und einem Salzgehalt von 10 untersucht.2. Bestrahlungen mit Dosen von 625 und 1250 R führen beiG. duebeni zum vorzeitigen Tod von nur einigen Versuchstieren, Bestrahlungen mit 2500 R und höheren Dosen zum vorzeitigen Tod aller Versuchstiere.3. BeiG. duebeni sind die strahlenempfindlicher als die , die Jungtiere strahlenempfindlicher als adulte Individuen.4.G. salinus undG. zaddachi sind strahlenempfindlicher alsG. duebeni.5. Die LD50-Kurven lassen drei Bereiche erkennen. Bei mittleren Dosen ändert sich die Zeitspanne, in der 50% der Versuchstiere sterben, nur wenig oder gar nicht mit der Dosis. Bei hohen und niedrigen Dosen ist die Überlebenszeit dosisabhängig.6. Die Strahlenempfindlichkeit vonG. duebeni war im ersten Quartal des Jahres 1967, in dem die Temperaturen über den langfristigen Monatsmitteln lagen, geringer als bei Flohkrebsen, die zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt gefangen wurden oder aus Laboratoriumszuchten stammten.7. Die Häutungsvorgänge, deren Beeinflussung nur beiG. duebeni untersucht wurde, werden durch Bestrahlungen mit 1250 R oder geringeren Dosen nicht beeinflußt.8. Nach einer Bestrahlung mit 20 000 R sind 2 Tage nach der Bestrahlung nur wenige oder gar keine Häutungen möglich. Nach Bestrahlungen mit 10 000 und 5000 R erfolgen die Häutungen verspätet.9. Als Folge von Bestrahlungen mit letalen Dosen nimmt die Zahl der Häutungen um den 30. Tag nach der Bestrahlung ab.10. Die Häutungsvorgänge waren bei Tieren, die im ersten Quartal 1967 gefangen und bestrahlt wurden, weniger beeinflußbar als bei Tieren, die aus Laboratoriumszuchten stammten oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt gefangen wurden.11. Nach Bestrahlungen mit letalen Dosen treten zwei kritische Phasen auf. Ein Teil der mit mittleren und der größte Teil der mit hohen Dosen bestrahlten Tiere stirbt bereits in der ersten kritischen Phase. Die zweite kritische Phase wird von allen mit niedrigen Dosen bestrahlten Tieren erreicht. Tiere, die sich in der ersten kritischen Phase häuten, haben eine geringe Lebenserwartung.12. Die Überlebenszeit des einzelnen Individuums hängt außer von der Bestrahlungsdosis von dem Zeitpunkt ab, zu dem es sich innerhalb der Versuchszeit häutet.
Radiobiological investigations on gammarids (Crustacea, Amphipoda)
Effects of single exposures of X-radiation on survival were studied inGammarus duebeni, G. salinus andG. zaddachi under constant conditions of temperature (150 C) and salinity (10 ). Effects on moulting were investigated inG. duebeni. The amphipods were irradiated with doses between 625 and 20,000 R.G. salinus andG. zaddachi are equally radioresistant (LD50/30 : 1,700 R) but less resistant thanG. duebeni (LD50/30(males) : 3,900 R; LD50/30(females) : 3,500 R). At high doses, half of the test individuals die within a few days; at medium doses survival time is dose-independent; at lower doses survival time again increases with decreasing doses up to dose-ranges (below 1,250 R forG. duebeni, 1,000 R forG. salinus andG. zaddachi), at which only a few individuals die before their natural death. Subadult gammarids are less resistant;G. duebeni of 4 to 7 mm body length have a LD50/30 of 2,200 R. Death distribution after medium doses indicates that at least two mechanisms are involved in acute mortality. A first mortality maximum occurs shortly after irradiation; subsequently, mortality decreases for a few days, and is followed by another maximum. At lower doses no individual dies during the first critical period. Shortening of survival time at higher doses results from survival of fewer individuals to the second critical period. Few or no moults occur inG. duebeni irradiated with 20,000 R following the second day after irradiation and after the 30th day in those individuals irradiated with 2,500 to 10,000 R; moulting is delayed after exposure to 5,000 to 10,000 R. Individuals ofG. duebeni taken from the field during the mild winter 1966/67 were more resistant to radiation, and moulting was less affected, than in laboratory-reared amphipods, or in those collected in the field during other seasons. Besides on irradiation dose, survival time of an individual depends on the time of its moulting in the course of an experiment.

Australian species of the iphimediid amphipod genus Iphimedia are revised. Based on new material from inshore and continental shelf habitats six new species are described: Iphimedia beesleyae; I. filmersankeyi; I. kateae; I. lisae; I. neuweileri and I. oetkeri. Four established species are redescribed: I. ambigua Haswell, 1879; I. discreta Stebbing, 1910; I. edgari (Moore, 1981) and I. warraina (Thomas and Barnard, 1991). A key to Australian species of Iphimedia is provided. Full article published online at http://www.senckenberg.de/odes/06-09.htm  相似文献   

The digestive tract of the freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca is a straight but differentiated tube consisting of foregut, midgut, and hindgut divisions. The foregut is subdivided into a tubular esophagus, a cardiac stomach, and a pyloric stomach. The cuticular lining of the cardiac stomach is elaborated into a set of food-crushing plates and ossicles, the gastric mill, while the pyloric cuticle forms a complex straining and pressing mechanism. Nine caeca arise from the midgut, seven anteriorly and two posteriorly. Four of the anterior caeca, the hepatopancreatic caeca, are believed to be the primary sites of digestion and absorption. The remaining caeca may be absorptive, secretory, or both. The much-folded hindgut wall is capable of great distention by extrinsic muscle action for water intake to aid in flushing fecal material out of the anus; such action also may stimulate antiperistalsis by intrinsic rectal muscles.  相似文献   

The diploid number of Phronima sedentaria and P. atlantica is 30, all the chromosomes are metacentric or submetacentric; the caryotypes of these two species are compared with those of other Amphipods. Some individuals of each species have a supernumerary chromosome. This element, found in both sexes, remains as an univalent at meiosis and goes earlier to one pole. In some cases nonfertilized ova undergo segmentation; this rudimentary parthenogenesis stops quickly and is partly related to polyploidization.  相似文献   

A new species of Ingolfiellid Amphipod Ingolfiella azorensis n. sp. is described from samples collected in a benthic survey off the Azores archipelago, Portugal. The new species is characterized by the lack of ocular lobes, a four-toothed dactylus on the first and second gnathopods, and having dissimilar claws on the third to seventh pereiopods. Individuals were obtained from shallow subtidal samples of sand. The new findings bring the number of Ingolfiellidae from Macaronesia up to six, equalling almost 20 % of the world’s known species, suggesting this area as a potential evolutionary centre for Ingolfiellidae.  相似文献   

The life history of the endemic amphipod Echinogammarus cari, endangered by damming, was studied at a site on the Gojačka Dobra River which was flooded after closure of a large dam (D5) and at a site in an intact tributary (B2). Four replicate samples in moss microhabitats were collected over twelve months. Site B2 had a lower range and mean water temperature (10.8 °C) and higher concentration of calcium ions. The population sampled at this site showed continuous reproduction, very high densities and a cohort life span of 6–7 months. Site D5 showed higher summer temperatures (max. recorded: 21.0 °C), and the population at this site had a reproductive resting stage in September and October, a lower density and a cohort life span of 7–12 months. Growth of cohorts was faster during the colder period of the year at both sites, while higher summer temperatures at D5 inhibited growth. These results show that the proximate cause of the restricted distribution of the species is adaptation to relatively colder conditions with higher calcium content. The presented results provide a better understanding of the damming impact on the species and will contribute to the development of conservation plans to ensure its future survival. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The caprellidean fauna of Western Australia and Northern Territory, Australia, is investigated here. The study reports 26 species in 19 genera. Six new species (Aciconula australiensis n. sp., Caprella traudlae n. sp., Pseudaeginella vaderi n. sp., Orthoprotella nana n. sp., Pseudoprotella soela n. sp. and Pseudoprotomima grandimana n. sp.) are described as new for Science. Lateral view figures of all the species, together with a key to species level, are also provided.  相似文献   

A new species of the Amphipoda (Gammarus desperatus) is described from North Spring in Roswell, Chaves County, New Mexico. Apparently this is the same species reported erroneously as G. fasciatus Say from nearby Lander Springbrook by Noel (1954).Supported in part by NSF Grants GB-2461 and GB-6477X to W. L. MinckleySupported in part by NSF Grants GB-2461 and GB-6477X to W. L. Minckley  相似文献   

Hou ZE  Li S  Morino H 《Zoological science》2002,19(8):939-960
Three new species of the genus Gammarus are described from Lijiang, Yunnan Province, South China. Gammarus elevatus sp. nov. is characterized by mid-dorsal keel on pleonites 1-3 and compressed elevation on urosomites 1-2; G. denticulatus sp. nov. by many small spinules and setae on pleonites 1-3; G. stagnarius sp. nov. by lack of calceoli on antenna 2 and shorter inner ramus of uropod 3. These amphipods are compared with other known Gammarus species from China.  相似文献   

We present data on the haemolymph vascular system (HVS) in four representatives of the major amphipod lineages Gammaridea, Hyperiidea and Caprellidea based on corrosion casting and three‐dimensional reconstructions of histological semi‐thin sections. In all these species the HVS comprises a dorsal pulsatile heart, which is continued in the body axis by the anterior and posterior aortae. The heart is equipped with three pairs of incurrent ostia. The number of cardiac arteries that lead off the heart varies among species: in the studied Gammaridea four pairs occur, in Hyperia galba only the three posterior pairs of cardiac arteries occur, while in Caprella mutica cardiac arteries are absent. In all the studied species the posterior aorta leads as a simple tube into the pleon attached to the dorsal diaphragm. The anterior aorta runs from its origin in the anterior part of the second thoracic segment into the cephalothorax. Both pairs of antennae have an arterial supply off the anterior aorta. An overview of previously studied species including our present findings shows the amphipod HVS to be relatively uniform and the gammarid form is discussed as being closest to the ground pattern of Amphipoda.  相似文献   

Ko Tomikawa 《ZooKeys》2015,(530):15-36
A new species of anisogammarid amphipod, Jesogammarus (Jesogammarus) ikiensis sp. n., is described from freshwaters in the Iki Island, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan, based on results of morphological and molecular analyses. The new species is distinguished from all members of the genus by the combination of small number of setae on dorsal margins of pleonites 1–3, short and small number of setae on posterior margins of peduncular articles of antennae, mandibular article 1 without setae, well developed posterior lobes of accessory lobes of coxal gills on gnathopod 2 and pereopods 3–5, and pectinate setae on palmar margin of female gnathopod 2. A key to all the species of Jesogammarus is provided.  相似文献   

A new caprellid amphipod, Caprella tavolarensis n. sp., is described based on specimens collected from a Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow at the Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area (Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea). The species is close to Caprella liparotensis, but can be clearly distinguished by smaller size, presence of a short rostrum, body elongate and dorsally smooth, absence of serrate carina on the basis of gnathopod 2 and pereopods, mouthparts scarcely setose, absence of fine setae on peduncle of antenna 1 and absence of swimming setae on antenna 2. The number of caprellid species reported from the Mediterranean Sea has increased from 23 (1993) to 41 (2010), consequently, further taxonomical studies should be addressed to properly estimate the total amphipod diversity in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

Ingolfiella canariensis n. sp., from coarse sand and gravel in the mediolittoral zone of Tenerife and Hierro, Canary Islands, is described. The new species shares supposedly apomorphous characters with species from comparable habitats from the Andaman Islands, Bermuda and Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles). The female of Ingolfiella similis Rondé-Broekhuizen & Stock, 1987, from Fuerteventura is also described.  相似文献   

Jassa falcata (Leach), an unselective suspension feeder, was cultivated in standing, unaerated finger bowls, feeding on a mixture ofBrachionus plicatilis, Scrippsiella faeroense, Ulva spec., and natural detritus. This amphipod can also be maintained with diets composed of dead or live material of both plant and animal origin, but an addition of living zooplankton is necessary for longterm cultivation. Starvation resistance is higher in females than in males, and it is increased by lower temperatures. The life span ofJ. falcata increases with decreasing temperature, and it is generally higher in females (maximum: 252 days at 10°C) than in males. In laboratory culture, a bimodal mortality pattern is typical with high juvenile death rates, low mortality during the reproductive phase, and again increasingly high death rates toward the end of the life cycle. Growth rate depends on temperature, sex, and individual age. The temperature dependence of growth is particularly high in males, and it is higher in adults than in juveniles. The total number of moults is lower in males (5 to 6) than in females (7 to 9). Sexual maturity is attained at moult IV to V. The average incubation time of eggs is about 9 to 16 days (highest value at 10°C). Three to 4 broods were observed, with largest numbers of offspring at 10°C.  相似文献   

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