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Evolutionary constraints on the ability of herbivores to efficiently use a set of phytochemically similar hosts, while maintaining a high performance on phytochemically different hosts, are central in explaining the predominance of host specialization in phytophagous insects. Such feeding trade-offs could be manifested within insect populations as negative genetic correlations in fitness on different host species. We tested the hypothesis that feeding trade-offs were present within a population of the obliquebanded leafroller,Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris). Components of fitness were measured in families originating from an apple orchard that were fed on four host-plant species in the laboratory. Under the conditions of this experiment, all across-host genetic correlations were strongly positive, suggesting that this population comprised true generalists. With the exception of diapausing propensity, the heritability of the fitness components tended to be lower in caterpillars fed on apple leaves than in insects fed other hosts. This suggests a constraint on the selective response of the fitness components in the orchard environment.  相似文献   

Spruce budworm larvae,Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in early-, mid- and latediapause (maintained at 2°C), were exposed to various sub-zero temperatures, above the supercooling point, for different periods to determine the insect’s cold-hardiness in terms of non-freeze survival. Larvae which were in the middle of diapause showed the highest survival (percentage of larvae emerging from hibernacula after diapause), followed by larvae in late- and early-diapause respectively. When exposed to −23°C, larvae which were acclimatized to outside air temperatures had a much higher survival than the larvae maintained at 2°C. This survival was correlated with a glycerol content that was ten times higher and a depressed supercooling point in acclimatized larvae compared to lab-maintained larve. Experiments also demonstrated that mortality of the larvae maintained in an extended supercooled state at −23°C was due to cold injury rather than freezing. The present study supports the hypothesis that glycerol may have a cryoprotective role other than depressing the supercooling point in freeze-intolerant insects and highlights the importance of investigating non-freeze mortality during insect diapause.
Résumé Des larves de tordeuse des bourgeons de l’épinette,Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.), en début, milieu et fin de diapause (maintenue à 2°C) furent soumises à divers régimes de températures supérieures au point de congélation cellulaire, de fa?on à déterminer la capacité de l’insecte à survivre à ces températures. Les larves en milieu de diapause furent celles ayant le mieux survécu (proportion des larves émergeant de leur hibernacula après la diapause). Elles furent suivies respectivement par celles en fin et en début de diapause. La suivie larvaire, suite à une exposition à −23°C, fut plus élevée dans le cas des larves préalablement acclimatées aux températures de terrain que dans le cas des larves maintenues à 2°C. Comparativement aux larves non acclimatées sur le terrain, le point de congélation cellulaire des larves acclimatées était inférieur et leur contenu en glycérol était dix fois plus élevé. Cette étude a aussi montré que la mortalité des larves maintenues durant une longue période à −23°C ne fut pas causée par un phénomène de congélation cellulaire mais plut?t par d’autres effets létaux du froid. Les résultats de cette étude sont en accord avec l’hypothèse selon laquelle le glycérol jouerait, en tant que cryoprotectant, un r?le autre que celui d’abaisser les points de congélation cellulaire des insectes du type intolérant au gel. De plus, ces résultats montrent l’importance d’étudier la mortalité induite par les températures situées au-dessus du point de congélation cellulaire durant la diapause de l’insecte.

When eggs from the lateral oviduct of the gregarious parasitoid Apanteles glomeratus were injected with calyx fluid and venom apparatus material into host larvae, Pieris rapae crucivora, most of the eggs were not encapsulated. Apanteles eggs deposited by the parasitoid from which the venom apparatus was removed were usually encapsulated by the host. These results indicate that the parasitoid venom apparatus material is an important factor in suppressing the encapsulation of 1- or 2-day-old eggs in the host. In order to clearly demonstrate that the venom suppresses egg encapsulation but not the encapsulation of other foreign objects, DEAE-Sephadex A-50 ion-exchange particles stained with 0.001% (w/v) Congo Red solution were injected into hosts together with venom apparatus material. The Sephadex particles were encapsulated by host hemocytes. The results suggest that the venom does not inhibit the encapsulation ability of the host.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on adult lifespan, reproduction, and oviposition behaviour of Grapholita lobarzewskii Nowicki (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) were studied under controlled and semi‐field conditions to improve the basis for phenological forecasting. The average female lifespan ranged from 18.9 days at 25.1 °C to 65.3 days at 11.0 °C. For adult female ageing, a lower thermal threshold (THR) of 8.6 °C and a thermal constant (K) of 298 degree days (dd) were established. At constant temperatures, fecundity ranged from 0.3 eggs per female at 11.0 °C to 107 eggs per female at 21.2 °C. The highest fecundity of 127 eggs per female was observed at fluctuating temperatures. Oviposition lasted on average 350 dd, but 50% of the eggs were laid within the first 100 dd after adult emergence. Grapholita lobarzewskii had a distinct circadian rhythm for oviposition. Females began to lay eggs at ca. 16:00 hours and ceased at 24:00 hours with the peak occurring generally at 19:00 hours. Females reacted very sensitively to sudden temperature changes. A temperature drop of 3.1 °C could cause a 1‐day interruption of oviposition.  相似文献   

Some parasitoids are restricted with respect to the host stage that they attack and even to a certain age within a stage. In this paper we investigate whether the parasitoidCotesia glomerata can discriminate between old and young caterpillar instars of its host,Pieris brassicae, before contacting these hosts, since contacts with older instars are very risky with a chance of being killed, due to the aggressive defensive behaviour of the caterpillars. Flight chamber dual choice tests showed that volatile chemicals emitted by Brussels sprouts plants (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera) after feeding damage by 1st and 5th larval instars are equally attractive to the wasps. Simulated herbivore damage by 2nd and 5th larval instars, obtained by treating mechanically damaged leaves with carterpillar regurgitant, was also equally attractive, even when the wasps were exposed to repeated experience on different larval instars to increase their discriminatory ability. In contrast, single choice contact bioassays showed that the time spent searching on a leaf with feeding damage of 1st instar larvae was significantly longer than the time spent on 5th instar feeding damage or on mechanically damaged leaves. Both flight and contact bioassays did not show any effect of egg-related infochemicals. The results demonstrate thatC. glomerata can discriminate between young and old larval instars ofP. brassicae, without contacting the caterpillars. This is not done through volatile herbivore-induced synomones but through cues that are contacted after arrival at a caterpillar-infested leaf.  相似文献   

Gregarious koinobiont parasitoids attacking a range of host sizes have evolved several mechanisms to adapt to variable host resources, including the regulation of host growth, flexibility in larval development rate, and adjustment of clutch size. We investigated whether the first two mechanisms are involved in responses of the specialist gregarious parasitoid Microplitis tristis Nees (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) to differences in the larval weight and parasitoid load of its host Hadena bicruris Hufn. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). In addition, we examined the effects of parasitism on food consumption by the host. Parasitoids were offered caterpillars of different weight from all five instars, and parasitoid fitness correlates, including survival, development time, and cocoon weight, were recorded. Furthermore, several host growth parameters and food consumption of parasitized and unparasitized hosts were measured. Our results show that M. tristis responds to different host weights by regulating host growth and by adjusting larval development rate. In hosts with small weights, development time was increased, but the increase was insufficient to prevent a reduction in cocoon weight, and as a result parasitoids experienced a lower chance of successful eclosion. Cocoon weight was negatively affected by parasitoid load, even though host growth was positively affected by parasitoid load, especially in hosts with small weights. Later instars were more optimal for growth and development of M. tristis than early instars, which might reflect an adaptation to the life‐history of the host, whose early instars are usually concealed and inaccessible for parasitism on its food plant, Silene latifolia Krause (Caryophyllaceae). Parasitism by M. tristis greatly reduced total host food consumption for all instar stages. Whether plants can benefit directly from the attraction of gregarious koinobiont parasitoids of their herbivores is a subject of current debate. Our results indicate that, in this system, the attraction of a gregarious koinobiont parasitoid can directly benefit the plant by reducing the number of seeds destroyed by the herbivore.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown populations of tipworm,Crocidosema plebejana Zeller (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), onMalva parviflora L. persist throughout the development of the plant while those on cotton are greatly reduced after plant flowering. We investigated larval performance of tipworm on plants of both species at various stages of development. Tipworm reared onM. parviflora developed faster, survived better and tended to be heavier than those reared on cotton. OnM. parviflora all parts of the plant were eaten while on cotton large squares, flowers and small to medium bolls were never eaten. Cotton quality for tipworm development decreased markedly at flowering and remained low thereafter, as shown by low survival of neonate larvae and extended development time of late instar larvae. The poor performance of tipworm on flowering cotton is strongly correlated with major changes in plant chemistry at that stage of plant development.  相似文献   

The adaptation of three allopatric populations of a generalist moth, Operophtera brumata (L.), on two tree species, Prunus padus (L.) and Quercus robur (L.) which represent the extremes of the timing of budburst in spring, was studied in Finland and Sweden. The synchrony of the hatching and budbursting was monitored, and its importance to dispersal and growth of larvae was assessed by rearing cohorts of larvae, whose hatching dates were manipulated, on both hosts. In addition, the realised heritability of the hatching time was estimated.Experimental populations hatched in approximate synchrony with the budburst of their original host species. As a result of the manipulation of the hatching dates of larvae, the growth rates of larvae decreased and the dispersal rates increased on both hosts in relation to the ageing of foliage. The realised heritability of hatching times was rather high (0.63). There were fewer differences in the host use efficiency and behaviour of the experimental populations than in the hatching phenology. The synchrony of hatching with the budburst of the local dominant host plant is probably a result of stabilising selection.  相似文献   

The effects of tree species, shoot age, and sex of larvae on food consumption and utilization were investigated in a factorial experiment. Diets prepared from lyophilized and powdered current-year shoots, from two age classes (sample dates) of Picea glauca (Moench) Voss, Picea rubra, Sarg., and Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P., were evaluated for eight performance criteria. All factors had significant effects on all criteria except for tree species on assimilation efficiency, shoot age on development time, and sex on net growth efficiency. Eight of the possible 24 two-factor interactions and one of the possible eight three-factor interactions were significant. Food utilization efficiencies and relative growth rate were in the low and moderate characterization limits for immature arthropods; relative consumption rates were high. The higher performance values on Picea glauca were related to this species greater vulnerability to spruce budworm. Performance criteria of similar larvae on an artificial diet were compared with those on the foliage-diets.
Résumé L'auteur a déterminé la quantité d'aliments utilisées, à 22±0,5 °C, par des larves de Tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette parvenues à leur sixième stade de développement qui s'étaient nourries d'un régime artificiel et d'aiguilles de l'année en cours lyophilisées et réduites en poudre, prélevées à deux dates différentes, à 10 jours d'intervalle, et provenant d'épinettes blanchés (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss), d'épinettes rouges (Picea rubra Sarg.) et d'épinettes noires (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.). Les femelles ont invariablement ingéré une quantité significativement plus importante de tous les régimes que les mâles, consommant 24% de plus d'aiguilles d'épinette noire et 73% de plus d'aiguilles d'épinette blanche.Les femelles prenaient en général plus de temps pour parvenir au stade de chrysalide et avaient un taux d'utilisation des aliments significativement plus élevé. L'efficacité nette de la croissance chez les deux sexes ne présentait toutefois aucune différence significative. La performance des larves ayant ingéré des aiguilles provenant de deux classes d'âge différait de façon significative mais non pas uniforme d'un régime à l'autre: les aiguilles d'épinette blanche plus récentes donnaient une performance généralement plus élevée contrairement aux aiguilles plus jeunes d'épinette rouge et d'épinette noire. Les larves ingéraient une quantité significativement plus élevée, avaient un taux de consommation et de croissance supérieur et augmentaient davantage leur biomasse avec des aiguilles d'épinette blanche. L'efficacité d'utilisation des aliments et le taux de croissance relatif étaient de faibles à modérément faibles pour un lépidoptère arboricole phyllophage; la vitesse d'ingestion relative était élevée. La qualité des aiguilles des trois essences d'épinettes était faible. Les aiguilles d'épinette blanche permettaient aux larves d'avoir une performance significativement plus élevée, performance mesurée à partir de plusieurs critères, alors que les aiguilles d'épinette rouge et d'épinette noire donnaient une performance égale. La supériorité des performances obtenues avec l'épinette blanche explique la plus grande vulnérabilité de cette essence à la Tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette.

In the intestine of two wolves (Canis lupus) from Germany 33 adult tapeworms were found. The cestodes were determined as Taenia krabbei Moniez, 1879 (Syn. T. cervi Christiansen, 1931). Adult parasites were compared with cysticerci from thigh muscles of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) as well as cysticerci from cardiac muscles of sheep (Ovis ammon). It is postulated that T. krabbei from wolf and roe deer is a valid and distinct species which uses Cervidae as original intermediate hosts. T. krabbei is highly similar in all morphological criteria to T. ovis. However, the life history of T. ovis includes Bovidae, preferably sheep as intermediate hosts.  相似文献   

  • 1 Peristenus digoneutis Loan is a parasitoid of Lygus plant bugs, which was successfully introduced from Europe into North America in the 1980s for controlling native Lygus populations. Surveys confirmed that P. digoneutis populations have become established throughout eastern North America and that the spread of the parasitoid continues. For unknown reasons, previous releases of P. digoneutis in Western Canada were not successful.
  • 2 A bioclimate (climex ®; Hearne Scientific Software Pty Ltd, Australia) model for P. digoneutis in North America was developed, based on climate and ecological parameters, and then validated with actual distribution records. The current distribution of P. digoneutis in eastern North America was consistent with the predicted distribution. The model suggests that P. digoneutis will probably continue its spread westwards throughout the U.S.A. along the Great Lakes.
  • 3 The southern distribution of P. digoneutis is expected to be limited by hot summer temperatures, whereas its northern range is limited by the number of Lygus host generations rather than cold stress.
  • 4 Peristenus digoneutis has the potential to occur in the southern parts of the prairie ecozone of western Canada; however, Ecoclimatic Index values in the prairies indicate mainly marginal or unfavourable conditions, which may explain why earlier releases of P. digoneutis in Western Canada failed.

Spatial synchrony is common, and its influences and causes have attracted the interest of ecologists. Spatially correlated environmental noise, dispersal, and trophic interactions have been considered as the causes of spatial synchrony. In this study, we developed a spatially structured population model, which is described by coupled-map lattices. Our recent investigation showed that trophic correlation of environmental noise was another important factor that affects spatial synchrony. As a supplement, we considered the influence of the color of the environmental noise on the spatial synchrony in this study. The noise color refers to the temporal correlation in the time series data of the noise, and is expressed as the degree of (first-order) autocorrelation for autoregressive noise. Patterns of spatial synchrony were considered for stable, periodic (quasi-periodic), and chaotic population dynamics. Numerical simulations verified that the color of the environmental noise is another mechanism that causes spatial synchrony. Generally, the effect of the color of the noise on the synchrony is dependent on the type of dynamics (stable, cyclic, chaotic) present in the population. For cyclic dynamics, simulation results clearly demonstrate that reddened noise has higher synchrony than white noise. The importance of our research is that it enriches the theory of potential causes of spatial synchrony.  相似文献   

It has now been established that transposable elements (TEs) make up a variable, but significant proportion of the genomes of all organisms, from Bacteria to Vertebrates. However, in addition to their quantitative importance, there is increasing evidence that TEs also play a functional role within the genome. In particular, TE regulatory regions can be viewed as a large pool of potential promoter sequences for host genes. Studying the evolution of regulatory region of TEs in different genomic contexts is therefore a fundamental aspect of understanding how a genome works. In this paper, we first briefly describe what is currently known about the regulation of TE copy number and activity in genomes, and then focus on TE regulatory regions and their evolution. We restrict ourselves to retrotransposons, which are the most abundant class of eukaryotic TEs, and analyze their evolution and the subsequent consequences for host genomes. Particular attention is paid to much-studied representatives of the Vertebrates and Invertebrates, Homo sapiens and Drosophila melanogaster, respectively, for which high quality sequenced genomes are available.  相似文献   

Females of the almond seed wasp,Eurytoma amygdali Enderlein (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae), responded in an olfactometer positively to odours from almond flowers and unripe fruits, but not to almond leaf odours and odours from flowers and unripe fruits of certain other nonhostPrunus species. Males responded to none of these odours. Extracts of undamaged unripe almond fruits (using ethanol, methanol, acetone, hexane, dichloromethane, or petroleum ether) stimulated female aggregation on glass surfaces treated with these extracts; in addition, certain fruit extracts (ethanol, methanol, or acetone) stimulated oviposition. Extracts of undamaged almond leaves (ethanol, methanol, or acetone) and flowers (ethanol or methanol) also stimulated female aggregation and oviposition. Aggregation and oviposition in response to an ethanol extract of almond fruits was intense in females aged 5 to 14 days and from 12∶00 to 18∶00h (photophase between 06∶00 and 20∶00). Certain almond fruit (ethanol, methanol, acetone or hexane) and flower extracts (ethanol or methanol) also provoked female response in the olfactometer. The results strongly suggest that certain chemical stimuli emanating from parts of the almond tree play a major role in host selection and oviposition. Some of the extracts tested may be a good source for the isolation, identification and synthesis of compounds stimulating attraction, aggregation and oviposition in nature. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A3414024 00003  相似文献   

Larvae of Malacosoma americanum (F.)(Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) an oligophagous species that feeds primarily on Prunus and other rosaceous trees, were compared to larvae of the more highly polyphagous congener M. disstria Hb., with respect to their sensitivity to variation in the foliage of a common host plant, Prunus serotina Ehrh. Pupal weight and time to pupation were measured on larvae reared on foliage from open-grown and from shaded saplings. The difference in foliage had a pronounced effect, but no difference was evident between the species in their response to the variation in foliage. This comparison implies that sensitivity to intraspecific variation in host quality does not differ between host-specific and generalized species. However, results from other species suggest that some species of insects do differ in this respect.
Zusammenfassung Raupen von Malacosoma americanum (F.), einer oligophagen Art, die sich vor allem auf Prunus und andern baumartigen Rosaceen entwickelt, wurden verglichen mit Raupen der polyphageren Verwandten M. disstria Hb. und zwar im Hinblick auf deren Empfindlichkeit auf Unterschiede im Blatt ihrer gemeinsamen Wirtspflanze, Prunus serotina Ehrh. Das Puppengewicht und die Entwicklungszeit bis zur Verpuppung wurden gemessen bei Raupen, welche auf Blättern von freiwachsenden und von beschatteten Jungpflanzen gezüchtet worden waren. Die Blattunterschiede hatten eine ausgesprochene Wirkung, aber es gab keine Unterschiede in der Reaktion der beiden Arten. Dieser Vergleich lässt vermuten, dass die Empfindlichkeit auf intraspezifische Unterschiede der Wirtspflanzenqualität bei wirtsspezifischen und polyphagen Arten gleich ist. Indessen dürften sich laut anderen Resultaten einige Insektenarten anders verhalten.

Development, adult size and fecundity of the aphid parasite, Aphidius sonchi Marshall (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), which began their development in the first and third instar nymphs of Hyperomyzus lactucae (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae), were studied in the laboratory. Survival and development times were almost identical in the two host instars. However, adult parasites reared in the first instar hosts were smaller and had fewer eggs at emergence than those reared from the third instar.Further analysis showed that the size of an adult parasite, irrespective of host stage at reception of the parasite egg, was largely determined by the size of the host when the parasite was in its destructive feeding phase. Furthermore, within parasites reared from each of the two host instars, the earlier emerging individuals were larger and contained more eggs on emergence. However, the relationships between size, development time and fecundity in the parasites differed significantly between cohorts reared from the two host instars.These results indicate that (1) the suitability of the aphid to the development of the parasite varies as the aphid develops, and (2) several aspects of the parasite biology must be studied to show the relative suitability of the aphids of a given instar.
Résumé L'étude a porté sur le développement, la fécondité et la taille des adultes d'A. sonchi Marshall (Hym: Aphidiidae) qui commence son développement dans le ler et le 3ème stades larvaires d'H. lactucae (Homopt: Aphididae). La survie et la durée de développement sont presque identiques dans les hôtes des deux stades. Cependant les adultes élevés dans le ler stade de l'hôte étaient plus petits et avaient moins d'oeufs à l'émergence que ceux élevés dans le 3ème stade.Des observations ultérieures ont montré que la taille de l'adulte, indépendamment du stade de l'hôte au moment de la réception de l'oeuf, était fortement déterminée par la taille de l'hôte au moment où la larve du parasite était dans sa phase alimentaire destructrice. De plus, parmi les parasites élevés à partir des hôtes de chacun des deux stades, les premiers émergés étaient plus gros et contenaient plus d'oeufs. Cependant la relation entre taille, durée de développement et fécondité des parasites différait significativement suivant les cohortes élevées à partir des hôtes des deux stades.Ces résultats indiquent (1) que l'adéquation du puceron au développement du parasite change pendant que le puceron se développe et (2) que différents aspects de la biologie du parasite doivent être étudiés pour montrer l'adéquation relative des pucerons d'un stade donné.

Field experiments were conducted in 1992 and 1993 at Kaya, Burkina Faso, West Africa, in fields of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum).Striga hermonthica(witchweed) was sampled weekly using a square-meter metal frame. Concurrently, adult populations of the weevilsSmicronyx guineanusVoss andS. umbrinusHustache were sampled weekly using a Univac portable suction sampler to assess the synchrony ofSmicronyxwithStriga.χ2tests for independence of the populations ofSmicronyxandStrigaindicated a good synchrony of the active stages of the life cycle of the weevils with the period of occurrence of the witchweed. The Univac portable suction sampler method was also used to determine the degree of association betweenSmicronyxandStriga.There was a positive association between the weevil and the witchweed. The percentage ofStrigaplants bearing galls caused bySmicronyxwas determined on 39 occasions and galls were found in every field visited (n = 50). The mean galling percentage ranged from 1 to 84%. A search for alternate hosts was done by sampling weevil adults on weeds surrounding the farmers' fields. NoSmicronyxadult was caught on these weeds before the emergence of volunteerStrigaplants.  相似文献   

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