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The human metallothionein IIA (hMT-IIA) gene contains two enhancer elements whose activity is induced by heavy-metal ions such as Cd2+. To determine the nature of the relationship between the metal-responsive elements and the element(s) responsible for the basal activity of the enhancers, the basal-level enhancer element(s), the hMT-IIA enhancers were subjected to mutational analysis. We show that deletion of the metal-responsive elements had no effect on the basal activity of the enhancer but prevented further induction by Cd2+. On the other hand, replacement of the basal-level enhancer element with linker DNA led to inactivation of the enhancer both before and after treatment with Cd2+. Therefore, the metal-responsive elements seems to act as a positive modulator of enhancer function in the presence of heavy-metal ions. In addition to the two enhancers, the hMT-IIA promoter contained one other element, the GC box, required for its basal expression. Unlike deletion of the basal-level enhancer element, replacement of the GC box with linker DNA had no effect on the ability of the promoter to be induced by Cd2+.  相似文献   

Building a metal-responsive promoter with synthetic regulatory elements.   总被引:37,自引:13,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
A fusion gene consisting of the promoter region from the mouse metallothionein-I gene joined to the coding region of the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene is efficiently regulated by zinc in a transient assay when transfected into baby hamster kidney cells. Analysis of similar plasmids in which the metallothionein-I promoter region was mutated indicated the presence of multiple metal regulatory elements (MREs) between -176 and -44 base pairs from the cap site. To further investigate the function of MREs, we inserted a synthetic DNA fragment containing the sequence of MRE-a (the element between -55 and -44 base pairs) into the nonresponsive promoter of the thymidine kinase gene in various positions and configurations. Little or no induction by zinc was observed with single insertions of the regulatory sequence, whereas many different constructions having two copies of MRE-a were inducible. The precise position of the two MREs relative to each other or to the thymidine kinase promoter elements had a relatively small effect on the efficiency of induction, but the inducibility could be further increased by the introduction of more MRE-a sequences. MRE-a can function synergistically with the thymidine kinase distal promoter elements, but in the presence of the TATA box alone it functions as a positive, zinc-dependent promoter element.  相似文献   

The human TATA binding protein (TBP) locus consists of a functional domain of three closely linkedhousekeeping genes (TBP, PSMB1 (proteasomal C5 subunit), and PDCD2 (programmed cell death-2)) within a 50-kb interval at chromosome position 6q27. Here we demonstrate that a genomic clone spanning the 20-kb TBP gene, with 12 kb 5' and 3' flanking sequences, was fully functional in stable, transfected L-cells harboring a single copy of this transgene, including after long-term (60 day) culture in the absence of drug selective pressure. Furthermore, we were only able to detect DNaseI hypersensitive sites at the TBP and PSMB1 promoters present within this 44-kb fragment. Our data suggest that this 44-kb genomic region possesses genetic regulatory elements that not only drive ubiquitous expression of TBP but also negate chromatin and DNA methylation induced silencing, which is normally associated with transgenes stably integrated into tissue culture cells.  相似文献   

Kinesins are molecular motors that power cell division and transport of various proteins and organelles. Their motor activity is driven by ATP hydrolysis and depends on interactions with microtubule tracks. Essential steps in kinesin movement rely on controlled alternate binding to and detaching from the microtubules. The conformational changes in the kinesin motors induced by nucleotide and microtubule binding are coordinated by structural elements within their motor domains. Loop L11 of the kinesin motor domain interacts with the microtubule and is implicated in both microtubule binding and sensing nucleotide bound to the active site of kinesin. Consistent with its proposed role as a microtubule sensor, loop L11 is rarely seen in crystal structures of unattached kinesins. Here, we report four structures of a regulated plant kinesin, the kinesin-like calmodulin binding protein (KCBP), determined by X-ray crystallography. Although all structures reveal the kinesin motor in the ATP-like conformation, its loop L11 is observed in different conformational states, both ordered and disordered. When structured, loop L11 adds three additional helical turns to the N-terminal part of the following helix α4. Although interactions with protein neighbors in the crystal support the ordering of loop L11, its observed conformation suggests the conformation for loop L11 in the microtubule-bound kinesin. Variations in the positions of other features of these kinesins were observed. A critical regulatory element of this kinesin, the calmodulin binding helix positioned at the C-terminus of the motor domain, is thought to confer negative regulation of KCBP. Calmodulin binds to this helix and inserts itself between the motor and the microtubule. Comparison of five independent structures of KCBP shows that the positioning of the calmodulin binding helix is not decided by crystal packing forces but is determined by the conformational state of the motor. The observed variations in the position of the calmodulin binding helix fit the regulatory mechanism previously proposed for this kinesin motor.  相似文献   

Iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) are iron-regulated RNA binding proteins that, along with iron-responsive elements (IREs), control the translation of a diverse set of mRNA with 5′ IRE. Dysregulation of IRP action causes disease with etiology that may reflect differential control of IRE-containing mRNA. IREs are defined by a conserved stem–loop structure including a midstem bulge at C8 and a terminal CAGUGH sequence that forms an AGU pseudo-triloop and N19 bulge. C8 and the pseudo-triloop nucleotides make the majority of the 22 identified bonds with IRP1. We show that IRP1 binds 5′ IREs in a hierarchy extending over a ninefold range of affinities that encompasses changes in IRE binding affinity observed with human L-ferritin IRE mutants. The limits of this IRE binding hierarchy are predicted to arise due to small differences in binding energy (e.g., equivalent to one H-bond). We demonstrate that multiple regions of the IRE stem not predicted to contact IRP1 help establish the binding hierarchy with the sequence and structure of the C8 region displaying a major role. In contrast, base-pairing and stacking in the upper stem region proximal to the terminal loop had a minor role. Unexpectedly, an N20 bulge compensated for the lack of an N19 bulge, suggesting the existence of novel IREs. Taken together, we suggest that a regulatory binding hierarchy is established through the impact of the IRE stem on the strength, not the number, of bonds between C8 or pseudo-triloop nucleotides and IRP1 or through their impact on an induced fit mechanism of binding.  相似文献   

Renin gene expression is tissue-specific and under complex hormonal control. To investigate which DNA elements are involved in the control of human renin gene expression, we performed transient DNA transfer experiments with renin-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase fusions. We have mapped a complex arrangement of positive and negative control sequences in the 5' flanking region of the human renin gene. One positive control element is active in either orientation and defines a renin gene enhancer. The negative element is also active in either orientation and defines a renin gene silencer. Mapping in the same region as the silencer is a cAMP-responsive element, a sequence conserved in mouse, rat, and human renin genes.  相似文献   

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