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为探讨适合水牛胎儿成纤维细胞(BFF)的体外培养体系,采用常规组织块法和胰蛋白酶消化法原代培养BFF均获得了较多的成纤维细胞,但后者所得细胞的活力不如前者高,且死细胞也较多;传代或冻存成纤维细胞时用4℃预冷的胰蛋白酶室温下消化所得的细胞比37℃热消化的细胞更圆、更有光泽;跟踪32代的细胞冷冻复苏率均达70%~80%;染色体分析结果显示,二倍体细胞所占比例始终保持在80%~90%之间,各代细胞(5th、10th、15th)之间差异不显著(P>0.05).结果 表明,组织块法原代培养、4℃预冷胰蛋白酶室温消化传代细胞的培养体系比较适合水牛胎儿成纤维细胞的培养.  相似文献   

牛胎儿成纤维细胞的分离与体外培养   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
分别用胶原酶Ⅲ和胰蛋白酶成功地分离了牛胎儿成纤维细胞,并对其进行了体外培养,同时探讨了两种酶消化分离牛胎儿组织的时间对牛胎儿成纤维细胞原代培养的影响。用组织块直接培养也成功得到了牛胎儿成纤维细胞,并探讨了不同组织块大小对牛胎儿成纤维细胞原代培养的影响。通过绘制生长曲线,可以研究牛胎儿成纤维细胞增殖规律;通过制备牛胎儿成纤维细胞的细胞染色体发现,经过传代(12代)、冷冻保存、解冻,牛胎儿成纤维细胞染色体数目不变。  相似文献   

供体细胞所处的细胞周期及细胞周期同期化的方法对于体细胞核移植(somatic cell nuclear transfer,SCNT)的成功非常重要,本研究对血清饥饿培养处理与培养至完全汇合后的猪成纤维细胞周期同期化水平进行了检测。利用不同方法对猪成纤维细胞同期化处理后,通过流式细胞仪对细胞的细胞周期分布比率进行了检测。将细胞进行血清饥饿2472h,显著地增加了G0/G1期的细胞百分率(92.2%93.7%vs.77.8%,P<0.05)。将细胞培养至完全汇合后再培养2448h,G0/G1期的细胞比例类似于血清饥饿法(94.4%,89.6%)。血清饥饿24h后,置换为10%FBS能逆转至生长期。用这两种不同方法处理后的体细胞作为核移植的供体构建重构胚,分裂率与囊胚率差异不显著(P>0.05)。结果表明,猪成纤维细胞通过血清饥饿法或者培养至汇合完全均能有效地将细胞周期同期化至G0/G1期,且均可作为体细胞核移植的供体细胞。  相似文献   

绵羊胎儿成纤维细胞体外培养及转基因研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的用增强型绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)基因转染体外培养绵羊胎儿成纤维细胞,探讨绿色荧光蛋白对绵羊胎儿成纤维细胞生物学特性的影响.方法体外分离培养绵羊胎儿成纤维细胞,经脂质体介导EGFP基因转染第一代成纤维细胞,G418筛选10~12*!d,挑选转基因单克隆细胞,传代培养,进行细胞形态观察、生长曲线以及染色体核型分析,并进行了培养细胞性别鉴定.结果整合有EGFP基因的绵羊胎儿成纤维细胞生物学行为与未转染外源基因的细胞无明显差别,根据荧光强度可直接反应外源基因的表达量.结论 EGFP基因作为体内报告基因可用于转基因细胞的研究,并将整合有EGFP基因的转基因细胞为克隆动物提供核供体奠定了基础.  相似文献   

猪耳皮肤成纤维细胞的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以猪耳皮组织为材料,采用胰蛋白酶冷热处理结合法成功地分离和培养了猪耳皮肤成纤维细胞。此方法的细胞存活率相对于胰蛋白酶热处理法较高。传代细胞与原代细胞的形态和生长速度均相似。传代细胞未检测到凋亡现象。细胞已传至15代以上,染色体倍性正常,说明我们所建立的胰蛋白酶冷热处理结合法可以快速有效的分离和培养猪耳皮肤成纤维细胞,并且能稳定的进行传代培养。  相似文献   

牛成纤维细胞的分离与体外培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了牛胎儿和成年牛皮肤组织成纤维细胞的分离、培养、纯化方法和生长特征。通过组织块贴壁培养和分离单细胞接种培养均能获得原代牛皮肤细胞。用2.5 g/L胰蛋白酶+1mmol/L EDTA和5 g/L胶原酶I联合消化牛皮肤组织较2.5 g/L胰蛋白酶+1 mmol/L EDTA消化,得到更多的单个细胞,两者之间差异极显著(P<0.01),但其死细胞比率却有较大升高;2.5 g/L胰蛋白酶+1 mmol/L EDTA消化牛胎儿组织得到的单细胞数显著高于皮肤组织消化后得到的细胞数(P<0.01),死细胞比率也高于同种酶消化的皮肤组织。分离纯化的胎儿和皮肤成纤维细胞的生长曲线都正常且相似。2.5 g/L胰蛋白酶+1 mmol/L EDTA消化贴壁细胞后死细胞率明显高于用0.5g/L胰蛋白酶+0.53 mmol/L EDTA消化的细胞(P<0.05);培养24 h后细胞贴壁率前者要明显低于后者(P<0.05)。用0.5 g/L胰蛋白酶轻度消化混杂生长的成纤维细胞和上皮样细胞,经过反复贴壁传代2~3代,可得到较纯的成纤维细胞。  相似文献   

水牛皮肤成纤维细胞的分离与体外培养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
探讨水牛成纤维细胞的分离与传代培养方法。组织块培养法培养的成纤维细胞原代生长较慢,需12天左右方可汇合形成单层,而酶消化法培养的成纤维细胞原代生长相对生长快,仅需8天便可汇合形成单层。两种方法传代细胞的生长速度相似,仅需4-5天就可汇合形成单层。通过体细胞的核型分析发现,成纤维细胞在传代培养过程中的核型变化不大,66.67%~81.67%的细胞具有正常的二倍体核型,各代之间无显著差异。结果表明,水牛成纤维细胞均能稳定地进行传代培养。  相似文献   

在猪胎儿成纤维细胞(porcine fetal fibroblasts, PFF)冻存过程中,血清品质常常制约着细胞的冻存效果。为了解决这个问题,本研究旨在开发一种无血清冻存液应用于猪胎儿成纤维细胞冻存。用3种不同冻存液冻存猪胎儿成纤维细胞,每种冻存10管。冻存30 d后复苏细胞,测定冻存细胞存活率,细胞增殖活力以及电转后细胞活性。结果显示:自制无血清细胞冻存液,冻存猪胎儿成纤维细胞后存活率达95.33%;细胞增殖活力以及电转后细胞活性均显著高于标准胎牛血清冻存液(p<0.05),与特级胎牛血清冻存液效果相当(p>0.05)。因此,自制冻存液冻存猪胎儿成纤维细胞效果稳定,能够替代含血清冻存液,有良好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

为获得转基因克隆牛的供体细胞,采用组织块贴附培养的方法分离培养牛胎儿皮肤成纤维细胞,经2~3次传代纯化,绘制生长曲线,分别分析体外传代培养10代以内和20代以上细胞的核型特征。分别采用800、900、1000V/cm和1、5、10、15和20ms的参数组合,将线性化的带有新霉素抗性和绿色荧光蛋白双重筛选标记的人胰岛素原乳腺特异表达载体pNEI电穿孔转入体外培养的牛胎儿成纤维细胞,经800μg/mLG418筛选2周,继续以300μg/mLG418扩大培养2~3代,取部分筛选后的细胞进行PCR检测结果表明,体外培养的牛胎儿成纤维细胞生长旺盛,体外传代20次后核型未发生改变;转染后24~48h在荧光镜下检测各组均可观察到绿色荧光表达,筛选后各组克隆形成数以900V/cm和5ms组最多;PCR检测得到了预期条带,说明目的基因已经成功导入。分离得到的牛胎儿耳成纤维细胞有可能作为体细胞核移植的供体,进行转基因克隆研究。  相似文献   

目的借助慢病毒将EGFP基因导入西藏小型猪胎儿成纤维细胞(porcine embryonic fibroblasts,PEFs),以基于PEFs建立慢病毒介导的外源基因体外投递系统。方法取35d西藏小型猪胚胎,酶消化法分离培养西藏小型猪的PEFs;按Invitrogen公司推荐的标准程序进行慢病毒(携带EGFP基因)包装(脂质体介导的瞬时转染),随后用病毒上清感染PEFs,24~48h后荧光显微镜下观察是否见绿色荧光以证实慢病毒是否成功生产和成功感染PEFs。结果成功分离培养西藏小型猪的PEFs,按标准程序生产的携带EGFP基因慢病毒高效率感染西藏小型猪的PEFs。结论针对西藏小型猪的PEFs建立了相应的慢病毒介导的外源基因体外投递系统,为相关后续研究打下了良好基础。  相似文献   

Removal of the somatic DNA methylation pattern from donor cells and remodeling of embryonic status have been suggested as integral processes for successful nuclear transfer (NT) reprogramming. This study has investigated the effects of 5-azacytidine (5-azaC), a DNA methylation inhibitor, on global methylation changes in porcine fetal fibroblasts (PFF); this may improve NT attributable to the potential reprogramming of the methyl groups. PFF in 5th passage cultures were treated with 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 μM 5-azaC for 96 h; 5-azaC inhibited the growth at all tested concentrations. At the higher concentrations of 5-azaC used, cells appeared to exhibit morphological changes and to become apoptotic as observed by TUNEL assay. Thus, cells were negatively affected by 5-azaC. Differences in cellular ploidy were also observed at higher concentrations. Analysis showed no considerable changes in the proportion of cells at the G1-phase of the cell cycle with 5-azaC concentrations. The fractional part of the methylated DNA of these cells was significantly reduced by 5-azaC treatment. Confocal microscopy confirmed the inhibition of methylation levels in PFF with increased concentrations of 5-azaC. Exposure to 5-azaC altered the expression of genes involved in imprinting (IGF2) or pro-apoptosis (BAX), whereas there was a reduction in the expression of the main enzyme responsible for replicating the DNA methylation pattern (DNMT1) and anti-apoptosis (BCL2L1). Therefore, 5-azaC induces a relative reduction in methylation in PFF, and cells treated with 0.5 μM 5-azaC may have enhanced potential for porcine NT.The financial support of BioGreen 21 (grant no. 100052004002000) and KOSEF (grant no. R05-2004-000-10702-0) in Korea is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary Adenohypophysial primordia of rat embryos at 13 to 15 days gestation were cultured in Parker 199 synthetic medium for 2 to 11 days. At the end of the culture period their fine structure and the presence of immunoreactive trophic hormones using the peroxidase-labeled antibody technique were investigated. The degree of differentiation in the glands depends largely on the age of the embryos furnishing the explants. Cultured pituitaries explanted on the 13th day of gestation contain only ACTH-positive cells and about 15% of the cells are granular. The granules are 50–100 nm in diameter in some cells, while in other cells they range from 50 to 200 nm. In cultivated adenohypophysial primordia of embryos on the 15th day of intrauterine life ACTH, prolactin, LH and TSH cells are evident, but only the same two kinds of granular cells can be observed with the electron microscope. The extent of cytodifferentiation in the glands explanted on the 14th day of gestation is intermediate between the two other groups. The data suggest that the fetal rat pituitary has the capacity of self-differentiation but to a lesser extent than that of the in situ hypophysis.Dedicated to Professor W. Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

R M Pruss 《Peptides》1982,3(3):231-233
Although many studies have described the localization and possible neuromodulatory role of neuropeptides little attempt has been made to determine whether glial cells are possible targets of neuropeptides' actions. The use of primary cell cultures derived from neonatal rat central and peripheral nervous system may provide a means of assaying for such effects and gaining a better understanding of glial cells' roles in nervous system function.  相似文献   

To develop an alternative source for chicken pluripotent cells, we examined (1) whether undifferentiated preblastodermal cells could be subcultured in vitro for an extended period and (2) how subculturing affected the physiological properties of preblastodermal cells. The average number of preblastodermal cells was 2,397 in stage V embryos and 36,345 in stage VII embryos; stage X embryos had an average of 53,857 blastodermal cells. The average cell size decreased significantly (70.63-18.83 microm in diameter; P < 0.0001) as the embryo grew; this was closely related to a reduction in the size and number of lipid vesicles in the cell cytoplasm. The culture conditions were optimized for the stage V preblastodermal cells and the control stage X blastodermal cells. On STO feeder cells, the preblastodermal cells achieved stable growth in vitro only in HES medium or a mixed medium of the Knockout DMEM and HES media. However, more than 10 passages of preblastodermal cells at intervals of 3-4 days was possible only by using the Knockout/HES mixed medium and BRL cell-conditioned HES medium for the primary cultures and subcultures, respectively. Colony-forming preblastodermal cells had well-delineated cytoplasm, which was positively stained for stem cell-specific markers by anti-stage-specific embryo antigen-1 antibody, periodic acid-Schiff's solution, and alkaline phosphatase. When preblastodermal cells with or without culturing were transferred into the blastodermal cavity of stage X embryos, only in vitro-cultured preblastodermal cells at stage V (4/5 = 80%) and stage VII (2/8 = 25%) induced somatic chimerism in recipient chickens. In conclusion, undifferentiated preblastodermal cells could be subcultured, and only the colony-forming preblastodermal cells that stained positively for stem cell markers could induce somatic chimerism.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess by flow cytometry the cell cycle of brown bear fibroblast cells cultured under different growth conditions. Skin biopsies were taken in Cantabria (Spain) from a live, anaesthetized brown bear. DNA analysis was performed by flow cytometry following cell DNA staining with propidium iodide. Serum starvation increased (P<0.01) the percentage of G0/G1 phase cells (92.7+/-0.86) as compared to cycling cells (39.7+/-0.86) or cells cultured to confluency (87.3+/-0.86). DMSO included for 48h in the culture significantly increased (P<0.01) the percentage of G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle at all concentrations used and decreased percentages of S phase in a dose-dependent fashion. Roscovitine increased the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle (P<0.01) at 15microM concentration. Interestingly, the G2/M stage significantly increased at 30 and 50microM compared to the control and 15microM (P<0.02). The cell cycle of brown bear adult fibroblast cells can be successfully synchronized under a variety of culture conditions.  相似文献   

Summary A special cell line derived from a rat mammary adenocarcinoma (RMCD cells) displays a distinct pattern of actomyosin fibrils (AM fibrils) visible with phase contrast, Nomarski interference and polarized light optics. It was shown that the cytoplasmic AM fibrils are arranged as bundles of highly parallel F-actin filaments. The chemical nature of the filaments was identified by incubation with heavy meromyosin from rabbit skeletal muscle.These cytoplasmic actomyosin fibrils actively contract under isotonic conditions. This was shown by contraction experiments under polarized light optics, by cinematographic analysis and by direct proof of the contractility of AM fibrils isolated by laser micro-dissection. Thus, cytoplasmic AM fibrils can be assumed to represent structures essential for motive force generation in contraction processes in non-muscle cells.We thank Dr. W. Meier-Ruge and Mr. W. Bielser (Basic Medical Research Departments, Sandoz AG, Basle, Switzerland) for making the laser equipment available to us and for their kind cooperation during this investigation. Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn-Bad Godesberg.  相似文献   

The NucleoCounter is a novel, portable cell counting device based on the principle of fluorescence microscopy. The present work establishes its use with animal cells and checks its reliability, consistency and accuracy in comparison with other cytometric techniques. The main advantages of this technique are its ability to handle a large number of samples with a high degree of precision and its simplicity and specificity in detecting viable cells quantitatively in a heterogeneous culture. The work addresses and overcomes the problems of subjectivity, and some of the inherent sampling errors associated with using the traditional haemocytometer and Trypan Blue exclusion method. NucleoCounter offers reduced intra- and inter-observer variation as well as consistency in repetitive analysis that establishes it as an efficient and highly potential device for at-line monitoring of animal cell processes. Furthermore, since the only manual steps required are sample aspiration and mixing with two reagents, it is feasible that the whole method could be automated and brought on-line for process monitoring and control.  相似文献   

目的:研究人羊膜间充质细胞(Humanamnioticmesenchymalcells,HAMCs)的分离、培养及其干细胞特性,为羊膜间充质细胞在再生医学的潜在应用奠定实验基础。方法:无菌条件下取正常足月剖腹产胎儿的羊膜剪成碎片,经胰酶胶原酶序贯消化,DMEM/F12培养,倒置显微镜下观察其形态,MTT法检测其生长规律,免疫荧光的方法对细胞进行鉴定,定向诱导方法检测细胞的多向分化潜能。结果:来源于羊膜的间充质细胞,细胞免疫荧光显示SSEA-4,OCT-4阳性,具有很强的增殖能力,并且具有一定的多向分化能力,在特定条件下可分化为脂肪细胞和成骨细胞;结论:羊膜间充质细胞能够在体外分离、培养、扩增,并且具有干细胞特性。羊膜间充质细胞在再生医学和组织工程应用有很好的前景。  相似文献   

用组织块培养法对毛脚鵟不同组织进行原代培养,获得了3种不同组织来源的细胞,并成功对细胞进行了冷冻保存和复苏。在传代培养过程中,对比分析了3种组织来源细胞的形态学、生长曲线、贴壁率、核型等生物学特性。形态学方面,3种来源细胞均为成纤维样细胞。对于3种组织来源细胞的贴壁能力分析显示,输卵管源细胞最强,肺源细胞和气管源细胞次之。3种不同组织来源细胞的倍增时间分别为(29.91±0.39)、(33.18±0.21)和(30.67±0.28)h,群体倍增次数分别为3.54±0.01、4.52±0.02和4.38±0.03。毛脚鵟细胞的染色体数目为2n=68,性染色体为典型的ZW型。本实验为今后毛脚鵟细胞利用、遗传信息的保存及生物学特性的深入研究提供实验材料和依据。  相似文献   

目的:研究人羊膜间充质细胞(Humanamnioticmesenchymalcells,HAMCs)的分离、培养及其干细胞特性,为羊膜间充质细胞在再生医学的潜在应用奠定实验基础。方法:无菌条件下取正常足月剖腹产胎儿的羊膜剪成碎片,经胰酶胶原酶序贯消化,DMEM/F12培养,倒置显微镜下观察其形态,MTT法检测其生长规律,免疫荧光的方法对细胞进行鉴定,定向诱导方法检测细胞的多向分化潜能。结果:来源于羊膜的间充质细胞,细胞免疫荧光显示SSEA-4,OCT-4阳性,具有很强的增殖能力,并且具有一定的多向分化能力,在特定条件下可分化为脂肪细胞和成骨细胞;结论:羊膜间充质细胞能够在体外分离、培养、扩增,并且具有干细胞特性。羊膜间充质细胞在再生医学和组织工程应用有很好的前景。  相似文献   

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