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More than an order of magnitude difference in substitution rate exists among sites within hypervariable region 1 of the control region of human mitochondrial DNA. A two-rate Poisson mixture and a negative binomial distribution are used to describe the distribution of the inferred number of changes per nucleotide site in this region. When three data sets are pooled, however, the two-rate model cannot explain the data. The negative binomial distribution always fits, suggesting that substitution rates are approximately gamma distributed among sites. Simulations presented here provide support for the use of a biased, yet commonly employed, method of examining rate variation. The use of parsimony in the method to infer the number of changes at each site introduces systematic errors into the analysis. These errors preclude an unbiased quantification of variation in substitution rate but make the method conservative overall. The method can be used to distinguish sites with highly elevated rates, and 29 such sites are identified in hypervariable region 1. Variation does not appear to be clustered within this region. Simulations show that biases in rates of substitution among nucleotides and non-uniform base composition can mimic the effects of variation in rate among sites. However, these factors contribute little to the levels of rate variation observed in hypervariable region 1.  相似文献   

Tzen JM  Hsu HJ  Wang MN 《Mitochondrion》2008,8(2):146-154
The hypervariable region I (HVR-I) of the mitochondrial DNA control region described in the literature is variable in its 5'and 3' ends as well as in its length, causing a problem when data from different ethnic groups are to be compared. To redefine HVR-I, which should be highly polymorphic yet relatively short in length, we analyzed 1437 reported sequences distributed among 11 geographic areas in the world. The results showed that the 237-bp (nts 16126-16362) redefined HVR-I (rHVR-I) had a global genetic diversity of 0.9905 and the 154-bp (nts 16209-16362) short HVR-I (sHVR-I) had a global diversity of 0.9735. Being flanked by a stretch of highly conservative sequences, both rHVR-I and sHVR-I can be produced by PCR, even if extracted from badly degraded specimens. Comparing the genetic diversity among 3870 sequences from 25 countries, we found that the genetic diversity of rHVR-I was 0.9869+/-0.0133 in Asian countries, 0.9685+/-0.0193 in African countries, 0.9299+/-0.0664 in European countries, and 0.8477+/-0.1857 in American countries, whereas that of sHVR-I was 0.9689+/-0.0284 in Asian countries, 0.9504+/-0.0334 in African countries, 0.8721+/-0.0911 in European countries, and 0.8230+/-0.1693 in American countries. The difference in genetic diversity among these countries is consistent with the notion that genetic diversity roughly reflects the genetic history of a given ethnic group. Our results indicate that a polymorphic, short, and PCR-producible HVR-I can be defined, making the comparison among various ethnic groups possible.  相似文献   

Recently, the number of Tibetan mastiffs, which is a precious germplasm resource and cultural heritage, is decreasing sharply. Therefore, the genetic diversity of Tibetan mastiffs needs to be studied to clarify its phylogenetics relationships and lay the foundation for resource protection, rational development and utilization of Tibetan mastiffs. We sequenced hypervariable region I of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of 110 individuals from Tibet region and Gansu province. A total of 12 polymorphic sites were identified which defined eight haplotypes of which H4 and H8 were unique to Tibetan population with H8 being identified first. The haplotype diversity (Hd: 0.808), nucleotide diversity (Pi: 0.603%), the average number of nucleotide difference (K: 3.917) of Tibetan mastiffs from Gansu were higher than those from Tibet region (Hd: 0.794; Pi: 0.589%; K: 3.831), which revealed higher genetic diversity in Gansu. In terms of total population, the genetic variation was low. The median-joining network and phylogenetic tree based on the mtDNA hypervariable region I showed that Tibetan mastiffs originated from grey wolves, as the other domestic dogs and had different history of maternal origin. The mismatch distribution analysis and neutrality tests indicated that Tibetan mastiffs were in genetic equilibrium or in a population decline.  相似文献   

Restriction mapping and sequencing have shown that humans have substantially lower levels of mitochondrial genome diversity (d) than chimpanzees. In contrast, humans have substantially higher levels of heterozygosity (H) at protein-coding loci, suggesting a higher level of diversity in the nuclear genome. To investigate the discrepancy further, we sequenced a segment of the mitochondrial genome control region (CR) from 49 chimpanzees. The majority of these were from the Pan troglodytes versus subspecies, which was underrepresented in previous studies. We also estimated the average heterozygosity at 60 short tandem repeat (STR) loci in both species. For a total sample of 115 chimpanzees, d = 0.075 +/0 0.037, compared to 0.020 +/- 0.011 for a sample of 1,554 humans. The heterozygosity of human STR loci is significantly higher than that of chimpanzees. Thus, the higher level of nuclear genome diversity relative to mitochondrial genome diversity in humans is not restricted to protein-coding loci. It seems that humans, not chimpanzees, have an unusual d/H ratio, since the ratio in chimpanzees is similar to that in other catarrhines. This discrepancy in the relative levels of nuclear and mitochondrial genome diversity in the two species cannot be explained by differences in mutation rate. However, it may result from a combination of factors such as a difference in the extent of sex ratio disparity, the greater effect of population subdivision on mitochondrial than on nuclear genome diversity, a difference in the relative levels of male and female migration among subpopulations, diversifying selection acting to increase variation in the nuclear genome, and/or directional selection acting to reduce variation in the mitochondrial genome.   相似文献   

Examining the pattern of nucleotide substitution for the control region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in humans and chimpanzees, we developed a new mathematical method for estimating the number of transitional and transversional substitutions per site, as well as the total number of nucleotide substitutions. In this method, excess transitions, unequal nucleotide frequencies, and variation of substitution rate among different sites are all taken into account. Application of this method to human and chimpanzee data suggested that the transition/transversion ratio for the entire control region was approximately 15 and nearly the same for the two species. The 95% confidence interval of the age of the common ancestral mtDNA was estimated to be 80,000-480,000 years in humans and 0.57-2.72 Myr in common chimpanzees.   相似文献   

A population genetic study of the polymorphism in the first hypervariable segment (HVSI) of mitochondrial DNA control region was carried out for three ethnic populations of the Volga-Ural region, Bashkirs, Russians, and Komi-Permyaks. This analysis showed that most of the mtDNA HVSI haplotypes detected in the populations of Bashkirs, Russians and Komi-Permyaks contained the combinations of nucleotide substitutions detected earlier in Asian, European, and Finno-Ugric populations. These findings are consistent with historical, anthropological, and ethnographical data suggesting the presence of European and Mongoloid components of different geographical descent in the gene pool of the contemporary population of the Volga-Ural region. The data on the genetic structure and the phylogenetic relationships between populations of the Volga-Ural region based on modern molecular genetic methods of mitochondrial genome investigation would be a substantial addition to the already existing information for some other regions of Europe and Asia. These data would provide more complete examination of the development of interethnic diversity of mitochondrial gene pools of contemporary ethnic populations with the purpose of reconstructing the genetic demographic processes that accompanied peopling of the Middle Ural and Volga region.  相似文献   

J Zhang  X Gu 《Genetics》1998,149(3):1615
It is well known that the rate of amino acid substitution varies among different proteins and among different sites of a protein. It is, however, unclear whether the extent of rate variation among sites of a protein and the mean substitution rate of the protein are correlated. We used two approaches to analyze orthologous protein sequences of 51 nuclear genes of vertebrates and 13 mitochondrial genes of mammals. In the first approach, no assumptions of the distribution of the rate variation among sites were made, and in the second approach, the gamma distribution was assumed. Through both approaches, we found a negative correlation between the extent of among-site rate variation and the average substitution rate of a protein. That is, slowly evolving proteins tend to have a high level of rate variation among sites, and vice versa. We found this observation consistent with a simple model of the neutral theory where most sites are either invariable or neutral. We conclude that the correlation is a general feature of protein evolution and discuss its implications in statistical tests of positive Darwinian selection and molecular time estimation of deep divergences.  相似文献   

Zhang H  Pommier Y 《Biochemistry》2008,47(43):11196-11203
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is required for mitochondrial activities because it encodes key proteins for oxidative phosphorylation and the production of cellular ATP. We previously reported the existence of a specific mitochondrial topoisomerase gene, Top1mt, in all vertebrates. The corresponding polypeptide contains an N-terminal mitochondrial targeting sequence and is otherwise highly homologous to the nuclear topoisomerase I (Top1). In this study, we provide biochemical evidence of the presence of an endogenous Top1mt polypeptide in human mitochondria. Using novel antibodies against Top1mt, we detected the corresponding 70 kDa polypeptide in mitochondria but not in nuclear fractions. This polypeptide could be trapped to form covalent complexes with mtDNA when mitochondria from human cells were treated with camptothecin. Mapping of Top1mt sites in the regulatory D-loop region of mtDNA in mitochondria revealed the presence of an asymmetric cluster of Top1mt sites confined to a 150 bp segment downstream from, and adjacent to, the site at which replication is prematurely terminated, generating an approximately 650-base (7S DNA) product that forms the mitochondrial D-loop. Moreover, we show that inhibition of Top1mt by camptothecin reduces the level of formation of the 7S DNA. These results suggest novel roles for Top1mt in regulating mtDNA replication.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that interactions between biological molecules (e.g., RNA-RNA, protein-protein, RNA-protein) place limits on the rate and trajectory of molecular evolution. Here, by extending Kimura's model of compensatory evolution at interacting sites, we show that the ratio of transition to transversion substitutions (kappa) at interacting sites should be equal to the square of the ratio at independent sites. Because transition mutations generally occur at a higher rate than transversions, the model predicts that kappa should be higher at interacting sites than at independent sites. We tested this prediction in 10 RNA secondary structures by comparing phylogenetically derived estimates of kappa in paired sites within stems (kappa(p)) and unpaired sites within loops (kappa(u)). Eight of the 10 structures showed an excellent match to the quantitative predictions of the model, and 9 of the 10 structures matched the qualitative prediction kappa(p) > kappa(u). Only the Rev response element from the human immunovirus (HIV) genome showed the reverse pattern, with kappa(p) < kappa(u). Although a variety of evolutionary forces could produce quantitative deviations from the model predictions, the reversal in magnitude of kappa(p) and kappa(u) could be achieved only by violating the model assumption that the underlying transition (or transversion) mutation rates were identical in paired and unpaired regions of the molecule. We explore the ability of the APOBEC3 enzymes, host defense mechanisms against retroviruses, which induce transition mutations preferentially in single-stranded regions of the HIV genome, to explain this exception to the rule. Taken as a whole, our findings suggest that kappa may have utility as a simple diagnostic to evaluate proposed secondary structures.  相似文献   

A Hidden Markov Model approach to variation among sites in rate of evolution   总被引:40,自引:20,他引:20  
The method of Hidden Markov Models is used to allow for unequal and unknown evolutionary rates at different sites in molecular sequences. Rates of evolution at different sites are assumed to be drawn from a set of possible rates, with a finite number of possibilities. The overall likelihood of phylogeny is calculated as a sum of terms, each term being the probability of the data given a particular assignment of rates to sites, times the prior probability of that particular combination of rates. The probabilities of different rate combinations are specified by a stationary Markov chain that assigns rate categories to sites. While there will be a very large number of possible ways of assigning rates to sites, a simple recursive algorithm allows the contributions to the likelihood from all possible combinations of rates to be summed, in a time proportional to the number of different rates at a single site. Thus with three rates, the effort involved is no greater than three times that for a single rate. This "Hidden Markov Model" method allows for rates to differ between sites and for correlations between the rates of neighboring sites. By summing over all possibilities it does not require us to know the rates at individual sites. However, it does not allow for correlation of rates at nonadjacent sites, nor does it allow for a continuous distribution of rates over sites. It is shown how to use the Newton-Raphson method to estimate branch lengths of a phylogeny and to infer from a phylogeny what assignment of rates to sites has the largest posterior probability. An example is given using beta-hemoglobin DNA sequences in eight mammal species; the regions of high and low evolutionary rates are inferred and also the average length of patches of similar rates.   相似文献   

Maliarchuk BA  Derenko MV 《Genetika》2001,37(7):991-1001
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) samples belonging to fifteen phylogenetically related mtDNA types specific to the populations of Europe (H, V, J, T, U, K, I, W, and X) and Northern Asia (A, C, D, G, Y, and Z) were typed for sequence variation in hypervariable segment I (HVSI). The approach used allowed to distinguish several hypervariable sites at nucleotide positions 16093, 16129, 16189, 16311, and 16362. Identical mutations at these sites were found in 10-11 out of 15 mtDNA groups examined. Positions 16126, 16172, 16192, 16256, 16261, 16291, 16293, and 16298 appeared to be less variable, since parallel mutations at these sites were found in 6-8 European and Asian mtDNA groups. The examples of the effects of mutations in hypervariable positions at the major noncoding mtDNA region on the frequency of reverse mutations in other mtDNA regions are presented. It was shown that such effects of nucleotide context on the mutation rate could be observed in phylogenetic mtDNA networks such as cyclic structures like rhombs and cubes. Analogous structures in the networks could be seen also in the case of the appearance of recombinant mtDNA types resulted from homologous recombination between mtDNA molecules in heteroplasmic mixture. The problem of the effect of polynucleotide context on the intensity of mtDNA mutagenesis is discussed. Recombination processes along with site-directed mutagenesis caused by action of genetic factors (of nuclear genome) and/or of the environment are considered as possible mechanisms of mitochondrial genome evolution.  相似文献   

We analyzed 1317-1823 base pairs (bp) of mitochondrial DNA sequence beginning in the 5' end of cytochrome b (cyt b) and ending in the central domain of the control region for 25 American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) and compared these to a homologous sequence from a Chinese alligator (A. sinensis). Both species share a non-coding spacer between cyt b and tRNA(Thr). Chinese alligator cyt b differs from that of the American alligator by 17.5% at the nucleotide level and 13.8% for inferred amino acids, which is consistent with their presumed ancient divergence. Only two cyt b haplotypes were detected among the 25 American alligators (693-1199 bp surveyed), with one haplotype shared among 24 individuals. One alligator from Mississippi differed from all other alligators by a single silent substitution. The control region contained only slightly more variation among the 25 American alligators, with two variable positions (624 bp surveyed), yielding three haplotypes with 22, two, and one individuals in each of these groups. Previous genetic studies examining allozymes and the proportion of variable microsatellite DNA loci also found low levels of genetic diversity in American alligators. However, in contrast with allozymes, microsatellites, and morphology, the mtDNA data shows no evidence of differentiation among populations from the extremes of the species range. These results suggest that American alligators underwent a severe population bottleneck in the late Pleistocene, resulting in nearly homogenous mtDNA among all American alligators today.  相似文献   



A major goal in the study of molecular evolution is to unravel the mechanisms that induce variation in the germ line mutation rate and in the genome-wide mutation profile. The rate of germ line mutation is considerably higher for cytosines at CpG sites than for any other nucleotide in the human genome, an increase commonly attributed to cytosine methylation at CpG sites. The CpG mutation rate, however, is not uniform across the genome and, as methylation levels have recently been shown to vary throughout the genome, it has been hypothesized that methylation status may govern variation in the rate of CpG mutation.  相似文献   

广西不同时期IBV分离株S1基因高变区Ⅰ的遗传变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对广西1985-2007年间分离到的22株传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)的S1基因高变区I(HVRI)进行序列测定,并与发表的其他IBV参考株及鸽子分离的冠状病毒株的基因序列进行比较和分析。系统进化关系显示毒株可分为5个基因群,其中有16个广西分离株属第1群,它们与鸽子冠状病毒分离株的氨基酸序列同源性较高,与Massachusetts(Mass)型疫苗株的同源性较低。有15个分离株在33-34位和34~35之间分别有4个和3个氨基酸残基的插入,GX-NN6在33~34位和34~35位之间则均有4个氨基酸残基的插入;GX-YL1、GX-NN2与常用的Mass型疫苗株的亲缘关系最近,同属于第Ⅱ群;GX-G、GX-XD与日本同一时期分离的毒株JP Miyazaki 89亲缘关系最近,属于第Ⅲ群;GX-YL6、GX-NN7与欧洲毒株4/91亲缘关系较近,属于第V群。结果表明广西存在着多种类型IBV毒株的流行,毒株S1基因HVRI碱基的突变或插入比较普遍,可导致其氨基酸序列的变化,绝大部分毒株与目前常用的Mass型疫苗株的亲缘关系较低。同一时期的分离株同源性较高,但无明显的地域性差异。  相似文献   

Gu  X; Zhang  J 《Molecular biology and evolution》1997,14(11):1106-1113
When the rate variation among sites is described by a gamma distribution, an important problem is how to estimate the shape parameter alpha, which is an index of the degree of among-site rate variation. The parsimony-based methods for estimating alpha are simple but biased, i.e., alpha tends to be overestimated. On the other hand, the likelihood-based methods are asymptotically unbiased but take a huge amount of computational time. In this paper, we have developed a new method to solve this problem: we first estimate the expected number of substitutions at each site, which is corrected for multiple hits, and then estimate the parameter alpha. Our method is computationally as fast as the parsimony method, and the estimation accuracy is much higher than that of parsimony and similar to that of the likelihood method.   相似文献   

Researchers have argued that the process of human birth is unique among primates and mammals in that the infant emerges with its face oriented in the opposite direction from its mother (occiput anterior) and head rotation occurs in the birth canal. However, this notion of human uniqueness has not been substantiated, because there are few comparative studies of birth in non-human primates. This paper reports the mechanism of birth in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) based on the first clear, close-up video recordings of three chimpanzee births in captivity. In all three cases, the foetus emerged with an occiput anterior orientation, and the head and body rotated after the head had emerged. Therefore, these characteristics are not uniquely human. Furthermore, in two of the three cases, the chimpanzee newborns landed on the ground without being guided from the birth canal by the mother. The fact that the human newborn emerges with an occiput anterior orientation has thus far been taken as evidence for the necessity of midwifery in modern humans, but this view also needs revision. Our observations raise the need to reconsider the evolutionary scenario of human birth.  相似文献   

It has become a truism that we humans are genetically about 99% identical to chimpanzees. The origins of this assertion are clear: among early studies of DNA sequences, nucleotide identity between humans and chimpanzees was found to average around 98.9%.(1) However, this figure is correct only with respect to regions of the genome that are shared between humans and chimpanzees. Often ignored are the many parts of their genomes that are not shared. Genomic rearrangements, including insertions, deletions, translocations and duplications, have long been recognized as potentially important sources of novel genomic material(2,3) and are known to account for major genomic differences between humans and chimpanzees.(4) Further, such changes have been implicated in a number of genetic disorders, such as DiGeorge, Angelman/Prader-Willi and Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndromes.(5)  相似文献   

The distribution and quantity of genetic diversity may be profoundly influenced by the emergence and dynamics of social groups. Permanent social living in spiders has resulted in the subdivision of their populations in more or less isolated colony lineages that grow, proliferate and become extinct without mixing with one another. A newly discovered hypervariable mitochondrial DNA region allowed us to examine the fine scale metapopulation structure in the social Anelosimus eximius. We sampled 39 colonies in Ecuador and French Guiana and identified 25 haplotypes. The majority of colonies contained one haplotype. Additional haplotypes occurred in approximately 15% of the colonies, and were always closely related to the common colony haplotype. Our findings confirm that colonies consist of single matrilines, with within‐colony variation explained by mutations within the matriline. We thus found no evidence of mixing of matrilines. Likewise, colonies in a cluster often shared a haplotype, implying common colony ancestry. In few cases, however, haplotypes were shared between more distant colonies, providing evidence for occasional longer distance dispersal and/or widespread colony lineages. The geographical localities of colonies were incongruent with phylogenetic trees and haplotype networks, showing that some areas contained two or more matrilines. Hence, females do not migrate into foreign colonies, but faithfully remain within their own colony lineage, even when they disperse into new areas. These results indicate that the fine scale metapopulation structure of pure matrilines is maintained over the long term and that colony turnover is not extensive or radical enough to homogenize entire geographical areas. Genetic diversity is thus preserved to some extent at the metapopulation level.  相似文献   

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