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Abstract. Identification of species within the Anopheles gambiae Giles species complex is essential for the correct evaluation of malaria vector ecology studies and control programmes. The development of DNA probes to distinguish species of the An.gambiae complex is described. Genomic libraries were prepared for four members of the An.gambiae complex. These were screened using radiolabeled DNA from different species of An. gambiae sensu lato and a number of clones selected on the basis of their species specificity. These clones could be divided into two groups, each containing homologous sequences. Sequences homologous to group 1 inserts are highly reiterated in the genomes of Anopheles arabiensis Patton and Anopheles merus Dönitz, present in low copy number in Anopheles melas Theobald, but were not detected in Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto. Studies on the organization of this sequence in the genome of An.arabiensis show that homologous sequences are male specific and interspersed within the chromatin. Sequences homologous to group 2 inserts are highly repeated in the genomes of An.merus and An.melas, but present in low copy number in An.gambiae s.s. and An.arabiensis. Group 2 homologous sequences are not sex-specific in the species tested and appear to be tandemly repeated. When used as hybridization probes, these sequences provide a sensitive means for the identification of species within the Anopheles gambiae complex.  相似文献   

The use of paracentric inversions as genetic markers in the Anopheles gambiae group of mosquitoes is described. The gene for dieldrin resistance is assigned to chromosome 2 which in turn is correlated to the previous assignment of the gene to linkage group II. The locus of the enzyme phosphoglucomutase 2 (Pgm 2) is similarly assigned to chromosome 2 and evidence is presented for possible linkage between Pgm 2 and dieldrin resistance. There was no linkage or correlation of chromosome 2 and loci of the enzymes superoxide dismutase (Sod) and octanol dehydrogenase (Odh). These genes are therefore assumed to be on chromosome 3 (linkage group III). Evidence that such gene linkage group/chromosome correlations may extend to other species for which chromosome maps and homologies have been worked out is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Seasonal variations in mosquito larval head capsule width and adult female wing length were investigated in a field population of Anopheles merus Donitz at Nceswana Lake, Ophansi, within the endemic malaria area of Natal, South Africa. An inverse relationship was detected between each of these morphological characters and seasonal fluctuations in air/water temperatures. Mean head capsule width in all larval instars decreased by 4.8-7.9% in summer, while mean wing length decreased by 19.6%. These changes are discussed in relation to the annual range in mean air temperature in southern Africa and the distribution of An. merus. Implications for the use of such morphological characteristics in existing taxonomic keys are discussed.  相似文献   

Among the aquatic developmental stages of the Anopheles gambiae complex (Diptera: Culicidae), both inter- and intra-specific interactions influence the resulting densities of adult mosquito populations. For three members of the complex, An. arabiensis Patton, An. quadriannulatus (Theobald) and An. gambiae Giles sensu stricto, we investigated some aspects of this competition under laboratory conditions. First-instar larvae were consumed by fourth-instar larvae of the same species (cannibalism) and by fourth-instar larvae of other sibling species (predation). Even when larvae were not consumed, the presence of one fourth-instar larva caused a significant reduction in development rate of first-instar larvae. Possible implications of these effects for population dynamics of these malaria vector mosquitoes are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The mosquito sampling efficiency of CDC miniature light-traps, relative to night-biting collections, was evaluated indoors at two sites in coastal Tanzania. We found that the total number of anophelines captured overnight by light-traps (hung beside a bednet in use) was 1.23 times the number of anophelines captured by human-bait collections. This relationship was not affected significantly by changes in the mosquito density, order of trapping method, date of sampling, or number of household occupants. Malaria sporozoite rates were twice as high among mosquitoes captured by light-trap as compared to those captured by night-biting collection. This was attributed to the tendency of light-traps to capture a larger proportion of gravid mosquitoes, which also had high sporozoite rates. The differences in sporozoites rates according to abdominal stage indicates that unfed mosquitoes captured by light-traps may define more precisely the human-biting activity and sporozoite rates as seen by night-biting collections. Our study shows that light-traps, when used in combination with night-biting collections, can be an effective and sensitive means for measuring human-biting activity and the sporozoite rate.  相似文献   

Abstract. Anopheline mosquito populations were studied during 1992 in seven villages south of Bagamoyo, coastal Tanzania, prior to malaria control intervention using insecticide treated bednets. To collect mosquitoes, CDC light traps were used in ten houses per village fortnightly for 12 months. Anopheles females were identified and checked by ELISA for the presence of malaria sporozoite antigen and source of bloodmeal. An. funestus peaked in June-July after the long rains. Three members of the An. gambiae complex had different seasonality: An. arabiensis, An. gambiae and small numbers of An. merus were collected.
In most villages transmission was extremely high and perennial with the entomological inoculation rate reaching three to eleven infective bites per person per night in July and persisting at around 0.1 and 1 for most of the remainder of the year. Sporozoite infection rates within the An. gambiae complex ranged from 2% to 25%, with the peaks in January and July following the two rainy periods. An. funestus showed a similar pattern. The light traps were reliable, simple to operate, and proved to be satisfactory to study the mosquito vector population.  相似文献   

Abstract. Hydrophobic organic matter accumulates under the surface film of water bodies to form the surface microlayers. Heterotrophic microorganisms use this organic matter for growth, and they, in turn, are fed upon by Anopheles mosquito larvae and other animals. From laboratory experiments we show that two species of mosquito larvae, Anopheles gambiae and An.quadrimaculatus , grew most rapidly where surface micro-layers were present and, especially, where labile dissolved organic matter was added to promote growth of microorganisms. The importance of microorganisms was confirmed by the addition of gentamicin antibiotic, which suppressed the microbiota and reduced the growth of larvae feeding on surface microlayers. Anopheles larvae grew well on a suspension of finely ground fish food to which the antibiotic had been added, showing that reduced growth was not due to gentamicin itself. Because sub-surface microorganisms are the components of the larval diet that most affect growth, we discuss their relevance to strategies for larval control of Anopheles mosquitoes.  相似文献   

The Anopheles funestus group (Diptera: Culicidae) is one of the main species groups involved in malaria transmission in the Afrotropical regions. Basic research into this group has been limited because its members are eurygamic (they tend not to mate in confined spaces), which makes laboratory colonization difficult. Currently, only a few An. funestus Giles colonies are available and no colonies of other members of the group have been established. As information on the larval biology of members of the An. funestus group is limited, the present study aims to determine the effects of different salt concentrations on survival rates of the aquatic stages of two members of the An. funestus group, Anopheles funestus and Anopheles rivulorum Leeson. There were statistically significant negative trends in hatch rate and larval survival rate in An. funestus with increasing salt concentrations, with no larvae surviving to pupae at concentrations that included > 15% seawater. Anopheles rivulorum, by contrast, showed no significant trends in hatch rate or larval survival with increasing salt concentrations. This is the first report on salinity tolerance in An. rivulorum. A basic understanding of these variations in salinity tolerance provides vital information on the biology, ecology and colony rearing of members of the An. funestus group.  相似文献   

Anopheline larval habitats associated with a swamp, were examined in a highland area (1910 m elevation) of western Kenya. A significant association was found between occurrence of Anopheles gambiae Giles s.s. (Diptera: Culicidae) larvae and two factors, habitat size and vegetation type. Over 80% of An. gambiae s.s. larvae were found in small isolated pools, characterized by short plants, occurring in both swamp margins and roadside ditches. However, Anopheles gambiae s.s. was not found in habitats marked by papyrus and floating plants. The larval habitat of An. gambiae s.s. was characterized by warmer daytime temperatures of water, which were significantly affected by habitat size and plant size. The density of indoor resting An. gambiae s.s. was 0.22 per house and negatively associated with distance from the swamp. These results indicate that the practice of swamp cultivation, in populated areas of the African highlands, increases availability and enhances habitat conditions for the malaria vector.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of the Anopheles gambiae complex of malaria vector mosquitoes were studied in four small hamlets in The Gambia. Bednets were used to reduce man/vector contact in two of the hamlets. High densities of An. gambiae, sensu lato, were present for only 3-8 weeks during the rainy season, depending on the position of the hamlet within the study area. The proportions of blood-fed mosquitoes caught indoors (83.0%) and existing from houses (11.6%) were lower in hamlets where bednets were used than in hamlets without (96.5% and 33.1% respectively). Fewer of the blood-fed mosquitoes had fed on man in houses where people slept under bednets (68.2%) than in those without (81.5%). However, the average number of infective bites received by children was still greater than one a year in hamlets where bednets were used. Consequently bednets are considered unlikely to be an effective malaria control measure so long as they are untreated with insecticide.  相似文献   

1. Anopheles arabiensis Patton and An. funestus Giles were identified as vectors of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in the Mwea-Tebere irrigation scheme, Kenya. An. arabiensis was the only member of the An. gambiae complex identified from chromosome characteristics. Other Anopheles species found included An. pharoensis Theobald, An. rufipes Gough and An. coustani Laveran. Survival rates per gonotrophic cycle for An. arabiensis averaged 0.37 during the short rains (October-November), 0.49 during the dry season (February) and 0.78 during the long rains (May-June). Vectorial capacities were correspondingly low due to low survival rates and a high degree of zoophily. The average duration of infective life for P. falciparum was 0.2 days for both An. arabiensis and An. funestus. In contrast, entomological inoculation rates were comparatively high: 6-8 infective bites/man/month. An. pharoensis averaged 110 bites/man/night during the short rains; 1/999 (0.1%) was positive by ELISA for P. falciparum circumsporozoite antigen, but the ELISA evidence is not conclusive for vector incrimination. In correspondence with clinical observations, the transmission of P. malariae and P. ovale is unlikely due to the low vector survival rates. The observed anomaly between low vectorial capacities and high entomological inoculation rates demonstrates the importance of accurately estimating vector sporozoite rates to monitor unstable malaria transmission in irrigated areas.  相似文献   

Abstract. A laboratory colony of the mosquito Anopheles quadriannulatus was established from a wild population occurring sympatrically with An.arabiensis in Zimbabwe. These sibling species are members of the An.gambiae Giles complex and were distinguished primarily by means of their specific polytene chromosome banding patterns. By using an ox-baited trap, we sampled selectively for the more zoophilic An.quadriannulatus. It was confirmed that An.quadriannulatus has the diagnostic slow allozyme of aspartate aminotransferase (AAT95/95). In a mixed population under laboratory conditions, An.arabiensis displaced An.quadriannulatus within eight generations, without introgression. Colonization of An.quadriannulatus was facilitated by pooling the progeny from wild-caught mothers of confirmed identity and by using a specially adapted cage to promote mating.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Hypotheses about declining populations of container-inhabiting Aedes mosquitoes following the invasion by additional species were tested.
2. The larval competition hypothesis was studied experimentally in pure and mixed cultures of Aedes aegypti (L.), A.albopictus (Skuse) and A.triseriatus (Say). The experiments used decomposing leaf litter in the laboratory, as opposed to most previous research which used non-natural food.
3. Resistance to starvation is introduced as a new measure of larval performance and competitiveness. The hypothesis is that more successful larvae store larger energy reserves and resist the lack of food longer.
4. Contrary to previous research showing better performance of A.aegypti in mixed cultures, A.albopictus developed faster and had greater survival when natural food was used.
5. Resistance to starvation was greater in the better performing species (i.e. A.aegypti with non-natural food and A.albopictus with leaf litter). Oxygen consumption by starved larvae was similar in the three container species, and in the ground-water mosquito, A.taeniorhynchus (Wied.), whose resistance to starvation was comparatively very low.  相似文献   



Only a small fraction of the mosquito species of the genus Anopheles are able to transmit malaria, one of the biggest killer diseases of poverty, which is mostly prevalent in the tropics. This diversity has genetic, yet unknown, causes. In a further attempt to contribute to the elucidation of these variances, the international “Anopheles Genomes Cluster Consortium” project (a.k.a. “16 Anopheles genomes project”) was established, aiming at a comprehensive genomic analysis of several anopheline species, most of which are malaria vectors. In the frame of the international consortium carrying out this project our team studied the genes encoding families of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), concentrating on four classes: microRNA (miRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), small nuclear RNA (snRNA), and in particular small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) and, finally, transfer RNA (tRNA).


Our analysis was carried out using, exclusively, computational approaches, and evaluating both the primary NGS reads as well as the respective genome assemblies produced by the consortium and stored in VectorBase; moreover, the results of RNAseq surveys in cases in which these were available and meaningful were also accessed in order to obtain supplementary data, as were “pre-genomic era” sequence data stored in nucleic acid databases. The investigation included the identification and analysis, in most species studied, of ncRNA genes belonging to several families, as well as the analysis of the evolutionary relations of some of those genes in cross-comparisons to other members of the genus Anopheles.


Our study led to the identification of members of these gene families in the majority of twenty different anopheline taxa. A set of tools for the study of the evolution and molecular biology of important disease vectors has, thus, been obtained.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1038) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The house-entering behaviour of nocturnal mosquitoes was studied in The Gambia. Mosquitoes were captured as they attacked man in the open and in experimental huts which comprised 1.8 m cube frames with corrugated iron roofs and plywood walls of various heights. Catches of all species were similar in the open and in a roofed, but unwalled, hut frame. The mosquitoes taken in catches in unwalled huts and others with wall heights of 0.6, 1.2 and 1.7 m (giving an 8 cm eaves-level entry slit) fell into two categories. The first group, which included the endophilic species Anopheles gambiae Giles s.l., An. melas Theobald and Mansonia spp. were only slightly affected by increasing wall height, but the second group, including the exophilic mosquitoes Aedes spp., An. pharoensis Theobald, Cx poicilipes (Theobald) and Cx thalassius Theobald showed a very marked progressive exclusion. In comparisons of catches in two huts with 8 cm entry slits at eaves or ground level, large numbers of An. pharoensis found access through the ground level entry but not at eaves level. No consistent difference could be demonstrated for other species. It is concluded that the house-entering behaviour which distinguishes endophagic mosquito species includes at least two distinct responses: flight upwards to eaves level and the passage from outside to indoors. It is also suggested that house entry as a component in host-seeking behaviour and indoor resting are distinct, but not necessarily exclusive, behavioural traits.  相似文献   

The males of two mosquito species within the Anopheles gambiae complex, An. gambiae s.s. and An. quadriannulatus, as well as males of An. darlingi, produced sperm of significantly varying lengths, while a sperm polymorphism was absent in Aedes aegypti and other anophelines not suspected of belonging to species complexes. The polymorphic distribution of these sperm lengths was not significantly different in smaller adult males that were reared on a low larval diet. The reproductive tract of the female was more likely to contain larger sperm, but overall sperm retention varied depending on the size of the female and the volume of the spermatheca she contained. The presence of a sperm polymorphism may be a factor that has promoted speciation, as well as providing an indication that females may mate multiply.  相似文献   

The ability to cryopreserve a stage of Anopheles mosquitoes would facilitate the development of strains incapable of transmitting malaria. Cryopreservation requires that the freezable water in cell systems be removed or rendered incapable of undergoing ice formation. The present study was concerned with the rate at which water is removed from lst instar larvae of Anopheles gambiae by air-drying, with the extent of dehydration that the larvae will tolerate, and with the effect of trehalose and sucrose on both drying kinetics and survival. Eighty-one percent of the larvae are water. Air-drying removes 90% of that water in approximately 20 min. Survivals after partial dehydration are highest if the larvae are rehydrated in 1/2x isotonic saline (0.13 osm); they are poorest if rehydrated in water or 0.13 osm sucrose. In the former, about 34% survive the removal of half the water, but next to none survive the loss of >70% initial water. Prior exposure to 0.2 M trehalose for as little as 1 min slows the drying rate and increases the tolerance of the larvae to dehydration. With 30-min exposure, 88% survive the loss of 50% of their water and 63% survive the loss of 75%. Protection is abolished with 0.4 M trehalose. The results are similar with sucrose. It is substantially reduced if sugar-exposed larvae are briefly washed with water prior to drying. The protection appears not to be related to the decreased drying rate. Rather it appears related, by an unknown mechanism, to the presence of sugar on the outer surface of the larvae.  相似文献   

Abstract. Fourth-instar larvae of mosquitoes Anopheles stephensi and Aedes aegypti normally died within 90 min at 43C. Pre-exposure to high but sublethal temperatures conferred adaptive thermotolerance, dependent on the temperature and the duration of pre-exposure. Adaptive cross-tolerance to propoxur (a carbamate insecticide) was also induced in larvae by pre-exposing them to sublethal temperatures. Pre-exposure to sublethal concentrations of propoxur was found to confer cross-thermotolerance to a lower extent. These results suggest that the shock proteins (e.g. heat shock proteins) induced by unrelated stress factors play an important role in the development of adaptive cross-protection (stress response) to other stress conditions.  相似文献   

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