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Two distinct forms of xenobiotic/medium-chain fatty acid:CoA ligase (XM-ligase) were isolated from human liver mitochondria. They were referred to as HXM-A and HXM-B based on their order of elution from a DEAE-cellulose column. Activity of the two ligases was determined toward 15 different carboxylic acids. HXM-A represented 60-80% of the benzoate activity in the lysate, and kinetic analysis revealed that benzoate was the best substrate (highest V(max)/K(m)). The enzyme also had medium-chain fatty acid:CoA ligase activity. HXM-B had the majority of the hexanoate activity and hexanoate was its best substrate. It was, however, also active toward many xenobiotic carboxylic acids. Comparison of these two human XM-ligases with the previously characterized bovine XM-ligases indicated that they were kinetically distinct. When assayed with benzoic acid as substrate, both HXM-A and HXM-B had an absolute dependence on either Mg(2+) or Mn(2+) for activity. Further, addition of monovalent cation (K(+), Rb(+), or NH(4)(+)) stimulated HXM-A activity by >30-fold and HXM-B activity by 4-fold. For both forms, activity toward straight-chain fatty acids was stimulated less by K(+) than was activity toward benzoate or phenylacetate. A 60 kDa short-chain fatty acid:CoA ligase was also isolated. It had activity toward propionate and butyrate, but not acetate, hexanoate or benzoate. The K(m)(app) values were high but similar for propionate and butyrate (285 microM and 250 microM, respectively) but the V(max)(app) was nearly 6-fold greater with propionate as substrate. While the K(m) values are somewhat high, the enzyme is still more efficient with these substrates than either of the XM-ligases.  相似文献   

The purification of xenobiotic/medium-chain fatty acid:CoA ligases (XM-ligases) from human liver mitochondria resulted in the isolation of two chromatographically separable forms (HXM-A and HXM-B). These two forms were purified to near homogeneity, cleaved with cyanogen bromide, the resulting peptides separated, and the N-terminus of two of the peptides partially sequenced. Identical sequences were obtained for HXM-A and HXM-B for the two peptides. These sequences were used to design probes for screening a human liver cDNA library. This resulted in the isolation of two overlapping cDNAs. Using these sequences we were able to design PCR primers that resulted in the isolation of a full-length cDNA from a human cDNA library. The cDNA contained 1731 bp of open reading frame and coded for a 64230-Da protein. This protein bears 56.2% amino acid homology to the MACS1 (medium-chain acyl-CoA synthetase) enzyme, 58.7% homology to the bovine XL-III XM-ligase, and 81.5% homology to the bovine XL-I XM-ligase. The cDNA could be expressed in COS cells, and the expressed enzyme had greater benzoate activity than phenylacetate activity, which is consistent with the known substrate specificity of HXM-A.  相似文献   

A radiolabeled ATP assay was developed for measuring carboxylic acid:CoA ligase activity. The assay was designed to measure the formation of [γ-33P]pyrophosphate from [γ-33P]ATP in the course of the reaction. The assay was linear with protein concentration, and rates as low as 1 pmol/min were measurable. Rates determined with this assay were in agreement with rates determined with [14C]carboxylic acids. The assay was used to characterize the substrate specificity of the XL-I, XL-II, and XL-III ligases from bovine liver mitochondria. Forty carboxylic acids were tested for activity. The enzymes differed in their substrate specificities with XL-I and XL-II being the most similar and XL-III having the broadest specificity. This study has uncovered 19 new carboxylic acids that are substrates for these enzymes. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Biochem Toxicol 12: 151–155, 1998  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that paraoxonase-1 (PON1), complexed with high-density lipoproteins, is the major lactonase in the circulation. Using 5-hydroxy eicosatetraenoate δ-lactone (5-HETEL) as the substrate, we observed lactonase activity in serum from Pon1-/- mice. However, 6-12 carbon fatty acid γ- and δ-lactones were not hydrolyzed in serum from Pon1-/- mice. Serum from both wild-type and Pon1-/- mice contained a lactonase activity towards 5-HETEL and 3-oxo-dodecanoyl-homoserine lactone that was resistant to inactivation by EDTA. This lactonase activity was sensitive to the serine esterase inhibitor phenyl methyl sulfonyl fluoride and co-eluted with carboxylesterase activity by size-exclusion chromatography. Analysis of serum from the Es1e mouse strain, which has a deficiency in the carboxylesterase, ES-1, proved that this activity was due to ES-1. PON1 activity predominated at early time points (30 s), whereas both PON1 and ES-1 contributed equally at later time points (15 min). When both PON1 and ES-1 were inhibited, 5-HETEL was stable in mouse serum. Thus, while long-chain fatty acid lactones are substrates for PON1, they can be hydrolyzed by ES-1 at neutral pH. In contrast, medium-chain length fatty acid lactones are stable in mouse serum in the absence of PON1, suggesting that PON1 plays a specific role in the metabolism of these compounds.  相似文献   

The functions of two long-chain fatty acid CoA ligase genes (facl) in crude oil-degrading Geobacillus thermodenitrificans NG80-2 were characterized. Facl1 and Facl2 encoded by GTNG_0892 and GTNG_1447 were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified as His-tagged fusion proteins. Both enzymes utilized a broad range of fatty acids ranging from acetic acid (C2) to melissic acid (C30). The most preferred substrates were capric acid (C10) for Facl1 and palmitic acid (C16) for Facl2, respectively. Both enzymes had an optimal temperature of 60 °C, an optimal pH of 7.5, and required ATP as a cofactor. Thermostability of the enzymes and effects of metal ions, EDTA, SDS and Triton X-100 on the enzyme activity were also investigated. When NG80-2 was cultured with crude oil rather than sucrose as the sole carbon source, upregulation of facl1 and facl2 mRNA was observed by real time RT-PCR. This is the first time that the activity of fatty acid CoA ligases toward long-chain fatty acids up to at least C30 has been demonstrated in bacteria.  相似文献   

The XL-I form of xenobiotic-metabolizing medium-chain fatty acid:CoA ligase was previously purified to apparent homogeneity from bovine liver mitochondria, and the amino acid sequence of a short segment of the enzyme was determined. This sequence was used to develop a probe for screening a bovine cDNA library from which a 1.6 kb cDNA was isolated. This cDNA was sequenced and found to contain the code for the known amino acid sequence. The complete open reading frame was not present in this cDNA, but it was estimated to code for approximately 75% of the XL-I sequence. The XL-III ligase was purified to apparent homogeneity from bovine liver mitochondria. The enzyme eluted from a gel filtration column as a single peak with an apparent molecular weight of ca. 55,000. It ran as a single band on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) with an apparent molecular weight of 62 kDa. N-Terminal sequence analysis of the enzyme gave no sequence, which indicates a blocked N-terminus. The enzyme was chemically cleaved using CNBr. The resulting peptides were separated by SDS-PAGE. The cleavage pattern revealed two large peptides of ca. 21 and 25 kDa, plus several smaller peptides including a prominent 6 kDa peptide. The N-terminus of the 6, 21, and 25 kDa peptides was sequenced and the 21 and 25 kDa sequences were identical indicating incomplete cleavage. The sequences were used to design probes for screening a bovine liver cDNA library. This resulted in the isolation of a 2,065 bp cDNA. This cDNA was sequenced and found to contain the initiation and termination codons, as well as the requisite amino acid sequences. The open reading frame coded for a 64,922 Da protein. The sequence of XL-III cDNA was markedly different from that of XL-I, indicating the genetic uniqueness of the two ligases. They are, however, 64% homologous, which suggests a common evolutionary origin.  相似文献   

Short-, medium-, and long-chain fatty acid:CoA ligases from human liver were tested for their sensitivity to inhibition by triacsin C. The short-chain fatty acid:CoA ligase was inhibited less than 10% by concentrations of triacsin C as high as 80 microM. The two mitochondrial xenobiotic/medium-chain fatty acid:CoA ligases (XM-ligases), HXM-A and HXM-B, were partially inhibited by triacsin C, and the inhibitions were characterized by low affinity for triacsin C (K(I) values > 100 microM). These inhibitions were found to be the result of triacsin C competing with medium-chain fatty acid for binding at the active site. The microsomal and mitochondrial forms of long-chain fatty acid:CoA ligase (also termed long-chain fatty acyl-CoA synthetase, or long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase LACS) were potently inhibited by triacsin C, and the inhibition had identical characteristics for both LACS forms. Dixon plots of this inhibition were biphasic. There is a high-affinity site with a K(I) of 0.1 microM that accounts for a maximum of 70% of the inhibition. There is also a low affinity site with a K(I) of 6 microM that accounts for a maximum of 30% inhibition. Kinetic analysis revealed that the high-affinity inhibition of the mitochondrial and microsomal LACS forms is the result of triacsin C binding at the palmitate substrate site.The high-affinity triacsin C inhibition of both the mitochondrial and microsomal LACS forms was found to require a high concentration of free Mg(2+), with the EC(50) for inhibition being 3 mM free Mg(2+). The low affinity triacsin C inhibition was also enhanced by Mg(2+). The data suggests that Mg(2+) promotes triacsin C inhibition of LACS by enhancing binding at the palmitate binding site. In contrast, the partial inhibition of the XM-ligases by triacsin C, which showed only a low-affinity component, did not require Mg(2+).  相似文献   

A mitochondrial freeze/thaw lysate was fractionated on a DEAE-cellulose column into four distinct acyl-CoA ligase fractions. First to elute was a 50 kDa short-chain ligase that activated only short-chain fatty acids. Next to elute were three ligases that had activity toward both medium-chain fatty acids and xenobiotic carboxylic acids; these were termed xenobiotic/medium-chain ligases (X-ligases) and labeled XL-I, XL-II, and XL-III, respectively, based on order of elution. The molecular weight of X-ligases I, II, and III were ca. 55,000, 55,500 and 53,000, respectively. Form XL-III showed no pH optimum; the rate increased steadily with pH beginning from pH 7.0. XL-I and XL-II showed the same behavior with benzoate as substrate, but with medium-chain fatty acids, both forms had a pH optimum at 8.8. The three X-ligases differed in substrate specificity. XL-I was the predominant nicotinic acid activating form and had the lowest Km for benzoate. Form XL-II was the only form with measurable salicylate activity, although it was extremely low. XL-III was the only 2,4,6,8-decatetraenoic acid activating form and also was the predominant medium-chain fatty acid-activating form. By comparison of substrate specificities, it was concluded that the two previously reported ligase preparations were mixtures of the three forms. When the ligase rates were compared to previously determined N-acyltransferase rates toward benzoyl-CoA and phenylacetyl-CoA, the data showed that ligase activities are 100-fold lower, and thus the ligase is rate limiting for the conjugation of both of these xenobiotics. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In nature, organic acids are a commonly used source of carbon and energy. Many bacteria use AMP-forming acid:CoA ligases to convert organic acids into their corresponding acyl-CoA derivatives, which can then enter metabolism. The soil environment contains a broad diversity of organic acids, so it is not surprising that bacteria such as Streptomyces lividans can activate many of the available organic acids. Our group has shown that the activity of many acid:CoA ligases is posttranslationally controlled by acylation of an active-site lysine. In some cases, the modification is reversed by deacylases of different types. We identified eight new acid:CoA ligases in S. lividans TK24. Here, we report the range of organic acids that each of these enzymes can activate, and determined that two of the newly identified CoA ligases were under NAD+-dependent sirtuin deacylase reversible lysine (de)acetylation control, four were not acetylated by two acetyltransferases used in this work, and two were acetylated but not deacetylated by sirtuin. This work provides insights into the broad organic-acid metabolic capabilities of S. lividans, and sheds light into the control of the activities of CoA ligases involved in the activation of organic acids in this bacterium.  相似文献   

Plant 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligases, acyl-CoA ligases, peptide synthetases, and firefly luciferases are grouped in one family of AMP-binding proteins. These enzymes do not only use a common reaction mechanism for the activation of carboxylate substrates but are also very likely marked by a similar functional architecture. In soybean, four 4-coumarate:CoA ligases have been described that display different substrate utilization profiles. One of these (Gm4CL1) represented an isoform that was able to convert highly ring-substituted cinnamic acids. Using computer-based predictions of the conformation of Gm4CL1, a peptide motif was identified and experimentally verified to exert a critical influence on the selectivity toward differently ring-substituted cinnamate substrates. Furthermore, one unique amino acid residue present in the other isoenzymes of soybean was shown to be responsible for the incapability to accommodate highly substituted substrates. The deletion of this residue conferred the ability to activate sinapate and, in one case, also 3,4-dimethoxy cinnamate and was accompanied by a significantly better affinity for ferulate. The engineering of the substrate specificity of the critical enzymes that activate the common precursors of a variety of phenylpropanoid-derived secondary metabolites may offer a convenient tool for the generation of transgenic plants with desirably modified metabolite profiles.  相似文献   

Neither salicylate nor ibuprofen was a substrate or inhibitor of the long-chain fatty acid: CoA ligase. In contrast, all three xenobiotic-metabolizing medium-chain fatty acid:CoA ligases (XL-I, XL-II, and XL-III) had activity toward salicylate. The Km value for salicylate was similar for all three forms (2 to 3 μM), but XL-II and XL-III had higher activity at Vmax. For ibuprofen, only XL-III catalyzed its activation, and it had a Km for ibuprofen of 36 μM. Studies of salicylate inhibition of XL-I, XL-II, and XL-III revealed that it inhibited the benzoate activity of all three forms with K1 values of ca. 2 μM, which is in agreement with the Km values obtained with salicylate as substrate. Kinetic analysis revealed that salicylate conjugation by all three forms is characterized by substrate inhibition when salicylate exceeds ca. 20 μM. Substrate inhibition was more extensive with XL-I and XL-III. Previous work on the ligases employed assay concentrations of salicylate in the range of 0.1 to 1.0 mM, which are clearly inhibitory, particularly toward XL-I and XL-III. Thus, activity was not properly measured in previous studies, which accounts for the fact that salicylate conjugation was only found with one form, which is most likely XL-II since it has the highest Vmax activity and shows the least amount of substrate inhibition. Studies with ibuprofen indicated that it inhibited XL-I, XL-II, and XL-III, with K1 values being in the range of 75–125 μM. The short-chain ligase was inhibited by both salicylate and ibuprofen with K1 values of 93 and 84 μM, respectively. It was concluded that pharmacological doses of salicylate, but not ibuprofen, will affect the metabolism of medium-chain fatty acids and carboxylic acid xenobiotics and that the previously described mitochondrial ibuprofen:CoA ligase activity is attributable to XL-III. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Umbellularia californica (California Bay) seeds accumulate 10:0 and 12:0 as principal reserve fatty acyl groups. An in vitro fatty acid synthesis system from the developing cotyledons produces chiefly 10:0 and 12:0, in approximately the same proportions as the intact tissue. The kinetics of acyl thioester and free fatty acid formation in this system suggest that a medium-chain specific acyl-acyl-carrier protein (ACP) hydrolysis mechanism is responsible for the preponderance of medium-chain products. A crude extract of the developing cotyledons exhibits hydrolytic activity toward acyl-ACPs, with marked preference for 12:0-ACP and 18:1-ACP in the test series 6:0, 8:0, 10:0, 11:0, 12:0, 14:0, 16:0, and 18:1-ACPs. Partial purification of the 12:0-ACP hydrolytic activity has resulted in its separation from the 18:1-ACP hydrolase(s) and the 12:0-coenzyme A hydrolase(s) that are also present, thereby demonstrating its specificity for the 12-carbon acyl chain length and the ACP derivative. During cotyledon development, as the proportion of medium-chain to other fatty acyl groups increases, the extractable yield of this activity also increases substantially. Collectively these results suggest a role for this 12-ACP thioesterase in medium-chain production in vivo.  相似文献   

Microbial fatty acids are an attractive source of precursors for a variety of renewable commodity chemicals such as alkanes, alcohols, and biofuels. Rerouting lipid biosynthesis into free fatty acid production can be toxic, however, due to alterations of membrane lipid composition. Here we find that membrane lipid composition can be altered by the direct incorporation of medium-chain fatty acids into lipids via the Aas pathway in cells expressing the medium-chain thioesterase from Umbellularia californica (BTE). We find that deletion of the aas gene and sequestering exported fatty acids reduces medium-chain fatty acid toxicity, partially restores normal lipid composition, and improves medium-chain fatty acid yields.  相似文献   

J K Johnson  Z X Wang  D K Srivastava 《Biochemistry》1992,31(43):10564-10575
The CoA derivative 3-indolepropionyl-CoA (IPCoA) serves as a competent pseudosubstrate for the medium-chain fatty acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD)-catalyzed reaction. The reaction product trans-3-indoleacryloyl-CoA (IACoA) exhibits a characteristic UV-vis absorption spectrum with lambda max = 367 nm and epsilon 367 = 26,500 M-1 cm-1. The chromophoric nature of IACoA allows us to measure the direct conversion of substrate to product (at 367 nm) without recourse to absorption signals for either the enzyme-bound flavin or the coupling electron acceptors, as well as probe the enzyme site environment. The interaction of IACoA with medium chain fatty acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD)-FAD is characterized by resultant (spectra of the mixture minus the individual components) absorption peaks at 490, 417, and 355 nm. These absorption peaks increase in magnitude as the pH of the buffer media decreases. Transient kinetic analysis for the interaction of MCAD-FAD with IACoA suggests that the formation of the enzyme-IACoA complex proceeds in two steps. The first (fast) step involves the formation of an E-IACoA collision complex, which [formula: see text] is isomerized (concomitant with changes in the protein structure) to an E*-IACoA complex in the second (slow) step. We have studied the effect of pH on Kc, k2, and k-2. While Kc shows practically no dependence on pH (within a 2-fold variation between pH 6.0 and 9.5), k2 and k-2 show a strong dependence on pH. Both k2 and k-2 exhibit a sigmoidal dependence on the pH of the buffer media, with pKa's of 7.53 and 8.30, respectively. In accordance with the model presented herein, the pKa of 7.53 represents an enzyme site group which is involved in the interaction with IACoA within the E-IACoA collision complex. This pKa is perturbed to 8.30 upon isomerization of the collision complex. The pH-dependent changes in k2 and k-2 are such that the equilibrium distribution between E-IACoA and E*-IACoA is favored to the latter complex (by about 20-fold) at lower pH than at higher pH. A cumulative account of the spectral, kinetic, and thermodynamic properties of the enzyme-IACoA complexes has allowed us delineate the microscopic pathway by which the E-IACoA isomerization (presumably via protein conformational changes) is coupled to the proton equilibration steps.  相似文献   

Martin GG  Huang H  Atshaves BP  Binas B  Schroeder F 《Biochemistry》2003,42(39):11520-11532
Although liver fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP) is known to bind not only long chain fatty acid (LCFA) but also long chain fatty acyl CoA (LCFA-CoA), the physiological significance of LCFA-CoA binding has been questioned and remains to be resolved. To address this issue, the effect of L-FABP gene ablation on liver cytosolic LCFA-CoA binding, LCFA-CoA pool size, LCFA-CoA esterification, and potential compensation by other intracellular LCFA-CoA binding proteins was examined. L-FABP gene ablation resulted not only in loss of L-FABP but also in concomitant upregulation of two other intracellular LCFA-CoA binding proteins, acyl CoA binding protein (ACBP) and sterol carrier protein-2 (SCP-2), by 45 and 80%, respectively. Nevertheless, the soluble fraction from livers of L-FABP (-/-) mice bound 95% less radioactive oleoyl-CoA than wild-type L-FABP (+/+) mice. The intracellular LCFA-CoA binding protein fraction (Fraction III) from wild-type L-FABP (+/+) mice, isolated by gel permeation chromatography of liver soluble proteins, exhibited one high-affinity binding and several low-affinity binding sites for cis-parinaroyl-CoA, a naturally occurring fluorescent LCFA-CoA. In contrast, high-affinity LCFA-CoA binding was absent from Fraction III of L-FABP (-/-) mice. While L-FABP gene ablation did not alter liver LCFA-CoA pool size, LCFA-CoA acyl chains of L-FABP (-/-) mouse livers were enriched 2.1-fold in C16:1 and decreased 1.9-fold in C20:0 fatty acids. Finally, L-FABP gene ablation selectively increased the amount of LCFAs esterified into liver phospholipid > cholesteryl ester, while concomitantly decreasing the amount of fatty acids esterified into triglycerides by 40%. In summary, these data with L-FABP (-/-) mice demonstrated for the first time that L-FABP is a physiologically significant contributor to determining liver cytosolic LCFA-CoA binding capacity, LCFA-CoA acyl chain distribution, and esterified fatty acid distribution.  相似文献   

The concentration of fatty acids in the blood or perfusate is a major determinant of the extent of myocardial fatty acid oxidation. Increasing fatty acid supply in adult rat increases myocardial fatty acid oxidation. Plasma levels of fatty acids increase post-surgery in infants undergoing cardiac bypass operation to correct congenital heart defects. How a newborn heart responds to increased fatty acid supply remains to be determined. In this study, we examined whether the tissue levels of malonyl CoA decrease to relieve the inhibition on carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) I when the myocardium is exposed to higher concentrations of long-chain fatty acids in newborn rabbit heart. We then tested the contribution of the enzymes that regulate tissue levels of malonyl CoA, acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC), and malonyl CoA decarboxylase (MCD). Our results showed that increasing fatty acid supply from 0.4 mmol/L (physiological) to 1.2 mmol/L (pathological) resulted in an increase in cardiac fatty acid oxidation rates and this was accompanied by a decrease in tissue malonyl CoA levels. The decrease in malonyl CoA was not related to any alterations in total and phosphorylated acetyl CoA carboxylase protein or the activities of acetyl CoA carboxylase and malonyl CoA decarboxylase. Our results suggest that the regulatory role of malonyl CoA remained when the hearts were exposed to high levels of fatty acids.  相似文献   

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