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Role of insulin-stimulated protein phosphorylation in insulin action   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Insulin promotes both the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of proteins in its target cells. Insulin-induced dephosphorylation has long been thought to serve an important regulatory function; the role of insulin-stimulation phosphorylation is less certain. The proteins known to be substrates for this reaction are ATP citrate (pro-3S)-lyase, acetyl-CoA carboxylase, and the ribosomal subunit S6. The evidence as to the physiological role and mechanism underlying the insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of these proteins is summarized. Present information suggests that insulin-stimulated phosphorylation may serve an important regulatory role in certain actions of insulin.  相似文献   

Effect of 1,2-diacylglycerols on the insulin receptor function and insulin action in rat adipocytes was studied. 1,2-dioctanoylglycerol (100 micrograms/ml) did not alter insulin binding but it did stimulate phosphorylation of the beta-subunit of the insulin receptor as well as its tyrosine kinase activity. However, dioctanoylglycerol inhibited insulin-stimulated receptor autophosphorylation. This concentration of dioctanoylglycerol inhibited insulin-stimulated CO2 metabolism, lipogenesis and 3-O-methyl-glucose transport in a dose-dependent manner but did not alter any of these bioeffects in absence of insulin. While there was no direct link between diacylglycerol effect on tyrosine kinase activity of the insulin receptor and insulin action in rat adipocytes, the parallel inhibition of insulin-stimulated receptor autophosphorylation and insulin bioeffects by dioctanoylglycerol suggests its direct or indirect role in insulin signalling in rat fat cells.  相似文献   

Obesity leads to a proinflammatory state with immune responses that include infiltration of adipose tissue with macrophages. These macrophages are believed to alter insulin sensitivity in adipocytes, but the mechanisms that underlie this effect have not been characterized. We have explored the interaction between macrophages and adipocytes in the context of both indirect and direct coculture. Macrophage-secreted factors blocked insulin action in adipocytes via downregulation of GLUT4 and IRS-1, leading to a decrease in Akt phosphorylation and impaired insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane. GLUT1 was upregulated with a concomitant increase in basal glucose uptake. These changes recapitulate those seen in adipose tissue from insulin-resistant humans and animal models. TNF-alpha-neutralizing antibodies partially reversed the insulin resistance produced by macrophage-conditioned media. Peritoneal macrophages and macrophage-enriched stromal vascular cells from adipose tissue also attenuated responsiveness to insulin in a manner correlating with inflammatory cytokine secretion. Adipose tissue macrophages from obese mice have an F4/80(+)CD11b(+)CD68(+)CD14(-) phenotype and form long cellular extensions in culture. Peritoneal macrophages take on similar characteristics in direct coculture with adipocytes and induce proinflammatory cytokines, suggesting that macrophage activation state is influenced by contact with adipocytes. Thus both indirect/secreted and direct/cell contact-mediated factors derived from macrophages influence insulin sensitivity in adipocytes.  相似文献   

The effects of a short term (2 hour) incubation of 5 microM triiodothyronine (T3) on 125I-insulin binding and insulin stimulated (14C)-2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake in rat adipocytes was investigated. In the presence of 5 microM T3, (14C)-2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake was significantly decreased by 11 to 24% at insulin concentrations of 5 to 1000 microU/ml. The concentration of insulin eliciting a half maximal response for insulin stimulated (14C)-2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake was 11.5 microU/ml in the control, and 14.3 microU/ml in the T3 treated cells (p less than 0.01). T3 treated adipocytes bound 9 to 22% less 125I-labeled insulin yet the concentration of native insulin necessary to displace 50% of the bound 125I-labeled insulin was the same in the control and T3 treated cells (75 and 70 ng/ml, respectively). These studies indicate that the decreased sensitivity of T3 treated cells to insulin is in accordance with a decreased number of receptors with the same binding characteristics as those of the control cells. The decreased maximal uptake of (14C)-2-deoxy-D-glucose at saturating insulin levels is likely to be independent of receptor number and result from a second, undetermined alteration in the hexose transport system of adipocytes treated with T3.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate the potentiation by p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate (CPIB) of the antilipolytic effect of insulin in isolated adipocytes from rats fed a (1) sucrose diet, (2) glycerol-lard diet, or (3) chow diet. CPIB supplementation in the diet consistently resulted in decreased serum triglyceride levels in rats from the three dietary groups. The catecholamine-stimulated glycerol release was significantly depressed to a greater extent by insulin when the fat cells were obtained from rats given CPIB compared to those without drug treatment. The enhanced insulin sensitivity was, however, not accompanied by any changes in insulin binding to adipocytes. These two observations were found in cell preparations from rats fed any one of the diets, although differences among dietary groups could be detected. In an in vitro experiment, epinephrine-stimulated glycerol release was progressively inhibited by increasing concentrations of CPIB in the incubation medium. However, the antilipolytic response to an optimal concentration of insulin (100 muU/ml) was augmented in the presence of CPIB. Thus, it seems that CPIB can potentiate the action of insulin in inhibiting mobilization of free fatty acid from the adipose tissue, and the coordinated effect of both antilipolytic agents is important in lowering serum triglyceride concentration. The mechanism by which CPIB facilitates the effect of insulin is discussed.  相似文献   

The lipolytic response to catecholamines and the antilipolytic effect of $$Word$$ were studied as a function of adipose cell size and number. The results show that cellular enlargement is associated with an increase in the basal lipolysis as well as the release of glycerol induced by salbutamol (a beta(2)-receptor agonist), noradrenaline, adrenaline, and isopropyl-noradrenaline. The glycerol release induced by all these agents seems to be more favorably correlated with cell surface area than with cell volume or diameter. Under the incubation conditions used with glucose in the medium, the antilipolytic effect of insulin on the basal as well as on the adrenaline- and isopropylnoradrenaline-stimulated lipolysis was not consistent at any cell size studied. However, in the presence of noradrenaline and salbutamol, insulin exerted a consistent antilipolytic effect. The results show that the larger adipose cells are at least as sensitive to the antilipolytic effect of insulin as the smaller cells. The results imply that the previously reported diminished responsiveness to insulin shown by large adipose cells is exerted only on the side of lipid accumulation. It is suggested that the negative correlation between cell size and responsiveness to insulin on the side of lipid accumulation may be one way to control adipose cell enlargement.  相似文献   

The dose response effect of a new adenosine analogue, GR 79236 (N-[1S trans-2-hydroxycyclopentyl] adenosine) upon insulin sensitivity was examined in human adipocytes. The influence of adenosine upon insulin sensitivity for suppression of lipolysis and stimulation of glucose transport was examined. Removal of adenosine by use of adenosine deaminase stimulated lipolysis to the same extent as did 10–9 M noradrenaline. GR79236 brought about dose dependent inhibition of lipolysis with half-maximal effect at 11.3±7.8×10–9 M. When lipolysis was stimulated by noradrenaline alone the subsequent inhibition of lipolysis brought about by GR79236 was significantly greater than that of insulin. To examine adenosine effects on the insulin signalling pathway separately from those on lipolysis, the insulin sensitivity of glucose transport was examined. Removal of adenosine brought about a small but significant increase in the concentration of insulin required for half-maximal stimulation of glucose transport. Adenosine agonists offer promise as new agents for the modulation of metabolism in diabetes and other states of insulin resistance.  相似文献   

The effect of insulin on rat adipocytes was studied in isotonic buffers (pH 7.4) containing NaCl, CaCl2, MgSO4, KCl, and bovine serum albumin but no phosphate or bicarbonate anions. In phosphate- and bicarbonate-free buffers the dose-response curve to insulin is shifted to the right, the effects of the hormone on hexose uptake, glucose metabolism, and inhibition of lipolysis being observed at much higher (nearly 2 orders of magnitude) concentrations of insulin. The insulin binding capacity of the cells is only slightly changed. The dose-response curve for isoproterenol which stimulates lipolysis in the same cell type is almost the same in both Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer and phosphate- and bicarbonate-free buffers. The dose-response curves for agents that mimic the action of insulin such as wheat germ agglutinin or vanadate ions are also shifted to the right. The dose-response curve to insulin can be returned to "normal" by readdition of either bicarbonate or phosphate. Almost complete recovery is obtained at either 10 mM bicarbonate or 24 mM phosphate, respectively. External Ca2+ ions which are not required for the proper action of insulin in fat cells maintained in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer, become essential for insulin action in bicarbonate-free buffer. The study indicates that depletion of bicarbonate and, to a lesser extent, phosphate anions, interferes with an essential insulin-dependent post-binding event. Also, in bicarbonate-free medium, external Ca2+ ions are essential for insulin-mediated processes. The implications of this study to the mode of action of insulin, and to physiological and clinical states of insulin desensitization are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of an in vivo cortisol-treatment to rats (2 X 2 mg/rat/day, for one week) on insulin plasma levels, insulin binding and antilipolytic activity in rat adipose tissue were investigated. Hyperinsulinemia together with an increase in insulin degradation in the serum of cortisol-treated rats were observed. The adipocytes from cortisol-treated animals showed a statistically significant decrease in insulin binding but no change in receptor numbers [cortisol-treated 103,000 +/- 8,000 (n = 8) receptors/cell and controls 138,000 +/- 15,000 (n = 16) receptors/cell], together with unchanged receptor affinity [ED50: cortisol-treated 3 X 10(-9) M and controls 3.2 X 10(-9) M], and a decreased sensitivity to the antilipolytic effect of insulin. The evidence presented for pre-receptor, receptor and post-receptor insulin defects on the action of cortisol in isolated rat adipocytes could represent a coordinated mechanism by which cortisol exerts "insulin resistance" in this tissue.  相似文献   

Some of the actions of insulin may be mediated by the intracellular generation of an inositol phosphate glycan that modulates the activities of certain metabolic enzymes. The actions of this molecule were evaluated on glucose utilization in intact rat adipocytes. The inositol glycan led to the dose-dependent stimulation of glucose oxidation and lipogenesis. The extent of stimulation was similar to that observed for insulin. The stimulation of lipogenesis was seen only at high concentrations of glucose, suggesting regulation of processes distal to glucose uptake. The effects of the inositol glycan on intact adipocytes were specifically attenuated with inositol monophosphate in a dose dependent manner. These results further support a role for this substance as a second messenger for some of the actions of insulin, and indicate that the cellular uptake of the inositol glycan may occur by a specific transport system.  相似文献   

The influence of alterations in phospholipid structure by phospholipase treatment on insulin action and glucose transport in rat adipocytes was studied. It appeared that phospholipase A2 from bee venom caused a breakdown of approximately 50% of phosphotidylcholine without lysis of the cells. Because of this treatment, insulin binding was increased, resulting in an increased sensitivity of glucose transport towards lower insulin concentrations. Moreover, an increased affinity of the transport system for 2-deoxyglucose was observed. Phospholipase C from Clostridium welchii caused complete lysis of adipocytes. Phospholipase A2 from Crotalus adamenteus was without effect.  相似文献   

Anti-lipolytic action of AMP-activated protein kinase in rodent adipocytes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Despite its importance in terms of energy homeostasis, the role of AMP-activated protein kinase in adipose tissue remains controversial. Initial studies have described an anti-lipolytic role for AMP-activated protein kinase, whereas more recent studies have suggested the converse. Thus we have addressed the role of AMP-activated protein kinase in adipose tissue by modulating AMP-activated protein kinase activity in primary rodent adipocytes using pharmacological activators or by adenoviral expression of dominant negative or constitutively active forms of the kinase. We then studied the effects of AMP-activated protein kinase activity modulation on lipolytic mechanisms. Finally, we analyzed the consequences of a genetic deletion of AMP-activated protein kinase in mouse adipocytes. AMP-activated protein kinase activity in adipocytes is represented mainly by the alpha(1) isoform and is induced by all of the stimuli that increase cAMP in adipocytes, including fasting. When AMP-activated protein kinase activity is increased by 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-riboside, phenformin, or by the expression of a constitutively active form, isoproterenol-induced lipolysis is strongly reduced. Conversely, when AMP-activated protein kinase activity is decreased either by a dominant negative form or in AMP-activated protein kinase alpha(1) knock-out mice, lipolysis is increased. We present data suggesting that AMP-activated protein kinase acts on hormone-sensitive lipase by blocking its translocation to the lipid droplet. We conclude that, in mature adipocytes, AMP-activated protein kinase activation has a clear anti-lipolytic effect.  相似文献   

When adipocytes were exposed to [3H]leucine for times ranging from 5 to 180 s, leucine was found to enter cells rapidly and equilibrate with the cell interior within 5 s. After an additional 15-30 s [3H]leucine was incorporated into nascent protein, and the rate of incorporation was linear for up to 6 h in both control and insulin-treated cells. Since treatment of adipocytes with 10 ng/ml insulin enhanced the rate of leucine incorporation 2-3-fold with minimal or no effect on the rate of protein degradation or leucine uptake, we conclude that the predominant effect of insulin is on enhancement of protein synthesis. To assess the time required for insulin to stimulate protein synthesis, we preincubated cells with 10 ng/ml of insulin for various times from 2 to 30 min and then measured [3H]leucine incorporation into protein during a 4-min assay. These results revealed that the insulin stimulation of protein synthesis is rapid (t 1/2 of 4.4 min), but 9-fold slower than insulin activation of glucose transport (t 1/2 less than 0.5 min under identical conditions). In contrast to the rapidity of insulin activation, we found that deactivation proceeded at much slower rates (t 1/2 of 32 and 21 min for protein synthesis and glucose transport, respectively). Desensitization of the glucose transport system has previously been shown to occur after adipocytes are exposed to high glucose and insulin. To examine the specificity of desensitization, we treated cells for 6 h with 20 mM glucose and 25 ng/ml insulin and then examined insulin sensitivity and maximal insulin responsiveness of both the glucose transport and protein synthesis systems. After treatment, the glucose transport was markedly insulin-resistant (60% loss in maximal insulin responsiveness and a marked loss in insulin sensitivity), whereas the protein synthesis system exhibited neither diminished insulin responsiveness nor loss of insulin sensitivity. In fact, insulin sensitivity actually increased, as indicated by the finding that less insulin was required to stimulate protein synthesis (insulin ED50 values of 0.25 and 18 ng/ml at 0 and 6 h of treatment). From these studies we conclude that desensitization of the glucose transport system by glucose and insulin treatment appears to be specific for this particular effector system and does not reflect a state of generalized cellular insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications (PTMs) such as phosphorylation and ubiquitination are well-studied events with a recognized importance in all aspects of cellular function. By contrast, protein S-acylation, although a widespread PTM with important functions in most physiological systems, has received far less attention. Perturbations in S-acylation are linked to various disorders, including intellectual disability, cancer and diabetes, suggesting that this less-studied modification is likely to be of considerable biological importance. As an exemplar, in this review, we focus on the newly emerging links between S-acylation and the hormone insulin. Specifically, we examine how S-acylation regulates key components of the insulin secretion and insulin response pathways. The proteins discussed highlight the diverse array of proteins that are modified by S-acylation, including channels, transporters, receptors and trafficking proteins and also illustrate the diverse effects that S-acylation has on these proteins, from membrane binding and micro-localization to regulation of protein sorting and protein interactions.  相似文献   

1. Regulation of lipogenesis and lipolysis by insulin was studied on adipocytes isolated from 100 kg Large white male pigs. Two adipose tissues were studied: subcutaneous and perirenal. Animals were fed either a control low fat diet or a diet containing 14.7% sunflower seed oil. 2. The cell diameter was higher in the group fed the sunflower diet. 3. De novo lipogenesis was decreased for each adipose tissue in the group fed the sunflower diet. The perirenal site had a higher lipogenic activity than subcutaneous site whatever the diet. 4. Insulin did not significantly stimulate lipogenesis but had an important antilipolytic effect on stimulated lipolysis by isoproterenol. 5. The antilipolytic action of insulin was higher in perirenal adipocytes with the control diet. With the sunflower diet, the decrease was about 54.4% for subcutaneous adipocytes, whereas the inhibition was decreased in perirenal adipocytes. Addition of theophylline reversed the antilipolytic action of insulin. 6. Insulin binding was not affected neither by the dietary fat nor by the adipose tissue location. 7. Absence of de novo lipogenesis stimulation by insulin was not due to an impairment in insulin binding. 8. The different effects of dietary fat and adipose tissue location on the antilipolytic action of insulin could not be explained by a modification of insulin binding but rather by a latter event, probably at a post-insulin binding stage.  相似文献   

Visceral obesity is associated with resistance to the antilipolytic effect of insulin in vivo. We investigated whether subcutaneous abdominal and gluteal adipocytes from viscerally obese women exhibit insulin resistance in vitro. Subjects were obese black and white premenopausal nondiabetic women matched for visceral adipose tissue (VAT), total adiposity, and age. Independently of race and adipocyte size, increased VAT was associated with decreased sensitivity to insulin's antilipolytic effect in subcutaneous abdominal and gluteal adipocytes. Absolute lipolytic rates at physiologically relevant concentrations of insulin or the adenosine receptor agonist N(6)-(phenylisopropyl)adenosine were higher in subjects with the highest vs. lowest VAT area. Independently of cell size, abdominal adipocytes were less sensitive to the antilipolytic effect of insulin than gluteal adipocytes, which may partly explain increased nonesterified fatty acid fluxes in upper vs. lower body obese women. Moreover, increased VAT was associated with decreased responsiveness, but not decreased sensitivity, to insulin's stimulatory effect on glucose transport in abdominal adipocytes. These data suggest that insulin resistance of subcutaneous abdominal and, to a lesser extent, gluteal adipocytes may contribute to increased systemic lipolysis in both black and white viscerally obese women.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that an elevation in cytosolic free Ca2+ may play a role in either mediating or antagonizing the ability of insulin to stimulate glucose uptake in adipocytes. This question has been addressed in the present studies using isolated fura-2-loaded rat adipocytes stimulated with a variety of agonists. The effects of insulin, oxytocin, norepinephrine, ATP, and ionomycin on cytosolic free Ca2+ levels were assessed and compared with their effects on transport-limited glucose oxidation. Oxytocin and ionomycin at concentrations which caused 3-5-fold increases in cytosolic Ca2+, by releasing Ca2+ from internal stores, had no effect on insulin-stimulated glucose oxidation. ATP and norepinephrine which caused more modest increases in Ca2+, by mechanisms at least partially dependent on external stores, inhibited insulin-stimulated glucose oxidation. Insulin had no effect on basal Ca2+ levels nor did it modulate the Ca2+ elevation caused by other agonists. These data suggest that insulin-stimulated glucose transport is not associated with an increase in cytosolic Ca2+. In addition, although there appears to be a correlation between inhibition of insulin-stimulated glucose transport and the effect of certain agonists to promote Ca2+ influx, there is not a general obligatory relationship between an elevation in cytosolic Ca2+ and antagonism of this insulin action.  相似文献   

Release of lactate was studied during in vitro incubations with isolated fat cells. Lactate release increased (approximately 3-fold) with increasing medium glucose concentration (from 3 to 12 mM) in both large and small fat cells. Large fat cells from older, fatter rats, however, released 3-4 times more lactate per cell than small fat cells from young rats when incubated with 3, 6 or 12 mM glucose. Insulin and epinephrine produced a marked stimulation of lactate release in small fat cells, but these hormones had no effect in large fat cells. Lactate accounted for only 10-15% of the glucose metabolized by small fat cells under all incubation conditions but was nearly 40% of glucose utilized by large fat cells at glucose concentrations greater than 6 mM. In conclusion, lactate is a major metabolite of glucose in adipocytes, particularly in the large fat cells. Adipose tissue may therefore be a major site of lactate production, particularly in states of altered glucose metabolism (i.e., hyperglycemia) and obesity.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue has been reported to contain relatively high levels of the specific mRNA for retinol-binding protein (RBP) (Makover A., Soprano, D.R., Wyatt, M. L., and Goodman, D.S. (1989) J. Lipid Res. 30, 171-180). Studies were conducted to explore retinoid and retinoid-binding protein storage and metabolism in adipose tissue. In these studies, we measured RBP and cellular retinol-binding protein (CRBP) mRNA levels and retinoid levels in 6 adipose depots in male rats. Total RNA was isolated from inguinal, dorsal, mesenteric, epididymal, perinephric, and brown adipose tissue, and average RBP and CRBP mRNA levels were determined by Northern blot analysis. The relative levels of RBP mRNA in these 6 anatomically different adipose depots averaged, respectively, 6.3, 6.7, 16, 34, 37, and 21% of the level in a rat liver RNA standard. Retinoid levels in the 6 depots were similar and averaged approximately 6-7 micrograms of retinol eq/g of adipose tissue. Since adipose tissue contains several cell types, the cellular localizations of RBP and CRBP expression and retinoid storage were examined. RNA was prepared from isolated rat adipocytes and stromal-vascular cells. Cellular levels of the mRNAs for RBP, CRBP, apolipoprotein E (apoE), lipoprotein lipase, adipocyte P2, and adipsin were measured by Northern blot analysis. RBP was expressed almost exclusively in the adipocytes and only weakly in the stromal-vascular cells. Both CRBP and apoE mRNA levels were relatively high in the stromal-vascular cell preparations and only very low mRNA levels were found in the adipocytes. Lipoprotein lipase, adipsin, and adipocyte P2 mRNAs were found in substantial levels in both the adipocytes and stromal-vascular cells, but with higher levels present in the adipocytes. Cultured adipocytes synthesized RBP protein and secreted it into the medium. Only adipocytes (not stromal-vascular cells) contained retinol, at levels between 0.65-0.8 micrograms of retinol eq/10(6) cells. These studies demonstrate that adipocytes store retinoid and synthesize and secrete RBP, and suggest that rat adipocytes may be dynamically involved in retinoid storage and metabolism.  相似文献   

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