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The regulation of cotyledon-specific gene expression by exogenously applied abscisic acid (ABA) was studied in developing cultured cotyledons of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. cv Provar). When immature cotyledons were cultured in modified Thompson's medium, the addition of ABA resulted in an increased concentration of the β-subunit of β-conglycinin, one of the major storage proteins of soybean seeds. The amount of the α′-and α-subunits of β-conglycinin was relatively unaffected by the ABA treatment. When fluridone, an inhibitor of carotenoid biosynthesis that has been shown to decrease ABA levels in plant tissues, was added to the medium the level of ABA and the β-subunit decreased in the cotyledons. Increasing the concentration of sucrose in the culture medium caused an increase in the concentration of ABA and β-subunit in the cotyledons. When in vitro translation products from RNA isolated from cotyledons cultured with ABA were immunoprecipitated with antiserum against β-conglycinin, there was an increased amount of pre-β-subunit polypetide compared to the translation products from RNA isolated from control cotyledons. The pre-β-subunit polypeptide was not detected in translation products from RNA isolated from fluridone-treated cotyledons. Nucleic acid hybridization reactions showed that the level of β-subunit mRNA was higher in ABA-treated cotyledons compared to the control, and was lower in the fluridone-treated cotyledons. We have shown that exogenous ABA is able to modulate the accumulation of the β-subunit of β-conglycinin in developing cultured soybean cotyledons.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the role of protein turnover in the accumulation of the storage protein β-conglycinin (7S protein) during soybean embryogenesis. The results of pulse:chase experiments using 3H-leucine indicate that the turnover of the subunits of β-conglycinin by proteolysis is more rapid in early stages of cotyledon maturation than in later stages.  相似文献   

Davis BD 《Plant physiology》1979,63(6):1010-1015
α-Amylase activity remained relatively low in the axes of intact etiolated pea seedlings; the activity was predominantly confined to the epicotyl. Starch accumulated slightly. When the cotyledons were removed and the axes cultured on medium containing no carbon source, the starch reserve in the axes disappeared within a few days. This was accompanied by a 10- to 15-fold increase in α-amylase activity, in the absence of additional epicotyl growth. The phenonemon was observed for axes throughout early growth, although the relative accumulation of α-amylase activity in cultured axes was less for older seedlings. This change was attributed to a reduced response by nongrowing tissues. There was no corresponding change in β-amylase activity. These observations, described for several varieties of peas, demonstrate the control of cotyledons upon the utilization of stored reserves within the axis, with α-amylase as a key enzyme.  相似文献   

The degradation of the major seed storage globulins of the soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill) was examined during the first 12 days of germination and seedling growth. The appearance of glycinin and β-conglycinin degradation products was detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of cotyledon extracts followed by electroblotting to nitrocellulose and immunostaining using glycinin and β-conglycinin specific antibodies. The three subunits of β-conglycinin were preferentially metabolized. Of the three subunits of β-conglycinin, the larger α and α′ subunits are rapidly degraded, generating new β-conglycinin cross-reactive polypeptides of 51,200 molecular weight soon after imbibition of the seed. After 6 days of growth the β-subunit is also hydrolyzed. At least six polypeptides, ranging from 33,100 to 24,000 molecular weight, appear as apparent degradation products of β-conglycinin. The metabolism of the glycinin acidic chains begins early in growth. The glycinin acidic chains present at day 3 have already been altered from the native form in the ungerminated seed, as evidenced by their higher mobility in an alkaline-urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system. However, no change in the molecular weight of these chains is detectable by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyarylamide gel electrophoresis. Examination of the glycinin polypeptide amino-termini by dansylation suggests that this initial modification of the acidic chains involves limited proteolysis at the carboxyl-termini, deamidation, or both. After 3 days of growth the acidic chains are rapidly hydrolyzed to a smaller (21,900 molecular weight) form. The basic polypeptides of glycinin appear to be unaltered during the first 8 days of growth, but are rapidly degraded thereafter to unidentified products. All of the original glycinin basic chains have been destroyed by day 10 of growth.  相似文献   

Protease C1, the protease responsible for the initial degradation of the α′ and α subunits of the soybean β-conglycinin storage protein (Glycine max [L.] Merrill), has been purified. The enzyme was found by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to have a molecular weight of 70,000 and a pH optimum of 3.5 to 4.5. Susceptibility to protease inhibitors indicates that protease C1 is a serine protease. Study of the proteolytic intermediates generated suggests that the cleavage of the α′ and α subunits of β-conglycinin by protease C1 results in intermediates that are 1 or 2 kilodaltons smaller than the native α′ and α subunits. Following that, a succession of intermediates exhibiting molecular masses of 70.0 and 58.0 kilodaltons, then 63.0, 61.0, 55.0, and 53.5 kilodaltons, are observed. A 50.0- and a 48.0- kilodalton intermediate are the final products of protease C1 action. Comparison of these intermediates with the prominent anti-β-conglycinin cross-reacting bands that increase during the first few days of germination and early growth show that protease C1 plays an important physiological role, but not an exclusive one, in the living plant.  相似文献   

Antibodies specific for nodule uricase were used for immunocytochemistryto demonstrate the presence of uricase in cotyledons of soybean(Glycine max) during germination and early seedling growth.The enzyme was localized exclusively in peroxisomes. 1Permanent address: Department of Plant Cytology and Cytochemistry,University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland 2Current address: Department of Plant Science, University ofArizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The developmental profile of ‘constitutive’ nitratereductase activity (cNRA) in leaves of soybean (Glycine max(L.) cv. Bragg) plants at different ages is described. The youngestleaves had most cNRA and the activity dropped off as a newerleaf developed above it. Each leaf had its distinct active periodof in vivo cNRA. This pattern was different in urea-grown andsymbiotically-grown plants (inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicumstrain USDA 110), where the latter had no detectable in vivocNRA in older leaves. Urea-grown plants maintained considerablein vivo NRA in such older leaves. When symbiotically-grown plantshad their nodules removed, in vivo cNRA reappeared in olderleaves within 1 d of removal, nearly reaching levels of youngleaves at 3 d after nodule excision. Allantoic acid (ALL), oneof the known transport ureides of soybeans, was implicated asa possible signal molecule from nodules to leaves. Allantoicacid (100 µM) inhibited in vitro c1 NRA significantly,with 400 µM ALL resulting in complete inhibition. In contrast,allantoin (ALN) had no inhibitive effect on NRA. Inhibitionof c1NRA by ALL was by a competitive process, judging from Lineweaver-Burkeplots against nitrate. Kinetics showed a constant Vmax of around105 nmol NO2 mg–1 protein h–1 and a Km for nitrateof 15 mM, which increased to 60 mM in the presence of 200 µMallantoic acid. Non-specific (ionic and pH-related) influenceswere eliminated. Allantoic acid also had a slight stimulatingeffect of in vitro NRA (up about 25% at 400 µM). Thesefindings suggest that c1NRA may be involved in ureide metabolism,rather than in vivo nitrate metabolism. Key words: Root-shoot interaction, nitrogen metabolism, nodulation, symbiosis  相似文献   

Amylase activity increased in attached cotyledons of peas, Pisumsativum L. var. Bördi, only during imbibition and remainedalmost constant up to 96 h after germination, but in excisedcotyledons the activity increased slightly at first then markedly.In contrast, the content of the reducing sugars was higher inattached cotyledons than in excised ones. A similar inverserelationship has been found between the concentration of reducingsugars in axes (both attached and excised) and amylase activity. The leakage from intact seeds contained more reducing sugarsthan the leakage from excised cotyledons, whereas the amountof proteins released from the cotyledons was four times greaterduring imbibition. This increase in amylase activity in excisedcotyledons is not thought to be the result of axis excision,but to be the result of the leakage of sugars from the cotyledonsduring incubation. These results suggest that the concentration of reducing sugarsmay be a factor that regulates amylase activity in vivo in boththe cotyledons and axis during the germination of pea seeds. (Received August 4, 1982; Accepted December 14, 1982)  相似文献   

We have investigated the accumulation and intracellular localization of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Forrest) α-galactosidase-hemagglutinin during seed development. Cotyledon tissue was embedded in Lowicryl K4M and immunocytochemical localization was accomplished through treating thin sections with α-galactosidase antisera followed by indirect labeling with protein A coupled to colloidal gold. Gold particles were localized on the Golgi apparatus and protein bodies. We interpret this to indicate that α-galactosidase-hemagglutinin is transferred to and transported through the Golgi apparatus and finally deposited within the protein body by a Golgi apparatus-mediated process.  相似文献   

Isolated soybean (Glycine max L. var Hood) embryonic axes have a spontaneous chemiluminescence (about 150 counts per minute per embryo) that increases showing two phases, upon water imbibition. The first photoemission burst was measured between 0 and 7 hours of imbibition with a maximum of about 350 counts per minute per embryo after 2 hours. The second photoemission phase, between 7 and 30 hours, increased from about 220 to 520 counts per minute per embryo. Both chemiluminescence phases were inhibited by infused butylated hydroxyanisole while only the second phase was inhibited by infused salicylhydroxamic acid. On the basis of the sensitivity of the lipoxygenase reaction to both inhibitors (about 90%), the first burst is tentatively assigned to oxy-radicals mobilized upon water uptake by the embryonic axes, and the second phase is tentatively identified as due to lipoxygenase activity. The in vivo lipoxygenase activity of the embryonic axes was estimated by both the fraction of total oxygen uptake that was inhibited by butylated hydroxyanisole and by the fraction of photoemission that was inhibited by butylated hydroxyanisole and by salicylhydroxamic acid. Both approaches indicated marked increases (5-fold and 12-fold, respectively) of lipoxygenase activity between 2 and 30 hours of imbibition. The measured chemiluminescence per O2 uptake ratio (the experimental quantum yield) for the lipoxygenase reaction (3.3 × 10−14 counts per O2 molecule) was used to estimate the O2 uptake due to lipoxygenase activity from the photoemission of the embryonic axes after 30 hours of imbibition. The value (0.54 microliters per minute per axis) was close to the butylated hydroxyanisole-sensitive O2 uptake (1.2 microliters O2 per minute per axis) of the same embryonic axes. Chemiluminescence may afford a noninvasive assay for lipoxygenase activity in intact plant tissues.  相似文献   

Infected cells of soybean (Glycine max) nodules require NADH,ATP, and 2-oxoglutarate for ammonia assimilation. The role ofmitochondria in nodule metabolism was investigated by determiningtheir respiratory properties and comparing them with cotyledonmitochondria. Nodule mitochondria oxidized malate at a ratetwice that of any other NAD-linked substrate although theirmalic enzyme activity was very low, accounting for only 12%of malate oxidation at pH 6.4 compared to 56% for cotyledonmitochondria. The reduction of NAD+ in mitochondria of noduleson adding malate (determined by fluorescence) was rapid andreached a stable level, whereas in cotyledon mitochondria theNADH level declined rapidly as oxaloacetate accumulated. Anoxaloacetate scavenging system in the mitochondrial reactionmedium increased malate oxidation by cotyledon mitochondria4-fold, but increased that of nodule mitochondria by less than50%. This demonstrates that the efflux of oxaloacetate by theoxaloacetate carrier is highly regulated by the extra-mitochondrialoxaloacetate concentration in cotyledon mitochondria comparedto nodule mitochondria. The activity of TCA cycle enzymes, exceptmalate and succinate dehydrogenases, was low in nodule mitochondria.Their oxaloacetate export during malate oxidation was rapid.The aspartate amino transferase activity associated with nodulemitochondria was sufficient to account for significant formationof 2-oxoglutarate from oxaloacetate and glutamate. These resultssuggest that nodule mitochondria operate a truncated form ofthe TCA cycle and primarily oxidize malate to provide oxaloacetateand ATP for NH3 assimilation. Key words: Glycine max (L.), nitrogen fixation, gluconeogenesis, respiration  相似文献   

The pattern of senescence of soybean cotyledons of intact seedlingswas characterized using interference microscopy, to measurenuclear dry mass, and nucleic acid staining and microdensito-metry,to measure DNA and total nucleic acid content of the epidermalnuclei. Nuclear dry mass, DNA, and total nucleic acid contentdeclined from 16 d after planting until the time of abscission.The effect of detaching cotyledons and floating them on wateror the growth hormones, kinetin or IAA, during the senescencephase was examined. During the time when cotyledons of intactseedlings senesced and abscised, detached cotyledons showedno symptoms of senescence. Further, there was no change in thedry mass of nuclei in epidermal cells from cotyledons floatedon water or kinetin but there was a significant increase inthe dry mass of nuclei from cotyledons floated on IAA.  相似文献   

In the late globular proembryos, three regions could be identified, i. e. the cotyledon primordium, the epiphysis and the hypocotyl-hypophysis. In the cotyledon primordia, the mitotic frequency of the cells was comparitively high, the directions of the mitotic planes were mostly perpendicular to the long axis of the embryo, the size of the nucleolus was comparitively large, and the cytoplasm density was high. In the epiphysis region, however, the mitotic frequency of the cells was low, the size of the nucleolus was small, and as the first pair of leaf primordia appeared the mitotic frequency of the cells in that region began to increase. In the hypocotyls hypophysis region the mitotic frequency of the cells as well as the size of the nucleolus lied in between the corresponding values of those of the above two regions, the cytoplasm density was low and the size of the vacuoles was large. As the proembryo continued to develop the direction of the mitotic plane changed gradually, from mostly perpendicular to the long axis of the embryo to mainly inclined, or even parallel to that axis. As a result, the proembryo developed from a heart-shaped embryo into a torpedo-shaped embryo. After the first pair of leaf primordia appeared from the young embryo, the vacuoles in the cells of the cotyledons grew in size rapidly. About twenty to twenty five days after flowering, the starch grains, the protein bodies and the lipid granules began to accumulate in the cells of the cotyledons and gradually increased both in size as well as in quantity. About fifty days after flowering the diameter of the starch grains reached its maximum value of 6.2–7.0 μm, and decreased in value thereafter till the time of harvesting when most of the starch grains disappeared except those in the palisades. On the other hand, fifty to sixty days after flowering, the diameters of the lipid granules and of the protein bodies reached their maximum values of 5.4–7.0 μm and 6.2–7.0 μm, respectively. The observation revealed that the formation of the protein bodies was related to the vacules.  相似文献   

Axes of soybean seeds are tolerant to dehydration at 6 hours of imbibition, but susceptible to dehydration injury if dried at 36 hours of imbibition. Smooth microsomal membranes were isolated from axes imbibed for 6 hours (dehydration tolerant state) and 36 hours (dehydration susceptible state) before and after dehydration treatment. The phase properties and the lipid composition of the membrane fraction were investigated. Wide angle x-ray diffraction patterns of microsomal membranes from axes imbibed for 6 or 36 hours indicated a liquid-crystalline to gel phase transition at approximately 7°C. Membranes from axes dehydrated at 6 or 36 hours of imbibition and rehydrated for 2 hours exhibited a phase transition at 7°C and 47°C, respectively. Changes in fatty acid saturation did not account for the changes in phase properties. However, the increased phase transition temperature of the membranes from dehydration injured axes was associated with an increase in free fatty acid:phospholipid molar ratio and a decrease in phospholipid:sterol ratio. These results suggests that dehydration prompted a deesterification of the linkage between glycerol and fatty acid side chains of the phospholipid molecules in the membrane. The resultant increase in free fatty acid content in the membrane is thought to alter the fluidity and phase properties of the membrane and contribute to dehydration injury.  相似文献   

Tracer kinetic experiments were performed using [ureido-14C] citrulline, [1-14C]ornithine, and isotope trapping techniques to determine if arginine is synthesized via the urea cycle in developing cotyledons of Glycine max (L.) Merrill. Excised cotyledons were injected with the 14C-solution and incubated in sealed vials containing a CO2 trap. The free and protein amino acids were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography and arginine-specific enzyme-linked assays. In the 14C-citrulline feeding experiment argininosuccinate was the most highly labeled compound after 5 minutes and it was the first compound to lose 14C later in the time course. Carbon-14 was also recovered in free arginine, protein arginine, and CO2 up to 4 hours after introduction of label. All of the 14C in free and protein arginine could be accounted for in the C-6 position. Metabolism of 14C-ornithine resulted in 14C-incorporation into citrulline and free and protein arginine and the evolution of 14CO2. Citrulline was the most highly labeled compound after 15 minutes and was the first compound to reach a steady state level of 14C. With the addition of 800 nanomoles unlabeled citrulline to the 14C-ornithine feeding solution citrulline was the only compound labeled after 5 minutes and the steady state level of 14C-citrulline increased 12-fold. The appearance of 14C in free arginine and protein arginine was also delayed. In both 14C-ornithine feedings all of the 14C in free and protein arginine could be accounted for in the C-1 position. Together, the data support the reaction sequence: ornithine → citrulline → argininosuccinate → arginine → protein arginine.  相似文献   

Utilization of Nitrogen Sources by Immature Soybean Cotyledons in Culture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
HAGA  K. I.; SODEK  L. 《Annals of botany》1987,59(6):597-601
Immature Glycine max (L.) Merrill cotyledons were cultured ina defined medium containing different nitrogen sources. Glutaminewas the most efficient source in terms of protein accumulationin the cotyledons. Asparagine was less efficient (about 70 percent that of glutamine) while allantoin was a poor source ofnitrogen. This was also true for older cotyledons where asparaginaseand allantoinase activities were maximal. The utilization ofboth asparagine and allantoin (but not glutamine) was totallyinhibited by methionine sulfoximine suggesting that their metabolisminvolves ammonia assimilation via glutamine synthetase. Apparently,neither exogenous or endogenously-generated ammonia had mucheffect on glutamine utilization, but ammonia did have a smallinhibitory effect on asparagine, which may in part account forthe lower efficiency observed with this amide. Glycine max, soybean, cotyledon culture, nitrogen metabolism  相似文献   

Tracerkinetic experiments were performed using l-[guanidino-14C]arginine, l-[U-14C]arginine, l-[ureido-14C]citrulline, and l-[1-14C]ornithine to investigate arginine utilization in developing cotyledons of Glycine max (L.) Merrill. Excised cotyledons were injected with carrier-free 14C compounds and incubated in sealed vials containing a CO2 trap. The free and protein amino acids were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography and arginine-specific enzyme-linked assays. After 4 hours, 75% and 90% of the 14C metabolized from [guanidino-14C]arginine and [U-14C]arginine, respectively, was in protein arginine. The net protein arginine accumulation rate, calculated from the depletion of nitrogenous solutes in the cotyledon during incubation, was 17 nanomoles per cotyledon per hour. The data indicated that arginine was also catabolized by the arginase-urease reactions at a rate of 5.5 nanomoles per cotyledon per hour. Between 2 and 4 hours 14CO2 was also evolved from carbons other than C-6 of arginine at a rate of 11.0 nanomoles per cotyledon per hour. It is suggested that this extra 14CO2 was evolved during the catabolism of ornithine-derived glutamate; 14C-ornithine was a product of the arginase reaction. A model for the estimated fluxes associated with arginine utilization in developing soybean cotyledons is presented.  相似文献   

Ruchti, M. and Widmer, F. 1986. Isocitrate lyase from germinatingsoybean cotyledons: purification and characterization.—J.exp. Bot. 37: 1685–1690. Isocitrate lyase (E.C. [EC] ) was purified from the cotyledonsof 7-d-old soybean seedlings. Three molecular forms were detectedwith pi values of 6·46, 6·25 and 6·0. Themain form (pl = 6·46) had an approximate Mr of 130000,a pH optimum of 8·0, a Km (isocitrate) close to 2·0mol m–3 and a molecular activity of 615 min –1 at25 °C. The purified enzyme is not a glycoprotein and isheat labile. Key words: Isocitrate lyase, soybean  相似文献   

The nuclear dry mass and area of epidermal cells of senescingsoybean cotyledons were measured with an interference microscopeand found to decrease until cotyledon abscission. Decapitationafter germination prevented yellowing and abscission of cotyledonsand the decrease of both nuclear dry mass and area. The meansof nuclear dry mass and area for normal and decapitated cotyledonswere highly correlated in two experiments, r=0.0.76 and 0.90respectively.  相似文献   

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