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Woo HJ 《Biophysical chemistry》2007,125(1):127-137
Muscle contractions are driven by cyclic conformational changes of myosin, whose molecular mechanisms of operation are being elucidated by recent advances in crystallographic studies and single molecule experiments. To complement such structural studies and consider the energetics of the conformational changes of myosin head, umbrella sampling molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed with the all-atom model of the scallop myosin sub-fragment 1 (S1) with a bound ATP in solution in explicit water using the crystallographic near-rigor and transition state conformations as two references. The constraints on RMSD reaction coordinates used for the umbrella sampling were found to steer the conformational changes efficiently, and relatively close correlations have been observed between the set of characteristic structural changes including the lever arm rotation and the closing of the nucleotide binding pocket. The lever arm angle and key residue interaction distances in the nucleotide binding pocket and the relay helix show gradual changes along the recovery stroke reaction coordinate, consistent with previous crystallographic and computational minimum energy studies. Thermal fluctuations, however, appear to make the switch-2 coordination of ATP more flexible than suggested by crystal structures. The local solvation environment of the fluorescence probe, Trp 507 (scallop numbering), also appears highly mobile in the presence of thermal fluctuations.  相似文献   

A monomeric myosin VI with a large working stroke   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Myosin VI is involved in a wide variety of intracellular processes such as endocytosis, secretion and cell migration. Unlike almost all other myosins so far studied, it moves towards the minus end of actin filaments and is therefore likely to have unique cellular properties. However, its mechanism of force production and movement is not understood. Under our experimental conditions, both expressed full-length and native myosin VI are monomeric. Electron microscopy using negative staining revealed that the addition of ATP induces a large conformational change in the neck/tail region of the expressed molecule. Using an optical tweezers-based force transducer we found that expressed myosin VI is nonprocessive and produces a large working stroke of 18 nm. Since the neck region of myosin VI is short (it contains only a single IQ motif), it is difficult to reconcile the 18 nm working stroke with the classical 'lever arm mechanism', unless other structures in the molecule contribute to the effective lever. A possible model to explain the large working stroke of myosin VI is presented.  相似文献   

There is a long-running debate on the working mechanism of myosin molecular motors, which, by interacting with actin filaments, convert the chemical energy of ATP into a variety of mechanical work. After the development of technologies for observing and manipulating individual working molecules, experimental results negating the widely accepted 'lever-arm hypothesis' have been reported. In this paper, based on the experimental results so far accumulated, an alternative hypothesis is proposed, in which motor molecules are modelled as electromechanical components that interact with each other through electrostatic force. Electrostatic attractive force between myosin and actin is assumed to cause a conformational change in the myosin head during the attachment process. An elastic energy resulting from the conformational change then produces the power stroke. The energy released at the ATP hydrolysis is mainly used to detach the myosin head from actin filaments. The mechanism presented in this paper is compatible with the experimental results contradictory to the previous theories. It also explains the behavior of myosins V and VI, which are engaged in cellular transport and move processively along actin filaments.  相似文献   

We have determined the microrheological response of the actin meshwork for individual cells. We applied oscillating forces with an optical tweezer to a micrometric bead specifically bound to the actin meshwork of C2 myoblasts, and measured the amplitude and phase shift of the induced cell deformation. For a non-perturbed single cell, we have shown that the elastic and loss moduli G and G behave as power laws f and f of the frequency f (0.01<f <50 Hz), and being in the range 0.15–0.35. This demonstrates that the dissipation mechanisms in a single cell involve a broad and continuous distribution of relaxation times. After adding blebbistatin, an inhibitor of myosin II activity, the exponent of G decreases to about 0.10, and G becomes roughly constant for 0.01<f<10 Hz. The actin meshwork appears less rigid and less dissipative than in the control experiment. This is consistent with an inhibition of ATPase and reduction of the gliding mobility of myosin II on actin filaments. In this frequency range, the actomyosin activity appears as an essential mechanism allowing the cell to adapt to an external mechanical stress.  相似文献   

The folding dynamics of riboswitches are central to their ability to modulate gene expression in response to environmental cues. In most cases, a structural competition between the formation of a ligand-binding aptamer and an expression platform (or some other competing off-state) determines the regulatory outcome. Here, we review single-molecule studies of riboswitch folding and function, predominantly carried out using single-molecule FRET or optical trapping approaches. Recent results have supplied new insights into riboswitch folding energy landscapes, the mechanisms of ligand binding, the roles played by divalent ions, the applicability of hierarchical folding models, and kinetic vs. thermodynamic control schemes. We anticipate that future work, based on improved data sets and potentially combining multiple experimental techniques, will enable the development of more complete models for complex RNA folding processes. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Riboswitches.  相似文献   

A new approach for optically sequencing ensembles of single DNA molecules using DNA polymerase to mediate the consecutive incorporation of fluorochrome-labeled nucleotides into an array of large single DNA molecules is presented. The approach utilizes cycles of labeled fluorochrome addition, detection to count incorporations, and bleaching to reset the counter. These additions are imaged and analyzed to estimate the number of labeled additions and to correlate them on a per-locus basis along DNA backbones. Initial studies used precisely labeled polymerase chain reaction products to aid the development and validation of simple models of fluorochrome point spread functions within the imaging system. In complementary studies, nucleotides labeled with the fluorochrome R110 were incorporated into surface-elongated lambda DNA, and fluorescent signals corresponding to the addition of R110-dUTP were counted and assigned precise loci along DNA backbones. The labeled DNAs were then subjected to photobleaching and to a second cycle of addition of R110-labeled nucleotides-a second round of additions was correlated with the first to establish strings of addition histories among the ensemble of largely double-stranded templates. These results confirm the basic operational validity of this approach and point the way to the development of a practical system for optical sequencing.  相似文献   

The recovery stroke is a key step in the functional cycle of muscle motor protein myosin, during which pre-recovery conformation of the protein is changed into the active post-recovery conformation, ready to exersice force. We study the microscopic details of this transition using molecular dynamics simulations of atomistic models in implicit and explicit solvent. In more than 2 μs of aggregate simulation time, we uncover evidence that the recovery stroke is a two-step process consisting of two stages separated by a time delay. In our simulations, we directly observe the first stage at which switch II loop closes in the presence of adenosine triphosphate at the nucleotide binding site. The resulting configuration of the nucleotide binding site is identical to that detected experimentally. Distribution of inter-residue distances measured in the force generating region of myosin is in good agreement with the experimental data. The second stage of the recovery stroke structural transition, rotation of the converter domain, was not observed in our simulations. Apparently it occurs on a longer time scale. We suggest that the two parts of the recovery stroke need to be studied using separate computational models.  相似文献   

During the recovery stroke, the myosin motor is primed for the next power stroke by a 60° rotation of its lever arm. This reversible motion is coupled to the activation of the ATPase function of myosin through conformational changes along the relay helix, which runs from the Switch-2 loop near the ATP to the converter domain carrying the lever arm. Via a hydrogen bond between the side-chain of Asn475 on the relay helix and the Gly457/Ser456 peptide group on the Switch-2, the rotation of the converter domain is coupled to the formation of a hydrogen bond between Gly457 and γ-phosphate that is essential for ATP hydrolysis. Here, molecular dynamics simulations of Dictyostelium discoideum myosin II in the two end conformations of the recovery stroke with different nucleotide states (ATP, ADP·Pi, ADP) reveal that the side-chain of Asn475 breaks away from Switch-2 upon ATP hydrolysis to make a hydrogen bond with Tyr573. This sensing of the nucleotide state is achieved by a small displacement of the cleaved γ-phosphate towards Gly457 which in turn pushes Asn475 away. The sensing plays a dual role by (i) preventing the wasteful reversal of the recovery stroke while the nucleotide is in the ADP·Pi state, and (ii) decoupling the relay helix from Switch-2, thus allowing the power stroke to start upon initial binding to actin while Gly457 of Switch-2 keeps interacting with the Pi (known to be released only later after tight actin binding). A catalytically important salt bridge between Arg238 (on Switch-1) and Glu459 (on Switch-2), which covers the hydrolysis site, is seen to form rapidly when ATP is added to the pre-recovery stroke conformer and remains stable after the recovery stroke, indicating that it has a role in shaping the ATP binding site by induced fit.  相似文献   

To understand molecular adaptation for locomotion at different environmental temperatures, we have studied the myosin heavy chain genes as these encode the molecular motors involved. For this purpose, cDNA libraries from white (fast) and red (slow) myotomal muscle of an Antarctic and a tropical fish were constructed and from these different myosin heavy chain cDNAs were isolated. Northern and in situ hybridisation confirmed in which type of muscle these isoform genes are expressed. The cDNAs were sequenced and the structure of the ATPase sites compared. There was a marked similarity between the tropical fast myosin and the Antarctic slow myosin in the loop 1 region, which has similar amino acid side chains, charge distribution and conformation. These findings help to explain why the myofibrils isolated from white muscle of tropical fish show a lower specific ATPase activity than the white muscle of Antarctic fish but a similar activity to the Antarctic red (slow) muscle. It also provides insight into the way molecular motors in Antarctic fish have evolved to produce more power and thus ensure effective swimming at near zero temperatures by the substitution or addition of a few residues in strategic regions, which include the ATPase site.  相似文献   

Baumketner A 《Proteins》2012,80(6):1569-1581
Myosin motor protein exists in two alternative conformations, prerecovery state M* and postrecovery state M**, on adenosine triphosphate binding. The details of the M*-to-M** transition, known as the recovery stroke to reflect its role as the functional opposite of the force-generating power stroke, remain elusive. The defining feature of the postrecovery state is a kink in the relay helix, a key part of the protein involved in force generation. In this article, we determine the interactions that are responsible for the appearance of the kink. We design a series of computational models that contain three other segments, relay loop, converter domain, and Src homology 1 (SH1) domain helix, with which relay helix interacts and determine their structure in accurate replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent. By conducting an exhaustive combinatorial search among different models, we find that: (1) the converter domain must be attached to the relay helix during the transition, so it does not interfere with other parts of the protein and (2) the structure of the relay helix is controlled by SH1 helix. The kink is strongly coupled to the position of SH1 helix. It arises as a result of direct interactions between SH1 and the relay helix and leads to a rotation of the C-terminal part of the relay helix, which is subsequently transmitted to the converter domain.  相似文献   

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