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Summary Anthers ofNicotiana tabacum var. Badischer Burley contain endogenous auxins, one of these was identified as indoleacetic acid. At the developmental stage shortly after the first pollen mitosis the anthers contain equivalents of 0.1 mg IAA per kg fresh weight. This endogenous auxin level is maintained during the eight-day preculture of the anthers prior to isolated pollen culture. However, in anthers of short-day plants, which are characterized by a high proportion of embryogenic pollen at the end of preculture (Heberle-Bors andReinert 1979), an increase of the auxin level till the fourth day of culture is detectable.Preculture of anthers in the presence of an inhibitor of auxin synthesis (7-azaindole) and an antiauxin (-(o-chlorophenoxy)-isobutyric acid) results in enhanced plantlet yield by pollen cultures. The significance of these observations for androgenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of the stage of pollen development and of the growth conditions of donor plants on the performance of cultures of isolated pollen fromNicotiana tabacum, var. Badischer Burley has been studied. The method described includes cold treatment (4–5 °C for 3 days) and a pre-culture of the anthers for 7 days at 24 °C before the pollen is isolated. With this system reproducible results were obtained with pollen at the early binucleate stage collected from plants 11–13 weeks old. Another prerequisite for reproducibility is that the donor plants must have been grown for eight weeks in soil with an additional supply of mineral salts. Furthermore, the production of haploids by these pollen cultures was strongly influenced by the photoperiodic and temperature regime experienced by the donor plants; it was best (0.07%) with pollen from short-day plants (8 hours light per day at 18 °C) and rather weak (0.015%) with pollen from long-day plants (16 hours light per day at 24 °C). In contrast to other reports, haploid production from anther cultures was not influenced by the photoperiod or temperature.Cytological studies undertaken at the end of the pre-culture period showed that there were no differences in the percentage of potential embryos for the stages of the late uninucleate, 1. pollen mitosis and early binucleate pollen of long-day plants (1.5%). This value was considerably higher with pollen from short-day plants (7–9%), indicating that short-day conditions at 18 °C of the donor plants are favourable for the induction of androgenesis. However, only the potential embryos formed by the pollen at the initial binucleate stage were able to continue androgenetic development after isolation.  相似文献   

M. Horner  R. L. Mott 《Planta》1979,147(2):156-158
The numbers of embryogenic (S) grains present in in-situ mature anthers of Nicotiana tabacum L. were compared to the numbers of embryos and plantlets produced in cultured anthers excised at the optimal mitotic stage of development for anther culture. The Feulgen technique of staining embryos caused a considerable loss of grains from cultured anthers but this did not seriously affect the determination of the percentage of embryos present. In no instance did the numbers of embryos produced exceed the maximum number of S grains found, and the distributions of S grain and embryo frequencies in anthers were similar. In rare instances S grains which had undergone the first embryogenic division were observed in situ. The results indicate that all grains capable of embryogenesis are determined during early flower formation and that their number is not increased by in vitro culture.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of sperm cells and their association with the vegetative nucleus in pollen tubes ofNicotiana tabacum grown in styles were observed with the electron microscope, demonstrating the existence of a male germ unit. The two sperm cells are arranged in tandem and are closely associated with the vegetative nucleus, which always takes the lead. The leading sperm cell (SC 1) has a long and narrow cytoplasmic projection which lies within the enclaves of the much lobed vegetative nucleus, thus forming a physical association. The trailing sperm cell (SC 2) and the SC 1 are not only joined by a common transverse cell wall but also are surrounded by a periplasm bounded by the plasma membrane of the sperm cells and that of the vegetative cell, thus forming a structural connection. The sperm cells are elongated, with cytoplasmic projections at the anterior end of the SC 1 and at both ends of the SC 2. The cytoplasm of both sperm cells includes mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosomes, ribosomes, small vacuoles and axially oriented microtubules. No plastids were observed.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-diamino-2-phenylindole - MGU male germ unit - MT microtubule - SC 1 the leading sperm cell physically associated with the vegetative nucleus - SC 2 the trailing sperm cell  相似文献   

Summary The monoclonal antibodies JIM 5 (against unesterified pectin), JIM 7 (against methyl esterified pectin), MAC 207 (against arabinogalactan proteins, AGPs), and JIM 8 (against a subset of AGPs) were utilized singly or in combinations for immunogold labelling of germinated pollen grains and pollen tubes ofNicotiana tabacum. Pectins were localized in the inline of pollen grain, unesterified pectin being more abundant than the esterified one. AGPs were co-localized with pectin in the inline, but were present preferably close to the plasma membrane. In pollen tubes, AGPs, unesterified and esterified pectins were co-localized in the outer and middle layers of the cell wall. The density of the epitopes was not uniform along the length of the pollen tube, but showed alterations. In the pollen tube tip wall esterified pectin was abundantly present, but not AGPs. In the cytoplasm esterified pectin and AGPs were detected in Golgi derived vesicles, indicating their role in the pathway of the cell wall precursors. In the cell wall of generative cell only AGPs, but no pectins were localized. The co-localization of pectins and AGPs in the cell wall of pollen grain and pollen tube might play an important role, not only in maintenance of the cell shape, but also in cell-cell interaction during pollen tube growth and development.Abbreviations AGP arabinogalactan protein - BSA bovine serum albumin - GA glutaraldehyde - MAb monoclonal antibody - NGS normal goat serum - PFA paraformaldehyde  相似文献   

Waltraud Rücker 《Protoplasma》1982,113(2):103-109
Summary The influence of a morphactin, chlorflurenol-methylester (CFM), on the growth, the morphogenesis and the isoelectric peroxidase pattern was investigated in both callus cultures (two different tissue culture strains) and multiple bud cultures ofNicotiana tabacum var.Wisconsin. CFM (range of concentration between 10–6g/ml and 10–4g/ml) was applied singly, or in combination with a cytokinin, benzylaminopurine (BAP), or with an auxin, indoleacetic acid (IAA), or with IAA plus BAP.In general, the callus growth was inhibited under the influence of CFM. In some of the experiments carried out in hormone-free media, growth stimulation was observed. Even minimal inhibition or stimulation of the callus growth was always accompanied by characteristic changes in the peroxidase patterns.The following results show the influence of the morphactin CFM on cytokinin effects (endogenous cytokinin or equally the exogenously applied cytokinin, BAP). (1) In the multiple bud cultures, BAP and CFM (both substances combined with IAA) similarly caused inhibition of root formation and stimulation of bud formation. The bands in the peroxidase patterns, characteristic of cytokinin action, were accentuated also of those bud cultures which had been treated with BAP or with CFM. (2) In the callus cultures, the cytokinin characteristics appeared under CFM influence in the peroxidase patterns of one of the tissue culture strains only when CFM was applied in combination with BAP and not in combinations of CFM with IAA.The observed morphactin-induced increase in the cytokinin effects could occur via changes in the hormone level of the tissue.  相似文献   

A. Rashid  J. Reinert 《Protoplasma》1981,106(1-2):137-144
Summary Embryogenic pollen were selectively isolated from buds after cold treatment at 10 °C for 10 days; it was immaterial whether the buds were taken from short day and low temperature (SD and LT; 8 hours light, 18 °C) or long day and high temperature (LD and HT; 16 hours light, 24 °C) plants. However, in buds from SD and LT plants the differentiation of embryogenic pollen could be detected as early as 7 days after the cold treatment, and pollen from these plants formed embryos at higher frequency (up to 4% of cultured pollen) than those from LD and HT plants (up to 1% only).The embryogenic pollen, in isolated buds, differentiated by way of pollen dimorphism. During cold treatment a fraction of pollen remained small, retained clear cytoplasm and was capable of embryogenesis in comparison to gametophytic pollen which enlarged and acquired granular cytoplasm. In our experiments cold treatment was a key factor in the induction of pollen dimorphism. This aspect of cold treatment in pollen embryogenesis is reported for the first time and was possible on the basis of selection of embryogenic pollen by density gradient centrifugation. The ratio of embryogenic pollen was about one fifth of the total population.The nutritional requirements of isolated pollen for embryogenesis were rather simple. These pollen formed embryos which readily developed into plantlets on a mineral medium supplemented with sucrose provided the pH was 6.8.  相似文献   

Plant transformation by particle bombardment of embryogenic pollen   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Direct delivery of DNA into embryogenic pollen was used to produce transgenic plants in tobacco. A plasmid bearing the ß-glucuronidase (GUS) marker gene in fusion with the 35S-promoter was introduced by microprojectile bombardment into mid-binucleate pollen of Nicotiana tabacum that had been induced to form embryos by a starvation treatment. In cytochemical expression assays, 5 out of 104 pollen grains were GUS+. Visual selection by staining with a non-lethal substrate for GUS was used to manually isolate transformed embryos. From the initial population of embryogenic GUS+ pollen, 1–5% developed into multicellular structures and 0.02% formed regenerable embryos. Two haploid transformants were regenerated. GUS expression was detected in different parts of the plants, and Southern analysis confirmed stable integration of the foreign DNA. Diploidisation was induced by injection of colchicine into the stem near adventitious buds. Offspring from selfings and backcrosses of one transformant were tested for GUS expression and by Southern blots. All F1-plants were transgenic, in accordance with Mendelian inheritance.Abbreviations GUS ß-glucuronidase - CaMV Cauliflower Mosaic Virus - MCS multicellular structure - NPTII neomycin phosphotransferase - PEG polyethylene glycol - X-gluc 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl glucuronide - DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - Tris Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane hydrochloride - EDTA ethylenedinitrilo tetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate  相似文献   

In this study, polyclonal anti-myosin antibodies were used for immunogold labeling of ultrathin sections of pollen tubes ofNicotiana tabacum L. to unravel the ultrastructural localization of myosin associated with the generative cells. Clusters of immunogold particles were consistently found in association with the area of the outer surface of the vegetative cell plasma membrane present around the generative cell. Compared to the generative cell cytoplasm, the nucleoplasm showed higher numbers of gold particles. This is the first direct evidence demonstrating the presence of myosin in the nuclei of the generative cell of flowering plants. The possible implications of these findings are discussed in relation to movement of the generative cell in the pollen tube cytoplasm.  相似文献   

A. Rashid  J. Reinert 《Protoplasma》1980,105(1-2):161-167
Summary By using density gradient centrifugation, employing 55% percoll and 4% sucrose as suspension medium, it is possible to select embryogenic pollen from buds after cold treatment at 10 °C for 8 or more days. These buds at the uninucleate stage of pollen were collected from plants grown in 8 hours photocycles at 18 °C and supplied with mineral salts. The embryogenic pollen are small, starch-free with a clear cytoplasm whereas large starch-filled ones are nonembryogenic. The embryogenic pollen regularly form embryos at a frequency of 2% on a mineral medium supplemented with glutamine, asparagine and sucrose at pH 6.5.These results demonstrate, for the first time, that it is possible to have embryos in appreciable frequencies in ab initio pollen cultures raised from cold treated anthers.On leave from University of Delhi.  相似文献   

This research is part of an attempt to establish an in vitro fertilization system in tobacco to aid in understanding mechanisms of fertilization. Fusions of isolated male and female gametes were induced in a polyethylene glycol solution. Fusion appears similar to that in maize. One nuclear division of both an unfertilized egg cell and a synergid was induced in KM8p medium with 1 mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in a microchamber culture; one cellular division of the egg cell was also induced in the same medium in solid-drop culture. The osmolality of suspension culture feeder cells was critical for the development of these cells. These results indicate that in vitro fertilization is possible in tobacco, which would be the first such system in dicots.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - PEG Polyethylene glycol  相似文献   

Summary Tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.) of four varieties (Badischer Burley, White Burley, Techne, Kupchunos) were raised at different temperatures and daylengths and the effect of genotype on embryogenic pollen grain formation in situ and on pollen plant formation in anther and pollen cultures from these plants was studied. Genotype controlled embryogenic pollen grain and pollen plant formation by defining productivity under standard growth conditions (long days at 24 °C). Kupchunos was the most productive variety, followed by White Burley, Techne, and Badischer Burley. Furthermore, genotype defined which environmental factor was able to affect embryogenic pollen grain and pollen plant formation and also to which degree. In anther cultures, in addition to these effects, genotype controlled the formation of (an) inhibitory substance(s) in the anther wall in interaction with the plant growth conditions. In Badischer Burley and Techne, inhibitor action could be prevented by isolation of the pollen after one week of anther culture. Finally, direct pollen cultures in Badischer Burley and Techne produced embryos were only when the pollen was isolated from nearly mature anthers, while in White Burley and Kupchunos, embryos also produced at earlier stages and at higher yields. This indicated that genotype controls the time when the embryogenic pollen grains become ready to divide. The results are discussed in relation to strategies to overcome recalcitrance of species and genotypes.  相似文献   

E. Heberle-Bors  J. Reinert 《Protoplasma》1981,109(3-4):249-255
Summary The effect of daylenght and temperature for the donor plants (Nicotiana tabacum var. Badischer Burley) on the formation of pollen competent for embryogenesis (P-pollen) by the three possible routes (during normal flower developmentin situ (pollen dimorphism), during cold-treatment of excised flower buds, in cultured anthers) was studied. In all three routes, P-pollen frequency (premitotic pollen, before 1. sporophytic division, PPF) was affected in essentially the same way. At 24 °C and long days, PPF was low and short days had only a slightly increasing effect. At 18 °C and long days, PPF was higher and short days further increased it. Correlated with PPF under the different growth regimes was the percentage of units with more than one vegetative-type nucleus (normal embryos + abortive embryos + multinucleate pollen) in 3 weeks old anther cultures. Under greenhouse conditions, PPF was generally higher than at 24° in growth rooms and showed a maximum in the winter months. Plant age did not affect PPF. These results give further evidence that pollen embryogenesis is predetermined before excision and culture of the pollen or anthers.  相似文献   

The isolation of male and female gametes is a precondition for the micromanipulation of flowering plant gametes. To reflect their condition at fertilization, isolated gametes need to be physiologically mature and vigorous. Sperm cells are isolated from pollen tubes grown on cut styles using the in vivo/in vitro technique. Embryo sacs are isolated 2 days after anthesis using brief treatments of minimal concentrations of cell-wall-digesting enzymes on ovules of emasculated flowers. Egg cells are then mechanically separated from the embryo sac, allowing unambiguous identification of cells. Two days is usually the minimum required for the pollen tube to penetrate the ovule and effect fertilization in vivo.  相似文献   

Variations in polyamines, proteins and RNA during in vivo gametogenesis and in vitro androgenesis in Datura innoxia and in Nicotiana tabacum were studied. Spermidine was the major polyamine during gametogenesis in both species. Marked differences in proteins, RNA and polyamines were evident during meiosis and at the first haploid mitosis. In Nicotiana an unknown amine (X60) appears at the beginning of the first haploid mitosis. At the same time a rapid increase in the concentrations of RNA and proteins is observed. In Datura, at the time of the first haploid mitosis there is large increase in amine and RNA levels followed by an arginine peak. During androgenesis, putrescine and spermidine were the major polyamines in both species. In Nicotiana during androgenesis an unknown amine (X81) was observed together with putrescine and spermidine. This unknown compound peaks during the developmental stages of embryogenesis. In Datura androgenic induction was marked by an arginine peak followed by an increase in the putrescine and spermidine levels associated with maximum RNA. These biochemical events are tentatively correlated with structural changes during pollen development. The significance of these results is discussed in relation to the role of polyamines during gametogenesis and androgenesis.  相似文献   

Profilins are actin-binding proteins in eukaryotes which participate in the phosphoinositide pathway via binding to PIP2. Using polyclonal rabbit sera raised against plant profilins, the occurrence of several profilin isoforms is demonstrated in two-dimensionally analyzed tobacco pollen extracts. The cDNAs coding for two novel tobacco profilin isoforms (ntPro2, ntPro3) were isolated from a pollen cDNA library by antibody screening. When the cDNA and deduced amino acid sequences of the two isoforms were compared with a previously isolated tobacco pollen profilin cl)NA (ntPro1), significant differences were noted in the non-coding regions, whereas the coding sequences, in particular the functional domains, showed little variation. The cDNAs coding for the three tobacco profilin isoforms were expressed inEscherichia coli and shown to bind comparably to different anti-profilin antisera. The high degree of similarity among the different tobacco pollen profilin isoforms points to functional equivalence. Assuming that the presence of profilin is indispensable to the control of the large amounts of actin present in pollen, the occurrence of different profilin isoforms in pollen is interpreted to represent a protective mechanism against loss of profilin functions.  相似文献   

Summary We have characterized a 26 000 dalton (26 000 D) protein which accumulates inNicotiana tabacum cuspension cells grown in media containing 10–25 g/l NaCl (7, 11, 17). Antibody was prepared against this protein and used to examine protein accumulation in both suspension cells and whole plants. Western blot analysis revealed that the 26 000 D protein also accumulates in suspension cells grown in the absence of NaCl as they approach stationary phase but the accumulation never reaches the level seen in the salt adapted cells. This protein also accumulates after treatment with other agents which lower the water potential, such as PEG and KCl, but no increase is seen after nonosmotic stresses such as heat shock and growth in cadmium chloride. The 26 000 D protein is found not only in whole tobacco plants but also in other members of the Solanaceae that were tested, as well as in alfalfa and green beans. The accumulation of the protein seems to be tissue specific as there is considerably more accumulation in roots than in stems or leaves of greenhouse grown plants. We have been unable to correlate accumlation of the 26 000 D protein with salt in wild tomato species but have demonstrated an increase in the accumulation of this protein with salt stress in hydroponically grown tomato plants. These results lead to speculation as to the role of this protein in responding to lowered water potential in the whole plant.  相似文献   

We studied the dynamics of mobile potassium, chloride, and nitrate ions during development of the microspore and differentiation of the pollen grain inNicotiana tabacum L. by measuring their concentration in aqueous extracts from cells destroyed by freezing-thawing using ion-selective electrodes. Stage-specific changes in the ion content and intracellular concentration in the male gametophyte were found. A relationship of the dynamics of ions to growth processes and changes in metabolic activity during gametophytogenesis has been discussed. The changes in the potassium and chloride ion concentrations have been interpreted as regulatory changes controlling protein synthesis in the pollen grain vegetative cell. Deceased.  相似文献   

Rashid  A.  Reinert  J. 《Protoplasma》1981,109(3-4):285-294
Summary InNicotiana cold treatment causes differentiation of embryogenic pollen. This differentiation initiates on the plant and is completed in culture. Differentiation on the plant results in pollen dimorphism and differentiation in culture leads to pollen embryogenesis. An increased number of pollen capable of embryogenesis is possible on plants induced to flower in short days and low temperature (8 hours light, 18 °C). These embryogenic pollen on selective isolation, from buds at a petal length of 3.4±0.1 cm, fail to form embryos but do so in the cultures which receive cold treatment at 10 °C for 10 days. To some extent the differentiation of embryogenic pollen can be completed on plants induced to flower at 15 °C and embryogenic pollen from such plants form embryos at a low frequency which can be substantially increased on giving the cultures a cold treatment. The frequency of embryogenesis is higher in cultures of 15 °C plants than those of 18 °C plants. Low temperature requirements at two stages—to the plant and to the culture—are essential and complimentary for embryogenesis inab initio pollen cultures.Cold treatment causes repression of gametophytic differentiation and this results in the differentiation of embryogenic potential. The embryogenic pollen, unlike gametophytic pollen, are not fully differentiated structures. They are unable to divide and form embryos in presence of metabolic inhibitors such as actinomycin-D and cycloheximide.  相似文献   

Tobacco plants ( Nicotiana tabacum L., var. Badischer Burley) were treated with chemicals (sprays and soil drenches) known to affect sex expression in other species. Their effect was tested on sex balance, pollen sterility, embryogenic pollen grain (P-grain) formation in situ, and on pollen plant formation in anther and pollen cultures after anther preculture. Napthalene acetic acid (NAA) increased the length of pistils and stamens and shifted sex balance towards femaleness when the plants were raised in long or short days at 24 or 15°C. In parallel, pollen sterility, P-grain frequency in situ and pollen plant production from anther and pollen cultures were increased by NAA. Alar 85 redueed the length of pistils and stamens and shifted sex balance towards femaleness when the plants were raised in long days at 24°C, but shifted it towards maleness in short days and/or at 15°C. In parallel, pollen sterility, P-grain frequency in situ, and pollen plant production in vitro were increased when plants in long days at 24°C were treated with Alar 85, but decreased when plants in short days and/or at 15°C were treated. Ethrel, Cycocel, and GA3 applied in a similar manner, were ineffective. Water sprays and nitrogen starvation shifted sex balance towards femaleness in long days at 15°C and increased pollen sterility, P-grain frequency in situ and pollen plant production in vitro. At 24°C, water sprays and nitrogen starvation had no effect.  相似文献   

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