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The maturation of pre-rRNA (precursor to rRNA)in liver nuclei is studied by agar/ureagel electrophoresis, kinetics of labelling in vivo with [14C] orotate and electron-microscopic observation of secondary structure of RNA molecules. (1) Processing starts from primary pre-rRNA molecules with average mol. wt. 4.6X10(6)(45S) containing the segments of both 28S and 18S rRNA. These molecules form a heterogeneous peak on electrophoresis. The 28S rRNA segment is homogeneous in its secondary structure. However, the large transcribed spacer segment (presumably at the 5'-end) is heterogeneous in size and secondary structure. A minor early labelled RNA component with mol.wt. about 5.8X10(6) is reproducibly found, but its role as a pre-rRNA species remains to be determined. (2) The following intermediate pre-rRNA species are identified: 3.25X10(6) mol.wt.(41S), a precursor common to both mature rRNA species ; 2.60X10(6)(36S) and 2.15X10(6)(32S) precursors to 28S rRNA; 1.05X10(6) (21S) precursor to 18S rRNA. The pre-rRNA molecules in rat liver are identical in size and secondary structure with those observed in other mammalian cells. These results suggest that the endonuclease-cleavage sites along the pre-rRNA chain are identical in all mammalian cells. (3) Labelling kinetics and the simultaneous existence of both 36S and 21S pre-rRNA reveal that processing of primary pre-rRNA in adult rat liver occurs simultaneously by at least two major pathways: (i) 45S leads to 41S leads to 32S+21S leads to 28S+18S rRNA and (ii) 45S leads to 41S leads to 36S+18S leads to 32S leads to 28S rRNA. The two pathways differ by the temporal sequence of endonuclease attack along the 41 S pre-rRNA chain. A minor fraction (mol.wt.2.9X10(6), 39S) is identified as most likely originating by a direct split of 28S rRNA from 45S pre-rRNA. These results show that in liver considerable flexibility exists in the order of cleavage of pre-rRNA molecules during processing.  相似文献   

Methylation of 45 s ribosomal RNA precursor in HeLa cells   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  

1. The loss of nucleic acids and protein from isolated HeLa-cell nuclei was studied. During 4hr. incubation at 37 degrees DNA was conserved, but appreciable amounts of RNA and protein were lost. 2. Two classes of nuclear RNA were distinguished: at least 75% of the RNA was lost from the nuclei relatively slowly through degradation to acid-soluble fragments; the rest of the RNA was lost much more rapidly, not only through degradation to acid-soluble fragments but also through diffusion of RNA out of the nuclei into the incubation medium. 3. The RNA that was preferentially lost was the fraction of nuclear RNA that was rapidly labelled when intact HeLa cells were grown in a medium containing radioactive precursors of RNA. 4. The RNA appearing in the incubation medium was apparently partially degraded and had a sedimentation coefficient of about that of transfer RNA. 5. Both the degradation of RNA and the loss of RNA from the nuclei were sensitive to bivalent cations. Low concentrations of Mg(2+) and Mn(2+) greatly increased the rate of degradation of the rapidly labelled RNA to acid-soluble fragments, and produced a corresponding decrease in the amount of RNA diffusing into the medium. At higher concentrations they suppressed both degradation and diffusion of RNA. The cations Ca(2+), Cu(2+), Zn(2+) and Ni(2+) all progressively inhibited both forms of loss of RNA. 6. Salts of univalent cations produced appreciable effects only at ionic strengths of about 0.2, when degradation to acid-soluble fragments was preferentially inhibited. 7. Both ADP and ATP inhibited loss of RNA at about 30mm. 8. It was concluded that the diffusion of rapidly labelled RNA out of the isolated nuclei was not related to the movement of RNA from nucleus to cytoplasm in vivo, but reflected the ease with which the rapidly labelled RNA detached from the chromatin and the permeability of the membranes of isolated nuclei.  相似文献   

The rRNA species from the total cytoplasmic, free and membrane-bound fractions of HeLa cells were compared. With the use of T1 ribonuclease and combined T1 ribonuclease plus pancreatic ribonuclease 'fingerprinting' procedures, no significant differences were found between the rRNA species from the different subcellular fractions.  相似文献   

RNA synthesis has been studied in isolated nuclei of HeLa cells. The incubation medium has been optimized for RNA synthesis and the requirements for the presence of specific components previously used by other investigators has been examined. Nuclei isolated by centrifugation through 2 M sucrose synthesize RNA linearly for at least 1 h only at low temperature (25 degrees C). Low molecular weight RNA is found in the supernatant fraction after incubation; this RNA accounts for about 10% of the RNA synthesized. The RNA which remains within nuclei is of high molecular weight and processing of this RNA into molecules of the size of cytoplasmic mRNA does not seem to occur in isolated nuclei. We have studied the effect of an inhibitor of protein-nucleic acid interaction - aurintricarboxylic acid - on RNA synthesis by isolated nuclei. At concentrations below 0.1 mM, this drug does not inhibit RNA synthesis effectively, whereas at concentrations above 0.1 mM it inhibits RNA synthesis by about 80%. In view of the proposed mechanism of action of aurintricarboxylic acid, we suggest that completion of nucleotide chains initiated before nuclei isolation accounts for 20% of the RNA synthesized in our system by isolated nuclei, whereas nucleotide chains initiated during the in vitro incubation account for 80% of the RNA synthesized.  相似文献   

HeLa cell “5.8 S” ribosomal RNA was digested with T1 ribonuclease and the digestion products were characterized. In particular several hexa-, or larger, oligonucleotides were well fractionated by T1 ribonuclease plus alkaline phosphatase fingerprints. The sequences of these large products were determined. The same large products were identified in fingerprints of “native” 28 S RNA, that is, 28 S RNA to which 5.8 S RNA is attached. The products were demonstrably absent in fingerprints of heat-denatured 28 S RNA, which lacks the 5.8 S fragment. The oligonucleotides were present in fingerprints of 32 S RNA, whether previously heated or not. One of the largest 5.8 S oligonucleotides contains an alkali-stable (2′-O-methylated) dinucleotide, Gm-C. This product was identified in fingerprints of methyl-labelled 45 S RNA. These findings prove that the 5.8 S ribosomal sequence is present within HeLa cell ribosomal precursor RNA. In addition to the methylated nucleotide, two pseudouridylate residues were discovered in HeLa cell 5.8 S RNA.  相似文献   

Isolated HeLa cell nuclei are capable of synthesizing 5S and pre-4S RNA. The labeling of these low molecular weight species has been compared with the labeling of nucleolar RNA and nuclear heterogeneous RNA. The 5S and pre-4S RNA molecules made in vitro were identified by their mobility on SDS acrylamide gels and by the sensitivity of pre-4S RNA to enzymes which cleave it in vitro to 4S RNA. Their mobilities and cleavage properties are similar to the RNA made in vivo. Unlike the nuclear heterogeneous RNA, the synthesis of the two small molecular weight RNAs is resistant to α-amanitin.A large proportion of 4S RNA labeled in vitro appears to be formed de novo. The ratio of the terminal uridine to the internal uridine 3′-monophosphate remains constant with time, even though there is linear incorporation into the pre-4S RNA in the isolated nuclei.Production of the nucleolar RNA and pre-4S RNA has been compared in the presence of various ions. The pre-4S RNA synthesis has a sharper maximum for (NH4)SO4 and MgCl2 than does the synthesis of nucleolar RNA. The in vitro synthesis of pre-4S is more sensitive to ellipticine and pCMB than the production of nucleolar RNA. These differences between the production of pre-4S RNA and nucleolar RNA are discussed with respect to in vitro reinitiation and the possibility that different polymerases are involved in their synthesis.  相似文献   

The suggested involvement of ribonuclease II in the maturation of rRNA has been examined directly by determining the activity of the enzyme and the amount of p16S rRNA in cell-free extracts from Escherichia coli A19 and its temperature-sensitive derivative N464 grown under experimental conditions designed to vary the amounts of enzyme and precursor independently. In strain A19 the enzyme showed maximum activity in circumstances where the amount of p16S rRNA was normal (e.g. exponential-phase cells) or raised eight times (e.g. during inhibition of growth by methionine starvation of the relaxed auxotroph or by chloramphenicol or puromycin treatment). In strain N464 at the non-permissive temperature the ribonuclease II activity may be decreased by 50% without effect upon the amount of p16S rRNA, whereas in methionine starvation of this strain the enzyme activity is at a maximum and the p16S rRNA is eight times that in exponential-phase cells. These observations are discussed in relation to the previously implied role of ribonuclease II in the maturation of rRNA within ribosome precursors.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy revealed reproducible secondary structure patterns within partially denatured 16S and 23S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) from Escherichia coli. When prepared with 50% formamide-100 mM ammonium acetate, 16S rRNA included two small hairpins that appeared in over 50% of all molecules. Three open loops were observed with frequencies of less than 25%. In contrast, 23S rRNA included a terminal open loop and two additional large structures in over 75% of all molecules. These secondary structure patterns were conserved in the 16S and 23S rRNA from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The secondary structure of the 30S precursor rRNA from the ribonclease III-deficient E. coli mutant AB105 was mapped after partial denaturation in 70% formamide-100 mM ammonium acetate. Two large open loops were superimposed on the 16S and 23S rRNA secondary structure patterns. These loops were the most frequent structures found on the precursor, and their stems coincided with ribonuclease III cleavage sites. A tentative 5'-3 orientation was determined for the secondary structure patterns of 16S and 23S rRNA from their relative locations within 30S precursor rRNA. The relation of secondary structure to ribosomal protein binding and ribonuclease III cleavage is discussed.  相似文献   

Pre-4S RNA made in isolated HeLa cell nuclei terminates with U   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
L McReynolds  S Penman 《Cell》1974,3(2):185-188
Isolated HeLa cell nuclei are capable of synthesizing a precursor to 4S RNA. The 3′ terminus of the molecule made in vitro can be determined by four separate incubations with the four iritiated ribonucleoside triphosphates. The pre-4S was found to terminate specifically with uridine and be uniformly labeled. These facts are discussed in relation to specific termination of RNA molecules and possible reinitiation of RNA synthesis in isolated nuclei.  相似文献   

The effect of the inhibitor aphidicolin on DNA synthesis in isolated nuclei from HeLa cells and on the activities of partially purified DNA polymerases has been tested. Aphidicolin inhibited DNA synthesis and DNA polymerase alpha very efficiently whereas DNA polymerases beta and gamma were insensitive to the drug. The results indicate that DNA polymerase alpha is the polymerase active during elongation as well as in the gapfilling process of discontinuous DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

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