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A total of 2,605 faecal specimens from children up to 10 years old with or without diarrhoea were collected. Samples were obtained from 1986 to 2000 in hospitals, outpatient clinics and day-care centers in Goiania, Goiás. Two methodologies for viral detection were utilized: a combined enzyme immunoassay for rotavirus and adenovirus and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Results showed 374 (14.4%) faecal specimens positive for Rotavirus A, most of them collected from hospitalized children. A significant detection rate of rotavirus during the period from April to August, dry season in Goiania, and different frequencies of viral detection throughout the years of study were also observed. Rotavirus was significantly related to hospitalization and to diarrhoeal illness in children up to 24 months old. This study reinforces the importance of rotavirus as a cause of diarrhoea in children and may be important in regards to the implementation of rotavirus vaccination strategies in our country.  相似文献   

Major collections of the ultramafic flora of Goiás, central Brazil, were made by Brooks and co-workers in 1988 and 1990. At the time of reports on this material in 1990–1992 much of it had been identified only tentatively and incompletely, but the area was clearly interesting for taxonomic and biogeochemical reasons. Further progress has been made but still only two-thirds of the specimens are identified at the species level. Following a third collection in early 2005, we now have 800 specimens from this area, with chemical analyses of all the plants and of more than 120 representative soil samples. New species have been found, e.g., in Paspalum (Poaceae) and Pterolepis (Melastomataceae). There is a need for more taxonomic work in genera such as Cnidoscolus (Euphorbiaceae), Lippia (Verbenaceae), Turnera and Piriqueta (Turneraceae), and Vellozia (Velloziaceae). Ni hyperaccumulation (>1,000 mg/kg in dry plant matter) has now been found in a total of 79 specimens, representing more than 30 different species. Notable Ni hyperaccumulators include Pfaffia sarcophylla (Amaranthaceae), species of Justicia, Lophostachys and Ruellia (Acanthaceae), Porophyllum (Asteraceae), several species of Lippia (Verbenaceae), Turnera and Piriqueta (Turneraceae), and a possibly new Cnidoscolus (Euphorbiaceae). Ni hyperaccumulation has not been found in plants of the outcrops of Morro Feio or Crominia-Mairipotaba; it seems to be confined to the extensive layered ultramafics of Barro Alto and the Macedo-Niquelandia areas. The distribution of Ni-values in the Brazilian plant collection is different from that found in the Mediterranean and California, where there is a clear distinction between accumulator and non-accumulator plants: in Brazil the distribution is more continuous, and median Ni concentrations are much greater. An ultramafic hill just north of Niquelandia deserves to be protected because of the presence there of many of the hyperaccumulators and species probably endemic to the Goiás ultramafics.  相似文献   

This study sought the characterization of rotaviruses in a trial with a tetravalent rhesus-human rotavirus vaccine in Belém, Brazil in children who received three doses of vaccine or placebo in the 1st, 3rd and 5th months of life. Rotavirus electropherotypes, subgroups, G serotypes, G, [P] and [P], G genotypes were determined in 93.3%, 95.9%, 93.3%, 73.3%, 95.5% and 92.2% of isolates, respectively. Serotypes G1, G2 and G4 were detected in 58.9%, 30% and 4.4% of the cases, respectively. Rotavirus genotype G5 was detected for the first time in Northern region in 4.4% of the infections. Rotavirus genotypes P[8], P[4], P[6] and P[8 + 6] were detected in 54.5%, 26.7%, 12.2%, and 2.2% of the cases, respectively. The predominant genotypes were P[8], G1 and P[4], G2 with 53% and 26.6% of the infections, respectively. Unusual strains accounted for 20.5% including P[4], G1, P[6], G1, P[6], G4, P[6], G5, P[8], G2, P[8], G5. Mixed infections involving P[8 + 6], G2 and P[8 + 6], G1 were also noted. The neonatal P[6] strains associated with diarrhea were detected among children aged 9-24 months. To our knowledge, this study represents the first in Brazil to analyse, on molecular basis, rotavirus genotypes from children participating in a rotavirus vaccine trial. These results are of potential importance regarding future rotavirus vaccination strategies in Brazil.  相似文献   

Cats are important in the epidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii because they are the only hosts that can excrete environmentally resistant oocysts. The prevalence of T. gondii was determined in 58 domestic cats from 51 homes from Santa Isabel do Ivai, Parana State, Brazil where a water-associated outbreak of acute toxoplasmosis had occurred in humans. Antibodies to T. gondii were found with the modified agglutination test in 49 of 58 (84.4%) cats at a serum dilution of 1:20. Tissues (brain, heart, and skeletal muscle) of 54 of these cats were bioassayed in T. gondii-free, laboratory-reared cats; T. gondii oocysts were excreted by 33 cats that were fed feline tissues. Brains from these 54 cats were bioassayed in mice; T. gondii was isolated from 7. Skeletal muscles and hearts of 15 cats were also bioassayed in mice; T. gondii was isolated from skeletal muscles of 9 and hearts of 13. The results indicate that T. gondii localizes in muscle tissue more than the brains of cats. In total there were 37 T. gondii isolates from 54 cats. Most isolates of T. gondii were virulent for mice. Genotyping of the 37 isolates of T. gondii, using the SAG2 locus, revealed that 15 isolates were type I and 22 were type III. The absence of type II genotype in cats in this study is consistent with the previous studies on T. gondii isolates from Brazil and is noteworthy because most T. gondii isolates from the United States are type II. These findings support the view that Brazilian and North American T. gondii isolates are genetically distinct. This is the first report of genotyping of T. gondii isolates from the domestic cat.  相似文献   

A cluster of surgical site infection cases after arthroscopic and laparoscopic procedures occurred between 2005 and 2007 in Goiania, in the central region of Brazil. Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) were isolated from samples (exudates from cutaneous abscesses) from 18 patients of seven private hospitals. There were no reports of post-surgical arthroscopic and laparoscopic mycobacterial infections in Goiania apart from this period. The 18 isolates were identified as Mycobacterium massiliense by PCR-restriction digestion of the hsp65 gene, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) comparisons, and rpoB partial gene sequencing. All isolates were typed as a single clone, indicating that they have the same origin, which suggests a common source of infection for all patients.  相似文献   

Vochysia palmirana is described and illustrated as a new species. It is a member of sect.Vochysiella subsect.Decorticantes. It grows in sandy Cerrados of the Central Brazilian Plateau and is similar toV. sessilifolia. A key to the species ofVochysia sect.Vochysiella subsect.Decorticantes is provided.  相似文献   

Drug resistance is one of the major concerns regarding tuberculosis (TB) infection worldwide because it hampers control of the disease. Understanding the underlying mechanisms responsible for drug resistance development is of the highest importance. To investigate clinical data from drug-resistant TB patients at the Tropical Diseases Hospital, Goiás (GO), Brazil and to evaluate the molecular basis of rifampin (R) and isoniazid (H) resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Drug susceptibility testing was performed on 124 isolates from 100 patients and 24 isolates displayed resistance to R and/or H. Molecular analysis of drug resistance was performed by partial sequencing of the rpoB and katGgenes and analysis of the inhA promoter region. Similarity analysis of isolates was performed by 15 loci mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit-variable number tandem repeat (MIRU-VNTR) typing. The molecular basis of drug resistance among the 24 isolates from 16 patients was confirmed in 18 isolates. Different susceptibility profiles among the isolates from the same individual were observed in five patients; using MIRU-VNTR, we have shown that those isolates were not genetically identical, with differences in one to three loci within the 15 analysed loci. Drug-resistant TB in GO is caused by M. tuberculosis strains with mutations in previously described sites of known genes and some patients harbour a mixed phenotype infection as a consequence of a single infective event; however, further and broader investigations are needed to support our findings.  相似文献   

A new Catasetum species from Brazil,Catasetum confusum, is described and illustrated. This widely cultivated species had been referred previously toCatasetum ornithoides Pabst.  相似文献   

We investigated a possible link between endometriosis and polymorphism of the progesterone receptor gene (PROGINS). The endometriosis group consisted of 54 patients with a diagnosis of endometriosis by laparoscopy, and the control group comprised 44 women without endometriosis. Genotypes for PROGINS polymorphisms (A1/A1, A1/A2 and A2/A2) were determined by polymerase chain reaction and analyzed on a 2% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide. The frequency of polymorphic genotypes (A1/A2 and A2/A2) was significantly higher in patients with endometriosis (33%) than in the control group (16%). We conclude that there is a significant correlation between PROGINS polymorphism and endometriosis.  相似文献   

Velho  L. F. M.  Lansac-Tôha  F. A.  Bonecker  C. C.  Bini  L. M.  Rossa  D. C. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):385-391
The assessment of factors that determine the spatial distribution of zooplankton abundance is a central issue in zooplankton ecology. Since these factors are, in the most cases, spatially autocorrelated, especially in reservoirs, it is frequently difficult to isolate the primary causes that explain the variation in zooplankton abundance. In this paper, the spatial variation of copepods in Corumbá Reservoir (Goiás, Brazil) was studied. Sets of variables were used to model copepod abundance variation: limnology (abiotic variables), phytoplankton and spatial position of sampling sites. The copepod assemblage was composed of Thermocyclops minutus, Thermocyclops decipiens, Mesocyclops longisetus and Notodiaptomus iheringi. Along the reservoir's main axis, abundance increases, albeit not linearly, towards the lacustrine zone. High abundance, similar to that found in the lacustrine region, was also observed in the lateral arms. These patterns were very similar for different years and seasons. Copepods were significantly correlated with phytoplankton and geography. After controlling for the effect of space, the relationship between copepods and phytoplankton was not significant (partial Mantel test). This result indicates that hydrology is the primary process that controls not only the abundance of copepods, but also limnological features and food resources, which are commonly used to explain variations in zooplankton abundance.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2007,70(1-3):79-82
One hundred and sixty-nine fragments of heart muscle collected from goats in the State of Ceará, Brazil, were analyzed by mouse bioassay with the aim of isolating Toxoplasma gondii. Two T. gondii isolates, named G1 and G2, were obtained and were characterized by PCR-RFLP. In addition, their virulence was evaluated by experimental inoculation into BALB/c mice. The G1 isolate presented high virulence leading to 100% mortality of mice after inoculations with 101, 102, and 103 tachyzoites. The G2 isolate presented low virulence and none of the doses tested lead to mortality of mice. The PCR-RFLP analysis showed that the two isolates are recombinants of the types I/III. However, they differ in the haplotype combination for the genotypes analyzed.  相似文献   

Ecological changes from water resources development projects often affect the epidemiology of water-associated diseases. In order to investigate the occurrence and distribution of freshwater snails of medical and veterinary importance in the area of influence of the Serra da Mesa Hydroelectric a survey has been performed since 1997 and revealed the occurrence of well-established populations of Biomphalaria straminea (Dunker, 1848) in the 8 municipalities surrounding the lake. Areas of epidemiologic risk for schistosomiasis were selected and studies of parasite-mollusc compatibility were undertaken using specimens from 19 populations of B. straminea and 3 strains (CM, EC and PB) originally isolated from B. straminea. Among 1,135 specimens used 15 became infected (infection index of 1.3%) and 8 populations were susceptible to the schistosome strains: B. straminea from Campinorte (Castel?o, susceptible to CM and EC strains, and Planeta Agua, EC strain), Colinas (Tocantinzinho river, CM and EC strains), Mina?u (Canabrava river, EC strain), Niquelandia (Codemin, CM and PB strains, and Almas river, CM strain), Urua?u (touristic area, PB strain) and Santa Rita do Novo Destino (Maranh?o river, CM and EC strains). These results, associated with marked social and ecological changes occurred, strongly suggest the possibility of B. straminea coming to act as a vector of schistosomiasis in the studied area.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to show which species of flies are responsible for human myiasis in the Brazilian state of Goiás and to determine the frequency of cases. Patients at the Clinical Hospital of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) were examined, and any fly larvae found in their wounds were collected for taxonomic identification. First instar larvae were observed using light microscopy; second and third instars were examined using stereoscopy. The following screwworm flies were observed, in decreasing order of prevalence: Cochliomyia hominivorax, Sarcodexia lambens, Dermatobia hominis, Chrysomya albiceps, Chrysomya megacephala, Lucilia cuprina, and Eristalis tenax. Myiasis was most frequent in the legs in adults, male patients, elderly people, and people of reproductive age. It was lowest in children, females, and patients with neurologic or psychiatric disorders. Frequency was high in patients living in low socioeconomic conditions with poor personal hygiene. Education and sanitation measures are needed to counteract this situation.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the relationships between rotifers and phytoplankton and rotifers and bacterioplankton in a tropical reservoir. Fourteen stations in the reservoir were sampled, including in its arms and tributaries, in the dry and rainy seasons. The highest rotifer density was found in the dry season, mainly in the upper and intermediary stretches of the reservoir. Brachionus calyciflorus, Polyarthra vulgaris, Keratella tropica, K. cochlearis, K. americana and Pompholyx complanata were the most abundant species. Densities of B. calyciflorus and bacteria were significantly correlated. On the other hand, there was an inverse relationship between P. vulgaris and bacteria. Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) were observed to be associated to K. americana. We suggest that the rotifer populations play a part in microbial and herbivory food webs.  相似文献   

BioControl - Lepidopterans are among the most important groups of pests for crops in central Brazil. Fortunately, there is a significant diversity of natural enemies acting in the natural...  相似文献   

The purpose of this survey was to describe the occurrence of bovine mastitis caused by Prototheca zopfii in Goiás State, Brazil. Samples of milk, environment and udder were taken from a herd of 120 Holstein cows. Sabourauds dextrose agar plates were incubated under aerobic conditions at 37 °C/96 h, for microbiological analysis. Somatic cell count and milk composition were also determined. Histological sections from two udders were stained with HE and PAS. Prototheca zopfii was identified in six cows whose milk had a watery appearance. They also showed a pronounced decrease in milk yield, fat and lactose. Pronounced infiltration of mononuclear cells, atrophy of alveoli and fibrosis were observed. The presence of this agent in other herds in the State is highly likely.  相似文献   

A detailed investigation of the hydrodynamic and aggregation behaviors has been made on the -crystallins of bovine lens. Results from this study indicated that H (high-molecular-weight -crystallin) and L (low-molecular-weight -crystallin) exhibited considerable heterogeneity in their native structures and subunit polypeptides. Low-speed sedimentation equilibrium showed a heterogeneous paucidisperse system in each -crystallin fraction. Viscosity and circular dichroism studies pointed to a compact and globular shape and the presence of -sheet and -turns in these crystallins. Dissociation of H by urea and guanidinium HCl followed by reassociation during gel-filtration chromatography produced an elution pattern with two fractions corresponding to L crystallin and high-molecular-weight aggregates without the formation of native H. By contrast, under similar treatment, about 60% L reassociated into the correct native structure and the rest into high-molecular-weight fractions. Amino acid analyses of H and L and their corresponding subunit polypeptides demonstrated the close similarity of these crystallins. Trace element analyses indicated that both Ca and Mg are present in H and L crystallins and may be involved in maintaining the native quarternary structures of these proteins.  相似文献   

A detailed investigation of hydrodynamic and conformational behavior has been made of the HMα-crystallin and α-crystallins of bovine lens. Results from this study indicated that HMα (high-molecular-weight α-crystallin) and α (low-molecular-weight α-crystallin) possess considerable size and charge heterogeneities in their native structures and subunit polypeptides, respectively. Sedimentation velocity showed a heterogeneous polydisperse system of HMα with an average sedimentation coefficient of about 50 S and a more homogeneous system of α-crystallin of 20 S. Viscosity and circular dichroism studies pointed to a compact and globular shape of dominant β-sheet conformation for α-crystallin, yet a highly asymmetrical and aggregated form for HMα. The conformational stability of α-crystallin was investigated in the presence of various denaturants. The evidence presented shows that hydrogen bonding is the main force in maintaining the quaternary structure of compact native α-crystallin. Conformational flexibility of α-crystallin demonstrated in the equilibrium unfolding study indicated a multistep transition that made the extraction of thermodynamic data from the heat denaturation study difficult. Temperature perturbation on α-crystallin suggested the possible involvement of hydrophobic interaction in the aggregation process, leading to the formation of HMα from α-crystallin. The comparison of conformational properties between HMα and α-crystallin strongly indicated that HMα is a denatured form of α-crystallin.  相似文献   

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