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European grayling populations in Bavaria have shown steady declines during the last 10–20years. In order to provide guidelines for conservation strategies and future management programs, we investigated the genetic structure of 15 grayling populations originating from three major Central European drainages (the Danube, the Elbe and the Rhine/Main) using 20 microsatellite loci. Genetic divergence between the three drainage systems was substantial as illustrated by highly significant heterogeneity of genotype frequencies, high number of drainage-specific private alleles, high between-drainage F ST values, high assignment success of individuals to their drainage of origin and the high bootstrap support for the genetic distance based drainage-specific population clusters. In agreement with earlier studies, microsatellites revealed relatively low levels of intrapopulational genetic diversity in comparison to the overall level of variation across populations. Maximum likelihood methods using the coalescent approach revealed that the proportion of common ancestors was generally high in native populations and that the estimates of N e were correlated with the genetic diversity parameters in all drainages. The number of effective immigrants per generation (N e m) was less than one for all pairwise comparisons of populations within the drainages, indicating restricted interpopulational gene flow. Based on these findings we recommend a drainage and sub-drainage specific conservation of grayling populations in order to preserve their overall genetic diversity and integrity. For large-scale stocking actions to supplement declining or to restore extinct populations, creation of separate broodstocks for major conservation units (ESUs and MUs) is warranted. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Many populations, especially in insects, fluctuate in size, and periods of particularly low population size can have strong effects on genetic variation. Effects of demographic bottlenecks on genetic diversity of single populations are widely documented. Effects of bottlenecks on genetic structure among multiple interconnected populations are less studied, as are genetic changes across multiple cycles of demographic collapse and recovery. We take advantage of a long‐term data set comprising demographic, genetic and movement data from a network of populations of the butterfly, Parnassius smintheus, to examine the effects of fluctuating population size on spatial genetic structure. We build on a previous study that documented increased genetic differentiation and loss of spatial genetic patterns (isolation by distance and by intervening forest cover) after a network‐wide bottleneck event. Here, we show that genetic differentiation was reduced again and spatial patterns returned to the system extremely rapidly, within three years (i.e. generations). We also show that a second bottleneck had similar effects to the first, increasing differentiation and erasing spatial patterns. Thus, bottlenecks consistently drive random divergence of allele frequencies among populations in this system, but these effects are rapidly countered by gene flow during demographic recovery. Our results reveal a system in which the relative influence of genetic drift and gene flow continually shift as populations fluctuate in size, leading to cyclic changes in genetic structure. Our results also suggest caution in the interpretation of patterns of spatial genetic structure, and its association with landscape variables, when measured at only a single point in time.  相似文献   

In order to provide guidelines for conservationand management of the severely declining LakeSaimaa (eastern Finland) European grayling(Thymallus thymallus, Salmonidae), weinvestigated the microgeographic geneticstructure of three populations from the watersystem using 17 microsatellite loci andmitochondrial DNA polymerase chainreaction-restriction fragment lengthpolymorphism analysis. Microsatellites revealedlow levels of intrapopulation genetic diversityand substantial divergence between populationssampled from spawning sites separated by aslittle as 55 kilometers. Mitochondrial analysisindicated the occurrence of two compositehaplotypes within Lake Saimaa. The nucleotidesubstitution estimates between the haplotypessuggested their separation to markedly predatethe late Pleistocene period. The populationsexhibited marked frequency differences for thetwo mitochondrial haplotypes, reinforcing theview of limited interpopulation gene flowwithin Lake Saimaa. An individual basedmicrosatellite Neighbor-Joining dendrogramdemonstrated clustering of all the specimensaccording to their sampling origin. Individualassignment tests revealed 100% assignmentsuccess of individuals into their population oforigin and 100% exclusion (p <0.05) from all alternative referencepopulations. These findings exemplify that T. thymallus populations may be genetically highly structured over small geographical scales and provide a good starting point for the development of appropriate conservation strategies for Lake Saimaa grayling.  相似文献   

Empirical population genetic studies have been dominated by a neutralist view, according to which gene flow and drift are the main forces driving population genetic structure in nature. The neutralist view in essence describes a process of isolation by dispersal limitation (IBDL) that generally leads to a pattern of isolation by distance (IBD). Recently, however, conceptual frameworks have been put forward that view local genetic adaptation as an important driver of population genetic structure. Isolation by adaptation (IBA) and monopolization (M) posit that gene flow among natural populations is reduced as a consequence of local genetic adaptation. IBA stresses that effective gene flow is reduced among habitats that show dissimilar ecological characteristics, leading to a pattern of isolation by environment. In monopolization, local genetic adaptation of initial colonizing genotypes results in a reduction in gene flow that fosters the persistence of founder effects. Here, we relate these different processes driving landscape genetic structure to patterns of IBD and isolation by environment (IBE). We propose a method to detect whether IBDL, IBA and M shape genetic differentiation in natural landscapes by studying patterns of variation at neutral and non‐neutral markers as well as at ecologically relevant traits. Finally, we reinterpret a representative number of studies from the recent literature by associating patterns to processes and identify patterns associated with local genetic adaptation to be as common as IBDL in structuring regional genetic variation of populations in the wild. Our results point to the importance of quantifying environmental gradients and incorporating ecology in the analysis of population genetics.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Understanding how populations are structured in space and time is a central question in evolutionary biology. Parasites and their hosts are assumed to evolve together, however,...  相似文献   

Dispersal is crucial for gene flow and often determines the long‐term stability of meta‐populations, particularly in rare species with specialized life cycles. Such species are often foci of conservation efforts because they suffer disproportionally from degradation and fragmentation of their habitat. However, detailed knowledge of effective gene flow through dispersal is often missing, so that conservation strategies have to be based on mark–recapture observations that are suspected to be poor predictors of long‐distance dispersal. These constraints have been especially severe in the study of butterfly populations, where microsatellite markers have been difficult to develop. We used eight microsatellite markers to analyse genetic population structure of the Large Blue butterfly Maculinea arion in Sweden. During recent decades, this species has become an icon of insect conservation after massive decline throughout Europe and extinction in Britain followed by reintroduction of a seed population from the Swedish island of Öland. We find that populations are highly structured genetically, but that gene flow occurs over distances 15 times longer than the maximum distance recorded from mark–recapture studies, which can only be explained by maximum dispersal distances at least twice as large as previously accepted. However, we also find evidence that gaps between sites with suitable habitat exceeding ~20 km induce genetic erosion that can be detected from bottleneck analyses. Although further work is needed, our results suggest that M. arion can maintain fully functional metapopulations when they consist of optimal habitat patches that are no further apart than ~10 km.  相似文献   

Divergent host use has long been suspected to drive population differentiation and speciation in plant‐feeding insects. Evaluating the contribution of divergent host use to genetic differentiation can be difficult, however, as dispersal limitation and population structure may also influence patterns of genetic variation. In this study, we use double‐digest restriction‐associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing to test the hypothesis that divergent host use contributes to genetic differentiation among populations of the redheaded pine sawfly (Neodiprion lecontei), a widespread pest that uses multiple Pinus hosts throughout its range in eastern North America. Because this species has a broad range and specializes on host plants known to have migrated extensively during the Pleistocene, we first assess overall genetic structure using model‐based and model‐free clustering methods and identify three geographically distinct genetic clusters. Next, using a composite‐likelihood approach based on the site frequency spectrum and a novel strategy for maximizing the utility of linked RAD markers, we infer the population topology and date divergence to the Pleistocene. Based on existing knowledge of Pinus refugia, estimated demographic parameters and patterns of diversity among sawfly populations, we propose a Pleistocene divergence scenario for N. lecontei. Finally, using Mantel and partial Mantel tests, we identify a significant relationship between genetic distance and geography in all clusters, and between genetic distance and host use in two of three clusters. Overall, our results indicate that Pleistocene isolation, dispersal limitation and ecological divergence all contribute to genomewide differentiation in this species and support the hypothesis that host use is a common driver of population divergence in host‐specialized insects.  相似文献   

The Finnish wolf population (Canis lupus) was sampled during three different periods (1996-1998, 1999-2001 and 2002-2004), and 118 individuals were genotyped with 10 microsatellite markers. Large genetic variation was found in the population despite a recent demographic bottleneck. No spatial population subdivision was found even though a significant negative relationship between genetic relatedness and geographic distance suggested isolation by distance. Very few individuals did not belong to the local wolf population as determined by assignment analyses, suggesting a low level of immigration in the population. We used the temporal approach and several statistical methods to estimate the variance effective size of the population. All methods gave similar estimates of effective population size, approximately 40 wolves. These estimates were slightly larger than the estimated census size of breeding individuals. A Bayesian model based on Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations indicated strong evidence for a long-term population decline. These results suggest that the contemporary wolf population size is roughly 8% of its historical size, and that the population decline dates back to late 19th century or early 20th century. Despite an increase of over 50% in the census size of the population during the whole study period, there was only weak evidence that the effective population size during the last period was higher than during the first. This may be caused by increased inbreeding, diminished dispersal within the population, and decreased immigration to the population during the last study period.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers were first used to partition individuals of European grayling Thymallus thymallus , from the Danube, Rhine and Main, and Elbe drainage systems into subpopulations and to estimate individual immigrant ancestries over the last few generations. Subsequently, the studied populations were 'purged' from recent immigrants and the proportions of evolutionary lineages within the 'purged' populations were re-estimated by applying mtDNA markers. The results confirmed a high level of admixture of the divergent mtDNA lineages ( i.e. natural secondary contact) in populations sampled at the contact zones of the drainages. In addition, a substantial amount of introgression was observed for several populations that were known to be affected by stocking of European grayling from different origins.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and the temporal and spatial genetic population structure of the butterfly Aglais urticae, a highly mobile species, were studied by allozyme electrophoresis. High levels of allozyme diversity were found. Most of the total genetic diversity occurred at the within-population scale rather than at the between-population scale. This variation could not be accounted for by Wright's model of 'isolation by distance'. No significant temporal variation was observed for those populations that were sampled in different years. A process combining high movement rate between neighbouring patches, long-distance migration and rare extinction/recolonization is suggested to explain the observed genetic structure. This hypothesis is favoured over an island model of population structure because migration in A. urticae is uniform neither with distance nor with time.  相似文献   

Estuarine organisms grow in highly heterogeneous habitats, and their genetic differentiation is driven by selective and neutral processes as well as population colonization history. However, the relative importance of the processes that underlie genetic structure is still puzzling. Scirpus mariqueter is a perennial grass almost limited in the Changjiang River estuary and its adjacent Qiantang River estuary. Here, using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), a moderate‐high level of genetic differentiation among populations (range FST: 0.0310–0.3325) was showed despite large ongoing dispersal. FLOCK assigned all individuals to 13 clusters and revealed a complex genetic structure. Some genetic clusters were limited in peripheries compared with very mixing constitution in center populations, suggesting local adaptation was more likely to occur in peripheral populations. 21 candidate outliers under positive selection were detected, and further, the differentiation patterns correlated with geographic distance, salinity difference, and colonization history were analyzed with or without the outliers. Combined results of AMOVA and IBD based on different dataset, it was found that the effects of geographic distance and population colonization history on isolation seemed to be promoted by divergent selection. However, none‐liner IBE pattern indicates the effects of salinity were overwhelmed by spatial distance or other ecological processes in certain areas and also suggests that salinity was not the only selective factor driving population differentiation. These results together indicate that geographic distance, salinity difference, and colonization history co‐contributed in shaping the genetic structure of S. mariqueter and that their relative importance was correlated with spatial scale and environment gradient.  相似文献   

Spatial population structure has important ecological and evolutionary consequences. Little is known about the population structure of snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), despite their ecological importance in North American boreal forests. We used seven variable microsatellite DNA loci to determine the spatial genetic structure of snowshoe hares near Kluane Lake, Yukon during a cyclic population peak. We sampled 317 hares at 12 sites separated by distances ranging from 3 to 140 km, and used 46 additional samples from Alaska and Montana. The level of genetic variation was high (13.4 alleles/locus, 0.67 expected heterozygosity) and the distribution of alleles and genotypes was not homogeneous across the sites. The degree of differentiation was low among Yukon sites (FST = 0.015) and between Yukon and Alaska (FST = 0.012), but the Montana site was highly differentiated (FST = 0.20). A weak pattern of isolation by distance was found over the Yukon study area, with an indication that local genetic drift may be important in shaping the regional genetic structure. Landscape barriers expected to influence gene flow did not consistently affect genetic structure, although there was evidence for a partial barrier effect of Kluane Lake. The high level of inferred gene flow confirms that snowshoe hare dispersal is widespread, successful and equal between the sexes. A stepping-stone model of gene flow, potentially influenced by the synchronous density cycle, appears to best explain the observed genetic structure. Our results suggest that despite their dramatic fluctuations in density, snowshoe hares in the northern boreal forest have a large evolutionary effective population size and are not strongly subdivided by either physical or social barriers to gene flow.  相似文献   

Numerous empirical studies have reported lack of migration–drift equilibrium in wild populations. Determining the causes of nonequilibrium population structure is challenging because different evolutionary processes acting at a variety of spatiotemporal scales can produce similar patterns. Studies of contemporary populations in northern latitudes suggest that nonequilibrium population structure is probably caused by recent colonization of the region after the last Pleistocene ice age ended ~13 000 years ago. The chum salmon's (Oncorhynchus keta) range was fragmented by dramatic environmental changes during the Pleistocene. We investigated the population structure of chum salmon on the North Alaska Peninsula (NAP) and, using both empirical data and simulations, evaluated the effects of colonization timing and founder population heterogeneity on patterns of genetic differentiation. We screened 161 single nucleotide polymorphisms and found evidence of nonequilibrium population structure when the slope of the isolation‐by‐distance relationship was examined at incremental spatial scales. In addition, simulations suggested that this pattern closely matched models of recent colonization of the NAP by secondary contact. Our results agree with geological and archaeological data indicating that the NAP was a dynamic landscape that may have been more recently colonized than during the last deglaciation because of dramatic changes in coastal hydrology over the last several thousand years.  相似文献   

Although several methods are available to study the extent of isolation by distance (IBD) among natural populations, comparatively few exist to detect the presence of sharp genetic breaks in genetic distance datasets. In recent years, Monmonier's maximum-difference algorithm has been increasingly used by population geneticists. However, this method does not provide means to measure the statistical significance of such barriers, nor to determine their relative contribution to population differentiation with respect to IBD. Here, we propose an approach to assess the significance of genetic boundaries. The method is based on the calculation of a multiple regression from distance matrices, where binary matrices represent putative genetic barriers to test, in addition to geographic and genetic distances. Simulation results suggest that this method reliably detects the presence of genetic barriers, even in situations where IBD is also significant. We also illustrate the methodology by analyzing previously published datasets. Conclusions about the importance of genetic barriers can be misleading if one does not take into consideration their relative contribution to the overall genetic structure of species.  相似文献   

Microgeographic genetic variation in populations of a wetland macrophyte, Hibiscus moscheutos L. (Malvaceae), was investigated using allozyme polymorphism. The species is a self-compatible insect-pollinated perennial, and seeds are water dispersed (hydrochory). Six hundred plants were analyzed from eight brackish and two freshwater populations within the Rhode River watershed/estuarine system. The genetic structure of the populations was assessed by fixation indices and spatial autocorrelation analyses. The degree of genetic differentiation among sites and gene flow between all paired combinations of sites (M ) was analyzed using three hypothetical gene flow models. Fixation indices indicated almost complete panmixia within populations, and spatial autocorrelations showed that genotypes were randomly distributed within sites, most likely the result of water dispersal of seeds. Allele frequencies were significantly different among sites, and estimated FST indicated moderate genetic differentiation (_ = 0.062). Genetic differences between populations were mostly explained by a gene flow model that accounted for the location of populations relative to the tidal stream. The importance of hydrochory in affecting spatial genetic structure was thus suggested both within and among H. moscheutos populations.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of recently established populations are challenging because the assumption of equilibrium underlying many analyses is likely to be violated. Using microsatellites, we investigated determinants of genetic structure and migration among invasive European-Chinese mitten crab populations, applying a combination of traditional population genetic analyses and nonequilibrium Bayesian methods. Consistent with their recent history, invasive populations showed much lower levels of genetic diversity than a native Chinese population, indicative of recent bottlenecks. Population differentiation was generally low but significant and especially pronounced among recently established populations. Significant differentiation among cohorts from the same geographical location (River Thames) suggests the low effective population size and associated strong genetic drift that would be anticipated from a very recent colonization. An isolation-by-distance pattern appears to be driven by an underlying correlation between geographical distance and population age, suggesting that cumulative homogenizing gene flow reduces founder bottleneck-associated genetic differentiation between longer-established populations. This hypothesis was supported by a coalescent analysis, which supported a drift + gene flow model as more likely than a model excluding gene flow. Furthermore, admixture analysis identified several recent migrants between the UK and Continental European population clusters. Admixture proportions were significantly predicted by the volume of shipping between sites, indicating that human-mediated transport remains a significant factor for dispersal of mitten crabs after the initial establishment of populations. Our study highlights the value of nonequilibrium methods for the study of invasive species, and also the importance of evaluating nonequilibrium explanations for isolation by distance patterns.  相似文献   

In this study, samples of Ancherythroculter nigrocauda, an endemic fish in the upper Yangtze River, were collected above and below dams in the Longxi River, a tributary of the upper Yangtze River, China, to investigate the genetic impacts of dams. The mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (cyt b) and 13 microsatellite (SSR) loci were used to analyze whether dams have resulted in loss of genetic diversity of the two fragmented populations or caused genetic differentiation between them. The results showed that the haplotype diversity (0.488; 0.486), nucleotide diversity (0.084%; 0.082%) and average expected heterozygosity (0.652; 0.676) of the two populations were all at a low level, and recent bottlenecks were detected. However, there was no genetic differentiation detected by the low genetic differentiation index (Fst, cyt b: ?0.1677, p = 0.99707; SSR: 0.00259, p = 0.81427). Besides, 11 pairs of half‐sibling relationship were found between the two populations indicating that there were individual movements and gene flow between them. This could be the larvae moving from upstream to downstream when water spilled over dams in flooding season. Therefore, our analysis showed that the dams have caused a loss of genetic diversity of the populations of A. nigrocauda in the Longxi River, blocked the active upstream movement but allowing passive downstream drift of larvae.  相似文献   

In social species, breeding system and gregarious behavior are key factors influencing the evolution of large‐scale population genetic structure. The killer whale is a highly social apex predator showing genetic differentiation in sympatry between populations of foraging specialists (ecotypes), and low levels of genetic diversity overall. Our comparative assessments of kinship, parentage and dispersal reveal high levels of kinship within local populations and ongoing male‐mediated gene flow among them, including among ecotypes that are maximally divergent within the mtDNA phylogeny. Dispersal from natal populations was rare, implying that gene flow occurs without dispersal, as a result of reproduction during temporary interactions. Discordance between nuclear and mitochondrial phylogenies was consistent with earlier studies suggesting a stochastic basis for the magnitude of mtDNA differentiation between matrilines. Taken together our results show how the killer whale breeding system, coupled with social, dispersal and foraging behaviour, contributes to the evolution of population genetic structure.  相似文献   

Brito PH 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(16):3423-3437
A recent study of mitochondrial phylogeography of tawny owls (Strix aluco) in western Europe suggested that this species survived the Pleistocene glaciations in three allopatric refugia located in Iberia, Italy, and the Balkans, and the latter was likely the predominant source of postglacial colonization of northern Europe. New data from seven microsatellite loci from 184 individual owls distributed among 14 populations were used to assess the genetic congruence between nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers. Microsatellites corroborated the major phylogeographical conclusions reached on the basis of the mtDNA sequences, but also showed important differences leading to novel inferences. Microsatellites corroborated the three major refugia and supported the Balkan origin of northern populations. When corrected for differences in effective population size, microsatellites and mtDNA yielded generally congruent overall estimates of population structure (N*ST=0.12 vs. RST=0.16); however, there was substantial heterogeneity in the RST among the seven nuclear loci that was not correlated with heterozygosity. Populations representing the Balkans postglacial expansion interact with populations from the other two refugia forming two clines near the Alps and the Pyrenees. In both cases, the apparent position of the contact zones differed substantially between markers due to the genetic composition of populations sampled in northern Italy and Madrid. Microsatellite data did not corroborate the lower genetic diversity of northern, recently populated regions as was found with mtDNA; this discrepancy was taken as evidence for a recent bottleneck recovery. Finally, this study suggests that congruence among genetic markers should be more likely in cases of range expansion into new areas than when populations interact across contact zones.  相似文献   

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