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Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) derived from genomes of large DNA viruses are powerful tools for functional delineation of viral genes. Current methods for cloning the genomes of large DNA viruses as BACs require prior knowledge of the viral sequences or the cloning of viral DNA fragments, and are tedious because of the laborious process of multiple plaque purifications, which is not feasible for some fastidious viruses. Here, we describe a novel method for cloning the genomes of large DNA viruses as BACs, which entails direct in vitro transposition of viral genomes with a BAC cassette, and subsequent recovery in Escherichia coli. Determination of insertion sites and adjacent viral sequences identify the BAC clones for genetic manipulation and functional characterization. Compared to existing methods, this new approach is highly efficient, and does not require any information on viral sequences or cloning of viral DNA fragments, and plaque purifications. This method could potentially be used for discovering previously unidentified viruses.  相似文献   

Imre A  Olasz F  Kiss J  Nagy B 《Plasmid》2006,55(3):235-241
Elimination or modification of large plasmids of bacteria is often an essential step in functional analysis of these replicons. However, the conventional plasmid-curing procedures such as ethidium bromide and heat treatment are insufficient in many cases. For instance, curing of the large virulence plasmid of Salmonella Enteritidis 2,102 has failed when these treatments were applied. To overcome the difficulties, a two-step transposon-based curing method has been developed. First, a Tn10-based transposable unit carrying a Km(R) marker gene and the joined IS30 ends transposes from a replication deficient conjugative plasmid into the target replicon. Then, the inducible IS30 transposase, using the highly reactive joined IS30 ends, mediates deletions or gives rise to the loss of the target plasmid. The efficiency of the method has been monitored by the frequency of Km(S) colonies after induction of IS30 transposase, and it was shown that the Km(S) phenotype often accompanied the complete loss of the virulence plasmid or the formation of deletion derivatives. The procedure has been successfully applied also in removing the large virulence plasmid from enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC O147), suggesting that the transposon-based method can be a useful tool for eliminating native plasmids in several bacteria.  相似文献   

Serine-type phage integrases catalyze unidirectional site-specific recombination between the attachment sites, attP and attB, in the phage and host bacterial genomes, respectively; these integrases and DNA target sites function efficiently when transferred into heterologous cells. We previously developed an in vivo site-specific genomic integration system based on actinophage TG1 integrase that introduces ~2-kbp DNA into an att site inserted into a heterologous Escherichia coli genome. Here, we analyzed the TG1 integrase-mediated integrations of att site-containing ~10-kbp DNA into the corresponding att site pre-inserted into various genomic locations; moreover, we developed a system that introduces ~10-kbp DNA into the genome with an efficiency of ~104 transformants/μg DNA. Integrations of attB-containing DNA into an attP-containing genome were more efficient than integrations of attP-containing DNA into an attB-containing genome, and integrations targeting attP inserted near the replication origin, oriC, and the E. coli “centromere” analogue, migS, were more efficient than those targeting attP within other regions of the genome. Because the genomic region proximal to the oriC and migS sites is located at the extreme poles of the cell during chromosomal segregation, the oriCmigS region may be more exposed to the cytosol than are other regions of the E. coli chromosome. Thus, accessibility of pre-inserted attP to attB-containing incoming DNA may be crucial for the integration efficiency by serine-type integrases in heterologous cells. These results may be beneficial to the development of serine-type integrases-based genomic integration systems for various bacterial species.  相似文献   

Site-specific integration of targeted DNA into animal cell genomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Koch KS  Aoki T  Wang Y  Atkinson AE  Gleiberman AS  Glebov OK  Leffert HL 《Gene》2000,249(1-2):135-144

Phage integrases are enzymes that catalyze unidirectional site-specific recombination between the attachment sites of phage and host bacteria, attP and attB, respectively. We recently developed an in vivo intra-molecular site-specific recombination system based on actinophage TG1 serine-type integrase that efficiently acts between attP and attB on a single plasmid DNA in heterologous Escherichia coli cells. Here, we developed an in vivo inter-molecular site-specific recombination system that efficiently acted between the att site on exogenous non-replicative plasmid DNA and the corresponding att site on endogenous plasmid or genomic DNA in E. coli cells, and the recombination efficiencies increased by a factor of ~101–3 in cells expressing TG1 integrase over those without. Moreover, integration of attB-containing incoming plasmid DNA into attP-inserted E. coli genome was more efficient than that of the reverse substrate configuration. Together with our previous result that purified TG1 integrase functions efficiently without auxiliary host factors in vitro, these in vivo results indicate that TG1 integrase may be able to introduce attB-containing circular DNAs efficiently into attP-inserted genomes of many bacterial species in a site-specific and unidirectional manner. This system thus may be beneficial to genome engineering for a wide variety of bacterial species.  相似文献   

We have developed two whole genome-scanning techniques to aid in the discovery of polymorphisms as well as horizontally acquired genes in prokaryotic organisms.First, two-dimensional bacterial genomic display (2DBGD) was developed using restriction enzyme fragmentation to separate genomic DNA based on size, and then employing denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) in the second dimension to exploit differences in sequence composition. This technique was used to generate high-resolution displays that enable the direct comparison of >800 genomic fragments simultaneously and can be adapted for the high-throughput comparison of bacterial genomes. 2DBGDs are capable of detecting acquired and altered DNA, however, only in very closely related strains. If used to compare more distantly related strains (e.g. different species within a genus) numerous small changes (i.e. small deletions and point mutations) unrelated to the interesting phenotype, would encumber the comparison of 2DBGDs. For this reason asecond method, bacterial comparative genomic hybridization (BCGH), was developed to directly compare bacterial genomes to identify gain or loss of genomic DNA. BCGH relies on performing 2DBGD on a pooled sample of genomic DNA from 2 strains to be compared and subsequently hybridizing the resulting 2DBGD blot separately with DNA from each individual strain. Unique spots (hybridization signals) represent foreign DNA. The identification of novel DNA is easily achieved by excising the DNA from a dried gel followed by subsequent cloning and sequencing. 2DBGD and BCGH thus represent novel high resolution genome scanning techniques for directly identifying altered and/or acquired DNA. Published: June 15, 2003  相似文献   

We describe an improved, universal method for the seamless integration of DNA fragments into plasmids at any desired position. The protocol allows in vitro joining of insert and linearized plasmid at terminal homology regions using the BD In-Fusion cloning system. According to the standard BD In-Fusion protocol, vectors are linearized by restriction enzyme digestion. Linearization of plasmids by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), instead of restriction enzyme digestion, extends the usefulness of the method by rendering it independent of restriction endonuclease recognition sites and by allowing seamless insertion of DNA fragments at any position, without introduction of unwanted nucleotides flanking the site of insertion. The combination of PCR linearization of plasmids and BD In-Fusion technology has shown to be very useful for the insertion of genes into the expression regions of multiple plasmids for the heterologous expression of proteins in Escherichia coli. Hands-on time is minimal and there is no need for preparative gel electrophoresis. The protocol is very simple and only involves PCR and liquid handling steps. The method should therefore theoretically have a good potential for automation.  相似文献   

As the pace of genome sequencing has accelerated, the need for highly accurate gene prediction systems has grown. Computational systems for identifying genes in prokaryotic genomes have sensitivities of 98-99% or higher (Delcher et al., Nucleic Acids Res., 27, 4636-4641, 1999). These accuracy figures are calculated by comparing the locations of verified stop codons to the predictions. Determining the accuracy of start codon prediction is more problematic, however, due to the relatively small number of start sites that have been confirmed by independent, non-computational methods. Nonetheless, the accuracy of gene finders at predicting the exact gene boundaries at both the 5' and 3' ends of genes is of critical importance for microbial genome annotation, especially in light of the important signaling information that is sometimes found on the 5' end of a protein coding region. In this paper we propose a probabilistic method to improve the accuracy of gene identification systems at finding precise translation start sites. The new system, RBSfinder, is tested on a validated set of genes from Escherichia coli, for which it improves the accuracy of start site locations predicted by computational gene finding systems from the range 67-77% to 90% correct.  相似文献   

一种快速提取细菌总DNA的方法研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
随着分子生物学技术应用于环境微生物研究的深入开展,占自然界微生物物种总数的90%以上的不能人工培养或培养困难的微生物已经可以借助分子生物学技术进行功能基因的开发和利用。而快速得到纯度较高,结构完整的细菌染色体DNA成为这一技术得以实现的前提。本文报道了利用高温处理和SDS的裂解作用相结合而建立的一种快速、简便的提取细菌染色体DNA的方法。经过脉冲电泳实验证明,利用本方法提取得到的几种革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性菌株的基因组DNA结构完整,并且无明显降解,无须经过纯化,可以直接进行PCR扩增和酶切等分子生物学操作,将此方法进一步应用于土壤环境DNA的提取方面,同样达到了快速得到大片段、高质量的环境微生物基因组的目的,为研究未培养的环境微生物多样性打下了坚实的基础,同时为环境基因组的提取提供了一个新的途径。  相似文献   

With various ‘omics’ data becoming available recently, new challenges and opportunities are provided for researches on the assembly of next-generation sequences. As an attempt to utilize novel opportunities, we developed a next-generation sequence clustering method focusing on interdependency between genomics and proteomics data. Under the assumption that we can obtain next-generation read sequences and proteomics data of a target species, we mapped the read sequences against protein sequences and found physically adjacent reads based on a machine learning-based read assignment method. We measured the performance of our method by using simulated read sequences and collected protein sequences of Escherichia coli (E. coli). Here, we concentrated on the actual adjacency of the clustered reads in the E. coli genome and found that (i) the proposed method improves the performance of read clustering and (ii) the use of proteomics data does have a potential for enhancing the performance of genome assemblers. These results demonstrate that the integrative approach is effective for the accurate grouping of adjacent reads in a genome, which will result in a better genome assembly.  相似文献   

李金环  寿佳  吴强 《遗传》2015,37(10):992-291
源于细菌和古菌的Ⅱ型成簇规律间隔短回文重复系统[Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated nuclease 9 (Cas9),CRISPR/Cas9]近年被改造成为基因组定点编辑的新技术。由于它具有设计简单、操作方便、费用低廉等巨大优势,给遗传操作领域带来了一场革命性的改变。本文重点介绍了CRISPR/Cas9系统在基因组DNA片段靶向编辑方面的研究和应用,主要包括DNA片段的删除、反转、重复、插入和易位,这一有效的DNA片段编辑方法为研究基因功能、调控元件、组织发育和疾病发生发展提供了有力手段。本文最后展望了Ⅱ型CRISPR/Cas9系统的应用前景和其他类型CRISPR系统的应用潜力,为开展利用基因组DNA片段靶向编辑进行基因调控和功能研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Transgenic mammals, from small laboratory rodents to domestic animals, have been successfully produced to date, but their production efficiency within or across species has been variable. This is probably due to the differences in the type of injected DNA and/or technical procedures employed in each laboratory, as well as the reproductive characteristics of the species. Here we report the direct comparison of the efficiencies of producing transgenic mice, rats, rabbits and pigs by one technician using a fusion gene composed of the bovine alpha S1-casein promoter and human growth hormone (hGH) gene. Before the fusion gene was injected into the zygotes, high magnitude centrifugation to visualize the pronuclei was necessary for all of the pig zygotes and one-third of the rabbit zygotes, but not for mouse and rat zygotes. Post-injection survival of the mouse zygotes (67.1%) was lower than those of the rat, rabbit and pig zygotes (89.6 to 100%). The volume change of the pronucleus following DNA injection was the lowest in mice (50% increase), moderate in rabbits (148% increase), and the most prominent in rats (238% increase). The data from only 1 pig zygote indicated a 22% increase in the pronucleus volume by DNA injection. The PCR analyses of the tail DNA of new born offspring indicated that 0.8% (4/493), 4.8% (22/463), 0.8% (3/367) and 0.9% (2/221) of the injected eggs in mice, rats, rabbits and pigs, respectively, developed into transgenic offspring. Some of the founder animals in all four species expressed the transgene in the mammary gland which was confirmed in hGH mRNA by RT-PCR and/or hGH peptide in Witch's milk with ELISA. These results suggest that the maximum volume of DNA solution injectable into the pronucleus is a possible factor explaining the species differences in the production of transgenic animals.  相似文献   

Riley MC  Lee JE  Lesho E  Kirkup BC 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27085
Optical mapping of bacterial chromosomes provides an unambiguous low-resolution sequence scaffold of the entire chromosome. In comparison to some techniques, such as pulse field gel electrophoresis, cost and throughput limit the application of this technique outside of genome finishing. We have demonstrated the production of multiple bacterial maps using a single set of consumables; this significantly reduces the time and expense of map production.  相似文献   

Fold assignments for newly sequenced genomes belong to the most important and interesting applications of the booming field of protein structure prediction. We present a brief survey and a discussion of such assignments completed to date, using as an example several fold assignment projects for proteins from the Escherichia coli genome. This review focuses on steps that are necessary to go beyond the simple assignment projects and into the development of tools extending our understanding of functions of proteins in newly sequenced genomes. This paper also discusses several problems seldom addressed in the literature, such as the problem of domain prediction and complementary predictions (e.g., transmembrane regions and flexible regions) and cross-correlation of predictions from different servers. The influence of sequence and structure database growth on prediction success is also addressed. Finally, we discuss the perspectives of the field in the context of massive sequence and structure determination projects, as well as the development of novel prediction methods.  相似文献   

This paper presents a compact model of the role of transposable elements in eucaryote evolution which, although forward looking, is consistent with both experimental results and theories of gene regulation. The model postulates that a principal factor in the emergence of the eucaryotes was the development of a symbiotic relationship between reverse transcribing transposable elements and RNA based gene regulation, which we will call structural symbiosis. Thus, although transposable elements follow their own evolutionary protocol, structural homologies between "cellular" and "viral" genomes result in selective mutagenesis, a situation where transposon mutations are permitted because they can result in phenotypic mutations of the regulatory process with reduced probability of deleterious mutation of structural genes. The incorporation of this scheme into the life cycle of higher organisms results in two forms of integral evolution. Exogenous, in which differing species in an ecosystem share genetic information through viral transfer, and endogenous in which somatically induced regulatory mutations can be mapped back into the germ line.  相似文献   



Analogues of vitamin D3 are extensively used in the treatment of various illnesses, such as osteoporosis, inflammatory skin diseases, and cancer. Functional testing of new vitamin D3 analogues and formulations for improved systemic and topical administration is supported by sensitive screening methods that allow a comparative evaluation of drug properties. As a new tool in functional screening of vitamin D3 analogues, we describe a genomically integratable sensor for sensitive drug detection. This system facilitates assessment of the pharmacokinetic and pharmadynamic properties of vitamin D3 analogues. The tri-cistronic genetic sensor encodes a drug-sensoring protein, a reporter protein expressed from an activated sensor-responsive promoter, and a resistance marker.  相似文献   

Here we present a novel and simple PCR-after-ligation method for efficient assembly of multiple DNA inserts. After initial ligation of multiple inserts and vector, the ligation mixture is used as template for a PCR using a pair of primers flanking the cloning sites on the vector. The fragment with correct size is gel purified and inserted into the vector by conventional two-way ligation. With this method, a recombinant plasmid containing four DNA inserts was correctly constructed. As a control, all of the constructs obtained directly from DNA ligation were found to be self-ligation of the vector.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the question of how to achieve bacterial lysis in large-scale plasmid DNA production processes, where conventional alkaline lysis may become awkward to handle. Bacteria were grown in shaker flasks and a bioreactor. Suboptimal growth conditions were found advantageous for stable plasmid production at high copy numbers (up to 25mg/L could be achieved). Cells were harvested by filtration in the presence of a filter aid. A linear relationship between the biomass and the optimal filter aid concentration in terms of back pressure could be established. Bacteria-containing filter cakes were washed with isotonic buffer and lysis was achieved in situ by a two-step protocol calling for fragilisation of the cells followed by heat lysis in a suitable buffer. RNA and other soluble cell components where washed out of the cake during this step, while the plasmid DNA was retained. Afterwards a clear lysate containing relatively pure plasmid DNA could be eluted from the cake mostly as the desired supercoiled topoisomer, while cell debris and genomic DNA were retained. Lysis is, thus, integrated not only with cell capture but also with a significant degree of isolation/purification, as most impurities were considerably reduced during the procedure.  相似文献   

Kawaguchi Y  Tanaka M 《Uirusu》2004,54(2):255-264
Although methods for reverse genetics of herpesviruses have been established in early 1980s, the steps are laborious and time-consuming. In 1997, Dr. Koszinwski's group reported a novel approach for the construction of herpesvirus mutants, based on cloning the viral genome as a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) in E. coli. This technique allows the maintenance of viral genomes as plasmid in E. coli and the reconstitution of viral progeny by transfection of the BAC plasmid into eukaryotic cells. Any genetics modification of the viral genome in E. coli using bacterial genetics is possible, thereby facilitating the introduction of mutagenesis into herpesvirus genome. This 'BAC system' has opened new avenues for reverse and forward genetics of herpesviruses in basic research and in vector development for human therapy. Here we describe the principle of the 'BAC system' in herpesvirus researches.  相似文献   

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