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Summary The low molecular weight heat shock protein (HSP) profiles of the hexaploid wheat cultivar Chinese Spring and its ditelosomic series were characterized by isoelectric focusing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of denatured in vivo radiolabeled proteins. Comparisons of the ditelosomics (DTs) to the euploid Chinese Spring enabled the assignment of genes controlling 9 of the 13 targeted HSPs to seven chromosome arms. There did not appear to be a genome-specific action in the regulation of expression of these HSPs. There did appear to be a higher frequency of controlling genes within homoeologous DT lines 3, 4 and 7. Significant variation in protein quantity was evident among the DT lines for some HSPs, while other HSPs were remarkably stable in their expression across all DTs examined. The results are useful in identifying specific DT lines for the investigation of HSP functions in hexaploid wheat.  相似文献   

Summary Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was conducted on denatured proteins of the 10-day-old first leaf (1F stage) of 18 homoeologous ditelosomic (DT) lines of wheat cultivar Chinese Spring. The observations, compared to the euploid control and relative to previous data found on 7-day-old etiolated seedlings (G7 stage) of the same lines lead to the following statements: 1) the structural genes of 24 spots can be assigned to 12 chromosome arms; 2) regulatory effects are completely different between the 1F and the G7 stages which may indicate that the regulation of protein amounts is often stage-specific; 3) no case of complete gene dosage compensation is observed among 4 groups of hypothesized homoeoallelic products; 4) homoeologous DT lines do not manifest similar effects which suggest the absence of homoeology for the detected regulatory effects.  相似文献   

Summary Among the 782 spots observed in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of denatured proteins from etiolated wheat shoots, 185 were found to be variable between the euploid and 26 ditelosomic lines of Chinese Spring. Thirty-five structural genes were located on 17 chromosome arms. Numerous intensity changes showing alterations in protein levels were observed and led to the following statements: 1) regulators are frequently found and can be assigned for a same polypeptide to various chromosome arms; 2) for most polypeptides homoeologous arms do not manifest similar effects; 3) nevertheless, when affecting the same polypeptide, homoeologous arms display in most cases identical regulatory effects; 4) gene dosage compensation is observed in only one out of four homoeoallelic situations.  相似文献   

Wheat pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) can cause significant reduction in yield and end-use quality of wheat grains in many wheat-growing areas worldwide. To identify a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for PHS resistance in wheat, seed dormancy and sprouting of matured spikes were investigated in a population of 162 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between the white PHS-resistant Chinese landrace Totoumai A and the white PHS-susceptible cultivar Siyang 936. Following screening of 1,125 SSR primers, 236 were found to be polymorphic between parents, and were used to screen the mapping population. Both seed dormancy and PHS of matured spikes were evaluated by the percentage of germinated kernels under controlled moist conditions. Twelve SSR markers associated with both PHS and seed dormancy were located on the long arm of chromosome 4A. One QTL for both seed dormancy and PHS resistance was detected on chromosome 4AL. Two SSR markers, Xbarc 170 and Xgwm 397, are 9.14 cM apart, and flanked the QTL that explained 28.3% of the phenotypic variation for seed dormancy and 30.6% for PHS resistance. This QTL most likely contributed to both long seed dormancy period and enhanced PHS resistance. Therefore, this QTL is most likely responsible for both seed dormancy and PHS resistance. The SSR markers linked to the QTL can be used for marker-assisted selection of PHS-resistant white wheat cultivars. Shi-Bin Cai and Cui-Xia Chen contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

RNA-degrading enzymes play an important role in regulating gene expression, and sequence analyses have revealed significant homology among several plant RNA-degrading enzymes. In this study we surveyed crude extracts of the above-ground part of the common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and the cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) for major RNA-degrading enzymes using a substrate-based SDS-PAGE assay. Fifteen wheat and fourteen barley RNA-degrading enzymes, with apparent molecular masses ranging from 16.3 to 40.1 kD, were identified. These RNA-degrading enzymes were characterized by their response to pH changes and addition of EDTA and ZnCl2 to the preincubation or incubation buffers. The 33.2- to 40.1-kD wheat and barley, 31.7-kD wheat, and 32.0-kD barley enzyme activities were inhibited by both zinc and EDTA and were relatively tolerant to alkaline environment. The 22.7- to 28.2-kD enzymes were inhibited by zinc but stimulated by EDTA. The 18.8-kD enzyme exists in both wheat and barley. It was active in an acid environment, was inhibited by zinc, but was not affected by EDTA. Two enzyme activities (31.0 and 32.0 kD) are unique to the common wheat. Contribution from Agriculture Research Division, University of Nebraska, Journal Series No. 9895.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction enzyme digestion of the ribosomal RNA genes of the nucleolar organisers of wheat has revealed fragment length polymorphisms for the nucleolar organiser on chromosome 1B and the nucleolar organiser on 6B. Variation between genotypes for these regions has also been demonstrated. This variation has been exploited to determine the recombination frequency between the physically defined nucleolar organiser on 1B (designatedNor1) and other markers; two loci,Glu-B1 andGli-B1 which code for endosperm storage proteins andRf3, a locus restoring fertility to male sterility conditioned byT. timopheevi cytoplasm.Gli-B1 andRf3 were located on the short-arm satellite but recombine with the nucleolar organiser giving a gene order ofNor1 — Rf3 — Gli-B1. Glu-B1 is located on the long arm of 1B but shows relatively little recombination withNor1, which is, in physical distance, distal on the short arm. This illustrates the discrepancy between map distance and physical distance on wheat chromosomes due to the distal localisation of chiasmata. The recombination betweenNor1 andRf3 indicates that, contrary to previous suggestions, fertility restoration is not a property of the nucleolar organiser but of a separate locus.  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) toxicity is one of the major constrains for wheat production in many wheat growing areas worldwide. Further understanding of inheritance of Al resistance may facilitate improvement of Al resistance of wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.). A set of ditelosomic lines derived from the moderately Al-resistant wheat cultivar Chinese Spring was assessed for Al resistance. The root growth of ditelosomic lines DT5AL, DT7AL, DT2DS and DT4DS was significantly lower than that of euploid Chinese Spring under Al stress, suggesting that Al-resistance genes might exist on the missing chromosome arms of 5AS, 7AS, 2DL and 4DL of Chinese Spring. A population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the cross Annong 8455 × Chinese Spring-Sumai 3 7A substitution line was used to determine the effects of these chromosome arms on Al resistance. A genetic linkage map consisting of 381 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers and 168 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers was constructed to determine the genetic effect of the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for Al resistance in Chinese Spring. Three QTLs, Qalt.pser-4D, Qalt.pser-5A and Qalt.pser-2D, were identified that enhanced root growth under Al stress, suggesting that inheritance of Al resistance in Chinese Spring is polygenic. The QTL with the largest effect was flanked by the markers of Xcfd23 and Xwmc331 on chromosome 4DL and most probably is multi-allelic to the major QTL identified in Atlas 66. Two additional QTLs, Qalt.pser-5A and Qalt.pser-2D on chromosome 5AS and 2DL, respectively, were also detected with marginal significance in the population. Some SSR markers identified in this study would be useful for marker-assisted pyramiding of different QTLs for Al resistance in wheat cultivars.  相似文献   

Low-temperature (LT) tolerance is an important economic trait in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) that determines the plants’ ability to cope with below freezing temperatures. Essential elements of the LT tolerance mechanism are associated with the winter growth habit controlled by the vernalization loci (Vrn-1) on the group 5 chromosomes. To identify genomic regions, which in addition to vrn-1 determine the level of LT tolerance in hexaploid wheat, two doubled haploid (DH) mapping populations were produced using parents with winter growth habit (vrn-A1, vrn-B1, and vrn-D1) but showing different LT tolerance levels. A total of 107 DH lines were analyzed by genetic mapping to produce a consensus map of 2,873 cM. The LT tolerance levels for the Norstar (LT50=−20.7°C) × Winter Manitou (LT50=−14.3°C) mapping population ranged from −12.0 to −22.0°C. Single marker analysis and interval mapping of phenotyped lines revealed a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 5A and a weaker QTL on chromosome 1D. The 5A QTL located 46 cM proximal to the vrn-A1 locus explained 40% of the LT tolerance variance. Two C-repeat Binding Factor (CBF) genes expressed during cold acclimation in Norstar were located at the peak of the 5A QTL.  相似文献   

Summary Two bread wheat accessions, E5008 and E6160, have been genetically analysed for resistance genes effective against Indian cultures of stem rust races, 15C and 122. The inheritance of resistance to each race has been determined from the F1 and F2 of the crosses (resistant parents with the susceptible variety, Agra Local) and F2 progenies from the backcross to Agra Local. Tests have been performed to see if the two varieties carry common genes/s for resistance. The identity of the genes for resistance has been established from relevant crosses with single gene lines carrying known genes for resistance.A single dominant gene effective to race 15C in E5008 has been demonstrated to be Sr9b. Of the two recessive genes, each producing distinct infection types (0; and 1–3) against race 122, one gene has been inferred to be Sr12 and the second to be a hitherto undesignated gene.The resistance of E6160 against race 15C is controlled by two genes, one dominant and one recessive. The dominant gene has been identified as Sr9b. The recessive gene has been inferred to be a new gene. Similarly, a dominant gene effective against race 122 in E6160 has been observed to be different from those so far designated. In addition, the presence of modifier gene/s in the variety, E6160 has been suggested.  相似文献   

Many genes have been located in wheat chromosomes, yet little is known about the location of genes for resistance to Ustilago tritici, which causes loose smut. Crosses were made between the loose smut susceptible alien substitution lines Cadet 6Ag(6A) and Rescue 6Ag(6A) (lines in which Agropyron chromosome 6 is substituted by wheat chromosome 6A) and four cultivars resistant to U. tritici race T19: Cadet, Kota, Thatcher and TD18. The segregating progeny were tested for reaction to race T19 and for the level of binding with a monoclonal antibody specific to a chromosome 6A-coded seed protein. The antibody, which does not bind to seed protein extracts in the absence of the 6A chromosome, was used as a chromosome marker. An association was established between resistance to race T19 and the presence of chromosome 6A for each of the cultivars tested, indicating that resistance to race T19 resides in chromosome 6A. Ustilago tritici race T19 resistance in Cadet appears to be located in the short arm of chromosome 6A, based on the evaluation of the Cadet 6A long ditelosomic stock, which was susceptible, and the Cadet 6A-short: 6-Agropyron- short alien translocation stock, which was resistant.  相似文献   

On the basis of sequence analysis, 69 known low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) genes were experimentally classified into nine groups by the deduced amino acid sequence of the highly conserved N-terminal domain. To clarify the chromosomal locations of these groups, 11 specific primer sets were designed to carry out polymerase chain reactions (PCR) with the genomic DNA of group 1 ditelosomic lines of Chinese Spring, among which nine primer sets proved to be LMW-GS group-specific. Each group of LMW-GS genes was specifically assigned on a single chromosome arm and hence to a specific locus. Therefore, these results provided the possibility to predict the chromosome location of a new LMW-GS gene based on its deduced N-terminal sequence. The validity of the classification was confirmed by the amplifications in 27 diploid wheat and Aegilops accessions. The length polymorphisms of LMW-GS genes of groups 1 and 2, and groups 3 and 4.1 were detected in diploid A-genome and S-genome accessions, respectively. The diploid wheat and Aegilops species could be used as valuable resources of novel allele variations of LMW-GS gene in the improvement of wheat quality. The nine LMW-GS group-specific primer sets could be utilized to select specific allele variations of LMW-GS genes in the marker-assisted breeding. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at Hai Long and Yu-Ming Wei are the two authors who have contributed equally to this paper  相似文献   

Hessian fly [Mayetiola destructor (Say)] is one of the major insect pests of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. Hessian fly (Hf)-resistance genes H16 and H17 were reported to condition resistance to Hf biotype L that is prevalent in many wheat-growing areas of eastern USA, and both of them were previously assigned to wheat chromosome 5A by their linkage to H9. The objectives in this study were to (1) map H16 and H17 independent of their linkage with H9 and (2) identify DNA markers that co-segregate with H16 or H17, and that are useful for selection of these genes in segregating populations and to combine these genes with other Hf-resistance genes in wheat cultivars. Contrary to previously reported locations, H16 and H17 did not show linkage with the molecular markers on chromosome 5A. Instead, both of them are linked with the molecular markers on the short arm of chromosome 1A (1AS). The simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker Xpsp2999 and EST-derived SSR (eSSR) marker Xwem6b are two flanking markers that are linked to H16 at genetic distances of 3.7 and 5.5 cM, respectively. Similarly, H17 is located between markers Xpsp2999 and Xwem6b at genetic distances of 6.2 and 5.1 cM, respectively. Five other SSR and eSSR markers including Xcfa2153, Xbarc263, Xwem3a, Xwmc329, and Xwmc24 were also linked to H16 and H17 at close genetic distances. These closely linked molecular markers should be useful for pyramiding H16 and H17 with other Hessian fly resistance genes in a single wheat genotype. In addition, using Chinese Spring deletion line bin mapping we positioned all of the linked markers and the Hf-resistance genes (H16 and H17) to the distal 14% of chromosome 1AS, where Hf-resistance genes H9, H10, and H11 are located. Our results together with previous studies suggest that Hf-resistance genes H9, H10, H11, H16, and H17 along with the pathogen resistance genes Pm3 and Lr10 appear to occupy a resistance gene cluster in the distal region of chromosome 1AS in wheat. Contribution from Purdue Univ. Agric. Res. Programs Journal Article No. 2007-18105.  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidase activity was higher in resistant wheat cultivar ACC-8226 than in susceptible cultivar MP-845 in control sets and after inoculation of Alternaria triticina. However, similar polyphenol oxidase isozyme pattern was found in control and inoculated sets of both the cultivars, but the band intensity was higher after inoculation. Three and four peroxidase isozymes were found in ACC-8226 and MP-845, respectively. An extra peroxidase isozyme band was observed in both the cultivars after inoculation. The results suggest an active role of peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase in defence mechanism of wheat plants.  相似文献   

MYB转录因子是植物最大的转录因子家族之一,广泛参与植物各种生理生化过程。该研究通过对小麦基因组测序数据库进行同源搜索,利用电子克隆技术从紫色籽粒小麦品种‘高原115’中分离得到了一个新的MYB基因TaMYB3-4 D。结果表明,TaMYB3-4D仅含有一个内含子,其编码蛋白含有2个连续的MYB结构域,为典型的R2R3-MYB蛋白。TaMYB3-4D系统发生关系上与调控花青素合成的MYB基因亲缘关系较近。TaMYB3-4 D与bHLH基因ZmR瞬时表达能够诱导白色胚芽鞘中花青素的合成。此外,TaMYB3-4 D基因仅在‘高原115’含花青素的种皮和胚芽鞘中表达,在根、茎、叶中均未表达。研究表明,TaMYB3-4 D基因是一个具有调控花青素合成代谢功能的R2R3-MYB基因,很有可能参与小麦花青素的生物合成。  相似文献   

Spermine as compared to putrescine or spermidine retarded the loss of chlorophyll and protein contents to a greater extent in wheat primary leaves during dark incubation. Activities of whole chain electron transport, photosystem (PS) 1 and PS2, and absorbed excitation energy distribution in favour of PS 1 were protected by these amines in valency dependent manner during 72-h dark incubation.  相似文献   

Summary T. aestivum var. Chinese Spring (monosomic 5B and 5D, respectively) was crossed with S. cereale (with and without B-chromosomes). The resulting nullisomic 5B hybrids exhibited a high degree of chromosome association both at 20°C and 10°C. The presence of B-chromosomes reduced association slightly whether 5B was present or not.In nullisomic 5D hybrids B-chromosomes of rye raise chromosome association at 20°C when compared to hybrids with 5D, with as well as without, B's. At 10°C, due to the absence of the Ltp gene on 5D, chromosome association in nullisomic 5D hybrids is low, and no effects of rye B-chromosomes is detectable.The hypothesis that B-chromosomes of rye carry (an) asynaptic gene(s) decreasing effective pairing, and (an) independent post-synaptic gene(s) increasing chiasma frequency on effective pairing sites, is presented.The work was supported by a fellowship of the Gulbenkian Foundation and partly carried out while the author was at the Department of Genetics, Agricultural University, Wageningen, the Netherlands  相似文献   

Summary The nucleolar organizer activity of the Agropyron elongatum, its amphiploid with hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) and the chromosome addition lines is analyzed by the silver-staining procedure. Four Ag-NORs are observed in A. elongatum corresponding to the chromosomes 6E and 7E. In the amphiploid T. aestivum — A. elongatum, eight Ag-NORs are observed which corresponds the wheat chromosomes 1B and 6B and to the elongatum chromosomes 6E and 7E. Thus, there is codominance in the nucleolar organizer activity of the chromosomes of the two species. However, a partial amphiplasty is detected since less than 8 Ag-NORs (7 up to 4) are observed in some metaphase cells; the chromosomes 6E and 7E are occasionally suppressed by wheat chromosomes. This conclusion is confirmed by the behaviour of the addition lines since only in those corresponding to the chromosomes 6E and 7E are the elongatum chromosomes nucleolar active although occasionally they can be suppressed by wheat chromosomes.  相似文献   

Steam-girdling experiments with detached wheat shoots showed that cesium was eliminated from the xylem sap and loaded into the phloem during acropetal transport. This transfer is important for the accumulation of cesium (especially also of the radiopollutants 134Cs and 137Cs) in maturing wheat grains.  相似文献   

Deng  Xi-ping  Shan  Lun  Ma  Yong-qing  Inanaga  Shinobu 《Photosynthetica》2000,38(2):187-192
Yields of wheat in semiarid and arid zones are limited by drought, and water condition is very important at each stage of development. Studies carried out at Loess Plateau in the northwestern part of China indicated that yield of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. Dingxi 81-392 was reduced by 41% when subjected to water stress. The effects of two water regimens on net photosynthetic rate (P N), stomatal conductance (g s), and intercellular CO2 concentration (C i) were investigated at the jointing, booting, anthesis, and grain filling stages. Low soil moisture in comparison to adequate one had invariably reduced P N during the diurnal variations at the four growth stages. P N and g s in both soil moisture regimes was maximally reduced at midday. C i and the stomatal limitation fluctuated remarkably during photosynthesis midday depression processes, especially at the grain filling stage. Hence atmospheric drought at midday was one of the direct causes inducing stomata closure and the g s depression, but it was beneficial for maintaining stable intrinsic water use efficiency. Fluctuation in C i implicated that non-stomatal limitation also plays an important role during the period of photosynthesis midday depression. Consequently stomatal and/or non-stomatal limitation are the possible cause of the midday photosynthesis decline.  相似文献   

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