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Iu S Borovikov 《Tsitologiia》1984,26(11):1262-1266
Conformational changes in F-actin, induced by glutaraldehyde or phalloidin, were found in glycerinated m. psoas rabbit fibres (ghost and reconstructed fibres). It is shown that the conformational changes of F-actin decreased the thin filament flexibility as well as weakened fibre's contractility. It is assumed that the stabilization in F-actin structure may be an important factor involved in the mechanism of muscle contraction regulation.  相似文献   

By the method of polarized ultraviolet fluorescence microscopy, effects of ATP, Ca2+, changes in pH and ionic strength of washing solution of the structural state of thick filaments in both actin-free muscle fibers of rabbit and anisotropic discs (A-discs) of glycerinated fibers of crab were studied. The dependence of tryptophan fluorescence anisotropy of thin filaments upon physico-chemical parameters (compounds) of washing solution has been found. The structural state of thick filaments was suggested to be influenced by ATP, Ca2+, changes in pH and ionic strength of washing solution.  相似文献   

The mode and degree of tryptophanyl orientation relative to muscle fiber axes within hydrophobic and hydrophylic sites of myosin macromolecule in the presence of a fluorescence quencher (acrylamide, NO-3) during rigor and relaxation of glycerinated muscle fibers were studied using the polarized ultraviolet fluorescent microscopy. It was shown that myosin tryptophanyls both in LMM and HMM are oriented with their short axes along the longer axis of muscle fiber. Tryptophanyls in LMM have a more pronounced anisotropy of orientation in comparison with the fluorophore orientation anisotropy in hydrophobic sites of HMM. During the muscle fiber relaxation, conformational changes in HMM take place owing to which a section of polypeptide chain with a hydrophilic fluorophore is probably submerged deep into the macromolecule and becomes unapprochable to the quencher.  相似文献   

Increase of anisotropy of F-actin fluorescence of balanus and rabbit muscle fibers under the influence of ATP, AMP and pyrophosphate in EGTA presence was detected by means of the polarized ultraviolet (UV) fluorescent microscopy methods. The fluorescence anisotropy changes are assumed to be associated with the conformational changes in the actin. ATP cause more noticeable changes of actin structure, than pyrophosphate and AMP. The conformational changes in the actin of balanus and rabbit muscle fibres were similar. ATP and its analogs induced also decrease of UV fluorescence anisotropy of A-band which appears to be associated with conformational changes in myosin. It was siggested that the changes in fluorescence of anisotropy of A-bands are due to structural changes in both HMM and LMM parts of myosin molecule.  相似文献   

Fluorescent ADP analog, ε-ADP (1:N6-ethenoadenosine 5′-diphosphate), was incorporated into F-actin in a myosin-free ghost single fiber and polarized fluorescence measurements were performed under a microspectrophotometer to investigate the conformation of F-actin and the changes induced in it by heavy meromyosin and subfragment-1. Four components of polarized fluorescence were obtained by exciting the fiber with light polarized parallel and perpendicular to the long axis of the fiber and measuring the intensity of emission polarized parallel and perpendicular. From these data it was shown that F-actin in the fiber was not rigid but flexible, with a value for the elastic modulus for bending of 5.3 × 10?17 dyn cm2. The angles of absorption dipole and emission dipole of bound ε-ADP with the long axis of F-actin were both about 75 °.The binding of heavy meromyosin decreased the elastic modulus of F-actin by 30% and the angles of absorption and emission dipoles by 2.5 ° and 1.5 °, respectively. The molar ratios of bound heavy meromyosin and subfragment-1 to actin in the ghost fiber at saturation were 0.3 and 0.6, respectively, being smaller than those in solution.  相似文献   

Lowering pH or raising salt concentration stabilizes the F-actin structure by increasing the free energy change associated with its polymerization. To understand the F-actin stabilization mechanism, we studied the effect of pH, salt concentration, and cation species on the F-actin structure. X-ray fiber diffraction patterns recorded from highly ordered F-actin sols at high density enabled us to detect minute changes of diffraction intensities and to precisely determine the helical parameters. F-actin in a solution containing 30 mM NaCl at pH 8 was taken as the control. F-actin at pH 8, 30 to 90 mM NaCl or 30 mM KCl showed a helical symmetry of 2.161 subunits per turn of the 1-start helix (12.968 subunits/6 turns). Lowering pH from 8 to 6 or replacing NaCl by LiCl altered the helical symmetry to 2.159 subunits per turn (12.952/6). The diffraction intensity associated with the 27-A meridional layer-line increased as the pH decreased but decreased as the NaCl concentration increased. None of the solvent conditions tested gave rise to significant changes in the pitch of the left-handed 1-start helix (approximately 59.8 A). The present results indicate that the two factors that stabilize F-actin, relatively low pH and high salt concentration, have distinct effects on the F-actin structure. Possible mechanisms will be discussed to understand how F-actin is stabilized under these conditions.  相似文献   

An extensive series of experiments in this laboratory has shown that the binding of actin to rabbit skeletal muscle myosin subfragment-1 (a single-headed subfragment) can be described by a two-step model, with formation of a weakly bound complex, the A-state, followed by an isomerization to a more tightly bound complex, the R-state. In this paper, we report on additional experiments comparing the subfragment-1 with heavy meromyosin (a two-headed subfragment). Using a modeling approach, we have quantitated the two-step binding for each of the two heads. This indicates that the binding is cooperative and leads to a more complex view of the acto-myosin interaction than has previously been acknowledged. Implications for the dynamic behavior of the two heads during muscle contraction are discussed.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the 20,000-dalton light chains of smooth muscle heavy meromyosin (HMM) from turkey gizzards results in a large increase in the actin-activated MgATPase activity over that observed with unphosphorylated HMM. In an attempt to define which step in the kinetic cycle is affected by phosphorylation, we have measured the binding of both unphosphorylated and phosphorylated HMM to actin in the presence of ATP using sedimentation. There was only a 4-fold difference in the actin binding constants of unphosphorylated HMM (5.35 x 10(3) M-1) and fully phosphorylated HMM (2.35 x 10(4) M-1). In contrast, the maximum rate of the actin-activated MgATPase activity (Vmax) of phosphorylated HMM was 25 times greater than that for unphosphorylated HMM. These data rule out a mechanism whereby the unphosphorylated light chain of myosin regulates actin-myosin interaction by directly or indirectly blocking the binding of HMM to actin. This implies that some step in the kinetic cycle other than the binding of HMM to actin must be regulated. We have also measured the rate constant for ATP hydrolysis (the initial phosphate burst) under the same conditions and found that this step was very fast compared to the steady state ATPase rate and was unaffected by phosphorylation. This suggests that the step which is regulated by phosphorylation is either phosphate release or a step preceding phosphate release but following ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Calponin, an actin-binding protein, inhibited the acto-heavy meromyosin (HMM) MgATPase and lowered the binding of HMM to actin. The amount of calponin bound to actin or tropomyosin-actin was the same when the ATPase was inhibited 80-90%. While the KATPase was diminished only less than 2-fold in the presence of calponin, the Vmax was decreased 6-fold and 2-fold with actin and tropomyosin-actin, respectively. A comparison of the kinetic constants for the ATP hydrolysis obtained in the presence of actin-calponin and tropomyosin-actin-calponin revealed that the tropomyosin augmented the Vmax 5-fold from the inhibited level, but there was no effect on the KATPase.  相似文献   

K'A (apparent association constant) and Bmax. (total receptor concentration) describing the interaction of tri-iodothyronine (T3) and its solubilized rat liver nuclear receptor (R) are found to be moderately consistent in successive preparations, but both quantities diminished after a few days. To achieve comparability in the effects of ionic strength (I) and of pH on K'A and Bmax, appropriate measurements have been made simultaneously on single preparations. K'A and Bmax. were found to be effectively unchanged over the range I0.05-0.60. Both parameters have been measured over the range pH 6.4-9.0 and the values of K'A analysed in terms of the 4'-OH ionization of T3 and that of a cationic acidic group, shown to require pK' = 7.6. This group could be identified either with the terminal alpha-NH3+ of T3 or with a group (RH+) in the receptor site. On the balance of evidence the first possibility is the more likely, in which case the variation of Bmax. with pH is ascribed to conformational changes in the receptor protein.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of gonadectomy (at the 10th day of life) and treatment with sexual steroids (during the first month) upon development of alpha-amylase activity in rat parotid gland has been studied.Alpha-amylase specific activity of parotid glands from 20-day-old orchidectomized rats and from 25-day-old ovariectomized animals was significantly higher than that of intact male and female rats of the same age respectively. Spayed males treated with testosterone (10 g/day on the 13th, 15th, and 17th day) and ovariectomized rats treated with oestradiol (2.5 g/day from the 16th to the 22nd day) showed values of enzymic activity similar to those of normal animals.Results indicate that oestradiol and testosterone have an inhibitory effect upon the increase of alpha-amylase activity in parotid gland during a very defined period of development.Career investigators of Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas.  相似文献   

The effects of ionic strength, MgATP, and phosphorylation on the degradation rates of heavy meromyosin (HMM) by papain have been compared to their effects on the sedimentation coefficient (s20,w) to determine the relationship of the degradation rate to the equilibrium between the flexed and the extended forms (Suzuki, H., Stafford, W. F., Slayter, H. S., and Seidel, J. C. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 14810-14817). At 0.025 M NaCl, where HMM is predominantly in the flexed form, MgATP, Mg-adenylyl imidodiphosphate or MgADP reduce kH by 80-90%. MgATP exerts its optimal effect at this ionic strength, where at least 70% of HMM is flexed in the presence or absence of MgATP, suggesting that nucleotides reduce kH by decreasing the proteolytic susceptibility of the flexed form. At 0.5 M NaCl, where HMM is in the extended form, MgATP has no effect on kH. At low ionic strengths phosphorylation decreases kH but increases it in the presence of MgATP. Plots of kH against s20,w determined at various ionic strengths are linear, the data for phosphorylated and dephosphorylated HMM falling on the same line. Thus, raising the ionic strength or phosphorylating the 20-kDa light chain appears to alter kH by increasing the fraction of HMM in the extended form. The degradation rate of the 20-kDa light chain (kL) of dephosphorylated HMM responds to changes in ionic strength in essentially the same way as does kH, suggesting that the response of kL to changes in ionic strength can also be attributed to conversion of HMM to the extended form. However, kL for phosphorylated HMM measured in the presence of MgATP exhibits very little dependence on ionic strength.  相似文献   

Structural studies of the proteins of the BstVI restriction-modification system of Bacillus stearothermophilus V were carried out using intrinsic fluorescence techniques. The exposure and environments of their tryptophanyl residues were determined using collisional quenchers. Quenching of BstVI endonuclease by iodide suggested a heterogeneous class of tryptophan residues, while the results obtained with M.BstVI methylase were consistent with a rather exposed tryptophan population. A comparison of the quenching efficiencies at 20 degrees C and 55 or 60 degrees C showed that their structures are more flexible and open at the temperature at which they exhibit maximal activity. The endonuclease reached its active conformation only after 1 h of incubation at 60 degrees C. Fluorescence changes were observed upon Mn2+ and Mg2+ binding, with Kd values in the range 3-5 microM. The binding of S-adenosyl-L-methionine to the methylase produced conformational changes, which were consistent with binding to a single site of Kd 550 and 680 microM at 20 degrees C and 55 degrees C, respectively. Quenching experiments with iodide showed that the presence of S-adenosyl-L-methionine leads to different conformational states at 20 degrees C and 55 degrees C. These results were interpreted in terms of differences in the structural characteristics of these restriction-modification proteins as well as in terms of differences in the conformational states that these enzymes exhibit at 20 degrees C and at the temperature at which they are most active.  相似文献   

It was found that the absorption spectrum of beta-naphthyl triphosphate is different from that of beta-naphthyl diphosphate in the range 290-335 nm. Thus, beta-naphthyl triphosphate hydrolysis by heavy meromyosin can be recorded continuously as a function of time by means of a spectrophotometer. By analyzing the time course, the apparent kinetic parameters were easily and rapidly obtained. If necessary, the true kinetic parameters, including the product dissociation constants, can be estimated spectrophotometrically. Beta-Naphthyl triphosphate hydrolysis was inhibited competitively by ATP. By analyzing the time course, it was, therefore, possible to estimate the kinetic parameters of ATP hydrolysis indirectly, and resonable values were obtained. Beta-Naphthyl triphosphate hydrolysis by heavy meromyosin was performed under various conditions. Unlike that of ATP, the hydrolysis of beta-naphthyl triphosphate was inhibited monotonously by treatment of heavy meromyosin with p-hydroxymercuribenzoate.  相似文献   

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