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The existing biocultural links are analyzed among ancient inhabitants of the Cochabamba valleys (Bolivia) from the Formative and Tiwanaku periods, coastal and inland Azapa region (Chile) from the Late Archaic to the Late periods, and the Atacama Desert oases (Chile) from the Formative period to the time of European contact. Craniometric information obtained from a sample of 565 individuals from different sites of the studied regions was evaluated using methods derived from quantitative genetics and multivariate statistical analysis techniques. It is shown that during the Formative and Tiwanaku periods inhabitants of the Cochabamba valleys maintained contact with the population of northern Chile. This contact was more fluid with the people from the interior valley of Azapa than it was with the settlers of San Pedro Atacama (SPA). An important biological affinity in the Late Period between the inhabitants of the Azapa valley and the late SPA groups is also examined. The Late‐Inca Catarpe SPA sample shows a broad genetic variability shared with the majority of the groups studied. The results reaffirm the differences between the coastal and interior Azapa valley groups and strengthen the hypothesis of two pathways to populating the south central Andean area. The divergence observed among subpopulations can be explained by the spatiotemporal dispersion between them, genetic drift dispersion compensated by the action of gene flow, and cultural norms that regulate within group mating. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:591–599, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Previous studies of population structure among prehistoric groups in the Ohio valley region have shown that hunting-gathering populations exhibited a different structure than horticultural populations. Among both Late Archaic hunter-gatherers and Late Prehistoric horticulturists, covariance structures for cranial metrics were found to be homogenous within the populations, but the Late Archaic subpopulations showed little differentiation while the Late Prehistoric subpopulations exhibited a marked differentiation. Biodistance based on cranial discrete trait frequency showed similar patterns, but in the Late Archaic discrete trait distance was associated significantly with the geographical distance separating populations. The present investigation is an extension of the previous studies increasing the Late Prehistoric sample (n = 8 samples and n = 341 individuals) and using the Harpending-Ward model, modified for use with multivariate quantitative data, to estimate the effects of differential gene flow and the amount of differentiation within populations. Results of the present analyses indicate that differentiation among subpopulations, measured by minimum F(ST), was greater in the Late Prehistoric compared to the Late Archaic period. However, for both periods the minimum F(ST) is comparable to values found for historic native populations of the northeast woodlands. Analysis of differential gene flow in the Late Archaic period indicates that geographically peripheral populations were affected more by external gene flow than more central populations. Late Prehistoric populations exhibit a very complex pattern of differential gene flow. We discuss the latter pattern in terms of proposed culture change in the Late Prehistoric period of Ohio.  相似文献   

Fifty-nine dental non-metric traits were scored using Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System on a sample of teeth from 350 human skeletons excavated at three sites in the lower middle Euphrates valley. The dataset was divided into six chronological subsets: Early Bronze Age, Middle Bronze Age, Early Iron Age with Neo-Assyrian period, Classical/Late Antiquity, Early Islamic (Umayyad and Abbasid) period and Modern period. The matrix of Mean Measure of Divergence values exhibited temporal homogeneity of the sample with only dental non-metric trait scores in the Modern subset differing significantly from most other subsets. Such a result suggests that no major gene flow occurred in the middle Euphrates valley between the 3rd millennium BCE and the early 2nd millennium CE. Only after the Mongolian invasion and large depopulation of northern Mesopotamia in the 13th century CE a major population change occurred when the area was taken over in the 17th century by Bedouin tribes from the Arabian Peninsula.  相似文献   

Bioarchaeological approaches are well suited for examining past responses to political and environmental changes. In the Andes, we hypothesized that political and environmental changes around AD 1100 resulted in behavioral changes, visible as shifts in paleodiet and paleomobility, among individuals in the San Pedro de Atacama oases and Loa River Valley. To investigate this hypothesis, we generated carbon and oxygen isotope data from cemeteries dating to the early Middle Horizon (Larache, Quitor‐5, Solor‐3), late Middle Horizon (Casa Parroquial, Coyo Oriental, Coyo‐3, Solcor‐Plaza, Solcor‐3, Tchecar), and Late Intermediate Period (Caspana, Quitor‐6 Tardío, Toconce, Yaye‐1, Yaye‐2, Yaye‐3, Yaye‐4). Carbon isotope data demonstrate a greater range of carbon sources during the late Middle Horizon compared with the Late Intermediate Period; while most individuals consumed largely C3 sources, some late Middle Horizon individuals consumed more C4 sources. Oxygen isotope data demonstrate greater diversity in drinking water sources during the late Middle Horizon compared with the Late Intermediate Period. Water samples were analyzed to provide baseline data on oxygen isotope variability within the Atacama Desert, and demonstrated that oxygen isotope values are indistinguishable in the San Pedro and Loa Rivers. However, oxygen isotope values in water sources in the high‐altitude altiplano and coast are distinct from those in the San Pedro and Loa Rivers. In conclusion, instead of utilizing a wider variety of resources after environmental and political changes, individuals exhibited a wider range of paleodietary and paleomobility strategies during the Middle Horizon, a period of environmental and political stability. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:179–201, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Evolutionary trends and population history and structure are discussed for a series of late prehistoric and historic-period skeletal samples from the Georgia coast and interior (the Guale). Phenotypic dental measurement data were collected for nine samples from the late prehistoric (AD 1200-1400) and historic (AD 1608-1702) periods and subjected to population genetic and statistical analyses. The primary trends were for an increase in tooth size through time, and for an initial increase in dental variability in the early historic period, followed by a subsequent decline in dental variability in the late historic period. Given the increasing stress levels, evidenced by previous bioarchaeological analyses (Larsen [2001] Bioarchaeology of Spanish Florida, Gainesville: University Press of Florida), an environmental explanation for the increase in tooth size is unlikely. It is proposed that the early historic period witnessed aggregation and gene flow with extraregional populations, possibly African slaves or nonlocal Native American population groups. The late historic period may have experienced significant loss of phenotypic variability due to genetic drift. In both time periods, the evolutionary mechanism increased average tooth size, with independent variance effects.Because microevolutionary trends obscure patterns of gene flow and population ancestry, the data were detrended following Konigsberg ([1990a] Hum. Biol. 62:49-70), and submitted to standard population genetic analyses (Relethford et al. [1997] Hum. Biol. 69:443-465). Analysis of the precontact samples in isolation (Irene Mound, Irene Mortuary, and an aggregate coastal sample) indicated little genetic microdifferentiation (F(ST) = 0.008), limited extralocal gene flow, and a small distinction between interior and coastal samples. The inclusion of the historic data dramatically increased variability levels (F(ST) = 0.019). The analysis of extralocal gene flow indicates that the late mission period experienced significantly less external gene flow, which is consistent with historic models that suggest the social organization of the Guale during this time period may have been significantly altered. Genetic distances also indicate a primary division between inland and coastal precontact samples and a maintenance of biological populations along the coast. In other words, the coastal, early historic, and late historic period samples are phenotypically homogeneous, supporting the notion that the mission populations were drawn from the local population base. The late mission period sample was also, however, more closely related to the interior samples. This may suggest that the late mission period population was an aggregate sample composed of both remnant interior and coastal population groups.  相似文献   

Historically, interpretations of both biological and cultural change within the prehistoric Azapa Valley, northern Chile, have cited large-scale population movements, with replacement from complex societies located in the adjacent highlands to the east. Biological estimates of this change have traditionally relied upon biodistance estimates, using craniofacial measures of both deformed and nondeformed skulls. In order to evaluate whether large-scale prehistoric migrations occurred in the Azapa Valley, we examine biodistance results from nonmetric cranial traits for eight mortuary samples that represent all time periods of prehistoric occupation of the valley. None of the mean measures of divergences (MMD) among mortuary samples examined by this study were significant. These results suggest biological continuity in the Azapa Valley during 5,000 years of prehistory, with nonsignificant gene flow during the late Middle Horizon (AD 750-1100) and Late Intermediate (AD 1100-1476) periods. Biodistance results also suggest endogamy within coastal and inland populations. The broader implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have demonstrated the efficacy of dental microwear analysis (DMA) for dietary reconstruction among nonhuman primates, early hominids, and prehistoric humans. The current study seeks microwear evidence for a paleobotanically suggested change in the types of foods that were consumed by two temporally distinct populations of the North American eastern woodlands. This particular dietary shift between the Late Archaic and the Early/Middle Woodland periods did not include the introduction of maize or any other tropical cultigen. In contrast, most dietary reconstructions from this area have compared later populations that consumed tropical cultigens (such as maize) with those that did not. High-resolution casts of adult mandibular second molar protoconid phase II wear facets were viewed via a scanning electron microscope at 500x. Photomicrographs of the microwear features were analyzed with specialized software, Microware 2.2 (Ungar [1995] Scanning 17:57-59). Analysis of variance statistical tests were performed, with one variable requiring rank-transformation. A dietary transition is evidenced by a statistically significant increase in the mean number of pits and concomitant decreases in scratch width and scratch length from the Late Archaic to the Early/Middle Woodland. Overall, the diet became harder and less abrasive. The implication here is that dental microwear analysis is able to discern relatively subtle dietary transitions in human populations that may not be as readily accessible by other means of dietary reconstruction.  相似文献   

We investigated genetic diversity and differentiation of the Pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) in Japanese coastal waters and offshore North Pacific by analyzing mitochondrial DNA and nuclear microsatellite variation. A total of 519 bp of the mitochondrial control region was sequenced and five microsatellite locus were genotyped for 59 individuals. A high level of haplotypic diversity (h=96.1%), moderate level of nucleotide diversity (pi=1.65%) and average expected heterozygosity (HE=0.66-0.76) were within an extent of those reported for other odontocetes. Consistent genetic difference between the samples from Japanese coastal Pacific-Sea of Japan and offshore North Pacific was indicated by analyses of molecular variance (AMOVAs) based on mtDNA and microsatellite variations, comparison of genetic variabilities, and geographical distributions of mtDNA haplotypes and microsatellite alleles. This result suggests that Pacific white-sided dolphins in each of the above two areas belong to different populations between which gene flow has been severely restricted. The low genetic diversity and mtDNA genealogy of the population in Japanese coastal waters suggest that it originated from a small population that colonized the Sea of Japan or that experienced population reduction when this Sea was isolated from the North Pacific during a glacial period in the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Cranial metric and discrete traits were collected from adult individuals of the terminal Late Archaic Duff site cemetery (33 LO 111). Comparisons of cranial metric traits among eight terminal Late Archaic samples including the Duff site sample showed that all samples shared the same generalized variance and by inference the same pattern of shape variation. Some significant size differences were found but these were interpreted as reflecting only minor differences in the underlying polygenic system or differences in environmental interactions. The overall similarity in cranial metrics among the terminal Late Archaic samples strongly suggests that they represent populations that, at least, shared a recent common ancestor. Analysis of discrete trait variation in all the terminal Late Archaic samples showed that the biological distances between samples are associated significantly with the between-sample geographical distances. This association accounts for approximately 25% of the variation in discrete trait frequencies. These results along with the results of the analysis of cranial metrics indicate that all of the terminal Late Archaic samples considered here are related, but geographically nearer samples are more closely related than distant ones.  相似文献   

A 9200 14C year fossil pollen record from a small kettle lake in central Maine, northeast U.S.A., records the development of nearby upland vegetation throughout the Archaic, Ceramic, and Historic periods of human history. The Early Archaic period (9000 to 8000 B.P.) began as open woodland dominated by Picea, Populus, and Larix, which was replaced by Pinus forest. During the Middle Archaic (8000-6000 B.P.) Tsuga-dominated forest, which developed ca. 7400 B.P., was followed by Pinus forest (ca. 6400 B.P.). The Late Archaic (6000-3000 B.P.) was a period of great transition; Tsuga forest developed again ca. 5700 B.P., but was abruptly replaced by northern hardwood forest ca. 4700 B.P. That Late Archaic expansion of hardwoods would have provided better forage for beaver. Coincidentally, boreal wetland mammals such as beaver (Castor canadensis) and muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) increase in faunal assemblages of local archaeological sites, while remains of anadromous fish decrease. We postulate that the apparent increase in human populations throughout the region during the Late Archaic may be attributed to an increase in the resource base within both upland and wetland areas resulting from the development of hardwood forest in response to climatic cooling.  相似文献   

The high frequency of late prehistoric New World treponemal disease is attributable to the demographic changes concomitant with the adoption of agriculture. However, these demographic changes in group mobility and site density episodically preceded intensive plant domestication, suggesting possible staggered temporal change in observed treponemal disease case frequency. Thirteen convincing and an additional two probable (N = 581) cases of treponemal disease were identified in an eight-site skeletal sample spanning the Middle (6,000-3,000 BCE) to Late (2,500-ca. 1,000 to 500 BCE) Archaic and Early Woodland (500 BCE-0 CE) periods from the western Tennessee River Valley. Treponemal disease cases are infrequent in both the Middle (3/115, 2.6%) and Late (2 to 4 cases, 相似文献   

The prehistoric population of San Pedro de Atacama lived through periods marked by prosperity and interregional interaction, as well as times of severe drought, social stress, and widespread poverty. A sample of 682 crania was analyzed for evidence of cranial trauma in order to assess changing patterns of interpersonal violence during the occupation of the oasis. It was hypothesized that the level of traumatic injuries in this population would parallel some of the changes seen in the archaeological record. Low fracture rates would be expected in periods of affluence and environmental stability, while periods characterized by environmental extremes and state collapse would yield elevated rates of aggression. This analysis found that rates of trauma escalated from 5.1% (5/99) in the earliest period, to 10.9% (10/92) in the Middle Horizon (AD 600-950). Although it may reflect problems related to increasing population density in the oasis, this increase is surprising, given that the early period witnessed the shift to permanent settlements, and the middle period was one of prosperity and plentiful resource availability. Trauma rates peaked at 35.6% (16/45) in an early Late Intermediate period (AD 950-1400) cemetery, with other Late Intermediate cemeteries demonstrating similarly high rates of traumatic injury. The elevated trauma rates during this period correlate with major droughts, the concentration of settlements on the oasis' east side, fortified structures, and material poverty, all reflected in the archaeological record. As the Late Intermediate waned and environmental conditions improved, trauma concomitantly decreased (7.0%), and remained low throughout the Inka occupation (AD 1400-1532). This indicates that while the Atacama was not peaceful, violence became commonplace only during periods of great social change and resource stress.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes nonmetric trait variation in 11 late Late Woodland (ca. AD 700-1000) and one Mississippian (AD 1000-1300) skeletal samples from west-central Illinois from a population-structure perspective. Most of the sites are of the Bluff phase of Late Woodland in the lower Illinois River valley; others are from a nearby, contemporary archaeological phase. Late Woodland as a whole era (ca. AD 250-1000) was a period of marked population growth and expansion into new regional environments, trends that accompanied horticultural intensification in the area. Overall variation between sites was low, but males, females, and the total sample exhibited a significant geographic component to variation due to interregional morphological differences. The Bluff sites tended to group together relative to the non-Bluff sites. However, there was no significant geographic component to variation among the Bluff sites. The results are only partially consistent with archaeological data suggesting population growth and expansion through fissioning. Previous studies have demonstrated significant heterogeneity for nonmetric trait frequencies among Middle Woodland (ca. 100 BC to AD 250) sites, suggesting a Middle to Late Woodland change in population structure that lowered levels of morphological variation. This supports a model of increased intra- and interregional interaction from Middle to Late Woodland times developed from ceramic data by Braun and by Braun and Plog.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(64):107-122

During the summer of 1971, a field party from the Museum of Anthropology at the University of Kansas conducted an intensive archaeological- ·survey along Brush Creek, a tributary of the Missouri River four miles west of Parkville, Missouri. Data collected during this survey provides a preliminary characterization of the local environmental setting and a comparativecontrastive statement on prehistoric settlement pattern variability from the Early Archaic to the Steed-Kisker phase.

Topographic, geological, and botanical features of importance in establishing the parameters of effective biophysical environments for prehistoric occupants are summarized, and four resource zones tentatively identified: an upland prairie zone, an oak-history forest zone, a river-bottom forest zone and the Missouri River itself. Although the time depth for these resource zones is unknown, their presence throughout the history of man’s presence is a possibility.

Aspects of the human occupation and utilization of Brush Creek valley, which began as early as 8000 B.C., are viewed as adaptations to the local environmental setting. During the Archaic period (8000 B.C.-A.D. 1), £rush Creek valley was apparently exploited by hunters and gatherers who established short-duration camps. A large and probably permanent village was established during the period of Kansas City Hopewell occupation (A.D. 1-500), although small, temporary, camps were also in evidence. The Late Woodland occupation (A.D. 500-1 000) is marked by small sites with little evidence of any long term occupation. The final occupation of the valley, by Steed-Kisker peoples (A.D. 1 000-1250), is characterized by a pattern of many small homesteads occupied by populations who made their living through a combination of hunting, gathering, and horticulture.  相似文献   

Deciduous dentition of a Late Archaic population of Ohio   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I describe the developmental, metric, morphologic, and pathologic features of deciduous dentition in a terminal Late Archaic (c. 3000 B.P.) Native American population in Ohio. Development of deciduous dentition in this Late Archaic population is stable with little sequence variation. The pattern of development (ldc, ldp3, ldp4) cannot be shown to be different from a modern Euro-American sample. There is an indication, however, that the permanent first molar in the Late Archaic population developed somewhat more rapidly with respect to the deciduous teeth than in the Euro-American sample. Metric and morphologic features of deciduous dentition in the Late Archaic population appear typical for a population of northeast Asian descent. In general, these metric and morphologic features are shown to be useful in distinguishing among populations of differing ancestries. Developmental and acquired pathologic conditions of deciduous dentition are rare or absent in the Late Archaic population. Absence of linear enamel hypoplasia indicates sufficient access to basic resources for the younger children of this population, and the low frequency of caries reflects the relatively cariogenic-free nature of the diet of these hunter-gatherers.  相似文献   

The hemipelagic domain of the ancient southern continental margin of Iberia is home to a strongly condensed pelagic succession (6–15 cm thick) characterized by the presence of phosphate stromatolites. This succession, probably generated in the slope of the continental margin, records a period of some 9 Ma, corresponding to the latest Maastrichtian to Late Thanetian interval. A microstratigraphical analysis allows for characterizing and biostratigraphically dating six successive developmental stages in the succession, which outline the main environmental evolution of the depositional setting. The first of them determined the generation of a submarine hardground during the latest Maastrichtian to earliest Danian interval. The other five are represented by five successive microstratigraphical, unconformity-bounded, genetic units, respectively Early–Middle Danian, Late Danian–Early Selandian, intra-Selandian, Late Selandian–Early Thanetian, and Middle–?Late Thanetian in age. The three oldest units are characterized by the accretion of phosphate stromatolites, favoured by very low rates of pelagic sedimentation and by a microbially mediated extra input of phosphate. The two youngest units are dominated by carbonate deposition, which has always taken place at very low rates. Condensed sedimentation was abruptly interrupted at the end of the Palaeocene (?latest Thanetian), when the condensed succession and its hosting substrate were gravitationally slumped and re-deposited at the base of the slope in the form of a mega-debris flow that can be now observed in Sierra de Aixorta (Alicante, SE Spain). The Aixorta pelagic phosphatic stromatolites are among the youngest ever described, and their existence suggests that the oceanographic conditions necessary for their development prevailed during most of the Palaeocene, but disappeared during the Late Selandian, never to return.  相似文献   

The adaptation of preindustrial band and tribal groups to environments subject to aperiodic downturns of long duration can often be understood by reference to limiting factors affecting the productivity of the subsistence system. This paper examines the two alternative hypotheses of the maritime and agricultural foundations of state society on the coast of Peru, and by reference to limiting factors affecting the Peru Coastal Current, argues that coastal maritime groups never advanced beyond an egalitarian tribal stage. Support for the acceptance of the alternative agricultural hypothesis of state origins is provided by an ecological analysis of relevant features of the marine and terrestrial biomes, ethnographic data on marine subsistence villages, and archaeological data for the Late Archaic and Formative periods . [Central Andes, state origins, coastal adaptations, ecological anthropology, limiting factors]  相似文献   

Mortality profiles were constructed for four American Indian skeletal populations for the purpose of comparing the frequencies of deaths at given ages between and within the populations. An interpretation of the differential mortality frequencies is then possible. Selected for study were the Archaic population from Indian Knoll, Kentucky, an Illinois Archaic series and a Middle Woodland Hopewellian population, both from the Klunk Mounds in southwestern Illinois, and a Middle Mississippian population from Dickson Mounds, Illinois. It was found that in the Archaic populations there were significantly higher percentages of deaths throughout the first three decades than among either the Hopewell or Middle Mississippian populations. Although the mortality profiles of the latter two groups more closely approximated each other, the average age at death was greater for the Hopewellian population. Suggested are different behavioral adjustments to stress. However, with a few notable exceptions, the fluctuations in the frequencies of death follow similar profiles in the mortality curves, indicating that common to all four populations were certain ages at which time death was more likely to occur. Various interpretations are offered to explain these periods of greater mortality.  相似文献   

Palaeontological and palaeoichnological studies were made along the southeastern coast of Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Continental Late Pleistocene and continental, transitional and marine Holocene stratigraphic units were identified. The former are represented by fossil mammal bones and ichnites dated from 16,000 to 12,000 y. B.P. Continental Early Holocene beds dated circa 8,100 years B.P. contain fish, rodent and bird remains. Middle Holocene sediments 6,930 to 6,570 years B.P. are recorded by deposits bioturbated by estuarine crabs. During the Late Holocene, between 5,000 and 4,800 B.P., a marine transgression is recorded by a very rich mollusc fauna. The palaeoenvironmental variety recorded along a few tens of kilometers of the coast is a distinctive feature of this part of the Argentine coastal region. At Monte Hermoso beach, in the eastern part of the studied zone, archaeological materials were dated 7,300 years B.P., and human footprints dated 7,125 years B.P. were also recorded. In January 2005 some isolated human footprints were found at Pehuen-Co palaeoichnological site, which are older than those found at Monte Hermoso beach and of the same age as the oldest human archaeological findings in Patagonia, that is about 12,000 yeas B.P.  相似文献   

The accretion model of Neandertal evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Accretion model of Neandertal evolution specifies that this group of Late Pleistocene hominids evolved in partial or complete genetic isolation from the rest of humanity through the gradual accumulation of distinctive morphological traits in European populations. As they became more common, these traits also became less variable, according to those workers who developed the model. Its supporters propose that genetic drift caused this evolution, resulting from an initial small European population size and either complete isolation or drastic reduction in gene flow between this deme and contemporary human populations elsewhere. Here, we test an evolutionary model of gene flow between regions against fossil data from the European population of the Middle and Late Pleistocene. The results of the analysis clearly show that the European population was not significantly divergent from its contemporaries, even in a subset of traits chosen to show the maximum differences between Europeans and other populations. The pattern of changes, over time within Europe of the traits in this subset, does not support the Accretion model, either because the characters did not change in the manner specified by the model or because the characters did not change at all. From these data, we can conclude that special phenomena such as near-complete isolation of the European population during the Pleistocene are not required to explain the pattern of evolution in this region.  相似文献   

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