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Summary The arrangement of cortical microtubules in tobacco protoplasts is described using the following techniques: 1. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of thin sections of whole protoplasts, 2. TEM of negatively stained protoplast ghosts, and 3. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy of protoplast ghosts. Ghosts were prepared by attaching freshly isolated protoplasts to glass coverslips or formvar/carbon-coated grids with poly-L-lysine and then bursting them either osmotically or by detergent treatment in the presence of a microtubule stabilizing buffer. Osmotic bursting of protoplasts yielded large pieces of plasma membrane with attached microtubules. These preparations proved very useful for measuring the density and length of cortical microtubules. Detergent treatment dissolved the plasma membrane and altered the distribution of cortical microtubules.  相似文献   

Summary The terminal web (TW) region of mature absorptive cells in the small intestine of the rat contains an elaborate cytoskeleton which supports the apical microvillus membrane. In studies regarding the structural organization of the cytoskeleton and associated proteins in the small intestine, microtubules have not been mentioned as components of the TW. By transmission electron microscopy of conventional resin-embedded sections of rat small intestine, we observe many microtubule profiles in the TW of mature absorptive cells. These microtubules are found in various orientations, although most course parallel to the long axis of the cell, and many microtubule profiles are seen in close association with smooth-surfaced vesicles.  相似文献   

The distribution of chitin in Saccharomyces cervisiae primary septa and cell walls was studied with three methods: electron microscopy of colloidal gold particles coated either with wheat germ agglutinin or with one of two different chitinases, fluorescence microscopy with fluorescein isothiocyanate derivatives of the same markers, and enzymatic treatments of [14C]glucosamine-labeled cells. The septa were uniformly and heavily labeled with the gold-attached markers, an indication that chitin was evenly distributed throughout. To study the localization of chitin in lateral walls, alkali-extracted cell ghosts were used. Observations by electron and fluorescence microscopy suggest that lectin-binding material is uniformly distributed over the whole cell ghost wall. This material also appears to be chitin, on the basis of the analysis of the products obtained after treatment of 14C-labeled cell ghosts with lytic enzymes. The chitin of lateral walls can be specifically removed by treatment with beta-(1 leads to 6)-glucanase containing a slight amount of chitinase. During this incubation approximately 7% of the total radioactivity is solubilized, about the same amount liberated when lateral walls of cell ghosts are completely digested with snail glucanase yield primary septa. It is concluded that the remaining chitin, i.e., greater than 90% of the total, is in the septa. The facilitation of chitin removal from the cell wall by beta-(1 leads to 6)-glucanase indicates a strong association between chitin and beta-(1 leads to 6)-glucan. Covalent linkages between the two polysaccharides were not detected but cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

The amount of polymerized tubulin in nontransformed (Swiss mouse 3T3 fibroblast) and transformed cells (SV-3T3 cells) has been quantitated by point counting methods. Division of the cell into centriolar and noncentriolar regions and perinuclear and peripheral microtubule volume densities (MVD) and comparison of these populations with a three-way analysis of variance indicated statistically significant interaction between cell type, centriolar/noncentriolar regions and perinuclear/peripheral MVDs. This interaction in conjunction with the mean MVDs suggests that cell transformation is associated with a decrease in the perinuclear and peripheral MVDs of non-centriolar regions. Because the perinuclear MVD of centriolar regions of 3T3 and SV-3T3 cells were not significantly different we conclude that organizing centers nucleate equivalent numbers of microtubules in both cell types. The decrease in MVD in noncentriolar regions of transformed cells may be due to shorter microtubules which extend from organizing centers but fail to reach the plasma membrane and/or do not loop back into the cytoplasm from the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The digestive (hydrolytic enzymes) and absorptive (sugar and amino acid transport) functions of dog small intestine have been evaluated in different segments and analysed in relation to morphometric and biochemical parameters. The dog small intestine is a cylinder of decreasing diameter in which the underlying mucosa thins down from duodenum to ileum, though maintaining its cellular homogeneity as revealed by measuring the mucosal weight, the total DNA and protein content and the protein content of the brush border membrane. Sucrase, gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, leucylnaphthylamidase and alkaline phosphatase specific activities, measured both in homogenates of the mucosa and purified brush border membrane fractions, were found distributed along proximo-distal gradients of activity. However, different patterns were obtained which are specific for the enzyme considered. Kinetic parameters, Vmax and Km, were estimated for sucrase and alkaline phosphatase in purified brush border membrane fractions. It appeared that Vmax correlated well with the observed distribution of catalytic sites along the small intestine. Sugar (glucose) and amino acid (alanine and leucine) transport capacities were also distributed according to specific proximo-distal gradients but passive and facilitated diffusions were not affected. Only the active, Na+ -dependent component of transport was sensitive to position along the small intestine and we postulated that this adaptation should involve variations in carrier densities. It is therefore concluded that absorbo-digestive functions are intrinsic characteristics of the brush border membrane which are regulated according to the position along the small intestine.  相似文献   

The modian dorsal longitudinal indirect flight muscles from the mesothorax and metathorax of Homorocoryphus nitidulus vicinus have been studied to determine whether structural differences might offer an explanation for reports that the mesothoracic musculature effects a wing-beat rate of 140 beats/sec during stridulation, whereas during flight, it, like that of the metathorax, effects wing-beat frequencies of 14 to 20 beats/sec. No differences were observed and it is concluded that the high wing-beat rate, reported during stridulation, is not reflected in any specific modification of mesothoracic muscle fine structure.  相似文献   

The localization in cell of the protein forming in BLM the ATP-dependent potassium-selective channels was studied. The electron-microscopic investigation of rat liver and heart tissue sections after their incubation with Abs against the studied protein and visualization of the protein with secondary Abs conjugated with colloid gold were carried out. The colloid gold particles were observed both in mitochondrial membranes and in membranes of endoplasmic and sarcoplasmic reticulum. In heart mitochondria these particles were significantly greater then in liver mitochondria. The detection of the channel-protein localization both in mitochondria and reticulum, as well as structural similarity between the mitochondrial channel and the precursor of calreticulin suggests that the channel protein belongs to the calreticulin family. The possible function of the studied protein as a channel subunit of the mitochondrial ATP-dependent potassium channel is discussed.  相似文献   

The nuclear matrix contains a group of residual non-histone proteins which remain structurally organized after extensive extraction of isolated nuclei with a high salt buffer, nucleases and a non-ionic detergent. Electron microscopic examination shows that the nuclear matrix is composed of a pore-complex lamina, an intranuclear network and residual nucleoli. In CHO cells biochemical analyses performed by one-dimensional SDS-PAGE show three major nuclear matrix polypeptides with molecular weights between 60 and 70 kDa. Polyclonal antibodies produced against these polypeptides were used to determine their nuclear distribution. Using immunoblotting, these proteins were found in whole nuclei, nuclear matrix, and in the intranuclear network but not in the pore-complex lamina. In order to determine the relationship between these structural proteins and the organization of the nucleus, the proteins were localized in situ. Ultrastructural detection was carried out by immunogold staining of thin sections of Lowicryl K4M-embedded cells. In interphase nuclei all condensed chromatin clumps were labelled. The nucleolus and the interchromatin granules were never immunogold-stained. During mitosis, the label was found to be associated with the chromosomes. This study shows that unlike the lamins, these 60-70 kDa nuclear matrix proteins are associated with the condensed chromatin throughout the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The effects of villosity and distension on the absorptive and secretory flux in the small intestine were investigated theoretically in a simplified model. In the case of low epithelial permeability, villosity increases both fluxes by surface enlargement, but in the case of high epithelial permeability, this occurred only if the intervillous spaces are very narrow. Otherwise, the flux is reduced due to the intervillous diffusion resistance, which is more effective than the enlargement of the surface area in that case. Distension increases the fluxes due to the additional surface exposed, by opening the intervillous spaces. In the case of low epithelial permeability this increase exceeds that expected from the enlargement of the smooth inner cylindrical surface area. In the case of high epithelial permeability, however, the increase of the fluxes exceeds surface enlargement only in the first phase, just after opening the intervillous spaces. Otherwise, the increase of the flux is less, since the hindrance by the intervillous diffusion resistance is more effective than the increase of the smooth inner cylindrical surface area. In the intervillous spaces the concentration gradient is non-linear with the steepest slope at the entrance due to the permeation through the lateral surfaces of the villi. The gradient approaches linearity in the center of broad intervillous spaces and becomes steeper when the width decreases and the epithelial permeability increases. In rat small intestine broad intervillous spaces are formed at the front sides of the trapezoidal villi by the predominant circular distension. The diffusion resistance in these spaces and the increase of the supravillous diffusion resistance weaken the increase of the absorptive and secretory flux by distension, especially in the case of high epithelial permeability.  相似文献   

Active transport of D-mannose in the small intestine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T Z Csáky 《Life sciences》1966,5(11):1025-1030

The localization in the cell of the protein forming the ATP-dependent potassium-selective channels in the bilayer lipid membrane has been studied. The electron microscope investigation of rat liver and heart tissue sections after their incubation with Abs against this protein and the visualization of the protein with secondary Abs conjugated with colloid gold were carried out. Colloid gold particles were observed both in mitochondrial membranes and in membranes of endoplasmic and sarcoplasmic reticulum. In heart mitochondria, these particles were significantly greater than in liver mitochondria. The localization of the channel protein both in mitochondria and reticulum, as well as the structural similarity between the mitochondrial channel and the precursor of calreticulin suggest that the channel protein belongs to the family of calreticulins. The possible function of the protein as a channel subunit of the mitochondrial ATP-dependent potassium channel is discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis The fine structure and cytochemistry of the intestinal epithelial cell of the fowl have been investigated. The fine structure of the mature absorptive cell of the fowl duodenum was very similar to that described for man and other mammals. Minor differences were the thinner microvillous glycocalyx, the unusual length of the cells and their microvilli, and the wide distribution of lysosomal bodies. The membrane-associated enzymes alkaline phosphatase, ATPase (pH 7.2) and leucine naphthylamidase were mainly associated with the brush border; this organelle also gave positive reactions for mucopolysaccharides and phospholipids. No enzyme activities were found in the terminal web.The distribution of lysosomes between the terminal web and the Golgi apparatus was correlated with the granular localization of the lysosomal enzymes acid phosphatase, -glucuronidase and non-specific esterase. The mitochondrial enzyme succinate dehydrogenase was seen to be localized in rod-like dots which marked the distribution of mitochondria in the absorptive cell. The localization of mitochondrial ATPase (pH 9.4) was not clearly demonstrated because of diffusion artifacts. The region of the Golgi apparatus gave a strong reaction for thiamine pyrophosphatase, together with weak reactions for acid and alkaline phosphatases after extensive overincubation.The endoplasmic reticulum-associated enzymes glucose-6-phosphatase and nonspecific esterase were distributed throughout the absorptive cell, with a maximum activity apical to the Golgi apparatus. Additionally, the jejunal absorptive cells showed endoplasmic reticulum-as well as lysosomal-associated -glucuronidase.  相似文献   

With the aid of a variety of TLC preparations the phospholipid and neutral lipid profiles of guinea-pig pancreas and small intestine has been established. Changes in these profiles, subsequent to incubation of these tissues and prior to lipid extraction, has provided evidence relating to their respective lipolytic enzyme capabilities, mainly in the phospholipase group.  相似文献   

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