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四川当归属六种植物的核型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从居群水平对四川当归属(AngelicaL.)6种植物的核型进行了研究,其中管鞘当归核型为首次报道。6个种的染色体均为2n=2x=22,多为中部和近中部着丝粒染色体,核型多为2A型,仅疏叶当归石灰窑居群为1A型;峨眉当归核型为2n=22=10m 2sm 10st,茂汶当归核型为2n=22=16m 4sm 2sm(SAT),当归核型为2n=22=14m 8sm,阿坝当归核型为2n=22=14m 8sm,管鞘当归核型为2n=22=12m 8sm 2sm(SAT),而疏叶当归不同居群的核型或多或少发生了不同程度的变异。参照Stebbins的观点,峨眉当归以核型不对称系数最高而在6个种中显示一定的核型进化性,疏叶当归不对称系数较低,且出现1A型核型因而体现出一定的原始性。但是,综合形态解剖、花粉性状以及核型特征可以看出,四川当归属植物各性状间具有进化的不同步性,这也表明,作为当归属分布频度中心之一的四川地区,同时也是当归属的分化中心之一。  相似文献   

东亚与北美当归属花粉形态的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
对东亚与北美当归属(AngelicaL.)72种植物的花粉形态特征进行了观察,表明当归属的花粉为一多类型的类群,包含伞形科全部6种花粉类型,说明该属既是一个古老的属,同时又是在发展中不断演化的属。东亚和北美的共有种表明两地区的当归属十分近缘。从两地区存在着古老的姊妹群推断它们共同起源于白垩纪到老第三纪。中国的四川和北美的西北部同为当归属的起源和演化中心。花粉特征还表明当归属的近缘属山芹属(OstericumMaxim.)为一自然的分类群  相似文献   

基于ITS序列探讨法落海的系统分类学地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究法落海的系统分类地位,检测了法落海以及当归属和独活属共12种代表植物的核糖体DNA ITS序列,并结合GenBank中独活属4种代表植物的ITS序列,以羌活属的羌活(Notopterygium incisum)作为外类群,应用序列特征、遗传距离与系统树分析等方法对法落海的系统分类地位进行了分析。结果表明,依据不同的ITS区序列会得出不同甚至截然相反的结论:若依据ITS1序列,法落海应该归属到当归属;若依据ITS2序列,法落海应该归属到独活属。进一步分析法落海与当归属、独活属植物ITS区序列的碱基组成时发现,法落海在ITS1区拥有当归属植物的序列特征,而其ITS2区拥有独活属植物的序列特征。综上分析,支持法落海是介于当归属与独活属之间的一个分类群的系统分类观点。  相似文献   

蜡梅属(Chimonanthus Lindley)植物为我国特有,是国家二级珍稀濒危植物,为全身是宝的落叶灌木树种。2004年1月、2006年9月和12月,以及2007年12月4次深入四川大巴山地区,采用踏查法对野生蜡梅资源的分布、生境、生物学性状、开发利用等状况进行了调查。结果发现,四川大巴山地区广泛分布着野生蜡梅原生林,其分布地域、面积和资源存量在我国野生蜡梅中均占有重要地位。该地区野生蜡梅原生而古老,株、叶、枝、花、果类型丰富多样。但是,存在开发利用误区,资源破坏严重,一些地方甚至濒临灭绝。结合当地经济、历史、文化特色,对有效保护和合理开发利用野生蜡梅资源,发展地方特色资源经济提出了相应的思路与建议。  相似文献   

基于ITS序列的东亚当归属植物的分类学研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用PCR直接测序法,测定了东亚地区狭义当归属Angelica s.s.及其近缘共7属40种代表植物的核糖体DNA ITS序列,并结合GenBank中相关植物的ITS序列(含外类群3种),应用遗传距离与系统树分析法对东亚地区狭义当归属植物内部以及当归属与其近缘属植物之间的亲缘关系进行了分析。结果表明:(1)广义当归属中的狭义当归属、柳叶芹属Czernaevia和高山芹属Coelopleurum之间的亲缘关系较近,山芹属Ostericum与它们的亲缘关系较远,这与果实形态、化学分析的结果一致,建议将山芹属作为一个相对独立的分类群处理。(2)ITS序列分析结果支持狭义当归属不是单起源的自然分类群,而应该被分成若干组的观点。(3)ITS序列以及化学成分分析结果表明,前胡属Peucedanum与狭义当归属之间的亲缘关系很近。(4)形态、化学成分以及ITS等多方面分析结果显示,当归A.sinensis与狭义当归属的多数植物之间均有一定的差距,其归属问题值得商榷。(5)ITS序列与化学成分的分析结果均显示藁本属Ligusticum不是一个自然类群。  相似文献   

四川地处亚热带季风气候区域,地形复杂,气候多样,水热条件充沛,蕴藏着丰富的油脂植物资源。据分析,含油量在20%以上的油脂植物就有150余种,多数未开发利用,现就其中几种具有开发价值、可供食用的油脂植物叙述于后。  相似文献   

四川幅员57万平方千米,地域辽阔,地形地貌复杂,气候多样,植物资源十分丰富。据初步统计,四川高等植物有1万种左右,仅次于云南而居全国第二位。 为查清四川植物种类及植物资源情况,经四川省科委批准,由中国科学院成都生物研究所主持,于1979年组成了《四川植物志》编辑委员会,有30多个高等院校、科研单位的一百多名植物专家分别承担了编写任务。计划编写出版26卷。  相似文献   

广东省野生水果植物资源   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
吴志敏  李镇魁  冯志坚  李秉滔   《广西植物》1996,16(4):308-316
本文报道了广东省野生水果植物资源的调查结果,计有野生水果植物234种,隶属于45科93属。文章分析了广东野生水果植物资源的特点、开发利用的现状及存在问题,对开发利用广东野生水果资源提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

中国药用当归属植物资源丰富,包括当归、白芷、独活等34种药材,临床使用广且药用价值极高,富含香豆素类、多糖类、有机酸类、苯酚类、挥发油类等成分,除补血活血、调经止痛、润肠通便的传统功效,还具有抗氧化、抗衰老、保护神经元、抗肿瘤等药理作用,应用前景广阔。综述了中国药用当归属植物的分布及其药用功效、化学成分和药理作用的研究进展,为当归属植物的开发利用提供参考。并且根据质量标志物(Q-marker)概念,把影响中国药用当归属植物质量的因素概括为当归属药用植物品种、植物产区、化学成分、炮制方法,以及传统功效和网络药理学的预测分析等。从不同方面对中国药用当归属植物进行分析和论述,为建立和完善中国药用当归属植物的质量控制及评价方法提供参考。  相似文献   

对中国壳斗科柯属植物的开发利用情况进行了研究。通过对该属植物资源的调查,筛选出国内具有较高开发价值的7种柯属植物,分析了该属开发过程中存在的问题,并针对资源现状提出相关建议,为柯属种质资源的收集、保护和开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Karyotypes of 6 species in Angelica L . from Sichuan are studied at population level and the karyotype of A. pseudoselinum is firstly reported . It is found that the number of chromosomes are invariably 2n = 2x =22 , with most of them are median and submedian centromeric chromosomes, while subterminal centromeric chromosomes exist in A. omeiensis . The majority of karyotypes belong to 2A, and Shihuiyao population of A. laxifoliata has 1A types . As for karyotypic formula , A. omeiensis is 2n =22 = 10m+ 2sm+ 10st , A. maowenensis is 2n =22= 16m+ 4sm+ 2sm (SAT) , A. sinensis is 2n = 22 = 14m+ 8sm, A. apaensis is 2n = 22 = 14m+8sm, and A. pseudoselinum is 2n =22 = 12m+ 8sm+2sm (SAT ) . However, different populations of A. laxiforliata don’t have the same karyotypic formulae, and there are some variations between the caryotypes more or less . According to Stebbins, A. omeiensis’s evolution status was showed by the highest index of asymmetry among six species studied in this paper , while A. laxiforliata is a little primitive because of its lower index of asymmetry and its 1A caryotypes . However , the morphological, anatomic , karyotypic characters and that of pollen grains are evolving asynchronously , suggesting that, Sichuan as one of the frequency centers of Angelica L . in China , is also one of thedifferentiation centers of Angelica L .  相似文献   

报道了前胡族(Peucedaneae Drude)当归亚族(Angelicinae Drude)、阿魏亚族(Ferulinae Drude)和环翅芹亚族(TordyliinaeDrude)等3亚族18属18种植物的花粉外壁表面和内部的超微结构.根据花粉外壁超微结构资料,论述了18种及其所在属的系统位置.对现时尚存疑的问题,诸如当归亚族中的山芹属(Ostericum Hoffm.)等7属(种),经分析认为统归于当归属(Angelica L.)不恰当;阿魏亚族中的球根阿魏(Schumannia turcomanica Kuntze)、伊犁芹(Talassiatransiliensis(Herd.)Korov.)、胀果芹(Phlojodicarpus villosus(Turcz.ex Fisch.et Mey.)Turcz.ex Ledeb.)等属的代表种显示其外壁演化程度相差甚大,应以与阿魏属(Ferula L.)分别独立为宜;环翅芹亚族(Tordyliinae Drude)中大瓣芹属(Semenovia Regel et Herd.)与独活属(Heracleum L.)的代表种其外壁演化程度相距甚远,也以分立为宜.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation of pollen grains of 18 species belongingto 18 respective genera of the tribe Peucedaneae Drude revealed distinct ultrastructural difference in thepollen exine, including the thickness and features of rectum, columnar layer, foot layer and endexine. Thesystematic position of those 18 species are re-evaluated based on their ultrastructural characteristics ofpollen exine observed in this study. Seven genera related to Angelica L. in Angelicinae Drude have beendeduced to genus Angelica L. For example, Osterfcum grosseserratum (Maxim.) Kitagawa was changed toAngelica L. by some authors, but it differs from Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels in having well developedtectum which is thicker than the columnar layer and foot layer. Its columnar layer is quite well-developedwith long and branched columellae. Besides its surface is tuberculated. Evidently, its development exceedsthat of Angelica sinensis. However, it is only a moderate evolutional species in its genus, and the Angelicasinensis accounts as the most advanced species in Angelica Diels, thus, placing genus Ostencum Hoffm.in Angelica L is not suitable, it may be more appropriate to keep its original position. In addition, Ferulaakitschkensis B. Fedtsch. ex K.-Pol. differs greatly from those of Talassia transiliensis (Herd.) Korov. andSchumannia turcomnnia Kuntze, because of its very well-developed columnar layer, being about four tofive times thicker than the total of tectum and foot layer, tuberculated tectum surface and complicatedstructure of columnellae. As another species Heracleum forrestJ‘iWolff also differs from Semenovia rubtzovii(Schischk.) Monden. in having an even thickness of exine and well-developed columnar layer, it seemssuitable that they should also be treated as two independent genera.  相似文献   

当归是传统的补血中药,其所含的多糖与小分子已有大量的研究,然而当归中的蛋白质组成与功效仍无人知晓。该研究通过0.05 mol·L-1 Tris-HCl( pH=8.0)缓冲液浸提和组织匀浆得到当归饮片粗提液,结合硫酸铵沉淀和透析法去除粗提液中的多糖及还原糖等小分子成分,得到当归饮片总蛋白质,并首次对其组成和生物活性进行了研究。结果表明:当归饮片蛋白含量较高,分子量为17.5~90.7 kDa,其中17.5 kDa的蛋白含量最高,达47%。饮片蛋白在pH 5~11范围内较为稳定,pH为3时,仅余少量17.5 kDa的蛋白。当归饮片蛋白质中至少有3种蛋白在80℃内稳定存在,其中热稳定性最好的是17.5 kDa的蛋白,在热处理温度达到100℃时,仍然稳定存在,但随着处理时间的延长,该蛋白有部分单体发生了交联反应。当归饮片蛋白质具有清除DPPH自由基的能力,且该能力随着热处理温度及热处理时间的增加而增加,pH处理会影响该能力,pH为5.0时,清除能力最高,5.0两侧清除能力均下降。此外,当归饮片蛋白质对细胞有很强的选择性,表现为对正常肝细胞L-02有显著的增殖作用(1.0~4.0 mg·mL-1,P<0.01),对白血病细胞K562则表现出显著的抑制作用(0.5~1.5 mg·mL-1,P<0.01),当归饮片蛋白浓度为1.0 mg·mL-1时,可使L-02细胞增值率达550%(P<0.01),而K562细胞的抑制率达18.3%( P<0.01)。综上所述,当归饮片饮片蛋白具有重要的生物活性,可望从中开发出具有保肝作用的药物蛋白。  相似文献   

9种植物粗提物防治落叶松毛虫的试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从生物防治的角度出发,以黑龙江省有毒杀虫植物为研究对象,从中选取9种省内分布范围较广的杀虫植物,根据其理化性质,采用索氏方法提取杀虫生理活性物质。在内蒙古赤峰市克什克腾旗经棚林场落叶松林内对落叶松毛虫(Dendrolimus superans Butler)进行了毒力测定和林间防治试验。应用兴安白头翁、朝鲜白芷、白藓、白屈菜、兴安藜芦及兴安白芷6种杀虫植物提取液稀释20倍液时,对落叶松毛虫3龄幼虫毒力作用效果较好,校正死亡率分别为85.0%、81.7%、80.0%、76.7%、73.3%和60.0%;应用兴安白头翁、白屈菜、兴安藜芦、白藓、朝鲜白芷5种杀虫植物粗提液稀释50倍时,对落叶松毛虫的防治效果分别为62.0%、60.4%、58.6%、58.6%、53.5%。并与生物药剂、植物源杀虫剂及化学农药进行了药效比较分析,其研究结果为林木害虫的生物防治及有毒植物资源的开发和利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

当归属植物的研究进展   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
本文系统介绍了国内外在当归属植物资源、化学成分和药理作用方面的研究进展,为当归属植物的品种整理、质量评定和开发利用等提供了一些科学依据。  相似文献   

He Y  Hou P  Fan G  Song Z  Arain S  Shu H  Tang C  Yue Q  Zhang Y 《Mitochondrial DNA》2012,23(2):100-105
Angelica anomala Avé-Lall (Chuanbaizhi in Chinese) is an important medicinal plant which can be used in traditional Chinese medicines; however, there are no authentic and universal methods to differentiate this Sichuan famous-region drug of A. anomala from a large number of non-famous-region and false drugs. It has been demonstrated that DNA barcoding is a molecular diagnostic method for species identification, which uses a single standardized DNA fragment. In this study, we tested five DNA barcoding candidates (matK, ITS, ITS2, rbcL, and psbA-trnH), and we found that ITS was the best candidate to authenticate the famous-region drug of A. anomala. Moreover, through comparative analysis of these five DNA barcodes between A. anomala and Angelica dahurica, we found that ITS had the most and ITS2 had more variable regions, but the psbA-trnH, rbcL, and matK regions were identical. Hence, we suggest ITS as the DNA barcoding to identify A. anomala and A. dahurica. Moreover, we are determined to adopt the A. anomala as the accurate Latin name of Chuanbaizhi.  相似文献   

Angelica muliensis (Apiaceae), a new species from Sichuan Province, southwest China, is described and illustrated. The new species resembles A. biserrata, but differs in the shapes of the leaflets and sheaths, umbel number and size and especially mericarp features. The diagnostic characters of these two species are presented and compared.  相似文献   

Nearly 32 species of Angelica occur in China, taking up one third of total species number of the genus in the world, with 12 species in Sichuan. In the present paper karyotypes of 8 species from Sichuan are first reported with x = 11. The parameters of chromosomes of 8 species are given in Table 1 and the karyotypes are shown in Plate 1, 2. The karyotype formulae are as follows: A. valida Diels K(2n) =22=20m+2sm (Wulong Xian, alt. 1900m); A. dielsii Boiss. K(2n) =22= 18m+2smsat+2sm (Songpan Xian, alt. 3000m); A. laxifoliata Diels has 2 kinds of karyotypes in 3 populations: K(2n) =22= 18m+4sm (Hanyuan Xian, alt. 1900m) and K(2n) =22= 16m+6sm (Songpan Xian, alt. 2500m and Baoji in Shaanxi, alt. = 1500m); A. setchuensis Diels K (2n) = 22 = 16m+2smsat+4sm (Songpan Xian, alt. 2800m); A. maowenensis Yuan et Shan K(2n) =22= 16m+ 6sm (Songpan Xian, alt. 2800); A. chinghaiensis Shan ex K.T.Fu K (2n) = 4x= 44 = 36m+8sm (Songpan Xian, alt. 3500m); A. Sinensis (Oliv.)Diels K(2n) =22= 14M+8sm (Songpan Xian, alt. 2900m); A. omeiensis Yuan et Shan K (2n) = 22 = 10m+2sm+ 10st (Mt. Omei, alt. 2100m). The karyotypes of A. valida and 2 populations of A. laxifoliata belong to “1A” and those of one population of A. laxifoliata and the rest 6 species “2A”. By analysing the correlation between the karyotypic symmetry and vertical distribution of A. laxifoliata and A. chinghaiensis, it is considered that as altitude rises, the karyotypic asymmetry and ploidy increases. Comparing with the karyotypes of other species distributed in Northeastern China and Japan previously reported, the karyotype of A. valida with oblong-ovoid fruits and 1-2-pinnate leaves is most primitive and that of A. omeiensis with nearly rounded fruits and 3-ternate-pinnate leaves is most advanced in Angelica. Based on the fact that many species including the most primitive and the most advanced species are concentrated in Sichuan, it may be suggested that the center of origin and diversity of Angelica be inSichuan characterized.  相似文献   

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