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Axons regenerate to reinnervate denervated skeletal muscle fibers precisely at original synaptic sites, and they differentiate into nerve terminals where they contact muscle fibers. The aim of this study was to determine the location of factors that influence the growth and differentiation of the regenerating axons. We damaged and denervated frog muscles, causing myofibers and nerve terminals to degenerate, and then irradiated the animals to prevent regeneration of myofibers. The sheath of basal lamina (BL) that surrounds each myofiber survives these treatments, and original synaptic sites on BL can be recognized by several histological criteria after nerve terminals and muscle cells have been completely removed. Axons regenerate into the region of damage within 2 wk. They contact surviving BL almost exclusively at original synaptic sites; thus, factors that guide the axon's growth are present at synaptic sites and stably maintained outside of the myofiber. Portions of axons that contact the BL acquire active zones and accumulations of synaptic vesicles; thus by morphological criteria they differentiate into nerve terminals even though their postsynaptic targets, the myofibers, are absent. Within the terminals, the synaptic organelles line up opposite periodic specializations in the myofiber's BL, demonstrating that components associated with the BL play a role in organizing the differentiation of the nerve terminal.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1984,98(4):1453-1473
If skeletal muscles are damaged in ways that spare the basal lamina sheaths of the muscle fibers, new myofibers develop within the sheaths and neuromuscular junctions form at the original synaptic sites on them. At the regenerated neuromuscular junctions, as at the original ones, the muscle fiber plasma membrane is characterized by infoldings and a high concentration of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs). The aim of this study was to determine whether or not the synaptic portion of the myofiber basal lamina sheath plays a direct role in the formation of the subsynaptic apparatus on regenerating myofibers, a question raised by the results of earlier experiments. The junctional region of the frog cutaneous pectoris muscle was crushed or frozen, which resulted in disintegration and phagocytosis of all cells at the synapse but left intact much of the myofiber basal lamina. Reinnervation was prevented. When new myofibers developed within the basal lamina sheaths, patches of AChRs and infoldings formed preferentially at sites where the myofiber membrane was apposed to the synaptic region of the sheaths. Processes from unidentified cells gradually came to lie on the presynaptic side of the basal lamina at a small fraction of the synaptic sites, but there was no discernible correlation between their presence and the effectiveness of synaptic sites in accumulating AChRs. We therefore conclude that molecules stably attached to the myofiber basal lamina at synaptic sites direct the formation of subsynaptic apparatus in regenerating myofibers. An analysis of the distribution of AChR clusters at synaptic sites indicated that they formed as a result of myofiber-basal lamina interactions that occurred at numerous places along the synaptic basal lamina, that their presence was not dependent on the formation of plasma membrane infoldings, and that the concentration of receptors within clusters could be as great as the AChR concentration at normal neuromuscular junctions.  相似文献   

In skeletal muscles that have been damaged in ways which spare the basal lamina sheaths of the muscle fibers, new myofibers develop within the sheaths and neuromuscular junctions form at the original synaptic sites on them. At the regenerated neuromuscular junctions, as at the original ones, the muscle fibers are characterized by junctional folds and accumulations of acetylcholine receptors and acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The formation of junctional folds and the accumulation of acetylcholine receptors is known to be directed by components of the synaptic portion of the myofiber basal lamina. The aim of this study was to determine whether or not the synaptic basal lamina contains molecules that direct the accumulation of AChE. We crushed frog muscles in a way that caused disintegration and phagocytosis of all cells at the neuromuscular junction, and at the same time, we irreversibly blocked AChE activity. New muscle fibers were allowed to regenerate within the basal lamina sheaths of the original muscle fibers but reinnervation of the muscles was deliberately prevented. We then stained for AChE activity and searched the surface of the new muscle fibers for deposits of enzyme they had produced. Despite the absence of innervation, AChE preferentially accumulated at points where the plasma membrane of the new muscle fibers was apposed to the regions of the basal lamina that had occupied the synaptic cleft at the neuromuscular junctions. We therefore conclude that molecules stably attached to the synaptic portion of myofiber basal lamina direct the accumulation of AChE at the original synaptic sites in regenerating muscle. Additional studies revealed that the AChE was solubilized by collagenase and that it remained adherent to basal lamina sheaths after degeneration of the new myofibers, indicating that it had become incorporated into the basal lamina, as at normal neuromuscular junctions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize the molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) associated with the synaptic basal lamina at the neuromuscular junction. The observations were made on the neuromuscular junctions of cutaneous pectoris muscles of frog, Rana pipiens, which are similar to junctions of most other vertebrates including mammals, but are especially convenient for experimentation. By measuring relative AChE activity in junctional and extrajunctional regions of muscles after selective inactivation of extracellular AChE with echothiophate, or of intracellular AChE with DFP and 2-PAM, we found that > 66% of the total AChE activity in the muscle was junction- specific, and that > 50% of the junction-specific AChE was on the cell surface. More than 80% of the cell surface AChE was solubilized in high ionic strength detergent-free buffer, indicating that most, if not all, was a component of the synaptic basal lamina. Sedimentation analysis of that fraction indicated that while asymmetric forms (A12, A8) were abundant, globular forms sedimenting at 4-6 S (G1 and G2), composed > 50% of the AChE. It was also found that when muscles were damaged in various ways that caused degeneration of axons and muscle fibers but left intact the basal lamina sheaths, the small globular forms persisted at the synaptic site for weeks after phagocytosis of cellular components; under certain damage conditions, the proportion of globular to asymmetric forms in the vacated basal lamina sheaths was as in normal junctions. While the asymmetric forms required high ionic strength for solubilization, the extracellular globular AChE could be extracted from the junctional regions of normal and damaged muscles by isotonic buffer. Some of the globular AChE appeared to be amphiphilic when examined in detergents, suggesting that it may form hydrophobic interactions, but most was non-amphiphilic consistent with the possibility that it forms weak electrostatic interactions. We conclude that the major form of AChE in frog synaptic basal lamina is globular and that its mode of association with the basal lamina differs from that of the asymmetric forms.  相似文献   

BuTX7 binds irreversibly to two components of skeletal muscle, one with apparent molecular weight (by gel filtration) of 550,000 and one of 200,000. Only the former, thought to contain the acetylcholine receptor, is elevated in denervated muscle, about 20-fold at its maximum. After solubilization, these components retain their specific properties.  相似文献   

Each vertebrate skeletal muscle fiber is ensheathed by a basal lamina (BL) which passes through the synaptic cleft of the neuromuscular junction. In the adult, the synaptic portion of the BL is both functionally and chemically specialized. We have used an immunofluorescence method to compare the development of synaptic and extrasynaptic portions of BL in embryonic rat intercostal muscles. Immunohistochemical staining of adult muscle fibers with monoclonal and serum antibodies defines "synaptic" antigens (including acetylcholinesterase) that are concentrated in synaptic BL, "extrasynaptic" antigens that are concentrated in extrasynaptic regions, and "shared" antigens (including collagen IV, fibronectin, laminin, and a heparan sulfate proteoglycan) that are present in both synaptic and extrasynaptic BL ( Sanes and Chiu , 1983). Synapses appear on newly formed myotubes on embryonic Day 14 (E14; birth is on E22 ). Patches of BL that contain shared and extrasynaptic antigens are present on myotube surfaces by E15, and BL forms a continuous sheath by E17. Shared antigens are present at but not confined to synaptic areas by E15. Two synaptic antigens appear in synaptic areas a day later, and are not detectable extrasynaptically . At least one extrasynaptic antigen is present at immature synapses, and lost or masked by E19 . Thus synaptic BL is not assembled as a unit; rather, components are added, lost, or modified as synaptogenesis proceeds.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase-3 removes agrin from synaptic basal lamina   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Agrin, a heparin sulfate proteoglycan, is an integral member of the synaptic basal lamina and plays a critical role in the formation and maintenance of the neuromuscular junction. The N-terminal region of agrin binds tightly to basal lamina, while the C-terminal region interacts with a muscle-specific tyrosine kinase (MuSK) to induce the formation of the postsynaptic apparatus. Although the binding of agrin to basal lamina is tight, the binding of agrin to MuSK has yet to be shown; therefore, basal lamina binding is critical for maintaining the presentation of agrin to MuSK. Here we report evidence that supports our hypothesis that matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) is responsible for the removal of agrin from synaptic basal lamina. Antibodies to the hinge region of human MMP-3 recognize molecules concentrated at the frog neuromuscular junction in both cross sections and whole mounts. Electron microscopy of neuromuscular junctions stained with antibodies to MMP-3 reveals that staining is found in the extracellular matrix surrounding the Schwann cell. Treatment of sections from frog anterior tibialis muscle with MMP-3 results in a clear and reproducible removal of agrin immunoreactivity from synaptic basal lamina. The same MMP-3 treatment does not alter anti-laminin staining. These results support our hypothesis that synaptic activity results in the activation of MMP-3 at the neuromuscular junction and that MMP-3 specifically removes agrin from synaptic basal lamina.  相似文献   

Potter LT 《Life sciences》2001,68(22-23):2541-2547
This paper discusses the properties of the three most specific ligands found for the extracellular faces of M1, M2 and M4 muscarinic receptors (m1-toxin1, m2-toxin and m4-toxin, respectively). The primary goal of this paper is to show the known and potential usefulness of these toxins and their biotinylated, radioactive, fluorescent and mutated derivatives.  相似文献   

A series of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that react with phosphatidylcholine (PC) were established. All mAbs were highly specific to PC and no cross-reaction with other phospholipids were observed. The results obtained with two typical monoclonal antibodies, JE-1 and JE-8, were described. The analysis using synthetic PC analogs with modified polar head groups showed that the methyl groups on the quaternary nitrogen of the choline moiety were important for the binding. Each mAbs showed distinct acyl chain specificities of the PC molecules, and JE-1 showed considerable reactivity with PC with saturated fatty acids, whereas JE-8 could not react with the PC. Both mAbs bound to PC with unsaturated fatty acids, but showed distinct reactivity profiles. Both mAbs reacted only weakly with water-soluble haptens such as phosphorylcholine and L-alpha-glycerophosphocholine, suggesting that the hydrophobic moiety of the PC molecule is important for the maximum affinity. The interaction between the mAbs and the hydrophobic moieties of PC molecules was further studied by analyzing the effect of the mAbs on the activities of phospholipase A2 and phospholipase C. JE-1 inhibited both enzyme activities, while JE-8 inhibited only the phospholipase C activity, indicating that JE-1 interacts more thoroughly with the hydrophobic region of the PC molecule than JE-8 does.  相似文献   

To identify mechanisms that regulate the deposition of the junctional basal lamina during synaptogenesis, immunocytochemical experiments were carried out on cultured nerve and muscle cells derived from Xenopus laevis embryos. In some experiments successive observations were made on individual muscle cells after pulse-labeling with a fluorescent monoclonal antibody specific for a basal lamina proteoglycan. In others, old and new proteoglycan molecules were differentially labeled with antibody conjugated to contrasting fluorochromes. These observations revealed that surface deposits of antibody-labeled proteoglycan remain morphologically stable for several days on developing muscle cells. Over the same period, however, new sites of proteoglycan accumulation formed that contained primarily those antigenic sites recently exposed at the cell surface. When muscle cells became innervated by cholinergic neurites, new proteoglycan accumulations were induced at the developing neuromuscular junctions, and these too were composed almost exclusively of recently deposited antigen. In older muscle cultures, where many cells possessed relatively high background concentrations of antigen over their surfaces, developing neuromuscular junctions initially showed a markedly reduced proteoglycan site-density compared with the adjacent, extrajunctional muscle surface. Much of this perineural region eventually became filled with dense, nerve induced proteoglycan plaques at later stages of synapse development. Motoneurons thus appear to have two, superficially paradoxical effects on muscle basal lamina organization. They first cause the removal of any existing, extrajunctional proteoglycan from the path of cell contact, and then induce the deposition of dense plaques of recently synthesized proteoglycan within the developing junctional basal lamina. This observation suggests that the proteolytic enzyme systems that have already been implicated in tissue remodeling may also contribute to the inductive interaction between nerve and muscle cells during synaptogenesis.  相似文献   

Agrin, a heparin sulfate proteoglycan, is an integral member of the synaptic basal lamina and plays a critical role in the formation and maintenance of the neuromuscular junction. The N‐terminal region of agrin binds tightly to basal lamina, while the C‐terminal region interacts with a muscle‐specific tyrosine kinase (MuSK) to induce the formation of the postsynaptic apparatus. Although the binding of agrin to basal lamina is tight, the binding of agrin to MuSK has yet to be shown; therefore, basal lamina binding is critical for maintaining the presentation of agrin to MuSK. Here we report evidence that supports our hypothesis that matrix metalloproteinase‐3 (MMP‐3) is responsible for the removal of agrin from synaptic basal lamina. Antibodies to the hinge region of human MMP‐3 recognize molecules concentrated at the frog neuromuscular junction in both cross sections and whole mounts. Electron microscopy of neuromuscular junctions stained with antibodies to MMP‐3 reveals that staining is found in the extracellular matrix surrounding the Schwann cell. Treatment of sections from frog anterior tibialis muscle with MMP‐3 results in a clear and reproducible removal of agrin immunoreactivity from synaptic basal lamina. The same MMP‐3 treatment does not alter anti‐laminin staining. These results support our hypothesis that synaptic activity results in the activation of MMP‐3 at the neuromuscular junction and that MMP‐3 specifically removes agrin from synaptic basal lamina. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 43: 140–149, 2000  相似文献   

Erythrocyte binding antigen-160 (EBA-160) protein is a Plasmodium falciparum antigen homologue from the erythrocyte binding protein family (EBP). It has been shown that the EBP family plays a role in parasite binding to the erythrocyte surface. The EBA-160 sequence has been chemically synthesised in seventy 20-mer sequential peptides covering the entire 3D7 protein strain, each of which was tested in erythrocyte binding assays to identify possible EBA-160 functional regions. Five EBA-160 high activity binding peptides (HABPs) specifically binding to erythrocytes with high affinity were identified. Dissociation constants lay between 200 and 460 nM and Hill coefficients between 1.5 and 2.3. Erythrocyte membrane protein binding peptide cross-linking assays using SDS-PAGE showed that these peptides bound specifically to 12, 28, and 44 kDa erythrocyte membrane proteins. The nature of these receptor sites was studied in peptide binding assays using enzyme-treated erythrocytes. HABPs were able to block merozoite in vitro invasion of erythrocytes. HABPs’ potential as anti-malarial vaccine candidates is also discussed.  相似文献   

Tok JB  Cho J  Rando RR 《Nucleic acids research》2000,28(15):2902-2910
RNA–RNA recognition is a critical process in controlling many key biological events, such as translation and ribozyme functions. The recognition process governing RNA–RNA interactions can involve complementary Watson–Crick (WC) base pair binding, or can involve binding through tertiary structural interaction. Hence, it is of interest to determine which of the RNA–RNA binding events might emerge through an in vitro selection process. The A-site of the 16S rRNA decoding region was chosen as the target, both because it possesses several different RNA structural motifs, and because it is the rRNA site where codon/anticodon recognition occurs requiring recognition of both mRNA and tRNA. It is shown here that a single family of RNA molecules can be readily selected from two different sizes of RNA library. The tightest binding aptamer to the A-site 16S rRNA construct, 109.2-3, has its consensus sequences confined to a stem–loop region, which contains three nucleotides complementary to three of the four nucleotides in the stem–loop region of the A-site 16S rRNA. Point mutations on each of the three nucleotides on the stem–loop of the aptamer abolish its binding capacity. These studies suggest that the RNA aptamer 109.2-3 interacts with the simple 27 nt A-site decoding region of 16S rRNA through their respective stem–loops. The most probable mode of interaction is through complementary WC base pairing, commonly referred to as a loop–loop ‘kissing’ motif. High affinity binding to the other structural motifs in the decoding region were not observed.  相似文献   

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