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To better understand what directs and limits the evolution of phenotype, constraints in the realization of the optimal phenotype need to be addressed. That includes estimations of variability of adaptively important traits as well as their correlation structures, but also evaluation of how they are affected by relevant environmental conditions and development phases. The aims of this study were to analyze phenotypic plasticity, genetic variability and correlation structures of important Iris pumila leaf traits in different light environments and ontogenetic phases, and estimate its evolutionary potential. Stomatal density, specific leaf area, total chlorophyll concentration and chlorophyll a/b ratio were analyzed on I. pumila full‐sib families in the seedling phase and on the same plants after 3 years of growth in contrasting light conditions typical for ontogenetic stage in question. There was a significant phenotypic plasticity in both ontogenetic stages, but significant genetic variability was detected only for chlorophyll concentrations. Correlations of the same trait between different stages were weak due to changes in environmental conditions and difference in ontogenetic reaction norms of different genotypes. Ontogenetic variability of correlation structures was detected, where correlations and integration were higher in seedlings compared with adult plants 3 years later. Correlations were affected by environmental conditions, with integration being higher in the lower light conditions, but correlations between phases being stronger in the higher light treatment. These findings demonstrated that the analyzed traits can be selected and can mostly evolve independently in different environments and ontogenetic stages, with low genetic variability as a potentially main constraint.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in heat shock proteins Hsp70 and Hsp90 expression was studied in the leaves of two naturally growing Iris pumila populations, one inhabiting an open dune site, and the other the understorey of a Pinus silvestris stand. The Hsps were quantified by an immunoblotting procedure. The level of the Hsps was found to vary significantly both across seasons and between habitats. The mean Hsp70 concentration was significantly greater at the open area than in the woodland understorey, reaching its maximum in the summer, especially in plants experiencing full sunlight. Two Hsp90 isoforms, referred to as Hsp90a (86 kDa) and Hsp90b (84 kDa), were detected. At both habitats, the level of Hsp90a was highest in autumn, that of Hsp90b in spring, whereas both of them reached a nadir in summer. Throughout the growing season, the relative abundance of Hsp90b was higher in plants growing under vegetation canopy in comparison to those inhabiting the open dune site. An inverse relationship between the phenotypic variation in specific leaf area and the level of Hsp90b over seasons at both habitats was observed, suggesting the role of this protein in buffering phenotypic variation in the wild.  相似文献   

A multivariate selection analysis has been used to test the adaptiveness of several Iris pumila leaf traits that display plasticity to natural light conditions. Siblings of a synthetic population comprising 31 families of two populations from contrasting light habitats were grown at an open dune site and in the understory of a Pinus nigra stand in order to score variation in phenotypic expression of six leaf traits: number of senescent leaves, number of live leaves, leaf length, leaf width, leaf angle, and specific leaf area. The ambient light conditions affected the values of all traits studied except for specific leaf area. In accordance to ecophysiological expectations for an adaptive response to light, both leaf length and width were significantly greater while the angle between sequential leaves was significantly smaller in the woodland understory than at the exposed dune site. The relationship between leaf traits and vegetative fitness (total leaf area) differed across light habitats as predicted by functional hypotheses. The standardized linear selection gradient (β′) for leaf length and width were positive in sign in both environments, but their magnitude for leaf length was higher in the shade than under full sunlight. Since plasticity of leaf length in the woodland shade has been recognized as adaptive, fitness cost of producing plastic change in leaf length was assessed. In both of the available methods used, the two-step and the multivariate regression procedures, a rather high negative association between the fitness value and the plasticity of leaf length was obtained, indicating a cost of plasticity. The selection gradient for leaf angle was weak and significant only in the woodland understory. Genetic correlations between trait expressions in contrasting light environments were negative in sign and low in magnitude, implying a significant genetic variation for plasticity in these leaf traits. Furthermore, leaf length and leaf width were found to be genetically positively coupled, which indicates that there is a potential for these two traits to evolve toward their optimal phenotypic values even faster than would be expected if they were genetically independent.  相似文献   

Iris haynei and I. atrofusca are two closely related narrow endemics distributed vicariously along an ecogeographical north-south gradient in Israel and the West Bank. To obtain baseline information of the taxonomic status, conservation and population history of these taxa, we investigated patterns of phenotypic variation and the partitioning of genetic variation within and among populations using dominant random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Multivariate (principal components analysis) and taxonomic distance analyses based on morphometric traits from eight populations revealed no unambiguous separation into two distinct groups. Results of genetic analyses for nine populations differed only slightly when either allele- or marker-based approaches were employed. Mean within-population diversity was high (0.258 for Nei's expected heterozygosity), but there was no significant relationship between genetic diversity and either population size or latitude. Although the range-wide estimate of GST ( approximately 0.20) revealed relatively high differentiation among populations this value was inflated because of a small, but significant, component of molecular variance among regions viz. taxa ( approximately 5%). Limited long-distance dispersal capabilities in conjunction with a linearized habitat distribution are proposed to contribute to the approximate isolation by distance pattern observed. It also appears that extant populations are currently deviating from equilibrium conditions because of primary divergence of a formerly more widespread ancestral population. Given the absence of deep genetic and phenotypic subdivision among northern (I. haynei) vs. central/southern (I. atrofusca) populations, we argue for a revision of their species status. Nonetheless, we recommend conservation attention to these geographically differentiated segments as separate management units, which can be seen as an instructive example of incipient species formation.  相似文献   

The factors influencing cancer susceptibility and why it varies across species are major open questions in the field of cancer biology. One underexplored source of variation in cancer susceptibility may arise from trade-offs between reproductive competitiveness (e.g. sexually selected traits, earlier reproduction and higher fertility) and cancer defence. We build a model that contrasts the probabilistic onset of cancer with other, extrinsic causes of mortality and use it to predict that intense reproductive competition will lower cancer defences and increase cancer incidence. We explore the trade-off between cancer defences and intraspecific competition across different extrinsic mortality conditions and different levels of trade-off intensity, and find the largest effect of competition on cancer in species where low extrinsic mortality combines with strong trade-offs. In such species, selection to delay cancer and selection to outcompete conspecifics are both strong, and the latter conflicts with the former. We discuss evidence for the assumed trade-off between reproductive competitiveness and cancer susceptibility. Sexually selected traits such as ornaments or large body size require high levels of cell proliferation and appear to be associated with greater cancer susceptibility. Similar associations exist for female traits such as continuous egg-laying in domestic hens and earlier reproductive maturity. Trade-offs between reproduction and cancer defences may be instantiated by a variety of mechanisms, including higher levels of growth factors and hormones, less efficient cell-cycle control and less DNA repair, or simply a larger number of cell divisions (relevant when reproductive success requires large body size or rapid reproductive cycles). These mechanisms can affect intra- and interspecific variation in cancer susceptibility arising from rapid cell proliferation during reproductive maturation, intrasexual competition and reproduction.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is proposed to describe the relationship between the abundance and the rank of species in order from the most abundant to the least in a community in an open habitat. This model is derived as a corollary of a species-area equation (Kobayashi , 1975) which could be expected in the case where the individuals of each species are uniformly distributed over a habitat area. Numerical simulation reveals that a rank-abundance curve for a universe results in different species-area or species-individual curves according to the spatial distribution of individuals, and that the relative abundance of each species in a sample varies with sample size unless the spatial distribution of individuals is uniform. A species-individual curve obtained bySanders 's (1968) rarefaction method agrees with that observed actually only for the spatially uniform distribution. Change in the pattern of rank-abundance curve with species diversity and with sample size is discussed in relation to the present model.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate how local, regional and historical factors shape the herbaceous plant communities in fragmented riverine forests, and how the community composition and species richness of these fragments is related to the interplay between the environmental factors and specific plant life‐trait combinations. Location Riverine forest fragments in the Grand‐duché de Luxembourg. Methods Forest fragments were surveyed for their abundance in herbaceous plant species. All plant species where clustered into Emergent Groups (EG) by means of a formal classification based on 14 life‐history traits. Within each EG, the local, regional and historical factors were related to the community composition using partial Canonical Correspondence Analyses (pCCA) and to the species richness using Generalized Linear Models (GLMs). The EG colonization ability was characterized by means of logistic regressions. Results We defined and characterized seven EGs, among which three consisted of forest specialist species (barochorous perennials, short geophytes and zoochorous perennials), which exhibited specific life‐trait combinations: large and short‐lived seeds and/or vernal phenology. Differences in EG composition between forest fragments were mainly explained by local environmental factors such as soil productivity and pH. The richness of barochorous perennials and short geophytes was well predicted by the historical and regional factors. The colonization ability appeared very low for barochorous perennials and short geophytes. Main conclusions Local environmental conditions appear to drive the differentiation of the riverine forest plant communities owing to the specific habitat requirements of many forest species. Spatial and temporal forest discontinuities affect the richness of forest specialist species, due to dispersal and/or recruitment limitations. The emergent group approach enhances the understanding of the relative influence of local, regional and historical factors by distinguishing between forest specialists from generalists or ‘matrix’ species, which have a masking effect.  相似文献   

The coral fauna of the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) is depauperate and peripheral; hence, it has drawn attention to the factors allowing its survival. Here, we use a genetic seascape approach and ecological niche modeling to unravel the environmental factors correlating with the genetic variation of Porites panamensis, a hermatypic coral endemic to the ETP. Specifically, we test if levels of diversity and connectivity are higher among abundant than among depauperate populations, as expected by a geographically relaxed version of the Abundant Center Hypothesis (rel‐ACH). Unlike the original ACH, referring to a geographical center of distribution of maximal abundance, the rel‐ACH refers only to a center of maximum abundance, irrespective of its geographic position. The patterns of relative abundance of P. panamensis in the Mexican Pacific revealed that northern populations from Baja California represent its center of abundance; and southern depauperate populations along the continental margin are peripheral relative to it. Genetic patterns of diversity and structure of nuclear DNA sequences (ribosomal DNA and a single copy open reading frame) and five alloenzymatic loci partially agreed with rel‐ACH predictions. We found higher diversity levels in peninsular populations and significant differentiation between peninsular and continental colonies. In addition, continental populations showed higher levels of differentiation and lower connectivity than peninsular populations in the absence of isolation by distance in each region. Some discrepancies with model expectations may relate to the influence of significant habitat discontinuities in the face of limited dispersal potential. Environmental data analyses and niche modeling allowed us to identify temperature, water clarity, and substrate availability as the main factors correlating with patterns of abundance, genetic diversity, and structure, which may hold the key to the survival of P. panamensis in the face of widespread environmental degradation.  相似文献   

The Madagascar plover Charadrius thoracicus is a shorebird endemic to western Madagascar, currently classified as globally vulnerable. It is restricted to specialized wetland habitats that are increasingly threatened by humans. To inform future conservation measures for this poorly known species, we develop a predictive habitat suitability map and use this map to estimate the size of the Madagascar plover population. We integrate spatially referenced presence-only observations of Madagascar plovers with Landsat data, elevation data and measures of distance to settlements and the coast to produce a habitat suitability model using ecological niche factor analysis. Validation of this model using a receiver operating characteristic plot suggests that it is at least 84% accurate in predicting suitable sites. We then use our estimate of total area of suitable habitat above a critical suitability threshold and data on Madagascar plover density in suitable sites to estimate the total population size to derive a total population estimate of 3100±396 standard error individuals. Finally, we explore the conservation applications of our model.  相似文献   

For many insect species, egg and larval substrate characteristics are significantly correlated with interspecific differences in female reproductive allocation and egg size-number tradeoffs. We tested the hypothesis that a similar pattern occurred within the Australian drosophilid, Drosophila hibisci, that is restricted throughout its life cycle to flowers of species in the genus Hibiscus. These plants occur as small, isolated, normally monospecific stands that should facilitate differentiation of the fly populations in relation to specific oviposition and larval substrates. Data from 38 sites ranging from 20.8̀ to 34.4̀ S latitude in eastern Australia indicated no relationship between female body size, egg size, or ovariole numbers and floral size or mass among four species of Hibiscus. However, the flies did show a latitudinal cline in ovariole number that was independent of floral variation. Females averaged 15–20 ovarioles per female in the south (32–34̀ S latitude) and 10–12 ovarioles in the north (21–22̀ S latitude). The increase in ovariole number with latitude was due to divergence in the ovariole number of the largest females. In contrast, small females in the north and south had the same number of ovarioles. Reproductive allocation of female flies in the northern region was less than females in the southern region. The latitudinal divergence in ovariole number was not associated with habitat differences (density of trees, density of flies and beetles), nor with differences in floral characteristics (flower weight, petal length, yeast species present). Short term weather patterns in daily temperature and rainfall preceding collections pardy explain the variation in ovariole number. These observations in conjunction with preliminary genetic results suggest the cline is associated with genetic differences that interact with environmental determinants such as the temperature during larval development.  相似文献   

Sicard A  Lenhard M 《Annals of botany》2011,107(9):1433-1443


In angiosperm evolution, autogamously selfing lineages have been derived from outbreeding ancestors multiple times, and this transition is regarded as one of the most common evolutionary tendencies in flowering plants. In most cases, it is accompanied by a characteristic set of morphological and functional changes to the flowers, together termed the selfing syndrome. Two major areas that have changed during evolution of the selfing syndrome are sex allocation to male vs. female function and flower morphology, in particular flower (mainly petal) size and the distance between anthers and stigma.


A rich body of theoretical, taxonomic, ecological and genetic studies have addressed the evolutionary modification of these two trait complexes during or after the transition to selfing. Here, we review our current knowledge about the genetics and evolution of the selfing syndrome.


We argue that because of its frequent parallel evolution, the selfing syndrome represents an ideal model for addressing basic questions about morphological evolution and adaptation in flowering plants, but that realizing this potential will require the molecular identification of more of the causal genes underlying relevant trait variation.  相似文献   

Several evolutionary hypotheses help explain why only some species adapt readily to new conditions and expand distributions beyond borders, but there is limited evidence testing these hypotheses. In this study, we consider patterns of neutral (microsatellite) and quantitative genetic variation in traits in three species of Drosophila from the montium species group in eastern Australia. We found little support for restricted or asymmetrical gene flow in any species. In rainforest-restricted Drosophila birchii, there was evidence of selection for increased desiccation and starvation resistance towards the southern border, and a reduction in genetic diversity in desiccation resistance at this border. No such patterns existed for Drosophila bunnanda, which has an even more restricted distribution. In the habitat generalist Drosophila serrata, there was evidence for geographic selection for wing size and development time, although clinal patterns for increased cold and starvation resistance towards the southern border could not be differentiated from neutral expectations. These findings suggest that borders in these species are not limited by low overall genetic variation but instead in two of the species reflect patterns of selection and genetic variability in key traits limiting borders.  相似文献   

Changes in body size and breeding phenology have been identified as two major ecological consequences of climate change, yet it remains unclear whether climate acts directly or indirectly on these variables. To better understand the relationship between climate and ecological changes, it is necessary to determine environmental predictors of both size and phenology using data from prior to the onset of rapid climate warming, and then to examine spatially explicit changes in climate, size, and phenology, not just general spatial and temporal trends. We used 100 years of natural history collection data for the wood frog, Lithobates sylvaticus with a range >9 million km2, and spatially explicit environmental data to determine the best predictors of size and phenology prior to rapid climate warming (1901–1960). We then tested how closely size and phenology changes predicted by those environmental variables reflected actual changes from 1961 to 2000. Size, phenology, and climate all changed as expected (smaller, earlier, and warmer, respectively) at broad spatial scales across the entire study range. However, while spatially explicit changes in climate variables accurately predicted changes in phenology, they did not accurately predict size changes during recent climate change (1961–2000), contrary to expectations from numerous recent studies. Our results suggest that changes in climate are directly linked to observed phenological shifts. However, the mechanisms driving observed body size changes are yet to be determined, given the less straightforward relationship between size and climate factors examined in this study. We recommend that caution be used in “space‐for‐time” studies where measures of a species’ traits at lower latitudes or elevations are considered representative of those under future projected climate conditions. Future studies should aim to determine mechanisms driving trends in phenology and body size, as well as the impact of climate on population density, which may influence body size.  相似文献   

The role of past climatic change in shaping the distributions of tropical rain forest vertebrates is central to long-standing hypotheses about the legacy of the Quaternary ice ages. One approach to testing such hypotheses is to use genetic data to infer the demographic history of codistributed species. Population genetic theory that relates the structure of allelic genealogies to historical changes in effective population size can be used to detect a past history of demographic expansion or contraction. The fruit bats Cynopterus sphinx and C. brachyotis (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) exhibit markedly different distribution patterns across the Indomalayan region and therefore represent an exemplary species pair to use for such tests. The purpose of this study was to test alternative hypotheses about historical patterns of demographic expansion and contraction in C. sphinx and C. brachyotis using a coalescent-based analysis of microsatellite variation. Specifically, we used a hierarchical Bayesian model based on Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the posterior distribution of genealogical and demographic parameters. The results revealed strong evidence for population contraction in both species. Evidence for a population contraction in C. brachyotis was expected on the basis of biogeographic considerations. However, similar evidence for population contraction in C. sphinx does not support the hypothesis that this species underwent a pronounced range expansion during the late Quaternary. Genetic evidence for population decline may reflect the consequences of habitat destruction on a more recent time scale.  相似文献   

Two principles are important for the optimal sex ratio strategy of plants. (1) Sib mating. Because seed dispersal is restricted, sib mating may occur which selects for a female bias in the seed sex ratio. (2) Local resource competition (LRC). If a plant produces pollen its nuclear genes are dispersed in two steps: first through the pollen and then, if the pollen is successful in fertilizing an ovule on another plant, through the seed. If the plant produces an ovule, its genes are dispersed only through the seed. By making pollen instead of ovules the offspring of a single plant is then spread out over a wider area. This reduces the chance that genetically related individuals are close together and need to compete for the same resource. The effect is the strongest if pollen is dispersed over a much wider area than seeds. Less LRC for paternally vs. maternally derived offspring selects for a male bias in sex allocation. We study the above‐mentioned opposite effects in dioecious plants (with separate male and female individuals), with maternal control over the sex ratio (fraction males) in the seeds. In a two‐dimensional spatial model female‐biased sex ratios are found when both pollen and seed dispersal are severely restricted. If pollen disperses over a wider area than seeds, which is probably the common situation in plants, the seed sex ratio becomes male‐biased. If pollen and seeds are both dispersed over a wide area, the sex ratio approaches 0.5. Our results do not change if the offspring of brother–sister matings are less fit because of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Osterberg F  Aqvist J 《FEBS letters》2005,579(13):2939-2944
Binding of blockers to the human voltage-gated hERG potassium channel is studied using a combination of homology modelling, automated docking calculations and molecular dynamics simulations, where binding affinities are evaluated using the linear interaction energy method. A homology model was constructed based on the available crystal structure of the bacterial KvAP channel and the affinities of a series of sertindole analogues predicted using this model. The calculations reproduce the relative binding affinities of these compounds very well and indicate that both polar interactions near the intracellular opening of the selectivity filter as well as hydrophobic complementarity in the region around F656 are important for blocker binding. These results are consistent with recent alanine scanning mutation experiments on the blocking of the hERG channel by other compounds.  相似文献   

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