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The neural recognition molecules L1 and N-CAM have been shown to be preferentially localized at sites of Schwann cell-to-neurite and Schwann cell-to-Schwann cell contact in vitro. In the present study, we investigated the mechanisms underlying the restricted expression of these molecules at the Schwann cell surface, focusing on the possible role of actin filaments. Co-cultures consisting of Schwann cells from newborn mice and explants of dorsal root ganglia from chicken embryos were maintained in the absence or presence of cytochalasin D, an agent disrupting actin filaments. Immunoelectron microscopy with mouse-specific antibodies was carried out to quantify the restricted localization of L1 and N-CAM at the Schwann cell surface in contact with neurites. After 2 days of co-culturing in the absence of cytochalasin D, approximately 65% of the cell–cell contacts showed a restricted immunoreactivity for L1 and N-CAM. The accumulation of L1 at contact sites was unchanged in cytochalasin D-treated co-cultures, while the agent strongly reduced the restricted localization of N-CAM to 20% of all cell–cell contacts. The disruption of N-CAM accumulation appeared to be rapid and occurred within 5 h of cytochalasin D treatment. These results indicate that the restricted localization of N-CAM, but not of L1, is sensitive to cytochalasin D treatment, suggesting a dependence on the integrity of the actin network. Thus, different mechanisms may regulate the subcellular distribution of cell adhesion molecules in Schwann cells.  相似文献   

The adhesion of cells to the extracellular matrix plays a major role in cell migration. Pretreatment with platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) inhibited the adhesion of smooth muscle cells to fibronectin by 80%. This inhibition decreased as concentrations of fibronectin increased. In the presence of 200 microm GRGDS peptide, only 45% of PDGF-treated cells adhered to fibronectin compared with 80% of control cells. This indicates that a decrease in integrin avidity was induced by PDGF. Cell adhesion was partially restored when the activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) was inhibited with PD98059. The remaining inhibition of adhesion (50%) was independent of the fibronectin concentration, suggesting that the ERK pathway is involved in the decrease in integrin avidity. This was confirmed by depleting ERK protein levels by treatment with ERK antisense oligonucleotide. The adhesion of ERK control oligonucleotide-treated cells decreased by 41% when the concentration of GRGDS peptide was increased from 50 to 200 microm but only decreased by 11% in ERK antisense oligonucleotide-treated cells. Treatment with PDGF also delayed focal complex assembly and inhibited stress fiber formation. Consistent with a delay in tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin, PDGF treatment caused a lag in focal complex formation, although this was not associated with any change in Src family tyrosine kinase activity. Our results indicate that PDGF inhibits smooth muscle cells adhesion by two pathways. The first involves an ERK-dependent decrease in integrin avidity; the second involves the ERK-independent inhibition of focal complex assembly.  相似文献   

In skeletal muscle, the L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel (1,4-dihydropyridine receptor) serves as the voltage sensor for excitation-contraction (EC) coupling. In this study, we examined the effects of Rem, a member of the RGK family of Ras-related monomeric GTP-binding proteins, on the function of the skeletal muscle L-type Ca2+ channel. EC coupling was found to be weakened in myotubes expressing Rem tagged with enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (YFP-Rem), as assayed by electrically evoked contractions and myoplasmic Ca2+ transients. This impaired EC coupling was not a consequence of altered function of the type 1 ryanodine receptor, or of reduced Ca2+ stores, since the application of 4-chloro-m-cresol, a direct type 1 ryanodine receptor activator, elicited myoplasmic Ca2+ release in YFP-Rem-expressing myotubes that was not distinguishable from that in control myotubes. However, YFP-Rem reduced the magnitude of L-type Ca2+ current by ∼75% and produced a concomitant reduction in membrane-bound charge movements. Thus, our results indicate that Rem negatively regulates skeletal muscle EC coupling by reducing the number of functional L-type Ca2+ channels in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The isolated dihydropyridine receptor and junctional foot protein were employed as protein ligands in overlay experiments to investigate the mode of interaction of these two proteins. As previously demonstrated by Brandt et al. [Brandt et al. (1990) J. Membr. Biol. 113, 237-251], the DHP receptor directly binds to an intrinsic terminal cisterna protein of Mr 95,000 (95-kDa protein). The junctional foot protein also binds to an Mr 95,000 protein showing similar organelle distribution to the 95-kDa protein which binds to the dihydropyridine receptor. The 95-kDa protein which binds to the dihydropyridine receptor was isolated to over 85% purity employing sequential column chromatography. Junctional foot protein and dihydropyridine receptor overlays of the column fractions at successive stages of isolation show an identical pattern of distribution, indicating that both probes bind to the same protein. When CHAPS-solubilized terminal cisterna/triads were passed through Sepharose with attached 95-kDa protein, the junctional foot protein was specifically retained, as evidenced by ryanodine binding. The junctional foot protein was incompletely released by 1 M NaCl. The alpha 1 subunit but not the beta subunit of the dihydropyridine receptor was also specifically retained, as evidenced by immunoblotting employing dihydropyridine receptor subunit-specific antibodies. A 170-kDa Stains-all blue staining protein, which appears to be bound to the luminal side of the terminal cisterna, was also retained on the 95-kDa protein column. From these findings, a model for the triad junction is proposed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Direct cell-to-cell contact appears to be a prerequisite for the proliferative response of bystander WB-F344 cells co-cultured with irradiated cells; however, neither gap junctional intercellular communication nor long-range factors released into the medium appear to be involved (Cytometry 2003;56A:71-80). The present work investigated whether the proliferative bystander response depends on the number of irradiated cells (cells exposed to external gamma-rays or cells exposed to short-range beta-particles emitted by DNA-incorporated (3)H-thymidine) that are adjacent to unirradiated bystander cells. METHODS: Subconfluent monolayers of rat liver epithelial cells (WB-F344) were incubated in the presence of (methyl-(3)H)thymidine at a concentration of 5.8 kBq/ml for 18 h. Radiolabeled cells containing 0.7 x 10(-3) Bq/cell (absorbed dose: 0.14 Gy) were plated together with unlabeled cells in proportions of 6% and 94%, 12% and 88%, 25% and 75%, 50% and 50%, and 75% and 25%, respectively, keeping constant the total number of plated cells. In a parallel experiment, cells acutely exposed to 5 Gy of (137)Cs gamma-rays were plated with unirradiated cells in the same proportions. In both experiments, cells were co-cultured for 24 h followed by a flow cytometric study of their proliferation. The two cell populations in the co-cultures were distinguished by staining one population with carboxyfluorescein diacetate, succinimidyl ester, which metabolizes intracellularly. RESULTS: Increasing the fraction of irradiated cells relative to unirradiated bystander cells led to an increase in proliferation of bystander cells. Specifically, in co-cultures in which irradiated cells were initially mixed with unirradiated cells in proportions of 50% and 50% and of 75% and 25%, respectively, bystander cells showed a statistically significant increase of their proliferation compared with the controls. CONCLUSIONS: The proliferative response of WB-F344 bystander cells is modulated by the number of adjacent cells that are exposed to ionizing radiation from external gamma-rays or intracellularly emitted (3)H beta-particles.  相似文献   

The actions of grayanotoxin I, veratrine, and tetrodotoxin on the membrane potential of the Schwann cell were studied in the giant nerve fiber of the squid Sepioteuthis sepioidea. Schwann cells of intact nerve fibers and Schwann cells attached to axons cut lengthwise over several millimeters were utilized. The axon membrane potential in the intact nerve fibers was also monitored. The effects of grayanotoxin I and veratrine on the membrane potential of the Schwann cell were found to be similar to those they produce on the resting membrane potential of the giant axon. Thus, grayanotoxin I (1-30 muM) and veratrine (5-50 mug-jl-1), externally applied to the intact nerve fiber or to axon-free nerve fiber sheaths, produce a Schwann cell depolarization which can be reversed by decreasing the external sodium concentration or by external application of tetrodotoxin. The magnitude of these membrane potential changes is related to the concentrations of the drugs in the external medium. These results indicate the existence of sodium pathways in the electrically unexcitable Schwann cell membrane of S. sepioidea, which can be opened up by grayanotoxin I and veratrine, and afterwards are blocked by tetrodotoxin. The sodium pathways of the Schwann cell membrane appear to be different from those of the axolemma which show a voltage-dependent conductance.  相似文献   

The formation of rigor complexes between the thick and thin filaments of glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle fibers causes the fibers to bind more calcium at any given level of free calcium. I studied the maximum amount of calcium bound as a function of filament overlap under rigor conditions. Fibers stretched to zero filament overlap (sarcomere length greater than 3.8 micron) bound exactly 75% as much calcium as fibers with maximum overlap. Between these extremes a linear relationship was found between maximum bound calcium and the length of the overlap zone. The results support the hypothesis that in the intact filament lattice one of the four calcium-binding sites of troponin depends for its existence on attachment between myosin and actin. In addition, the linear relation between maximum bound calcium and filament overlap is consistent with the assumption that the cooperative effect of rigor complex formation on calcium binding is limited to the binding site in the immediate vicinity of the rigor complex.  相似文献   

We have shown before that Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase acts as a signal transducer, through protein-protein interactions, in addition to being an ion pump. Interaction of ouabain with the enzyme of the intact cells causes activation of Src, transactivation of EGFR, and activation of the Ras/ERK1/2 cascade. To determine the role of protein kinase C (PKC) in this pathway, neonatal rat cardiac myocytes were exposed to ouabain and assayed for translocation/activation of PKC from cytosolic to particulate fractions. Ouabain caused rapid and sustained stimulation of this translocation, evidenced by the assay of Ca(2+)-dependent and Ca(2+)-independent PKC activities and by the immunoblot analysis of the alpha, delta, and epsilon isoforms of PKC. Dose-dependent stimulation of PKC translocation by ouabain (1-100 microm) was accompanied by no more than 50% inhibition of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and doubling of [Ca(2+)](i), changes that do not affect myocyte viability and are known to be associated with positive inotropic, but not toxic, effects of ouabain in rat cardiac ventricles. Ouabain-induced activation of ERK1/2 was blocked by PKC inhibitors calphostin C and chelerythrine. An inhibitor of phosphoinositide turnover in myocytes also antagonized ouabain-induced PKC translocation and ERK1/2 activation. These and previous findings indicate that ouabain-induced activation of PKC and Ras, each linked to Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase through Src/EGFR, are both required for the activation of ERK1/2. Ouabain-induced PKC translocation and ERK1/2 activation were dependent on the presence of Ca(2+) in the medium, suggesting that the signal-transducing and ion-pumping functions of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase cooperate in activation of these protein kinases and the resulting regulation of contractility and growth of the cardiac myocyte.  相似文献   

Laminin is a large (greater than 850-kdalton) glycoprotein that is localized within basement membranes. Recent work has indicated that this protein is present within the endoneurium of mouse sciatic nerve. Furthermore, it has been shown that a rat Schwannoma cell line, RN22F, produced laminin and that laminin promoted the attachment of these cells to bacterial plastic. This report presents evidence that RN22F cells migrate in vitro to laminin in a concentration-dependent fashion. Laminin was extracted from the mouse EHS tumor and purified by molecular sieve and heparin-agarose affinity chromatography. The migration of Schwannoma cells to laminin, as assessed in a microwell modified Boyden chamber, was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by affinity-purified antilaminin antibody. Zigmond-Hirsch checkerboard analysis experiments indicated that laminin stimulated both random and directed movement of RN22F cells. Additionally, reversal of the laminin gradient in the chambers also stimulated RN22F migration in a concentration-dependent manner, suggesting that directed migration of RN22F cells was due to a substratum-bound laminin (haptotaxis) as opposed to cell movement in response to fluid-phase laminin (chemotaxis). Binding studies using [3H]laminin demonstrated that laminin bound to the filter surface under the assay conditions used, and support the contention that cells are migrating to substrate-bound material. Furthermore, RN22F cells were shown to migrate on filters coated with laminin in the absence of additional fluid-phase laminin. The magnitude of this response could be altered by changing the relative density of bound laminin. In contrast, fibronectin promoted only marginal migration of RN22F cells. Collectively, these observations indicate that haptotaxis may be a mechanism by which laminin may guide cells during development and raise the possibility that it may be involved in peripheral nervous system myelination.  相似文献   

Four adhesive molecules, tenascin(J1), N-CAM, fibronectin, and a heparan sulfate proteoglycan, accumulate in interstitial spaces near synaptic sites after denervation of rat skeletal muscle (Sanes, J. R., M. Schachner, and J. Covault. 1986. J. Cell Biol. 102:420-431). We have now asked which cells synthesize these molecules, and how this synthesis is regulated. Electron microscopy revealed that mononucleated cells selectively accumulate in perisynaptic interstitial spaces beginning 2 d after denervation. These cells were identified as fibroblasts by ultrastructural and immunohistochemical criteria; [3H]thymidine autoradiography revealed that their accumulation results from local proliferation. Electron microscopic immunohistochemistry demonstrated that N-CAM is associated with the surface of the fibroblasts, while tenascin(J1) is associated with collagen fibers that abut fibroblasts. Using immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation methods, we found that fibroblasts isolated from perisynaptic regions of denervated muscle synthesize N-CAM, tenascin(J1), fibronectin, and a heparan sulfate proteoglycan in vitro. Thus, fibroblasts that selectively proliferate in interstitial spaces near synaptic sites are likely to be the cellular source of the interstitial deposits of adhesive molecules in denervated muscle. To elucidate factors that might regulate the accumulation of these molecules in vivo, we analyzed the expression of tenascin(J1) and fibronectin by cultured fibroblasts. Fibroblasts from synapse-free regions of denervated muscle, as well as skin, lung, and 3T3 fibroblasts accumulate high levels of tenascin(J1) and fibronectin in culture, showing that perisynaptic fibroblasts are not unique in this regard. However, when they are first placed in culture, fibroblasts from denervated muscle bear more tenascin(J1) than fibroblasts from innervated muscle, indicating that expression of this molecule by fibroblasts is regulated by the muscle's state of innervation; this difference is no longer apparent after a few days in culture. In 3T3 cells, accumulation of tenascin(J1) is high in proliferating cultures, depressed in confluent cultures, and reactivated in cells stimulated to proliferate by replating at low density or by wounding a confluent monolayer. Thus, synthesis of tenascin(J1) is regulated in parallel with mitotic activity. In contrast, levels of fibronectin, which increase less dramatically after denervation in vivo, are similar in fibroblasts from innervated and denervated muscle and in proliferating and quiescent 3T3 cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Differences in the allometric scaling between gut capacity (with body mass, BM1.00) and food intake (with BM0.75) should theoretically result in a scaling of digesta retention time with BM0.25 and therefore a higher digestive efficiency in larger herbivores. This concept is an important part of the so-called ‘Jarman–Bell principle’ (JBP) that explains niche differentiation along a body size gradient in terms of digestive physiology. Empirical data in herbivorous mammals, however, do not confirm the scaling of retention time, or of digestive efficiency, with body mass. Here, we test these concepts in herbivorous reptiles, adding data of an experiment that measured food intake, digesta retention, digestibility and gut capacity in 23 tortoises (Testudo graeca, T. hermanni , Geochelone nigra, G. sulcata, Dipsochelys dussumieri) across a large BM range (0.5–180 kg) to a literature data collection. While dry matter gut fill scaled to BM1.07 and dry matter intake to BM0.76, digesta mean retention time (MRT) scaled to BM0.17; the scaling exponent was not significantly different from zero for species > 1 kg. Food intake level was a major determinant of MRT across reptiles and mammals. In contrast to dietary fibre level, BM was not a significant contributor to dry matter digestibility in a General Linear Model. Digestibility coefficients in reptiles depended on diet nutrient composition in a similar way as described in mammals. Although food intake is generally lower and digesta retention longer in reptiles than in mammals, digestive functions scale in a similar way in both clades, indicating universal principles in herbivore digestive physiology. The reasons why the theoretically derived JBP has little empirical support remain to be investigated. Until then, the JBP should not be evoked to explain niche differentiation along a body size axis in terms of digestive physiology.  相似文献   

PW1 is a mediator of p53 and TNFalpha signaling pathways previously identified in a screen to isolate muscle stem cell regulators. We generated transgenic mice carrying a C-terminal deleted form of PW1 (DeltaPW1) which blocks p53-mediated cell death and TNFalpha-mediated NFkappaB activation fused to the myogenin promoter. Embryonic/fetal muscle development appears normal during transgene expression, however, postnatal transgenic pups display severe phenotypes including runtism, reduced muscle mass and fiber diameters resembling atrophy. Atrogin-1, a marker of skeletal muscle atrophy, is expressed postnatally in transgenic mice. Electron microscopic analyses of transgenic muscle reveal a marked decrease in quiescent muscle satellite cells suggesting a deregulation of postnatal stem cells. Furthermore, transgenic primary myoblasts show a resistance to the effects of TNFalpha upon differentiation. Taken together, our data support a role for PW1 and related stress pathways in mediating skeletal muscle stem cell behavior which in turn is critical for postnatal muscle growth and homeostasis. In addition, these data reveal that postnatal stem cell behavior is likely specified during early muscle development.  相似文献   

Homologous oligosaccharides with degrees of polymerization of 7 to 15 have been isolated from the nigeran-protein complex of Aspergillus awamori Nakazawa (QM873). Each contains an uneven number of glucose units, differs from its nearest homolog by two residues, and contains the sequence Glc(alpha , 1 leads to 3)Glc- (alpha , 1 leads to 4)Glc at its reducing terminus.  相似文献   

A model of the secretion of a quantum at a release site is proposed in which, following the influx of calcium ions, synaptic vesicles are made available for release by the activation of kappa phosphorylation steps with rate alpha. At any time during this process the vesicles may become unavailable for secretion at rate gamma. On completion of the kappa phosphorylation steps the vesicles participate in the formation of a fusion pore with the terminal membrane to give exocytosis at rate delta. Changes in alpha, delta and kappa are shown to produce characteristic changes in the number and timecourse of quantal secretions following a nerve impulse, which are similar to those observed following drug treatments that are thought to act selectively on each of these processes. The number of quanta secreted from nerve terminals that consist of many release sites does not fluctuate much during a low frequency train of impulses: the variance is small compared with the mean level, so secretion follows binomial rather than Poisson statistics. A theory is derived that shows that variations in the probability of secretion amongst these release sites of any particular kind fails to reduce the variance of the total secretion from the terminal; Poisson rather than binomial statistics then still apply. The theory shows that an interaction between release sites is required to reduce this variance and such an effect is provided if secretion at a site inhibits secretion at nearby sites. Simulations show that incorporating this process of autoinhibition into the model reproduces the experimental observations on the effects of calcium ions on the binomial parameters p and n as well as on the relative constancy of p during facilitation and depression of quantal secretion. Methods for estimating the timecourse of changes in the probability of secretion at release sites following an impulse, by using either the time of occurrence of first, second, third or later quantal latencies, are given. These procedures show that current methods for estimating the time-dependent probability changes are inadequate for detecting interaction between release sites, such as autoinhibition, unless this is relatively large. Therefore, estimates from third quantal latencies are used.  相似文献   

The recombinant retrovirus, MoFe2-MuLV (MoFe2), was constructed by replacing the U3 region of Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) with homologous sequences from the FeLV-945 LTR. NIH/Swiss mice neonatally inoculated with MoFe2 developed T-cell lymphomas of immature thymocyte surface phenotype. MoFe2 integrated infrequently (0 to 9%) near common insertion sites (CISs) previously identified for either parent virus. Using three different strategies, CISs in MoFe2-induced tumors were identified at six loci, none of which had been previously reported as CISs in tumors induced by either parent virus in wild-type animals. Two of the newly identified CISs had not previously been implicated in lymphoma in any retrovirus model. One of these, designated 3-19, encodes the p101 regulatory subunit of phosphoinositide-3-kinase-gamma. The other, designated Rw1, is predicted to encode a protein that functions in the immune response to virus infection. Thus, substitution of FeLV-945 U3 sequences into the M-MuLV long terminal repeat (LTR) did not alter the target tissue for M-MuLV transformation but significantly altered the pattern of CIS utilization in the induction of T-cell lymphoma. These observations support a growing body of evidence that the distinctive sequence and/or structure of the retroviral LTR determines its pattern of insertional activation. The findings also demonstrate the oligoclonal nature of retrovirus-induced lymphomas by demonstrating proviral insertions at CISs in subdominant populations in the tumor mass. Finally, the findings demonstrate the utility of novel recombinant retroviruses such as MoFe2 to contribute new genes potentially relevant to the induction of lymphoid malignancy.  相似文献   

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