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We estimated the effect of the gill‐net fisheries targeted at whitefish (Coregonus sp.) on anadromous sea trout, Salmo trutta, in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea using separate data for fish species. The analysis of sea trout captures was based on tagging and recapture data collected in 1998–2011, while whitefish data were derived from individual samples of commercial fisheries from the same period. The mesh sizes used in gill‐net fishing and the seasonal and temporal distributions of recaptured sea trout and sampled whitefish were compared in the northern and southern Gulf of Bothnia. The trout had typically spent 1–2 years at sea, and they were mainly immature with a median body length of 40–43 cm at the time of recapture in gill nets. Despite the increase in the minimum permitted landing size from 40 to 50 cm in 2008, the median length of recaptured trout remained unchanged during the study period. Most (59%) of the gillnetted trout were caught in the southern Gulf of Bothnia in gill nets with mesh sizes of 40–45 mm, which were also used in the whitefish fishery (72%). In the northern Gulf of Bothnia, nets with a smaller mesh size of 25–39 mm took 83% of the whitefish catch and 39% from recaptured trout. In both areas, the overlap in mesh sizes used to gill‐net catch whitefish and sea trout increased during the study period. There were clear seasonal and areal differences in the relative probability of sea trout being captured in gill nets, suggesting that carefully tailored spatial and temporal restrictions on gill‐net fisheries could provide a tool to protect young sea trout without causing intolerable difficulties for the fisheries targeting other species.  相似文献   

The short-term effects of extremely low salinity (3‰) on the resistance of White Sea herring to freshwater were studied. An increasing resistance of the embryos against a sudden drop in salinity, and a decreasing resistance against gradual changes in salinity (to 0‰) was revealed.  相似文献   

Flesch  Anne  Masson  Gérard  Moreteau  Jean-Claude 《Hydrobiologia》1995,300(1):335-343
Four fishing periods within a yearly cycle between 1990 and 1991 were carried out in the lake-reservoir of Mirgenbach, lake of the nuclear power station in Cattenom (Moselle, France). The catches of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) were analyzed.In all, about 630 perch were caught in 8 sampling stations. The analysis of seasonal catches of this carnivorous fish was made according to size and mesh; a simple correspondence factor analysis enabled us to establish that this species lived in different areas depending on the season.  相似文献   

We studied the vertical structure of the phytoplankton community in two toxic cyanobacterial blooms in the offshore Baltic Sea. In 1994, vertically separated potentially toxic, diazotrophic and mixotrophic species (belonging to Cyanophyceae, Dinophyceae and Prymnesiophyceae) dominated. In 1997, picocyanobacteria, mainly in colonies, made up 40–50% of the total phytoplankton carbon biomass in the top 20 m both day and night. Colony-forming species of picocyanobacteria seem to be occasionally important and hitherto underestimated in the Baltic Sea.We found species-specific depth distribution patterns. Nodularia spumigena and Anabaena spp. were observed mainly above 10 m depth, while Aphanizomenon sp. was mostly found deeper, especially at night. Dinophysis norvegica was only abundant near the seasonal pycnocline and showed very limited diurnal migration. Other flagellates, including small Cryptophyceae and 10 identified Chrysochromulina species, occurred down to 40 m depth. Their vertical migration may help to retrieve nutrients from below the summer pycnocline.We conclude that considerable differences in dominating functional groups may occur between years/bloom stages, and that the vertical distribution pattern of many species is recurring at similar environmental conditions, suggesting species-specific niche-separation.  相似文献   

A simple system for pea transformation   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The lateral cotyledonary meristems of germinatingPisum sativum cv. Puget seeds were used to develop a reproducibleAgrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation system. This procedure exhibits distinct advantages over those previously reported, in that it uses dry seed as starting material, and the highly regenerable cotyledonary meristems rapidly produce transgenic shoots without an intermediate callus phase. This transformation regime facilitates the rapid generation of phenotypically normal, self-fertile plants containing functional transgenes inherited in a Mendelian fashion.Abbreviations bar Bialaphos resistance gene - BAP 6-Benzylaminopurine - GA3 Gibberellic acid - IBA Indole-3-butyric acid - PAT Phosphinothricin acetyltransferase - PPT Phosphinothricin  相似文献   

Summary Ependymins represent the predominant protein constituents in the cerebrospinal fluid of many teleost fish and they are synthesized in meningeal fibroblasts. Here, we present the ependymin sequences from the herring (Clupea harengus) and the pike (Esox lucius). A comparison of ependymin homologous sequences from three different orders of teleost fish (Salmoniformes, Cypriniformes, and Clupeiformes) revealed the highest similarity between Clupeiformes and Cypriniformes. This result is unexpected because it does not reflect current systematics, in which Clupeiformes belong to a separate infradivision (Clupeomorpha) than Salmoniformes and Cypriniformes (Euteleostei). Furthermore, in Salmoniformes the evolutionary rate of ependymins seems to be accelerated mainly on the protein level. However, considering these inconstant rates, neither neighbor joining trees nor DNA parsimony methods gave any indication that a separate euteleost infradivision exists.  相似文献   

The talitrid amphipods were found for the first time in the Northeastern Baltic Sea in 1999. Orchestia cavimana inhabited damp wracks cast up on shore within a 200 m area of Saaremaa Island. In the following year, the species expanded its range to a few kilometres. In 2002, six additional locations of O. cavimana were found in Saaremaa Island and two locations in the Northwestern part of Estonia. Abundances and biomasses were highest in the first year of the invasion. In the following years, the values stabilized on remarkably lower levels. Population characteristics of the species varied significantly between locations. The average biomass and abundance were 9 g dw m−2 and 1975 ind m−2, respectively. Wrack biomass and interaction between wrack biomass and exposure were the best predictors of the abundances and biomasses of O. cavimana. Humidity explained additional variability in biomasses. The size structure of the population of O. cavimana was mostly related to humidity and wrack biomass. The Southern coast of the Baltic Sea may be regarded as the initial donor region for the Estonian populations of O. cavimana. The vector of this invasion is most likely related to the natural dispersal of the drifting algae but human activities as a transport vector can not be excluded. The incredible speed of the invasion of O. cavimana and its high biomasses indicate that the species will very likely extend its distribution along the coast of the Northeastern Baltic Sea in the following years.  相似文献   

Summary An alternative method for culturing algae for production of stable isotopically13C,15N-labelled growth media is presented. The culturing principle relies on a closed system connected to a chemical carbon dioxide generator. The system enables economical and labor-inexpensive production of stable isotopically labelled extracts  相似文献   

A simple device for quantitative pseudoperiphyton sampling   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
C. Amoros 《Hydrobiologia》1980,68(3):243-246

Summary We present a statistical analysis of a previously published (Yen, 1983) but heretofore unanalyzed data set on the vertical distributions and diel vertical migration (DVM) of adult females of the marine planktonic copepod Euchaeta elongata in Dabob Bay, Washington, USA. Non-ovigerous females were strongly migratory on all four dates sampled, residing between 75–175 m during the day and at shallower depths during the night, commonly entering the upper 50 m of the water column. In contrast, ovigerous females were non-migratory or weakly migratory, largely remaining between 100–175 m both day and night, and entering the upper 50 m of the water column only rarely. Thus non-ovigerous females always migrated much more strongly, as measured by both amplitude of migration and the proportion of animals migrating, than did ovigerous females. These results led us to hypothesize that differential susceptibility to visually orienting predators was the cause of these differences in DVM behavior in female E. elongata, and we subsequently undertook an experimental study of the feeding selectivity of the copepod's natural predator, Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi). Pacific herring exhibited a highly significant preference for ovigerous over nonovigerous adult female E. elongata. The demographic consequences of variable DVM in adult female E. elongata were investigated by way of life table analyses. Results indicated that under conditions of thermal stratification of the water column there is a distinct demographic disadvantage (reduced rate of realized population growth) incurred by non-migratory or weakly migratory ovigerous females due to delayed egg development at cooler subsurface temperatures. We conclude that ovigerous female E. elongata remain at depth both day and night to avoid visually orienting predators, and that such behavior must afford the copepod a demographic advantage of no less than a 26% reduction in adult mortality to offset the demographic cost of delayed egg development.  相似文献   

The use of ‘of the shelf’ microcomputer hardware and software and a new type of laboratory style combination pH electrode with a built in preamplifier makes it possible to monitor pH shifts in a group of experimental vessels in a time frame of seconds without resorting to expensive smart switch boxes or multiple pH meters. A data acquisition system is described for monitoring pH shifts.  相似文献   

When the cotyledons of Pisum sativum are cultured in the presence of 2–4D, large populations of cells with polytene chromosomes are stimulated to enter prophase; the use of these chromosome for studies of in situ hybridisation with nucleic acids is described.  相似文献   

Coastal and estuarine intertidal sediments are commonly colonized by dense populations of microphytobenthos. Due to wind and tides, important fractions of microphytobenthic populations may be buried. A mathematical model describing the depth variation of chlorophyll a in intertidal sediments was developed and experimentally tested. The model assumed first-order chlorophylla degradation and a constant mean burial velocity which resulted in a negative exponential variationC Z =C O exp{-k/vz} (C Z andC O =chlorophylla concentration at depth zand at the surface;k=specific degradation rate of chlorophyll a to pheopigments;V=mean burial velocity). Chlorophylla concentration depth profiles in different sediment types measured at the Tagus estuary and Ria Formosa (Portugal) were used to validate the model. The model was adjusted to field data. The chlorophyll a degradation rate was measured in a microcosm experiment under total darkness and no tidal action, and sampled during three months. This rate was shown to be independent of time and depth for the upper 0–15 mm depth interval. This result allowed the estimation ofV for each sampling site. Comparison of predicted and observed temporal data further confirmed the validity of the model andk andV values. Despite its simplicity, the proposed model adequately described the depth distribution of chlorophylla in different types of intertidal sediments. The model allowed the quantitative characterization of the buried microphytobenthic biomass (depth-integrated biomass) and the assessment of its importance as potentially productive stock of cells.  相似文献   

Summary A simple model is presented describing the interaction between weather conditions, seed production of a longlived herb, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria (Asclepiadaceae), and abundance of a predispersal seed predator, Euphranta connexa (Diptera, Tephritidae). The model is used to investigate the role of weather-induced fluctuations in seed set on the interaction between plant and seed predator and the resulting longterm production of seeds escaping predispersal seed predation.As weather variability increases Euphranta populations become less effective in tracking their food resources, leading to increased longterm production of dispersing seeds. Occasional years of crop failure due to drought stress may thus in the long run be of benefit to the plant.  相似文献   

Unsheared DNA has been isolated from Rhodotorula and Rhodosporidium yeasts using a cell-wall-digesting enzyme preparation from Paecilomyces lilacinus. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis indicated that at least 11 chromosomes were present in Rhodot. gracilis ATCC 90950. The DNA was amenable to digestion with restriction enzymes.The authors are with the Department of Microbiology, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore-570 013, India.  相似文献   

Using a cloning technique, we revealed the existence of three phototactically distinct types in Daphnia magna, viz. negatives, positives, and gipsies. The latter migrate continuously between a low and a high light intensity. The expression of this behaviour is genetically determined, although positives and negatives can reversibly switch into gipsies.It is proposed that two opposite genotypes exist, with the gipsy behaviour epigenetically induced. All juveniles behave more or less uniformly, irrespective of their origin. The phototactic responses develop rather late during ontogenesis.  相似文献   

We have established a rapid, simple and sensitive flow cytometric system for the detection of Plasmodium falciparum that involves lysing erythrocytes and staining parasites at the same time using a newly developed hemolysing and staining solution containing dodecyl methyl ammonium chloride and acridine orange. In this system, freed parasites of P. falciparum could be plotted separately from erythrocyte ghosts, white blood cells and platelets on the two-dimensional scattergram of forward-angle light scatter and green fluorescence by flow cytometry with an argon laser. It took only 2–3 min per sample to obtain the scattergram and analyze the data, including the time of sample preparation for flow cytometric analysis. Sample preparation with this method does not require any difficult handling procedures. The threshold of parasite detection was almost equal to that of microscopic examination for cultured P. falciparum. The results of drug-susceptibility assays using this system were also almost identical to those obtained using microscopic examination. In this system, parasites at different erythrocytic stages could be easily distinguished. This system must prove useful and practical for basic laboratory studies of P. falciparum including those requiring the differential measurement of parasites at specific erythrocytic stages.  相似文献   

A simple method for stimulating and maintaining high in vitro multiplication of Narcissus shoot clump cultures was developed. Shoot clumps were subjected either to normal cutting where leaves were trimmed to 20 mm in length at the beginning of each culture passage or to severe cutting where shoot clumps were cut down to the basal plate region removing all green tissue. Severe cutting at the beginning of each culture passage initially doubled the leaf multiplication, compared to normal cutting, but the difference between cutting treatments declined in successive passages. The improvement in leaf multiplication was maintained when shoot clumps were subjected to severe cutting only at every other culture passage, with no cutting in the alternate recovery passages. In vitro multiplication was increased by severe cutting in all seven Narcissus cultivars which were tested.Abbreviations NAA-1 naphthylacetic acid - BAP benzylaminopurine  相似文献   

Li JH  Tang CH  Song CY  Chen MJ  Feng ZY  Pan YJ 《Biotechnology letters》2006,28(15):1193-1197
A rapid, inexpensive and reliable method for total RNA extraction from fruiting bodies of Lentinula edodes containing large quantities of polysaccharides and secondary metabolites is described. An initial extraction step using saturated NaCl solution facilitates the separation of nucleic acids from contaminants and, after further extraction with organic solvents and precipitation with 2-propanol, total RNA of high purity and suitable for applications such as cDNA synthesis, RT-PCR and Northern blot hybridization was obtained. The procedure may also have wider applicability for total RNA extraction from the tissues of other mushrooms.  相似文献   

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