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Recent experiments have shown that different regions of myelin basic protein (MBP) are encephalitogenic for different inbred strains of mice. It was therefore of interest to determine whether the immune response to MBP was MHC associated, and if so, what subregion controlled this response. Because PL/J and A/J mice were good responders to mouse MBP and C57Bl/10SN were not, B10.PL(73NS) and B10.A mice were immunized with mouse MBP under conditions designed to induce EAE. These strains were found to be highly susceptible. Intra-H-2 recombinant mice were then assessed for susceptibility. B10.A(4R) and B10.MBR were susceptible, whereas B10.A(5R) were resistant. Thus, EAE induced by purified MBP is under the control of the MHC, and the response maps to the I-A subregion. Production of IL 2 in vitro by T cells from MBP-primed mice in the presence of antigen and adherent cells was blocked by monoclonal antibody to the I-A, but not the I-E, subregion. When the specificity of the encephalitogenic response was tested, peptide 1-37 was active in B10.PL(73NS) and B10.A mice, whereas peptide 89-169 was active in A.SW, SWR, and B10.T(6R) strains. Serum from mice immunized with MBP peptides was assayed for antibody content. PL, B10.PL, and B10.A mice made a good antibody response to peptides 1-37 and 43-88 but were nonresponsive to peptide 89-169. SJL, A.SW, SWR, and B10.T(6R) mice responded well to peptide 89-169 but were poorly responsive to peptides 1-37 and 43-88.  相似文献   

Both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses to the synthetic helical hapten-carrier conjugate poly-Glu-Tyr-Lys(TNP)-(Glu-Tyr-Ala)5 were found to be linked to the major histocompatibility locus in mice and guinea pigs. The responder mouse strains (H-2d haplotype) showed a primary IgM response with an IgG component appearing after the secondary immunization. The antibody response was accompanied by a positive DTH reaction in responder strains. Nonresponder mice (H-2b or H-2k haplotypes) showed neither IgM nor IgG antibodies and the DTH reaction was negative. Administration of the antigen as a complex with an immunogenic carrier was not effective in inducing a response in nonresponder mice. In guinea pig studies, it was found that strain 2 animals were able to mount an antibody response against the TNP-hapten and a DTH response against the polypeptide backbone. Strain 13 animals gave no anti-TNP antibodies at the lower dose levels and DTH activity was entirely negative for all doses of immunizing antigen. Replacement of the TNP hapten by the arsanilazo dipeptide derivative, BOC-gly-ARA-tyrosine, converted the nonresponder strain 13 guinea pigs into complete responders showing antibody and DTH reactions to both the hapten and the polypeptide backbone.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to elucidate the genetic origin of minor histocompatibility (H) antigens. Toward this end common inbred mouse strains, distinct subspecies, and species of the subgenus Mus were examined for expression of various minor H antigens. These antigens were encoded by the classical minor H loci H-3 and H-4 or by newly identified minor H antigens detected as a consequence of mutation. Both minor H antigens that stimulate MHC class I-restricted cytotoxic T cells (Tc) and antigens that stimulate MHC class II-restricted helper T cells (Th) were monitored. The results suggested that strains of distinct ancestry commonly express identical or cross-reactive antigens. Moreover, a correlation between the lack of expression of minor H antigens and ancestral heritage was observed. To address whether the antigens found on unrelated strains were allelic with the sensitizing minor H antigens or a consequence of antigen cross-reactivity, classical genetic segregation analysis was carried out. Even in distinct subspecies and species, the minor H antigens always mapped to the site of the appropriate minor H locus. Together the results suggest: 1 minor H antigen sequences are evolutionarily stable in that their pace of antigenic change is slow enough to predate subspeciation and speciation; 2 the minor H antigens originated in the inbred strains as a consequence of a rare polymorphism or loss mutation carried in a founder mouse stock that caused the mouse to percieve the wild-type protein as foreign; 3 there is a remarkable lack of antigenic cross-reactivity between the defined minor H antigens and other products.  相似文献   

Genetic control of the murine immune response to cholera toxin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This study was undertaken to determine whether previously noted differences in the immune response of inbred strains of mice to cholera toxin (CT) might be under immune response gene control. A series of inbred, congenic, and intra-H-2I region recombinant mouse strains were tested for responsiveness to CT after i.p. immunization with 0.1 micrograms CT in alum. Samples of plasma were collected at intervals before and after priming and boosting. IgG and IgA anti-CT were measured by ELISA. In three different sets of congenic strains, the level of IgG anti-CT clearly depended on the H-2 haplotype of the strain rather than on any background or Igh genes. Strains with the H-2b and H-2q haplotypes were high responders, and strains with the H-2k, H-2s and H-2d haplotypes were low responders. Within the H-2 complex, the IgG anti-CT response was mapped to the I-A subregion with the use of congenic intra-H-2I region recombinant strains. In contrast to these results with IgG anti-CT, plasma IgA anti-CT levels were uniformly low and indeterminate. We conclude that the murine IgG anti-CT response is controlled by a locus within the I-A subregion of H-2--a remarkable finding, considering the known abilities of this toxin to bind to and to directly stimulate lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The quantitative variation in expression of B cell surface immune response-associated antigens (sIa) that is induced by in vivo i.v. administration of dexamethasone was studied by flow microfluorometry. Injection of 40 micrograms of dexamethasone resulted in a 35 to 40% reduction in the expression of sIa within 3 hr, reached its maximum effect within 6 hr, which on average resulted in 75% suppression of control values of sIa, and by 12 hr after injection began returning towards baseline levels. The suppressive effect of dexamethasone on B cell sIa was dose dependent with respect to the length of time required to reach maximal suppression, as well as with respect to the duration of suppression that was attained. When injections of dexamethasone were repeated on consecutive days, no additional increase in the level of sIa suppression achieved was observed. B cell sIa was also diminished after injection of dexamethasone into athymic nude mice, which suggests that the suppressive effect of dexamethasone on B cell expression of sIa is not a T cell-dependent phenomenon. Taken together, these data suggest that the suppression of B cell sIa by corticosteroids may be a means whereby endogenous or exogenous corticosteroids are able to influence the normal as well as abnormal immunologic state.  相似文献   

Soluble transplantation antigens have been prepared from various lymphoid organs of the mouse strains A and C57BL. These preparations have been partially characterized by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 and G-100. The distribution of various antigenic activities, such as precipitation with rabbit antisera, inhibition of the cytotoxic reactions of heterologous antisera and of alloantibodies, differed considerably among the chromatographic fractions. The soluble antigen preparations retained their antigenic and immunogenic properties, as demonstrated by their ability to block the cytotoxic reactions of alloantisera and to modify tumor growth in immunized recipients. Immunization of normal recipients with the immunogenic transplantation antigen preparations led to the production of sensitized lymphocytes, capable of destroying allogeneic target cells in vitro. Sensitized lymphocytes appeared in the regional lymph nodes after a single injection of 200–300 μg of the antigen preparation, reaching a peak level between 9 and 12 days. On reimmunization, the cytolytic activity of lymph node cells increased considerably and sensitized lymphocytes also appeared in the spleens of immunized animals.  相似文献   

Normal mouse lymphocytes are not capable of mounting a primary cytotoxic T cell response to Mls encoded, non H-2, allodeterminants, although a strong lymphoproliferative response is observed in primary MLR between Mls incompatible cells. In this study it is reported that in the supernatant of primary cultures between AKR macrophages and CBA/H lymphocytes (H-2 identical, incompatible for Mls and other minor antigens) a suppressor of T cell proliferation in MLR is detected. By contrast, a suppressor is not detected in supernatants from primary cultures between BALB/C macrophages and CBA/H lymphocytes (H-2 incompatible, Mls identical), B10.BR macrophages and CBA/H macrophages and CBA/H lymphocytes (syngeneic) suggesting that the production of the suppressor factor occurs only when an Mls incompatibility exists. The suppressive activity of the Mls incompatible culture supernatant upon MLR between incompatible macrophages and lymphocytes is neither antigen specific nor Mls or H-2 restricted, nor is it due to an irreversible toxic effect on T lymphocytes or macrophages. The inhibition of T cell proliferation could be explained by inhibition of IL 2 production, by blocking its union to T cells or by a combination of both effects. Our findings could help explain previous observations that lymphocytes from mice preimmunized with Mls incompatible cells have a depressed proliferative response as well as depressed cytotoxicity against alloantigens.  相似文献   

Peptide mimetics may substitute for carbohydrate antigens in vaccine design applications. At present, the structural and immunological aspects of antigenic mimicry, which translate into immunologic mimicry, as well as the functional correlates of each, are unknown. In contrast to screening peptide display libraries, we demonstrate the feasibility of a structure-assisted vaccine design approach to identify functional mimeotopes. By using concanavalin A (ConA), as a recognition template, peptide mimetics reactive with ConA were identified. Designed peptides were observed to compete with synthetic carbohydrate probes for ConA binding, as demonstrated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) analysis. ITC measurements indicate that a multivalent form of one particular mimetic binds to ConA with similar affinity as does trimannoside. Splenocytes from mimeotope-immunized mice display a peptide-specific cellular response, confirming a T-cell-dependent nature for the mimetic. As ConA binds to the Envelope protein of the human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1), we observed that mimeotope-induced serum also binds to HIV-1-infected cells, as assessed by flow cytometry, and could neutralize T-cell line adapted HIV-1 isolates in vitro, albeit at low titers. These studies emphasize that mimicry is based more upon functional rather than structural determinants that regulate mimeotope-induced T-dependent antibody responses to polysaccharide and emphasize that rational approaches can be employed to develop further vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

Genetic control of histocompatibility antigens.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

The mouse immune response against Neisseria meningitidis was studied by using an extract from group Y (Slaterus) known to contain protein antigens common to other meningococci. By using a solid-phase radioimmunoassay, high titers of specific IgM and IgG class antibodies were measured which lasted over 2 months after immunization. These antibodies cross-reacted with similar extracts from other meningococci groups. Bactericidal antibodies directed against protein antigens were also elicited after immunization and they belonged to IgM, IgG2a, and IgG2b isotypes. Cellular immunity, expressed as delayed type hypersensitivity under the conditions tested, could be detected neither in homologous nor heterologous reactions.  相似文献   

The analysis of skin allograft survival time and the level of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction to major and minor histocompatibility antigens revealed the correlation between these parameters of the transplantation immunity. The data obtained have shown that histocompatibility in several non-H-2 antigens induces DTH reaction comparable with the reaction caused by H-2 antigens. The effector phase of DTH to non-H-2 antigens is H-2 restricted. No restriction of the afferent phase is revealed. The application of these results to the analysis of the mechanisms of the recognition of minor histocompatibility antigens in DTH is discussed.  相似文献   

The ability of an animal to mount an immune response is controlled by a number of autosomal dominant immune response (Ir) genes that are linked to the major histocompatibility complex of the species. In the guinea pig, alloantiserums raised by cross-immunization of inbred strain 2 and strain 13 animals specifically inhibited the in vitro proliferative responses of (2 X 13) F1 lymphocytes to those antigens the response to which is controlled by Ir genes linked to the alloantigens against which the serums are directed. A genetic analysis indicated that the inhibitory activity of the alloantiserums was directed against the alloantigens rather than the products of specific Ir genes. The interaction of antigen-pulsed macrophages with immune T lymphocytes is also mediated by the 2/13 alloantigens and alloantiserums are capable of inhibiting macrophage-T lymphocyte interaction. Studies involving combinations of macrophages and lymphocytes that differed at alloantigens or Ir gene products or both raised the possibility of the expression of the Ir gene product in the macrophage.  相似文献   

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