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Newman RA  Squire T 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(5):1087-1100
We investigated genetic population structure in wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) from a series of Prairie Pothole wetlands in the northern Great Plains. Amphibians are often thought to exist in demographic metapopulations, which require some movement between populations, yet genetic studies have revealed strong subdivision among populations, even at relatively fine scales (several km). Wood frogs are highly philopatric and studies of dispersal suggest that they may exhibit subdivision on a scale of approximately 1-2 km. We used microsatellites to examine population structure among 11 breeding assemblages separated by as little as 50 m up to approximately 5.5 km, plus one population separated from the others by 20 km. We found evidence for differentiation at the largest distances we examined and among a few neighbouring ponds, but most populations were strikingly similar in allele frequencies, suggesting high gene flow among all but the most distant populations. We hypothesize that the few significant differences among neighbouring populations at the finest scale may be a transient effect of extinction-recolonization founder events, driven by periodic drying of wetlands in this hydrologically dynamic landscape.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation can lead to a decline of genetic diversity, a potential risk for the survival of natural populations. Fragmented populations can become highly differentiated due to reduced gene flow and genetic drift. A decline in number of individuals can result in lower reproductive fitness due to inbreeding effects. We investigated genetic variation within and between 11 populations of the rare and endangered plant Silene chlorantha in northeastern Germany to support conservation strategies. Genetic diversity was evaluated using AFLP techniques and the results were correlated to fitness traits. Fitness evaluation in nature and in a common garden approach was conducted. Our analysis revealed population differentiation was high and within population genetic diversity was intermediate. A clear population structure was supported by a Bayesian approach, AMOVA and neighbour-joining analysis. No correlation between genetic and geographic distance was found. Our results indicate that patterns of population differentiation were mainly caused by temporal and/or spatial isolation and genetic drift. The fitness evaluation revealed that pollinator limitation and habitat quality seem, at present, to be more important to reproductive fitness than genetic diversity by itself. Populations of S. chlorantha with low genetic diversity have the potential to increase in individual number if habitat conditions improve. This was detected in a single large population in the investigation area, which was formerly affected by bottleneck effects.  相似文献   

The Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) is an example of a species that has gone through a severe bottleneck, leading to near extinction in Scandinavia around 1930-- a pattern shared with several other large carnivorous mammals. Here we extend previous genetic analyses of northern European lynx, confirming that lynx from the Scandinavian Peninsula represent a distinct clade differing clearly from European conspecifics. Furthermore, and despite a recent bottleneck and subsequent range expansion, we detect marked genetic differentiation within Scandinavia. This differentiation is largely manifested as a north-south gradient, with a linear increase in the quantity FST/(1 - FST). Aided by computer simulations we find that this pattern is unlikely to have arisen by random genetic drift in the short time since lynx started to expand in the 1950s, suggesting that the spatial structure may predate the bottleneck. Individual-based analyses indicate that, instead of a continuous gradient, Scandinavian lynx may be structured into three more or less distinct groups, possibly corresponding to northern, central and southern subpopulations. The presence of such structuring was unknown previously and was unexpected from general considerations on the mobility of the species, historical data and the absence of geographical barriers. Our study demonstrates how molecular markers may be used to detect cryptic population structure, invisible using traditional methods.  相似文献   

Nonrandom patterns of mating and dispersal create fine-scale genetic structure in natural populations — especially of social mammals — with important evolutionary and conservation genetic consequences. Such structure is well-characterized for typical mammalian societies; that is, societies where social group composition is stable, dispersal is male-biased, and males form permanent breeding associations in just one or a few social groups over the course of their lives. However, genetic structure is not well understood for social mammals that differ from this pattern, including elephants. In elephant societies, social groups fission and fuse, and males never form permanent breeding associations with female groups. Here, we combine 33 years of behavioural observations with genetic information for 545 African elephants ( Loxodonta africana ), to investigate how mating and dispersal behaviours structure genetic variation between social groups and across age classes. We found that, like most social mammals, female matrilocality in elephants creates co-ancestry within core social groups and significant genetic differentiation between groups (ΦST = 0.058). However, unlike typical social mammals, male elephants do not bias reproduction towards a limited subset of social groups, and instead breed randomly across the population. As a result, reproductively dominant males mediate gene flow between core groups, which creates cohorts of similar-aged paternal relatives across the population. Because poaching tends to eliminate the oldest elephants from populations, illegal hunting and poaching are likely to erode fine-scale genetic structure. We discuss our results and their evolutionary and conservation genetic implications in the context of other social mammals.  相似文献   

Xu X  Lu BR  Chen YH  Xu M  Rong J  Ye P  Chen J  Song Z 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(6):1535-1544
Determining the genetic structure of an in situ conserved population can provide insight into the dynamics of population genetic processes associated with successful plant conservation. We used 21 microsatellite loci to analyse the genetic relationships among individuals (n = 813) collected from a small Oryza rufipogon population conserved since 1993 in Hunan Province of China. The analysis revealed four distinct genetic subpopulations (F(ST) = 0.145) without geographic isolation. One subpopulation was composed of possible introgressed individuals, two subpopulations were composed of seed recruits and their descendants, and the fourth subpopulation consisted of reintroduced individuals, seed recruits and their descendants. Positive spatial genetic structures were detected by spatial autocorrelation statistics at the population (c. 63 m) and subpopulation levels (11-30 m), but the degree of autocorrelation was stronger at the population level. These results showed that prejudging the cryptic structure is important before autocorrelation analysis for the entire population. Our study suggests that population history can be a significant determinant on population structure for plant restoration projects.  相似文献   

Spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) exhibit different social behaviours at two regions in the Hawaiian Archipelago: off the high volcanic islands in the SE archipelago they form dynamic groups with ever‐changing membership, but in the low carbonate atolls in the NW archipelago they form long‐term stable groups. To determine whether these environmental and social differences influence population genetic structure, we surveyed spinner dolphins throughout the Hawaiian Archipelago with mtDNA control region sequences and 10 microsatellite loci (n = 505). F‐statistics, Bayesian cluster analyses, and assignment tests revealed population genetic separations between most islands, with less genetic structuring among the NW atolls than among the SE high islands. The populations with the most stable social structure (Midway and Kure Atolls) have the highest gene flow between populations (mtDNA ΦST < 0.001, P = 0.357; microsatellite FST = ?0.001; P = 0.597), and a population with dynamic groups and fluid social structure (the Kona Coast of the island of Hawai’i) has the lowest gene flow (mtDNA 0.042 < ΦST < 0.236, P < 0.05; microsatellite 0.016 < FST < 0.040, P < 0.001). We suggest that gene flow, dispersal, and social structure are influenced by the availability of habitat and resources at each island. Genetic comparisons to a South Pacific location (n = 16) indicate that Hawaiian populations are genetically depauperate and isolated from other Pacific locations (mtDNA 0.216 < FST < 0.643, P < 0.001; microsatellite 0.058 < FST < 0.090, P < 0.001); this isolation may also influence social and genetic structure within Hawai’i. Our results illustrate that genetic and social structure are flexible traits that can vary between even closely‐related populations.  相似文献   

The European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) lives in stable, territorial breeding groups, with male-biased natal dispersal, female philopatry, and a polygynous mating system. It was introduced into Britain in the 11 th century and kept in captive warrens as a food and fur resource. Populations expanded in the wild in the 18th century. Microsatellite markers were employed to examine the genetic structure of wild rabbit populations on three spatial scales: macrogeographic structure of 17 populations in East Anglia, microgeographic structure of a tagged population in the grounds of the University of East Anglia over four consecutive years, and pairwise kinships and individual movement within this tagged population. Populations across East Anglia were found to be genetically distinct, and heterozygote deficits were observed at all loci indicating sub-division within sampled populations. Analysis of the tagged population confirmed that rabbit populations are genetically sub-divided among social groups. Studying this population over four consecutive years revealed that as the population size increased, the number of social groups increased. Analysis of individual pairwise relatedness of females indicated that individuals did not necessarily group with kin, and behavioural data indicate that an optimum group size may exist which maximizes reproductive success.  相似文献   

The population structure of two species of sea cucumber was examined based on mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis. Cucumaria miniata , a species with pelagic nonfeeding larvae lasting less than 2 weeks, and C. pseudocurata , a brooding species lacking a pelagic phase, both occur over similar wide ranges of the northeastern Pacific between Alaska and California. No significant genetic structuring was observed among C. miniata samples with 95% of the observed nucleotide variance attributable to that within population samples. Conversely, only 3.4% of the observed variance was attributed to that within C. pseudocurata population samples, with sampling sites typically greater than 100 km apart. At a finer scale, two C. pseudocurata population samples taken 5 km apart were not statistically different. A significant genetic disjunction was observed among populations of the brooding species, but not in species with pelagic larvae, north of Vancouver Island, Canada, corresponding to the splitting of the California and Alaska currents. Given the observed high levels of genetic diversity in northern samples, this genetic break indicates survival in northern, as well as southern, Pleistocene refugia. These results clearly demonstrate the effects that changes in life-history patterns can have on dispersal, population structure, and the potential for speciation events.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure in the presence of substantial dispersal provides a unique perspective on the evolution of reproductive isolation. We sampled Telmatherina antoniae, an endemic fish species, at 10 sites in Lake Matano, Indonesia. Significant genetic structure (FST = 0.03) was found, despite a migration rate of 10.2% and a mean dispersal distance of 13.6 km, estimated by genotype assignment. Neither dispersal distance nor direction differed from random expectations, indicative of no dispersal barrier in Lake Matano. However, Bayesian genotype cluster assignment identified a population structure consisting of four to six clusters that did not coincide with sample site distribution, but explained two to three times more genetic variance than sample site. The mechanism for continued isolation of those genetic clusters is unknown, but assortative mating and temporal isolation are obvious candidates. Our results resolve the apparent paradox of population genetic structure coupled with frequent dispersal, and highlight the importance of considering cryptic genetic structure.  相似文献   

Effective population size (Ne) is a key parameter to understand evolutionary processes and the viability of endangered populations as it determines the rate of genetic drift and inbreeding. Low Ne can lead to inbreeding depression and reduced population adaptability. In this study, we estimated contemporary Ne using genetic estimators (LDNE, ONeSAMP, MLNE and CoNe) as well as a demographic estimator in a natural insular house sparrow metapopulation. We investigated whether population characteristics (population size, sex ratio, immigration rate, variance in population size and population growth rate) explained variation within and among populations in the ratio of effective to census population size (Ne/Nc). In general, Ne/Nc ratios increased with immigration rates. Genetic Ne was much larger than demographic Ne, probably due to a greater effect of immigration on genetic than demographic processes in local populations. Moreover, although estimates of genetic Ne seemed to track Nc quite well, the genetic Ne‐estimates were often larger than Nc within populations. Estimates of genetic Ne for the metapopulation were however within the expected range (<Nc). Our results suggest that in fragmented populations, even low levels of gene flow may have important consequences for the interpretation of genetic estimates of Ne. Consequently, further studies are needed to understand how Ne estimated in local populations or the total metapopulation relates to actual rates of genetic drift and inbreeding.  相似文献   

The development of spatial genetic structure (SGS) in seed plants has been linked to several biological attributes of species, such as breeding system and life form. However, little is known about SGS in ferns, which together with lycopods are unique among land plants in having two free‐living life stages. We combined spatial aggregation statistics and spatial genetic autocorrelation analyses using five plastid microsatellites and one nuclear gene to investigate SGS in two populations of the outcrossing tree fern Alsophila firma (Cyatheaceae). We assessed how the observed patterns compare with those estimated for other ferns and seed plants. Populations of A. firma exhibited strong SGS, spatial clustering of individuals, substantial clonal diversity and no inbreeding. SGS in ferns appears to be higher than in most seed plants analysed to date. Contrary to our expectations, an outcrossing breeding system, wind dispersal and an arborescent life form did not translate into weak or no SGS. In ferns, SGS is probably being affected by the life cycle with two free‐living life stages. The reproductive biology of ferns appears to be more complex than previously thought. This implies that SGS in ferns is affected by some factors that cannot be inferred from the study of flowering plants. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 439–449.  相似文献   

The Landes de Gascogne forest (southwestern France) is the largest maritime pine ( Pinus pinaster ) plantation in Europe. Armillaria root disease ( Armillaria ostoyae ) has been reported since the early 1920s in the coastal area (western sector), but its incidence over the last 20 years has increased in the eastern sector. We investigated the genetic structure of the A. ostoyae population in this forest, focusing particularly on geographical differentiation potentially indicative of disease expansion in this area. In total, 531 isolates obtained from mycelial fans on symptomatic trees or undecayed stumps in 31 different disease foci were genotyped at five microsatellite loci. In 20 of these disease foci, a single genotype dominated, reflecting a predominantly clonal local spread of A. ostoyae . By contrast, at the regional scale, A. ostoyae probably spreads mostly via basidiospores (sexual spores), as no genotype common to several disease foci was identified. The absence of a clear pattern of isolation by distance may indicate either substantial gene flow or stochastic colonisation independent of spatial distance. The gradient of genetic diversity from the coast inwards and the greater genetic divergence of the eastern disease foci are consistent with the expansion of the A. ostoyae population from the coast eastwards.  相似文献   

Following a dramatic decline last century, the British population of the endangered greater horseshoe bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum is highly fragmented. To examine the consequences of fragmentation and limited dispersal on patterns of genetic structure and variation, we used microsatellite markers to screen bats from around 50% of the known maternity colonies in Britain, and two areas from continental Europe. Analyses revealed that Welsh and English colonies were genetically isolated. This, and lower variability in Britain than north France, may result from either genetic drift, or the species' colonization history. Gene flow among most neighbouring colonies was not generally restricted, with one exception. These findings have important implications for the ongoing conservation management of this species.  相似文献   

Biomphalaria glabrata is the main intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni in America and one of the most intensely studied species of freshwater snails, yet very little is known about its population biology. Here, we used seven highly polymorphic microsatellite loci to analyse genetic diversity in the Valencia lake basin, which represents the core of the endemic area for schistosomiasis in Venezuela. Populations were sampled at short spatial scale (a few kilometres), both inside the lake and in ponds or rivers near the lake. Our results indicate that B. glabrata essentially cross-fertilizes, with little variation in selfing rates among populations. Our markers detected considerable genetic variation, with an average heterozygosity of 0.60. More diversity per population was found within than outside the lake, suggesting an influence of connectivity among populations on the levels of genetic diversity. A marked population structure was detected and lake populations were less structured than other populations. Most individuals were assigned to their population of origin using an assignment test. No strong demographic signal (e.g. bottleneck) was detected, though lake populations are likely to experience bottlenecks more frequently than the other populations analysed. Differences in gene flow therefore seem to play an important role in population differentiation and in the restoring of genetic diversity in demographically unstable populations.  相似文献   

We analysed the change of spatial genetic structure (SGS) of reproductive individuals over time in an expanding Pinus halepensis population. To our knowledge, this is the first empirical study to analyse the temporal component of SGS by following the dynamics of successive cohorts of the same population over time, rather than analysing different age cohorts at a single time. SGS is influenced by various factors including restricted gene dispersal, microenvironmental selection, mating patterns and the spatial pattern of reproductive individuals. Several factors that affect SGS are expected to vary over time and as adult density increases. Using air photo analysis, tree-ring dating and molecular marker analysis we reconstructed the spread of reproductive individuals over 30 years beginning from five initial individuals. In the early stages, genotypes were distributed randomly in space. Over time and with increasing density, fine-scale (< 20 m) SGS developed and the magnitude of genetic clustering increased. The SGS was strongly affected by the initial spatial distribution and genetic variation of the founding individuals. The development of SGS may be explained by fine-scale environmental heterogeneity and possibly microenvironmental selection. Inbreeding and variation in reproductive success may have enhanced SGS magnitude over time.  相似文献   

The distribution of the genetic variation within and among natural populations of A. ANGUSTIFOLIA growing in different regions in Brazil was assessed at microsatellite and AFLP markers. Both markers revealed high gene diversity ( H = 0.65; AR = 9.1 for microsatellites and H = 0.27; P = 77.8 % for AFLPs), moderate overall differentiation ( RST = 0.13 for microsatellites and FST = 0.10 for AFLPs), but high divergence of the northernmost, geographically isolated population. In a Bayesian analysis, microsatellite data suggested population structure at two levels: at K = 2 and at K = 3 in agreement to the geographical distribution of populations. This result was confirmed by the UPGMA dendrogram based on microsatellite data (bootstrap support > 95 %). Non-hierarchical AMOVA revealed high variation among populations from different A POSTERIORI defined geographical groups. The genetic distance between sample locations increased with geographical distance for microsatellites ( R = 0.62; P = 0.003) and AFLPs ( R = 0.32; P = 0.09). This pattern of population differentiation may be correlated with population history such as geographical isolation and postglacial colonization of highlands. Implications of the population genetic structure for the conservation of genetic resources are discussed.  相似文献   

We found low, albeit significant, genetic differentiation among turbot (Psetta maxima) in the Baltic Sea but in contrast to earlier findings we found no evidence of isolation by distance. In fact temporal variation among years in one locality exceeded spatial variation among localities. This is an unexpected result since adult turbot are sedentary and eggs are demersal at the salinities occurring in the Baltic. Our findings are most likely explained by the fact that we sampled fish that were born after/during a large influx of water to the Baltic Sea, which may have had the consequence that previously locally and relatively sedentary populations became admixed. These results suggest that populations that colonize relatively variable habitats, like the Baltic, face problems. Any adaptations to local conditions that may build up during stable periods may quickly become eroded when conditions change and/or when populations become admixed. Our results indicate that the ability of turbot to survive and reproduce at the low salinity in the Baltic is more likely due to phenotypic plasticity than a strict genetic adaptation to low salinity.  相似文献   

Information on genetic structure can be used to complement direct inferences on social systems and behaviour. We studied the genetic structure of the solitary grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), a small, nocturnal primate endemic to western Madagascar, with the aim of getting further insight on its breeding structure. Tissue samples from 167 grey mouse lemurs in an area covering 12.3 km2 in Kirindy Forest were obtained from trapping. The capture data indicated a noncontinuous distribution of individuals in the study area. Using 10 microsatellite markers, significant genetic differentiation in the study area was demonstrated and dispersal was found to be significantly male biased. Furthermore, we observed an overall excess of homozygotes in the total population (F(IT) = 0.131), which we interpret as caused by fine-scale structure with breeding occurring in small units. Evidence for a clumped distribution of identical homozygotes was found, supporting the notion that dispersal distance for breeding was shorter than that for foraging, i.e. the breeding neighbourhood size is smaller than the foraging neighbourhood size. In conclusion, we found a more complex population structure than what has been previously reported in studies performed on smaller spatial scales. The noncontinuous distribution of individuals and the effects of social variables on the genetic structure have implications for the interpretation of social organization and the planning of conservation activities that may apply to other solitary and endangered mammals as well.  相似文献   

The amount of genetic variability at neutral marker loci is expected to decrease, and the degree of genetic differentiation among populations to increase, as a negative function of effective population size. We assessed the patterns of genetic variability and differentiation at seven microsatellite loci in the common frog (Rana temporaria) in a hierarchical sampling scheme involving three regions (208-885 km apart), three subregions within regions and nine populations (5-20 km apart) within subregions, and related the variability and differentiation estimates to variation in local population size estimates. Genetic variability within local populations decreased significantly with increasing latitude, as well as with decreasing population size and regional site occupancy (proportion of censured localities occupied). The positive relationship between population size and genetic variability estimates was evident also when the effect of latitude (cf. colonization history) was accounted for. Significant genetic differentiation was found at all hierarchical levels, and the degree of population differentiation tended to increase with increasing latitude. Isolation by distance was evident especially at the regional sampling level, and its strength increased significantly towards the north in concordance with decreasing census and marker-based neighbourhood size estimates. These results are in line with the conjecture that the influence of current demographic factors can override the influence of historical factors on species population genetic structure. Further, the observed reductions in genetic variability and increased degree of population differentiation towards the north are in line with theoretical and empirical treatments suggesting that effective population sizes decline towards the periphery of a species' range.  相似文献   

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