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In order to better understand the palaeoceanography and palaeoclimate of the Early Cretaceous, nannofossil data have been obtained from high-latitudinal sites from offshore mid-Norway and from the Barents Sea. No consistent nannofossil data are yet available for Early Cretaceous high latitudes, which should more clearly reflect possible palaeoclimatic changes, as recorded in fluctuations of diversity and abundance. Existing data from France, Italy, Romania, Poland and NW Europe (Germany, North Sea, England) have been complemented by material from higher latitudes. In order to record the Arctic–Boreal nannofossil assemblages, 400 samples from the Norwegian Shelf and the Barents Sea have been analysed. Sixty samples, covering the Berriasian–Barremian interval, yielded calcareous nannofossils. These are derived from cores between 63 and 73°N of present-day latitudes. The nannofossil assemblages recorded are generally of a low diversity and characterized by abundant Watznaueria barnesae and Crucibiscutum salebrosum, whereas Biscutum constans is less common. C. salebrosum, rare or absent at low latitudes, is extremely common in the Norwegian samples. It shows a bipolar distribution especially during Valanginian–Hauterivian times. In the early Valanginian, a distinctive latitudinal gradient in the abundance of C. salebrosum, impoverished in low latitudes and abundant in high latitudes, possibly reflects latitudinal differences in temperature. Restricted palaeoceanographic settings, caused by a sea-level lowstand, may have amplified these thermal gradients. Palaeoclimatically this implies the existence of climatic belts throughout parts of the Early Cretaceous (early Valanginian, Hauterivian), resulting from considerable temperature gradients from north to south. The palaeobiogeographic patterns discussed resulted in the formation of distinctive latitudinally bound nannofossil zones, which, to a certain extent, are similar to those of modern oceans. The palaeobiogeographic patterns described support the idea of an ice-house phase for the early Valanginian and disagree with the suggestion of a globally warm equable climate during that time.  相似文献   

Latest Jurassic–earliest Cretaceous hydrocarbon seeps from Spitsbergen, Svalbard, are known to contain unusual fauna, lacking most of the species characteristic for roughly coeval seep deposits. This study summarizes and analyses the fauna from 16 seep carbonate bodies from Spitsbergen to explain its composition. The seeps formed in a shallow epicontinental sea with widespread deposition of fine‐grained, organic‐rich sediments. They are spread over a relatively large area and are positioned roughly in the same interval, indicating seepage over extensive areas of the palaeo‐Barents Sea. The seep fauna is very species rich and with low dominance, comprising 54 species, with a composition similar to that of Jurassic–Cretaceous normal‐marine environments of other Boreal seas. Seep‐restricted fauna is not abundant and is represented by four species only. Hokkaidoconchids and possible siboglinid worm tubes characteristic for high sulphide fluxes are rare. Apart from seep‐restricted sulphide‐mining lucinid and thyasirid bivalves, chemosymbiosis was also a source of nourishment for background solemyid and nucinellid bivalves, all of which take sulphide from infaunal sources. This all suggests a relatively weak sulphide flux. The high diversity and low dominance of the fauna and significant richness and abundance of background species is typical for shallow water seeps.  相似文献   

Abstract: Limopsis is one of the most speciose and widespread bivalve genera in the Southern Ocean at the present day. However, the fossil record of the genus is poorly known from the southern high latitudes. Here, we review the fossil record in this region to help understand the evolutionary origins of the genus. Limopsis infericola sp. nov. and additional specimens of a previously described species are added to the fossil record of Antarctica. The globally distributed limopsid clade had its earliest occurrences in the Early Cretaceous of Europe and New Zealand, then radiated during the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian, 70.6–65.5 Ma). Fossil evidence shows that the genus underwent a second, Cenozoic, radiation related to the isolation of Antarctica and the onset of cooling in the southern hemisphere. The genus has persisted in Antarctica for the last 50 myr, adapting to extreme changes in the environmental conditions, including surviving the last glacial maximum in marine refugia.  相似文献   

A new ichnotaxon is recognized in the Hidden Lake Formation, Upper Cretaceous of James Ross Island, Antarctica. Fuersichnus striatus consists of horizontal to subhorizontal, isolated or loosely clustered, U‐shaped, curved to banana‐like burrows, characterized by distinctive striations parallel to the trace axis. It is interpreted as a dwelling structure probably produced by crustaceans or polychaetes. This recording of Fuersichnus extends its stratigraphic range from the Triassic‐Jurassic to the Cretaceous and its environmental setting from nonmarine to marine environments. F. striatus typified consolidated, but unlithified substrates. Accordingly, it must be considered a member of the Glossifungites ichnofacies.  相似文献   

Maastrichtian and Danian deposits from the Bunde Borehole in the Maastrichtian type area contain the morphologically unusual dinoflagellate species Spumadinium felderorum gen. et sp. nov. and Lasagniella herngreenii gen. et sp. nov., both of which have archeopyles formed by the loss of several paraplates. In S. felderorum the paraplates forming the operculum or opercular pieces appear to be the third and fourth precingulars (3"-4") plus the first and second anterior intercalaries (1a-2a). This suggests that Spumadinium, although having a wall resembling some cribroperidinioids, is a cladopyxiinean. L. herngreenii is unique in having up to eight wall layers, separated and supported by buttresses. The archeopyle is also a combination type but formed by loss of one apical (3'), three anterior intercalary (1a-3a) and three precingular (3"-5") paraplates. Thus, Lasagniella is assignable to the Peridiniales. The distinctive morphology and restricted ranges of the two genera make them useful stratigraphic markers for the Upper Maastrichtian-Danian.  相似文献   

Recent stratigraphic studies in southern Tibet provide new information about the timing of the initial collision between the India and Eurasia continental blocks. The stratigraphic and paleontological evidence document dramatic changes in sedimentary facies and microfauna content across the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary. In the Zhongba and Gamba areas in southern Tibet, the K/Pg boundary is marked by a major disconformity, separating platform carbonates from overlying terrigenous conglomerates and sandstones. The stratigraphy of the boundary sequences has recently been improved with the recognition of three foraminiferal assemblages. They are: Maastrichtian Orbitoides-Omphalocyclus , Danian Rotalia-Smoutina-Lockhartia and Thanetian Miscellanea-Daviesina microfaunal assemblages. The K/Pg boundary at the Gamba area is placed between the Orbitoides-Omphalocyclus and Rotalia-Smoutina-Lockhartia faunas. In Tingri, Cretaceous Globotruncana and tertiary Globigerina-Globorotalia microfauna demark the position of the K/Pg boundary. The occurrence of terrigenous sandstones and boulder-size conglomerates in the early Paleocene is compelling evidence for tectonic uplift and emergence of the southern margin of the Lhasa block and of the northern margin of the Indian plate. Therefore, supported by biostratigraphic evidence, we argue that the uplift is caused by the onset of continental collision during the earliest Danian. Progressing plate collision resulted in deformation and fragmentation of the Paleocene carbonate platform and deposition of limestone breccias, which we consider as further evidence for tectonic compression as a result of early continental collision during the Thanetian, earlier than indicated by previous studies in the Himalayas. It is the change in the sedimentary facies and depositional environment that provides the earliest evidence and dating of the initiation of the collision process. From studies of sedimentary strata in southern Tibet, the collision of the India and Lhasa continental blocks was initiated at ~K/Pg boundary time (~65Ma). If that is the case, than the major lithofacies changes at the K/Pg boundary observed in the western Tethys, mostly referred to as intrinsic to the eustatic sea level change, has been driven by continental convergence and collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates.  相似文献   

Abundant and diverse dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from the Rhaetian of southern England are characterized by the occurrence of a new species of Rhaetogonyaulax, some undescribed taxa and numerous forms with Arctic and Australasian affinities. The dinoflagellate cyst assemblages permit a discussion of the palaeogeographic distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in the Late Triassic. The hypothesis on a Late Triassic migration event of organic walled microplankton from higher latitudes to the Boreal domain is presented.  相似文献   

The direction of sediment transport in the aeolian sandstones of the Botucatu Formation (latest Jurassic–earliest Cretaceous of the Paraná Basin) has been interpreted on the basis of cross-strata dip directions, which allowed the reconstruction of regional wind patterns in midwestern Gondwana. Regionally, cross-strata dip directions indicate variations of palaeowind directions across the outcrop area of the Botucatu palaeoerg. The northern portion of the palaeoerg was characterized by palaeowinds blowing from the NNE, whereas the southern portion was under the influence of palaeowinds coming from the SW. A wind convergence zone occurred at palaeolatitudes around 24° to 26°S. The identified wind pattern agrees with general circulation models for the Late Jurassic, which predict that, during the summer months (December through February), strong monsoonal winds to the S existed at low latitudes in Gondwana. Southerly winds converged at the ITCZ (at around 24°S) with winds blowing toward the northeast.  相似文献   

The Abelisauridae are a family of mainly Cretaceous theropod dinosaurs with a wide distribution across the Gondwanan land masses. Although their presence in Europe was reported twenty-five years ago, it has often been considered as controversial largely because of the incompleteness of the available specimens. We report here the discovery of well-preserved abelisaurid material, including a highly diagnostic braincase, at a Late Cretaceous (late Campanian) locality in the Aix-en-Provence Basin, near the eponym city in south-eastern France. A new abelisaurid taxon is erected, Arcovenator escotae gen. nov., sp. nov., on the basis of cranial and postcranial material. A phylogenetic analysis reveals that the new Abelisauridae from Provence is more closely related to taxa from India and Madagascar than to South American forms. Moreover, Genusaurus, Tarascosaurus and the previous Late Cretaceous discoveries are identified as basal abelisaurids. Contrary to previously proposed palaeobiogeographical models of abelisaurid evolution, the presence of the new taxon in Europe suggests that Europe and Africa may have played a major role in abelisaurid dispersal, which apparently involved crossing marine barriers.  相似文献   

A pelagic sedimentary succession, virtually complete from the Upper Hauterivian to the Upper Aptian and unconformably overlain by the Middle-Upper Albian p.p., was continuously cored in the Belluno Basin (southern Alps, NE Italy) as part of the APTICORE Program. APTICORE at Cismon Valley penetrated 131.8m of limestones, marls and black shales, with 100% recovery of good quality cored material.One hundred and forty-six samples recovered from the marl and shale beds of the Cismon core were processed and analyzed for palynomorphs. Most of them yielded relatively rich and fairly well preserved assemblages of marine and terrestrially-derived palynomorphs.The results of a qualitative study of dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs are presented and discussed. The distributions of 150 taxa are tabulated against the chronostratigraphy independently established on the basis of original litho-, bio-, chemo-, magnetostratigraphic investigations and of correlations with extensively studied sections outcropping in the vicinity of the Cismon drill site.The acritarch Pinocchiodinium erbae gen. et sp. nov. is described. Due to its distinctive morphology and extremely constant occurrence also in the black shales of the Selli Level, it is proposed as a marker species for the Aptian sediments of the Tethys.The dinoflagellate cysts Kallosphaeridium dolomiticum sp. nov. and Nexosispinum hesperus brevispinosum subsp. nov. are described from the Upper Hauterivian. Additional taxonomic remarks are made about other dinoflagellate cyst species, including the emendations of Tanyosphaeridium magneticum Davies 1983 and Bourkidinium granulatum Morgan 1975.The biostratigraphic value of selected taxa is discussed and compared with data known both from the Tethyan and Boreal realms. In particular, the extinction of Bourkidinium granulatum emend. is proposed as the best dinoflagellate cyst event for the delimitation of the Hauterivian-Barremian boundary in the Northern Hemisphere. The first appearance datums of Prolixosphaeridium parvispinum and Odontochitina operculata, and the slightly younger last appearance datum of Nexosispinum vetusculum are confirmed as useful biohorizons for recognition of the lower part of the Upper Barremian and hence for the approximation of the Lower-Upper Barremian boundary. The last occurrences of Rhynchodiniopsis aptiana and Phoberocysta neocomica are calibrated in the basal Aptian.  相似文献   

The sudden appearance of Asian dinosaur clades within Lower Cretaceous strata of western North America has long been recognised as a biotic dispersion event related to initial establishment of a Beringian land bridge. To date, uncertainty exists regarding the timing of the Early Cretaceous Laurasian interchange event (EKLInE) and the pattern of associated biotic dispersal. Here, we report a tyrannosauroid premaxillary tooth (FMNH PR 2750) from the Cloverly Formation, Wyoming, USA, that pushes back the earliest Cretaceous record of the clade in North America. Although fragmentary, the tooth is consistent with mounting evidence for a pre-108 Ma initiation of EKLInE and earliest Albian emplacement of Beringia. Previous authors have considered the Aptian/Albian of western North America a depauperate dinosaur fauna, characterised by regional extinction and diversity decline. Documentation of Albian tyrannosauroids in the region indicates a more dynamic ecosystem than previously appreciated and marks an early start to faunal mixing between immigrant and endemic dinosaur clades. Finally, we find that the enamel microstructure of FMNH PR 2750 conforms to the morphotype of tyrannosaurids, yet exhibits poor columnar differentiation. This morphology bolsters prior interpretations on the phylogenetic utility of enamel microstructure and suggests a trend of increasing enamel complexity within Tyrannosauroidea.  相似文献   

A new trace fossil, Foersterichnus rossensis igen. nov. and isp. nov., is described from the Coniacian Hidden Lake Formation, James Ross Island, Antarctica. The trace fossil is a trackway comprising straight, or slightly curving, paired rows of elongate to tear-shaped impressions, parallel or slightly inclined to the long axis of the trackway. Foersterichnus is interpreted to be the trackway of a brachyuran decapod crustacean. It occurs in transgressive shallow marine deposits formed above the storm wave base in a shelf setting. Preservation of the trackway may have been linked to a rapid deoxygenation event during drowning that led to cessation of bioturbation allowing preservation of mixed layer trackways.  相似文献   

Paleoproductivity patterns at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary in southern high latitudes and in the equatorial oceans were synthesized from the literature. Three ODP/DSDP sites from the Southern Ocean (Sites 689, 748 and 511) were compared with three DSDP/ODP sites from the equatorial oceans (Sites 574, 462 and 959). Paleoproductivity was estimated by multiple sedimentological, biological and geochemical proxies. Changes in paleoproductivity at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary mainly took place in the southern high latitudes. At Site 689, the benthic foraminiferal fauna also indicates an increase in seasonality. In equatorial oceans, there are no indications for a shift to higher paleoproductivity at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. On the contrary at Site 959, sedimentology documents decreasing paleoproductivity in the Oligocene. Major changes in temperature and ocean circulation in southern high latitudes versus only minor changes in the lower latitudes were probably responsible for the geographically different changes in paleoproductivity.  相似文献   

The scarcity of records of Early Paleocene radiolarians has meant that while radiolarian biostratigraphy is firmly established as an important tool for correlation, there has been a long-standing gap between established zonations for the Cretaceous and from latest Paleocene to Recent. It has also led to considerable speculation over the level of faunal change across the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary. Consequently, the discovery of rich and diverse radiolarian assemblages in well-delineated K/T boundary sections within siliceous limestones of the Amuri Limestone Group in eastern Marlborough, New Zealand, is of great significance for biostratigraphy and K/T boundary research.This initial report is restricted to introducing a new latest Cretaceous to mid Late Paleocene zonation based on the radiolarian succession at four of these sections and a re-examination of faunas from coeval sediments at DSDP Site 208 (Lord Howe Rise). Three new Paleocene species are described:Amphisphaera aotea, Amphisphaera kina andStichomitra wero. Six new interval zones are defined by the first appearances of the nominate species. In ascending order these are:Lithomelissa? hoplites Foreman (Zone RK9, Cretaceous),Amphisphaera aotea n. sp. (Zone RP1, Paleocene),Amphisphaera kina n. sp. (RP2),Stichomitra granulata Petrushevskaya (RP3),Buryella foremanae Petrushevskaya (RP4) andBuryella tetradica (RP5). Good age control from foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils permits close correlation with established microfossil zonations. Where age control is less reliable, radiolarian events are used to substantially improve correlation between the sections.No evidence is found for mass extinction of radiolarians at the end of the Cretaceous. However, the K/T boundary does mark a change from nassellarian to spumellarian dominance, due to a sudden influx of actinommids, which effectively reduces the relative abundance of many Cretaceous survivors. An accompanying influx of diatoms in the basal Paleocene of Marlborough, together with evidence for an increase of total radiolarian abundance, suggests siliceous plankton productivity increased across the K/T boundary. Possible causes for this apparently localised phenomenon are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Calissounemys matheroni gen. et sp. nov. (Testudines) is described on the basis of a skull and shell elements from the Upper Cretaceous of Var, southern France. This new taxon is assigned to the family Compsemydidae and characterized by a thick-boned, robust skull, a shallow temporal emargination, a crista supraoccipitalis not extending beyond the posterior edge of the skull roof, large nasals meeting along the midline for their full length; frontals retracted from the orbital margin, absence of a cheek emargination, a large jugal forming a substantial part of the orbital margin, absence of a secondary palate and an uneven upper triturating surface; and the shell with vertebral 1 clearly wider than vertebrals 2-3, with the lateral margins strongly divergent towards the anterior border and wider than long vertebrals 2-3. This find increases the diversity of the Late Cretaceous turtle fauna from southern France, and fills a stratigraphical gap in the fossil record of Compsemydidae between the Early Cretaceous and the Paleocene in Europe.  相似文献   

Assemblages of Lower-Middle Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts are described from the sediments of India for the first time. They were obtained from subsurface sediments of Periyavadavadi Shallow well-1, Cauvery basin. Twenty-seven morphotypes, belonging to at least eighteen genera, occur in these sediments, the majority showing close morphological comparability with taxa described earlier from Australia and Europe. One new subspecies, Cyclonephelium distinctum subsp. laevigatum, is proposed; other new taxa are described but, since meagrely represented, are not named. The generic diagnosis of Aprobolocysta Duxbury, 1977 emend. Duxbury, 1980, is again revised. The assemblages, along with evidence from spores and pollen published earlier by Venkatachala & Sharma (1974), indicate a Valanginian to Aptian age for the sediments studied.  相似文献   

Fossil fruits including nuts and associated husk valves of a new species of Carya (Juglandaceae) are described from the latest Miocene to earliest Pliocene in northeastern Tennessee, eastern United States. The husk valves are elliptic, 1.2–4.5 mm thick, with a convex exterior face and a concave interior face; the nuts are globose to ovoid in shape, smooth and longitudinally ribbed on exterior surface, with a short protruding apex and a slightly 4-angled base; inner ribs, lacunae and primary septa are well-developed, while secondary septa are absent or weakly developed. The combination of these carpological characteristics clearly shows a close resemblance to the genus Carya in Juglandaceae. Detailed comparisons of carpological morphology and anatomy indicate that the present fossil taxon is different from both living and most other fossil species of the genus, and therefore warrants the designation of a new fossil species, Carya tennesseensis Huang et al., sp. nov. Carya tennesseensis displays a carpological similarity to C. ventricosa from the late Oligocene to early Pliocene in Europe, suggesting a potential species exchange of the genus between Europe and southeastern North America during the late Neogene. The new fossil species represents one of the few fruit fossil species of Carya from its modern distribution range in southeastern North America. It provides crucial information for better understanding the rapid diversification of the genus from the late Miocene to early Pliocene, and the origin and establishment of today's Carya biodiversity in this region.  相似文献   

A high resolution mixed carbonate and siliciclastic sequence from DSDP Site 594 contains a detailed record of climate change in the late Pliocene. The sequence can be accurately dated by the LAD of Nitzschia weaveri, the LAD of Thalassiosira insigna, the LAD of T. vulnifica and the LAD of T. kolbei diatom datums. Carbonate content and δ18O signatures provide added resolution and place the sequence between isotope stages 100 and 92.The sequence contains well-preserved and diverse dinoflagellate cyst floras. Use of principal component (PCA) and canonical correspondence analyses (CCA) identifies changes in the assemblages that principally reflect warming and cooling trends. Species associated with warmer climates included Impagidinium patulum, I. paradoxum and I. sp. cf. paradoxum while those from cooler climates include Invertecysta tabulata and I. velorum. CCA is shown to be a valuable method of determining the past environmental preferences of extinct species such as I. tabulata.  相似文献   

记述了一件发现于内蒙古临河巴彦满达呼上白垩统乌兰苏海组的窃蛋龙科新材料并建立了一新属新种——戈壁乌拉特龙(Wulatelong gobiensis gen. et sp. nov.)。新属种具有以下不同于其他窃蛋龙科成员的独特特征:外鼻孔大而细长,腹端低于前上颌骨中部;上颌骨的颧骨支呈带状,并向后延伸至眶前隔之后,叠覆于颧骨外侧面;外侧视,上隅骨的前背突基部收缩。戈壁乌拉特龙具有一些其他窃蛋龙科成员不具有的近祖特征,而与更原始的窃蛋龙类接近,说明戈壁乌拉特龙代表了窃蛋龙科中一个相对原始的属种。这些近祖特征包括:下颞颥孔的背缘较窄,泪骨的前突和后突相对较长,外翼骨和外下颌孔的位置都相对靠后,肩胛骨短而纤细,肠骨的耻骨茎较坐骨茎向腹侧延伸更长并前后向更宽,坐骨较短,以及第三跖骨近端侧扁等。因此戈壁乌拉特龙的系统发育位置可能居于原始窃蛋龙类和其他窃蛋龙科成员之间。对巴彦满达呼恐龙动物群的初步分析支持巴彦满达呼红层代表了蒙古高原戈壁地区上白垩统红层中的最早沉积层位的结论。  相似文献   

1.?To better predict effects of climate change and predation risk on prey animals and ecosystems, we need studies documenting not only latitudinal patterns in growth rate but also growth plasticity to temperature and predation risk and the underlying proximate mechanisms: behaviour (food intake) and digestive physiology (growth efficiency). The mechanistic underpinnings of predator-induced growth increases remain especially poorly understood. 2.?We reared larvae from replicated northern and southern populations of the damselfly Ischnura elegans in a common garden experiment manipulating temperature and predation risk and quantified growth rate, food intake and growth efficiency. 3.?The predator-induced and temperature-induced growth accelerations were the same at both latitudes, despite considerably faster growth rates in the southern populations. While the higher growth rates in the southern populations and the high rearing temperature were driven by both an increased food intake and a higher growth efficiency, the higher growth rates under predation risk were completely driven by a higher growth efficiency, despite a lowered food intake. 4.?The emerging pattern that higher growth rates associated with latitude, temperature and predation risk were all (partly or completely) mediated by a higher growth efficiency has two major implications. First, it indicates that energy allocation trade-offs and the associated physiological costs play a major role both in shaping large-scale geographic variation in growth rates and in shaping the extent and direction of growth rate plasticity. Secondly, it suggests that the efficiency of energy transfer in aquatic food chains, where damselfly larvae are important intermediate predators, will be higher in southern populations, at higher temperatures and under predation risk. This may eventually contribute to the lengthening of food chains under these conditions and highlights that the prey identity may determine the influence of predation risk on food chain length.  相似文献   

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