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Several cores recovered from the northern belt of the Southern Ocean were analysed to study the Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil records. Calcareous nannofossil events previously described in medium and low latitudes were identified and calibrated with the oxygen isotope and geomagnetic time scales. Although sedimentation rates, hiatuses and degree of calcareous nannofossil preservation sometimes prevent the identification and/or accurate calibration of some of these events, a useful stratigraphic framework was obtained. The possibility of using these calibrated events from high to low latitudes facilitates correlations and should facilitate isotope event identification in a region with low temperature, where calcareous plankton stratigraphies are in general restricted. In general, Pleistocene southern high latitude calcareous nannofossil events show synchronism with those observed in warm and temperate surficial waters. Small discrepancies in the assigned ages are sometimes related to low sampling resolution due to low sedimentation rates. The first occurrence (FO) of Emiliania huxleyi and the last occurrence (LO) of Pseudoemiliania lacunosa are observed in Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 8 and 12, respectively. A reversal in abundance between Gephyrocapsa muellerae and E. huxleyi is observed close to the MIS 4/5 boundary. MIS 6 is characterised by an increase in G. muellerae and MIS 7 features a dramatic decrease in the proportion of Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica. This latter species began to increase its proportions from the MIS 13/14 boundary to MIS13, showing diachronism between the different sites. The LO of Reticulofenestra asanoi is observed at MIS 22, confirming this event as a global synchronous reference datum. By contrast, the FO of R. asanoi occurs at MIS 35 and is diachronous with the existing data from other oceanic regions. A re-entry of medium sized Gephyrocapsa (3–5 μm maximum diameters) can be identified in some cores close to MIS 25; although the low abundance of this taxon prevents an accurate calibration, it may be concluded that this event is diachronous as compared with the existing low-latitude data. The LO of large morphotypes of Gephyrocapsa is well correlated with MIS 37, showing synchronism with other oceanic regions, whereas the FO of this species is not well calibrated due to the absence of age-control points.  相似文献   

Seven Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites recovered during ODP Leg 177 in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean were analyzed to study the Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil record. Calcareous nannofossil events previously described from intermediate and low latitudes were identified and calibrated with available geomagnetic and stable isotope stratigraphic data. In general, Pleistocene southern high latitude calcareous nannofossil events show synchronicity with those observed from warm and temperate latitudes. The first occurrence (FO) of Emiliania huxleyi and the last occurrence (LO) of Pseudoemiliania lacunosa are observed in marine isotope stages (MIS) 8 and 12, respectively. A reversal in abundance between Gephyrocapsa muellerae and E. huxleyi is observed at MIS 5. MIS 6 is characterized by an increase in G. muellerae and MIS 7 features a dramatic decrease in the proportion of Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica. This latter species began to increase its proportions from MIS 14 to 13. The LO of Reticulofenestra asanoi is observed within subchron C1r.1r and the FO of R. asanoi occurs at the top of C1r.2r. A re-entry of medium-sized Gephyrocapsa can be identified in some cores during subchron C1r.1n. The LO of large morphotypes of Gephyrocapsa is well correlated through the studied area, and occurs during the middle-low part of subchron C1r.2r, synchronous with other oceanic regions. The FO of Calcidiscus macintyrei and FO of medium-sized Gephyrocapsa occur in the studied area close to 1.6 Ma.  相似文献   

Quantitative study on calcareous nannofossil assemblages has been performed in high time resolution (2–3 kyr) at the Ocean Drilling Program Site 1090. The location of this site in the Southern Ocean is crucial for the comprehension of thermohaline circulation and frontal boundary dynamics, and for testing the employ of nannoflora as paleoceanographical tool. The chronologically well constrained investigated record spans between Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 35 and 15, through an interval of global paleoclimate and paleoceanographical modification also known as mid-Pleistocene revolution (MPR). Measures of ecological (Shannon–Weaver diversity and paleoproductivity) and dissolution indices together with spectral and wavelet analyses carried out on the acquired time series provide valuable information for interpretation of data in terms of paleoecology and paleoceanography. Assemblages are mainly represented by dominant small Gephyrocapsa, common Calcidiscus leptoporus s.l., Coccolithus pelagicus s.l., Gephyrocapsa (4-5.5 μm), the extinct Pseudoemiliania lacunosa and Reticulofenestra spp. (R. asanoi and Reticulofenestra sp.). Morphotypes discriminated within Calcidiscus leptoporus s.l. and Coccolithus pelagicus s.l., reveal that they may have had different ecological preferences during Pleistocene with respect to the present. The composition and fluctuation in nannofossil assemblage and their comparison with the available Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and C-org curves suggest a primary ecological response to paleoenvironmental changes; relationships to different surface water features and boundary dynamics, as well as to different efficiencies and motions of the intermediate and deep water masses have been inferred. A more northward position of Subantarctic Front (SAF) during most of the Early Pleistocene record has been highlighted based on assemblage composition characterised by common Calcidiscus leptoporus s.l., Coccolithus pelagicus s.l., medium Gephyrocapsa (4–5.5 μm), and by the rarity or absence of Umbilicosphaera spp., Rhabdosphaera spp., Pontosphaera spp., Oolithotus fragilis. Exceptions are the more intense interglacials MIS 31, 17, and probably MIS 15, when a southward displacement of frontal system occurred, coincident with peaks in abundance of Helicosphaera spp. and Syracosphaera spp. Higher nutrient content and more dynamic conditions occurred between MIS 32 and MIS 25, in relation to shallower location of nutrient-rich Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) core and to reduction of glacial–interglacial variability. A nannofossil barren interval is coincident with the known stagnation of South Atlantic deep water circulation during MIS 24, when North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) was reduced or suppressed and an enhanced northward deep penetration of the more corrosive Circumpolar Deep Water (CPDW) took place. An event of strong instability in nutricline dynamics characterised the transition MIS 23–22 as suggested by sharp fluctuations in paleoproductivity proxies, linked to major changes in oceanographic circulation and to the first distinct increase of larger ice volumes at this time. From MIS 21 upward the nannofossil variations seem to be primarily controlled by glacial–interglacial cyclicity and temperature fluctuations. The cyclic fluctuation recognised in nannofossil abundance seems to be linked to orbitally-forced climatic variation, primarily to the obliquity periodicity recorded in the patterns of C. leptoporus intermediate (5–8 μm) and C. pelagicus pelagicus (6–10 μm); however no obvious and linear relations may be always observed between nannoflora fluctuation and Milankovitch parameters, suggesting more complex and unclear relationships between nannofossils and environmental change.  相似文献   

Calcareous nannofossil assemblages have been investigated at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1090 located in the modern Subantarctic Zone, through the Pleistocene Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 34–29, between 1150 and 1000 ka. A previously developed age model and new biostratigraphic constraints provide a reliable chronological framework for the studied section and allow correlation with other records. Two relevant biostratigraphic events have been identified: the First Common Occurrence of Reticulofenestra asanoi, distinctly correlated to MIS 31–32; the re-entry of medium Gephyrocapsa at MIS 29, unexpectedly similar to what was observed at low latitude sites.The composition of the calcareous nannofossil assemblage permits identification of three intervals (I–III). Intervals I and III, correlated to MIS 34–32 and MIS 30–29 respectively, are identified as characteristic of water masses located south of the Subtropical Front and reflecting the southern border of Subantarctic Zone, at the transition with the Polar Front Zone. This evidence is consistent with the hypothesis of a northward shift of the frontal system in the early Pleistocene with respect to the present position and therefore a northernmost location of the Subantarctic Front. During interval II, which is correlated to MIS 31, calcareous nannofossil assemblages display the most significant change, characterized by a distinct increase of Syracosphaera spp. and Helicosphaera carteri, lasting about 20 ky. An integrated analysis of calcareous nannofossil abundances and few mineralogical proxies suggests that during interval II, Site 1090 experienced the influence of subtropical waters, possibly related to a southward migration of the Subtropical Front, coupled with an expansion of the warmer Agulhas Current at the core location. This pronounced warming event is associated to a minimum in the austral summer insolation. The present results provide a broader framework on the Mid-Pleistocene dynamic of the ocean frontal system in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, as well as additional evidence on the variability of the Indian–Atlantic ocean exchange.  相似文献   

The distribution of calcareous nannofossils are quantitatively analysed in high-resolution deep-sea core samples from North Atlantic DSDP Site 607 and Eastern Mediterranean ODP Site 967, between marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 35 and 15, in order to observe the response of calcareous nannofossils to the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution (MPR). Nannofossil abundance patterns show major variations through MIS 25–22 and distinct higher amplitude changes from MIS 21 upward, sometime clearly correlatable to glacial–interglacial cycles. High amplitude, short-term, fluctuations of small placoliths and F. profunda characterize the interval through MIS 24 to 22/21, suggesting strong instability in nutricline dynamics and surface water productivity. Principal Component Analysis and Shannon–Weaver indices (diversity and dominance) highlight significant shifts, mainly related to variations in the characteristics of surface waters. In both sites a minimum in diversity is recorded at MIS 22/21, corresponding to a maximum in the dominance of Reticulofenestra spp. at Site 607 and of Pseudoemiliania lacunosa at Site 967. Above MIS 21 the increase in abundance of various taxa (C. leptoporus, Umbilicosphaera spp., Syracosphaera spp., Rhabdosphaera spp., Oolithotus spp.) and a general increase in diversity are related to a distinct trend toward more stable and oligotrophic surface waters in contrast to the higher productivity and less stratified surface waters of the Early Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Over the last several decades debates on the ‘tempo and mode’ of evolution have centered on the question whether morphological evolution preferentially occurs gradually or punctuated, i.e., with long periods of stasis alternating with short periods of rapid morphological change and generation of new species. Another major debate is focused on the question whether long-term evolution is driven by, or at least strongly influenced by changes in the environment, or by interaction with other life forms. Microfossils offer a unique opportunity to obtain the large datasets as well as the precision in dating of subsequent samples to study both these questions. We present high-resolution analyses of selected calcareous nannofossils from the deep-sea section recovered at ODP Site 1262 (Leg 208) in the South-eastern Atlantic. The studied section encompasses nannofossil Zones NP4–NP12 (equivalent to CP3–CP10) and Chrons C27r–C24n.We document more than 70 biohorizons occurring over an about 10 Myr time interval, ( 62.5 Ma to  52.5 Ma), and discuss their reliability and reproducibility with respect to previous data, thus providing an improved biostratigraphic framework, which we relate to magnetostratigraphic information, and present for two possible options of a new Paleocene stratigraphic framework based on cyclostratigraphy. This new framework enabled us to tentatively reconstruct steps in the evolution of early Paleogene calcareous nannoplankton through documentation of transitional morphotypes between genera and/or species and of the phylogenetic relations between the genera Fasciculithus, Heliolithus, Discoasteroides and Discoaster, as well as between Rhomboaster and Tribrachiatus. The exceptional record provided by the continuous, composite sequence recovered at Walvis Ridge allows us to describe the mode of evolution among calcareous nannoplankton: new genera and/or new species usually originated through branching of lineages via gradual, but relatively rapid, morphological transitions, as documented by the presence of intermediate forms between the end-member ancestral and descendant forms.Significant modifications in the calcareous nannofossil assemblages are often “related” to significant changes in environmental conditions, but the appearance of structural innovations and radiations within a single genus also occurred during “stable” environmental conditions. These lines of evidence suggest that nannoplankton evolution is not always directly triggered by stressed environmental conditions but could be also driven by endogenous biotic control.  相似文献   

In the Bifrons to Aalensis Ammonite Zones of the Vrines section (Toarcian stratotype), woody phytoclasts, nonsaccate pollen grains, and marine assemblages (dinoflagellate cysts, acritarchs, and foraminiferal linings) dominate the palynofacies. The dinoflagellate cyst assemblage is cosmopolitan with minor Boreal influences, characterized by relatively high quantities of Micrhystridium, Baltisphaeridium, Mendicodinium spinosum, Nannoceratopsis, and the Parvocysta suite, dominating in turn the marine assemblages. Marine assemblage compositions, both dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs, and calcareous nannofossil abundances are different in marl and limestone lithotypes of the Vrines section. Calcareous nannofossils are generally more abundant in marls than in limestones, they display however a cyclic pattern of semiquantitative abundances in phase with lithological cycles. Although a diagenetic overprint cannot be completely excluded to explain such a difference, it seems likely that these dissimilarities are in part primary, the results of variations in terms of proximality-distality, and climatic fluctuations. A mean duration of 117.6 Kyr per marl-limestone alternation, and the stacking of four marl-limestone alternations for 470.6 Kyr, suggest a control by the Earth's two orbital eccentricity cycles. It is likely that the palaeoenvironmental conditions, which influenced the formation of marl-limestone alternations, also controlled the variations in marine phytoplankton assemblages.  相似文献   

A high-resolution study of sediments from DSDP Leg 72 Site 516 provided the opportunity to reconstruct a detailed biostratigraphy for the late Oligocene - early Miocene time interval. The detailed taxonomic investigation of calcareous nannofossils, performed by a quantitative analysis, highlighted the presence of a species of Pontosphaera that does not show the morphologic features of any recognized species of this genus. This species, which was previously classified as Pontosphaera sp., is here described as Pontosphaera wallacei nov. sp.  相似文献   

The high-resolution quantitative study of the calcareous nannofossil assemblages in two Mediterranean deep-sea successions (ODP Sites 969B and 975B) encompassing the Miocene/Pliocene boundary allows the recognition of a set of reliable bioevents useful to detecting the base of the Zanclean stage. The results have been successfully compared with two on-land sections (Cava Serredi, Tuscany, and Montepetra borehole, Marche Region, Central Italy). This study confirms that Ceratolithus acutus and Triquetrorhabdulus rugosus, the markers traditionally used for identifying the Miocene/Pliocene Boundary are very rare in the Mediterranean area and cannot be used for biostratigraphic correlation. Conversely, the absence interval (paracme) of Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus and the distribution range of a new species belonging to the Reticulofenestra genus (Reticulofenestra zancleana nov. sp.) show high biostratigraphical potential. The position of the new biohorizons has been compared to those of the planktonic foraminifers events, and correlated to the CaCO3 cycles reconstructed for the two sections. On the basis of these new nannofossil bioevents, Rio et al.’s (1990) MNN12 biozone is subdivided into three subzones, thus improving the biostratigraphic resolution of the Early Pliocene.  相似文献   

Calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy has been investigated in Lower Cretaceous Italian sections at Gorgo a Cerbara, Presale and Frontale (all in the Umbrian Apennines) and at Cismon (Southern Alps). A modified sample preparation technique has allowed a thorough stratigraphic study of the well-lithified Maiolica limestone and although nannofossil preservation is generally quite poor, the major Valanginian to Aptian marker species can be detected. Nine nannofossil events can be determined and correlated to magnetic stratigraphies previously established in these sections. Nannofossil stratigraphy confirms most magnetostratigraphic correlations made between sections and allows a more precise correlation of magnetic Chrons M-0 to M-11 with the Valanginian, Hauterivian, Barremian and Aptian stages. The results obtained differ considerably from previous timescales. Nannofossil events recorded in the various sections may be time-transgressive by as much as one magnetic chron, probably due to differential preservation.  相似文献   

Living calcareous nannoplankton in the region between Australia and Antarctica are distributed in five assemblages associated with distinct physico-chemical properties of surface and subsurface water masses. Temperature and salinity ranges for living assemblages were 2–15.7°C and 33.7–35.56‰, respectively, with maximum cell densities for austral summer 1994 found at 9.63°C and 34.44‰, and for austral summer 1995 at 12.8°C and 35.17‰. Nutrients (phosphate, silicate and nitrate) increase poleward and vertically from surface to depth. Abundance and diversity of calcareous nannoplankton decrease in a poleward direction with major shifts located across both the Subtropical and the Subantarctic Fronts. Higher cell densities were found below 50 m equatorward of the Subtropical Front and above 50 m poleward of this front. Poleward of the Antarctic Divergence coccolithophores are absent from all samples. Three different morphotypes of Emiliania huxleyi were identified, one of which has a distribution associated with the Subtropical Front. Of the subordinate species Syracosphaera spp, Calciosolenia murrayi and Umbellosphaera tenuis dominate equatorward of the Subtropical Front with Syracosphaera spp and Calcidiscus leptoporus dominant poleward of this front. A peculiar community of weakly calcified species is recorded for the first time outside the Weddell Sea.  相似文献   

Detailed quantitative calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy was carried out on a subsurface lower–upper Pliocene succession (Kafr El Sheikh Formation) in three offshore wells (Ras El Barr-1, Bougaz-1 and Bougaz East-1), north-east Nile Delta area, Egypt. The standard zonations are easily applied in these sediments and additional biohorizons have been adopted in this study. For early to late Pliocene interval, the following five bioevents are considered reliable: last occurrences (LOs) of Discoaster surculus, D. tamalis, Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus and Amaurolithus tricorniculatus and first occurrence of D. asymmetricus. The LO of R. pseudoumbilicus was used to detect the early/late Pliocene boundary in the three studied wells. In Bougaz-1-Well, the LO of D. intercalcaris was used to approximate the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. The calcareous nannofossils are moderate to good preserved. Lower–upper Pliocene sediments are dominated by small-sized reticulofenestrids (R. minuta), Pseudoemiliania lacunosa, Helicosphaera carteri and H. kamptneri. Large size (>7 μm) R. pseudoumbilicus is recorded. Discoaster species is rarely represented. No nannofossils were found in the top part of the Kafr El Sheikh and the overlying Wastani Formations.  相似文献   

Fishes of the Southern Ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Based on calcareous nannofossil assemblages identified in four expanded and well-dated sections from the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, the main objective of this paper is to improve the knowledge of the Pliensbachian calcareous nannofossil events, and to calibrate these events to the ammonite zones established for this area. The semiquantitative analysis of more than 140 smear slides from the Tudanca and Santotis sections, and the re-analysis of more than 200 smear slides from the Camino and San Andrés sections, have been carried out in order to describe the succession of calcareous nannofossil assemblages. Related to their composition changes, we have recognized and calibrated to the ammonite zones two main events: the first occurrences (FOs) of Similiscutum cruciulus and Lotharingius hauffii, and six secondary events: the FOs of Biscutum novum, Biscutum grande, Biscutum finchii, Lotharingius barozii and the FCOs (first common occurrences) of Calcivascularis jansae and L. hauffii. In the Camino and San Andrés sections, we also identify the FOs of Biscutum dubium, Bussonius prinsii and Lotharingius sigillatus. The obtained data allow us to assess the degree of reproducibility of the Pliensbachian calcareous nannofossil events in the studied area. The biohorizon succession recognized in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin are compared to those proposed for NW Europe, Lusitanian Basin, Italy and Southern France.  相似文献   

Kelp rafts in the Southern Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kelp rafts were surveyed during three summer traverses between Hobart and Macquarie Island (subAntarctic) to determine the potential for dispersal of kelp‐associated macroinvertebrates across the latitudes of 46–53°S. Rafts of Durvillaea antarctica dominated the sightings (94% of rafts) and extrapolations to the full Southern Ocean between these latitudes indicate a figure of over 70 million rafts afloat at any one time, 20 million of which support a holdfast, the habitat supporting the highest faunal diversity in attached kelp plants. In contrast, few, small rafts of Macrocystis pyrifera were observed. The potential for dispersal of fauna is presumed to be related to the species of kelp with which they are associated. Empirical studies of survival of animals while drifting at sea, and also on making land‐fall, are required to allow fuller interpretation of the significance of these findings.  相似文献   

We demonstrate size fluctuations of the calcareous nannofossil genus Reticulofenestra in Upper Pliocene sediments from the North Atlantic Ocean and clarify a characteristic evolutionary trend of this genus. Four bioevents, which are based on abrupt decreases in maximum size and on changes of morphologic features of Reticulofenestra specimens, are detected in the sediments. They are the disappearance of R. minutula var. A, the termination of Acme Zone II of R. minutula var. C, the disappearance of R. minutula var. B, and the termination of Acme Zone I of R. minutula var. C, in ascending order. These are nearly synchronous and traceable events.  相似文献   

Twelve new species of calcareous foraminifers of the genera Parathurammina, Parathuramminites, Bisphaera, Archaesphaera, and Vicinesphaera from the Lower Ordovician of the Middle Tien Shan are described.  相似文献   

Infectious diseases have the potential to cause rapid declines and extinction in vertebrate populations, and are likely to be spreading with increased globalisation and climate warming. In the Southern Ocean and Antarctica, no major outbreaks of infectious diseases have been reported to date, perhaps because of isolation and cold climate, although recent evidence suggests their presence. The major threat for the Southern Ocean environment is today considered to be fishing activities, and especially controversial long-lining which is assumed to be the cause of the major decreases in albatross and large petrel populations observed recently. Here we show that the worldwide spread of avian cholera is probably the major cause of the decrease on Amsterdam Island of the large yellow-nosed albatross (Diomedea chlororhynchos) population, which was previously attributed to long-line fishing. Another pathogenic bacterium, Erysipelas, was also present. The diseases affect mainly young chicks, with a cyclic pattern between years, but also kill adult birds. The outbreak of the disease probably occurred in the mid-1980s when chick mortality increased, adult survival decreased and the population started to decrease. The diseases may be currently threatening the very rare Amsterdam albatross (D. amsterdamensis) with extinction, and are probably also affecting sooty albatrosses (Phoebetria fusca). The spread of diseases to the most remote areas of the world raises major concern for the conservation of the Southern Ocean environment.  相似文献   

Throughout the Quaternary, the continental-based Antarctic ice sheets expanded and contracted repeatedly. Evidence suggests that during glacial maxima, grounded ice eliminated most benthic (bottom-dwelling) fauna across the Antarctic continental shelf. However, paleontological and molecular evidence indicates most extant Antarctica benthic taxa have persisted in situ throughout the Quaternary. Where and how the Antarctic benthic fauna survived throughout repeated glacial maxima remain mostly hypothesised. If understood, this would provide valuable insights into the ecology and evolution of Southern Ocean biota over geological timescales. Here we synthesised and appraised recent studies and presented an approach to demonstrate how genetic data can be effective in identifying where and how Antarctic benthic fauna survived glacial periods. We first examined the geological and ecological evidence for how glacial periods influenced past species demography in order to provide testable frameworks for future studies. We outlined past ice-free areas from Antarctic ice sheet reconstructions that could serve as glacial refugia and discussed how benthic fauna with pelagic or non-pelagic dispersal strategies moved into and out of glacial refugia. We also reviewed current molecular studies and collated proposed locations of Southern Ocean glacial refugia on the continental shelf around Antarctica, in the deep sea, and around sub-Antarctic islands. Interestingly, the proposed glacial refugia based on molecular data generally do not correspond to the ice-free areas identified by Antarctic ice sheet reconstructions. The potential biases in sampling and in the choice of molecular markers in current literature are discussed, along with the future directions for employing testable frameworks and genomic methods in Southern Ocean molecular studies. Continued data syntheses will elucidate greater understanding of where and how Southern Ocean benthic fauna persisted throughout glacial periods and provide insights into their resilience against climate changes in the future.  相似文献   

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