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The trajectory of speciation involves geographic isolation of ancestral populations followed by divergence by natural selection, genetic drift or sexual selection. Once started, the process may experience fits and starts, as sometimes diverging populations intermittently reconnect. In theory populations might cycle between stages of differentiation and never attain species status, a process we refer to as Sisyphean evolution. We argue that the six putative ground finch species (genus Geospiza) of the Galápagos Islands represent a dramatic example of Sisyphean evolution that has been confused with the standard model of speciation. The dynamic environment of the Galápagos, closely spaced islands, and frequent dispersal and introgression have prevented the completion of the speciation process. We suggest that morphological clusters represent locally adapted ecomorphs, which might mimic, and have been confused with, species, but these ecomorphs do not form separate gene pools and are ephemeral in space and time. Thus the pattern of morphological, behavioural and genetic variation supports recognition of a single species of Geospiza, which we suggest should be recognized as Darwin's ground finch (Geospiza magnirostris). We argue that instead of providing an icon of insular speciation and adaptive radiation, which is featured in nearly every textbook on evolutionary biology, Darwin's ground finch represents a potentially more interesting phenomenon, one of transient morphs trapped in an unpredictable cycle of Sisyphean evolution. Instead of revealing details of the origin of species, the mechanisms underlying the transient occurrence of ecomorphs provide one of the best illustrations of the antagonistic effects of natural selection and introgression.  相似文献   

Darwin''s finches have radiated from a common ancestor into 14 descendent species, each specializing on distinct food resources and evolving divergent beak forms. Beak morphology in the ground finches (Geospiza) has been shown to evolve via natural selection in response to variation in food type, food availability and interspecific competition for food. From a mechanical perspective, however, beak size and shape are only indirectly related to birds'' abilities to crack seeds, and beak form is hypothesized to evolve mainly under selection for fracture avoidance. Here, we test the fracture-avoidance hypothesis using finite-element modelling. We find that across species, mechanical loading is similar and approaches reported values of bone strength, thus suggesting pervasive selection on fracture avoidance. Additionally, deep and wide beaks are better suited for dissipating stress than are more elongate beaks when scaled to common sizes and loadings. Our results illustrate that deep and wide beaks in ground finches enable reduction of areas with high stress and peak stress magnitudes, allowing birds to crack hard seeds while limiting the risk of beak failure. These results may explain strong selection on beak depth and width in natural populations of Darwin''s finches.  相似文献   

Darwin''s finches are a classic example of adaptive radiation, a process by which multiple ecologically distinct species rapidly evolve from a single ancestor. Such evolutionary diversification is typically explained by adaptation to new ecological opportunities. However, the ecological diversification of Darwin''s finches following their dispersal to Galápagos was not matched on the same archipelago by other lineages of colonizing land birds, which diversified very little in terms of both species number and morphology. To better understand the causes underlying the extraordinary variation in Darwin''s finches, we analyze the evolutionary dynamics of speciation and trait diversification in Thraupidae, including Coerebinae (Darwin''s finches and relatives) and, their closely related clade, Sporophilinae. For all traits, we observe an early pulse of speciation and morphological diversification followed by prolonged periods of slower steady‐state rates of change. The primary exception is the apparent recent increase in diversification rate in Darwin''s finches coupled with highly variable beak morphology, a potential key factor explaining this adaptive radiation. Our observations illustrate how the exploitation of ecological opportunity by contrasting means can produce clades with similarly high diversification rate yet strikingly different degrees of ecological and morphological differentiation.  相似文献   

One of the most familiar features of the natural world is that most animals and plants fall into distinct categories known as species. The attempt to understand the nature of species and the origin of new species was the enterprise that drove the early development of evolutionary biology and has continued to be a major focus of research. Individuals belonging to the same species usually share a distinctive appearance and way of life, and they can mate together successfully and produce viable offspring. New species may evolve, therefore, either through ecological divergence or through sexual isolation. The balance between these processes will depend on the extent of hybridization, especially in the early stages of divergence. Detecting and measuring hybridization in natural populations, however, requires intensive, long-term field programmes that are seldom undertaken, leaving a gap in our understanding of species formation. The finch community of a small, isolated island in the Galapagos provided an opportunity to discover how frequently hybridization takes place between closely related species in a pristine location, and Peter Grant''s paper, published in Philosophical Transactions B in 1993, reports the observations that he and his collaborators made during the first 20 years of what is now one of the classical studies of evolution in action. This commentary was written to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.  相似文献   

Studies of Darwin's finches of the Galapagos Islands have provided pivotal insights into the interplay of ecological variation, natural selection, and morphological evolution. Here we document, across nine Darwin's finch species, correlations between morphological variation and bite force capacity. We find that bite force correlates strongly with beak depth and width but only weakly or not at all with beak length, a result that is consistent with prior demonstrations of natural selection on finch beak morphology. We also find that bite force is predicted even more strongly by head width, which exceeds all beak dimensions in predictive strength. To explain this result we suggest that head width determines the maximum size, and thus maximum force generation capacity of finch jaw adductor muscles. We suggest that head width is functionally relevant and may be a previously unrecognized locus of natural selection in these birds, because of its close relationship to bite force capacity.  相似文献   

Learned bird songs evolve via cultural evolution, with song patterns transmitted across generations by imitative learning. In Darwin''s finches of the Galápagos Islands, males learn songs from their fathers, and song types can be maintained across multiple generations. However, little is known about the time frame over which specific song types are preserved, in the face of copy errors and corresponding modifications to song structure. Here we investigate cultural evolution in songs of male Geospiza fortis, at Academy Bay, Santa Cruz Island, comparing songs recorded in 1961 by R. Bowman (20 individuals) to those recorded in 1999 by J. Podos (16 individuals). For each individual, we characterized four timing and six frequency parameters, and assessed inter-individual variation in song structure using multivariate analysis. Several 1961 song types persisted into 1999, some with remarkable fidelity. Variation among song types was extensive during both years, and we detected no changes in 10 vocal parameters across the sampling period. These results illustrate temporal continuity in a culturally acquired trait, and raise questions about mechanisms that promote stability in song structure.  相似文献   

While reinforcement may play a role in all major modes of speciation, relatively little is known about the timescale over which species hybridize without evolving complete reproductive isolation. Birds have high potential for hybridization, and islands provide simple settings for uncovering speciation and hybridization patterns. Here we develop a phylogenetic hypothesis for a phenotypically diverse radiation of finch-like weaver-birds (Foudia) endemic to the western Indian Ocean islands. We find that unlike Darwin's finches, each island-endemic Foudia population is a monophyletic entity for which speciation can be considered complete. In explaining the only exceptions-mismatches between taxonomy, mitochondrial, and nuclear data-phylogenetic and coalescent methods support introgressive hybridization rather than incomplete lineage sorting. Human introductions of known timing of one island-endemic species, to all surrounding archipelagos provide two fortuitous experiments; (1) population sampling at known times in recent evolutionary history, (2) bringing allopatric lineages of an island radiation into secondary contact. Our results put a minimum time bound on introgression (235 years), and support hybridization between species in natural close contact (parapatry), but not between those in natural allopatry brought into contact by human introduction. Time in allopatry, rather than in sympatry, appears key in the reproductive isolation of Foudia species.  相似文献   

Populations with multiple morphological or behavioural types provide unique opportunities for studying the causes and consequences of evolutionary diversification. A population of the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis) at El Garrapatero on Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos, features two beak size morphs. These morphs produce acoustically distinctive songs, are subject to disruptive selection and mate assortatively by morph. The main goal of the present study was to assess whether finches from this population are able to use song as a cue for morph discrimination. A secondary goal of this study was to evaluate whether birds from this population discriminate songs of their own locality versus another St Cruz locality, Borrero Bay, approximately 24 km to the NW. I presented territorial males with playback of songs of their own morph, of the other morph, and of males from Borrero Bay. Males responded more strongly to same-morph than to other-morph playbacks, showing significantly shorter latencies to flight, higher flight rates and closer approaches to the playback speaker. By contrast, I found only minor effects of locality on responsiveness. Evidence for morph discrimination via acoustic cues supports the hypothesis that song can serve as a behavioural mechanism for assortative mating and sympatric evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

Darwin's finches are an iconic case of adaptive radiation. The size and shape of their beaks are key adaptive traits related to trophic niche that vary among species and evolve rapidly when the food supply changes. Building on recent studies, a paper in this issue of Molecular Ecology (Chaves et al. 2016 ) investigates the genomic basis of beak size variation in sympatric populations of three species of ground finch (Geospiza) by performing a Genome‐wide association study using RAD‐seq data. The authors find that variation in a small number of markers can explain a substantial proportion of variation in beak size. Some of these markers are in genomic regions that have previously been implicated in beak size variation in Darwin's finches, whereas other markers have not, suggesting both conservation and divergence in the genetic basis of morphological evolution. Overall, the study confirms that loci of large effect are involved in beak size variation, which helps to explain the high heritability and rapid response to selection of this trait. The independent identification of regions containing HMGA2 and DLK1 loci in a GWAS makes them prime targets for functional studies. The study also shows that under the right conditions, RAD‐seq can be a viable alternative to genome sequencing for GWAS in wild vertebrate populations.  相似文献   

物种形成过程是生物多样性形成的基础, 长期以来一直是进化生物学的中心议题之一。传统的异域物种形成理论认为, 地理隔离是物种分化的主要决定因子, 物种形成只有在种群之间存在地理隔离的情况下才能发生。近年来, 随着种群基因组学的发展和溯祖理论分析方法的完善, 种群间存在基因流情况下的物种形成成为进化生物学领域新的研究焦点。物种形成过程中是否有基因流的发生?基因流如何影响物种的形成与分化?基因流存在条件下物种形成的生殖隔离机制是什么?根据已发表的相关文献资料, 作者综述了当前物种形成研究中基因流的时间和空间分布模式、基因流对物种分化的影响以及生殖隔离机制形成等问题, 指出基因流存在条件下的物种形成可能是自然界普遍发生的一种模式。  相似文献   

物种形成是基本的进化过程, 也是生物多样性形成的基础。自然选择可以导致新物种的产生。生态物种形成是指以生态为基础的歧化选择使不同群体分化产生生殖隔离的物种形成过程。本文首先回顾了生态物种形成的研究历史, 并详细介绍了生态物种形成的3个要素, 即歧化选择的来源、生殖隔离的形式以及关联歧化选择与生殖隔离的遗传机制。歧化选择的来源主要包括不同的环境或生态位、不同形式的性选择, 以及群体间的相互作用。生殖隔离的形式多种多样, 我们总结了合子前和合子后隔离的遗传学机制以及在生态物种形成中起到的作用。控制适应性性状的基因与导致生殖隔离的基因可以通过基因多效性或连锁不平衡相互关联起来。借助于第二代测序技术, 研究者可以对生态物种形成的遗传学与基因组学基础进行研究。此外, 本文还总结了生态物种形成领域最新的研究进展, 包括平行进化的全基因组基础, 以及基因流影响群体分化的理论基础。通过归纳比较由下至上和由上至下这两种不同的研究思路, 作者认为这两种思路的结合可以为生态物种形成基因的筛选提供更有力也更精确的方法。同时, 作者还提出生态物种形成的研究应该基于更好的表型描述以及更完整的基因组信息, 研究的物种也应该具有更广泛的代表性。  相似文献   

Mayr's best recognized scientific contributions include the biological species concept and the theory of geographic speciation. In the latter, reproductive isolation evolves as an incidental by‐product of genetic divergence between allopatric populations. Mayr noted that divergent natural selection could accelerate speciation, but also argued that gene flow so strongly retards divergence that, even with selection, non‐allopatric speciation is unlikely. However, current theory and data demonstrate that substantial divergence, and even speciation, in the face of gene flow is possible. Here, I attempt to connect some opposing views about speciation by integrating Mayr's ideas about the roles of ecology and geography in speciation with current data and theory. My central premise is that the speciation process (i.e. divergence) is often continuous, and that the opposing processes of selection and gene flow interact to determine the degree of divergence (i.e. the degree of progress towards the completion of speciation). I first establish that, in the absence of gene flow, divergent selection often promotes speciation. I then discuss how population differentiation in the face of gene flow is common when divergent selection occurs. However, such population differentiation does not always lead to the evolution of discontinuities, strong reproductive isolation, and thus speciation per se. I therefore explore the genetic and ecological circumstances that facilitate speciation in the face of gene flow. For example, particular genetic architectures or ecological niches may tip the balance between selection and gene flow strongly in favour of selection. The circumstances allowing selection to overcome gene flow to the extent that a discontinuity develops, and how often these circumstances occur, are major remaining questions in speciation research. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 26–46.  相似文献   

We examine here, in a single year (2005), phenotypic divergence along a 560‐m elevation gradient in Darwin's small ground finch (Geospiza fuliginosa) in the Galápagos Islands. In this sample, four composite measures of phenotypic traits showed significant differences along the 18‐km geographical cline extending from lowlands to highlands. Compared with lowland birds, highland birds had larger and more pointed beaks, and thicker tarsi, but smaller feet and claws. Finches in an intervening agricultural zone had predominantly intermediate trait values. In a second, mark–recapture study we analyse selection on morphological traits among birds recaptured across years (2000–2005) in lowland and highland habitats. Birds were more likely to survive in the highlands and during the wet season, as well as if they had large beaks and bodies. In addition, highland birds exhibited higher survival rates if they had small feet and pointed beaks – attributes common to highland birds as a whole. Lowland birds were more likely to survive if they possessed the opposite traits. Selection therefore reinforced existing morphological divergence, which appears to reflect local adaptation to differing resources during the predominantly drought‐ridden conditions that characterized the 5‐year study. Alternative explanations – including genetic drift, matching habitat choice, deformation by parasites, and the effects of wear – received little or no support. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 45–59.  相似文献   

Divergent selection stemming from environmental variation may induce local adaptation and ecological speciation whereas gene flow might have a homogenizing effect. Gene flow among populations using different environments can be reduced by geographical distance (isolation-by-distance) or by divergent selection stemming from resource use (isolation-by-ecology). We tested for and encountered phenotypic and genetic divergence among Spanish crossbills utilizing different species of co-occurring pine trees as their food resource. Morphological, vocal and mtDNA divergence were not correlated with geographical distance, but they were correlated with differences in resource use. Resource diversity has now been found to repeatedly predict crossbill diversity. However, when resource use is not 100% differentiated, additional characters (morphological, vocal, genetic) must be used to uncover and validate hidden population structure. In general, this confirms that ecology drives adaptive divergence and limits neutral gene flow as the first steps towards ecological speciation, unprevented by a high potential for gene flow.  相似文献   

Speciation, the evolution of reproductive isolation among populations, is continuous, complex, and involves multiple, interacting barriers. Until it is complete, the effects of this process vary along the genome and can lead to a heterogeneous genomic landscape with peaks and troughs of differentiation and divergence. When gene flow occurs during speciation, barriers restricting gene flow locally in the genome lead to patterns of heterogeneity. However, genomic heterogeneity can also be produced or modified by variation in factors such as background selection and selective sweeps, recombination and mutation rate variation, and heterogeneous gene density. Extracting the effects of gene flow, divergent selection and reproductive isolation from such modifying factors presents a major challenge to speciation genomics. We argue one of the principal aims of the field is to identify the barrier loci involved in limiting gene flow. We first summarize the expected signatures of selection at barrier loci, at the genomic regions linked to them and across the entire genome. We then discuss the modifying factors that complicate the interpretation of the observed genomic landscape. Finally, we end with a road map for future speciation research: a proposal for how to account for these modifying factors and to progress towards understanding the nature of barrier loci. Despite the difficulties of interpreting empirical data, we argue that the availability of promising technical and analytical methods will shed further light on the important roles that gene flow and divergent selection have in shaping the genomic landscape of speciation.  相似文献   

Ecological divergence alone can prevent the majority of gene flow in the absence of other forms of reproductive isolation. Although the importance of ecological divergence in promoting reproductive isolation has been broadly recognized, its net impact on speciation has rarely been estimated in the wild. The phytophagous ladybird beetle Henosepilachna diekei Jadwiszczak & Wegrzynowicz includes two sympatric host races that are reproductively isolated solely by extreme specialization to either of the host plants Mikania micrantha Kunth (Asteraceae) or Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. (Lamiaceae) in West Java, Indonesia. To investigate the impact of differential host use as an isolating barrier, we carried out adult host acceptance tests and molecular population genetic analyses based on mitochondrial ND2 and nucleic ITS2 gene sequences using 13 wild populations of the host races, including four sympatric population pairs. Almost all individuals of these host races persistently accepted only the original host plant. We detected restricted but a degree of gene flow between these host races. A migration event occurred only in very recent time compared to their divergence time, indicating recent secondary contact of these host races in the surveyed area. These results reveal the remarkably large impact of host‐plant shift over almost the entire process of speciation and illustrate that ecological divergence has been maintained even under the presence of a certain degree of gene flow.  相似文献   

The possibility of intrinsic barriers to gene flow is often neglected in empirical research on local adaptation and speciation with gene flow, for example when interpreting patterns observed in genome scans. However, we draw attention to the fact that, even with gene flow, divergent ecological selection may generate intrinsic barriers involving both ecologically selected and other interacting loci. Mechanistically, the link between the two types of barriers may be generated by genes that have multiple functions (i.e., pleiotropy), and/or by gene interaction networks. Because most genes function in complex networks, and their evolution is not independent of other genes, changes evolving in response to ecological selection can generate intrinsic barriers as a by‐product. A crucial question is to what extent such by‐product barriers contribute to divergence and speciation—that is whether they stably reduce gene flow. We discuss under which conditions by‐product barriers may increase isolation. However, we also highlight that, depending on the conditions (e.g., the amount of gene flow and the strength of selection acting on the intrinsic vs. the ecological barrier component), the intrinsic incompatibility may actually destabilize barriers to gene flow. In practice, intrinsic barriers generated as a by‐product of divergent ecological selection may generate peaks in genome scans that cannot easily be interpreted. We argue that empirical studies on divergence with gene flow should consider the possibility of both ecological and intrinsic barriers. Future progress will likely come from work combining population genomic studies, experiments quantifying fitness and molecular studies on protein function and interactions.  相似文献   

Adaptation with gene flow across the landscape in a dune sunflower   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Isolation by adaptation increases divergence at neutral loci when natural selection against immigrants reduces the rate of gene flow between different habitats. This can occur early in the process of adaptive divergence and is a key feature of ecological speciation. Despite the ability of isolation by distance (IBD) and other forms of landscape resistance to produce similar patterns of neutral divergence within species, few studies have used landscape genetics to control for these other forces. We have studied the divergence of Helianthus petiolaris ecotypes living in active sand dunes and adjacent non-dune habitat, using landscape genetics approaches, such as circuit theory and multiple regression of distance matrices, in addition to coalescent modelling. Divergence between habitats was significant, but not strong, and was shaped by IBD. We expected that increased resistance owing to patchy and unfavourable habitat in the dunes would contribute to divergence. Instead, we found that landscape resistance models with lower resistance in the dunes performed well as predictors of genetic distances among subpopulations. Nevertheless, habitat class remained a strong predictor of genetic distance when controlling for isolation by resistance and IBD. We also measured environmental variables at each site and confirmed that specific variables, especially soil nitrogen and vegetation cover, explained a greater proportion of variance in genetic distance than did landscape or the habitat classification alone. Asymmetry in effective population sizes and numbers of migrants per generation was detected using coalescent modelling with Bayesian inference, which is consistent with incipient ecological speciation being driven by the dune habitat.  相似文献   

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